Famine Prevention in India
FAMINE PREVENTION IN INDIA Jean February 1988 This is a revised version of a paper presented at the World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER, Helsinki) in July 1986. The final version is to appear in Dreze, J. and Sen, A. (eds.). Hunger: Economics and Policy (forthcoming, Clarendon Press). I am grateful to WIDER for financial support. DEP No.3 The Development Economics Research Programme January 1988. Suntory-Toyota International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines 10 Portugal Street London WC2A 2HD Tel : 01-405-7686, ext.3290 2 Acknowledgments Preparing this paper has been for me a marvellous opportunity to benefit from the thoughts, comments and guidance of a very large number of people. For their friendly and patient help, I wish to express my hearty thanks to: 'Ehtisham Ahmad, Harold Alderman, Arjun Appadurai, David Arnold, Kaushik Basu, A.N. Batabyal, Nikilesh Bhattacharya, Crispin Bates, Sulabha Brahme, Robert Chambers, Marty Chen, V.K. Chetty, Stephen Coate, Lucia da Corta, Nigel Crook, Parviz Dabir-Alai, Guvant Desai, Meghnad Desai, V.D. DeiShpande, Steve Devereux, Ajay Dua, Tim Dyson, Hugh Goyder, S. Guhan, Deborah Guz, Barbara Harriss, Judith Heyer, Simon Hunt, N.S. Iyengar, N.S. Jodha, Jane Knight, Gopalakrishna Kumar, Jocelyn Kynch, Peter Lanjouw, Michael Lipton, John Levi, Michelle McAlpin, John Melior, B.S. Minhas, Mark Mullins, Vijay Nayak, Elizabeth Oughton, Kirit Parikh, Pravin Patkar, Jean-Philippe Platteau, Amrita Rangasami, N. P. Rao, J. G. Sastry, John Seaman, Amartya Sen, Kailash Sharma, P.V. Srinivasan, Elizabeth Stamp, Nicholas Stern, K. Subbarao, P. Subramaniam, V. Subramaniam, Peter Svedberg, Jeremy Swift, Martin Ravallion, David Taylor, Suresh Tendulkar, A.M.
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