Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento - RC: 70866 - ISSN: 2448-0959

Far beyond the hook: Science and football in the sports coverage of Pará


SOUSA, André Laurent Souza Lopes [1], SANTOS, Ana Lucia Prado Reis dos [2], DENDASCK, Carla Viana [3], OLIVEIRA, Euzébio de [4], BAHIA, Mirleide Chaar [5]

SOUSA, André Laurent Souza Lopes. Et al. Far beyond the hook: Science and football in the sports coverage of Pará. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year 05, Ed. 03, Vol. 11, pp. 135-167. March 2020. ISSN: 2448-0959, Access Link:


Reports relating science and football are not frequent in the sports coverage of Pará. Understanding the causes of this problem is the main objective of this study. From the literature review of sports science in soccer, the interdisciplinarity that for decades contributes to relevant studies that resulted not only in the understanding of problems of the sport, but also in the increase in the performance of soccer players and teams. In a second moment, the work brings the dialogue between scientific culture (VOGT, 2003) and journalism, from the perspectives of scientific (BUENO, 2009) and sports journalism (BUENO, 2005; MALULY, 2005), in order to highlight the provocation of Messa (2005), which credits sports journalism of a scientific character, sports-scientific journalism, the possibility of going beyond entertainment for fans-spectators. However, it is necessary to understand, from semi-structured interviews, the limiting factors of sports coverage in Pará and the reasons for science to have little space. One possibility to expand the content involving science and football is the expertise and relationship between journalists and members of the technical committees of the football teams of Pará.

Keywords: sports science, scientific dissemination, scientific journalism, sports journalism.


Once, an experienced broadcaster said in the broadcast of the match between Paysandu and Castanhal, on February 25, for the 2018, after Pedro Carmona was replaced in the first half: "he

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felt a hook in the left thigh". At the press conference, after the match, the then coach of Paysandu, , showed concern about the sprained knee of Carmona. The club did not provide a doctor to give interviews to journalists.

The season was still in the beginning. The team had played only the ninth of the 61 matches of the 2018 season and had already undergone a change in the technical committee (Dado Cavalcanti was hired to replace ). The next day, Carmona was diagnosed with a medial collateral ligament (CML) injury. At the time, the headlines highlighted Carmona's absence from training, the test result and the time he would be in recovery: 30 days. A clue of what could have caused the injury boiled down to a slide on the lawn. Although he did not undergo surgery, Carmona took longer, about three months, to be able to return to play.

For Villardi (2004), constant changes in technical commissions stem from the need for clubs to achieve short-term results. However, these changes modify training methods, making it impossible to develop an individualized work program, including for groups of athletes with similar characteristics.

The effect of abrupt changes in workload and non-observation of individuality and specificity in training, added or not to predisposing facts, can cause the balance between the absorption capacity of repetitive stimuli and the threshold of each individual, determining lions by excessive use (VILLARDI, 2004, p. 173).

Sports coverage, in situations like this, often diverts the way from good sports journalism to entertainment. The causes of the injury lose ground for the time when it will embezzbe the team. The show takes the lead due to the ease of news crossing the line of entertainment.

Just as the injury cannot be seen in isolation (VILLARDI, 2004), football and the sport also do not. Starting with the introduction of Physical Education in Brazil, which resembles the interests of the ruling classes of the countries of Europe. Suffering, also, influence of positivist theories, the idea of forming strong, healthy and important individuals for the development of the nation can be observed in laws, which emerged with the intention of valuing the spirit of nationalism. In the words of President Vargas, "increase the civic education of the new generations by organizing youth in order to constitute an easily mobilized reserve, whenever there is a patriotic objective to be achieved" (CASTELLANI FILHO, 2006, p. 89).

In the military period, when this intervention intensified, in addition to nationalism, there were other pretensions, both political and economic. The new championship was also used in the National Integration Plan, serving to integrate clubs from several Brazilian states, placing in the competition teams from the regions where the Arena was bad in the polls, in order to win votes, which led to the incredible number of 94 clubs (from 21 of the then 22 states) in the 1979 championship edition, at the time when the Brazilian Sports Confederation (CBD) was commanded by Heleno Nunes. The construction of grand football stadiums in regions where the sport was not popular or the Arena was unpopular, was very frequent.

Football has also been business, as Mário Gobbi, then president of Corinthians/SP, once said, by justifying the sale of three important players from the team that won the and the in 2009. Almost ten years later, Gobbi classified it as a very strong phrase for our culture,

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regretted it and withdrew what he said. However, economic aspects continue to enter into the composition of the game and media coverage. A report on the website "Valor Econômico" reveals the size of this market: the revenue of the country's top 22 football clubs grew 2.7% in 2017. In the previous year, the increase was even higher: 30%. With this, these clubs totaled a revenue of R$ 5.11 billion. Those who manage to get their finances up to business and adopt good governance practices will be able to form an elite within the elite of Brazilian football in the coming years, with decisive repercussions on the cash and on the pitches.

Thus, the central objective of this work is to understand why sports coverage in Pará reserves so little space for science in sport. From an interdisciplinary bibliographic review of sports science in football, the dialogue with concepts of scientific culture and journalism is contextualized, especially scientific and sports, which at first appear to have no connections beyond specialized journalism, but, as Messa (2005) provokes: is it possible to do sports journalism with a scientific character?

Thus, we sought to know the profile of journalists and broadcasters working in the media outlets of Pará, understand the routine of the newsrooms and identify the factors that limit and delimit the issues that will be on the agenda in sports coverage. For this, 16 professionals who are associated with ACLEP (Association of Chroniclers and Sports Announcers of Pará) had answered semi-structured interviews.

Some findings were already expected, it is quite true. The science of sport is not on the agendas and the football of and hold hegemony in the sports coverage of Pará.

However, the data analysis helped to dismantle two hypotheses: the first that the professionals disagreed that science was present in sport and, therefore, would not identify the ways in which it manifests itself in the day-to-day training and football matches. The central point is the divergence that has been established is in the perception of the audience, where the debate questions whether readers, viewers and listeners have an interest in science in sport.

From the dialogues of this work it is possible to suggest a first step for sports journalism of a scientific nature. The application of scientific knowledge to sport is one of the functions of professionals who make up the technical committees of football teams. Therefore, the relationship between journalists and broadcasters and technical committees is a way to reach this goal. After all, professionals who have links with academies and research institutions in Pará are rare. It is possible to establish a relationship not only of journalistic source, but also of a source of scientific knowledge, also based on scientific culture. It is possible, yes, to go beyond the hook.


According to the Association of Chroniclers and Sports Announcers of Pará (ACLEP), the state has about 150 professionals registered and able to apply for accreditation in games organized by the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) or Federation of Paraense Football (FPF). According to Article 6, paragraph VII of the General Regulation of CBF Competitions, it is expressly up to the federations to approve the lists forwarded by local entities of representative classes of professionals scheduled to work, with the objective of accrediting and supervising access to the stadium and lawn (CBF, 2019).

Despite the difficulty in specifying relevant information, such as communication vehicles and sports

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programs that participate in the coverage of football matches organized by the FPF and CBF, ACLEP presented a timid overview of accredited professionals and associates who work directly in the coverage.

Table 1: Classification of Professional Roles

Function Amount Reporter 36 Editor 20 Narrator 18 Commentator 10

Source: ACLEP, 2019

From these data, 16 professionals were selected for the application of semi-buried interviews. The choice was of the non-probabilistic type, intentional by criteria of representativeness and accessibility (BRUYNE et al., 1977). The number of participants was defined based on the criterion of data saturation, that is, when the answers became repetitive, the application of the interviews is terminated, since, "qualitative research can use random resources to fix the sample. That is, it seeks a greater representativeness of the group of subjects who will participate in the study" (TRIVIÑOS, 1997, p. 132).

This paper defined as qualitative methodology the application of semi-structured interviews (semi- directive or semi-open), in which "open and closed questions combine, where the informant has the possibility to discuss the proposed theme" (BONI & QUARESMA, 2005, p. 75), observing what Lakatos proposes (1996) in relation to the interviewee's choice, the opportunity of the interview and the preparation of the script with the main questions , and recognizing that one receives the informant's portrait of the world, and it is up to the researcher to evaluate the degree of correspondence the statements of objective or factual reality (BONI & QUARESMA, 2005). Thus, the semi-structured interview follows the historical-cultural theoretical line (dialectic), with the objective of determining direct and indirect rations, not only favoring the description of social phenomena, but also explanation and understanding of totality, besides maintaining the conscious and active presence of the researcher in the process of information collection (TRIVIÑOS, 1987).

For this study, the following criteria were considered for the definition of the interviewees: (i) Interviewing at least 10% of the accredited professionals or members of ACLEP; (ii) Contemplate all types of vehicles (TV, radio, print and web); (iii) Interview at least one woman of each type of vehicle (TV, radio, print and web); (iv) Consider the integration of media (TV and web; print and web), diversify functions, pay close to the accumulation of them (reporter and presenter; editor and producer) and observe professional experience (beginners, experienced and veterans).

Thus, a heterogeneous sampling was composed, with men and women who recently entered the job market or are approaching 50 years of career; work in AM, FM and web radios, commercial and public TV stations, printed newspapers that are also distributing content also over the internet from news sites; have started their careers in radio and are on TV; formed or are in academic training in Journalism or other areas that are not linked to social communication, without disregarding those who did not have the

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opportunity to go through the Academy; and accumulate two or more functions in the newsrooms.

Table 2: List of professionals interviewed

Name Function Vehicle Age Career Training Agripino Reporter Liberal Radio 67 years 47 years Full Medium Furtado old old

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