MAY - JUNE 2017 VOL. XCV NO. 3 Happy Mother’s Day May 14 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY POSEL President: Robert L. Cermak, 3633 Wynde Tree Drive, Seven ISSN: 1077-5374 Hills, Ohio 44131 (USPS 439480) Vice President: Audrey Schmidt, 5349 Dolloff Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44127 Published Bimonthly by Secretary: Jane M. Milczewski, 3021 George Avenue, Parma, CZECH CATHOLIC UNION Ohio 44134 5349 Dolloff Road DIRECTORS Cleveland, Ohio 44127 Dolores Jacklin, 3012 Roberts Dr. Unit #1, Woodridge, IL 60517 Joseph A. Kocab, Past President, 4501 Cullen Drive, Cleve- POSTMASTER: land, OH 44105 Send address changes to Cynthia Kveton, 4029 Holly Hills, St. Louis, MO 63116 Posel, 5349 Dolloff Road, Maryann Langevin, 33429 Crestwell, Sterling Heights, MI 48310 Cleveland, Ohio 44127 Karla Mahoney, 209 Gould Avenue, Bedford, Ohio 44146 Anita Schafer, 301 Park Drive, Brooklyn Hts., Ohio 44131 The Official Publication of the Czech Catholic Union Chaplain: Rev. Joseph Callahan, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Uredni Casopis Ceske 3395 East 53rd Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44127 Katolicke Jednoty Chaplain Emeritus: Most Rev. Daniel W. Kucera, O.S.B., Arch- bishop, Stonehill Care Center, 3485 Windsor Ave., Dubuque, Tel. (Area Code 216) 341-0444 IA 52001 Fax (Area Code 216) 341-0711 Actuary: Steimla & Associates, Inc., 2867 Gypsum Circle, Naperville, IL 60564 email:
[email protected] Editor: Jane M. Milczewski, 5349 website: Dolloff Road, Cleveland, OH 44127 President’s Message Happy Spring to all of our members and friends. We are all happy to know that Spring is here and hopefully the snow is gone and that the flowers and grass will be growing.