State Responses to COVID-19 Economic Impacts
State responses to COVID-19 economic impacts In response to COVID-19, state and territory governments have announced new measures to stimulate economic growth. The below brief summarises the new measures put in place by each state and territory to accelerate state and private sector capital works projects, and stimulate economic growth. Victoria On 18 May, the Victorian Government announced a $2.7 billion Building Works Package to fund and support education and transport infrastructure, including: • $438.6 million to build ten new schools and deliver a further four stages of new school projects to open in 2022 • $388.8 million to deliver 57 upgrades and modernisation projects at schools • $130 million to the Established Areas Program to provide additional capacity at nine schools • $114.5 million to purchase and refurbish relocatable school buildings • $55 million for TAFE maintenance work • $27.7 million for the Building Blocks program • $20 million for a Minor Capital Works Fund to bring forward small priority projects • $10 million to support infrastructure modifications for the 2021 school year • $382 million in upgrades and maintenance for tourism destinations • $328 million for resurfacing and patching roads, regional track improvements, train upgrades and pier upgrades • $100 million for critical upgrades of CFA and SES stations, alongside disability accommodation, mental health and aged care facilities On 19 May, the Victorian Government announced a further $350 million Victorian Higher Education State Investment Fund to support universities with capital works focusing on new technology and infrastructure, separate to the previously announced Building Works Package. In April the Victorian Government created the Building Victoria’s Recovery Taskforce to assist the State’s building and development industry during the COVID-19 period, co-chaired by Roger Teale, Jude Munro AO and Stan Krpan.
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