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accountability, 3, 195 Ball, S. J., 5, 59, 73n1, 167 Adkins, T., 152, 169, 170–1 Barnard, H. C., 13, 39, 40, 42, 44, admissions procedures, in teacher 60 training institutions, 134–7, Bartley, G. C. T., 108 142–3, 146, 156n3, 159 Battersea Teacher Training adult education, 13 Institution, 27, 41, 77, 128, ‘Age of the Common School’, 33 132–3, 138, 152 Albisetti, J. C., 99, 104n6 admission procedures in, 136 Aldrich, R., 7, 109 curriculum/course of study at, 77, Alexander, J. L., 14, 81, 167 83 Althouse, J. G., 14, 44, 162 examinations at, 159–60, 162, 169, American Journal of Education, 170–1 44 exercises at, 144, 145 American Schoolmaster, The, 44 manual work at, 140, 141 Anglicans, 30 Master of Method at, 103n3 see also Church of England practice teaching at, 103n3, 160, annual certification examinations, 185n1 159–62 student-monitor system in, 137, see also examinations 148, 150 anxieties (and fears) uniforms and dress codes at, 146 contemporary, 61, 170 Beard, C. A., 17 historical, 57 Becker, C., 17 apprenticeship, 111 Bergen, B. H., 14 see also pupil teacher system BFSS see British and Foreign School archaeology, 18–22, 191 Society definition of, 19 Biber, E., 40, 42, 85 discontinuity, 19–20 Binder, F. M., 34, 58, 59, 134 archival research, 26–7 Birch, D., 7 see also research Bledstein, B. J., 15 Armytage, W. A. G., 13, 140 Bloomfield, B. C., 13 Arnold, M., 78, 81, 83, 97, 190 Board of Regents, 33 art of teaching see teaching Board of Trade, 178 associationism, 76 body, the, 24, 56, 60, 61, 63, 122, asylums, 144, 146, 153 132, 162–4 see also total institutions disciplining, 139, 148 Austin, S., 42 dualism between mind and, 55, autonomy, 110 126 inspectors’ attention to, 122 Bache, A. D., 40, 42 normalisation of, 146–8 Bailey, B., 156n2 selecting for admission to training Bailyn, B., 13, 46, 111, 112 institutions, 142–6 Bain, A., 43, 87 shaping in training institutions, Ball, N., 92, 114, 116, 118, 120, 169 140–8

215 216 Index

Borough Road Training Institution, examinations in 27, 77, 79, 134 certification, 161–2 admission procedures in, 135, 136, teacher training, 161 152, 156n3 inspections in, 121 criticism lesson at, 162, 185n2 Lower Canada, 34, 41 curriculum/course of study, 83 loyalists to, 46 examinations at, 170, 172 military preparedness in, 145 exercises at, 143, 144 moral influence on school manual labour at, 140 teachers, 92, 93 practical education at, 141, 143, New Brunswick, 34, 134 185n1 Newfoundland, 34 summer courses, 79 Nova Scotia, 34, 43, 134 Boultwood, M. E. A., 13 political reformers in, 39 Bradbury, J. L., 135, 140 public education system, Briggs, A., 36 construction of, 34 Briggs, W., 67, 112 school managers see school trustees Britain see England school trustees, 120 British and Foreign School Society school visitors, 120, 121 (BFSS), 27, 30, 79, 87, 134, 143, sexes in schools, behavioural 144, 156n3, 170 regulation between, 143–4 appointment of inspectors, 114 state formation in, 35 Britton, J. A., 14, 136, 163 state of poor in, 56 Brougham, H., 5, 20, 53, 65 teacher certificates, 161 Brown, T., 77, 100 teacher training institutions in, Bryant, M., 14, 99 134, 152, 161–2 Burdett-Coutts, A., 141 see also Normal School of Burke, P., 16 Upper Canada Burnet, J., 46 War of 1812, 58 Burroughs, P., 39 see also Upper Canada Burstyn, J. N., 14 Careless, J. M. S., 34, 36, 39, 46, Butcher, W. W., 44 55 Butler, J., 17 Carr, E. H., 17 Button, H. W., 34, 44, 112, 113 cathedral schools, 108 see also school(s/ing) Canada census, 179, 181 Chief Superintendent of Schools, certificates, 135 120 certification, 26, 31, 173 see also Ryerson, E. data about teachers, 175 colonial reformers in, 39 examinations, 26, 31, 115, 144, colonial state, 34 158, 159–62, 169–71 Common School Act of 1843, 120 charity schools, 108, 111 Common School Act of 1846, 120 see also school(s/ing) Common School Act of 1850, Chartism/Chartist, 58, 125 175 Chester College, 27, 137 Department of Education, 34 close monitoring and use of time, District Councils, 34 138 education reformers/promoters manual labour at, 140, 142 in, 6, 40–1, 93 student-monitor system in, 149 education reform in, 35, 61 uniforms and dress codes at, 146 Index 217 children Common School Acts (Upper Canada) immoral behaviour of, 54 1843, 120 labour, 54 1846, 120 poor, education of, 90 1850, 175 poverty amongst, 54 Common School Journal, 44 Chitty, C., 59, 72 Common Sense moral philosophy, 76 Christianity, 135 Common Things Movement, 141 see also Morality/moral Common School Movement, 33, 39, 45 Christian teacher, 91–2 see also under United States see also teacher(s) community relations, teachers and, Church of England, 155–6n1 108–13 certificates of baptism in, 135–6 breaking of, 113–14 class, 13, 17, 21, 46, 52, 58, 61, 62, community schooling, 13, 108–10, 69, 72, 82, 109 113 middle class, 39, 52, 61, 72, 164 comparative history, 8, 27, 32, 104n6, see also working (labouring 192, 196 classes) of crisis discourse, 56–9 class consciousness, 58, 69 of discourse of derision, 70–1 classroom, 4, 9, 11, 65–72, 79–81, 89, of early schooling, 110–13 96–7, 101–3, 110, 121, 123, 127, of education reform, 32–4 138, 152, 158, 160, 162–3, 185n2, of inspections, 119–21 189, 195 of morality and schooling, 92–3 clergy, 30, 168 of teacher examinations, 161–2 and school inspections, 114, of the collection of statistics, 177–9 115–16, 121 of the modern teacher, 84–7 clothing see dress codes; uniforms rationale for 37, 47, 192 Coleridge, D., 78, 82–4, 94, 97, 135, Comte, A., 57 142, 147, 148, 159, 176 conceited teacher, 68–70 on uniforms and dress codes, 148 see also teacher(s) see also St. Mark’s Teacher Training conditions of possibility, 21, 28 Institution Connecticut Common School Coleridge, S. T., 84 Journal, 44 colonial reformers, 38–9 contemporary educational reforms, see also reformers 3–5 colonial state Cook, R., 14 public education system, Cook, T. G., 33 construction of, 34 Copleman, D. M., 14 see also under Canada Coppa, F., 32, 33 Combe, G., 76 corporal punishment, 67–8, 71 Committee of Council on Education, Cousin, V., 13, 20, 41, 42 30, 31, 49n1, 54, 61, 63–8, 76, 77, see also France 81–4, 91, 92, 94, 95, 97, 100, criminal behaviour of poor, 54–6, 57, 103nn3, 4, 110, 114–16, 118, 121, 58–9 122, 124, 131nn2, 3, 132, 134, crime, 55–6, 57–8, 62 138, 142, 143, 159, 162, 169, crisis discourse, 53–9 170, 172, 173, 175–7, 185n1, education and, 60 186n5 criticism lesson examinations, 159, see also Select Committee on 161–4, 166, 167 Education see also examinations 218 Index cruel teacher and chaotic classroom, in teacher training institutions, 65–8 132, 138, 139, 145, 148, 150, corporal punishment, 67–8 152, 153, 155, 157, 165 whips/rods/instruments of torture, Discipline and Punish, 153 66–7 see also Foucault, M. see also teacher(s) discontinuity, 19–20 Cubberley, E. P., 13, 33–5, 39, 40, 45, 92 discourse, 18–23, 193 Culham Diocesan Training College of crisis and fear, 53–9, 72–3 behavioural regulation between defined, 18, 192 sexes, 143 of derision, 53, 62–73 close monitoring and use of time, gendered, 67, 94, 98–100, 190 139 of the good teacher, 74–104 Cullen, M. J., 180 education and, 60 Curtis, B., 14, 34, 35, 39, 61, 108, discursive, 9, 19, 22–3, 38, 59, 74, 76, 119–21, 149, 161, 162, 169, 177, 87, 192, 194 179, 181, 186n6 documentation, 174–7 Curtis, S. J., 13, 41 see also data about teachers Donaldson, J., 43, 78, 82 Dahlmann-Hanse, J., 32 dress codes dame schools, 63, 64, 67, 68, 109, 111 female, 26, 146–7 see also school(s/ing) male, 146 Danylewycz, M., 14, 168 modesty, 146, 147 Darwin, C., 189 and moral regulation, 146–8 data about teachers, 117–18, 174–7, see also uniforms 181–3 Drew, G. C., 77, 78, 80, 126 collection of, 117–19, 176–7 Duncombe, C., 40–1, 58, 70 inspectors’ role in, 176–7 Dunn, H., 6, 43, 78, 80, 81, 87, 92, examination/certification, 175 100, 101, 140, 151 training college, 175–6 Dunning, R., 76–7, 82 Davies, H. W., 86 Dunoyer, C., 57 de Coninck-Smith, N., 14, 16 Durham, L., 57, 70 de Fellenberg, P. E., 40, 140 Dussel, I., 148 Dehli, K., 14, 16 Denmark, educational reform in, 32 education Dent, H. C., 166 elementary, 8, 34, 90 derision, discourse of, 62–71 in England, 35–8 Desrosieres, A., 178, 179, 181 in Europe, 35–42 Deviation Register, 176 history of, 15, 35, 44 didactical (teaching methods) in North America, 35–42 knowledge and skills, of teachers, as panacea, 59–62 79–81 revisionist histories of, 12–15 Digby, A., 149 traditional histories of, 12–15, 28n2 disciplinary society/world, 10, 26, Victorian era, 29–49 153, 157, 174, 183 Education Advocate, 44 disciplinary technologies, 23 educational ideas and practices, see also technology(ies) 37–46 discipline (and management) educational publications, spread of, in schools, 39, 66, 67, 90, 97, 112, 42–5 117, 121, 124, 125, 130 through colonial reformers, 38–9 Index 219

through educational reformers, empiricism (empirical study), 76, 78, 38–9 88, 89 through educational study tour, endowments, 108 39–42 England through immigration, 45–6 British and Foreign School Society, educational journals and magazines 27, 30, 79, 87, 134, 144 see educational publications collection of national statistics, (historical) 177–9 educational publications (historical), comparison with international spread of, 42–5 contexts, 32–4 American Journal of Education, 44 early schooling in, 111 American Schoolmaster, 44 educational reform in, 30–2 Connecticut Common School Journal, 1846 Minutes, 31, 134 44 Elementary Education Act of 1870, Education Advocate, 44 31 Educational Magazine, 44 examinations of teachers, 31, 37, Home and School Supplement, 44 81, 115, 134, 158–61, 162 Journal of Education of Upper Canada National Society, 27, 30, 63, 79, (JEUC), 44, 85, 102, 175 114, 134, 141, 176 Massachusetts Teacher, 93 new cultural history in, 16 Michigan Teacher, The, 44 pedagogical publications, spread Ontario Teacher, 44 of, 86–7 Quarterly Journal of Education, 43–4 school-community relations, Sunday School Banner, 44 breaking, 108–10, 113–14 education reform Select Committee of the Privy contemporary, 3–5, 43, 59, 72, 86, Council on Education, 30, 116, 102, 122–4, 142, 167, 182, 190, 175, 177 195, 196 see also Committee of Council historical, 6, 14, 16, 46–8, 94 on Education England, 30–2 state formation in, 35 Europe, 32–3 state of poor in, 57 North America, 33–4 student-monitor system in, 149 and social control see social control teachers and community relations, educational reformers, 38–42, 44 108–10, 112–14 critique on teachers, 70–1 teacher training institutions in, 27, on role of inspectors, 114 41, 42, 77, 82–4, 133–4, 135, see also reformers 137–40, 142–4, 148, 151–2, educational study tour, 39–42, 48 159, 173, 175 Education Magazine, 44 Enlightenment thought Eggleston, E., 70, 112 empiricism, 76, 78, 88, 89 1846 Minutes, 31, 134 individualism, 88 see also England progress, 13, 20, 60, 61–2, 72–3, 75, elementary education, 8, 34, 90 88, 101, 189 see also education reason and rationality, 73, 80, 88, Elementary Education Act of 1870, 31 89, 101, 103, 178, 189, 190 Eliot, C., 71 science, 74–7, 88, 89, 189 Elton, G., 193 secularism, 32, 33, 89, 190 emigrants see immigrants uniformity of human nature, 88 emotion, teacher, 96–8 universalism, 88 220 Index entrance examinations, 134, 158–9, family(ies), 57, 67, 94–6 161, 176 abdicating role in moral training, see also examinations 59–60 Errington, J., 14 and education, 109–12 Etherington, W., 79, 83, 117, 150, as socialisation agent, 111 159 fears see anxieties Europe Fenian Raids, 58 examining/grading of teacher’s feminism/gender, 17, 67, 94, 98–100, knowledge, 161 104–6, 144, 190, 191 external inspections in, 119 Ferry laws (1880s, France), 32 national education systems in, 33 Finland, educational reform in, 33 teacher training institutions in, Fisher, H. A. L., 17, 28n1 133 Fletcher, L., 44, 65 Evans, E., 72 Foucault, M., 5, 12, 18–26, 28nn2, 3, examinations, 26, 31, 157 126, 128–30, 144, 164, 181, 183, certification/licensing, 26, 31, 115, 194, 197 144, 158, 159–62, 169–71 archaeology, 18–22 cheating on, 169–70 on criminal behaviour, 180 constant and continuous, 158–61 disciplinary society and, 26 contemporary, 161 genealogy, 22–6, 164, 191 criticism lesson, 159, 161 hierarchical observation, 10, 153, data about the teacher, 175 156, 157 graded, 173–4 history of madness, 28n2 as performance, 162 history of the prison, 144, 153, practice teaching, 158, 159, 161, 157, 180 163, 164 see also Discipline and Punish as public theatre, 158, 162–7 normalisation and normalising rituals and rules of, 167–71 judgements, 10, 146, 154, school, 157 156, 157, 165 standardised, 171–4 panoptic surveillance, 153–4 of teacher’s knowledge, 158–74 power and, 23, 25, 26, 28n3, 130, teacher training, 81, 141, 158–63, 146, 147, 153–4, 155, 165 167–9, 171, 184 on regulation of social life, 147 admission/entrance, 134, 158–9, and the subject (and subjectivation), 161, 176 23, 26, 128, 130, 147, 165 written, 171 on visibility, 165 exercises (physical), 10, 144–6, 154, France 155, 164, 188 Bureau de Statistique, 178 external inspections certification/licensing a collaborative and cooperative examinations, 161 affair, 115–16 collection of national statistics, 178 powers and responsibilities of, Cousin, V., 13, 20, 41, 42 114–15 early schooling in, 110 statistical data about teachers, educational reform in, 32, 33, 35 collecting, 117–19 Ferry laws (1880s), 32 teachers Guizot, F., 6, 41, 42, 84, 93 advising and supporting, 116–17 inspections in, 32 making and shaping, 121–3 new cultural history in, 16 see also inspections state formation in, 35 Index 221

state of poor in, 57 graded examination, 173–4 teacher training institutions in, 33, see also examinations 133, 137, 152, 161 Graham, E., 112 Franklin, M. B., 16 grammar schools, 108 Fraser, J., 41 see also school(s/ing) Froebel, F., 85, 98 Green, A., 32, 33, 35–8, 45, 57, 92, 112, 113, 120, 131n1, 161 Gardner, P. W., 14, 109, 110, 113 Griscom, J., 40 gardener, teacher as, 96 GRO see General Register Office gaze, 122, 123, 130, 153, 165, 166 Guizot, F., 6, 41, 42, 84, 93 gender, 17, 99–100, 175 see also France gendered discourse, 67, 94, 98–100, 190 Hacking, I., 178–82, 193 relations in teacher training Hamilton, E., 80 institutions, 82, 144 Hargreaves, A., 72 genealogy, 22–6, 164, 191 Harp, S. L., 69, 153, 163 defined, 23 Harrigan, P., 99 see also Foucault, M. Harris, T., 56, 124, 125 General Register Office (GRO), 178 harvest schools, 79, 117, 127, 188 Germany Heap, R., 14 collection of national statistics, health 177 of the poor, 54 early schooling in, 111 of teachers, 135, 142–3, 145, 176 new cultural history in, 16 Helsby, G., 5 see also Prussia Herbst, J., 6, 14, 40, 41, 44, 70, 71, 86, Gezi, K. I., 162 87, 98, 99, 113, 133, 134, 153 Gidney, R. D., 14, 15, 34 Hewlett, E. L., 79, 83, 117 Gillis, A. R., 33 Hextall, I., 5 Gintis, H., 36 hierarchical observation, 10, 153, Gladman, F. J., 163, 185n2 156, 157 Goffman, E., 144, 146, 153 see also Foucault, M. Goldstein, J., 16 Higginson, J. H., 110 Goldstrom, J. M., 14 Himmelfarb, G., 194 Gomersall, M., 14 historical research good teachers new cultural, 15–18, 27–8 discourse of, 74–104 objectivity of, 17–18 gendered and dualistic nature of, revisionist, 13–15 98–100 traditional, 12–13 making and shaping of history of education, 15, 35, 44 twenty-first century, 3–5 see also education Victorian era, 5–8 history of the present, 5, 196 see also teacher(s); see also individual Hodgins, J. G., 34, 86, 144, 166, 172, 175 entries Hodgson, J. S., 43 governance/governmentality, 47, 96, Holland 177, 179, 182, 183 early schooling in, 111 of the self, 127 educational reform in, 32 see also self education study tour, 41, 42 Gordon, P., 15 inspections in, 119, 120 Gosden, P. H. J. H., 14 training institutions in, 140 222 Index

Home and Colonial Society, 116 teachers, making and shaping, Home and School Supplement, 44 121–3 Homerton College, 149 teachers, advising and Horn, P., 32, 66, 139, 143, 149, 156n2 supporting, 116–17 Hoskin, K. W., 171, 174, 194 internal (of the self) House of Commons (England), 5, 55 introspection, 124–5 Houston, S. E., 42, 71, 145, 153 self as moral subject, Hubbell, G., 13 constituting, 126–8 Hughes, G. W., 92, 109, 115, 136 self-governance, 127 Hullah’s system of music, 168 soul, studying and governing, Hunt, L., 15 125–6 Hunter, I., 16, 179 see also inspectors/inspectorate Hunter, W., 179 inspectors/inspectorate, 6, 19, 25, 41, Hurt, J., 32, 170, 172 76, 82, 101 Hutchinson, J., 137, 147, 149 cooperation with teachers, 115–16 in England, 27, 31, 65–8, 113–14, identity 117, 131n2, 161, 169, 176, construction of, 33 183–4 of teachers, 28 in Europe see France; Holland; ignorance of poor, 54, 58–9 Prussia ignorant teacher, 68–70 instructions to, 131n2 see also teacher(s) in Ireland, 120 immigrants/migrants in North America, 113, 117, 120, to England, 54–6, 58, 59 163, 177 to North America, 45–6, 53, 59, powers and responsibilities of, 111 114–15 immigration, spread of educational reports of, 163 practices through, 45–6, 111, 113 role in advising and supporting immoral teacher see immorality, of teachers, 116–17 teachers role in collecting data about immorality teachers, 117–19, 176–7 of the poor, 55–7, 59, 72, 95 role in inspecting teachers, 121–3 of teachers, 9–20, 62–5, 67, 70–1, internal inspections, 124–8 98, 142 self as moral subject, constituting, inductive method of teaching, 80–1 126–8 see also teaching self-governance, 127 industrialisation, 35–7, 47, 61–2 self introspection, 124–5 industrial training, 140–1 see also self-governance see also training soul, studying and governing, inspections, 3, 4, 26, 31 125–6 contemporary, 122, 123 see also inspections, internal external (of schools and teachers) Ireland a collaborative and cooperative inspections in, 119, 120, 123 affair, 115–16 Kildare Place Society, 120 involvement of the clergy, 116 school-community relations, Jarman, T. L., 13 breaking, 113–14 Jeffrey, B., 5, 122 statistical data about teachers, Jenkins, K., 16, 17 collecting, 117–19 Johnson, C., 113 Index 223

Johnson, R., 36, 40, 54, 60 labouring classes see working Jones, A., 41 (labouring) classes Jones, D., 16 Landon, J., 80 Jones, K., 16 Laquer, T. W., 108 Jones, L. G. E., 6, 13 Larsen, M., 8 Jones, M., 42 Larson, M. S., 15 Journal of Education of Upper Canada, Laurie, S., 13 The (JEUC), 44, 175 Lawrence, A., 138 see also educational publications Lawson, J., 108 (historical), spread of Leinster-Mackay, D. P., 109, 110 J. S. G., 78, 82 Lemlech, J., 135 Judges, A. V., 13 Le Vaux, G. V., 87, 93, 96 Locke, J., 77 Kaestle, C., 37, 111 logbooks, 118 Kamm, J., 99 London Statistical Society (LSS), 179 Katz, M. B., 33, 36, 56–8, 60, 85, 86, love and teaching, v, 11, 94, 96–8, 93, 112 102, 189, 190, 195 Kay, D. J., 54, 96 Love, J., 46, 58 Kay-Shuttleworth, J., 13, 40, 53, 55, Lovett, W., 125 58, 81, 83, 84, 90, 93, 95, 115, Lowe, R., 17, 28n1 116, 119, 138, 141, 145, 148–52, loyalists, 46 158, 160 LSS see London Statistical Society on education of poor children, Lyceum Theatre, 166 87 Lyotard, J. F., 16 on mandatory physical exercises at schools, 145 Macaulay, L., 55 parental substitution and, MacNaughton, K. F. C., 34 103–4n5 Mahony, P., 5 on school monitor system, 150 Manchester Statistical Society, 63, 64, see also Battersea Teacher Training 68, 69, 117 Institution Mann, H., 13, 27, 39–42, 44, 57, 60, Kildare Place Society, 120 67, 71, 85, 92, 99 King, Julia, 86 manual labour, in teacher training Knight, E. W., 40 institutions, 140–2 knowledge, 19, 22, 68, 69, 72, 95, see also practical labour, in teacher 102, 103, 110, 114, 128, 141, training institutions 172–4, 177, 179, 183, 190, Marenholtz-Beulow, B. M. von, 98–9 191 Marks, M. B., 135 didactical, 79–81 Master of Method, 81, 103n3, 134, expected of teachers, 101 151–3 pedagogical, 45, 77–9 Maynes, M. J., 32, 38 philosophical (science of the McCulloch, G., 5 mind), 75–7 McGregor, G. P., 14, 135, 159 and power, 10, 23, 25, 27, 28, 48, Michigan State Normal School, 87 117, 147, 157, 180–1 close monitoring and use of time, self-knowledge, 125–6 139 and skills, 69, 75–84, 101, 159–61, see also normal schools; 163, 168 schools(s/ing) subject matter, 81–4 Michigan Teacher, The, 44 224 Index micro-teaching, 159 Newcastle Commission, 41, 63, 64, migrants (Irish) see immigrants 66, 81, 82, 92, 100, 109, 113, 115, modern teacher, 74–84, 190–1 117, 134, 155–6n1 didactical (teaching methods) new cultural history, 12, 15–18, 107, knowledge and skills of, 79–81 191–4 pedagogic knowledge of, 77–9 addressing criticisms of, 193–4 philosophical (science of the mind) archaeological approach, 18–22 knowledge of, 75–7 different from traditional history, subject matter knowledge of, 81–4 15–16 see also teacher(s) genealogical approach, 22–6 Modernity see Enlightenment history of the present, 5, 196 thought objectivity of, 17 monitorial schools, 65, 66, 70n2, representation of, 16 72n2, 109, 116, 150 scientific status of, 17 see also school(s/ing) social categories, challenges to, morality/moral, 135, 136 17 citizen, 29, 60, 94 sources and archival research, and schooling, 61, 89–93, 145–54 26–7 and teachers see moral teacher New Cultural History, The (Hunt), 14 training, 127 Newnham, W. T., 14 moral teacher, 75, 84–9, 190–1 nonconformists, 30 character, habits and dispositions normalising judgements (and of, 94, 154–5 normalisation), 10, 154, 156, 157, as loving gardener, 96–8 165 moral exemplar, 10, 91–2, 94, 102, norm/normal, 9, 10, 24, 26, 38, 46, 154, 190 129, 133, 134, 137, 138, 146–8, as moral subject, 154–5 152, 154, 166, 171, 184 as nurturing gardener, 96 Normal School of Upper Canada, 27, as parent, 94–6 86, 175 spirit of emotion, 96–8 behavioural regulation between see also teacher(s) sexes, 143 More, C., 138, 160 curriculum/course of study at, 86 Morell, J. D., 77, 83 examinations at, 161, 168 Morton, W. L., 45 exercises (military drill) at, 145 Moseley’s syllabus, 186n5 Lyceum Theatre and, 166 Myers, J. E., 162 opening of, 134 practical education at, 141–2 National schools, 30 student-monitor system in, 149 see also school(s/ing) see also normal schools; teacher National Society, 27, 30, 63, 79, 134, training college and 176 institutions appointment of inspectors, 114 normal schools, 34, 40–2, 44, 46, on industrial training, 141 85–6, 87, 133–7, 140, 144, 145, Naylor, R. T., 37, 56 148, 152, 161–2, 172, 175 Netherlands, the curriculum/course of study at, 85–6 early schooling in, 111 definition of, 134 external inspections in, 119 Michigan State Normal School, 41, new cultural history in, 16 86, 87, 139 see also Holland Oswego Normal School, 41 Index 225

Toronto Normal School see Normal philosophy, educational School of Upper Canada Common Sense philosophy, 43, see also teacher training college and 76 institutions and individual moral philosophy, 75, 77, 88 entries of normal schools (e.g. science of the mind, 41, 43, 45, Michigan Normal School) 75–7 Novick, P., 17 phrenology, 43, 76 Pillans, J., 43 obedient teacher, constructing, playground, 124–5 167–71 political reformers, 38–9 see also teacher(s) see also reformers official school visitors, 114 poor/poverty, 53–9 powers and responsibilities of, criminal behaviour of, 54–6, 57, 114–15 58–9 statistical data about teachers, as a disease, 55 collecting, 117–19 education of, 13, 30, 60, 78, 82, teachers, advising and supporting, 88, 94, 108, 109, 112, 113 116–17 health conditions of, 54 and teachers, cooperation between, ignorance of, 54, 55, 58–9 115–16 immoral behaviour of, 54, 55 see also school visitors of teachers, 62–4 Omricon, 81 Popkewitz, T. S., 16, 181 Ontario Teacher, 44 Porter, R., 36 Oswego Normal School, 41 Poster, M., 16 see also normal schools; power, 165 school(s/ing) disciplinary, 123, 129, 130, 150, 154, 189 panoptic surveillance/panopticon, and knowledge, 10, 23, 25, 27, 28, 153–4, 155 48, 117, 147, 157, 180–1 parent(s) productive effects, 23, 25, 153 teacher as, 94–6 sovereign, 122, 129, 130, 150, 154, working class 189 and teachers, relationship practical labour, in teacher training between, 109–10 institutions, 140–2 parental substitution, 103–4n5 see also manual labour, in teacher pedagogical publications, spread of, training institutions 86–7 practice teaching examinations, 81, pedagogic knowledge, of modern 101n3, 158, 159, 163 teachers, 77–9 see also examinations pedagogy, 16, 38, 40, 44, 45, 75, 79, Prentice, A., 14, 71, 145, 149, 153, 81, 86 162, 168 Pereyra, M. A., 16 principal performance-based appraisals, 4 role in handling training Perkin, H., 15 institution operations, 151–3 Pestalozzi, J. H., 40–2, 49n2, 76, prisons, 144, 153, 157, 180 79–80, 82, 85, 98, 140 professionalism, 14–15 philosophical (science of the mind) progress knowledge, of modern teachers, conception of change, 60, 61–2, 75 75–7 as evolutionary, 20 226 Index

Provenzo, E., 34, 44, 112, 113 educational, 38–42, 46–8, 62, 63, Prussia 69, 71, 72, 82, 84, 94, 114, 133, certification/licensing 171, 190 examinations, 161 England, 30–2, 41 collection of national statistics, 178 Europe, 38 crime and violence in, 58 North America, 38–41, 71 educational publications in, 42 political, 38–9 education promoters in, 39–40 on role of inspectors, 114 educational reform in, 32, 33, 35 social, 38, 40, 53, 54, 57, 178 examining/grading of teacher’s Reid, H., 43 knowledge, 161 Reid, T., 77 inspections in, 119 representation, 16, 17, 23 teacher training institutions in, research 133, 152 archival/primary, 26–7 admissions procedures in, 135 see also sources close monitoring and use of time, historical see historical research 137 new cultural, 15–18, 27–8 see also Germany objectivity of, 17–18 public health, 54 revisionist, 13–15 Public Schools, 121 secondary, 27 see also school(s/ing) traditional, 12–13 publishing industry revisionist histories, of education, role in circulating educational 12–15 practices and ideas, 42–5 revolution, 57–8 pupil teacher system, 48–9n1, 114, Rich, R. W., 13, 100, 134, 145, 162, 115, 122, 159 185n1 see also Queen’s Scholarships Richardson, W., 16 Purvis, J., 16, 108, 109 Roberts, M., 137 Putnam, J. H., 13 Robertson, T., 86 Roebuck, J. A., 40, 53 quality teaching, 4 Rolph, T., 70 quantification, 180 Roman Catholics, 30 Quarterly Journal of Education, 43–4 Rose, M., 14 Queen’s Scholarships, 148, 159 Rose, N., 24, 107, 126, 178–83, 196 Rosenkranz, J. K. F., 87 race, 17, 83, 93, 137 Rousmaniere, K., 14, 16, 95, 98, 102 ragged schools, 108 Rousseau, J. J., 49n2, 85 see also school(s/ing) Rowe, F. W., 34, 111, 112 reasoning Russell, J., 31, 42 about teachers, 9, 22, 23, 80, 84, 87, Ryan, P., 14, 59 88, 136, 157, 189 Ryerson, E., 13, 40–2, 56–8, 60, 67, recurrent statements, examining texts 70, 84, 85, 92, 93, 96, 99, 121, for, 19 134, 137, 141, 162, 173 reappearance, 20 repeatability, 20 St. Hilda’s Training College see also archaeology close monitoring and use of time, reformers 138 colonial, 38–9 St. John’s see Battersea Teacher critique on teachers, 70–1 Training Institution Index 227

St. Mark’s Teacher Training ragged, 108 Institution, 27, 84, 133 secondary, 32, 195 admission procedures in, 135, 136 as sites of disciplinary control, curriculum course of study at, 83, 107–31 160 trustees see school trustees data/information about training venture see private enterprise candidates, 176 visitors to see school visitors examinations at, 160, 166, 176 voluntary (Church) run, 35, 113, exercises at, 144, 145 133 Master of Method at, 103n3 Sunday, 108, 111 practice teaching at, 159 summer, 79 student-monitor system in, 148 ward, 108 uniforms and dress codes at, 146, workhouse, 68 147 for working classes, 108–10 visible teacher at, 165–6 School Act of 1846 (Upper Canada), St. Mary’s Training College, 136 120 close monitoring and use of time, School Act of 1850 (Upper Canada), 138 175 Salzmann, C. G., 85, 97, 124–6 school-community relations, Sanderson, M., 108, 109 breaking, 113–14 Sangster, J. H., 86, 144 school managers, 114 school(s/ing) powers and responsibilities of, British, 30 114–15 cathedral, 108 statistical data about teachers, charity, 108, 111 collecting, 117–19 common, 27, 33, 34, 39, 40, 44–6, teachers, advising and supporting, 58, 61, 86, 93 116–17 dame, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 109, 111 and teachers, cooperation between, as a disciplinary site, 9, 107, 123, 115–16 189 schoolmistress, 10, 14, 27, 65, 67, 75, early, 108–13 81, 92, 100, 100, 140, 170, 185n1 elementary, 37 Common Things Movement and, enterprise see private enterprise 141 grammar, 108 dame, 62, 63, 64, 66, 109 harvest, 79, 117, 127, 188 habits and dispositions of, 94 home, 112 kind and gentle, 98 informal, 13 as mother, 95, 96 industrial, 68 see also teachers, female logbooks, 118 school reform movement, 16 managers see school managers see also education: reform of monitorial, 65, 66, 73n2, 109, 113, school trustees, 114 150 powers and responsibilities of, morality and, 89–93 114–15 national, 30 statistical data about teachers, normal see normal schools; teacher collecting, 117–19 training teachers, advising and supporting, primary, 37 116–17 private enterprise, 109 and teachers, cooperation between, purposes of, 89–91 115–16 228 Index school visitors, 114, 115–17, 121 soul, 92, 125–6, 127, 130, 137, 188 see also official school visitors sources Scotland England, 27 educational publications in, European, 27 42–3 North America, 58 educational reform in, 32 primary (archival), 26–7 Searby, P., 149 secondary, 27 Select Committee of the House of see also research Lords, 56 Spence, B., 171, 173 see also Committee of Council on Spring, J., 39, 40, 45, 85, 112 Education; Select Committee standard academic explanations, on Education 35–7 Select Committee of the Privy limitations of, 36–7 Council on Education see standardised examination, 171–2 Committee of Council on see also examinations Education; Select Committee state on Education colonial, 34, 39 Select Committee on Education, 6, English, 36, 56, 108–10, 142, 178 56, 100, 109, 117, 140, 151 formation of, 35, 36, 47 see also Committee of Council Statistics, collection of, 56, 58, 68, on Education 117–19, 174–81 self Steedman, C., 16, 98–100 governance/regulation, 127, 152, Stephens, W. B., 108 153–5 Stewart, D., 41, 43, 76, 77 introspection/reflection, 124–8 Stewart, W. A. C., 110 knowledge, 125 Stockwell Training College as moral subject, constituting, blocking and ordering of students, 126–8 144 reflection, 126–8 examinations at, 124 Sheldon, E. A., 41 Stow, D., 41, 43, 78, 80, 124, 162–5 Shultz, S. K., 70 on criticism lesson and practice Silber, K., 40, 85 teaching examinations, 163 Silver, H., 108 Stowe, C. E., 40 Simon, B., 171, 196 student monitor system, 148–50 Sissons, C. B., 13 deviation registers and, 149–50 slaves and education, 39, 112, Sturt, M., 44, 64, 142 131n1 subject (and subjectivication), 147 Smaller, H., 153 governable, 61 Smith, F., 152 visible, 103 Smith, J., 76 see also self, as a moral subject social-construction, 193 subject matter knowledge, of modern social disorder/unrest, 56, 57–8, 58, teachers, 81–4 62, 72 Sullivan, R., 90 social control, 62 Sunday School Banner, 44 and schools, 107 Sunday schools, 108, 111 Society for the Diffusion of Useful see also school(s/ing) Knowledge surveillance, 10, 114, 115 Quarterly Journal of Education, in teacher training institutions, 43–4 144, 153 Index 229

Sweden, educational reform in, 32 mechanisms for evaluating and Switzerland monitoring, 4 educational reform in, 32 modern see modern teacher public education, taxation for, 32 moral see moral teacher teacher training institutions in, obedient, 167–71 133, 144, 146, 152 as object (of power and knowledge), Symons, J., 124 16, 23, 132, 157, 162, 174, 184, Szreter, R., 15 188 as performer, 165, 167 Tannoch-Bland, J. M., 43, 76 poor and sick, 62–4 Tate, T., 43, 77–80, 82, 91, 96, 97, pupil teachers, 31, 48–9n1, 115, 101, 126 122, 158, 159, 168 taxation, for public education, 32 quality of, 4 teacher(s) schoolmistress(es), 14, 27, 63, 65, additional unpaid work, 63–4 67, 75, 81, 82, 94, 95, 98–101, advising and supporting 124, 140–1, 170, 185n1, 189 by inspectors, managers, and self-regulating/self-governance, school visitors, 116–17 127, 152 boarding with families, 112, 139, self study/reflection of, 124–8 144, 149 soul of, 122, 125–6 body, focus on, 142–8 statistical data about, 117–19 character, focus on, 134–42 study, 20, 23, 77, 78, 83, 86, 88, 94, child-like, 127, 147 102, 125–8, 130, 192 Christian, 91–2 as subject (of power and and community relations, 108–13 knowledge), 23, 123, 132, 157, conceited, 68–70 162, 174, 184 contemporary, 4, 5, 94, 195 training college data about, 175–6 cruel, 65–8 visible/visibility of, 94, 101–3, 122, dame school, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 123, 130, 147, 162–7, 189 109, 111 voice, 163–4, 185n3 data about, 129, 176–83 see also individual entries discourse of derision about see teacher training colleges and discourse institutions, 14, 25–6, 31, 41 examination/certification data admission procedures, 134–7, about, 175 142–3, 146, 156n3, 159 examining, 158–74 co-educational, 143–4 as gardener, 96, 98 curriculum/course of study at, 33, gaze at, 122 77, 81–6, 88, 100, 113, 158–60, good see good teacher 171–2, 186n5 health of, 142–3, 156n3 data collected in, 175–6 humble/humility, 69, 75, 94, 122, deviation (conduct) register, 128, 141, 142, 146–7, 155, 165, 149–50, 176 187 dormitories ignorant, 68–70 off-site (boarding rooms), 139, immoral, 64–5 140, 149 and inspectors, cooperation on-site, 138–9, 149 between, 115–16 examinations in making and shaping, through certification, 26, 31, 115, 120, inspections, 121–3 134, 141, 158–67 230 Index teacher training colleges and Thornburg, L. D., 41, 42, 44, 85, 86, institutions – continued 137, 139, 144, 151, 153, 173 cheating on, 170 Thorpe, S., 59, 72 criticism lesson, 159 time physical exercises at, 10, 144–6, deviation register, 149–50 154, 155, 164, 188 maximising, 139, 140 female training institutions, 138, monitoring in teacher training 140–1, 144 institutions, 137–42, 169 see also Homerton College; monitoring through manual and St. Hilda’s; St. Mary’s; practical labour, 140–2 Whiteland’s Training regulation of, 137–40 Institution timetabling (in teacher training instructors, 25 institutions), 143–4 male–female relations in, 100, Tomlinson, S., 43, 76 143–4 Toronto Normal School see Normal manual labour in, 140–2 School for Upper Canada masters/instructors, role of, 25, total institutions, 153 151–3, 159 traditional histories, of education, moral training in, 90–1, 95, 125, 12–15, 28n2 127, 150 see also education practice teaching, 159–60, 185n1 training principal, role of, 151–3 industrial, 140–1 probationary period, 151 moral, 125, 127 silence at, 138 teacher, 14, 25–6, 31, 41 as sites of disciplinary control, vocational, 111 132–56 see also teacher training colleges student monitors, role of, 148–50 and institutions time, monitoring and maximising, training college data about teacher, 137–42, 149–50 175–6 timetabling, 143–4 see also teacher(s) uniforms and dress codes, 146–8 Troman, G., 5 teaching Tropp, A., 14, 109 art of, 122 twenty-first century classroom, 65–8 contemporary educational reforms gift (Lehrgabe), 101 on teachers, 3–5 inductive method of, 80–1 Tyack, D., 33, 36, 71, 121, 123 power, 100–2 private, 63–4 uniforms, 146–8 simultaneous style of, 80 see also dress codes technology(ies) United Society for the Propagation of disciplinary, 23 the Gospel, 111 external, 24, 25, 28n3, 129 United States of government, 24 Board of Regents, 33 internal, 24, 25, 28n3, 129 collection of national statistics, 177 micro-technologies, 150 Common School Movement, 33, of the self, 28n3, 128 39, 45 Teller, J., 39 early schooling in, 111, 112 testimonials, 135 education of slaves, 112, 131n1 Thompson, E. P., 57–8 education of poor children, 112 Index 231

education reformers in, 44 political reformers in, 39 examination/certification data public education system, about teacher, 175 construction of, 34 examinations in teacher training school managers see school institutions trustees certification, 162, 175 school trustees, 120 criticism lesson, 162 school visitors, 121 semi-annual, 168 sexes in schools, behavioural humanistic child-centred teaching regulation between, 143–4 methods in, 85–6 state formation in, 35 inspections in, 120, 121, 123 state of poor in, 56 moral influence on school teacher certificates, 175 teachers, 93 teacher training institutions in, new cultural history in, 15 134, 152, 161–2 political reformers in, 39 see also Normal School of poverty and ignorance in, 58 Upper Canada public education system, War of 1812, 58 construction of, 33 see also Canada state formation in, 35 urbanisation, 35–6, 37 state of poor in, 56 teacher training institutions in, Varga, D., 16 133, 134, 151, 152 Vick, M., 164 admissions procedures in, Victorian era 135 background, 5–7, 25–6 behavioural regulation between educational ideas and practices, sexes, 143–4 spread of, 37–46 War of 1812, 58 colonial reformers, 38–9 Upper Canada educational publications, Chief Superintendent of Schools, spread of, 42–5 120 educational reformers, 38–9 see also Ryerson, E. educational study tour, 39–42 colonial reformers in, 39 political reformers, 38–9 colonial state, 34 through immigration, 45–6 Common School Act of 1843, 120 education reform in, 26, 29–49 Common School Act of 1846, 120 standard academic explanations, Common School Act of 1850, 175 35–7 Department of Education, 34 rationale for studying, 7–8, 26 District Councils, 34 Viney, R. J., 125, 163, 185n3 education reformers/promoters in, Vinovskis, M., 37 40–1 visible teacher, constructing, 147–8, education reform in, 34, 37, 39, 40, 162–7 41–2 see also teacher(s) examinations in vocational training, 111 certification, 161–2 see also training teacher training, 161, 166 voice, teachers, 163, 185n3 inspections in, 121 voluntary societies, 26, 27, 29–31, 35, loyalists to, 46 113–14, 117 moral influence on school teachers, see also British and Foreign School 92, 93 Society; National Society 232 Index

Wardle, D., 110 Wilson, J. D., 71 ward schools, 108 Windshuttle, K., 194 see also school(s/ing) women, educational histories of, 14 Warne, J., 43 Woods, P., 5, 122 War of 1812 (Canada), 58 working (labouring) classes, 69, 110, Warwick, D. W., 82, 145, 160, 173 112, 113, 189 Weinburg, M., 57 education of, 13, 60, 76, 78, 82, 88, Welter, B., 98 94, 108, 109, 112, 113, 142 West, E. G., 35 history of, 13 White, H., 16 state of, 55, 57–8, 108 Whitelands Training Institution, 27, Workman, J., 5 133 written examination, 171 examinations at, 141, 170 see also examinations manual activities at, 141 Wyse, Sir Thomas, 40, 58 uniforms and dress codes at, 146–7 Williamson, K., 16 Young, J., 42, 113