NIB has financed the design and construction of the Southwest Wastewater Treatment Plant (SWTP) in St. Petersburg. The plant inaugurated in September 2005 is the largest and one of the most modern facilities of its kind in the area.

Environmental projects led, financed and cofinanced by NIB

The Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership (NDEP) is a collaborative effort between a group of international financial institutions, the European Commission, the Russian Federation and several other donors to develop and implement a number of priority environmental projects in Northwest Russia.


Southwest The first project completed within the framework of the Reduction of discharges to water: Wastewater NDEP was inaugurated in September 2005. The plant • Phosphorus by 370 Treatment Plant will contribute to improving the quality of water in the tonnes/year in St. Petersburg Baltic Sea by significantly reducing the wastewater • Nitrogen by 2,200 tonnes/year (NDEP) nutrient load from St. Petersburg. NIB acted as lead • BOD by 14,800 tonnes/year bank for the financing of the project. NIB’s financing: EUR 45 million.

Sludge Construction of a sludge incinerator at the city’s northern Reduction of emissions to air: incineration plant wastewater treatment plant. NIB’s loans to the St. • Sulphur dioxide by 1,700 in St. Petersburg Petersburg municipal water utility total EUR 13 million. tonnes/year (NDEP) • Carbon dioxide by 94,600 tonnes/year

Flood barrier in Construction of a barrier to protect the city against floods. Reduction of emissions to water St. Petersburg NIB has approved a loan of USD 40 million to finalise (NDEP) the project guaranteed by the Russian Federation. The project costs are estimated at USD 420 million.

Wastewater Development programme for environmental investments Reduction of discharges to water: treatment in the in selected municipalities. In the first phase, the investment • Phosphorus by 50 tonnes/year Leningrad region programme includes four towns: , Kirovsk, • Nitrogen by 100 tonnes/year (NDEP) Pikalevo and . NIB’s financing: EUR 5.3 million. • BOD by 110 tonnes/year

Nordic Investment Bank, Fabianinkatu 34, P.O. Box 249, FI–00171 Helsinki, Finland. Telephone +358 10 618 001, [email protected], PROJECT DESCRIPTION ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFIT

Ladoga Industrial rehabilitation initiative, established to address Reduction of discharges to water: Environmental environmental concerns in the private sector in the Russian • Phosphorus by 150 tonnes/year Programme part of the Baltic Sea catchment area. This area includes • Nitrogen by 210 tonnes/year (NDEP) the river and the two major lakes, Ladoga and • BOD by 3,600 tonnes/year Onega. The aim of the programme is to reduce emissions Reduction of emissions to air: to air and discharges from the pulp and paper, metallurgical • Sulphur dioxide by 15,700 and chemical industries. The Bank has approved loans tonnes/year totalling EUR 51 million for the financing of environmental • Carbon dioxide by 277,000 investments in the pulp and paper industry. tonnes/year

Direct discharges Elimination of about 400 discharge points to the Neva Reduction of discharges to water: in St. Petersburg river remaining after the launch of the Southwest • Phosphorus by min. 300 tonnes/year (NDEP) Wastewater Treatment Plant. A feasibility study on the • Nitrogen by min. 1,500 tonnes/year elimination of the remaining discharge points is to be • BOD by min. 12,000 tonnes/year completed by early 2006.

Municipal Rehabilitation of the city’s water, wastewater, solid waste Reduction of emissions to air environmental and district heating sectors. Feasibility studies have been and water project in financed by Sida through a Swedish trust fund at NIB. Novgorod (NDEP)

Solid waste Comprehensive solution aimed at reducing the negative Reduction of emissions to air management in environmental impact of poor waste management and water the Kaliningrad practices for the collection, sorting and end deposit of region (NDEP) solid waste. In 2005, NIB granted a loan for this project. NIB’s financing: EUR 14 million.

District heating in Rehabilitation of the regional district heating enterprise’s Reduction of emissions to air: Murmansk production facilities and heating networks. NIB’s financing: • Sulphur dioxide by 900 (NDEP) EUR 15 million. tonnes/year • Carbon dioxide by 65,000 tonnes/year

Pechenga Nickel Rehabilitation of a nickel smelter and a roasting plant Reduction of emissions to air: on the Kola run by Norilsk Nickel on the Kola Peninsula. The • Sulphur dioxide by 136,000 Peninsula investment will drastically reduce emissions of sulphur tonnes/year dioxide and heavy metals dust from the plants. NIB is • Carbon dioxide by 214,000 participating with a loan of USD 30 million. NIB is also tonnes/year handling the grant financing provided by Norway and .

Water and Development of water and wastewater services, including Reduction of discharges to water: wastewater potable water and wastewater treatment, as well as • Phosphorus by 120 tonnes/year treatment in institutional development. Since 2001, NIB has had a • Nitrogen by 300 tonnes/year Kaliningrad loan agreement of USD 13 million with the Russian • BOD by 7,800 tonnes/year Federation for this project.

Loan Loan programmes for environmental investments in Reduction of emissions to air programmes with Northwest Russia through two local banks. One, totalling and water Russian EUR 20 million, was signed with Vneshtorgbank. Another intermediaries loan programme in the amount of EUR 15 million was signed with the Industry & Construction Bank in St. Petersburg.

Nordic Investment Bank, Fabianinkatu 34, P.O. Box 249, FI–00171 Helsinki, Finland. Telephone +358 10 618 001, [email protected],