J Gastroenterol (2019) 54:837–844 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00535-019-01604-7


Eosinophilic : novel concepts regarding pathogenesis and clinical manifestations

Stuart Jon Spechler1,2

Received: 16 June 2019 / Accepted: 9 July 2019 / Published online: 24 July 2019 Ó The Author(s) 2019

Abstract This report explores two hypotheses regarding treated in emergency rooms [6], and EoE healthcare costs (EoE): (1) that the use of proton in the United States alone exceed $1 billion annually [7]. pump inhibitors (PPIs) might contribute to the pathogenesis of EoE by preventing peptic digestion of food allergens, by increasing gastric mucosal permeability to enable gastric Potential role of proton pump inhibitors in EoE absorption of those undegraded food allergens, and by pathogenesis causing microbial dysbiosis, and (2) that EoE, like eosi- nophilic , might have mucosal-predominant The cause of the recent appearance and dramatic rise in the and muscle-predominant forms, and that the muscle-pre- frequency of EoE remain unknown. Proposed explanations dominant form of EoE might cause a variety of esophageal include: [8] (1) the hygiene hypothesis, which holds that motility disorders including achalasia. modern hygienic conditions have resulted in fewer child- hood infections that would have protected against allergic Keywords Proton pump inhibitors Á Achalasia Á disorders such as EoE, (2) modern western lifestyle chan- Esophageal motility ges and early life events have resulted in microbial dys- biosis (altered composition and diversity of the microbiome) that predisposes to EoE, (3) modern changes Introduction in environmental factors (e.g. genetic modifications of and chemicals added to crops, livestock treatment with hor- Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a modern malady that mones and antibiotics, food additives, food processing and was not recognized as a unique clinicopathologic syndrome packaging changes, air and water pollution) contribute to until 1993 [1]. Since then, its frequency has soared, espe- EoE pathogenesis, (4) H. pylori infection, which can cially in Western countries such as the United States in induce regulatory T cells that might protect against EoE which the prevalence of EoE (50–100 cases/100,000 per- and other allergies, is declining in frequency, and (5) there sons) now is similar to that of ulcerative [2–5]. EoE is an increasing frequency of gastroesophageal reflux dis- has become the most common cause of food impactions ease (GERD), which can impair esophageal mucosal integrity, thus enabling mucosal penetration of food anti- gens that trigger EoE. For gastroenterologists, perhaps the most intriguing hypothesis to explain the appearance and & Stuart Jon Spechler increasing incidence of EoE relates to the use of acid- [email protected] suppressant medications, especially the proton pump inhi- 1 Division of and Center for Esophageal bitors (PPIs) [9]. Diseases, Baylor University Medical Center, 3500 Gaston The rise in the frequency of EoE has closely paralleled Avenue, 2 Hoblitzelle, Suite 250, Dallas, TX 75246, USA the rising usage of PPIs over the past several decades [10]. 2 Center for Esophageal Research, Baylor Scott & White While this association alone cannot establish cause and Research Institute, Dallas, TX, USA 123 838 J Gastroenterol (2019) 54:837–844 effect, the proposed mechanisms whereby PPIs might One brief report has challenged the hypothesis that PPIs predispose to EoE (discussed below) seem quite plausible. predispose to EoE [23]. That report, which was a post hoc PPIs are an established treatment for EoE, and it might analysis of a study on the prevalence of EoE among seem paradoxical that these same agents have been patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy at a implicated as pathogenetic factors. The mechanisms military hospital [24], described no significant difference in underlying the therapeutic effects of PPIs in EoE are not the frequency of current PPI usage between patients with clear, but probably are related to control of any underlying EoE (15/25 patients, 60%) and those without EoE (239/360 GERD that might be exacerbating the condition, and to the patients, 66%). There also was no significant difference in ability of PPIs to inhibit Th2 cytokine-stimulated secretion the prevalence of EoE among PPI users (15/252, 6%) and of the potent eosinophil chemoattractant eotaxin-3 by nonusers (10/131, 7.6%), and no increase in the prevalence esophageal epithelial cells [11, 12]. The proposed mecha- of EoE in patients on high dose PPIs [23]. Although the nisms whereby PPIs might predispose to EoE pathogenesis authors concluded that their findings did not support a are entirely different. pathogenetic role for PPIs in EoE, their study cannot refute Normally, acid produced by gastric parietal cells and such a role for several reasons. Study subjects were patients pepsins produced by gastric chief cells begin the process of having endoscopy for upper gastrointestinal symptoms, and hydrolyzing food proteins. Consequently, ingested proteins most were taking PPIs. Even if PPIs played a role in EoE that are potentially allergenic can be hydrolyzed in the pathogenesis, there might well be no difference in the rate stomach into harmless peptide fragments. Such peptic of current PPI usage between patients with and without digestion requires acidic conditions, and pepsins have little EoE in such a symptomatic population. Furthermore, the proteinase activity at pH levels above 4.5 [13, 14]. When investigators asked only about current PPI usage, not about PPIs raise gastric pH to those levels, food allergens that remote exposures to PPIs that might have triggered the normally would be digested in the stomach can remain development of EoE. intact. Furthermore, PPIs increase gastric mucosal perme- Finally, the immature immune system of infants might ability through mechanisms that remain unclear, poten- be especially susceptible to dysregulation by medications tially enabling gastric absorption of the undigested food like PPIs that affect food antigens and the microbiome, and allergens [15, 16]. Undegraded, allergenic peptides that there has been a dramatic increase in infant PPI exposure in escape gastric absorption also might induce an immune this millennium. Between 2002 and 2009, there was an response when they reach the . In addition, 11-fold increase in the number of new PPI prescriptions for PPIs might enable the survival of microorganisms that pediatric patients under 12 months of age [25]. A recent normally would be destroyed by gastric acid, causing case–control study exploring associations between early microbial dysbiosis that might mediate mucosal inflam- life factors (e.g. Cesarean delivery, antibiotic and acid matory responses to facilitate the development of food suppressant use in infancy, breastfeeding, etc.) and the later allergies [17–19]. development of EoE in children found that the use of acid Data from animal and human studies support the con- suppressants during the first year of life was the strongest cept that acid suppressing medications can predispose to of all potential EoE risk factors studied (adjusted OR 7.41, food allergy. Untersmayr et al. [20] noted that caviar pro- 95% CI 4.00, 13.74) [26]. Even when the investigators teins are rapidly digested by pepsin at pH 2.0, but not at pH restricted the case sample to children reporting EoE 5.0. When those investigators fed caviar to mice treated symptoms at age 3 or older (to minimize protopathic bias), with antisecretory medications, the mice developed caviar- there remained a strong association between PPI use in specific IgE antibodies, T cell reactivity and gastric infancy and the later development of EoE (adjusted OR eosinophilia. Similarly, mice that were treated with 6.05, 95% CI 2.55, 14.40). Further studies on the potential antisecretory medications and fed hazelnuts developed pathogenetic role of PPIs in EoE clearly are warranted. IgG1 antibodies to hazelnut, and some developed type I skin reactivity to hazelnut extract [21]. In a study of 152 patients treated with antisecretory medications for Potential role of EoE in esophageal motility 3 months, 10% developed a rise in IgE antibody levels, and disorders 15% developed new, food-specific IgE antibodies [22]. In another human study of 153 patients on acid-suppressant A variety of esophageal motility disorders, including medications for 3 months, 5 (3.3%) developed hazelnut- achalasia, have been described in patients with EoE, and specific IgE antibodies; 4 of those developed specific skin three potential mechanisms have been proposed to explain reactivity and 2 showed clinical signs of allergy to hazel- the association of motility abnormalities and esophageal nuts [21]. eosinophilia (Fig. 1): [27] (1) The motility abnormalities are primary (i.e. not caused by esophageal eosinophils) and 123 J Gastroenterol (2019) 54:837–844 839

A B Pro-Fibrotic Eosinophil Eosinophil Products Products Causing Muscle (e.g. TGF-β, IL-13) Contraction Esophageal Irritation by (e.g. Thromboxane B2, Leukotriene D ) Retained Material Induces 4 Production of Eosinophil Chemokines Neuroactive

Retained Eosinophil Products Fibrosis Material (e.g. Major Basic Protein)


Retained Material Retained Material Eosinophil

Retained Products Material Causing Muscle Relaxation (e.g. IL-6, IL-13)

C Cytotoxic Eosinophil Products Kill Neurons (MBP, EPX, ECP, EDN )

Fig. 1 Potential mechanisms underlying the association of esopha- abnormalities are caused by eosinophils in the that release geal motility abnormalities and esophageal eosinophilia. a Primary cytotoxic eosinophil secretory products that destroy esophageal esophageal motility abnormalities cause esophageal stasis with intramural neurons Modified illustration of esophagus and stomach retained material that irritates the mucosa, inducing secretion of used with permission, copyright, American Gastroenterological chemokines that attract eosinophils. b Motility abnormalities are Association Institute, Bethesda, MD, and figure reproduced from caused by eosinophils in the esophagus that release myoactive, reference 27 with permission from the American Journal of neuroactive, and pro-fibrotic eosinophil secretory products. c Motility Gastroenterology result in esophageal stasis with retained material that irri- improve esophageal emptying should improve mucosal tates the mucosa, inducing its secretion of chemokines that eosinophilia. (2) The motility abnormalities are caused by attract eosinophils. In this situation, treatments that eosinophils in the esophagus that release myoactive and

123 840 J Gastroenterol (2019) 54:837–844 neuroactive secretory products that disrupt motor function, sensory nerve structure and neuropeptide expression [35]. and release pro-fibrotic products that induce tissue In addition, eosinophils secrete pro-fibrotic products such remodeling. In this situation, treatments that reduce eso- as TGF-b, IL-13, IL-8, and vascular endothelial growth phageal eosinophilia should reverse motility abnormalities factor (VEGF) that can induce tissue remodeling, which caused by myoactive and neuroactive eosinophil secretory might alter esophageal motility as it does in scleroderma products. (3) The motility abnormalities are caused by [36]. Treatments that reduce esophageal eosinophilia eosinophils in the esophagus that release cytotoxic secre- should reverse motility abnormalities caused by myoactive tory products that destroy the esophageal intramural neu- and neuroactive eosinophil products, but tissue remodeling rons that mediate and LES relaxation. In this effects might be irreversible. situation, treatments aimed at esophageal eosinophilia Since eosinophils secrete products that can either excite might prevent further neuronal damage, but the motility or relax esophageal muscle, esophageal eosinophilia might abnormalities due to extant neuronal loss would be result in either hyper- or hypo-contractile motility disor- irreversible. ders. Indeed, a variety of esophageal motility abnormalities Evidence that esophageal stasis causes mucosal have been described in patients with EoE including eosinophilia. In patients with motility disorders like acha- hypercontractile disorders such as nutcracker esophagus, lasia that result in esophageal stasis, mucosal irritation hypertensive LES, jackhammer esophagus, and distal eso- caused by retained material in the esophagus might induce phageal spasm; hypocontractile disorders such as ineffec- the secretion of chemokines that attract eosinophils. If so, tive esophageal motility, absent contractility, and then the esophageal eosinophilia should resolve with hypotensive LES; and mixed (both hyper- and hypo-con- treatments that improve esophageal emptying. Although tractile) disorders such as pan-esophageal pressurization there are reports of patients with esophageal stasis due to and achalasia [28, 37–47]. Hypocontractile abnormalities achalasia who had esophageal mucosal biopsies showing appear to be more frequent than hypercontractile abnor- dense eosinophilia [28], there are few data documenting the malities [42, 44]. Studies using high-resolution manometry effect of achalasia treatment on esophageal eosinophilia. A have found esophageal motility abnormalities in 25–76% study of 50 achalasia patients who had esophageal mucosal of EoE patients [43–47] with rates of motility abnormali- biopsies before and after found that 17 ties considerably higher in EoE patients than in healthy (34%) had C 1 eosinophil per high power field (hpf) in control subjects and/or patients with GERD preoperative biopsies (median 3/hpf, range 1–21) [29]. [38, 40, 43–45]. Postoperatively, 6 of those 17 patients (35%) showed a As noted above, if motility abnormalities are caused by decrease in esophageal eosinophilia (median 0.5/hpf, range eosinophils in the esophagus that release myoactive and 0–4), but 11 (65%) showed an increase (median 7/hpf, neuroactive secretory products, then those abnormalities range 1–62). Furthermore, 11 of 33 patients (33%) with no should be reversible with treatments that reduce esophageal epithelial eosinophils on preoperative biopsies showed eosinophilia. Indeed, there are reports documenting nor- intraepithelial eosinophilia postoperatively (median 3/hpf, malization of esophageal motility disturbances in EoE range 1–15), and 4 with low-level eosinophilia preopera- patients treated with steroids [41, 47, 48]. Two reports tively had dense eosinophilia postoperatively. Thus, there describe patients with both EoE and achalasia who exhib- is little support for the concept that esophageal stasis ited a return of esophageal peristalsis and LES deglutitive causes EoE-level esophageal mucosal eosinophilia. relaxation after steroid treatment had reduced their eso- Evidence that motility abnormalities are caused by phageal eosinophilia [41, 49]. These reports strongly sug- eosinophils in the esophagus that release myoactive and gest that eosinophils in the esophagus can cause motility neuroactive secretory products. Eosinophils produce disturbances that resolve with treatments that reduce eosi- numerous cytokines, growth factors, and cationic proteins nophil numbers. that can affect esophageal smooth muscle contractility Evidence that motility abnormalities are caused by [30]. Some eosinophil secretory products cause esophageal eosinophils in the esophagus that release cytotoxic secre- muscle to contract (e.g. leukotriene D4, prostaglandin F2 tory products that destroy intramural neurons. The first alpha, thromboxane B2) [31, 32], some cause its relaxation report of an esophageal motility disorder associated with (e.g. interleukin [IL]-6, IL-13) [33], and some have dis- ‘‘eosinophilic esophagitis’’ was published in 1978 [50]. parate effects on esophageal muscle depending on experi- That report described a patient with achalasia who had mental conditions (e.g. transforming growth factor [TGF]- biopsies of esophageal muscularis propria showing ‘‘heavy b1) [33, 34]. Eosinophils also release neuroactive products eosinophilic infiltration’’, which the authors attributed to an that might influence esophageal motility. Eosinophil MBP unusual variant of eosinophilic gastroenteritis. The clini- potentiates the release of acetylcholine from parasympa- copathologic syndrome that we now recognize as EoE was thetic nerves, and eosinophils can mediate changes in not described until 1993 [1, 3] and widespread recognition 123 J Gastroenterol (2019) 54:837–844 841 of this new disorder was delayed until well into the new while patients with muscle-predominant disease present millennium. with obstructive symptoms, and those with serosal-pre- Achalasia is known to result from the loss of the eso- dominant disease develop eosinophilic ascites. EoE is phageal intramural neurons that normally mediate peri- diagnosed using esophageal mucosal biopsies that do not stalsis and deglutitive relaxation of the lower esophageal sample the muscularis propria, and so the Klein system has sphincter (LES) [51]. However, the cause of the esophageal not been used to categorize EoE. Nevertheless, studies of neuronal degeneration of achalasia is not known. In 1989, rarely obtained esophagectomy specimens from EoE investigators in Denmark described a patient who had patients have found eosinophils infiltrating all layers of the achalasia associated with a gastric adenocarcinoma that esophageal wall including submucosa, muscularis propria was treated with gastrectomy [52]. Histologic examination and adventitia [33, 60]. It seems probable that EoE, like of the resected distal esophagus revealed dense eosino- eosinophilic gastroenteritis, would have mucosal-predom- philia with immunohistochemical staining for eosinophil inant and muscle-predominant forms with different clinical cationic protein (ECP) found in all layers of the esophageal manifestations, and esophageal motility abnormalities wall. The investigators subsequently reported positive would be most likely to accompany EoE with muscular immunohistochemical staining for ECP in biopsies of involvement. esophageal muscularis propria taken during Heller myot- In support of the concept that EoE might have a muscle- omy in all of 9 patients with primary (idiopathic) achalasia predominant form, Japanese investigators recently identi- [53]. Since ECP was known to be toxic to neurons, the fied patients with hypercontractile esophageal motility investigators proposed that cytotoxic proteins released by abnormalities (jackhammer and nutcracker esophagus) who degranulating eosinophils might cause achalasia by had no eosinophils in biopsies of the esophageal mucosa, destroying esophageal intramural neurons. but who had dense eosinophilic infiltrates in biopsies of In 1994, investigators from the University of Michigan esophageal muscularis propria taken during per-oral reported finding eosinophils and lymphocytes infiltrating endoscopic myotomy (POEM) [48, 61]. Another study of the in all of 42 esophagectomy specimens 28 achalasia patients who had esophageal muscle biopsies resected from patients with end-stage achalasia, with taken during POEM found immunohistochemical staining eosinophilia involving the muscularis propria in 22 cases for eosinophil major basic protein (MBP) and eosinophil- (52%) [54]. In 1996, a study of esophageal muscle biopsy derived neurotoxin (EDN) in 24 cases (86%), and the specimens taken during Heller myotomy in 11 patients authors speculated that achalasia with eosinophil infiltra- with early achalasia documented myenteric neuritis with tion of esophageal muscle might represent a subtype of T-lymphocyte-predominant inflammation in all cases, with EoE [62]. While these reports make it clear that patients a mixture of both lymphocytes and eosinophils found in 6 can have esophageal motility disorders associated with cases (55%) [55]. A recent study of 46 patients with eosinophils in the muscularis propria but not in the mucosa, achalasia or esophago-gastric junction outlet obstruction it is not clear that the muscular eosinophil involvement in who had esophageal muscle biopsies taken during Heller those patients is allergen-driven (i.e. a variant of EoE myotomy found inflammatory infiltrates in 8 cases (17%), involving esophageal muscle but sparing the mucosa). 7 of which were comprised predominantly of T-lympho- There also are case reports of patients with partial eso- cytes while 1 was predominantly eosinophils [56]. Since T phageal obstruction caused by eosinophils invading deep lymphocyte subpopulations are involved in coordinating layers of the esophageal wall, but with esophageal biopsies eosinophil influx into tissues during allergic responses, showing only mild epithelial eosinophilia (\ 5 eosinophils which appear to underlie the pathogenesis of EoE, the per high power field) [63, 64]. One patient had esophageal admixture of T lymphocytes and eosinophils found in wall thickening so profound that esophagectomy was per- achalasic esophageal muscle in these studies is especially formed because he was presumed to have esophageal noteworthy [57]. cancer [63]. Histologic evaluation of the resected esopha- Like EoE, eosinophilic gastroenteritis is an eosinophilic gus revealed dense infiltration of eosinophils in the mus- gastrointestinal disorder (EGID) that appears to be cularis propria, especially around nerve bundles and immune/allergen mediated [58]. In 1970, Klein first pro- ganglia. In another case of a woman with rapidly pro- posed the now widely accepted clinicopathologic catego- gressive and weight loss, an esophageal endo- rization of eosinophilic gastroenteritis that is based upon scopic mucosal resection specimen showed dense the layer of the (mucosa, muscularis eosinophilia in the lamina propria and submucosa, but the propria, or serosa) that exhibits the heaviest infiltration by epithelium was spared [64]. That patient’s symptoms eosinophils [59]. Mucosal-predominant eosinophilic gas- resolved completely when she was treated with systemic troenteritis typically causes and non-specific corticosteroids, and the authors concluded that she had symptoms such as abdominal pain, and , isolated esophageal involvement by eosinophilic 123 842 J Gastroenterol (2019) 54:837–844 gastroenteritis rather than an EoE variant. However, the predominant EoE. Such biopsies require a laparoscopy or authors of an accompanying editorial commented that the POEM procedure. distinction between EoE and eosinophilic gastroenteritis is The concept that eosinophils in esophageal muscle not well delineated [65]. might underlie motility disorders has important therapeutic It has long been appreciated that eosinophils are effector implications. For one, it suggests that some motility dis- cells that release toxic cationic proteins to kill microor- orders might respond to treatments that decrease muscular ganisms [66]. Some of those proteins also can kill human infiltration by eosinophils. Furthermore, for patients with cells, including neurons. Eosinophil MBP destroys mam- esophageal motility disorders who are known to have EoE malian cells by disrupting the lipid bilayers of their because they have esophageal mucosa eosinophilia, the membranes [67]. Eosinophil peroxidase (EPX) functions as medications commonly used to treat EoE might not affect a peroxidase when hydrogen peroxide is present, but EPX the eosinophil-induced motility abnormalities. Topical is a potent cationic cytotoxin fully capable of killing steroids and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are aimed pri- mammalian cells even in the absence of hydrogen peroxide marily at correcting mucosal eosinophilia. Although there [68]. Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) and eosinophil- are reports of topical steroids correcting motility abnor- derived neurotoxin (EDN) have ribonuclease activity that malities in patients with mucosal EoE [41, 47, 48], it is not is toxic to neurons [68]. Indeed, EDN was so named clear how often these agents penetrate deeply enough to because it caused a neurotoxic reaction when injected into influence eosinophilia in the esophageal muscles. As the brains of experimental animals. Thus, eosinophils mentioned, PPIs might reduce mucosal eosinophilia in EoE infiltrating the esophageal muscle might degranulate and by inhibiting Th2 cytokine-stimulated release of an eosi- release toxic proteins, destroying neurons in the myenteric nophil chemoattractant (eotaxin-3) by esophageal epithelial plexuses and thereby causing achalasia or other motility cells [11, 12]. However, it has been reported that PPIs do abnormalities. In addition to releasing toxic eosinophil not block Th2 cytokine-stimulated eotaxin-3 secretion by cationic proteins, eosinophils have important antigen-pre- subepithelial esophageal fibroblasts [70], and the effects of senting and immunomodulatory functions that conceivably PPIs on eotaxin-3 secretion by esophageal muscle are not could contribute to the destruction of esophageal neurons known. Thus, PPIs that eliminate eosinophils from the [69]. mucosa might have little effect on eosinophilic infiltration of the submucosa and muscularis propria. Consequently, PPI therapy for EoE may appear effective by mucosal Conclusions biopsy, while eosinophils might persist in deeper layers of the esophageal wall where they continue to induce motility Esophageal eosinophilia frequently is associated with a abnormalities. variety of hypo- and hyper-contractile esophageal motility It is important to appreciate that the hypotheses pre- disorders including achalasia, and available evidence sug- sented in this report (that PPIs might predispose to EoE gests that esophageal stasis is not an important cause of pathogenesis and that EoE has a muscle-predominant form esophageal mucosal eosinophilia. Many patients with that causes esophageal motility disorders) are not estab- achalasia have an abnormal accumulation of eosinophils lished. Nevertheless, these are plausible hypotheses, sup- and their degranulation products in the esophageal mus- ported by considerable indirect evidence, and both have cularis propria, a location inaccessible to routine endo- potentially important clinical implications. Further inves- scopic evaluation. Reports document that esophageal tigations on the role of PPIs in the pathogenesis of EoE, motility abnormalities can respond to steroid treatment that and on the role of eosinophils in the pathogenesis of eso- reduces esophageal eosinophilia, suggesting that eosino- phageal motility disorders clearly are warranted and phils in the esophagus can cause reversible motility dis- eagerly awaited. turbances, perhaps by releasing myoactive and neuroactive eosinophil products. In addition, degranulating eosinophils Compliance with ethical standards release toxic proteins capable of destroying enteric neurons Conflict of interest Dr. Spechler serves as a consultant for Ironwood and, thereby, causing irreversible motility abnormalities. It Pharmaceuticals, Frazier Life Sciences, and Interpace Diagnostics. seems likely that EoE, like eosinophilic gastroenteritis, might have mucosal-predominant and muscle-predominant Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the forms that have different clinical manifestations, and eso- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://crea phageal motility abnormalities might well be a conse- tivecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give quence of muscle-predominant EoE. Unfortunately, there appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a is no simple, minimally-invasive way to obtain biopsies of link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were esophageal muscle to confirm the presence of muscle- made. 123 J Gastroenterol (2019) 54:837–844 843

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