Connected Communities 2019 – 2023

A Stronger Communities Strategy for Introduction

Bexley: past, present and future

AD 50 1178 1762 Romans build Foundation of Work begins on 1944 Watling Street the Abbey constructing (now the A2) Danson House 1878 Residents 2019 from London Association 1948 1968 2011 2023 Monument at to Dover was formed SS Empire New UK’s rst LGBT The Old Bexley Pulls 1849 Christchurch in Windrush community football team Library opens as Together To North Kent Line docks over established in established The Exchange Beat Loneliness opens serving crowdfunded the river at by Bexley , a space for Erith and Abbey through public Tilbury resident creativity and Wood subscription Dock community

0 250 1000 1500 1700 1800 1900 1950 2000 2030

457 1537 1800 1859 1865 1994 2014 2018 2021 Britons ght Sir John The Charter William Morris Bexley”s rst Bexley Bexley’s local people the Jutes at Champneys Oak in designs Red Pumping Station Conservation community Community lead the way in the Battle of builds Hall House is opened by Volunteers establish managed Lottery set demonstrating the Place is planted and Prince Albert their community led library opens up raising power of kindness will grow into charity to look after £20,000 for one of the the woodland local good ‘Great Trees 1929 1939 causes in its of London’ First Citizens Advice rst 6 Rotary Bexley opens its months Club doors to local established people – one of in Bexley the rst Bureaus borough in the UK

2 Allers Allotment is run by a community of dedicated volunteers who have recently entered into a partnership with Mind in Bexley Vision providing them with plots at a charitable rate

Connected Communities is based on simple, every day actions that build up community

Bexley voluntary community group Vision

Over 360 people helped to shape Bexley’s Connected Communities strategy including students at Townley Grammar School in Bexleyheath Foreword

Bexley’s Connected Communities strategy neighbours, spreading the word about their sets out how we will work with local people local community group, or coaching a sports who want to take positive action to support team – people do it for Bexley everyday. the people and places that they care about. It Through the consultation, we have learned outlines the ’s plans that in order to build more connected for supporting and investing in community communities, the best thing we can do as a development up to 2023. Local Authority is to get behind the people that It is well-connected communities that play are already doing this. We will do this by a critical role in delivering on a number of Encouraging and equipping local people to council priorities including managing growth It’s our ambition that this approach is adopted take part in civic life, to influence decisions that benefits all, preventing people and families across the council, but also increasingly across and local priorities and shape the place from reaching crisis, supporting residents to ‘the whole system’, with strategic partners, where they live live well, for longer and, by doing all this, also voluntary community groups, businesses helping us meet the budgetary challenge that Cutting red tape for residents who want to and local people all working together for we face. get on and be active in their community a healthier, more cohesive, successful and socially active Bexley. The strategy is informed by an initial 18 month Building positive relationships across the enquiry with Bexley’s communities to develop public, private and voluntary community sector to identify shared goals and unlock the initial draft, followed by an intensive three Councillor Alex Sawyer untapped resource month consultation on the draft to develop this Cabinet Member for Communities final copy. Developing people’s skills, knowledge and We know that healthy, cohesive, socially active confidence in responding to local issues and and successful communities are made by engaging with public sector bodies –and the people that live there. Everyone that we instil the knowledge that they can make a spoke to as part of our consultation on this difference. strategy participates in community life in some Investing in the culture change required to way – whether this is looking out for their deliver on this agenda. 5 Bexley Mencap have teamed up with Good Gym Bexley to launch a volunteer-led weekly run to carry out good deeds locally while keeping fit at the same time Vision

In a connected community, people without learning disabilities understand what it is like to have a disability

Member of Bexley Mencap’s Respect group Contents

7 At a glance

Connected Communities are:


We want communities in Bexley We want communities to be healthy to connect, promoting community and supported, that mobilise the time cohesion and social integration. and talents of local people, to support the places they live.


We want local people, neighbourhoods We want Bexley to be a place where and businesses to have opportunities to everyone feels they belong and have be active citizens. opportunities for success

8 We want to build connected communities together through:

VIBRANT PLACES, SPACES CIVIC PARTICIPATION AND A THRIVING VOLUNTARY, AND NETWORKS NEIGHBOURLINESS COMMUNITY, FAITH AND SPORTS SECTOR where all communities in where local people set, and maintain, Bexley have access to affordable, standards about the kind of place they where we work in partnership with local welcoming and appealing spaces, places want Bexley to be – where kindness is charities, community organisations and and networks to connect. commonplace, where people help each local businesses to share our knowledge, other out, where people don’t litter and resources, expertise and skills to make a hate crime is not tolerated. difference together.

We know that local people are the bedrock of a connected community. That is why we GROWTH THAT KNOWING OUR believe the best thing we can do to support BENEFITS ALL COMMUNITIES communities to connect, is to get behind the people that already do this, to make it easier where we work together to ensure where we need to continuously for people to participate in community life successful communities of the future check who our communities are, their and to ensure that across all council business, by building on the strengths of what’s strengths, the challenges they face we are collaborative and transparent, and already there. in planning for Bexley’s next stage of put community partnerships at the heart of growth. everything that we do.

9 Why do connected communities matter?

This strategy sets out the Council’s plans for investing in and supporting community development in Bexley in the lead up to 2023. The London Borough of Bexley’s corporate plan sets out five key outcomes: Growth that benefits all Clean and green local places Strong and resilient communities and families Living well Innovation and self-sufficiency

Fundamental to achieving these culture and youth violence, vandalism, outcomes is building a foundation of lower educational and economic outcomes connected communities. and health inequalities.

Populations with good social connections are Investing in stronger and connected healthier, happier and more economically communities, by making better use of our sustainable. Whether it is the connections communities’ strengths, is particularly between neighbours, between communities important to the Council in the context of the and local services or between people from funding challenges it faces. different backgrounds, these connections help So far, through working together, we have us access the resources we need to support saved (or gained income of) £78m since 2010, We can balance our books by continuing to ourselves, our families and community life. but we still have further to go. It’s estimated work with our communities, drawing upon Where social connections are poor, there is that by 2023 the Council will have needed to their local knowledge, skills and capacity. In likely to be social isolation and loneliness in have either saved or gained a further £37m particular, we are looking for communities older people, the rise of intergenerational into its budget to keep up with demand on to help with the following very specific local tensions, anti-social behaviour, gang services. opportunities and challenges: 10

Ageing well and staying safe: Changing communities: Active and kind communities:

To address ever-growing demand The Council launched its Growth Residents and businesses have great on the NHS and social care, we are Strategy in 2018. The vision it proposes ideas, skills and local knowledge. working to help people to stay healthy, will create many opportunities for Creating connected communities is live well and support their families and existing communities in Bexley and not just the work of the Council, Police friends to do the same. We believe that will also shape communities of the and local charities. It also requires connecting the local health and care future. The Growth Strategy sets out leadership from local people. Whether system more closely to communities is a vision for creating ‘good growth’. In it is simply saying ‘good morning’ a good thing so that people can manage this Connected Communities strategy, to your neighbour, helping a friend health conditions with better support. we set out in more detail how we with the school run, checking in on The voluntary community sector plays a plan to involve Bexley’s communities a sick relative or volunteering for an critical role, alongside statutory health in Bexley’s growth and development organised charity – it is the local people and social care providers like the NHS to ensure that change is managed to that make all the difference to the and the Council. In a strong community, benefit existing communities, as well as success of our borough. Look out for we all work together to support our those who live and work in the borough the 'You can' boxes throughout this residents to live well, for longer. in the future. strategy for ways you can help create stronger and connected communities.

11 Vision

The matriarch on our street runs a "bring and share" street party with food to share for everyone - she hands out invitations to everyone on the street

Pop up conversation at Leisure Centre

Women Together in Bexley is an interfaith friendship group that takes place outside places of worship. The group was started by the Reverend Ann Norman from Christ Church in Erith and her aim was to bring together women of different races and faiths, to break down barriers and build friendships and understanding, as well as fundraising for Women’s Charities. Connected Communities – in detail

13 Vision CASE STUDY: Colette is the coordinator of Re-Instate’s W-RAP scheme. Re-Instate are a local charity working to improve employment opportunities, quality of life and well-being for people in Bexley experiencing mental ill-health, learning disabilities and social isolation. They are currently developing ‘ W-RAP’ (Well-being, Recovery, Activity Parcels) packs in partnership with older people who attend Age UK Bexley’s Men in Sheds and the coffee mornings put on by Crossroads Care and Evergreen Care.

The packs that will be shared with some of Bexley’s isolated older people who do not know now about or do not have the confidence to attend community events near them. The packs contain gifts that all relate to the 5 ways to well being, from packs of cards to toiletries, as well as information on what’s on in their local area and invitation to attend. VisionVibrant community spaces, places and networks

Community run Knights Football Team meets every Saturday at the Slade Green Recreational Ground Community spaces, places and networks We want community spaces, places and provide opportunities for people from networks that are: CASE STUDY: different background to meet, exchange ideas, A source of community pride, with people have a good time and build relationships. Bexleyheath’s NYNE Lounge is home taking responsibility to look after them. to the Shine club night, a space These spaces can be online and physical, Opportunities for positive cultural, social for young people with learning formal and informal including: community and knowledge exchanges (e.g. in a food disabilities to meet new people, centres, digital forums, meeting places, places market or allotment). have a good time and shine! Shine of worship, pubs, social networking sites, is exclusively for over 18s with leisure and recreation, libraries, heritage sites, Used to their full potential, by older as learning difficulties, such as autism children’s centres, parks, allotments, play well as young people, where residents are and Asperger’s. The initiative was the space, town centres, open space, shopping supported to draw on their talents, net inspiration of a local mum whose son centres, supermarkets, newsagents or works and interests to transform the space has learning disabilities and wanted community cafes. for community benefit (e.g. set up pop him to have a safe and inclusive up markets, fun runs, Play Streets, street space to go out and socialise. She You told us during the consultation that parties and community fetes). approached the nightclub with the of all the sections in this strategy, you are most idea who supported the night which interested in this one as a way of building Welcoming and comfortable particularly for takes place on the second Tuesday of connected communities and said that if you vulnerable residents e.g. quiet times, safe, every month from 7pm to 10.30pm. don’t have a place to meet people and connect, well-lit with accessible transport links so The venue is wheelchair accessible then you won’t. 0 people feel safe travelling to and from there. and carers are allowed free entry. Accessible to all, ensuring that no one Shine attracts around 100 visitors is disabled by their environment, tackling each month. the social model of disability, affordable to young people, and open longer and at the weekend to give young people a place to study.

16 Well connected by public transport, with In council run facilities we will: Review the use of community centres to ‘active travel’, close to public amenities. assess how well current arrangements Ask groups of vulnerable residents to act as are meeting our vision for connected Aspirational and inspirational, maintaining ‘secret shoppers’, to check that these spaces communities in Bexley and take decisions standards that speak to the community and places are welcoming and to improve on future models of delivery. spirit and culture of the place. people’s experience. Explore, where appropriate, how planning The council can act as an enabler of the Connect people who help existing gain can be used to enable voluntary animation of shared space by: community spaces to serve communities – sector organisations to access affordable, sharing good practice and ideas. Supporting local people who want to quality premises. improve shared spaces e.g. community litter Rationalise the Council’s asset base to picks and clear ups. ensure facilities are of high quality and well placed to serve Bexley’s Reviving existing spaces through small You can: communities. design changes e.g. public wifi spots. Seek to accommodate organisations that Organise a community litter pick Working with local businesses and play critical role for our communities. community groups to ensure that new Join or establish a Friends Of This may include the re-configuration, public spaces meet local demand and Group to look after a local park. acquisition and disposal of sites through out that existing spaces create welcoming, safe in the borough. Earn ‘Green Points’ and pledge to and supportive atmospheres for vulnerable pick up at least one piece of plastic residents. Identify co-location opportunities for litter a week if you see it. voluntary sector organisations to further Unlocking new sources of funding to further develop thematic and neighbourhood Look after your local area and our shared ambitions for public spaces e.g. clusters helping voluntary sector make sure that shared spaces are civic crowdfunding and sponsorship. organisations to cut costs by sharing welcoming and nice places. common services.

17 Civic participation and neighbourliness CASE STUDY: [Civic participation Progressive is a new neighbourhood group of local people, community and neighbourliness is] groups and businesses who want to do their bit to make Welling thrive. The group was initially established using social media where people were able to connect over everything from street a shared purpose - they wanted to bring some ‘buzz’ back to Welling town centre. A parties to getting community litter pick was the first opportunity for Progressive Welling to take an online community onto the streets as part of the Great British Spring Clean. A total of involved with civic 146 people turned out for the community litter pick which people remarked was an decision making opportunity to get to know their neighbours better while doing their bit to tidy up their street. Local people and businesses came together again to organise the Welling Easter Trail. Children and their families followed the clues which took them to many different Bexley voluntary community group businesses in the town centre to lead them to the Easter Rabbit - a total of 77 children completed the trail and received their prize. By helping people reconnect with their local town centre the group are well on their way to building stronger community links for Welling residents.

Neighbourliness, you told us, is the foundation looking out for each other, throughout of a connected community. Civic participation, the strategy’s consultation, people across where people take action on the issues that Bexley shared countless examples of people they care about, are the building blocks for serving others for the benefit of their wider strong and resilient communities. Whether we community. call it volunteering, social action or simply

19 Social connection is vital for physical and We want Bexley to be a place where: The council can act as an enabler mental well-being. We know that communities of community participation and Local people set – and maintain -standards throughout Bexley are getting involved in neighbourliness by: about the kind of place they want Bexley making their local area a better place to live. to be – where kindness is commonplace, Working with communities to inform and We want to shine a light on good examples, to where people don’t litter and hate crime is run awareness campaigns on issues such inspire more people to get involved with their not tolerated. as mental ill-health, dementia, learning local area. As we have explored throughout disability and safeguarding, so that this strategy, there are some social issues that People help each other out. residents are well placed to support their go beyond what a Council alone can do. They The community can be mobilised in friends and family and neighbours. require a community response. Loneliness times of need. and isolation, for example, cannot be resolved Getting behind the people that are already through a Council service alone. Similarly, There is home grown leadership – if you active in supporting others e.g. supporting community spirit and neighbourliness is would like to do something positive in your carers, launching a Bexley Community created by community, not councils. We local area, or raise a concern, you know Fund and investing in a civic crowdfunding recognise the social value of neighbourliness where to take it for it to be actioned. platform to aid community led solutions. and civic participation in keeping our Investing in Volunteer Centre Bexley communities cohesive, healthy, socially active People don’t feel the need to ‘ask to support volunteering involving and successful. We will provide opportunities permission’ to organise something in or organisations and help more people take and the tools, networks and resources that for their community – they get on and do action in the places and on the issues that communities say they need to get more it, with the connections, networks and they care about most. involved in community action and unlock their resources to see it through. assets and creative potential. Shared space, like a community garden for Increasing opportunities for more flexible example, belongs to the community as they volunteering. set it up– and the community looks after it. Increasing successful volunteering among: people of retirement age, 16–24 year olds, local businesses and people with professional skills to offer. 20 Vision

You can:

Take the time to get to know your neighbours. Keep connected with what’s on in your local area through community social media pages, supermarket and coffee shop community notice boards and your local library. Keep yourself fit and healthy, e.g. sign up to Good Gym Bexley, Bexley Park Run, your local leisure centre and Bexley’s healthy walks. Become a dementia friend and help your neighbours live well with dementia. Keep the area outside your home tidy. Support local businesses. Get tips for reducing your food waste through the Small Change Big Difference campaign. Pitch your idea for your local area on Bexley’s crowdfunding page. Learn British Sign Language with Bexley Deaf Centre. Tell us what you do – and would like to do - to make Bexley brilliant at #BexleyTogether and [email protected] Local performers at the Bexley Windrush Community Festival 2018, Bexleyheath Broadway. 21 A thriving voluntary, community, faith and sports sector

The Yog Foundation is an Asian-Indian community group that mobilises the time and talents of volunteers to support health and wellbeing of Bexley residents and help them to thrive.

They run a free introduction to Yoga course to improve health and wellbeing as well as mindfulness meditation courses. When commissioning, we will: CASE STUDY: Co-assess ‘need’ and ‘assets’ with our voluntary and community sector, which is Community Connect is Bexley’s social prescribing service, which aims to tackle some of often closest to the issues we are trying to the social causes of ill-health by connecting people to community support. The scheme address. is open to patients registered with all GP practices in Bexley, who are aged 18 and over. Co-design solutions with local charities, GPs and their teams, including reception and administrative staff, can refer patients community groups, businesses and to Community Connect when they present with physical or emotional conditions that residents. could be alleviated with voluntary and community support. Bexley’s social prescribing model illustrates the critical role of the voluntary community sector in keeping people When commissioning, we will: well, helping them to manage their conditions and prevent them from suffering a crisis Look to co-produce and deliver with and requiring a more intensive, statutory intervention. Community Connect is also voluntary and community organisations, providing insight into the emerging needs of our communities and is a great tool in businesses and residents. helping the voluntary sector, Council and NHS to work together, plan ahead and build Over the next four years we will: capacity in the community to meet the needs of residents Commit to 5 year funding agreements with our local voluntary community sector strategic partners. Bexley’s communities are served by a Our commitment to a thriving voluntary, Launch local initiatives to unlock new thriving, home grown civil society which community and faith sector is strong because sources of funding for local voluntary and encompasses everything from household we understand the added value it provides to community organisations and community- name organisations such as Bexley Mencap Bexley - through financial resources, volunteers led activity e.g. the Bexley Community and Citizens Advice Bexley to the parent led or expertise. We want to work with our partners Lottery. support group Bexley Snap, the Interfaith in the NHS, local volunteers, local charity and Forum, the Women’s Together Network, town community organisations and local businesses, Work with the voluntary and community forums, Scouts groups and local sports teams. to use this resource to make a difference. sector to lever in external funding and investment for innovative projects.

23 Vision

Review the effectiveness of local voluntary sector infrastructure services and commit You can: to the current level of investment in infrastructure support. Find out which voluntary and Continue to use our grant-making powers community groups are near you to enable voluntary and community sector by visiting the BVSC Community activity which supports our prevention Directory, The Local Offer and The strategy. Care Hub and attending community events like BVSC’s annual Develop a local approach to the use of the community fun day and at your local ‘Social Value Act’, to ensure that we are library. getting the best possible social value for our Play the Bexley Community Lottery residents and businesses when we use our to support local good causes, while local purchasing power. being in with a 1 in 50 chance of Uphold the commitments set out in Bexley’s winning a prize! Voluntary and Community Sector Compact. Attend the voluntary sector forum at Crayford Manor House. Sign up to BVSC’s newsletters. Become a member of BVSC. Encourage your employer to support a local good cause and set up a payroll giving.

24 Growth that benefits all

Theatre Box Performing Arts group warming up at the Exchange Erith Bexley’s Growth Strategy outlines a vision for economic growth and infrastructure CASE STUDY: development that opens our borough up Case study: Erith’s iconic former to amazing opportunities, with improved library, the Carnegie building, has been connectivity, enhanced public spaces, the renovated and re-imagined as The development of new homes and high quality Exchange Erith; a space for creativity neighbourhoods. All this is forecast to attract and community, informed by the new people, businesses and investment into memories and aspirations of the people Bexley and enhance the borough’s reputation that live there. Local social enterprise, as a great place to live, learn, work and visit. The Exchange, has been granted a We want to see growth that is: lease by the council and led a series of workshops and tours within the Grade Understood by the people that live there II listed building with local residents to in terms of its likely impact, its benefits and capture their views on how the building why it is happening and when. can best serve their community. The Planned to ensure that there will be building has since become a vibrant adequate provision of schools, and GP community hub, hosting community surgeries, cultural and community facilities. conversations, artist’s studios, exhibitions of local heritage, new and Built on the strengths of what’s already old, as well as a café for people to meet there, connecting existing communities, and connect. The Exchange has brought with new communities, to build cohesive the space to life through culture, arts and successful communities of the future. and heritage to support local residents to creatively and collaboratively reimagine their town.

26 Vision

The council can enable growth that benefits all by: You can: Ensuring local people know and understand what is planned for their area, what the Tell us what makes your local area benefits are for them, and how to influence special and what your local area this should they wish to. needs @LB of Bexley Sign up to the Bexley Bulletin, BVSC Setting a standard in participation and newsletter to receive community engagement on growth, regeneration and news and opportunities to planning. contribute to Council consultations Taking a lead in de-mystifying growth plans, Get involved with a local community regeneration and planning process through group or residents’ association piloting user friendly processes. to share your views on what is Ensuring we effectively communicate the important to you in your community; changes that are happening in community in see BVSC Community Directory, both the short and long term. The Local Offer and The Care Hub for a list of groups near you. Issuing a statement of community involvement outlining exactly how residents and businesses and can have their say and help shape our plans.

Erith Pier Festival 27 Local people in Erith were invited to give their views on the exciting Knowing our communities improvements planned to begin in Erith in 2019, following a successful bid by the Council for a further £1.6m from the Mayor of London’s Good Growth Fund, including plans for a community space at 68 Pier Road Bexley’s communities are continuously changing as people continue to choose to CASE STUDY: make this borough their home. Many of Bexley’s population is changing as Greater London expands eastward. As Bexley Bexley’s settled communities originated from continues to experience rapid change in the cultural diversity of its communities, inner London - moving out for schools, jobs Bexley is also seeing the emergence of new voluntary and community organisations and often for larger homes with gardens. As taking a proactive approach to finding solutions to the social and economic challenges the Council, we need to continuously check facing their community. A forum to connect new and emerging voluntary and who our communities are, their strengths, the community organisations serving and representing Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic challenges they face in planning for Bexley’s (BAME) Bexley communities formed in October 2018. BVSC together with African next stage of growth. Caribbean Community Association (BACCA) and Active Horizons recognised the We want to see: value of convening a shared space to exchange practice and develop partnerships to strengthen the sector for the long-term. The forum now has a membership of over 20 Communities telling their own story – the organisations and continues to meet regularly. The BAME forum shares good practice council can help ‘turn up the volume’ of and connects members of the network with professionals who can offer advice to what is already here, dispelling myths increase sustainability and economic viability. Past forums have included presentations and helping to build bridges between from professionals on making funding applications and on social media marketing. communities. Better information sharing on support and opportunities available in different areas.

Area based action plans with hyper local understanding and response.

29 The council can get to know our changing Undertaking a ‘state of the sector’ report to communities better through: obtain data on the health of our voluntary You can: community sector, where the gaps might Effective and ongoing outreach and be in our community provision and where engagement with all our communities Welcome new neighbours to your targeted support would ensure its ability to street Keeping in close contact with voluntary, meet demand. Report hate crime and abuse. community and faith leaders and groups, Sharing what we know through; Community listening to their needs, priorities and Respond to resident surveys. Directories like BVSC Community sharing opportunities. Undertaking a Directory, The Local Offer and The Care New to Bexley? Setting up a residents survey monitoring resident Hub; Joint Strategic Needs Assessment community group? Introduce perceptions of community cohesion in their yourself to our Community area and levels of community participation. Investing in a knowledge management Partnerships team. approach to support information sharing on Improving our research techniques. Report anti-social behaviour. local support and opportunities Improving data quality. Sign up to the BVSC newsletter, and the Bexley Bulletin, to share and receive community news and opportunities to contribute to Council consultations

30 Performing Places Bexley draws on participatory theatre to explore how we behave towards Visioneach other and can create more compassionate and connected communities of place.

The more we (by "we” I mean voluntary organisations and the council) can work together to achieve the same goals, the more cohesive we will be. Please give us more opportunities to collaborate, network and apply for funding together

Survey respondent Appendix 1: Outcomes - What outcomes are we looking to achieve?

1. Cohesive communities 2. Healthy communities We want communities in Bexley to connect, promoting community We want communities to be healthy and supported; mobilising the cohesion and social integration: time and talents of local people to support the places they live. Decreased social isolation and improved wellbeing for isolated or Increased ability to call on others within their community lonely residents. when support is needed. Improved trust between communities and neighbourliness. Increased connections and reducing isolation. People from Bexley’s diverse communities are united across age, Decreased mental health stresses. ethnicity, faith and locality, sharing knowledge, skills and resources. Increased individual and community wellbeing. Increased community resilience and the ability to prepare, respond Enhanced natural and cultural resources. and recover from emergencies, hazards and threats. Reduced rates of risky behaviours. Increased healthy behaviours.

Residents say that people from different backgrounds Residents Increase the % of adult social Baseline 45.7% 1.18i get on with each other. survey care users who have as much for 2016/17 PHOF social contact as they would like against Nat Ave according to the Adult Social of 45.4% Residents say that people in their street pull together. Residents Care Users Survey survey

Increase the % of adult carers Baseline 36.8% 1.18i who have as much social contact for 2016/17 PHOF at they would like according to against Nat Ave the Personal Social Services of 35.5%] Carers survey

32 3. Socially active communities 4. Successful communities We will provide opportunities for individuals and We want Bexley to be a place where everyone feels they belong and have neighbourhoods andbusinesses to be active citizens. opportunities for success.

We will provide opportunities for individuals and Improved access to existing education, work experience and apprenticeship neighbourhoods and businesses to be active citizens. opportunities. Communities in Bexley work together to develop their Creating a unique sense of community and place. own solutions to local priorities Communities challenge behaviours that prevent wellbeing and economic Civic participation, community leadership and success e.g. misogyny, sexual exploitation, Islamophobia and homophobia. representation is supported Council spends its money locally and in ways that have a wider community Increased formal volunteering, e.g. football coaching. benefit (social value). Increased informal volunteering, e.g. helping out a neighbour. Raised awareness of specific health conditions and In the lead up to 2020 we would like to see Baseline 240 Met Hate how we as communities can practically support people increased reporting of racist hate crime – crimes recorded Crime with them i.e dementia, learning disability, mental ill- demonstrating a confidence in reporting. in 12 months to dashboard health etc. By 2024 we would like to reduce incidents October 2018 Improved ways for communities and community groups of racist and religious hate crime to collaborate and share knowledge, skills and resources for social good. Neighbours support each other in identified priority Increase % of all Baseline 49.9% in Bexley in Inequalities areas. respondents(aged 16-24) 2016/17 against 84.2% for subset of Council resources distributed and allocated for resident in the labour force survey 24–49 year olds in Bexley 1.08iv PHOF and community initiatives. classed as employed and national average 53.8% for 16-24 year olds. Residents say that they have given unpaid Residents help to a group, club or organisation in the survey Increase % of all respondents Baseline 69.3% in 2016/17 Inequalities last 12 months in the labour force survey against 83.% for men in subset of classed as employed (women Bexley and a national average 1.08iv PHOF aged 16-64) 69.5% for Women aged 16–64

33 Appendix 2: Consultation Findings

A full consultation report has been published and can be found at

Progressive Welling Community Litter Pick

34 Appendix 3: Related work

Bexley Corporate Plan

Bexley Compact

Bexley System Wide Prevention Strategy

Bexley Town Centre Strategy

Bexley Ageing Well Strategy

Bexley Community Safety Partnership Strategy 2018-2021

Bexley Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy 2016 - 2020

HM Government Integrated Communities Strategy

DCMS Civil Society Strategy: building a future that works for everyone

New Conversations: LGA guide to engagement

Mayor of London Strategy for Social Integration

New Local Government Network Community Paradigm

35 Is there anything we missed? If you have any ideas that you think will help achieve the vision of this strategy, you can contact us with them at [email protected]

Follow us

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