About Patriarclnl is called and ordained specifically to give patriarchal blessings. You wili receive your blessing from the patriarch in your stake. Ifyou What is it? How do I get one? Why is it are a direct descendant of someone who is a important? How can I prepare? Here are patriarch (such as your grandfather), you may answers to some of the most commonly receive your blessing from him even if he doesn't asked questions about patriarchal blessings. live in your stake.

What is a patriarchalblessing? Who may receive a patriarchal blessing?

A patriarchal blessing has two main purposes. All worthy members of the Church are entitled First, the patriarch will be inspired to declare to and should receive a patriarchal blessing yourlineage-the tribe of Israel to which you regardless of how long they have been members. guided prophecy belong. Second, by the spirit of How old do I have to be for a blessing? and revelation, the patriarch will pronounce biessings and may also provide promises, There is no set age. You should be old enough counsel, cautions, or admonitions that apply and spiritually mature enough to appreciate the specificaliy to you. Your patriarchal blessing sacred nature ofthe blessing. may point out certain things you are capable of achieving and blessings you can receive ifyou How is the blessing given? exercise faith and live righteously. The patriarch will place his hands on your head Why is lineage important? and give the blessing through inspiration. It will provide you with revealed direction. The Every member of the Church is blessed through blessing will be transcribed and sent to you the Abrahamic Covenant and belongs to one of within a few weeks so that you can have a the twelve tribes of Israel. Those who aren't written copy to study throughout your life. The literal descendants are "adopted" into the house Church will also keep a copy of your blessing in your lineage of Israel through baptism. Knowing case you ever lose yours. can be a helpful guide in your life, because How do I get a patriarchal blessing? belonging to one of the twelve tribes brings the blessings and missions specific to each tribe. Make an appointment for an interview with your The patriarchal blessings gave his sons bishop. He will determine your readiness and (the heads of each ofthe tribes) can be found in worthiness and either give you a recommend or Genesis You can read more about the 49. help you prepare to receive one. After receiving Abrahamic Covenant in Abraham z, a recommend the individual requesting a blessing should eontact the patriarch to schedule Who may give a patriarchal blessing? an appointment. The Eagle Mountain East Stake patriarch is Brother David Durfey, Patriarch is actually an office in the Melchizedek his telephone # is: 801,-472-6201, Priesthood, just like elder or high priest; and a Askyour bishop or the patriarch who may in a variety of ways throughout your life, accompany you to your blessing, such as your depending on your spiritual growth, obedience, parents. Remember to take your recommend to capacity, and circumstances. the appointment. Should I let others read my blessing?

ready? llow do I know if I'm Your blessing is personal, between you and Heavenly Father. You might share your blessing The desire to receive a patriarchal blessing with family members or others who are close to should come from a sincere desire to know and you. But blessings should be guarded and never live God's will for you. Curiosity or pressure compared with those of others. from others isn t the right reason to get a will help determine if you blessing. The bishop Apatriarchal blessing can be of great value are ready for the blessing. throughout your life. Preparing for and living worthy of the promises in your blessing can How can I prepare? bring you closer to your Heavenly Father in this life and help you return to live with Him. You should do everything possible to draw closer (Edited fromThe New Era, March 2004) to the Lord and be worthy of His Spirit. Prayer, fasting, scripture study, meditation, and President Monson has said: repentance can help. Go to receive your blessing 'The some Lord who provided a Liahona with an attitude of meekness andhumility. to Lehi provides for you and for me today a Concerns about worldlythings should be left rdre and valuable gift to give direction to our lives, to mark the hazards to our sofety, behind for such a sacred occasion. dnd to chart the way, even safe passage- What should I wear? not to a promised land, but to our heavenly home. The gift to which I refer is known as You should wear Sunday clothes. your pqtriarchal blessing. Every worthy member of the Church is entitled to receive When will the promises in myblessing be such a precious and priceless personol tulfilled? treasure. . . .Your patriarchal blessing is ' yours ond yours alone. It may be brief or Occasionally patriarchal blessings reveal things lengthy, simple or profound. Length and from our pre-earth life. But mostly they are language do not a pstriorchol blessing make. lt is the Spirit that conveys the true guides for present and future living. Because meoning. Your blessing is not to be folded blessings are eternal in nature, they may include neatly and tucked oway. lt is not to be promises and possibilities beyond this mortal framed or published. Rather, it is to be read. life. tt is to be loved, lt is to be followed. Your Will all the promises in my blessing be patriarchal blessing will see you through the tulfiIled? darkest night. lt will guide you through life's dangers" All blessings are based on your faithfulness and (President Thomas S. Monson in Conference the Lord's timing. Blessings may also be fulfilled Report, Oct. 1986, Ensign, Nov, 1986, 65- 66)