
Common abbreviations

Channel Islands Monthly Review CIMR Occupation Society CIOS Archives Service GAS Imperial War Museum IWM Archives Service ]AS Public Record Office - now National Archives PRO Lord Countanche Library Societe ]ersiaise Soc. Jersiaise Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force SHAEF


1. Asa Briggs: Fifth joan Stevens Memorial Lecture, 26 April 1996: 'Memory and, History: The Case of the Channel Islands' Gersey: no pub.). 2. David Thelan, 'Memory and American History', Journal of American History 75 (1989), p. 1127. 3. R.C.F. Maugham, Jersey under the Jackboot (Coronet, 1946), p. 106. 4. Frank Stroobant, One Man's War (Burbridge, 1967), p. 162. 5. Frank Falla, The Silent War (Burbridge, 1967). 6. Carel Toms, Hitler's Fortress Island (Burbridge, 1967), p. 11. 7. Madeleine Bunting, The Model Occupation (Harper Collins, 1995), p. 321. 8. John Lewis, A Doctor's Occupation (Corgi, 1982). 9. Falla, p. 167. 10. Ibid., p. 144. 11. M.St.j. Packe and M. Dreyfus, The Aldemey Story, 1939-1949 (Guernsey Press, 1971). 12. T.X.H. Pantcheff, Alderney Fortress Island (Phillimore, 1981). 13. S. Steckoll, The Alderney Death Camp (A Mayflower Book, 1982). 14. Roy McLoughlin, Inside jersey, Issue 3, 1995, p. 12. 15. Ibid. 16. Societe Jersiaise (Soc. Jersiaise) Box 14/2. 17. Channel Islands Occupation Society (CIOS) Review (25 October 1997), p. 51. 18. Ibid., p. 52. 19. Tom Freeman Keel, From Auschwitz to Alderney and Beyond (Seek, 1995). 20. David Fraser, The Jews of the Channel Islands and the Rule ofLaw, 1940-1945 (Sussex Academic Press, 2000). 21. Frank Keiller, Prison Without Bars (Seaflower, 2000), p. 183. 22. james E. Young, 'Between History and Memory', History and Memory Journal, 9 .1-2, 47-58, p. 55. 23. Ibid., p. 55.

255 256 Notes

1 The islands pre-war

1. Peter J. Rivett, SarkA Feudal Fraud? (Planetesimal Publishing Ltd, 1999), p. 175. 2. Llandudno Advertiser, 7 February 1942. 3. W.M. Bell, I Beg to Report (Guernsey Press, 1995), p. 5. 4. P.J. Rivett, SarkA Feudal Fraud? p. 175.

2 Storm clouds gather

1. Soc. Jersiaise. OCC/942/JHL'A, J.H. L'Amy, Chapter 1, p. 4. 2. Jersey Archives Service GAS): L/C/77/A Diaries of Izette Croad. 3. Guernsey Archives Service (GAS): AQ.AS/LC.16 Kenneth Lewis Diaries, 19 December 1942; 31 December 1943. 4. GAS. Dorothy Pickard Higgs, Life in Guernsey under the Nazis, 1940-1945 (published 1947 as the Guernsey Diary). 5. WM Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered (: Studio Publishing, 2002) p. 363. Speaking with the present author in November 2004, Joe Miere remembered that more than 500 young Islanders joined H. M. Forces at Liberation. 6. Madeleine Bunting papers, Box 189/1, 189/2, Imperial War Museum (IWM). 7. ].H. L'Amy, p. 6. 8. Ahier Read, No Cause for Panic (Bradford on Avon: Seaflower, 1995), p. 18. 9. 'We were stupefied. To be obliged to leave the sunny beaches and limpid air of Guernsey, to go and live in an atmosphere of smoke and rain and fog, was of little attraction for the future'. 10. ACM Seaton Wood, Islands in Danger (London: Four Square Books, 1955), p. 47. 11. Bunting, p. 15. 12. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 40. 13. GAS. Adele Laine Diaries. 14. Falla, p. 15. In his Official History, Cruikshank places blame for this chaos squarely upon the British Government. 15. Falla, p. 15. 16. Ibid., p. 44.

3 The unique occupation

1. GAS. AQ.025/08(1-74), Arthur Mahy Papers. 2. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 116. 3. William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (Redwood Press, 1972), p. 747. 4. Saul Freidlander, Pius X11 and the Third Reich (Knopf, 1966), p. 60. 5. Soc. Jersiaise. From the Report on a Study Trip to the British Channel Islands from 10-25 September 1941, by Professor Dr Karl Heinz Pfeffer. 6. Seaton Wood, p. 58. 7. Bunting, p. 330. 8. Seaton Wood, p. 62. 9. Andrew Roberts, 'We Never Would have been Slaves', The Times, 24 November 1996. 10. Ibid. 11. Col. Britton's broadcast to Occupied Territories, 11.15 p.m. BST, 5 December 1941. Notes 257

12. IWM. Box 189, Tape JT3. 13. Baron Hans Max von Aufsess, The von Aufsess Occupation Diary (Phillimore, 1985), p. vii. 14. Cruikshank, The German Occupation (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1975), p. 194. 15. Sanders, The Ultimate Sacrifice (Jersey: Jersey Museums Service, 1998), p. 110. 16. Cruikshank, p. 160. 17. P. King, The Channel Islands War (Hale, 1991), p. 84. 18. Cruikshank, p. 188. 19. Seaton Wood, p. 48. 20. King, p. 65.

4 Record and interpretation: A question of paradigm

1. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 413. Note: According to the Seaton Woods, before the Notice of £25 Reward had been posted in Guernsey, both Jersey and Guernsey had issued general notices requesting information about people who were making 'V' signs around the Islands. Islands in Danger, p. 141. 2. Seaton Wood, p. 143. 3. Durand, Guernsey under German Rule (Guernsey: The Guernsey Society, 1946), p. 56. Rev. Ord, 24 September 1940 Priaulx Library Guernsey. 4. Bunting, p. 335. 5. Seaton Wood, p. 41. 6. Ibid., p. SO. 7. Ibid., p. 13. 8. H.R.S. Pocock, The Memoirs of Lord Coutanche (Phillimore, 1975), p. 16. 9. Ibid. 10. JAS. C/D/P/L/A3/4. 11. Soc. Jersiaise. OCC/942/Summaries. 12. Durand, p. 164. 13. P. Connerton, How Societies Remember (Cambridge University Press), p. 18. 14. Halbwachs, On Collective Memory (Chicago: University of Chicago Press Ltd, 1992), p. 139. 15. Maugham, p. 149. 16. Public Record Office (PRO), HO 45/22424. John Leale's Report 23 May 1945. 17. Ibid. 18. Cortvriend, Isolated Island (Guernsey: Streamline Publishing Ltd, 1947), p. 99. 19. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 59. 20. GAS. AQ373/33 Alexander Adam. 21. Institute fuer Zeitgeschichte. Ms.478/2. Werner Best, 'Memories of Occupied, France', 1951. 22. GAS. Royal Court of Guernsey: Privy Council. Appeal No. 10, 1952, p. 30. 23. IWM. Box 189/1 and 2, Tape16. 24. ].H. L'Amy, May 1945, p. 25. 25. Alderney Magazine, 14. Held by the Alderney Museum. 26. Rev. Ord, 15 April 1941. 27. Soc. Jersiaise. GOS, 1-34. 28. ].H. L'Amy, Chapter 9, p. 20. (Several contemporary diarists also write about the introduction of the death penalty for keeping wireless sets at the end of 1942.) 29. Seaton Wood, p. 140. 30. PRO, ADM 223/228.59560. 258 Notes

31. Ibid. 32. Ibid. 33. W. Renouf Memoirs: Privately held. 34. Bunting, p. 194. 35. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 96. 36. Ibid., p. 98. 37. Man, p. 293. 38. Seaton Wood, p. 122. 39. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 139. 40. Pocock, p. 34. 41. JAS. B/A/W50/156. 42. JAS. C/D/P/L/A3/4. 43. Jersey Evening Post, 29 April 1985. 44. von Aufsess, p. 172. 45. Asa Briggs, The Channel Islands Occupation and Liberation 1940-1945 (London: BT Batsford, 1995), p. 79. 46. Seaton Wood, p. 63. 47. Sanders, p. 122. 48. Pocock, p. 47.

5 Dealing with the enemy: Labour, commodities and rations

1. John Leale's Report. 2. Ibid., pp. xviii, xxi. 3. Ibid. 4. Ibid., p. xxi 5. Basil de Guerin Papers. Privately held. (Note: Censors in Guernsey were: first, Kurt Goettmann, then Oberleutnant Horst Schmidt-Walkoff.) 6. Hague Convention: (2002). 7. Cruikshank, p. 132. 8. King, p. 72. 9. GAS. A. Mahy: Memorandum of Royal Court House Meeting, 14 May 1945. (Mr Mahy was a civil servant who became the Bailiff's secretary in 1948.) GAS. 10. AQ.380/03-1 Herbert Williams. 11. Durand, p. 156. 12. J. Moody, Letter in the Jersey Evening Post, 27 July 1946. 13. Ibid., Letter from: 'Unemployed'. 14. Durand, p. 156. 15. Ibid. 16. N. Doumanis, Memory and Myth in the Mediterranean (Macmillan, 1997), p. 163. 17. Le Quesne, The Occupation o(Jersey Day by Day (La Haule, 1999), p. xi. 18. PRO, ADM 223/228. 19. CIOS Archive Book 8, p. 47. 20. Ibid., p. 67. 21. Le Quesne, Foreword. 22. ].H. L'Amy, Chapter 4, p. 3. 23. Jersey Evening Post, 28 May 1946. 24. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 188. 25. Ibid., p. 249. Notes 259

26. Arthur Mahy papers: Memorandum, 30 April 1943. 27. Luke Le Moignan, Stories of the Occupation (La Haule, 1995), p. 58. 28. K.G. Lewis. 29. Rev. Ord, 2 May 1943. 30. IWM Box 189, Tape 4422: Vernon Le Maistre. 31. Soc. Jersiaise G05/4. 32. John Leale's Report, pp. xxviii, xix.

6 Morale, make do and mend

1. Alon Contino, 'Travelling as a Culture of Remembrance', History and Memory Journal, 12. 2, 92-122, p. 100. 2. PRO, ADM 223/288/69560. 3. Soc. Jersiaise. G015. 4. I. Croad, 17 August 1940. 5. Alderney Museum, Ambrose Robin Diaries, p. 10. By courtesy of Andre Ozanne Mendham. 6. Rev. Ord, 8 October 1940. 7. Ibid., 3 October 1940. 8. IWM. Box 189/2 A.P. Lamy: 'Policing during the Occupation'. 9. F. Barton, 18 December 1940. 10. Ibid., Summary. 11. M.M. Mahy, There is an Occupation (Guernsey Press, 1992), p. 115. 12. D. Me Kenzie, The Red Cross Service for Channel Island Civilians (Picton Publishing, 1975), pp. 3, 6, 11. 13. IWM. Box 189. Tape 23, 4399.0/L. 14. I. Croad, 3 February 1941. 15. Falla, p. 81. 16. A. Robin, 19 March 1941. 17. Mahy, p. 23. 18. Rev. Ord, 21 June 1941. 19. I. Croad, 12 August 1941. 20. Rev. Ord, 21 August 1941. 21. Soc. Jersiaise. OCC/942/STO Colonel Stocker. 22. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 156. 23. Basil de Guerin Papers. 24. Soc. Jersiaise. OCC/942/LG Leslie Green, p. 14. 25. Soc. Jersiaise. OCC/942/Miscellaneous Press: Headed 'Prison Sentence for Policemen', April 1942. 26. Bunting, p. 135. 27. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 193. 28. Ibid., p. 195. 29. Ibid., p. 193. 30. Ibid., p. 208. 31. Ibid., p. 213. 32. W.M. Bell, I Beg to Report, p. 390. 33. Ibid., p. 390. 34. Jersey Evening Post, 2 February 1946. 35. K.G. Bailey, The Red Triangle (Standing Bros. Ltd, 1947), p. 14. 36. IWM Box 189/2 A.P. Lamy, p. 8. 260 Notes

37. Falla, p. 98. 38. ]AS. B/A/W50/165. 39. ]AS. C/D/P/L/A/6. 40. A.P. Lamy, p. 9. 41. Leo Harris, A Boy Remembers (Apache Guides Ltd, 2000), p. 122. 42. L. Green, p. 12. 43. A. Robin: 2 September 1942; 10 February 1943; 25 February 1943. 44. Rev. Ord, 20 February 1943; 23 February 1943. 45. H. Williams, p. 107. 46. Rev. Ord, 26July 1943; 4 September 1943; 10 September 1943. 47. Ibid., 19 December 1943.

7 Entertainments and pastimes

1. June Money, Aspects of War, The German Occupation of the Channel Islands, 1940-1945. Entertainments and Pastimes (GP Printers, Guernsey), p. 18. 2. Soc. ]ersiaise. OCC/942/JW: janet Wilkin. 3. Soc. jersiaise. OCC/942/LG: Leslie Green, p. 11. 4. June Money, Entertainments and Pastimes, p. 10. 5. Ibid., p. 14. 6. Ibid. Cutting from Theatre World, October 1945. 7. Soc. Jersiaise. OCC/942/JF: Julia Fogen dissertation p.14; Jersey Evening Post, 18 November 1953. 8. Soc. Jersiaise. Jersey Evening Post cutting circa 1946. 9. Soc. jersiaise. G08/4; jersey Evening Post, 18 November 1953. 10. Ibid. 11. Soc. Jersiaise. OCC/942/VSG. 12. Ozanne, A Peep behind the Screens, 1940-45 (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1994), p. 89. 13. Ibid., p. 129. 14. A. Robin, 11 june 1944. 15. K.G. Lewis, 21 August 1944. 16. A. Robin, 23 November 1944. 17. ]. Lewis, p. 141. 18. Durand, p. 152. 19. A. Robin, 5 October 1940. 20. I. Croad, 17 January 1943. 21. Soc. jersiaise. G08/13; Jersey Evening Post, 15 November 1980.

8 Relations with Britain

1. GAS. AQ.374/13-25 Arthur]. Mauger. 2. Cruikshank, p. 333. 3. Daily Telegraph, 8 October 1942. 4. Cruikshank, p. 333. 5. King, p. 17. 6. Ibid. 7. Seaton Wood, p. 183. 8. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 82. 9. Cruikshank, p. 315. Notes 261

10. Ibid., p. 316. 11. Ibid., p. 317. 12. HMSO. Parl. Debates: House of Lords, 122, 44, 22 April 1942. 13. Bunting, p. 224. 14. Keiller, p. 162. 15. Ibid. 16. Elizabeth Doig Diaries, Priaulx Library. 17. CIMR, August 1945. 18. CIMR, April 1945, p. 67.

9 A Paradox: The dual face of the occupier

1. Rev. Ord, p. ii. 2. Toms, p. 28. 3. IWM. Box.192. TapeJTl. 4. Ibid. - my translation. 5. Rev. Ord, p. v. 6. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 54. 7. W. Renouf, p. 277. 8. CIMR, August 1945. 9. P. Barton in conversation with the present author, 2002. 10. Jersey Evening Post, 28 November 1996. 11. Rev. Ord, p. 848. 12. D. Pickard Higgs, p. 32. 13. Noa Gedi and Yigal Elam, 'Collective Memory - What is it?', History & Memory Journal, 8. 1, 30-51 (p. 42). 14. von Aufsess, p. 190. 15. Seaton Wood, p. 305. 16. David Myers, Psychology (Worth, 1998), p. 279. 17. Noa Gedi and Yigal Elam, 'Collective Memory- What is it?', p. 49.

10 Health, malnutrition and deteriorating conditions

1. Sanders, p. 114. 2. Rev. Ord, March 1941. 3. ]AS. Dorothy Monkton, 2 July 1941. 4. E. Doig, 13 August 1941. 5. King, p. 54. 6. Horace Wyatt, Jersey in fail Oersey: E.Heulin, 1945), p. 23. 7. Soc. jersiaise OCC/942/FLA Alice Flavelle, 31 March 1941. 8. A. Robin, 28 May 1942. 9. Soc. jersiaise. OCC/942/Summaries. 10. King, p. 67. 11. Jersey Evening Post, 3 May 1995. 12. Telegraph, 30 August 2003. 13. K.G. Lewis. 14. W.M. Bell, I Beg to Report, p. 351. 15. ]AS. L/F/05/C/7. 16. Bunting, p. 94. 262 Notes

I7. Rev. Ord, IS March I943. IS. H. Williams, p. 34. I9. Marr, p. 3I4. 20. K.G. Lewis, 23 September I944. 21. Ibid., June I944. 22. CIMR, September I941. 23. Marr, The History of Guernsey (Phillimore, I982), p. 3I6. 24. Sanders, p. 1I4. 25. Rev. Ord, I7 July I944. 26. K.G. Lewis. 27. Durand, p. I68. 28. Ibid. 29. IWM. Box 192. Tape 4428. 30. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 355. 31. Rev. Ord, 15 January I945. 32. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 329. 33. Ibid., p. 330. 34. Ibid., p. 343. 35. Seaton Wood, p. 10. 36. Bunting, p. 5. 37. A. Keys, The Biology of Human Starvation, 2 vols (University of Minesota Press); C.G. Roland, Courage under Siege (Oxford University Press, I992). 38. Keys, p. 18. 39. Seaton Wood, p. 250. 40. Keys, p. 789. 41. Rev. Ord, IS July I941. 42. Keys, p. 800. 43. Ibid., p. 799. 44. Soc. Jersiaise. OCC/942/VSG Val Sherman Garnier, p. 6. 45. Ibid. 46. Ibid., p. 1. See also: JAS. B/A/W3I/I&2; B/A/W38/1; B/A/W49/9; B/A/W63/1; B/A/W3I/7/26, and L. Sinel's Diary Summary, I941. 47. GAS. Notes on lecture presented in Vancouver, June 1977:- 'Nursing in Guernsey during the Occupation', by Sandra James RMN CPN CMS FETC IRHR. See also Rev. Ord, 29 January 1942; 5 April 1944; 10 February I945.

11 The jewish experience

1. Cohen, p. II. 2. Bunting, pp. 105-106. 3. Ibid., p. 108. 4. Cohen, p. 62. 5. King, p. ISS. 6. E. Linenthal, Preserving Memory (New York: London: Viking Penguin, I995), p. I4. 7. Cruikshank, pp. 113-114. 8. Richard Breitman, Official Secrets (Penguin, 1998), p. I82. 9. N. Ferguson, Virtual History (London: Picador, I997), p. 3IO. 10. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 414. 11. Cohen, p. 58. I2. Soc. Jersiaise. OCC/942/GAR, W. Garfield, p. IS. Notes 263

13. Bell, Guernsey Occupied but Never Conquered, p. 73. 14. Ibid., p. 173. 15. Ibid., p. 8. 16. Ibid., p. 16. 17. Ibid., p. 16. 18. Reg Grandin, Smiling Through (Evening Post Offices, 1945), p. 80. 19. Cohen, p. 42. 20. K.G. Lewis Diary insert. 21. ]AS. C/D/P/L/A/2. 22. Cohen, p. 34. 23. Jersey Evening Post, 19 November 1997. 24. GAS. Una Plumb, Our Island Occupied, p. 3. 25. Cohen, p. 52. 26. Marr, p. 313. 27. The Times, 7 January 1993. 28. 'Nursing in Guernsey during the Occupation', by Sandra James, 1997. 29. GAS. Journal of Nursing, 1997, 22, p. 1321. 30. Letter to Mrs Kidd, 22 May 1945. By courtesy of Mr R.L Heaume. 31. Marr, p. 313. 32. ].F. Steiner, Treblinka, Introduction (Weidenfield and Nicholson, 1967). 33. Breitman, p. 128. 34. Martin Gilbert, Auschwitz and the Allies (Michael Joseph/Rainbird, 1984), p. 39. 35. By courtesy of Dr David Fraser. 36. ]AS. M/19/A/1. 37. Soc. Jersiaise. GOS.3. 38. Julian Jackson, France, The Dark Years.l940-1945 (Oxford, 2001), p. 150. 39. Ibid., pp. 370, 355. 40. Robert Gildea, Marianne in Chains (Macmillan, 2002), p. 288. 41. Ibid., p. 355. 42. Jackson, p. 356. 43. Daily Mail, 29 May 2002.

12 Collaboration: A fair hearing?

1. Jersey Evening Post, 27 February 1946. 2. ]AS. L/C/03/A/13/5. 3. Cortvriend, pp. 202-204. 4. Durand, p. 163; Rev. Ord, 20 September 1944. 5. Keiller, p. 171. 6. Bunting, p. 262. 7. Maugham, p. 48. 8. Guernsey Press, 8 June 1946. 9. Ibid. 10. Breitman, p. 213. 11. Falla, p. 143. 12. IWM. Box 189/2. Tape 18, 4394 D/L. 13. W. Renouf, p. 323. 14. Falla, p. 144; King, p. 106. 15. Soc. Jersiaise. G0.15, 'A Serviceman's Point of View'. 16. The Times, 18 November 1996; Independent, 20 November 1996. 264 Notes

17. Soc. jersiaise. G0.14/7. 18. Alderney Magazine, Summer 1992. 19. Bunting, p. 6. 20. Sunday Times, 26 November 1996. 21. jersey Evening Post, 4 November 1998. 22. jersey Evening Post, 20 November 1998. 23. Sanders, p. 129. 24. The Spectator, 30 November 1996. 25. Wyatt, january 1944. 26. Cortvriend, p. 129. 27. Jersey Evening Post, 15 November 1980. 28. Doumanis, p. 10. 29. N. Schleifman, 'Moscow's Victory Park', History and Memory Journal, 13.2, 5-34 (pp. 20-21). 30. ]AS. C/D/P/L/A/3. 31. IWM. Box 189, Werner Grossloff interview. 32. Soc. jersiaise. G0.14/11. 33. Bunting, p. 56. 34. IWM. Box 189. Tape 4. 35. Ibid., Tape 4387. 36. GAS. States of Guernsey Board of Health, 'The Changing Health of Guernsey', November 1999. 3 7. Falla, p. 208. 38. ]AS. L/C/24/C/1. 39. Gildea, p. 88. 40. Sky TV: 'Hitler's Perfect Children', 3 January 2003. 41. Daily Telegraph, 30 November 2002. 42. H.W. Beckingham, Living with Danger (Countyvise, 1997), p. 79. 43. Jersey Evening Post, 6 November 1998.

13 Offences against the occupying authorities

1. Sanders, p. 110. 2. Lagrou, p. 23. 3. Ibid., pp. 23-25. 4. Ibid., p. 26. 5. S. Hillsdon, Occupation Remembered (Norwich, 1986), p. 112. 6. Alan Milward, 'The Economic and Strategic Effectiveness of Resistance'. Paper in: Hawes, Stephen and White, Ralph (EDS.), Resistance in Europe 1939-45 (Pelican/Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1976). 7. Linenthal, p. 253. 8. Sanders, p. 117. 9. IWM. Box 189. Tape 4494. 10. A. Laine, p. 18. 11. E. Doig, p. 19. 12. JAS. WS0/56. 13. ].H. L'Amy, Chapter 2, p. 39. 14. A. Robin, 27 June 1941. 15. J.H. L'Amy, Chapter 2, p. 32. 16. Falla, p. 70. Notes 265

17. Ibid. 18. Doumanis, p. 91. 19. Jersey Evening Post, 15 November 1980. 20. Sanders, p. 129. 21. King, p. 87. 22. Jersey Evening Post, 1 November 1982. 23. Sanders, p. 38. 24. Ibid., p. 43. 25. German Occupation Museum, Forest, Guernsey. 26. Soc. Jersiaise. G0.12/18. 27. E. Doig, 26 March 1942. 28. A. Laine, p. 13. 29. Sanders, pp. 7-8. 30. Sunday Island Times, 27 February 1994. 31. Money, Aspects of War 2, p. 14. 32. ]AS. Q/05/A/58. 33. Soc. jersiaise. OCC/942/CF Claire Follain, p. 16. 34. J .H. L' Amy, Chapter 6, p. 1. 35. Ibid., pp. 16-21. 36. IWM. Box 189. Tape 16; Soc. Jersiaise. GO.l0/33. 37. Ibid. 38. Prospect, April 1997, p. 37. 39. Maugham, p. 136. 40. J.H. L'Amy, Chapter 5, p. 14. 41. Soc. Jersiaise. G0.10/33. 42. JAS. C/0/P/L/A/7: Rex Forster. 43. Ibid. 44. Sanders, p. 58. 45. Ibid., p. 62. 46. Diaries of Leslie Sine! and Rev. Ord. 47. ].H. L'Amy, p. 11. 48. Sanders, p. 82. 49. Rev. Ord, 28 July 1944. SO. ]AS. C/D/P/L/A/4: Betty Bois. 51. Seaton Wood, p. 93. 52. Durand, p. 152. 53. Sanders, p. 94. 54. Ibid. 55. ].H. L'Amy, Chapter 8, pp. 18-23. 56. ]AS. A/F/3. 57. ].H. L'Amy, Chapter 8, p. 26. 58. Ibid., pp. 28-29.

14 Men without hope

1. Soc. Jersiaise. G0.3/15. 2. Bunting, p. 149: Mike Le Cornu. 3. Seaton Wood, pp. 57-63. 4. Dalmau, Slave Worker in the Channel Islands (Guernsey Press, 1954), p. 11. 5. Ibid., p. 19. 266 Notes

6. George Forty, Channel Islands at War (Ian Allen, 1999), p. 124. 7. Cruikshank, pp. 201, 204. 8. Pantcheff, p. 73. 9. Bunting, p. 298. 10. J.H. L'Amy, Chapter 7, pp. 15-16. 11. Steckoll, p. 49. 12. Ibid. 13. Bunting, p. 293. 14. G.!. Kondakov, Island of Dread in the Channel (Alan Sutton, 1991), p. vii. 15. Soc. Jersiaise. G014/1-14 Unidentified National, 20 November 1996. 16. Bunting, p. 152. 17. CIOS, 8, p. 57. 18. Rev. Ord, 25 June 1944. 19. Bunting, p. 149. 20. Ibid., p. 151. 21. Le Quesne, p. 151. 22. F. Barton, 19 December 1941. 23. V. Marempolski, p. 41. Unpublished memoirs by courtesy of Mr F.E. Cohen. 24. Rev. Ord, 16 April 1944. 25. CIOS, 8, p. 84. 26. Keiller, p. 66. 27. Mahy, pp. 64-65. 28. ].H. L'Amy, Chapter 7, pp. 15-16. 29. Ibid., p. 20. 30. Ibid., p. 23. 31. Ibid., p. 14. 32. Lagrou, p. 306. 33. Joan Wallach Scott, 'History in Crisis: The Others' Side of the Story', American Historical Review, 94. 3 Oune 1989), 680-687 (p. 687). 34. Pantcheff, p. 118. 35. Soc. Jersiaise. R.W. Le Sueur 1993: Transcript of talk about Foreign Workers, 1942-1945. 36. Linenthal, p. 167. 37. CIOS, 8, p. 115. See also JAS. L/C/24/B/1/19. 38. Pantcheff, p. 70. 39. Moscow State Archives. (M.S.A.) Fund 7021. List 149. ZX05883/3. 40. Ibid., Interview 20, p. 37. 41. Ibid., Interview 20, p. 37 and p. 71/264. Note: In spite of not casting serious doubt upon the total number of deaths in Alderney, Captain Pantcheff does state in his book (p. 68) that two lists of the dead were made. However, both had been drawn up by Sonderfuehrer Richter using the 'garbled detail' found upon crosses in the graveyard. He added that 'Any subsequent list has been based on the same faulty data, but it is the best we have available.' 42. Ibid. Appendix F, p. 22/212. 43. Ibid. Major Gruzdev Interviews, p. 38. 44. Ibid., Interview 25, p. 41. 45. Ibid., p. 69/262, p. 70/263. 46. Ibid. From Main Report: No. PWIS(H)/KP/702 (p. 76/269 deleted.) My emphasis. 47. Ibid. Gruzdev Interviews with Protocol: 12July 1945, p. 10. 48. Ibid., Interviews, p. 11/65: Ivan Gedz. 49. Ibid. Gruzdev Protocol, p. 9. Notes 267

SO. Ibid. Major Basilov Interviews: Ref. 00634/01717 p. 72/265. 51. Ibid., Basilov Interviews, p. 104/297. 52. Pantcheff, p. 12. 53. M.S.A. Fund 7021. List 149. Gruzdev Papers, p. 12. 54. Ibid., p. 30. 55. Ibid. Appendix 1. Section V Report 477, p. 43. 56. Ibid. Gruzdev Interviews, p. 12. 57. Ibid. Report PWIS(H)KP/702/703, 27 June 1945, p. 190/303. 58. Ibid. Basilov Interviews: 00634/01717, 23 April 1947. p. 87/280 and p. 148/341. 59. Mr Pringent. Unpublished Interview. By courtesy of Mr F.E. Cohen. 60. M.S.A. Fund 702l.List 149. Interviews p. 3/57. 61. Bunting, p. 154. 62. Linenthal, p. 7.

15 Liberation and beyond

1. ]AS. L/C/47/A/12. 2. ]AS. D/AS/DS/4. 3. Jersey Evening Post, 9 May 1945. 4. Various contributors, The First Casualty: The Gennan Underground Hospital, p. 36. 5. Seaton Wood, p. 293. 6. Ibid. 7. Ibid. 8. Falla, p. 145. 9. Seaton Wood, p. 310. 10. Ibid., p. 302. 11. Cruikshank, p. 322. 12. Seaton Wood, p. 293. 13. Falla, p. 208. 14. King, p. 56. 15. F. Stroobant, One Man's War (Burbridge, 1967), p. 155. 16. ]AS. D/AS/DS/7. 17. CIOS, Book 7, p. 3. 18. Ibid. 19. G. van Grieken, Destination Gustav (Guernsey Press, 1992) p. 56. 20. Halbwachs, p. 200. 21. Jersey Evening Post, 19 September 1946. 22. Falla, p. 162. 23. Ibid., p. 166. 24. Ibid., pp. 168-169. 25. Packe and Dreyfus, p. 152. 26. C. Follain. 27. Radio jersey Programme. Recording by courtesy of Mr Desmond McGarry. 28. ]AS. D/AS/DS/4.

16 Conclusion and memories today

1. Linenthal, p. 52. 2. D. Lowenthal, The Past is a Foreign Country (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 1985) pp. 187-190. 268 Notes

3. Jersey Evening Post, 8 February 2001. Quotations checked for accuracy with jersey Education Officer, November 2003. 4. Ibid., 21 February 2001. 5. Keiller, p. 183. 6. Jersey Evening Post, 27 january 2004. Select Sources and Bibliography

Archival sources - including much primary source material

Alderney Museum Unpublished diaries: Complete copy of the Occupation diary of Ambrose Robin. BBC written archives 'Experiences in Belsen': Talk by Harold Osmond Le Druillenec, recorded on 25 September 1945. 'Colonel Britton': Broadcasts to occupied Territories: 19 December 1941; 21 November 1941; 5 December 1941.

Island Archives Service, Guernsey Unpublished diaries Mrs Peggy Brock Miss Adele Laine AQ 374/13 to 25 Arthur]. Mauger AQ AS/LC 16-01,02+03 K.G. Lewis AQ 283/01 (1-4) Richard Henry Johns MBE AQ 373/33 Mr Alexander Adam AQ 025/08(1-74) Mr Arthur Mahy AQ 092/12 Gertie Corbin AQ 380/03-1 Herbert Williams Journal of Nursing, 1977, 22. 'The Changing Health of Guernsey', States of Guernsey Board of Health, November 1999.

Island Record Books 'In the Privy Council' No. 10, 1952: 'On Appeal from the Royal Court of the Island of Guernsey between William George Quin and Others and Her Majesty the Queen.'

Institute fur Zeitgeschichte

Ms.478/Z. pp. 54-57 'Memories of Occupied France 1940-1942', by Werner Best, written whilst in Danish captivity in 1951.

Imperial War Museum

A.P. Lamy, 'Policing During the Occupation', Box.189/2. Madeleine Bunting Papers, Box.189/1 & 2.

269 270 Select Sources and Bibliography jersey Archives Service

Unpublished diaries of Dorothy Monkton L/C/77/A/1-7 Unpublished diaries of Izette Croad. L/C/24 Joe Miere Collection. L/F/05/C/11 Mrs Baudins, Sunday Pictorial, 10 March 1946, p. 7 L/C/72/A/1-2 Lieut.-Colonel James Taylor. Letters dated 18 May 1945. D/AS/DS/7 Liberation Souvenir, Jersey Evening Post, 10 May 1995. C/D/P/L/A1-8 Paul Sanders interviews. L/C/03/A/13/5 Herb Plambeck article. Jersey Evening Post, 'An American sees Jersey and broadcasts to the USA', 2July 1945. L/F/62 Paul Mulbach papers. M/19 Correspondence between Dr Casper and Mr V Musso. WS0/183 Claude Cahun-Luzie Schwob and Suzanne Malherbe. A/F/5 War criminals, activities of Jersey Loyalists. A/F/2 Orders and proclamations 1 and 2 July 1940.

Law Officers' Department- D/Z D/Z/HS/115 Orders from the Commandant, 2 July 1040. '/122 Proclamation of the death of Francis Scornet, 17 March 1941 '/123 Notice of death of Louis Berrier, 2 August 1941

Bailiff's Chambers Occupation and Liberation files - B/A/W and B/A/L B/A/W31/7/26 States of]ersey, births and deaths, 1 January 1944-31 December 1944. B/A/WSO items 30-201. These include: notice on providing Russians with food, details of thefts and prosecutions; Black Market, VD measures; Misses Schwob and Malherbe; appeal on behalf of Alice Thaureux; borrowing of Library books; and matters to do with escaped Russians. B/A/W80 Evacuation of British subjects.

Parliamentary debates

House of Lords Official Reports: 122, No. 44, 22 April1942; 122, No. 52, 20 May 1942; 125, No.2, 17 November 1942. House of Lords Hansard Reports: Speeches by Lord Portsea: 'Notices of Motion' on conditions in the Norman (Channel) Islands,1940-45. Priaulx Library, Guernsey

Unpublished diaries Mrs Elizabeth Doig Reverend Douglas Ord Ambrose Robin (part)

Public Record Office, (PRO) now: National Archives: KEW,London

Home Office Papers relating to the wartime Nazi Occupation. HO, 45/22399/890358: Administration and possible collaboration of certain islanders. Select Sources and Bibliography 271

HO, 144/22833/900509: Report made by the UN War Crimes Commission. HO, 144/22237/IW 701635: MI 19 reports containing information from informers concerning collaboration, black market activity and morale. HO, 45/22399: Complaints made against island administrators, collaboration with the enemy and nationality of illegitimate children born during the Occupation. HO, 45/22424: Various Billets D'Etat, also contains the report of the President of the Controlling Committee of Guernsey, 23 May 1945. Intelligence Reports from Guernsey Refugees ADM, 223/228/59560: Interrogation of two Guernseymen, 17 November 1944. ADM, 223/288/59560: Statements from two more Guernseymen, 28 August 1944.

War office documents WO, 106/5248B: Details of fortifications and worker interrogations.

Societe Jersiaise, St Helier, jersey

BOXES: German Occupation. G01/1-27 Evacuation and Escapes. G02/1-39 Deportation file. G03/1-22 Prisoners. G04/ Battles and Fortifications G05/1-34 Orders and Regulations G010/1-42 Diaries GOll/1-18 Channel Island Societies G012/1-54 Liberation GOB/ Miscellaneous GO 14/1-15 Various news articles/controversies/collaboration G015/ Papers of Edward Le Quesne G016/ Papers donated by Sir Peter Crill OCC.942.JHL' A J .H. L' Amy, memoirs and notes. OCC.942.GRE Unpublished account, Leslie Green. OCC.942.STO Unpublished diaries, Colonel W.A.Stocker. OCC.942.FLA "of Mrs Alice Flavelle. OCC.942.LEV "papers of Margaret LeVesconte. OCC.942.GAR "account of W. Garfield. OCC.942.CF Claire Follain dissertations. OCC.942.VSG Val Sherman Garnier, 'Medical History of the Hospitals during the Occupation of Jersey 1940-45', September 1997. OCC.942.BIB. Channel Island Refugee Committee documents. Jersey Evening Post Commemorative Supplement, 'Freedom' Fiftieth anniversary of the Liberation of Jersey, 9 May 1995.

State Archives of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Special State Commission for the Investigation of Atrocities of German Fascist Occu- piers. Fund 7021, list 149, files 111/149/152/167/169/101. Channel Islands-fund 7021, list 149, file 167. Alderney-fund 7021, list 149, file 169. 272 Select Sources and Bibliography

Audio-visual sources

Jersey Archives Service: Film Archives-Q/05/A. Jersey Radio: Three tapes of Occupation experiences -by courtesy of Jersey Radio. L.B.C.Radio: (London Broadcasting) 'Just One Hour to Leave', Alderney memories, 2 June 1984. (Alderney museum.)


'Nursing in Guernsey during the Occupation 1940-1945.' (Property of B.S. Ozanne, Guernsey.) Fifth Joan Stevens Memorial Lecture, presented 26 April 1996, by Asa Briggs: 'Memory and History: The Case of the Channel Islands' Oersey: no pub.) Lecture presented at the International History of Nursing Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 1997, by Sandra James RMN.CPN.CNS.FETC.IRHR

Printed primary sources

H.E. Aubin, The Occupation Bicycle Park Oersey: La Haule, 1992). Baron H.M. von Aufsess, The Von Aufsess Occupation Diary (Chichester: Phillimore, 1985). K.G. Bailey, The Red Triangle (n.p. Standing Bros Ltd, 1947). Michael Beaumont, War On , The Secret Letters ofJulia Tremayne (Exeter: Webb and Bower, 1981). Capt. H.W. Beckingham, Living with Danger (Birkenhead: Countyvise Ltd, 1997). Molly Bihet, A Child's War (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1985). Dr Wilhelm Casper, 'Eye of the Hurricane', within Impressions of the Channel Islands Baron von Aufsess Oersey: La Haule, 1991). V.V. Cortvriend, Isolated Island (Guernsey: Streamline Publishing Ltd, 1947). John Dalmau, Slave Worker in the Channel Islands (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1954). Ralph Durand, Guernsey under German Rule (Guernsey: The Guernsey Society, 1946). Frank Falla, The Silent War (London: Burbridge, 1967). Saul Freidlander, When Memory Comes (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1979). Reg Grandin, Smiling Through Oersey: The Evening Post Offices, 1945). Gilbert van Grieken, Destination Gustav (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1992). Leo Harris, A Boy Remembers (St. Helier: Apache Guides Ltd, 2000). Winifred Harvey, The Battle of Newlands (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1995). Dorothy Pickard Higgs, Life in Guernsey under the Nazis 1940-45 (Guernsey: First published under Guernsey Diary 1940-1945, 1947). Donald Journaux, Raise the White Flag (Leatherhead: Ashford, Buchan and Enright, 1995). Mauyen Keane, Hello, is it all over? (Eire, County Bhaile: Ababuna, 1984). Frank Keiller, Prison Without Bars (Bradford on Avon: Seaflower, 2000). Georgi Ivanovich Kondakov, The Island of Dread in the Channel (Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1991). John Lewis, A Doctor's Occupation (London: Corgi, 1982). Victoria Livingstone, Driving under the Nazis Qersey: no. pub.). Luke Le Moignan, Stories of the Occupation Oersey: La Haule, 1995). Edward Le Quesne, The Occupation oflersey Day by Day Qersey: La Haule, 1999). Paul Le Sauteur, Jersey under the Swastika (London: Streamline, 1968). Select Sources and Bibliography 273

Francis LeSueur, Shadow of the Swastika Gersey: Starlight, 1990). Miriam Mahy, There is an Occupation (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1992). R.C.F. Maugham, Jersey under the Jackboot (London: Coronet, 1946). Donald McKenzie, The Red Cross Service for Channel Island Civilians (Chippenham: Picton Publishing, 1975). Roy McLoughlin, Living with the Enemy Gersey: Starlight, 1995). Ralph Mollet, Jersey under the Swastika (London: Hyperion Press Ltd, 1945). BerylS. Ozanne, A Peep Behind the Screens, 1940-45 (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1994). Ralph Palmer, A Shopkeeper at Sea (n.p. CIC Review, 1985). Donald, Leslie, Bernard, Eileen, Geoffrey Picot, War Memoirs of a Jersey Family (n.p. Dingle and Nel Ltd, 1990). Una Bichard Plumb, Our Island Occupied (Guernsey, Copyright 1988). H.R.S. Pocock, The Memoirs of Lord Coutanche (Chichester: Phillimore, 1975). Mary Robin, Basil deCarteret and Mary Deslandes, An Island Trilogy (n.p. Redbury Press). Leslie Sine!, The German Occupation of Jersey Gersey: La Haule, 1946). Frank Stroobant, One Man's War (Maidenhead: Burbridge, 1967). Leonie D. Trouteaud MBE, Memories ofLeonie D Trouteaud MBE, British Red Cross Society (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, c.1990). Eric N. Walker, Don't Annoy the Enemy (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1990). Horace Wyatt, Jersey in Jail Gersey: E. Heulin, 1945) Illustrated by Edmund Blampied.

Unpublished primary sources- privately held

Diaries Frank Barton- by courtesy of Mr P. Barton (Guernsey). Wilfred Renouf- by courtesy of Mr R.L. Heaume (Guernsey).

Papers - by courtesy of Mr R.L. Heaume DeGuerin Mary Edwards

Memoirs/Testimony- by courtesy of Mr F.E. Cohen Oersey) Peter Hassall Vasily Marempolski Gordon Prigent Reuven Freidman Francisco Font

Interviews - mostly semi-structured

Witnesses Michael Ginns MBE Luke and Lucy Le Moignon Stan and Phyllis Barnard Bob LeSueur Richard L. Heaume Peter Barton 274 Select Sources and Bibliography

Buster Hammond Desmond McGarry Joe and Marie Miere Tony LePage

Secondary works

Books William M. Bell, The Commando Who Came Home to Spy (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1998). --,Guernsey Green (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1992). --,I beg to Report (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1995). --, Guernse~· Occupied but Never Conquered (Exeter: Studio Publishing, 2002). Molly Bihet, Reflections on Guernsey (Guernsey: Guersey Press, 1993). B. Bannard, Alderney at War (Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1993). Richard Breitman, Official Secrets (London: Allen Lane, Penguin Press, 1998). Asa Briggs, The Channel Islands Occupation and Liberation, 1940-45 (London: BT Batsford, 1995). Madeleine Bunting, The Model Occupation (London: Harper Collins, 1995). Channel Islands Occupation Society Reviews (Uttoxeter: Hawksworth Graphics and Print; Jersey: GP Printers; Jersey: Channel Island Art and Books). F.E. Cohen, The Jews in the Channel Islands during the German Occupation (London: Institute of Contemporary History, 1998). Paul Connerton, How Societies Remember (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). V. Coysh and Carel Toms, Guernsey through the Lens (Chichester: Phillimore, 1982). Charles Cruikshank, The German Occupation (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1975). Nicholas Doumanis, Myth and Memory in the Mediterranean (Basingstoke: MacMillan, 1997). Audrey Faile, Slaves of the Third Reich Uersey: Societe Jersiaise, 1994). Niall Ferguson, Virtual History (London: Picador, 1997). George Forty, Channel Islands at War (London: Ian Allen, 1999). David Fraser, The Jews of the Channel Islands and the Rule of law, 1940-45 (Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2000). Saul Friedlander, Pius XII and the Third Reich (New York: Knopf, 1966). Robert Gildea, Marianne in Chains (Basingstoke: MacMillan, 2002). Michael Ginns, German Tunnels in the Channel Islands Uersey: CIOS Jersey Archive Book 7, 1993). A.C. Grayling, Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995). Leslie C. Green, The Contemporary Law of Armed Combat (Manchester: Manchester University Press, Juris Publishing, 1993). Maurice Halbwachs, On Collective Memory (Chicago: University of Chicago Press Ltd, 1992). Roger E. Harris, Islanders Deported (Channel Islands: CI Specialist Society, 1990). Sonia Hillsdon, Jersey Occupation Remembered (Norwich: Jarrold, 1986). Julian Jackson, France, The Dark Years 1940-1945 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001). Tom Freeman Keel, From Auschwitz to Aldemey and Beyond (Malvern Wells: Images Publishing, 1996). Ancel Keys, The Biology of Human Starvation Volumes 1 and 2 (Minesota: University of Minesota Press). Select Sources and Bibliography 275

Peter King, The Channel Islands War (London: Hale, 1991). Tony Kushner, The Holocaust and the Liberal Imagination (Oxford: Blackwell, 1994). Tony Kushner, David Cesarani, Jo Reilly and Colin Richmond, Be/sen in History and Memory (London: Cass, 1997). Pieter Lagrou, The Legacy of Nazi Occupation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000). Mark Lamerton, Liberated by Force 135 (Manchester: Cromwell Press, 2000). Edward T. Linenthal, Preserving Memory (New York: London: Viking Penguin, 1995). David Lowenthal, The Past is a Foreign Country (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985). Nick Machan, Liberation (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1985). James Marr, The History of Guernsey (Chichester: Phillimore, 1982). Michael Marshall, Hitler invaded Sark (Guernsey: Paramount-Lithoprint, May 1963). Richard Mayne, Channel Islands Occupied (Norwich: Jarrold, 1985). James V. Me Connell, Understanding Human Behaviour (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1980). June Money, Aspects of War-the German Occupation of the Channel Islands, 1940-45 Oersey: GP Printers, 1995). Separate booklets: Deportations Communication Transport Fuel Norman Munn, Psychology (Boston: Horghton Mifflin Co., 1966). David Myers, Psychology (New York: Worth, 1998). John Nettles, Jersey (London: BBC Books, 1992). Peter Novick, The Holocaust and Collective Memory (London: Bloomsbury, 1999). Iona and Peter Opie, Children's Games in Street and Playground (Oxford: Oxford Univer­ sity Press, 1969). M. St.]. Packe and Maurice Dreyfus, The Alderney Story 1939-1949 (Guernsey: Guernsey Press, 1971). T.X.H. Pantcheff, Aldemey Fortress Island (Chichester: Phillimore, 1981). Colin Partridge and Trevor Davenport, The Fortifications of Alderney (Alderney: Alderney Publishers, 1993). Winston G. Ramsey, The War in the Channel Islands, Then and Now (n.p. After the Battle Magazine, 1981) Brian Ahier Read, No Cause for Panic (Bradford on Avon: Seaflower, 1995). Peter J. Rivett, A Tiny Act of Defiance (Paignton: Planetesimal Publishing Ltd, 1999). --,SarkA Feudal Fraud? (Paignton: Planetesimal Publishing Ltd, 2001). Charles G. Roland, Courage under Siege (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992). Paul Sanders, The Ultimate Sacrifice Oersey: Jersey Museums Service, 1998). Gitta Sereny, Into that Darkness (New York: Vintage Books, 1983). William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (Trowbridge: Redwood Press, 1972). Solomon Steckoll, The Alderney Death Camp (n.p. A Mayflower Book, 1982). Jean-Francais Steiner, Treblinka (London: Weidenfield and Nicholson, 1967). Roy Thomas, Lest We Forget Oersey: La Haule, 1992). Carel Toms, Hitler's Fortress Island (Maidenhead: Burbridge, 1967). Various Contributors, The First Casualty, The German Underground Hospital Oersey: Sanctuary Inns Ltd, 1991). Alan and Mary Seaton Wood, Islands in Danger (London: Four Square Books, 1955). 276 Select Sources and Bibliography journals/articles in journals/articles in books/ periodicals/essays

Channel Islands Occupation Society publications Archive books 4. German Armour in the Channel Islands. 7. Tunnels, (entered under author: Michael Ginns.) 8. The Organisation Todt and the Fortress Engineers in the Channel Islands.

Annual Reviews: 1973-2002

Alon Confino, 'Travelling as a Culture of Remembrance', History & Memory Journal, 12.2 (Indiana University Press). Noa Gedi and Yigal Elam, 'Collective Memory - What is it?', History & Memory Journal, 8.1. Carlo Ginzburg, 'Shared Memories, Private Recollections', History & Memory Journal, 9.1-2. ]om Rusen, 'The Logic of Historicization', History & Memory Journal, 9.1-2. N. Schleifman, 'Moscow's Victory Park', History & Memory Journal, 13.2. James E. Young, 'Between History and Memory', History & Memory Journal, 9.1-2. Barbara Allen, 'Clues to Historical Consciousness', Journal of American History, 79, No.2, September 1992. Peter Birchenall,. 'Nursing in War-Time Guernsey - A Preliminary Review', British Journal of Nursing, 6, No. 22. Alex Glendinning, 'Canon Clifford Cohu: A Victim of the Occupation', The Sunday Island Times, a series of three articles: 27 February, 6 March, and 13 March 1994. Roger Horowitz, 'Oral History and the Story of America and WW2', Journal ofAmerican History, 82, No. 2, September 1995. Bob Moore, 'Allied Policy and Food Relief for the Occupied Netherlands, 1944-45', War and Society X/2 (October 1992) pp. 91-118. Joan Wallach Scott, 'History in Crisis: The Other's side of the Story', The American Historical Review, 94, No. 3, June 1989. Louise Willmot, 'The Goodness of Strangers: Help to escaped Russian Slave Labourers in Occupied Jersey, 1942-1945', Contemporary European History, 11. 2, May 2002. --,'The Channel Islands', in Resistance in Western Europe, ed. By Bob Moore (Oxford: Berg, 2000), pp. 65-92. The Alderney Magazine, issues 1-17 inclusive. (Held by the Alderney Museum.) The Bulletin, Articles dated September 1979, December 1974, and September 2001. Journal of Channel Islands Refugees in Great Britain (Published monthly by the Stockport and District Channel Islands Society at Borough Chambers, 1, St Petersgate, Stockport). Nos Isles, A Symposium on the Channel Islands (Channel Islands Study Group, Teddington, Middlesex, England, March 1944). Victoria College Jersey, Second book of Remembrance- Second World War 1939-1945. Victoria College News Magazines, Summer Terms 1943, 1944, and Easter 1945. Note: There are also literally hundreds of relevant news articles taken from both the Island and Mainland British Press during and after the war years, which are too numerous to mention. Select Sources and Bibliography 277

Unpublished theses/dissertations

Claire Follain, 'A Study of the specificities of Resistance during the German Occupation of Jersey 1940-45.' (MA Dissertation 1999.) --, 'Constructing a Profile of Resistance - Lucy Schwob and Suzanne Malherbe as Paradigmatic Resistantes.' (1997) Myles Morris, 'Guernsey-Policing During the War Years 1940-45.' (BSc Hons Disser­ tation for Institute of Police and Criminological Studies 1997.) Also many additional contacts who have supplied information on teaching about the Occupation in schools, growth and development of Museums, and information on investigation of German tunnel building in the Islands. Index

Adam, Alexander, 40 Bailey, K.G., 89, 90 airports, 201 Bailhache, Sir Philip, Bailiff of Jersey, xii, air raids 121-2, 160, 254 on Britain, 173; see also Blitz in Britain Baker, Bernard on the Channel Islands, 16, 78 on resistance, 186 Alderney, allegations of collaboration, Baker, Phyllis, 179 170 Bandelow, Major, SO see also collaboration; forced workers Barton, Frank, xxii, 17, 86, 119 aliens policy, 149 on black market/rations, 128, Allied Forces, 177 175 Channel Islands volunteers, 9, 26, 83, on forced workers, 215, 216, 173 217, 218 returning to Channel Islands, 238 on hardships, 76 War Cemetery, 246 on lists, 149 Alsatian dogs, xvii, 209, 211, 218, 226 on local quislings, 165 see also forced workers Barton, Peter, xxii Amelin, Ivan, 227 Bazeley, Cecil, 176 Ammon, Charles, MP, 15 BBC, broadcast to USA, 164 Anglo-German Agreement 1964, on Albert Bedane, 159 compensation fund, 245-6 Colonel Britton's broadcasts, 25, 89, Attorney General, Duret Aubin, 24, 51, 128, 175, 189, 192, 202 153, 241 on demilitarisation, 17 see also Sherwill, Ambrose from Martin-in the Fields, 2 Aubin, Harry, 15,174 news broadcasts, 76, 96, 129, 157, 158, Audrain, Dennis, 99, 204, 205, 247 196 Aufsess, Baron Hans Max von, 25, 45, programmes for the Channel 53, 112, 121 Islands, 26, 110, 111, 112, 113, on collaboration and sex, 176 195 Auschwitz, 144, 157, 160 Radio 4, on collaboration in Alderney, Avarne, Dr, 78 170; see also collaboration awards, 236, 239, 244 Becker, Professor Carl, 221 Awards for bravery, Russian, 184 Beckingham, H.W., 179 British /Island Government, 203 Bedane, Albert, xx, 159 Azema, Professor Jean-Pierre, 183 Beevor, Anthony, 186 Bell, Deputy W.M., 49, 89 babies Belsen, 157, 200 German records/racial requirements/ Berrier, Louis, 85 Lebensborn homes, 178 Bertram, Deputy Bill, 203, 239, 247 number in France and Norway, 179 Bertrand, L.E., 195 number of German-fathered, 176, 177, Bichard, Harry, 239 178 bicycles, 80 Reverend Ord's findings, 178; see also Bisset, Donald, 49 Ord, Reverend Douglas Bisson, Ronald and Madeleine, 204

278 Index 279 black market, 64, 127, 129 post-Liberation, 239, 241 black marketers, 165, 169 protests/appeals about food rations, in Britain, 127, 128 67, 69, 132; see also rations/food post-war profits, 239 rationing Blitz in Britain, 81, 83 £25 Reward Notice, 30, 31, 32, 47, 237 Bloch, Dr Jean Joseph, 212, 228 weight loss, 136 Bois, Betty, 36, 53, 152 Casper, Dr Wilhelm, 25, 52, 153, 158 Bokatenko, Peter, 220 on defiance, 42 Borkum camp, 224 censorship, Island Press, 32, 57, 58, 59, Bradshaw, Mr, 83 88, 101, 102, 104, 129 Breitman, Professor Richard, 147, 167 in cinemas, 100 Bremen Radio broadcast, 33, 49, SO in music and theatre, 101, 103, 151 Breslau, 204 Cesarani, Professor David, 146, 171, 172 Brichta, Julia, 151 Channel Island Society of Vancouver, 114 Briggs, Lord Asa, xvi, xix, 230 Channel Islands Monthly Review, 74 on hypothetical occupation of Britain, on collaboration, 164 171 on defiance, 188 Brinkforth camp, 225 on treatment of forced workers, 219 British Expeditionary Force, 13 Channel Islands Occupation Society, British Government CIOS, xvi attitude to resistance, 26, 183, 184; see Chardine, Constable A.A., 91 also Island Government Charybdis, HMS, funerals, 38, 191 Administration Cherche Midi Prison, SO, 82, 192 failure to prosecute collaborators and Children's Emergency Bureau, 84 War criminals, 166, 167, 230 Churchill, Rt Hon Winston S., MP, xx, instructions to Island leaders, 23, 24 13, 49, 10~ 10~ 10~ 11~ 171, 254 Ministry of Information, 24 attitude to the enemy, 187 schools publication 2001, 171, 252 food for the Islands, 113, 135 British Union of Fascists, 147 Liberation, 234 Brock, General, 4 cinema, 99-100 Brock, Peggy, 110, 190, 215 Clark, Captain Edward, 203, 247 Brockdorf, Count, 21 Cohen, Frederick E., xx, 143, 145, 153, Brosch, Dr, 86, 153 154, 159, 214 Brassier, Marcel, 79 on collaboration, 171, 172 brothels, 177 Cohu, Canon Clifford, 44, 184, 194, 195 Brouard, Elda, 153, 154 collaboration Buchenwald, 100, 144, 192 accusations of, 34, 52, 54, 56, 57, 70, Bund Report, May 1942, 157 119, 163, 168, 169, 170, 171, 175, Bunting, Madeleine, xiii, xiv, xviii, 10, 77, 237, 238, 241, 251-3; in Alderney, 84, 128, 135, 145, 147, 170, 172, 182, 170; in matters of work, 59-65 210,212,229,237,241,252,253 estimate of numbers involved, 163, Burgomaster Max of Brussels, 36 164, 168, 169, 174 Burriy, Feodor (Bill) 199 evidence against, 172-4; see also defiance; Offences against the Carey, Peter, 42 Occupier- summary; resistance in Carey, Victor G., Bailiff of Guernsey, 23, France, Belgium and the 34, 35, 42, 45, 51, 66, 80, 121, 149, Netherlands 172, 195 horizontal, 169 on Jewish matters, 150, 155 lack of prosecution, see British pleas for prisoners, 53 Government 280 Index

Collins, K., 204 Dachau concentration camp, 89, 120, Collins, Mr, 33, 49, 102 158 commando raids on the Islands, 49, Dalmau, John, xvii, 211, 214, 227 108-9, 110 Dalrymple, James, 177 commemoration, 186, 251 d'Authreau, C.]., 83 see also Memorials Davidson, John, 153 concentration camps and punishment D-Day, 68, 104, 109, 112, 129, 130, 131, centres, 130, 193, 200, 219, 244 196,201 see also Belsen; Buchenwald; Dachau deaths concentration camp; Draney death penalties, 44, 85, 200 concentration camp, death threats, 42 Neuengamme concentration death tunnels, 212, 227-8 camp; Ravensbruck concentration deaths and death certificates for forced camp; Spergau camp workers, 212, 220, 221, 222, 223, conscription, 4, 13 224, 225, 228, 229, 266(note 41) Cortvriend, Mrs V.V., xv, xxii, 177, 241 diabetic deaths, 87 estimates of forced worker deaths, Cotton, Major, 210 213, 214 Coutanche, Alexander, Bailiff of Jersey, German deaths from malnutrition, 139 13, 14, 34, 35, 36, 45, 51, 54, 60, recorded deaths, 66, 68, 83, 85, 87, 95 130, 150 service deaths, 88 on food rations, 66, 68-9; see also traffic accidents, 86, 94, 95 rations/food rationing see also Occupation deaths and on Jewish matters, 144, 147, 153 illnesses pleas for prisoners, 52-3, 196 Defence Volunteer Force, 10, 13 post-Liberation, 236, 237, 241 defiance, 27, 99, 102, 104, 106, 187-90 weight loss, 136 demonstrations, 189, 190-2 Crawford Morrison, Major, 196-7 de Garis, ].A., 94 Crill, Major John Sydney, 9 de Guillebon, Louis, 189 Crill, Sir Peter, 203, 246 demilitarisation, 13, 15, 108 crime in the Islands Department de Ia Manche in Normandy, involving forced workers, 216 36 post-war, 128 deportation of Islanders, 44, 93, 94, 108, pre-war, 5 148, 173 reported crime, 1942/1944/(four deportees, 45, 100 months)l945, 134 planned deportations 1944, 130; see Croad, Miss lzette, xxii, 11, 16, 78, 80, also evacuees 83, 120, 148 return of, 238-9 de Saumarez, Admiral, 4 on atrocity stories, 144 Dijon prison, 195 on attitude to the Germans, 118 Dimmery, Authur, 194-5 on defiance, 188 disappearances, 85 on informers, 165 Dodecanese Islands Occupation, see on rations, 78, 125, 126 Doumanis, Nicholas Cruikshank, Dr Charles, xvi, 59 dogs, see Alsatian dogs on forced workers, 212, 222 Doig, Elizabeth, xxii, 113, 119 on Island Government, 241 on attitude to the Germans, 173 on Jewish matters, 145 on defiance, 188, 193 on resistance, 21 on deportations 1944, 130 Curwood, Peter, 203 on rations, 129 Index 281

Doktor, Franz, 227 Falla, Raymond, Agricultural Officer for Doumanis, Nicholas Guernsey, 45 on collaboration, 62, 174 Ferbrache, Mr, 202 on defiance, 191 Finklestein, John Max, 144, 154 on discrimination, 148 Fisher, Dr F.T., 14 Doyle, Paddy, 167 Fisher, George Thomas, 87 Draney concentration camp, 159 Flavelle, Alice Dreyfus, M., xvii on gas chambers, 131 Duquemin, Cecil, 195 on rations, 126 Duquemin, Elizabeth, 153, 154, 155 Fliederbaum, Julian, 136 Durand, Ralph, xxii, 77, 118, 241 forced workers, 129, 244 on collaboration, 61, 180 bodies in concrete, 226 on defiance, 188, 202 bodies in the sea, 228-9 on number of babies, 178 camps in Jersey and Guernsey, on rations, 126, 127, 132, 202 219-20; see also under camp names; on resistance, 201 concentration camps and on 'right judgement of our enemies', punishment centres; escapes 116, 119 concealment of, 198-9 cruelty to, xvii, 52, 120, 122, 208, 209, Eblagon, Albert, 212 217,218,219,220,222,226,227 Eden, Sir Anthony, 147, 167 death tunnels, 227-8; see also deaths Edwards, Mary, 156 deaths/graves of forced workers, see Elsche, Theodore, 63 deaths Emanuel, Victor, 153 Jewish forced workers, 214, 217, 224 escaped Russians/forced workers, 91, 94 medical care, 226-7 escapes, 63, 69, 112, 169, 202-5 memorials, see Lieux de Memoire; from Fauvic, 197, 203, 247 Memorials from Havre Bordeaux, 33 numbers of forced workers, see Peter Hassan and friends attempt, 43, 88 Organisation Todt evacuation of the Channel Islands, 9, protest petition from St Brelade 14, 15, 32, 40, 107, 173 residents, 120, 216 evacuation of troops from St Malo, June starvation rations, 227 1940, 173 use of guard dogs, see Alsatian dogs evacuees Ford, Henry, 146 numbers involved, 173 Forster, Ivy, 199, 209, 216 proposed evacuation of Islanders by Fort Albert, 211 Germans 1944, 130 , 4 return of, 238-9 fortifications, 27, 85, 209, 214, 242, 243 evictions from property, 81, 82, 85 Forty, George, 212 Forum cinema, 99 Fach, Hugo, 179-80 Frampton, Mrs Ella, 40 Falla, Frank, xvi, xvii, 16, 84, 91, 195, Frank, Anne, xx 245 Exhibition, 145, 186 on collaboration, 168; see also Fraser, Dr David, xx, 142, 147, 242 collaboration Freeman-Keel, Tom, 243, 244 Maquis celebrations, 184 Freemasons, 80, 148 on post-Liberation attitude French, Judge, 14, 239 to/treatment of offenders, 167, Fresnes Prison, 205 184, 185 Friedlander, Professor Saul, 122 return to Channel Islands, 239 Fuzzey, Mrs Owen, 84 282 Index

Gaiderno, Spanish prisoner, 224 Haas, Lieutenant George, 203, 247 Gallihan, George and Herbert, 195 Hague Convention, 26, 37, 39, 40, 43, gas chambers, xix, 131, 244 58, 59, 149, 185, 195, 201 German courts, 200-1 Halbwachs, Maurice, 38 German deaths, see Occupation deaths on collective group memory, 175; see and illnesses also memory German Enemy Property Act, 245 Halifax, Lord, 22 German Occupation Museum, Guernsey, Halliwell, Mr A.C., 199 242 Hammond, H.C., 246 German policing arrangements, see Harper, Sergeant Jack, 88, 89 police trials Harris, Francis, 92 German relations, post-war, 121 Harris, Leo, 92 German troops Harvey, Arthur, 10, 11 numbers of, 26, 27 Hassall, Peter, 41, 150, 204, 247 rations, 134 see also escapes suicides, 120 Hathaway, Mrs Sybil, Dame of Sark, 14, Gildea, Professor Robert, 159 34, 45, 54, 121, 239 on German fathered babies in France, Hathaway, Robert, 45, 54 179 Haw-Haw, Lord, 85 Gill, A.A., xiv Heading, Mr, 220 Gillingham, Joseph, 167, 195 Heaume, Richard L., xvi Ginns, Michael, MBE, xviii, xix Heider, Major, 188 Heine, Oberst, 130 on reconciliation, 248 Heldorf, von, 45, 125 on tarring and feathering, 165 Helgoland camp, 217, 229 on tunnels, 243 Herivel, Captain, 246 Gladden, Mr W., 197, 203 Hess, Rudolf, 120 Goebel, Dr August, 46 Heulin, Les, 197 Gould, Edward, 199 Himmler, Heinrich, 179 52, 166, 199, 200, 247 Gould, Louisa, Himmler Order, 227 Gould, Maurice, 204, 205, 247 speech at Posen 1943, 157 Graves, see deaths Hitler, Adolf Green, Leslie, 87, 188 Fortification Directive, 20 October Green, Maurice, 87 1941,214 Green, Mrs, 194 Meirz Kampf, 21 Green, Stanley, 100, 197 Nacht und Nebel Decree, 7 December Grieken, Gilbert van, 243 1941,44,193,200,204,205 Grosslopp, Werner, 118 National Socialism, 218 Grunfeld, Marianne, 150, 153, 154-8 National Socialist German Workers Gruzdev, Major V.N., 210 Party, 146 Protocol 12 July 1945, 223, 225; see order for execution of commandos, 108 also deaths peace proposal to the British 1940, 22 Guernsey Underground Barbers (GUB), surrender of the French, 14 164 Third Degree, 44, 200 Guernsey Underground News Service Hofman, Frontfuehrer, 223 (GUNS), 166, 195 Honours, post Liberation, see awards see also underground news sheets hostages, 31, 40, 42, 46 Guillemette, Louis, xxii, 16, 149 Howard, ].B., 167 Gunkel, Dr, 119 Huffmeier, Admiral, 53, 125, 131, 139, Gussek, Captain, 32, 35, 36 197 Index 283

Identity cards, 80 Kanmers, Herr, 177 industry and trade links Keane, Mauyenne, 179 pre-war, 5, 6 Keiller, Frank, xx, 15, 47, 253 informers, see spies and informers on collaboration, 172 Ingrouille, John, 12, 53, 84, 166 on escape, 203 International Law, 39 on German behaviour, 120 see also Hague Convention on number of babies, 178 Invasion of the Channel Islands by Keitel, General, 130 Germany, 6, 10 Kennedy Bott, W., 100 by Baron Rullecourt in 1781, 4 Kent, Arthur, on football, 17 4 by Seneschal of Normandy (1461), 3 Kent, Captain, 210, 223 Iran, detention of German nationals, SO Keys, Ancel, 136 Irish King George VI and collaboration, 168 Christmas speech, 111 Iselin, Colonel, 135 messages from, 15, 109 Island Government Administration, wishes of, 36 35-7, 183, 184, 236 King, Peter reforms, 237, 239-41 on black market, 127, 145 see also British Government; under on collaboration, 168, 241 names of officials Kinnard, Lillian, 189 Island populations, see population of Knackfuss, General, 218 Islands Kondakov, Georgi, 214, 228 Koslov, George, 199, 220 Krancke, Admiral, 130 Jackobovits, Lord, 159 Kranzer, Josef, 228 Jackson, H.G., 95 Kratzer, Major, 66, 223 Jackson, Professor Julian, 159 Krellman, Senior Scharfuehrer, 227 James, Sandra, 156 Krichevski, Senator Wilfred, 145 'Jerrybags', 163, 164, 176 Krokeen, Michael, 199 in mitigation, 179 Kronke, Captain, 225 numbers of, 176, 177 Kruger, Oberleutnant Randolf, 177 Jersey Auxiliary Legion, 166 Kushner, Professor Tony, 158, 159 Jersey Communist Party, later Jersey Democratic Movement, 197-8, 237 La Cloche, Hugh, 203 Jersey Green Room Club, 100 , 247 Jersey Loyalists, 166 see also Memorials; Museums Jersey Underground War Tunnels, 230 Ladies College, xxii Jewish matters, xvii, 144, 146, 150, 151, Lagrou, Professor Pieter, 221 170, 243 Laine, Adele, xxii, 16, 69, 216 deportations, xviii, 41 on defiance, 188, 190 French anti-Jewish measures, 159; see on evacuated children, 82 also Vichy, anti-Jewish measures on German rations, 134 Jewish forced workers, 146, 214, 224; Laine, Sir Abraham, xxii, 66, 144 see also deaths Lamy, Inspector A.P., 90, 91 memorial, 160; see also Memorials on defiance, 188 orders against, xxii, 22, 79, 143, 152, L'Amy, Major ].H., xxii, 10, 17, 61 153 on forced workers, 212, 220, 221 Joanknecht, Dolly and Willi, 179 on underground movements, 196-7 Johns, Mr R.H., Labour Officer for on V-sign campaign, 190 Guernsey, 21, 60 Landick, Dixie, 177 284 Index

Lanyon, Hubert, 195 McGahy, Millicent, 155, 157 Lanz, Major Dr Albrecht, 35, 36, 54 Machon, Charles, 167, 195 Larbalestier, Bernard and John, 204 Machon, Roy, 100 Laufen Internment Camp, 144 McKinstry, Dr R.N., Jersey Medical Laurens, Captain George Herbert, 9 Officer, 53, 68, 197, 199 leaflets, 106, 109-11 Mahy, Miriam M., 152, 219 penalties, 110 Make do and Mend, 75-96 Leale, John, xxii, 40, 45, 51, 68, Malherbe, Suzanne, 53, 147, 196 156, 237 Malnutrition, effects of, 135-9, 183 on defiance, 41 Manley, Major, 196-7 Report aux Etats 1945, 56, 57-8 Maquis Army, 10 Le Bailey, John, 225 Marempolski, Vasily, 216, 244 Le Breuilly, George, 169 Marett, Arthur, 202 Le Brocq, Flight Lieutenant Peter, 9 Martel, Advocate Jack, 89 Le Brocq, Norman, 167, 197, 198 Martel, Lieutenant Philip, 49, SO Le Cheminant, Air Chief Marshall Peter Mauger, Arthur, 108 de Lacey, 9 Maugham, R.C.F., xv, xxii, 79, 108, 113 Le Clercq, Sidney, 203 on black market, 127 Le Cornu, Mike, 209 on defiance, 188 Le Druillenec, Harold, 52, 199, 200, 239 Maxwell, Sir Alexander, 36 Legg, Ernest, 195 medical supplies, 75, 87 Le Marchand, Douglas, 204 Memorials, 160, 187, 203, 205, 244, Le Marchant, General, 4 245-8, 251 Le Masurier, Jurat, 52 see also Lieux de Memoire Le Patourel, Brigadier Herbert Wallace, 9 memory, 175 Le Quesne, Edward, President of Jersey dissonance of, 121, 208 Labour Department, 53, 63-4, 65 lapses due to malnutrition, 135-9 imprisonment, 44 Occupation memories, 122, 135 on forced workers, 216 see also Halbwachs, Maurice Le Sueur, Robert, xviii, xix Metcalfe, Mrs Augusta, 199, 216 on collaboration, 175 Miere, Joseph, xviii, xix, 118, 145, 162, on forced workers, 222 164 on Jewish matters, 152, 170 number of escapes, 202 Lettich, Andre, 160 number of prisoners sent to the Lewis, Dr John, xvi, 75, 153 Continent, 200 Lewis, Kenneth, xxii, 11, 60, 102, 110, on Jerrybags, 165, 200 148 Milln, Lieutenant David, 235 on black market, 128 Milward, Professor Alan on food shortage, 175 on resistance, 186 on punishment of Jerry Bags, 164 Mollet, Ralph, 241 Leyton, G.B., 138 Monkton, Dorothy, 99, 126 Liberation, 234 Montague, Dr W.j., 151 post-Liberation, xix, 186 Morrison, Rt Hon Herbert, MP, 74, 77, Lieux de Memoire, 122, 230, 246 200, 235 Link, Frontfuehrer Lucian, 229 Moscow Archives, 210, 222 Longmate, Norman, on resistance, 182 , Roy, 169 Loveridge, John, 12 Mueller, 112 Mulbach, Paul, 197, 198 Maass, Dr, 32, 54 Mulholland, Lieutenant Desmond, 49, McDonald, Surgeon Captain Ronald, 235 so Index 285

Museums, 242-4 old Gloucester Street Prison, 247 La Hougue Bie, 247; see also Memorials see also Memorials see also German Occupation Museum, Operation Ambassador, Basalt, see Guernsey commando raids on the Islands Mussolini, Benito, 95 Oradour-sur-Glane Massacre, 186 Orange, Clifford, 143, 149 Natzweiler-Strutthof concentration Ord, Reverend Douglas, xxi, 20, 41 87, camp, 193 119, 195 Neil, M., 204 on attitude to Germans, 117, 120, 134 Neuengamme concentration camp, defiance, 85, 98, 102, 151 199 on disappearances, 130 connections with Alderney, 217; see on forced workers, 215, 216, 217, 218 also forced workers; Organisation on Jerrybags, 164 Todt on memory decline, 137 recorded deaths, 229 on moral decline, 192 Newsome, Sir Frank, 167 on number of babies, 178 Nicolle, John, 194-5 on Orders, 83 Nicolle, Second Lieutenant Hubert, 49, on rations/food situation, 67, 68, 70, so, 51, 82 78, 124, 127, 133, 134, 137, 139 Noel, Peter, 204 on V-sign campaign, 189, 190 Nora, Pierre, 122 Orders and Notices from the Nordeney camp, 212-17 Kommandant, 17, 23, 33, 34, 37, 42, Norman, Kathleen, 189 66, 79, 81, 83,99,149 Norman, Senator Qersey), 252 Jewish Orders, 79; see also Jewish Norman invasion, 3 matters Nos Isles, A Symposium on the Channel Orders concerning treatment of forced Islands, 3 workers, 218, 227 Noyon, Captain Fred, 90 Orders requiring purchase of cars, 79, 80 Oath of loyalty (taken by Bailiffs) June Organisation Todt, 81 1940, 34, 38-40 number of forced workers, 26, 214 Occupation deaths and illnesses, 126, punishment centres, 193, 219; see also 127, 138-9, 177 concentration camps and see also deaths; forced workers punishment centres Occupation of Britain, hypothetical, xix, records, 210, 212, 220; see also deaths 171 recruitment, 62, 215 Occupation of the rest of Europe, 21, 22, see also forced workers 26,46,103 Oxford Companion to WW2 Occupation tapestry, 242 on collaboration, xviii Odoire, Squadron Leader F.E., 9 Ozanne, Beryl, 101, 129, 131, 155 Oeser, Sergeant Major, 89 on collaboration horizontal, 17 6 Oettingen, Prince von, 25, 68, 158 Ozanne, Major Marie, 193, 219 Offences against the Occupier - summary, 26, 191, 193 numbers involved, 183, 192, 201; see Packe, St]., xvii also resistance in France, Belgium Painter, Clarence and Peter, 192 and the Netherlands; sabotage Palace Hotel explosion, 198 0' Horly, Brian, 224 Pantcheff, T.X.H., 210, 211, 212, 222, Ogier, H. Edward, 150, 155, 156 226, 229 Ogier, Mary, 146 Report, xvii, 209, 210, 212, 213, 221 286 Index

Paradis, 193, 200, 217; see also Quinn, Constable, 88 concentration camps and punishment centres racist policies (German), xix, 22, 41 Pascal, Julia, 142, 146, 242 RAF, 35, 67, 106, 109, 191 patriotism, 100, 101, 104, 189, 190 raids on the Islands, 81, 87, 190 Allied funerals, 190 Rang, Werner, 179 Bernard Baker, 186 rations/food rationing, 65, 66-71, 76, peace proposal, June 1940, 22 78, 82, 84, 93, 94, 113, 125, 126-7, Pearl Harbour, 87 128, 130, 131-2, 133, 175 Perkins, Stella, 199 calories per day, 134-5 Pfeffer, Professor Dr Karl Heinz children's rations, 127 on co-operation of Islanders, 51, 175 clothing, 85, 132 Report of September 1941, 22, 23 fuel, 59, 84, 87, 95-6, 132 Pickard Higgs, Dorothy, xxii, 11, 74, 235 Ravensbruck concentration camp, 200, on rations and deaths, 125-6, 133 201 Pierson, Major, 4 Red Cross messages, 76, 82-3, 94, 177 Pike, Albert Henry, 224 International Red Cross Organisation, Pill, Sergeant, 88 67, 131, 132 Pitolet, B., 52 parcels, 113, 133 Pittard, Francis, 108 Refugee Committee, 76, 110 Plambeck, Herbert, 164 Regal Cinema, 99 Plumb, Una, 155 Renouf, Wilfred police trials, 88-90 on collaboration of Officials, 48-9, 238 Occupation policing, 90-3 resistance in France, Belgium and the police pre-war, 5 Netherlands, 184-5, 189, 192 Political Prisoners Benevolent Fund psychological resistance, 95, 101, 112, (Jersey), 245 129, 187, 196 Pope Pius XII, 22 resistance in work, 62, 202 population of Islands V-sign campaign, 190 numbers evacuated, June 1940, 15 what constitutes resistance, 90, 91, 95, pre-war, 5 100, 102, 104, 114, 129, 185-7; registration by German Order, 80 see also Offences against the Portsea, Lord, 15, 76, 111-12, 114 Occupier- summary; sabotage POWs Allied, 78, 129 Richardson, Mary, 159 POWs German, 179, 212 Richter, Sonderfuehrer Wilhelm, 223 Price, Dr Joe, 101 Richthofen, General, 17 Priekshat, Sergeant Major, 224 robbery, 84, 94 Pringent, Gordon, 228 see also crime propaganda, 33, 85, 90, 129 Roberts, Andrew, 147 atrocity stories, 144, 17 4, 191 on hypothetical occupation of British propaganda tracts, 196, 198 mainland, 171 Protecting Power, Switzerland, 66, 67 Roberts, Mr, 169 Protocols of Zion, 146 Robin, Ambrose, xxii, 120, 138, 157 Public Record Office documents, xix, xvii on defiance, 85, 193, 194 on collaboration of Island officials, 47, on deportations, 130, 173 168 on evacuation of his children, 82 on forced workers, 210, 214 on forced workers, 215 Purchasing Committee (for the Islands on Orders, 79 in Granville), 81, 82 on racism/discrimination, 148 Putten massacre, 186 on rations, 66, 125, 133, 235 Index 287

Robinson, john, xvi Smith, Herbert, 88, 90 Roche, Charles, 201 Snelling, Eric, 100 Rosslova, V.I., 229 Snow, Brigadier EA, 210, 237, 239 Royal Court, 32, 37, 49, 166, 245 SOE, 26 Royal Militias, 4 Sohier, Jack, 192 Russian Front, 118, 120, 179 Special Aid Society, 84 Spergau camp, 195 sabotage, 26, 42, 89 spies and informers, 165, 169, incidence of, 176, 201-2 220 see also Offences against the Occupier Spitz, Auguste, 153, 154-8 - summary; resistance in France, sport, football matches, 104, 17 4, Belgium and the Netherlands 191-2 St Helier Yacht Club, 13 spying and underground movements, StMartin's underground movement, 197 196-8 St Saviours Mental Hospital, 149 SS (SecSchutzstaffel) Police, 25, 42, Salvation Army, 80, 148, 193 129 Sanders, Dr Paul, xix, 172, 180 Steckoll, Solomon, xvii, 212, 244 Sangan, Gladys, 179-80 Steiner, Therese, 101, 142, 146, 153, Sark Amateur Dramatic Society, 101 154-60 Sarmsen, Oberst, 196 Stern, Frank, 121 Save the Children Fund, 84 Stocker, Colonel W.A., 86, 174 Schmettow, Count von, 21, 36, 50, 52, Stroobant, Frank, 242 95, 131, 158 Sylt camp, 217, 224, 227 on food rations, 69, 70, 130 see also deaths Schools education pack, 242, Symes, William, 192 251, 252 Symons, Dr A.N., Health Officer in Schumacher, Colonel, 36, 42, 150 Guernsey, 45, 66, 69, 128, 149 Schwab, Lucy, 53, 147, 196 Scornet, Francis, 43, 44, 184 Tanguy, Mme, 200 Scouts, 80 Tatum, Pat, 199 Sculpher, Inspector, 5, 91, 153 Taylor, Lieutenant-Colonel James, Seaton Wood, Alan and Mary, 250 235 on food shortages, 135, 136 Taylor, Mr, 195 on forced workers, 211 Thaureux, Alice, 53 on number of babies, 17 7 Thelan, David, xv on paucity of honours, 184 Theresienstadt, 144 Sennett, Mrs, 145 Third Degree punishment, 44 Sherwill, Ambrose, 16, 32, 34, 35, 36, 41, see also Hitler, Adolf 45, 89, 109, 121, 200 Tierney, Joseph, 194-5 imprisonment, 44 Timmer Ltd, 64-5 on jewish matters, 144, 149, 151 Tombs, Mr, The Traitor Isles, 77 on Mr Collin's trial, 49 Toms, Carel, xvi on resistance/defiance, 49, 50, 51 tourism, 5, 6 Sherwill, May, 35 traffic accidents, 86-7, 94, 95 Short, Constable Fred, 89 see also deaths Sims, Madeleine, 195 transport, 93 Sinclair, june, 201 Tremayne, julia, 124, 126 Sine!, Leslie, xxii, 87, 110, 241 Trouteaud, Leonie, 83 on black market, 128 Turpin, Mr, 83 on forced workers, 215 Typhus outbreak, 93, 94, 216 288 Index underground movements, see spying Wentworth Bradley, Sandra and underground movements on resistance, 187 underground news sheets, 53, 195 Westmount Crematorium, 246 see also Guernsey Underground News Westmount Memorial, 247 Service (GUNS) see also Memorials underground tunnels, 242-4 Whales, Mrs, 155 Utilitarian principles, 39, 147 Wilhelmshaven camp, 199 Williams, Herbert, 61 Vale Castle punishment centre, 219 wireless sets, 32, 42, 78, 84, 100, 119 Valyk, Aleksandr Vailevich, 228 confiscation of, 80, 93, 102, 157, 189, Vardon, Pearl, 163, 164 194 Vauquiedor Hospital (Guernsey), 149 crystal sets, 194, 195 German deaths, 139; see also deaths offences/penalties for keeping, 44, Veg~ 13~ 133, 135 114, 194-5 see also rations/food rationing Wittlich prison, 205 venereal diseases, number of cases, 177 Wolfenbuttel concentration camp, 195 Vibert, Dennis, 203 Wolff, General, 198 Vichy, anti-Jewish measures, 159 Woolf, Franz, 89, 128 see also Jewish matters World War I, 12 Victoria College, 9 recollections of, 144 Victoria College House, 200 World War II, 11 V-sign campaign, 30, 31, 100, 188, 189, growth of interest in, 186, 221 190 studies of starvation conditions, see also BBC, broadcast to USA; 135-9 resistance in France, Belgium and Wyatt, Horace, 101 the Netherlands on collaboration, 180 on rations/weight loss, 126 Wakely, Mr, 195 Walkoff, Oberlieutnant Horst Schmidt, Yad Vashem, 157 58, 59 Young, James, xxi, xxiii Wannsee Conference, 157 Warder, P.G., 197 Zeitlow, Sergeant Major, 224