Westminster Theological Seminary

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Westminster Theological Seminary • ~From The Presbyterian Guardian theEditor======l (ISSN 0032-7522) Managing Editor: J. Cameron Fraser Synods and General Assemblies committee assigned last year to study the Layout Artist: Robert E. Smith issue received permission from the Synod Last month we gave rather extensive cov­ to confer with a similar committee from Board of Trustees: erage to the meeting of the Orthodox the Presbyterian Church in America Class of 1979 Presbyterian Church's 46th General As­ (PCA) which has given considerable time .. F. Kingsley Elder, Jr. sembly in Beaver Falls, Pa. The OPC was to this issue. George E. Haney the first of the five NAPARC (National An eight-page report from the Study Leonard Lowrey Association of Presbyterian and Reformed Committee on the Sharing of Economic James R. Peaster Churches) churches to hold its annual Resources presented 16 practical sugges­ O. Palmer Robertson "business meeting." We cannot give such tions by means of which individuals, John H. White extensive coverage to the meetings of the churches and presbyteries might learn to Class of 1980 other four denominations, but this report share their abundance with those who Hugh Brown will attempt to pinpoint some of the high­ have less. The report noted that the John P. Galbraith lights of those meetings as they affect the Bible "clearly allows Christian men and Robley J.Johnston interests of Christ's church. I am indebted women to enjoy at least some of the priv­ Arthur W. Kuschke to Mr. Joel Belz, News and Management ileges of wealth." Also, it noted that. Paul Settle Editor of The Presbyterian Journal and "Giving can come from poverty, and it is John H. Van Voorhis to Dr. L. De Koster, Editor of The Banner not simply something the rich should do," Class of 1981 for much of the material on which this Nevertheless the report clearly indicated Glenn H. Andreas report is based. a concern for the church to take seriously its ministry to the poor, giving extensive Edmund P. Clowney RPCES Le Roy B. Oliver scriptural quotations to support this con­ The Reformed Presbyterian Church Joseph A. Pipa cern. Evangelical Synod (RPCES) met in Robert L. Reymond Greenville, S.C. for its 157th General RPCNA A. Michael Schneider, III Synod, May 25-31. Dr. T. Robert Palmer, The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Officen: Vice-President for Development at Cov­ North America, (RPCNA) commonly re­ Acting President: O. Palmer Robertson enant Theological Seminary, succeeded ferred to as "Covenanters" became the Secretary: Le Roy B. Oliver Dr. David C. Jones as moderator. first of the NAPARC churches to officially Treasurer: George E. Haney , One major report before the Synod con­ commit itself to a '''one office" view of the I cerned the denomination's historic stance eldership. This decision was made at the I CONTENTS on ecclesiastical separation. Much dis­ denomination's 150th Synod meeting at , cussion surrounded the question of just Beaver Falls, Pa, The Synod which met what it means to call another denomina­ from June 8-15 elected the Rev. R. Ren­ I Synods and General Assemblies 2 tion "apostate." One speaker, Dr. John wick Wright as moderator. Mr. Wright I The Church and the School 4 M. L. Young of Covenant College, noted: serves as Professor of New Testament at I, Christianity and Politics in Peru 6 "I would like to see our report make a the Reformed Presbyterian Theological J Responding to Today's Holocaust 8 sharp distinction between the legitimacy Seminary in Pittsburgh, Pa. / Reformed Church Leader in Japan 10 of separating from a corrupt church and The RPCNA's decision on the eldership Book Reviews 12 the necessity of separating from such a issue means that teaching and ruling News and Views 13 church. elders enjoy the same role in the church, Letters 14 Our separatist movement was com­ although their functions may differ. Prac­ We Have Been Sued! 16 pletely legitimate but I don't think we are tical implications of the decision involve J in a position to say that after we had questions such as whether ruling elders • made the separation it was absolutely may administer the sacraments, perform ) The Presbyterian Guardian is published eleven necessary for others to do the same, or marriages, and whether their membership times each year, every month except for a com­ that it was sinful for them not to do the should be in the local churches where bined issue in July-August, by the Presbyterian Guardian Publishing Corporation, 7401 Old same." they serve or, as in the case of teaching York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. 19126, at the fol· A problem which the RPCES shares elders, in the presbyteries. lowing rates, payable in advance, postage pre­ paid: $4.75 per year ($4.25 in clubs of ten or with its sister denominations is that of Some members of Synod dissented from more; special rate for "every-family churches" defining the role of the ruling elder in the decision, and even those who sup­ on request). Second class mail privileges author­ ported it indicated the need for caution ized at the Post Office, Philadelphia, Pa. relation to that of the teaching elder. A 2 The Presbyterian Guardian in implementing the sweeping govern­ sions the elders may elect one of their own should be held. The PCA also decided mental changes which the decision in­ number to preside or to serve as tem­ not to join the other four NAPARC volves. porary moderator. churches for a second concurrent meeting One "Covenanter" distinctive is its The Assembly also added an amend­ of General Assemblies and Synods in at "Testimony," which is a practical up-to­ ment to the report, specifying that the Grand Rapids, Mi. in 1982. Instead, date commentary on the Westminster Con­ deacons of a local church as well as the the PCA will meet at Beaver Falls, Pa. fession of Faith and Catechisms. A re­ elders must be men. This was adopted in 1982. The other NAPARC churches vised "Testimony," ten years in the mak­ with only a few negative votes. have all agreed to meet in Grand Rapids. ing, is now completed and is being sent Another decision concerned divorced In another decision the Assembly voted down to the presbyteries and sessions for and remarried men holding office in the not to join the Reformed Ecumenical approval. Anticipated debate on the church. Divorced and remarried men who Synod, but to instruct the Interchurch "Testimony's" section on the use of alco­ have shown sufficient evidence of "repent­ Relations Committee to assemble and dis­ holic beverages never materialized. "To ance for sin" and who have been "re­ tribute to the churches a bibliography of prevent damage to our neighbor," says habilitated sufficiently in the confidence RES documents and to prepare a recom­ the section that was adopted, "to provide and respect of other Christians" may mendation regarding the advisability of mutual help in godly living and to serve as ministers and elders in the Pres­ membership in the RES for consideration strengthen each other in living a disci­ byterian Church in America, it was de. by the Eighth General Assembly. plined life, it is altogether wise and cided. CRC Some of the committee who had studied proper that Christians should refrain from The Synod of the Christian Reformed the questions for over two years ad­ the use, sale and manufacture of alcoholic Church, meeting in Grand Rapids, Mi. mitted they had changed their minds in beverages." from June 12-22. with the Rev. Leonard regard to critical New Testament passages J. Hofman of Holland, Mi. presiding, PeA such as I Timothy 3:2, where Paul says had a number of controversial issues with The Presbyterian Church in America that an elder must be "the husband of which to deal. (PCA) accomplished the unusual by fin­ one wife." The Greek, said one commit­ Perhaps the most serious concerned the ishing its business a day early at Char­ tee member, clearly indicated that polyg­ case of Dr. Allen Verhey, Assistant Profes­ lotte, N.C. The General Assembly was amy, not divorce is in view here. The final sor in Religion at Hope College, Holland, originally scheduled to meet from June vote was 418 to 108 with 38 commissioners Mi. Dr. Verhey was charged by the con­ 15-22. recording negative votes in the Assembly sistory of Dutton, Mi. with holding to a Mr. William F. Joseph, a ruling elder minutes. at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Mont­ method of biblical interpretation "that gomery, Ala. was elected moderator, to Perhaps the most controversial of the permits him to deny what the Bible says." succeed the Dr. G. Aiken Taylor. Mr. PCA's decisions-at least from the broad In particular, his views as to the histo­ Joseph's election perpetuated a PCA tra­ perspective of the NAPARC churches­ ricity of the Genesis account of man's fall dition of alternating between teaching was the refusal to join with the Orthodox and of the earthquake recorded in Mat­ and ruling elders in the selection of its Presbyterian Church and Reformed Pres­ thew 28:2 were questioned. moderators. byterian Church, Evangelical Synod in The Synod accepted Dr. Verhey's con­ The controversial issue of the number consultations with a plan of merger in fession that the Bible is the fully reliable of church officers has been studied by the view." Before the vote was taken, the As­ and authoritative Word of God, but urged PCA since 1974. Discussion of the ques­ sembly decided not to approve the pro­ him to reexamine his method of interpre­ tion was terminated this year with final posal unless three-fourths of the commis­ tation under the guidance of his consis­ adoption of a paper which specifies two sioners agreed.
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