2| Renewal: Cantor Bernard’s Reflection

Chag Sameach! The clergy and staff at Temple Beth El hope you have a meaningful Passover and invite you to join our 2nd night community seder. 10| COMMUNITY NEWS




Publication of this newsletter is made possible through the generosity of the Donald and Barbara Bernstein Endowment Fund. RENEWAL: A CANTOR’S REFLECTION

by Cantor Andrew Bernard One of my favorite moments of the liturgical year takes place on the first morning of Passover. Midway through the service, during the prayer proclaiming God’s power to renew life, we mark the official change from the winter to the summer season. The metaphor is water which, in the bone dry summer climate of , is the key to life. During the winter months we ask for rain so that we might have enough water to sustain plant, animal and human life for the entirety of the year. And during the summer months we ask for dew — just enough moisture to prevent crops from withering in the arid climate.

As a cantor, I love this moment for its beautiful music, poetry, and symbolism. The plea for water is synonymous with the plea for life, so it is traditional to wear white — the color of the burial shroud and symbol of our mortality. There are special melodies that appear in the liturgy only twice a year: on the days we mark the alternation between summer and winter seasons. The six verses of the prayer describe the power of dew to renew and sustain life — both agricultural life and the life of the Jewish people. In this prayer, the traditional liturgy celebrates God as the one who “m’chayei hameitim” — “gives life to the dead.” Historically, it invokes God’s continuing commitment to rescue and renew a people whose existence was often threatened. In the Reform liturgy, it is a metaphor for faith, prayer, and trust in God as the means to restore fullness of life — in both body and spirit — to those who suffer spiritually, emotionally, or physically.

What does true renewal look like for us? The word “renewal” implies some kind of cycle, as in making something new once again. Our liturgy tells us that natural beauty is not permanent but that God renews the work of creation each and every day. We proclaim the renewing power of dew as we begin the spring season — a time where the agricultural world begins to come alive again after the “dead” season of winter. But even agriculturally, winter isn’t “dead;” rather, it is a period of rest in the cycle of life that presages the astonishing reemergence of nature that causes us to “ooh” and “ah” in the spring months.

Contemporary American life demands that we keep going…and going…and going. We burn out when we don’t accept that incessant work depletes our personal resources: our energy, our mental focus, or our spiritual and emotional capacity to cope with the relentless challenges that come at us from all directions. People who feel it’s their duty to push through no matter what become ineffective and worn down. They may still be moving, but often without strength of purpose. When we fail to allow for “dead” time, there can be no reviving.

While this traditional plea for renewal comes only once a year, it can remind us that the quality of our lives depends upon acknowledging the need to pause and renew on a regular basis. Theoretically, that time is Shabbat. But I’m guessing that the reality for most of us is that Shabbat activities (itself an oxymoron) are often simply something else to put on our calendars. That doesn’t diminish the importance of those activities; but they become another set of commitments that occupy a space parallel to weekday activities.

Our contemporary world tells us we mustn’t stop. But to push on without significant “dead” time robs us of the ability to renew and flourish: to blossom and to reflect the true beauty of our humanity.

2 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 WELCOME NEW STAFF

Please join us in welcoming Beth Warshauer as our Director of Youth Engagement. Beth started working with our youth in January and has I have had the pleasure of working quickly become a valued member of the TBE staff. In an interview with with Beth in many capacities as a lay Beth, we learn the following: leader for our congregation. I am thrilled to have her join our staff and TBE: What is the most exciting thing to you about being our Director of I am confident that she will inspire Youth Engagement? our youth and bring her passion for and Temple Beth El to our Beth: Simply put, having the opportunity to interact with all our children. stellar program.

TBE: What has impressed you the most since January? -Susan Jacobs, Director of Education

Beth: I have been so inspired and energized by the friendships, the camaraderie, the intelligence, and the inclusion of our kids. As a group, they are eager to learn about and express their Judaism in meaningful ways.

TBE: Please share some things that have happened over the last couple of months that have made you smile.

Beth: I’ve loved experiencing the SHEVA class kids discussing an ethics issue with incredible maturity and insight and then 5 minutes later, giggling like the 7th graders they are about something silly. They are all well on their way to being wonderfully integrated teenagers! Also, I was dressed as an assassin for the Purim Spiel and apparently was quite intimidating-looking. A second grader (I found out later) kept looking at me and recoiling a bit. When my part was over, I removed my mask and hood and smiled at her. She came over to me later and said she thought “it was weird that my costume was so mean, but I looked so nice in the face.” Out of the mouths of babes!

TBE: Please share what parents can expect over the next 3 – 6 months related to how you are approaching your role.

Beth: I have had the most incredible conversations with parents about their youth group experiences and what their enduring and lasting memories have been. I want to continue the work the Temple has done to ensure our kids have these same memories and experiences. Having kids “graduate” from our youth programs knowing that they are loved and appreciated for who they are and what their contributions to the world are, and at the same time, being given many opportunities to spend time with their peers having fun while grappling with large and small issues of being Jewish in a world without a lot of Jews. I am looking for those small quiet moments of connection and reflection as well as more raucous and loud fun times with all our kids.

3 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 WELCOME NEW STAFF

TBE: Please share something personal about yourself.

Beth: Phil and I met at Beth El almost 8 years ago and have been married for 4 years. God bless him for bringing such joy and levity to our home. I even let my kids watch TV now! Lee is 17 and a junior, and Anna is 16 and a sophomore. I am an avid reader, crossword puzzler, gardener, movie-goer, and love nothing more than a great meal and a good bottle of wine or two surrounded by my family and friends. Guilty pleasures are Game of Thrones and People magazine. My passion at this time is my very mischievous 8 month old puppy, Sully. I’ve given up on obedience school because his exuberance for life cannot be controlled, and obnoxiously so, I think everything he does is hilarious.

TBE: What led you to Judaism?

Beth: I am a Jew-by-choice. Long story short, I had invited Judy to speak at my former church, Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian, and was so taken by her convictions and her passion for social justice that I wanted to know more about Judaism and the opportunity it gave her to live her life in such a dynamic and meaningful way. I started taking classes and met Stephanie DiPaolo, Susan Jacobs, Jeremy Barras, the list goes on, and grew more and more comfortable and felt fully embraced by the congregation. Judaism really resonated with me emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. It came along at a time in my life when I was really questioning and searching. My life and the life of my family has been enriched because of it. Pretty amazing for a Southern Baptist-raised gal from Monroe, Georgia!

What does our Director of Youth Engagement do? •Oversees and manages the TBE Youth groups from Kindergarten through College Connection •Coordinates programming, recruiting, marketing, and budgeting •Serves as staff liaison to the Youth Engagement Committee •Serves as primary advisor for the High School Youth Group (LIBERTY) and oversee the younger youth groups (KATANTY K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7) and supervises their advisors •Advocates for TBE Youth and TBE programs as liaison to the Shalom Park Teen Coalition •Staffs and plans NFTY-SAR Regional Events •Teaches in the TBE Religious School •Works with the Director of Education to coordinate the madrichim student teaching program


Stella is the daughter of David Cohen and Amy Grissom and stepdaughter of Catherine Slaven. Her grandfather is Dr. Micky Cohen of Johannesburg, South Africa. Stella is the sister of Sydney, Cate, Lee, John and Andrew.

Stella Cohen April 4, 2015 First Day Pesach

Sydney is the daughter of Marcia Kaplan and Todd Fishman. Her grandparents are Judith and Leonard Kaplan of Waltham, MA; Dr. Susan Cernyak-Spatz of Charlotte, NC; Jan and Adrian Levin of St. Louis, MO and the late Bernard Fishman. Sydney is the sister of Bella Fishman.

Sydney Rose Fishman April 18, 2015 Parashat Sh’mini


Seth is the son of David & Lisa Sperber. His grandparents are Donald & Karen Sperber of Palm Beach FL, Sonia Sperber of blessed memory, and Walter & Lucy Franqui of Margate, FL. Seth is the brother of Emma, Chaz, and Hunter.

Seth W. Sperber April 18, 2015 Parashat Sh’mini

Alexandra is the daughter of Jared and Elizabeth Lawrence. Her grandparents are Michael and Virginia Jordan of Hilton Head Island, SC and Timothy and Gabrielle Lawrence of Randallstown, MD. Alexandra’s great grandmother is Johanna Lever of Lancaster, PA. She is the sister of Adam.

Alexandra Noble Lawrence April 25, 2015 Parashat Tazria/M’tzora


Jonathan is the son of Jill and Larry Yass. His grandparents are Lenny Yass and the late Judith Yass of Boynton Beach, FL; the late Sheila Biber and the late Arthur Cantor. Jonathan is the brother of Sammy.

Jonathan Preston Yass April 25, 2015 Parashat Tazria/M’tzora

April Milestone Birthdays April Milestone Anniversaries 5 Suzanna Wicker 2 Emery & Jacqueline Szabo 55 years 7 Mark Bernstein 13 Donald & Ellice Liss 30 years Michael Hennes 28 Steven & Eva Gold 25 years 10 Cindy Lax Gene Ruth Poler 11 Miranda Zolot 12 Neal Brandt Barry Corday 13 Ronnie Cyzner 14 Louis Aiello Harriet Hirschman 18 Nicholas Pollack Christine Roth 22 Mary Rutman 23 Fran Schwartz 25 Robin Leavitt 30 Margaret Schumacher

7 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 SIMCHAS & SORROWS

Mazel Tov to: Shimon and Racelle Weiman on the engagement of their son, David, to Priya Parikh on February 22 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Mitchell Koch, son of Zippy and Shaun, on winning the NC state championship for his debate category. He is the number 1 Original Oratory Speaker in the state!

Susan & Donald Jacobs on the birth of their grandson, Andrew Jacobs Weiner (Drew), on March 10, 2015. Proud parents are Lauren and Dave Weiner.

Marisa and Jeff Jackson on the birth of their son, Owen Nathan Jackson, on March 30, 2015.

Our condolences: Louise Goldstein, mother of Dianne Stegelmeyer

Elizabeth Klein, beloved wife of Walter Klein and founding member of Temple Beth El, mother of Temple members Robert Klein and Betsy Klein, grandmother of David Klein, aunt of Avie Goodman

Howard Franklin, father of Karen Franklin

John Mohr, father of Cynthia Schnall

Meyera Oberndorf, mother of Marcie Kelso

Roslyn Helen Levine, mother of Sharon Richter

Iancu Sorell, brother of Vali Sorell

Herman Urowsky, father of Donna Emerson

George Schmaren, cousin of Michele Redmon

John Cannizzaro, father of Amy Markel

Howard Speaks, uncle of Y’honatan Gimbel

Samuel Sadinsky, father of Matthew Sadinsky, uncle of Judith Freger

Paul Safir, father of Jay Safir

William Julian Shehan, father of Kaye Yaffe

8 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 GRATITUDE FOR GIFTS


Jack and Alison initially set up their legacy gift to Temple Beth El after their two daughters, Abby and Kate, were born. Like most new parents, who realize the true responsibility that comes with starting a family, they sat down to the overwhelming and emotional task of writing a will. Looking ahead in their lifetime and beyond that time for our children’s future, they knew one thing for sure: the desire to raise their daughters in a nurturing Jewish environment was not exclusive to their home. It involves a whole community in Charlotte, and one that they are fortunate to call their own. They realized then that this meant including Temple Beth El in their estate plans.

Jack and Alison want to make a difference. They want their children and future generations to have meaningful Jewish lives. And making a legacy gift is part of that plan. As Jack now leads Temple Beth El as our President, he and Alison have set the example for their children and for our community. And their daughters are now taking on leadership roles and becoming models for other children.

Thank you Jack and Alison for everything you do! We are proud to announce that through the efforts of our Create Your Jewish Legacy team and Temple leadership, we now have more than 100 legacy gifts to Temple Beth El. May we go from strength to strength.

Thank you! Thank you to everyone who provides financial gifts to our various funds. Contributions to funds shall be considered income to the Temple and shall be used on an as needed basis for the purposes set forth in the creation of the fund. Recent contributions are listed on our website.

9 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 COMMUNITY NEWS


COMMUNITY NEWS Temple Beth El is an inclusive and dynamic Reform Jewish congregation. Whether you are an active retiree, a family with young children, a single adult or a family with grown children, we all enjoy sharing and hearing about the experiences and successes of our entire congregation.

David Rabinovich writes: The AIPAC Policy Conference was an amazing experience and I had a great time getting to know people, learning about the American-Israeli relationship, and lobbying my State Senator. I think that my favorite memory was when I went to the movie about the Green-Prince and he then answered questions that people asked him. His story was brand new to me and it amazed me how much courage Mosab showed and how he sought out the truth instead of believing what everyone had previously told him.

Lee Daniel writes: Canaan. Judea and Samaria. Palestine. The Holy Land. This is Israel — a tiny country overflowing with a complex mix of religions, cultures, views and people. Over the past weekend, February 28th–March 3rd, the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee hosted its annual policy conference in Washington DC. And I was one of the 16,000 delegates there who had the privilege of saying, “Hineini Yisrael- Here I am, Israel.” I shared this experience with Sydney Frankenberg, Joey Kelso, David Rabinovich, and Beth Warshauer my mother, in which we all attended speeches of important US Congressmen — Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals, side-by-side in their support of Israel, AIPAC activists, Israeli Innovators, even the Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and a former Hamas operative turned Shin-Bet informant Mosab Hassan Yousef all talking about their views of Israel and the dangers of a nuclear Iran. On Tuesday, all 16,000 delegates besieged Capitol Hill to meet and lobby our Congressmen to ensure that the close relationship between the US and Israel was not damaged or made an issue of partisan politics; instead remaining an issue that both sides can agree upon and support our one democratic ally in the Middle East. Over the course of 3 days, I found a reignited passion and faith in Israel that had been thrown into question by the actions and US response to the problems confronting Israel. As said by PM Bibi in his speech to Congress, “the marriage of radical Islam with nuclear weapons is the greatest danger facing our world.” AIPAC seeks to protect that country and ensure that two great allies — the US and Israel — stay strong together, committed to each other and to their safety and integrity as two democratic countries.

10 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 COMMUNITY NEWS

THANK YOU TEMPLE BETH EL TEACHERS An anonymous teacher once wrote: One hundred years from now, It won’t matter what car I drove, What kind of house I lived in, How much I had in my bank account, Nor what my clothes looked like, But, the world may be a little better Because I was important in the life of a child.

On Education Shabbat, Saturday March 14th, we celebrated all our educators who are important in the life of a child, in the lives of many children. Their words, their actions, their presence touches, transforms and stays with students throughout their lives. Thank you Temple Beth El Teachers for everything you do!

SENIORS COMPLETE EIGHT YEARS OF STUDY WITH A CELEBRATION OF WISDOM On February 28, twenty-five members of the Senior Sage class participated in a Senior Celebration of Wisdom. This ceremony marked the completion of 8 years of study, and, in particular, the last year and a half, which was devoted to defining the legacy of their accomplishments. Each of the six topics followed a reading from the Torah portion which reflected the significance of the wisdom gained. Personal statements from the participants gave meaning to their legacy. The program on Saturday evening included a Havdalah service and was followed by a joyous cocktail dinner party for the 170 friends, family, and TBE members who attended.

The Senior Sage class members, in grateful appreciation, wish to thank the entire clergy staff for their guidance and support. Thanks go also to the many individuals who helped to make the Senior Celebration a memorable experience.

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS We welcome the following new members to Temple Beth El: Sheila Kasten Alec, Nancy, and Zoe Felder

On March 13th over 40 people attended the New Member Wine and Cheese Reception!

11 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 COMMUNITY NEWS

ATTIC SALE* Donations Now Being Accepted! There is no need to store your items. Please bring your furniture, sporting goods, electronics, books, linens, baby equipment and other household items to Temple. Our storage POD is onsite and available! If you need a pick-up of larger items, please email Alyson Kalik or Sara Schreibman.

Join us for the Sale! Saturday, May 2nd Sunday, May 3rd Monday, May 4th 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Preview & Purchase Party Attic Sale open to public Final Day of Attic Sale for TBE Members

Volunteers Needed! How can you help? Volunteers are needed to: *The Attic Sale is sponsored by the * set up prior to the sale (beginning on April 28th) Ways & Means Committee. * help at the members-only pre-sale (May 2nd) Proceeds from the sale go * help move large items (to be arranged) to support multiple programs. * help during the sale (May 2nd – 4th)

CLOTHING AND TEXTILES Clothing and textiles are accepted year-round and may be put directly in the donation bin. Donations from clothing and textiles go directly to support the Kidney Foundation and Temple Beth El receives partial proceeds by the pound.

Help house teens for our Spring Kallah! We appreciate your hospitality!! For many, the thought of 350+ teens descending on our Temple might be terrifying, but for those of us who love NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth) and OUR teens, it is about as close to heaven as you can get! Their energy, their voices whether singing or laughing, and their affection for each other as Jewish teens is a wonderful thing to experience. In preparation for this April 24-26 weekend event, we are inviting you to open your homes to visiting teens from the Southeastern Region, volunteer to serve a meal, set up a room, provide snacks, or provide directions around our campus. Join us as we provide the setting for a dynamic opportunity for teens to bond, learn, and grow in their Jewish identities. Please contact Beth Warshauer with any questions.

12 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 SOCIAL JUSTICE AND ACTION


Mitzvah Day is Sunday, May 17th. Volunteer your time and be a Mitzvah Maker! Projects fill quickly so register now. Project statuses will be updated as projects are filled. Register early to participate in your first choice project.

Show your pride in the efforts of your fellow Temple Beth El friends by purchasing a Mitzvah Day tee shirt for $15 in TBE’s Discovered Traditions Gift Shop.


What if we never came to Temple empty-handed? Each time we enter the Temple doors we have the opportunity to bring a can of food for JFS, an item of children’s clothing or a book for Sterling Elementary, or a dollar for the Tzedakah box. Giving to others is one of our Jewish commandments. “Tzedakah” literally means “righteousness” -- doing the right thing. But it is more than that, tzedakah connects our sacred prayer with social action. Performing this small act helps us to act upon the words of our prayers.

We have three different collections, all within the atrium of our Temple. Food is collected in the gorgeous wooden box located just inside the doors. These are then given to JFS to help feed the hungry. Clothing, books, and school supplies are collected in the large blue barrel to the side of our front doors. These donations are then given to our partnership school, Sterling Elementary. Monetary donations are collected in the two beautiful tzedakah boxes located just outside the gift shop and on the corner of Peggy’s desk. This money is used to help our less fortunate Charlotte neighbors. Each one of these acts brightens the world around us.

We hope that you will consider bringing some form of tzedakah each time you enter Temple Beth El. Thank you for helping us help others.

13 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 SOCIAL JUSTICE AND ACTION

SHALOM PARK FREEDOM SCHOOL 2015 Spring Movie Fundraiser: The Rosenwald Schools

Shalom Park Freedom School’s fourth annual spring movie fundraiser features the documentary The Rosenwald Schools, which highlights the incredible story of how Jewish philanthropist Julius Rosenwald, President and Chairman of Sears from 1908-1932, joined with African-American communities in the South to build schools for them during the early part of the twentieth century. From the 1910s into the early 1930s, more than 5,300 Rosenwald Schools were constructed in African-American communities throughout 15 southern states, and North Carolina had more Rosenwald schools than any other state.

Come discover how Booker T. Washington and Julius Rosenwald built a winning model to do good in the world by bringing education to economically disadvantaged rural African-Americans. This parallels the successful effort of Shalom Park Freedom School to join with the communities of Huntingtowne Elementary and Sterling Elementary to prevent summer learning loss by providing a six-week, literacy-based summer program for 80 economically disadvantaged scholars.

Please attend the movie fundraiser on Thursday, April 30 at 7:00 PM at the Sam Lerner Center for Cultural Arts. Tickets are $10 and will go on sale at the Levine Jewish Community Center front desk in April. Light movie refreshments will be served. For more information, or to get involved, please contact Event Chair Cheryl Alley at [email protected], or visit our website at

Please come to us if you think you are in an unhealthy relationship. We are here to help. Learn more at

14 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 YOUTH ENGAGEMENT

TBE YOUTH GROUP EVENTS Israeli Field Day April 18th, 3:00 PM — 5:00 PM

Have a great day with your KATANTY and LIBERTY 6-7 friends at our Israeli Field Day! Join us as we climb Mount Masada, settle the Middle East tug-of-war, and compete in other fun relay games and races. Our LIBERTY teens will serenade us at the end of the fun with a song session and Havdalah. Cost is $10. Snacks will be served.

Save the Date May 9th, 3:00 PM — 5:00 PM KATANTY and LIBERTY67 End-of-Year bash

TEEN COALITION EVENTS April 19th J-Serve May 1st Teen Community Shabbat with comedian Benji Lovitt May 21st College Violence speaker and panel featuring Rabbi Judy



Four cups of wine, matzah ball soup, gefilte fish – we American Jews celebrate Passover more than any other holiday in Judaism. Some of us make sure to use the holiday as an opportunity for a thorough spring clean – eradicating all chameitz, or chometz, every item of leavened bread, cakes, cookies, and cereals, from our homes.

The physical cleaning can also be the model for a spiritual and emotional airing out, as spring arrives and we get to breathe in the fresh April breezes, perhaps renewing that indoor winter air with oxygen fertile from budding trees and flowers. Many Jews will “rent” the parts of their homes where leavened items are stored – if anyone is interested in this practice, please contact Rabbi Jonathan for details.

The main event of Passover, even more than eating matzah instead of bread, is the family gathering around the Seder – a ritual and meal with traditions that go back two thousand years and get constantly reinterpreted with updated Jewish values and ideas. Welcoming in guests and preparing the elaborate meal and Seder plate with the symbols of the holiday may give us precious time with our families and friends. At Temple Beth El we celebrate our community’s Second Night Seder on Saturday evening, April 4, and we help everyone find a family seder to their taste for the First Night of Passover on Friday, April 3. And for those with extra Jewish ritual ambitions, we have a Friday evening Shabbat service as well.

Whether your favorite Passover tradition is reading through the Haggadah at your own seder, searching for the afikomen, the “dessert” matzah that allows the ritual to end, baking sponge cake or eating it, or having an excuse to make matzah-brei every day for a week – every one of us at Temple Beth El is here to help you find an old or new way into and through Passover. With resources and events leading up to the holiday, please feel free to contact anyone on staff with questions about any and every Passover tradition and celebration.

Wishing everyone a Happy Passover!

Visit our Passover Page to find great recipes, view photos from last year’s community seder, and see a complete listing of holiday events. There’s something for everyone!

16 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 ADULTS SISTERHOOD NEWS


If you have any questions or wish to volunteer to help with events, email us at [email protected]

FASHION SHOW Sunday, April 19th 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

It’s Project Runway time at TBE! Join us for an exciting fashion show featuring new spring fashions from Stein Mart, modeled by your Sisterhood friends. Cost is $12 for Sisterhood members and $15 for non-members, which includes a delicious brunch. Please RSVP by April 16th.


TBE is hosting the NFTY-SAR Spring Kallah on April 24-26th, and Sisterhood is providing Shabbat dinner for 250-300 teens. Please volunteer to help serve our NFTY guests and stay afterwards to enjoy a beautiful Shabbat service with these wonderful teens. To volunteer, please email us at [email protected].

Save-the-Date for the Annual Sisterhood Shabbat Dinner and Service Friday, May 8th at Temple Beth El

Save-the-Date for the Sisterhood Mitzvah Day Project Calling all gardeners! Sisterhood needs volunteers for our Mitzvah Day project on May 17th. Help us beautify the front area at the Women’s Shelter. This project is appropriate for ages 13+. Please contact Sisterhood at [email protected] to sign-up today.

17 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 ADULTS BROTHERHOOD NEWS

BROTHERHOOD YOM HASHOAH BREAKFAST featuring Holocaust survivor, renowned author and Temple Beth El member, Dr. Susan Cernyak-Spatz Sunday, April 12th at 10:00 AM at Temple Beth El

Dr. Susan Cernyak-Spatz was 20 years old when she and her mother were deported to Theresienstadt in May 1942. Her mother was sent quickly to Sobibor where she was killed. Dr. Spatz remained in Theresienstadt until January 1943 when she was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. In January 1945, Auschwitz-Birkenau was evacuated and the prisoners were sent on the “death march.” Dr. Spatz was then in KZ Ravensbrueck which was the largest women’s concentration camp in Germany where she remained until April 1945 when they were moved to another area to the West. She was subsequently liberated in northern Germany near Schwerin by a battalion of the eighty-second Airborne which had just occupied the little village. Dr. Spatz came to America on July 4, 1946. She went on to earn a B.A. from Southwest Missouri State College in 1968 and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Kansas in 1972. She taught at UNCC from 1972-1993 and was instrumental in creating the Holocaust Studies program there. Dr. Spatz has been a member of Temple Beth El since 1972 and continues to lecture around the world about the Holocaust in the hopes that people will never forget. Brotherhood hopes you will join us for this special event.

Cost is $10 for breakfast and program. Open to all Temple Beth El members. RSVPs are required by emailing [email protected] or watch for your Punch Bowl invitation.

UPCOMING BROTHERHOOD EVENTS: 05/17/15 Sunday Project: Mitzvah Day 06/10/15 Brotherhood Annual Meeting / First Thursday BBQ 06/14/15 Sunday Brunch

Join Brotherhood today!

Email our Brotherhood President, Jeff Bierer at [email protected] for more information or if you want to get more involved with Brotherhood.

18 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 ADULTS Focus on israel

ISRAEL SHABBAT WEEKEND Friday, April 17th and Saturday, April 18th

Come join us for Israel Shabbat with Rabbi Edgar Nof of Congregation “Natan-Ya” of Netanya, Israel and leader of Amuta, a Tikkun Olam program in .

At Temple Beth El, Israel is on our minds, in our prayers, on our trip itineraries, and the focus of an upcoming Shabbat. Rabbi Nof will be delivering a sermon “Building Bridges of Peace in Israel” as part of our 7:00 PM Community Shabbat Service. As part of that talk, Rabbi Nof will reflect on Israel’s most recent elections. On Saturday morning, April 18th, he will be leading Torah study on the topic of “Zionism and Israel.”

Rabbi Nof was born in Brooklyn, NY, grew up in Argentina and made Aliya to Israel in 1982. He was ordained by Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in in 1991 and holds a doctorate in Jewish Studies. He served as the Rabbi of Congregation Emet V’Anava in Ramat Gan and as Director of the Israel Rabbinic Program at HUC (1990-1997), Rabbi of Congregation Ohel Avraham at the Leo Baeck School in Haifa (1997-2000), Rabbi of Or Hadash in Haifa (2000-2013) and currently of Congregation “Natan-Ya” in Netanya and the new Amuta – NGO/ Association in Haifa: “Gesharim Le’Tikvah-Bridges for Hope,” devoted to Social Action, Good Deeds and Tikkun Olam programs. Rabbi Nof was recently awarded with a certificate as “Ambassador for Peace” from the Universal Peace Federation and is a senior member of the Jerusalem Forum for Understanding and Cooperation Among Religions.

19 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 ADULTS EDUCATION

UPTOWN Wednesdays April 1st and 22nd at 12:00 PM Wednesdays May 6th and 20th at 12:00 PM

SOUTHPARK TALMUD Wednesdays April 15th and 29th at 12:00 PM Wednesdays May 13th and 27th at 12:00 PM

RABBI’S BOOK CLUB Book Club is not meeting in April. See you in May!

JOLT OF JUDAISM Saturday, April 18th at 1:45 PM


20 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 WORSHIP SERVICES-APRIL 2015

Friday, April 3 Saturday, April 18 Shabbat Evening Service Torah Study 9:30 AM (First Night of Passover) 5:45 PM Shabbat Morning Service/ B’nei Mitzvah 11:00 AM Sydney Fishman Saturday, April 4 Daughter of Marcia Kaplan and Todd Fishman Passover Morning Service/Bat Mitzvah 11:00 AM Seth Sperber Stella Cohen Son of David & Lisa Sperber Daughter of David Cohen Daughter of Amy Grissom Friday, April 24 Stepdaughter of Catherine Slaven Youth-Led Shabbat Service 7:00 PM

Friday, April 10 Saturday, April 25 Festival Morning Service with Yizkor 11:00 AM Torah Study 9:30 AM Community Shabbat 7:00 PM Shabbat Morning Service/ B’nei Mitzvah 11:00 AM Alexandra Lawrence Saturday, April 11 Daughter of Jared and Elizabeth Lawrence Tot Shabbat 9:00 AM Jonathan Yass Congregational Shabbat Workshop 9:00 AM Son of Jill and Larry Yass Congregational Shabbat Service 11:00 AM

Friday, April 17 Service of Healing and Comfort 6:15 PM Israel Shabbat Service 7:00 PM

21 | Temple Beth El VOICE April 2015 5101 Providence Road Charlotte, NC 28226 704-366-1948 Fax: 704-366-1365 [email protected]

Temple Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm The office is closed on Saturday & Sunday.