Under Go:,e,rn,Tnent Orders



THE chiel eontribntor to the natnagiri Account is Mr. G. W. Vidal, C.S. Mr. Vidal has, besides supplying materials for pa~ts of the sections on Trade, Mal!.ufactures, H1story, Land AdministratlOn, Sub-dlVIsions, and Places of Interest, prepared and reVIsed the DescriptlOD, Production, and Capital Chapters. For Land Adminis­ tration ~d Places of Interest much assistance has heen recelved from Mr. A. T. Crawfurd, C.S. Th~ bulk of the Savantva.di Account is from a. memoir written for the Bombay Gazetteer by Colonel J. F. Lester the last Political Agent. As mr as possible the nlUlles of other contributors are shown in the body of the book. JA.M.ES M. CAMPBELL. August 1880. CONTENTS . • 'RATNA'GIRI.

Chapter I.-Descnption. PAGE PositiOn and Area; Boundanes; Sub.divisions; A~pect 1·3 Hlils ; Rivers ; Lakes .• 4·11 Geology j Water-supply; Chmate 12.28 Chapter XL-Production. MInerals; Forests,,; Trees 29·40 .Animals; Snakes j Birds; Fish 41.103 Chapter m.-Population. Introduction; Census Details (1820, 1846, 1872) ••• 103.109 Ral"e DlV1sions ... 11 0 • 135 Villages; Houses; Communities; Movements of the People . 136.143 Chapter VI.-Agriculture. Soil, IrrigatlOD; Holdings j Stock; Crops j Tillage Details; Cultivator!!; Bad Seasons ... 144.1.53 Chapter V.-Ca.pital. Capltahsts; Currency; Exchange Bills; Classes who Save; Modes of Investment; Money.lending j Interest .•. 154.159 'Borrowers; Land Transfers; Labour Mortgage; Wllges; Prices ; Weights and Measures ... 160 .165 / Chapter VI.-r ade. Communiclltions j Tolls; Rest.houses; Ferries, Shipping; Light-housesl Post and Telegraph Offices ... 166.173 TRADE: Early; SIXteenth. N Uleteenth Century j Tradt'rs ; Course of Trade; Sea. Trade ; Custo~s DlVisions ... 174. 186 Industries; Trade Guilds ... 187· 191 ~ Chapter VII.-~ -- Early Hindus (B.C. 200. AD.1312) ; Masalmans (1312 .16(0) j MaratJuls (1660.1818); the Brltiah(181S'1880) '" 192.199 ii CONTENTS.

Chapter VIIL-Land Administra.tion. PAOli Sec. I.-Changes and ... 200·203 Sec. n.-TENURES : Kho41 ; Pea.sant Holders; Tenant6 ... 204·213 SCD. lll.-BIB·r01l.Y : Bijnpul', , , Sldi, Angria, and Pesbwa. Land Settlements (1502·1818) ...... 214.213 British Conquest (1818) ; Staff (1818); Landholders (1818) ; Dritlsh Changes (1818 ·1825) ...... 219 -2 35 SurveY'll (1827.1851) ... 236.240 Capt.ain Wwgate'l:l Survey Report ... 24.1.243 Surveys (1851.1876)... • .• 244· 2.'i2 Khot Commission; Government Decimon; Final Settle. ment (1877 .18(9); Sarvey Results (1855.1878); Special Tenures ." 253 - 262 Seo. lV.-SEASON RE,fORT8 ... 263·265 Chapter IK.-Justice. Changes; Staff; Civil Justice ... 266·'69 'Registration; Criminal Justice; Police; Jails ... 270·274 Chapter X.-Revenue and Finance. Balance Sheet ... •.• 275·279 I' • . Local FUnds; Municipalities ... 280 ·281 Chapur KI.-Instruction. Schools j Persbns able to R~ad and Wr~te (1872); Race of Pupus; ToWn and Village Education i Libraries; News. papers • •.. 282 - 291 Chapter KII.-Health. Diseases; Hospitals; Cattle Diseasei; Vaccilla.tiOIl ~ BIrths and. Deaths ... 292· 2!J5 Chapter nU.-Sub·divisions ... 296. 316 Chapter XIV.-Placea of Intel'est ... 317·38"

SA'VANTVA'DI. Chap~t r:-Description. Position and Area; Boundaries i Sub·divisions j Aspect ... 387 ·3SS , Rivers; La.kes i Geology; Climate ••• ...389·400 Chapter II.-Production. • Min(\1' i Trees i Animals i Birds; Fisb ... 401.406 CIlApt., III.-PopulatlOn. Conllu, Dotails (1844, 1851, 18i'2) ...... 407·408 Iutr'oductory Details ~ ~8 DlvisioM; Villagc.t; Communities; , Movement. ... 409.422 CONTENTS. iii

Chapter lV.-Agriculture. PAGIII

Soil; Arable Area j Irrigation; Tillage; Holdings; Stock; Crops; Tillage Details; Bad Seasons; Cultivators ••• 423.427 Chapter V.-Capital. Modes of Investment; Money.lenders; Interest; Cul'l'ency; Land Transfers; Labour Mortgage; Wages j Prices i Weights and Measures . ... 428. 43~ Chapter VI.-Trade. Roads; Tolls ; Bridges i Rest-houses; Boats; P013t Offices; Trade i ~du8tries i,. Fairs ... 433. 438 Chapter VII.-History. Early Hindus (500 -1500); Musalmans (1500. i627) ; Sa.vants (1628 -1880) ...... 439·447 Chapter VUI.-Land Administration. • Staff ; Administration j Tenures; Survey ... 448.451 Chapter IX.-Justice ... 452.454- Chapter X.-Revenue and_ Finance ... 455.457 Chapter XI.-Instructlon ... 458·459 Chapter XIl.-Health ... 460.462 chapter DlI.-Places of Intereat ... 463-469

L.WEX ... 471.481 ASlell8eel '1'UIIS :;."6. A. As pect ~ 3 S. 3$1 At.h veth .. hblv.a, PlH"tl'61...eH 'u. ..-ero) tl~lIJ8), B l.lheka.: 11 ...... t,ll. no Hl. e\ll. Bagmllndla pl""" ..flLtordt 311) Ada Cl'et'k, 11 B.llurr.vgad fort., III '1 Ade pl&Je of mtercst, 317 B.iJub Peahva (l'illl, :. •••1, ~ III Adliila _ae DIJ"man Ahna plaes of 'uk ..... ,. 317 B \l8.\' .", \l""b!" Ito Balli. Lib upper (",'t. 3'; I, 3'.~. AimuUl!tratlve Sub dl'llSlons ::l S. aS7. A:lur _ Borya. BallllU' ru')''lue at ••,~ Bl\lll.nce :?;-, ~7:) .t.,,; , ••; Age popuh'lOn """,-,,,lID,! to, lOS. sheet S. Agreements terms 01 "holt, 2,15 note 2 Balhara lung. 11:? 1 • I n .t<. 3 • Ilk! nut,., 1. Agnculture 144·153 8.423·427. Banda h,re,: t .. ') I"n I ... ~n, t .f. Agricu.ltura.l Stock 10ld Banda. auu dl\'181 1 ,n. 3~1" fl\rr. 3...""". to ~ u. - Agri B.l.gaya.t salt g&.den I... d. 144 hl&tu,y, furt, re U:lJn.'. "'1·4.~ Akbar AUNIongzeb·. SOn (l686).~6o. 377 Bandar Sikhri pI... " of \Ote...... L, :l.?O Aken place of mkrest, 4b3. Bandh Tlvra to t

Ehagvantgad' (ort, 3~3 Ch8.lukyas (A.D.tIiOOJ, 11)2,)93',87;>. S ' bh'{ 4J9, 4G.~ Bhandans I [)uHiva.toos, 124. 1111,152. U).3, 171. Ch... m ... ra· .hoemaklll'l!, 121), 141. S.411i S 414,426 Chandvad old rupee. lli4 Bharatgad fort, :l:?~, Chapel Huntel melQona~ 136 Ehtita l'ellglous ""l'g"TS. 131 S. 418 Chaplets. use of, 110 ,wta 1. I lA.alief" l~(). 17l. Ehll.tul.s· KoIM1JUr, \ I, t, 231, 2a'l, '2lO Bncks 31: Coot: .. lase of blrd~, 9~ Bridges 169. S 435. Cormorant· the httJ~. OIl Britisb lhp \181S.1880), 198·199. S• .I1730·1880), Cotton. \lllltJvatlOn ot, 140, 81"Ul\ln~ d I V ~.,Vtrg Hl.447. "r,188. Bulbuls (lass of buds, 74. Courts nllmb~r I\fld ,.Olklt>g or. 21;;, 2mL S. 4~~ Bllild: cattle-dlseaoe, 461. Craftsmen )2,j, IllS; rural, 191. ~iUt;t:r.. rZ\a..~~84. Creeks 9; mmor II Crimes see Oftencea. IhllOlldl I Javat'Rr~h~~ -+~.. 1'" _-- j,lLloCf" Hi mtel"est, :j~ !, (Tows ~i. Burnds' ) "",l' ." rna! makers, 12~. I Crow-pheasant th. BY7.a.ntium proba.ble ulentlficatlOn of, 192 note 3 Cuckoos fii Currency' 154 S. 429 o. Customs' 183·J87; r<-eelpts, 271>. S. 4.15~ Cane work J89. Cyclonish .torms 23·24. {'amdm laclutls. &c • 4.> CapItal J54· ) (,.), S.l1lS.

Dau .'\, .• b \ cas,'" 170 Emigra.tion . 143. S. ~~ DauIatabad: ohi rup<'(>, 1'i4 Enugrants: 14:l, 160. Day labourers .<>e L"b(}urlllg (,ia>.~. Esta.tes w",~I.', 401 Dapoh : .rub-&h ...... Dhaman snake, 48. 872, Velue.hvar, 374 S 438; Akeu, 46J; sho),herJa, 40 note 1, 127 S. 415. Kin kerl, 465; Tubs. 469. • Dh,tllla' snake, 00. Falcons 5'>. Dharnlshilil.s seo Rest·houses. Family (Animals) Camd .... 45, FoJ.d.-e, 44; DhMekal'ls Jl""'!"Ilt.hoiuors, I:lS. 1'l9, 156; Lutl'lore, 44; hmua<1re, 42, SUlde, 4J; Un",l ... , positIOn and rights of (ISSO), 206- 209, pO'!ltlou 44; V"'ernd"" 45. an,l nghts of (1818), 22']·234 "nd uote 1. Family (Birds) Amp.lid... , 80; An.. tid~ 97 ; Dltavads' bl""k.. mths, 415. Ansel'ldm, 97. Ard"lure, 94.951) Bra'bgod't'''' Dha. vdas 1I'""d "rern, 30. 74-; Bucerothbor,- ---,--c-"pf'ffiiUlgJ "', .1 • DhopeshYar tompie at, ,lI3,,­ Charadndoo. 90, Ctcollldro, 94; Coracladre, 64; Dlseases 292 S.460. Columbldol', 86, Cucuhdffi, 67; 001'$01'1<1 .... 90; Dlstrict ludge . jUrlSd,CtlOD of the, 267. Faloorudoo, 55; FnngIllid.... 83; Glavohdoo, 90; Disturbances (1844·1850),44,), \}ol1r1doo, 87 , Gracuhdru. 99; Halcyontd... , 64; Dobetela' IdeUtluvatlOQ of, ;1'.3, Rngn upland 14a. 66 ; R4llidlll, 93 ; Sco}0p'\cld... , 91 , StrIgtdlfl>- ~8 <­ Dongn Bagayat . hIli g .. rden·l..... d, 14Ji. SylVladoo, -)'6 ~ Taniabd'l'l_ flC.or'l-01<..... n1d .... _8 i DoreVlke _ a GnsaVl • .,ot, 419. Tmanlldoo, 89.; Trerotlld.-e, 85; Upupld.o, 69; Dons 86 V ultundm, J4,. Sub·family ACCJPltrlll93. 53; 'D~OS. class of blrJio, 7L Alandwoo 84 ; AnatWRl. 97 l Aqull1n.e. li6 ·57 ; Dress·lII). S. 409. ArtamInm'. 71; Bnteollllllll, 57, Calamoh~l.p~. Ducks. 97, 9Q.. _. - - -~"7lti- ~fia.gwa&, 70; Centropodwoo, 68; Dulandi' outsJ(let', 211. Charadnn.o, 90; ColumblDa&, 86; CoturnlCIDIt', Dumb. lOS, 88; CorvlDa&, 81; Oypselrn!l'. 62; Dlortlnnonmie, 87; Pel'lh~lnre. sa; Phyllom.thuw, a 330-GO - 474 INDEX.

75 j PhyI\useopm:l', 79 • Platalellue, 96 ; PlotlnlC, Gondhal: a kllld of woo, 131. q . S1'e 19ton~ IJegsan, 131. 82 • Tlloornmre, 97 ; Tlmahnre. 73 , Tota.runre, 9tJ ~ GoiIavis; 131. S. Bbarathl, Nath, and ""tan. 419. Ttinglnl>', 92; Turtllfm~, 86; "aneIHnre, 91. Gotras: Chltpavan Brahman, HI D"U 2; !'-benT!, Family tree' 447. • 116 note 5. Famine' Bee ScarcIty. Goa: VIJ8ya.aagar kiDS' of, 439. FamUle relief works: 153,347. 379. Gold: how welghed, 164. F&tehgad: fort, 337. . Series. 15. Faujdar : vIllage constable, 448. Gopalgad: 6Ge AnJanveL. Felidal ; LIgen, &'0., 44. Gorakhs : rell~loua begga.n, 419 nut.! I. Females: proportIOn of, in popubtlO!lo lOS. Gova fort· 335,337. Ferries: 170. S,388. Govalkot 1 fort, 326, 3M Fever: 264, 292. S. 460. Goval: place of mter..,t: 335. Field tools: 151. (]t!e_.... M' ..I,,_S(\{ hirth, 01. Fish. kintU'oI. trade in JiM &n

RoueysuekelB' cla!iS <>1 "mb, 69. Jolyga.d . pore, e~po\'fa and mport3 of. B4: tvWtl RoopUe!l . dasa ,)f "n-ds. 6\l.. &lid 101 ~ 3-tQ-341 : InentJlk.. tll>n (,1, 34Q not", '1.. Rornoills <1 ..... of hml", 1);). JllytltpUl': port, Ullports and (lXI'Oltb of, 11>5, Horn work. 188 S.437 lustolY, obJeots oj IJItercst, a.a. Hospitals. st"tlStlOS ot, 293. S.46J. Jllysingh see J"glldekru""U.. Hot springs . 21, J6. 1362 .•»ddle"'. l:?ll. S. '15, 41S, 4.r;. Houses' mmli><-.r _1 d_nptlo" ufo 136·137; Jog; river. 11, 99 lllV('stlllt.lllt.s ln, 157. JOglS' rehgloua beggars, IJf Bouse-tar Dtll!!Iclpal, ~1. Justlce . changes (l;'\(1. IS8(). staff, W(>J king, ("\II Roysala. Ba.l.lalas rulers (1250). 193. Justll..e, rlebtorB, arhltratu.m COUl t, ng,.atr"tlOu, Hukeri old ml""', 164- ('tlnuu.ll Justlce, \' IH""8a POl,~,j. ofi(..w.. es" ITttndls 8'<~h811,,;e b,U., l:i4. S.429 dlB~rlltpohca)atat·">h(l~. (t'nnlt\ ~hu ::]4:';-.--ov..lut.!i Jinsbandmen: 121 r~·,. oaste, bon,"" ~tock. ,,,,eI oxpcn,iltUMl ot:r.tJ S. ~S.!-4jJ. 4vJ. fum.lturtl, ch,""a.c.t@~ and ....'( .... nJ.~tion. of) 150 .. 152 ~ :K. \>.(rr',,, Cl'S, 160. S.426 Kadboli . make. 50 L l\.a.ddall - pills... , 147. Ka.Jn ca.shewnut tT"". 38, 39 Ibls elMs of bn 1$, 96. K8.JlrIla. hIll pas" lbG, 178. Imm~ant3 ""II} Musalman, 133 note I. Ka.l&dgi Stlrles S. '194. Importll liMO), lH, (181~),' 176; (1980), 178. Ka18.'Vantms ddDcUlg glrls, 126. 1;9, b1 Ii'!, lSi>. J~'" 18;, J~7, 367,361,375. KMavh. nvu, 10. S. 1:.G 1 • Kam4visdal.r native Manager OllIS). 22(1 InwndArs grantee!< (lilI8), 2'23. Kamtekot . fOl't, 3-J.!! InGuBtrIes' 187·191 S. 437 •. XanaltdUl I; ~.fort, 337, 342. lutL'lIlltles 108 S.408. Xankeshval templp at, 342. Insectriora.. '1',lel' of &1\1 ...... 1., «.. Ka.ndUII-., 50 51. Instrnctlon of, 2b1l·2SI. S ••58.459 Ka.nllQJi . depreclatJoUl;"of A,"glla;-rgth- lnSlll'1l.Uc. 1M. KanoJ& a Brab.mansub-dlV1s1on, 117 Interest Wl S 4-29 Kanpha.ta.s r S. 423- _--.=t..Ll.. Islands ;It'il,~-- Karanr 1\olhapm-,.m bll1aJl Adll SMh (1.520). ~2q. Karsai Khot exact,,'ns, 2J 3. lst.h'1\. Jra.llls Impro'-eDH,nt lease.> 13i Kasars eOPlhlrsl!llths, 126. Ives tlJvell,,,. (l,j.1), 3il2 note 1. Katkaris' cateohu ma.kers. 4~.• 11\ Katuban a .llcCoJ~16on head, 132 note 2, 141. J'liioCf.nS, • the ph~: .nt-tI;,:ed, 93•• KeIsIu creek, 11; exports and l!llI'orts of, 183 l, Jack trr<'s' 3i, -39. '. p<,rt,342 J9-gadekamalla. ruler (102;), 193- KeVlkuls . tr., 131, 141. S. 413. Klul.rvia : &allors. 128. JanJlra. bub of,195- Khatelis. pe""ant·hI)Jders, 4ii0. Ja\fals a Brahman Bub'WVlJ!ion, ll1: landholders.. Kha.tlb, MUlIalJnau preacher, 141. 13& Khed' sllb-dlvtslona.! """,ounts, 2, 2V9; townj Jayram Sava.nt . (1737), 441. hIstory, rock temp\"", 344. 476, INDEl'.

IGlem Shant ( I. I . V:id, ehli>i (lG:lO), 440• .Lark! 8~. . ., " ( lL ) . ,,(167S 170(), 440. Laterite { Konkan, 18 ; etone. 31. S. 3117. 0> ., (In.), .. (17M 180:r), 441-442 Lea.ther workers, 129. S.413. " flV.)· .. (ISl2-184Q}, 443-445. Leper'hospital , 293. Xbotll: 'Ollage rentoN, 137; "a!M.eB of (18801, Leprosy: 292. laS, 1;)6 i POt\ltiOll ann privilq,'IlB of (1880), Libra.ries· 290 S.459 !?()4·20Ii, PO'!1tIOD all.! c.... te of (lSJ.S), 2"l5·221. Light-houses: 172, :US. 341, 36S. 378. Kingfishers; ,,1A.s of bll"d~. 64. Lime: 14,31. Kiw{p,ri : place of lntere.t, 46.'1. LImestone: In. Xirkee: battle .>f (1817), 198.. Lingayats: traruol'8,1Z8. S. 413- Kites: 58 \ • Local funds. 28Q. S. 4(;6, Ki.rva.r.t • Ltahman Sl1b-d!\'18lWl, 1l5. Locusts. 426. aochra : Village"af (i D. 6(0). 192 note 4, 35,4 Lohamis: traders, J21, 171. note 2 S. 439 not.. 1. .--' Lohaf.ra I blacksuutha. 125, 141. Xokam In\lIJl.X'--_.g6stocn, 87, S~ ron,,&., 'll, ...... oat41 !IU'~"'. 14- Xokll's ~st,an ma.«>BS, 3\ .. Love bird Karia. w:. Xol'-y"ck temples a.t, 344- Lutruull • otters, &c., 4-1. Kolif!< i27, 128~ 171, Dongn. 131. Aohiuda, WIld dUb'S, 45. .M. Konkanaath . sec Chltp'" aus, Machhva.: a small bollot, 371. S. 435. !roilini MusalmaUB: 1M, 132, 171. 1rUclia.l ~ hill, 4, 8, 345. E {J\thbs wea~ers, 125 S.415. Magple : 'claail of umi", '!2 Jr\tltu.l .•,.1> dh'JSlOD, 3S7, t.l>wn, !nsto"Y, lon, 4G5. M,agazme a MaIlUlu. 2!il. l\,udMdllshkar It Er'hellVl 8\1t. dnmon, 4U. Malul.devgad . fort, 465. XW.\au ",e Tltu! Ma.hmud IL: BalunjUU (15OOt, 321 Xr 1\'IH l!C,-, bOll, U4. Mahmud Gavan' minister (1470). l~f. K1~f.~ ·~.l{u>l. "",,~us:Lh;'alls. MahlUl: sack of, 194 ""'KtIlifigi : sOO Dhtlrekal"l. Xuhth ' p.w.e ,ariHy, 147_ Mahipatgad r fort, 4, 84.3. town, 345. Kulkar;is' heredlwy Village aOOoulltllJits, 140. Malul.pral· IYIahauan. 118. ~02; (1818j, 222 S.448. Makara.ndgad 4. KumbMrs. potters. 126,141. S. 4~5. Ma.nna.tgad . fort, 346. Kumbharb., hill pailS. 166.169, 324. Mala' h,1l1'''''6, 1611. 178. 3il Xunbis. ()ultiv"tors, 121, Hi!. Malabll.n pIrates, 342, :;;.l uok ~ hlll pass. 166 KUlldi ~lJd.r point ,jt nVl't' "i .. ~t .:.,a.,. narlI~. ih. .t Kupicha. Dougar [,j,.,.., vi _··~ .. "t. 40<>­ note 4 Kusada, .30. Males' rroportlOu of, 108. Malet tomb of !\irs.., 322. Mabk Ahmad. (1490), l!14 Mallk.u1.l'll,Dar a Bahtulloll1 clue{ {I·!.flll, :1I". t abOUT f""f~cl, 140; mnrtgage 0/, J({,~ - s..-~3I). Malik X>\.fnr {I'W'\, llYT Labourmg cla.811cS 1.18. S. 4:)0. !ran l·Kh~.,t r,ce ""'1, 1 H Lag cattle dl$eaS9, i61. Malis cult" "t"rs, 1U La.kes n. S 389, 467, .t(J8. Malvan: euh·,jn13lOnai ~~C1UlOt, 2, 313·31S: Laklutm Savant· (1641'.1655), 44Q.. toW1l, 172; trade (1818), 117, ..u.l.oo:n. (htl"~"', Lamans see Vanl"ns trade, 185, port., export. and 11II}'('I1"., 186; Lfmd: mve~'.""'nt Ill. 1(;6; transfers vf, 162; ceSSl6l1 of (1812', Ill::!; den."twA of the "am.. , how melll!ur(1,l, 164. S. 429,449. 346 not-. 4: population, tJ ... ~u. runnuf:u.ilU""', Land admInistration changes, sto.ff, tenures, health, hIstory, forl, 346· 3-:;.l. revenue settlement hlst""y, 200 -262. S. staff, MaIvaIlJ Imat"", 1'17.3.>0 and hOte 9, ;)51, :1.8. admlDistratlOll, tenuloo, sarvey, wards' e..tat..", Mandagara.. pr"bableldolltJ6wtlOh 0/, 19'.! lloW3; 448-451. • 3l!J.352. Landholders foul' clwses of (1818),225·230- Mandangad . lori, 4, S;;Z LarJe· town. reD>AUlII, 129,315. • Mandelslo. tra,dlel (ltiJ91, 330. 341. Lapwmg. cl .... s·of blnh, 91. Mango trees. 37. ,$9, INDEX. 4i7

Mangs' 130, 219, Mnsope.1l1l l'robaWo iJenhli'r,t."n of. 19J lI(}t.. ~ Manohar tOl t, hlst"ry, 445, 4G6, Muzins, p .. n)"bl.. ltl.. utlllcatlOli {Jf, J':;:! !W·lllot". Mausantoeb fOJ t, 467 M111a8' cws of bllfiH, Sol Manufactures, sue rndustn~8. Manyiii" o""l.e, 50, N. q :r.lara.thas cultlvator , I::!;!, lJO, 24" S. 414, N achni l r.,p. II i S. 425. '(2ri Nag .uaku. l:,) Mare Joshi l'.f1lar PllPst. J.lO "",' lIoa~hfti. llh,rk a ZUl" weIght. 4:11 noto 2 Nlhfitis Gtll ...."t Arab .!!dttkrs. 133 lint" 1 MarvadlS traders, I:!l, lj\l. Nlindl1B (",t, 351 Mashalchls' t.'rch.b".rurs. 41~ Nanagtma' prol,~hle ltl<1llfil,,,,.tt""l l, ",'0 ,.,i'_ 2. Ma.suns 1~.;. Nanll. }'a.drua il7.!()·I~O()I, ·l:!l. Masura town, I·lwtlfl""t.lon oI, '1:;2 and note S. Narl1vlI> 1.,11 I'M", loti MIlUlyas (, D. Ii \1), 19'1 Navautte' t,..,.~U", (11"Il), .lJI) Me.lns of Communication ..... R,,,,I~ .. NeTlll' pl.. ,·o 01 lIlt""'.t, 41.7, Med.8urE's ~L"(I ,y (,l&..l~ - 11; ::wt~1\S.Uh"3 J. -lij ets JO:!. -~ v ...... :... ~ __ • ~11't-a 3..1d C'\.pi.'lllhturo of, 27i, Nevra.' temple a',-SiH n.nne. '2~! Newspapers ::!\Il. Morean tlle Classes : see Traders Nbl\vlS ~ 1 '~'''' U7 a •• a n(JIe t. I t2. S.41!'i, Meta.! work. 188, NilUil'l Atl,a'lMIiH (I 1'0) }{', ••"" t,,,,eli.,.', 321 M"nangin a .;hlm~ \'<'ssel, IiI. NlghtJars d._ nf l, r : '. {'3 :tf.. b.ars "31st., of, 1~'9. flll.>ge 8e. vanta, "'ppt'r grant Nitra p.rot.. ~bJ'l l.d,-,nt.d,'~t.!lln o~, 1 (l.! Hute- J, 3,M t ... , 1-10, l~.:!, ~!l, t)Ol"'o~el'~, HH, ~HH8), 223 Alld note 2. anI D,.te 3 , (18,l), ~40. S.418, Nlvti tov.u, t()~oj J&!. Mlgratlon . J t:} S. 422 MIl12 f1kMll baw, IS9. 2S8 0: 1 Sel Vlee p.,I'!!OUS engag,"{ ill a11(\ Occupation l'O9 S. 403- peusIOners, 11)';, 130,14.3, 160 Octrol dnflll ~81 MilitaryexpendIture 277 S. 4:;" Offences DntnrJi!f t.Jt: ~jl, :.'73 MiliZlger18' probable ldentIliCl.ltlOll uf, 1 q:l note Ob'uby :t'<)gral'h~t (lU~lli, 1]\ 3::.0 I.C,t{. 5. 3-11,. I 3, 348 note 4 J41. If.. Jlt'! ala !'''' 31, 317 S, 4'H Oll.s<'eds culu"'" ", "f I ,,~. MlUlVete <.1 ..... of ;HI' I., iO 4>l.owl1c1lra. • probable Idelltlfi~tloll of, 1'1'2 note 3. Mu'aSl' "'fhar hndholder, l:lll OmelLB 12» nute I. M:trya.. pi",... of Interest, 3:JS, Orders. (ADIllm!.) C"[llIV~I'" 44. Iu.ed,1' ,'r', U i MlBslon . Soutch, 135. .. l)nnh'tte-.s, ~, B ...viBntm, ,,<-), Uu~('.. d1tl.l. ~j M\tj:8.'lMtt ...,!t::.i"l..c •• ,I'2.'i S.413. Orders lL-',-ru.) (J om It,)"", G,'i -S7, (1111 d ,"'... Jj~ i.ll> llI.<'lloy.klldors S. .b-9 9G t In~c~f:.,lH' s, 61-84, Nl:&t:!.t~l""'$, 9u - 9Y,. lilotaJ..ey'S .. hnt'lta <\111' hOIUh,t, 4J RAi.tnloS, 54·60; 1'''''01'''', 87 ·8~. "M'l'fOpant \1.. ,,,·,11 :n,. (ii."))' 114 "ute I. Ore metalhc, J\l3, non, 401. Movela,.,.". . 14.1. S 422 Orioles dM' of bmLs, 76 3ZO, 3JO. :).>1 nut} nut... 1. 3G:~ il("'1.t, Mosques 380 Orna.ments 1l1,,,,,tmout.m, ISS. S.4W. 1 S. 4 193, readel'8 and Wlltura (1872), 28.. S. 420, PBlll v!l4.. ",. 8,).1. 4:;9, ,)lal'atha clu~r., 193 now '1. S. ~9 Mnsla. I hee Bulk.t nut", 2. 478 INDEX

Pan Il Milar SIJb'Ulvl"",n, 417. S. C;lURUS (JIl44.1&51, 1872),407; d\\enm~. fooel. Paud wel1.llre<:>f, 164 dreilH. ornaments, holiday", tmc of, 19,1 ">lce, 4{}S.420; town &I1d co,mt!y popuut'"".4-21 l\hHlavgad' fort, 351, 355. r .... deJ1! &nd wrlt~l'll, 4»9. Pallmvad ' sJ1al!.e, 49. Ports Ratndglrl, 3::;6. Panthal . rICe ~0I1, 144. Poet 173; receil)ts ItD,l expenulture, of 2i7. S Panther. 42, 44. 4.35 'Pants' WllJ!helmen, 127, 142 S 415 Pottery. 188, a'R. rarpoh . hill pa.sR, 1116 '""\ not" 2, 169 S.38S, Prabhua K "Yallth, liS. S. 412. 397,433. t,... ~{I81<1r. 436, Prachitga.d, 000 Uchltg.t.l, P;ir11l8 ",r&4, 171. Prasldcfrg... d fort, 467 PR-r"~Uram 1'00(18 dug h). 321); 1t',II'eodaIY story Pri(.ts 1":; S.4'11 oI, 355 n>lte 4. _---- - Prunates Nder ui .. ru.ll<,l ..... 4~ l'arasllllram Cilltrll, an J."",a·'1LG(t'..erll, HI, 3M. I Ptolemy t~5<)I.:,l9, 3.>2, :J7\l. Pll1aslmrcim EMu l'... t'I'ardhr;.ll (l'ii'7J.. llL_~ ~ ~""llvat. w~_..,.j.-'~4, \!M ParashuraDi . inn ~>8, 167. I Pulses: cult1vatlQD of, 141 \13, - Pa.sses • 166 and Dote 2, 355. S. 388, 433. Pupils. casto of (1879),284 • P'!.t . place of intereot, 467. Purangad : exports and lDlf'{Jrtli {Jf, I Sf.> Ill"''' (,t Putharvats stone hewers, 125. mtet"g~, 356. l'avas l't'rt, 355. . Pt'acock 87. Qu.ails . dASs of hlT(ls, 8S· 8\"\ Pcnnekar' Q Shenl"! sub·d!vislOl\, 41Jr. QuartziteB Kaltidgt, 13.15. "'Y~ll(lT'T~ ---ui1r(" -y r ~ Perq'.nite8 . barbt'fll, 127 nc,k 1 . Bo. ,llersollal iervants . 127. .RaM' alhlVlal lOll, ]4". l'enpluB (u>. 2(7), 174, 319, 3;.>2,378. Raghulllhh Sannt. (18~7), 447. l'evl\ 'ati.kdl~cRS", 2~4 Ralls d,~,s "Hutls. 94. 'l'hftTjallS . cllltlvators, T24. I Rainfall 21 S. 399. Pha,(,emari a large vessel, 171. I Ra'J kot fort, a:H, 362. Phonda' trap V&l'1lltICa of, 1&; hIli pa&B, l66 and I RaJa-plll' tnvtc (1b49), 175; trade (1818), l77. note 2,169,832,343,353, tlad" (l8~tll 180, 358;Portn4'I~;;evlctory at, 196- l'hon-d SaVCt.n~.a.>~~"'''~Q. _. note 7. l'L~, ~ of luterest, prp"l"JH-,n. tu.. ! ..,:. .. \11.) ,,(1709.1,3;).4AO.44T,~ ---~,u"• .h=-.. hwldu'lC". nlU1u~'I' ..llty. ""'tct " UII.). " (llj06-IS12), 448. I supfJlj, hl~t"'y, for!', I.. ~tory, :J.57·:l62 " (IV.) : fI (1867 .IS6!}), 447 RaJ puts mo""'ni!~f1I, J~i! Physical Fea,tures Bee A.pect Rakhan cowher.i,4H . .i'!e1'l'6 Almeyda.. Portugueoe Viceroy (1746), :l49. Ram: lull pas,., J66. S. SS8, g~,M~y oi, 39'.:. Pigeons' 85.' RamoshlS ",.tLhmcn, 129, 21'1. Pipit.. ~B of birds, 80. .. Ramgad fort, 362. _':hra,te (.oast ,(A.D 150) 105, probable ,dentlfiea. Randpar , l'l.. ~e of.mteroot, 3&'2. tJcon -,j, pID-coo on the, 1'12 n(.te 3. Ean.gaxis d) .. rs, 12,;. 1'11'acy. TulaJl's, 338, Satlgame.~L,ar N<4lk's, '141. Ra.l1gna. lull F>""', lull. ,Pnduka' glass bend nook.iac{>, 419 and noto 3. Rangna. s..c Fchlt",.,\, S.467. 1'lrkham old rupee, 426, Ilnd nc6, 104 IlO, Jpt"d. of lImJu., Mu•• umAns, Ihce ,ulhn,,,," of, 147; var,etl,' vi, 147 /lvt<-o 1 .1-'" ar,d elm.han". 111·135; vt1lll!"'8, hOIlNeo, S 4~.j.. '1M lI~bes I 4. 25 note 1. ~ tl,rlOlullltl€o;, mUYell1cnts, J36·14J; 84,.111, Rl vers (l·1I S. 3I!8. ll'l"1gatl.ltl, huldWgA, sh1t\k, ("'r~")p$. cultivators, Roads (lS;,1·11>80),167·169 S.433. fold{ St'At

b ,(igf"~J lAfl:t~ht)uSGd, fernes, 8hlpplngJ hbht .. Roller the lucl, .... , '

to. JUtie.", P\)~t, t£'It'J1aph, Ibu·J7.j f trrvi(' RlldradalJlaD kJ1)~ (d. P. IJ!)h l q~. ('2'4.7-1~~O\, t~lpl"'A~ ~ FH11,.,.) '-lowl lmpo~, lI.muI1llUtla. . 4-G. "'ml~1 • t t~lde. t{{t~.J.!" 11( St.a tr0·1818), Erltish (1818 lS~v;, IfJ'2~lq~, .1. fl\(lSlhon, Sl\.hyadn.

clangt"!S cloud ,staR, tt'nl1~. hl~tl}ry l f lanellt..' enuo Itl -ttJemeut, (ae""k-lIU reports) 200-2bJ' Judlt,.,tJ,l SIl.!_rtidri Kha.nd II! note 2,11", 3i2.,

f hf.T~{.!..'::; ",,"'I~, Clnl ;lIlt1 c..~ 1Dlll"k'l1 Jn~t'lt", CJ\ II Salls, """veIB, 1:)5

rourt sf 'tus'bcs, all~'trat.llJ~1 • II lrt. reg..etr&tlOn., Salva hill );eoJ,).,CJc.,l f,)rlllatlOll ('f, 14. tnnunal jH,':ItJ(!G. -.tottf vrul.L ...... ~ [>1.. Lt\. j ,lid, ~btl· manllIacture of, 140, l~{',"pt. and expenditure ':::4 hl.I41t{'( tJl~~td, l\k.dl bt "_, l ,1 If J. f-.1, 0' c,", p"'" ~-IS S 4J8, 4:,5 .r;;) bJ I I!Id_b' 11s, j>upth 4,tliu e atll'n, 8ta.t~ ...... "", .:" Iclll!t!l.Jl : enpt1u.., (lr Kallblta and, (1690), 11.1 ~ett!'''''~. sd,)o] of llldui!tJ~. t.""n :l' t'tILl!!, ~Utht.:.)n, hlJr.l..nes, ne,\\gp~\pt)~, _l.! iii J S m,l'A 311.373. - ~k/-3lt; , pld~("'" 01 tLW,Ht d: '4 ,! S'llld SPits 1,1. Ratn!l.gll"l rIVeI ~ " S.illd JI RpdJ fort hl'tvry antI co~v '. _',,71 £i&Wi }llpers clar.s of blhlll, 91. Reda.J1Jl un~e of, 336 " Bangars "eavel'8, 123 .Redshaw ~<:la.s oJ blId~L93. R ,1 'mhal t>l...... <)\ tn'",,"t, 467. Rllgi>tl!1.tion ::;U, receIpts ."\,1 expendIture, Xl SdrpatolJ >r,.,~e, 49 6 l..>J, ·r~l ~aravda8 r. "II'" 1> I,,,, I(IU' , 1~ t. ~lIglo\lS b~g6ltrs . 131. Snl'1ekot I,)rt, q,:;!, .1;3 Rest-h(llues Wei S "''' SJ,;1tlkar V"lSh:oa "},G~ '" J" Return· Ratni",n nl,,,)], 21>5.L~;. Satavh place ofmklo&t, 3H Fe.. enue and FWilnCtl ..... L..I .... ~. "" .... t Savants t"",ttes wnh KvtJulpur and blO, ,98 ~e settlement. ll.Jl1mr 11'10'1. 8h •• '" • Sav,).utvll.di Town. populatlOll, hade, I.ile, (.,.to 'if':"-~'"""I....q", LL "I'-~J) S·d' (1"H')- :" il",:;;:...m clJl ~I 1)0. , 1 l a fjo;o'7- 144), !till! -ihVlRl )n~. 467 -468. ~lg"I .. ,(l7.g -"'-b"".'~(17;;6.1S1~) lli 2l!l..>--' _g,.lUJ> .... ~.t"l1l>-. BL1ti8h ~n(jlJl'1I· d,~1 ""\J~"'"1i-'Ir.I.:u.~ 1Uti r SavItrl fl\t;:.r, b, !!1Y7. nI1l~Qc,t'.tf(ISI',),I ... "rwntntdva;md,"""c,','nt., I SrarClty Y25), Schools: Dumber and .taff, 2R2, gnls',!:!Sa; hl!(h. 130 .'3-;, ou.. ·vPY (1827 11030), ststv of the dl.tnct venllwular, and Illdu"m.t!, 2"8:J; Pll\ "w, IlSJIj·!840) ,Om-Vl)' pt~p').ed (184.5 ·18.51 1, t apt, ml•• ,,,n, Y .,he, 2&:) ·2')!) S, 4J,S. \Ymg.. tp 0 report (1851" suney detelmlU.. a on Sl'amen . earlllngs of, 170, 172. (1851), e~,enrD"Dt ..l.u",ey (18~11..llne) (l '''\&1, Sea trade: 170, 172; early, !Ixteellt'., 88\'00' ;lU"\q ot"ppt.d (lb;:.f)), .t.. te of the

~rVftlll1 . ~ 'llagt, 139. Sut1rs: oarpantcT3, 125, )-11. S.410 Sha.lt1s· . 14, 1" Snb·diVl8ional accounts sr"", "'pect., clun.. ",. Shag ,C<' ('OTml)rn... t. "atar, aOll, ~Lock, produce, 1"'01,1 .. , 29b:.3lJ Sluistri r. ""T. 8. 30;t Suvarn.durg CU\ll;(,mi •.h,i".)Q, IS1, fort, h,et&ry, Sha.stri· head, "h",OUS ('illen. 141. 3::'S.340,3:t. .... Shel tI·,.,.t IIt".i, 42:; Subordlna.te Judges 267. Sl,enVlIJ . a UIJJillV.11 suI> Jlviswn,lHi; JlPcuhlmtJef:l SWAllows: ('lASe of blrda, 61. "I dl"J .. ct of, 116. n(ltp 6 S ..\1 C Sw1fts cl"",~ (If I.mi ... 1:i2. ShetH!.S h~"dmcn. lIS, 142, 191. SyenrLe : .304. , ~her . sh.~ of, lG4. S.432. Sheep 41) T. Ohtlr1 ' . a. .peo;;,1 tcnura, jl5'J Tadap "lh.,)"kya klllg 1970) . 1<.(ll I' :18) , Sh~PP1!l,l; ...... "shn",.te in, I5S Ta.mar r"e 1 "hJ~ 1Jevg ... !, 1.1:1 ---8hU:.I(e Mi\l'f.thn ('hl..u ({ohiO), 1114- I TliJ.. lJ:il.. ~. c h"'''l''- Shlvali !lr.59).l9f., ,,3o, 335 note 3; Im"g" ". : l':tulbol1 .. ; bet,,1 Belleon., l~!;,. 350; .,iV. 3;7, 380 '.to 'L.1tllS 27r~ Shopkeepers VtlIage, 181. ~ T~k ;:, wth "f, :l.!, ;:6, 2'l7. Shnkes . (,9· iI h Te ..l!s . f'l1\r-olJ. 01 hUll'i, ~r:. I.. ~ SJdhga.:\ t{)['t, 373. /l\;1ef lPrh 17:!. ~UL""""lIlr, 11ll). ~ccul'. atltl Silhil':S the G'la. (1100),193,194. r'l}, ,"hl" "l.} ... '7 Slimadal 1l1onkeys, 42. , ~~ ...~~w.<·"r'" 1:~,142 841s,. Sinhdev a Devgm Y~d .. v (HOO}, 1~'1. !'dc f"." ,I. " U S.4(10. ,iol,nd.h:ndllrg' f"tt of, 34.9.352,373. ...,;... ':' w ",:;'" '.,7, :l.!..!, 3S-t, 1311,34'2, 3H, 34~. ~P. :illtJreAr <-1 ....'18 of bu 0.., GS , \.,. 1. J ...', \, 3.:;6, 362, 36:'1, :172, 383. ~ ..u.i.l·pOX <;IO'? ~ • ':{;itl>::lt: j It'- d;,q$CJj <.f. 205; Khoh' L)ww, lliakes, harmless wl.ubrmt', 4S; venomo", t 20' .2 r • • • _ :_ t'fllubnne, 4!J : YJ~Plln(' ~ 1)1). ' Tenll;e1i .'\I:l 213. sr"'C"1. 9.4 ~V. l5. {ill Snake bud. the t" I, "), ml, .'.• ---" -.!1'.. ~"o:t..~· T, 3<11; Suipe . d,,~s of l'Jrd~ lli. i '!P-l':M ,"' , Soil 144. S 3\19,42:' l11ll.Jm.Ts nr.,... Ul.·,1 tnl ",. 1.\0 SI 4~o. Sonars gvldsnuths, 125, 142. S.415.· I Thevenot tra"sl1er (lll/j:t). 3M. Sp9.rrOWll 84 Tbrnr.h ~l'L" of ImJ. 72. Springs: hot, 21 ; jntenmttel1t, ~?< I '.,.. ,; 'tl.l.i;1]er t.lln"lI.·r (1750). 3.'\4 note 3. ~~~ja a.n.d..4o\x-1V'l ..ul .. t<..... ~, 276. j TIl.,. 'h(';,l, ....-Ate.Lmers 1;0,3(,6. ~il.i.n TP Co', 3t-9, geuloglcal fQrtn~t.v~ 0' 11'0 ~~i ! ~ a; .-,ll\,~ of,93. to e ·ld,3\).... htmts .

-Stock' 41, 1W ;.a. 49l\ III[ I 1.~ -.r-~ ~ Hi t." BO StoDe . the Vala\'al and Allen, 40L ~ 'i.~'V"r. \ r ,..,,1.1')lJ { ~,C1ut I} t.rU If4.")iCa, )1';6. StcTma 23,231. • Tolls I b:l 5.' '.... • Storks cl"~8 of bt.d" 94. Topa.tolJ. ; '''l~gC!,w,l idcutlfi'''Itlt)1l of, 192 f).ote.\ T Su.bll.erial forutations : 19. 8.'398 I 333 not~ 1. ;:Iuo'ruvll5ions 2: o\,{ (l1l1'!), 219 ..nd note 4. Towns ca.pture of r..~tnagm, 1l811<), 108.19". Sugar-cane' crut,,'atlOD of, 148; ManntlUII, Ha, Trade' early, slxtucnth ce"tury-'lDer< h"Dt~., llote ves~~ls, ,route" unpurts, ,,~p\Jrte ~ ,",vent...nth SUldre . boars, &L 45 centnry, condJtwn vf the du;,t""t (J (70); Suliman . ear!) Arab tra.veller (SlOt, 11!l. elghtecnth century, Illnete"nth century. exp",-t. Suma.rga.d fort"4. 373- (181~1. "h,-f ma.rte (18IS); develo/Jll\l'nt. preaent SIll1d&rvli.d.i.~ see SavAntva...h. 8'''' til, <.onruttotl of tl'a.tle. traders, eXI"'rt.I, Surnames Ch,tpavl\n, 111 note 11; :-Iar"tha. 123. itnport~, thn,uJh t1a

VengtU'!a. 1mb l.:j\t.:5Wh.u "' t"l ~t. 9. Uti 1 tin, Trade glUlda ('JI. Trllders. Ilti.Ul, 178. 1~ 18'>. 186,1'17, M;. :!b" 17<'lha,I"\166i.l,, 1;'>.t·Mde,I"791.I:!I. I, ,.' Trap l'ecoJ&l1. 13. J 5· f7 S 3~ • dlVl&lfJll. <.-"(portA lnd t ~ll/Ot~WS t f. ~"'7 ... ~'t, Trapdykes 17 S.393 l)-181hon, 1)t,1palah.'l1.. t. \.1'.' (,Hi'n" 1 'At'. !". Treane8 3."1. S. 440, 441 442. 444 n.l1\D "btHUent... hHtt1f", t'Ol.;o TreeR 34-40; f~,t. 37 . iI'luor YluJ"lmg, S4 Jo; Vengurla. ieal.'OD I, ,j ...~ lOud Ornallielltal. ~·40. t\lilb~r. 3ti. S. Venetua " ..", to \lf7tl ). \;,.. 4-'1.4\)4 VelnBCtUa.r IIChooli st..t,.ItUI .,1. ~1II} Tribes (Alumals) Rummart", 46, (Bh'ds) VesselJi salIm". I;II.I;! n.u ..... ,f. \72 Ur'., C'lIllrostres, 61. ()ulhrUl!tres, W, nelltlr08trell, \ e~ p.lgll.l '-t Tot! 6!l: FisslJ'ostres, 6! ; Lat.t.o ...... !IJ; r..uuelbroott">$ VctjJ uHa~c' !f t~~ lrl~U~'iI\ ,,1), 8;1. 9'i Long,rostr... , in • MLrgJtOl'llE, 118, P1lI4... tor .... Vlll~,~ 110; til"'" d6 '" "'. a'l 'Il .... vI ~J. FreSStrnc1.1( 'I, \#(1; SCatlS(\f\.b, 66. T(.[,otIuS­ 201 S t'" t· ••, ',8: Vag" O"l', \l~. V~lh,ge oon.tll ~\t1.e8 ~ee \..~ -ttlllllHlt .. Tul:>s f,m at, 4t.~. "',- a ",e b"b.t: ~..,Jl [ ~It!,-I,,\ ,11 1~ bu'ft ,1" .... .t Tnr pulae van~ty. 148. I ~ II Tural bot .pMD?5 at, !!l < ill ,." " . i ~' \' Ct ... te I ~,' f.." •• Tllfannosboaa. pOll.,,' of \,.. '" ". J 1! , {1\ l ~"·ul t,.) Mt~ 3. 360 not.> 2 4~ lJ. UCld put .... yan~ty. 141> I, , HUlil) ,..,.,..t". (<'It, hI t.~)I}. l~fl 1"'11 UllUldl ,malt boat. 17 I " 'J I '{. d r 1 t. ,,~'4 UJldi I "0. "-, .1~ Vlk. ,uu..ll:ya !IV) a' h l~~\ .. k'".;dl·v' '\I. U 11ul.1e ,I>(retu hI! ,)" .... , 10tJ ,rder 01 ,'" .. Ungulata. ~~ _'" rHi~ (j\tt i.!At. ~~ .4-, t' n settled tn'lies l.lI ~"l>!\l-'. 1~'H""flllr.i!t,~ 51 Upr18 ye.u-ly kLalk~ It,3 tT, .til,.. 1 C~"'. U' 41. /~ ... " W V "'..~'\r (ft\.l,,·~ .....~ltHltl~ ~p 1 &('cllllltion >tat, t • , .:;'i - 'Il ""'1.""" '-J j., ~30 1 a.dlis, l.amlbt..,. 1 o. W.J.1' \!, Ii ,t,'Vi ~r lm'-~ltl iJ!t 7' .. ~r a.d'irs wOV.. i .... 1ltt...... L~ Wa.ter works Lt.,!,! .. , 1', H '. -. .un.. .H7 't.dI •.., Savant,' d.h R"'JJ.pLU, '\~9 ~:atl\.1~.pl1 1bt v V~~ pI"" ,I mur.... ' < 1 '1"'·:":t l.;J':!ply ~O. ' e.lpUla", JiS

Vaghot,.ll no.... 'II,'. ~,t ;1 't~'-":~'!::.-"'''' .. 1; I ('i,m. ~~"'-""1 "'4.1jH~. Mf- jl t ,,?rl 't r. 'i! S; 11'~ , '~V._,ht.· all't !.red,\UeS S. J..; !aJvJ&S ... _ -'<>.,.\l.~~ .. ~-,"\. , aJa..Iltr_, n'UIIC1...W! tl "i ~""T,o-t·\ U ," ... , 1 P .~q (l7 V aiitl : nner nn 'ar, 7~ • ))1 notio W ,,,: 1l.l.1Wlls 4! 4" s ... '" Vtlavda ~})1 'H.-e flY ~tt .. ~t if:9 lli".:udpeckeTi 0.1 ...... of b".I. 'h VILllM traJ,l'O. 413 ll~ S Worm. _~.I! Val1.Jtl.lIs gram o.'''le ... 131 Wntollu !1a S 412 VHad lake. ll. Van c"I'avatwo ll. 14;. "r1et.:ka (" n .... l ·1 O'I\.r ~!'~ ~ ':); t I, -"'. tV' I I ,t '~"" J I I \. \,tI:.')~I,"}ot7 Varthema traY..ller f 1 :.o.~ I 3'~ Varkaa upland i!Oll, 14;' S' 1 7 V~i&ht1 rIVe!, 6.8, ~7•• ~~~. \ 'j y,,1 ~'~I!) s :'1(I-bl YUII! A