La Prensa—Lorain/Cleveland July/Julio 13, 2005
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DETROIT www. Gratis! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR LORAIN CLEVELAND Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! July/julio 13, 2005 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 20 Páginas Vol. 37, No. 18 More photos at Fútbol, p. 8 DENTRO: Opposing stands on 3011 Council St. Toledo, OH 43606 undocumented Habla Por Equipo de Restaurante, Nuevo Y Usado workers..........................3 For All Your Restaurant Equipment Needs Davide García’s Pau and Yami Cartoon.......5 Habla a Amador Reyna Jr. Carla’s Corner.............6 419-242-7377 x103 800.828.8564 x103 Horoscope......................7 Consulado de México inicia proceso de La Prensa’s Carla Soto and Claudia Ramirez, along with La Revancha’s Leo Ruiz, renovación del Consejo Taquería El Nacimiento Consultivo del IME.....7 prepare for this Sunday, July 17th’s Latino Scholarship Day with the Toledo Mud Hens and afterparty at La Vista where La Revancha will be performing. The trio is next to Deportes.........................8 Mexican Emanuel Enriquez’s bronze sculpture, adjacent to Fifth Third Field in downtown Toledo. Liga, Las Americas.....8 Restaurant Events....................12-13 Rock with the Mud Hens and La Revancha Obituaries...................12 Welcome! on Latino Scholarship Day Chicas en Control.....14 Hours: Carry-Out It is baseball and schol- Buckeye CableSystem get in free,” said Hector Classifieds.............16-19 Mon-Thur: 9AM-12AM Phone: 313.554.1790 arship time with this will also be presenting Cordero, co-owner of La Fri & Sat: 9AM-3AM 7400 W. Vernor Hwy. Sunday’s Latino Scholar- Nickelodeon’s Dora the Ex- Vista. Sun: 9AM-12AM Detroit MI 48209 ship Day at Fifth Third Field plorer, who will be on hand “$3 of the $10 tickets Breves: in downtown Toledo. near the Home Plate. Mara- sold by SAO and La Prensa • Jugos/Tepache • Carne a la Parrilla While this July 17th game cas will be given away by will benefit the Latino stu- Grupo de hombres viola a • Tacos • Burritos time with the Buffalo Bisons the Toledo Mud Hens to the dents at the University of adolescente en Ciudad • Aguas • Pollo Dorado is 2:00PM, festivities begin first 1,000 fans in atten- Toledo and Owens Com- Juárez Por MARINA • Mojarra Frita • Licuados at 12:30PM with Mariachi dance. Kids can also run the munity College, accord- MONTEMAYOR • Tortas • Quesadillas Zelaya outside the Home bases after the game. ing to Bob Salazar of SAO. CIUDAD JUAREZ, • Tostadas • Pozole Plate gate and the awesome After the game, there is “The tickets are primarily folkloric dance group México (AP): Doce hombres • Caldos • Carne de Puerco en salsa verde an afterparty at Club La in sections 117 and 118 Imagenes Mexicanas per- Vista, at Locust and Summit and are outstanding seats,” violaron el jueves a una •Mariscos • Breakfast Super Burro forming outside of the Third Streets, with La Revancha said Salazar, “so, if you adolescente que obtuvieron Base entrance. This event is of Bowling Green perform- like baseball, check out the de una compañía que I-75 sponsored by La Prensa and ing (Latino rock, jazz). Mud Hens and Bisons, promete una carrera de ¡Bienvenidos! the Spanish American Or- “Show your Mud Hen Cleveland’s Triple A af- modelaje para jóvenes, pero Livernois ganization (SAO). filiate.” que en realidad encubre la W. Vernor Springwells Latino Day ticket stub and prostitución. La víctima, de 17 años y cuyo nombre no fue revelado, dijo a las autoridades de esta Latino Scholarship Day (Continua en la p. 9) WITH THE TOLEDO MUD HENS You can now search La Prensa’s website using See Dora the Explorer! Tinta our partner Google Search to find past issues, July 17, 2005 stories & photos. Go to We have issues going back over three years! 2:00 PM con Mariachi at 12:30 PM sabor MODIFIED Tickets $10 DAILY Proudly Serving TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Our Readers Visit our website at: Call: (419) 870-6565 or 893-6227 x 7160 since 1989 La Prensa Radio! Escuche WCWA, 1230AM, cada domingo 8:00 PM HD Charlys Family Restaurant, 3312 Glendale Ave., Toledo • 419-382-1115 • Try our Mexican Breakfast! El Patio Gratis! Mexican Restaurant & Cantina 2933 Grove Avenue Lorain, Ohio 44055 440.277.0232 Host: Mickey Kash Open for breakfast: 6:00 AM Serving Lunch/Dinner until 11:00 PM Special Lorain and Cleveland Edition Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! Tinta con sabor July/julio 13, 2005 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 20 Páginas Vol. 37, No. 18 Proudly Serving Our Readers since 1989 Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly DENTRO: Opposing stands on undocumented workers..........................3 Davide García’s Pau and Yami Cartoon.......5 Carla’s Corner.............6 Horoscope......................7 Deportes.........................8 Liga, Las Americas.....8 Events....................12-13 Obituaries...................12 Chicas en Control.....14 Classifieds.............16-19 Breves: Grupo de hombres viola a adolescente en Ciudad Juárez Por MARINA MONTEMAYOR CIUDAD JUAREZ, México (AP): Doce hombres violaron el jueves a una adolescente que obtuvieron de una compañía que promete una carrera de modelaje para jóvenes, pero que en realidad encubre la prostitución. La víctima, de 17 años y cuyo nombre no fue revelado, dijo a las autoridades de esta (Continua en la p. 9) Escuche La Onda Cultural Latina Radio 89.1FM, Lorain • Escuche La Onda Cultural Latina Radio 89.1FM, Lorain Página 2 La Prensa July/julio 13, 2005 Increase in births by foreign-born mothers in U.S. By DAVID B. CARUSO effect on the country that is ing size of immigrant com- metropolitan Atlanta that Associated Press Writer equal, if not greater, than the munities could slow their as- has seen its Latino popu- NEW YORK (AP): sea changes of the early 20th similation into American lation soar over the past Nearly 23 percent of all century, said Steven culture and make it more dif- decade. In 1990, about 9.3 people born in the United Camarota, the Center for ficult “to have a cohesive- percent of all children born States in 2002 had a for- Immigration Studies re- ness of national vision.” in the county had a mother eign-born mother—the searcher who wrote the re- Pro-immigration groups born outside the United largest percentage since a port. rejected that argument. States. By 2002, that num- wave of immigration more He said the influx of im- “For 400 years, immi- ber had jumped to 41.3 than 90 years ago, a study migrants in the early 1900s grants have come to our percent. of birth records by a pri- was curtailed significantly shores, worked hard, had fami- “There are some com- vate nonprofit group by a tightening of entry rules lies and built the most suc- munities and state govern- shows. and two world wars, and that cessful nation in history,” ments that will have chal- The Center for Immi- no such cutoff appears im- said Frank Sharry, executive lenges,” Frey said, includ- gration Studies said the minent now. director of the National Im- ing retooling their school country has not seen as “It just tells you that we migration Forum. systems to deal with stu- large a share of its chil- are headed into uncharted “The notion that we are dents who do not hear dren born to immigrants territory,” Camarota said. going to be the one group much English at home. since 1910, when the The Center for Immigra- that does not become Ameri- Fifteen counties in the number reached 22 per- tion Studies compiled the can is ridiculous,” said Lisa United States reported hav- cent as shiploads of Ital- data from birth records col- Navarrete, a spokeswoman for ing more than half of all ians and eastern Europe- lected by The National Cen- the National Council of La births to an immigrant ans crowded the U.S.’s ter for Health Statistics. The Raza, a Latino advocacy mother. port cities. records include both legal group. The leader was the bor- This time, Latinos are and illegal immigrants, but The push of immigrant ough of Queens, in New FLOC FUNDRAISER DANCE the driving force, accord- do not indicate where a communities into places that York City, with 67.7 per- with Live DJ’s ing to the study being re- child’s father was born. have not previously dealt cent. Other top homes to La Chula and Joe Cardenas leased Thursday. Nearly Children of immigrant with waves of newcomers, second-generation U.S.- 1 in 10 births in the United mothers accounted for about however, may create some Americans included Los SUNDAY JULY 17TH States in 2002 was to a 915,800 of the 4 million temporary tensions, said Angeles, with 56.3 percent, 6:00 PM - Midnight woman born in México. births in the United States William H. Frey, visiting fel- Miami-Dade County, with CLUB MYSTIQUE Latinos, as a whole, ac- in 2002. By comparison, low at the Brookings Institu- 58.9 percent, and Orange 3122 Airport Highway, Toledo, Ohio counted for 59 percent of 228,486 of the 3.7 million tion. County, California, with all births by immigrants. births in the U.S. in 1970 The greatest changes in 54.3 percent. Tickets only $5 The boom in second- were to foreign-born moth- recent years have come in On the Net: Center for Cash Bar and Food Available generation U.S.-Ameri- ers, or about 6 percent. places like Gwinnett Immigration Studies: cans is bound to have an Camarota said the grow- County, Georgia, a part of Call 419-243-3456 ext.