The Journeys of Bowl Study Guide

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THE JOURNEYS OF PAUL THE APOSTLE Kidz Adventure Study Questions Based on the NIV Text, 2011 Property of Live God Loud Ministries, Inc.

Day One Quiz Material—-17


1. QUESTION: Name the five prophets and teachers in the church at . ANSWER: A. B. Niger C. D. Manaen E. Saul (13:1)

2. QUESTION: What two men were set apart for a special work, under the direction of the Holy Spirit? ANSWER: Barnabas and Saul (13:2)

3. QUESTION: Give four things we know about Bar-. ANSWER: A. A Jew B. A sorcerer C. A false prophet D. An attendant of (13:6-7)

4. QUESTION: Give the name of the place where Saul was first called Paul. ANSWER: (13:6-9)

5. QUESTION: What handicap came upon Bar-Jesus as a result of God's hand being upon him? ANSWER: Blindness (13:11)

6. QUESTION: How did Sergius Paulus respond to the punishment on (Bar-Jesus) the sorcerer? ANSWER: He believed because he was amazed at the teaching about the Lord (13:12)

7. QUESTION: According to Paul, how long were the people of Israel ruled by judges? ANSWER: Until the time of Samuel (13:20)

8. QUESTION: (Give exact quotation) According to Acts 13:25, give the words of as he described Jesus. ANSWER: "There is One coming after me whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.” (13:25)

9. QUESTION: According to Paul, after what was Jesus taken down from the cross? ANSWER: When they had carried out all that was written about Him (13:29)

10. QUESTION: What were the three things Paul said happened to David after he had served God’s purpose in his own generation? ANSWER: A. He fell asleep B. He was buried with his ancestors C. His body decayed (13:36)

11. QUESTION: According to Acts 13:39, by what were people not able to obtain justification? ANSWER: The Law of Moses (13:39)

12. QUESTION: After preaching in the Synagogue at Pisidian Antioch, what did Paul and Barnabas urge their Jewish followers there to do? ANSWER: To continue in the grace of God (13:43)

13. QUESTION: Why were the Jews filled with jealousy toward Paul and Barnabas? ANSWER: They saw the crowds who had gathered to hear the word of the Lord (13:44-45)

14. QUESTION: What did Paul and Barnabas determine to do when the Jews chose to reject the word of God? ANSWER: They turned to the Gentiles (13:46)

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15. QUESTION: How did Paul and Barnabas react when they were expelled from Pisidian Antioch? ANSWER: They shook off the dust of their feet and went to Iconium (13:51)


1. QUESTION: Who became believers when Paul and Barnabas spoke in the Iconium synagogue? ANSWER: A great number of Jews and Greeks (14:1)

2. QUESTION: How was the people of Iconium divided regarding the teachings of Paul and Barnabas? ANSWER: Some sided with the Jews and others with the apostles (14:4)

3. QUESTION: According to :5, how did the Jews and Gentiles of Iconium act toward Paul and Barnabas? ANSWER: They plotted to mistreat and stone them (14:5)

4. QUESTION: To what two places did Paul and Barnabas flee after they were mistreated in Iconium? ANSWER: and (14:6)

5. QUESTION: How long had the man from Lystra been lame? ANSWER: From birth (14:8)

6. QUESTION: What did Paul understand about the lame man from Lystra? ANSWER: That he had faith to be healed (14:9)

7. QUESTION: What happened after Paul commanded the lame man to stand upright on his feet? ANSWER: The man jumped up and began to walk (14:10)

8. QUESTION: (Two part question) What did the people of Lystra say when they saw the lame man had been healed, and what names did they give Paul and Barnabas? ANSWER: A. They determined that Paul and Barnabas were gods in human form B. They called Barnabas, Zeus and Paul, Hermes (14:11-12)

9. QUESTION: What was Paul and Barnabas preaching in Lystra? ANSWER: That the people should turn from worshiping worthless things (idols) to the living God (14:15)

10. QUESTION: Who convinced the people of Lystra to stone Paul? ANSWER: Jews from Antioch and Iconium (14:19)

11. QUESTION: What did the people of Lystra do with Paul after they had stoned him? ANSWER: They dragged him outside the city (14:19)

12. QUESTION: Where did Paul and Barnabas go after Paul’s stoning and miraculous recovery? ANSWER: To Derbe (14:20)

13. QUESTION: In what way must we enter into the kingdom of God? ANSWER: By going through many hardships (14:22)

14. QUESTION: After leaving Derbe, what did Paul and Barnabas appoint in the churches they visited? ANSWER: Elders (14:23)

15. QUESTION: According to Acts 14:27, what door had God opened for Paul and Barnabas? ANSWER: A door of faith to the Gentiles (14:27)

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1. QUESTION: Why did the church at Antioch send Paul and Barnabas to ? ANSWER: To clear up a dispute between Paul and Barnabas and the people from Judea (15:1-2)

2. QUESTION: According to :3, what made all the believers in Jerusalem very glad? ANSWER: The news of the Gentile conversions (15:3)

3. QUESTION: (Complete this quotation from Acts 15:8-9) “God, who knows the heart, showed that He accepted them…” ANSWER: “…By giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as He did to us. He did not discriminate between us and them, for He purified their hearts by faith.” (15:8-9)

4. QUESTION: What did Paul and Barnabas relate as the whole assembly at Jerusalem listened to them? ANSWER: The signs and wonders God had done among the Gentiles (15:12)

5. QUESTION: According to Acts 15:13, what leader in the Jerusalem church responded to Paul and Barnabas’ declarations of God’s work among the Gentiles? ANSWER: James (15:13)

6. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) “The rest of mankind may ______the Lord, even the ______who bear My ______.” ANSWER: A. Seek B. Gentiles C. Name (15:18)

7. QUESTION: What two men were sent along with Paul and Barnabas to Antioch by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem? ANSWER: A. Judas B. (15:22)

8. QUESTION: What special qualifications did Judas and Silas have that made them a logical choice to travel to Antioch with accompany Paul and Barnabas? ANSWER: They had risked their lives for the name of Jesus (15:26)

9. QUESTION: How did the people of Antioch react when they read the letter from the apostles and elders in Jerusalem? ANSWER: They were glad for its encouraging message (15:31)

10. QUESTION: Who encouraged and strengthened the believers in Antioch? ANSWER: Judas and Silas (15:32)

11. QUESTION: When Judas and Silas departed from Antioch, who remained there to teach and preach the Word? ANSWER: Paul and Barnabas (15:35)

12. QUESTION: After having taught and preached the Word of the Lord in Antioch, what did Paul suggest that he and Barnabas do? ANSWER: Revisit the believers in the towns where they had preached and see how they were doing (15:35)

13. QUESTION: When Paul and Barnabas decided to revisit the cities they had visited on their first journey, who did Barnabas wish to take along with them? ANSWER: (15:36)

14. QUESTION: Why didn't Paul want to take John Mark on their missionary journey? ANSWER: Because he had deserted them during their last journey (15:38)

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15. QUESTION: What two things happened because of the contention between Paul and Barnabas? ANSWER: A. Barnabas took John Mark and sailed for B. Paul took Silas and traveled through and (15:39-41)


1. QUESTION: What was the name of the found in Lystra? ANSWER: Timothy (16:1)

2. QUESTION: Why did Paul and Silas decide not to preach the word in ? ANSWER: Because they were forbidden to do so by the Holy Spirit (16:6)

3. QUESTION: Where did Paul and Silas go after they had passed by ? ANSWER: Troas (16:8)

4. QUESTION: Quote the man of Macedonia as he spoke to Paul in the vision. ANSWER: "Come over to Macedonia and help us." (16:9)

5. QUESTION: In what city of Macedonia did Paul and Silas stay for several days? ANSWER: (16:12)

6. QUESTION: (Two part question) Who did Paul and Silas meet at the river in Philippi, and what was this lady’s occupation? ANSWER: A. Lydia B. She was a dealer in purple cloth (16:14)

7. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) Paul spoke to the evil spirit in the female slave and said, “In the ______of ______I command you to come out of her!” ANSWER: A. Name B. Jesus Christ (16:18)

8. QUESTION: What did the jailor do to Paul and Silas besides casting them into the jail? ANSWER: He fastened their feet in stocks (16:24)

9. QUESTION: What did Paul and Silas do at midnight while in the Philippian jail? ANSWER: They prayed and sang praises to God (16:25)

10. QUESTION: What three things happened at the Philippian jail as a result of the earthquake? ANSWER: A. The foundations of the prison were shaken B. The prison doors flew open C. Everyone’s chains came loose (16:26)

11. QUESTION: Why did Paul cry out with a loud voice, “Don’t harm yourself! We are all here!” ANSWER: Because the jailor had drawn his sword and was about to kill himself (16:27-28)

12. QUESTION: Quote :31. ANSWER: “They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” (16:31)

13. QUESTION: What did the jailor and his household do when they heard the word of the Lord? ANSWER: They believed in God and were baptized (16:32-34)

14. QUESTION: Who ordered that Paul and Silas be set free from prison? ANSWER: The magistrates (16:35)

15. QUESTION: What did the magistrates request of Paul and Silas when they heard the men were Roman citizens? ANSWER: That they leave their city (16:39)

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1. QUESTION: What cities did Paul and Silas pass through on their way to Thessalonica? ANSWER: and Apollonia (17:1)

2. QUESTION: Describe Paul’s Thessalonian converts. ANSWER: A. Some were Jews B. A large number of God-fearing Greeks C. Quite a few prominent women (17:4) 3. QUESTION: Where did the believers of Thessalonica send Paul and Silas? ANSWER: To Berea (17:10)

4. QUESTION: (Give exact quotation) Why were those in Berea more noble than those in Thessalonica? ANSWER: “They received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true (17:11)

5. QUESTION: Who stayed behind in Berea when Paul was sent away? ANSWER: Silas and Timothy (17:14)

6. QUESTION: Why was Paul greatly distressed as he waited in ? ANSWER: He saw that the city was full of idols (17:16)

7. QUESTION: What two groups of people did Paul find in Athens? ANSWER: A. Epicureans B. Stoics (17:18)

8. QUESTION: Why did people go to the Areopagus? ANSWER: To talk about or listen to the latest ideas (17:21)

9. QUESTION: What did Paul think about the people of Athens? ANSWER: That they were very religious (17:22)

10. QUESTION: What did Paul read on an altar in Athens? ANSWER: "TO AN UNKNOWN GOD" (17:23)

11. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) “The Lord of heaven and earth… does not live in ______built by human hands. And He is not ______by human hands, as if He ______anything.” ANSWER: A. Temples B. Served C. Needed (17:24-25)

12. QUESTION: Give four ways of which we are not think of God. ANSWER: A. Like gold B. Like silver C. Like stone D. Like an image made by human design (17:29)

13. QUESTION: There was a time when God overlooked man’s ignorance, but now He commands all people everywhere to do what? ANSWER: Repent (17:30)

14. QUESTION: What three responses did Paul receive from his sermon on the Areopagus? ANSWER: A. Some sneered B. Some put it off C. Some believed and became followers (17:32-34)

15. QUESTION: Give the name of the woman who believed when she heard Paul’s message on the Areopagus. ANSWER: Damaris (17:34)

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THE JOURNEYS OF PAUL THE APOSTLE Kidz Adventure Study Questions Based on the NIV Text, 2011 Property of Live God Loud Ministries, Inc.

Day Two Quiz Material—-23


1. QUESTION: What couple did Paul meet in the city of Corinth? ANSWER: Aquila and Priscilla (18:2)

2. QUESTION: Why had Aquila and Priscilla departed from ? ANSWER: Because Claudius had ordered all Jews to leave Rome (18:2)

3. QUESTION: Why did Paul stay with Aquila and Priscilla? ANSWER: Because he was a tent maker as they were (18:3)

4. QUESTION: What did Paul do when the Jews of Corinth opposed him? ANSWER: He shook out his clothes in protest (18:6)

5. QUESTION: How long did Paul stay in Corinth teaching the word of God? ANSWER: A year and a half (18:11)

6. QUESTION: Who was the proconsul of Achaia when the Jews of Corinth made a united attack on Paul? ANSWER: Gallio (18:12)

7. QUESTION: What did Gallio refuse to do for the Jews who brought Paul to him? ANSWER: Settle matters related to Jewish law (18:15)

8. QUESTION: (Two part question) Who was , and what did the people do to him in front of the proconsul? ANSWER: A. He was the synagogue leader B. They beat him (18:17)

9. QUESTION: Why did Paul have his hair cut in Cenchreae? ANSWER: Because he had taken a vow (18:18)

10. QUESTION: When Paul left , who stayed behind? ANSWER: Aquila and Priscilla (18:19, 21)

11. QUESTION: What did Paul promise as he was leaving Ephesus? ANSWER: He promised to return if it was the Lord’s will (18:21)

12. QUESTION: How does the Book of Acts describe ? ANSWER: He was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures (18:24)

13. QUESTION: Who instructed Apollos more adequately the way of God? ANSWER: Aquila and Priscilla (18:26)

14. QUESTION: When Apollos decided to go into Achaia what did the brothers and sisters do for him? ANSWER: They encouraged him and wrote to the disciples there to welcome him (18:27)

15. QUESTION: What did Apollos prove through his preaching? ANSWER: That Jesus was the Messiah (18:28)

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1. QUESTION: What happened to the Ephesian believers when Paul placed his hands on them? ANSWER: The Holy Spirit came on them (19:6)

2. QUESTION: How many months did Paul speak in the Ephesian synagogue before he was forced to find another place to speak? ANSWER: Three months (19:8)

3. QUESTION: At what Ephesian school did Paul have daily discussions? ANSWER: In the lecture hall of Tyrannus (19:9)

4. QUESTION: What personal items were carried to and from Paul to those who were sick? ANSWER: Handkerchiefs and aprons (19:12)

5. QUESTION: (Give exact quotation) How did the evil spirit respond to the sons of who tried to cast it out? ANSWER: “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” (19:15)

6. QUESTION: What was the result of the incident between the sons of Sceva and the evil spirit? ANSWER: A. The people were all seized with fear B. The name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor (19:17)

7. QUESTION: What did a number of people who practiced sorcery in Ephesus do with their scrolls? ANSWER: They burned them publically (19:19)

8. QUESTION: Where did Paul plan to go after he had visited Jerusalem? ANSWER: Rome (19:21)

9. QUESTION: (Two part question) What was the occupation of Demetrius, and what did he build for the goddess Artemis? ANSWER: A. He was a silversmith B. He made silver shrines (19:24)

10. QUESTION: According to Demetrius, what had Paul done all over Asia? ANSWER: He had turned many people away from worshiping Artemis (19:26-27)

11. QUESTION: What did the Ephesian silversmiths do when they heard what Paul was doing throughout Asia? ANSWER: They became furious and began shouting: “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” (19:28)

12. QUESTION: (Two part question) Why did the people of the Ephesian riot refuse to listen to , and how long did they cry out, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians?” ANSWER: A. Because he was a Jew B. About two hours (19:34)

13. QUESTION: How did the city clerk say that the Ephesians came to worship Artemis? ANSWER: Her image fell from heaven (19:35)

14. QUESTION: According to the city clerk, of what two crimes could and Aristarchus not be accused? ANSWER: A. Robbing temples B. Blaspheming their goddess (19:37)

15. QUESTION: Why did the Ephesian city clerk desire to dismiss the assembly at the theater? ANSWER: They were in danger of being charged with rioting (19:40)

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1. QUESTION: What did Paul do after the Ephesian uproar had ceased? ANSWER: He said goodbye and set out for Macedonia (20:1)

2. QUESTION: Why did Paul decide to travel back through Macedonia rather than sail for Syria? ANSWER: Because some Jews had plotted against him (20:3)

3. QUESTION: When did Paul sail from Philippi to Troas? ANSWER: After the festival of Unleavened bread (20:6)

4. QUESTION: Describe the meeting room where Paul spoke to the believers in Troas. ANSWER: It was an upstairs room with many lamps (20:8)

5. QUESTION: (Two part question) What was the name of the young man who fell asleep while listening to Paul preach at Troas, and how far did he fall? ANSWER: A. B. He fell from the third story (20:9)

6. QUESTION: How long did Paul talk with the believers at Troas? ANSWER: Until daylight (20:11)

7. QUESTION: How did the people feel when Eutychus was taken home alive? ANSWER: They were greatly comforted (20:12)

8. QUESTION: By what day did Paul desire to be in Jerusalem? ANSWER: The day of (20:16)

9. QUESTION: Whom did Paul call to meet him in ? ANSWER: The elders of the church at Ephesus (20:17)

10. QUESTION: What did Paul expect to happen to him upon his arrival in Jerusalem? ANSWER: He did not know what would happen to him there (20:22)

11. QUESTION: According to :25, what one thing did Paul know about his relationship with the elders of Ephesus? ANSWER: None of them would ever see him again (20:25)

12. QUESTION: What did Paul foresee coming among the people of Ephesus after he departed? ANSWER: Savage wolves that would not spare the flock (20:29)

13. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) “Now I commit you to God and to the word of His ______, which can build you up and give you an ______among all those who are sanctified.” ANSWER: A. Grace B. Inheritance (20:32)

14. QUESTION: What three things had Paul not coveted? ANSWER: Other people’s silver, gold, or clothing (20:33)

15. QUESTION: Quote the words of Jesus that Paul used in Acts 20:35. ANSWER: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (20:35)

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1. QUESTION: Name the three places Paul's ship sailed after it had left Miletus. ANSWER: A. B. C. (20:17 and 21:1)

2. QUESTION: What did the disciples of Tyre urge Paul not to do? ANSWER: Not to go to Jerusalem (21:4)

3. QUESTION: What was the last thing Paul did with the disciples of Tyre as he was preparing to board a ship? ANSWER: He knelt down on the beach and prayed (21:5)

4. QUESTION: With whom did Paul and His company stay while at Caesarea? ANSWER: (21:8)

5. QUESTION: What prophet from Judea demonstrated how Paul would be caught and bound if he went to Jerusalem? ANSWER: (21:10-11)

6. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) Paul was not only ready to be ______in Jerusalem but also to ______for the ______of the Lord Jesus. ANSWER: A. Bound B. Die C. Name (21:13)

7. QUESTION: What did Paul’s friends say when they realized he could not be persuaded to cancel his trip to Jerusalem? ANSWER: The Lord’s will be done (21:14)

8. QUESTION: Who did Paul go to see on the day following his arrival in Jerusalem? ANSWER: James (21:18)

9. QUESTION: According :24, what did the elders want Paul to prove to the Jewish believers at Jerusalem? ANSWER: That he lived in obedience to the law (21:24)

10. QUESTION: What did Paul do to signify the end of the days of purification? ANSWER: He purified himself and went into the temple (21:26)

11. QUESTION: What news came to the commander of the Roman troops in Jerusalem? ANSWER: That the whole city was in an uproar (21:31)

12. QUESTION: (Two part question) How did the Roman commander bind Paul, and where did he command him to be taken? ANSWER: A. With two chains B. Into the barracks (21:33-34)

13. QUESTION: What did the people cry out concerning Paul as he was being led into the barracks? ANSWER: Get rid of him (21:36)

14. QUESTION: What question did the Roman commander ask when Paul spoke to him? ANSWER: Do you speak Greek? (21:37)

15. QUESTION: How did Paul silence the rioting crowd in Jerusalem? ANSWER: He stood on the steps and motioned to them (21:40)

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1. QUESTION: From whom did Paul get his education? ANSWER: (22:3)

2. QUESTION: At what time of day did Paul see a bright light from heaven while on his way to Damascus? ANSWER: Noon (22:6)

3. QUESTION: What did Paul do when a bright light shined upon him on his way to Damascus? ANSWER: He fell to the ground (22:7)

4. QUESTION: How does Paul describe the reaction of his companions when they saw the bright light on the road to Damascus? ANSWER: They saw the light but did not understand the voice (22:9)

5. QUESTION: How did Paul describe ? ANSWER: He was a devout observer of the law and highly respected by all the Jews living in Damascus (22:12)

6. QUESTION: Who did Ananias say had chosen Saul? ANSWER: The God of our ancestors (22:14)

7. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) Paul was chosen to be God’s ______to all people of what he had ______and ______. ANSWER: A. Witness B. Seen C. Heard (22:15)

8. QUESTION: What was Paul doing when he fell into a trance? ANSWER: Praying at the temple (22:17)

9. QUESTION: What did the Lord say to Paul while he was in a trance at the temple? ANSWER: Leave Jerusalem immediately, because the people here will not accept your testimony about me (22:18)

10. QUESTION: To whose death had Paul given his approval? ANSWER: Stephen’s (22:20)

11. QUESTION: Quote the words of the Lord's commission to Paul which are recorded in :21. ANSWER: “Go; I will send you far away to the Gentiles.” (22:21)

12. QUESTION: Why did the commander order Paul to be flogged and interrogated? ANSWER: He wanted to find out why the people were shouting at him (22:24)

13. QUESTION: How had the commander obtained his Roman citizenship? ANSWER: He paid a lot of money for it (22:28)

14. QUESTION: What brought alarm to the Roman commander? ANSWER: The knowledge that he had put a Roman citizen in chains (22:29)

15. QUESTION: When did the Roman commander instruct the chief priests and the Sanhedrin to assemble in order that he might hear their accusations against Paul? ANSWER: On the day after Paul’s arrest (22:30)

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1. QUESTION: What did Paul call Ananias the High Priest? ANSWER: A white-washed wall (23:3)

2. QUESTION: How did Paul respond when he found that Ananias was the High Priest? ANSWERS: Brothers, I did not realize that he was the high priest (23:5)

3. QUESTION: What two Jewish religious groups were represented on the Sanhedrin? ANSWER: The and the (23:6)

4. QUESTION: How did the Pharisees come to Paul’s aid when they realized he was a Pharisee and was being judged because he believed in the resurrection of the dead? ANSWER: They argued that they found nothing wrong with him (23:9)

5. QUESTION: How many Jews bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul? ANSWER: Forty (23:12-13)

6. QUESTION: To whom did the men who plotted to kill Paul go with their plan? ANSWER: To the chief priests and elders (23:14)

7. QUESTION: Who overheard the conspiracy to kill Paul and warned him about it? ANSWER: The son of Paul’s sister (23:16)

8. QUESTION: Who took Paul’s nephew to the Roman commander? ANSWER: One of the centurions (23:17)

9. QUESTION: According to Paul’s nephew, what were the Jews wanting from the commander? ANSWER: A consent to their request (23:21)

10. QUESTION: What did the commander say to Paul’s nephew as he sent him away? ANSWER: Don’t tell anyone that you have reported this to me (23:22)

11. QUESTION: How big was the military escort that transported Paul to Caesarea? ANSWER: 200 soldiers, 70 horsemen and 200 spearmen (23:23)

12. QUESTION: Why did send Paul to Felix? ANSWER: Because he was informed of a plot to be carried out against Paul (23:30)

13. QUESTION: After Felix read the letter from Claudius Lysias, of what did he wish to know regarding Paul? ANSWER: What province he was from (23:34)

14. QUESTION: From what province was Paul? ANSWER: Cilicia (23:34)

15. QUESTION: Where was Paul kept until his accusers arrived from Jerusalem? ANSWER: In Herod’s palace (23:35)

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THE JOURNEYS OF PAUL THE APOSTLE Kidz Adventure Study Questions Based on the NIV Text, 2011 Property of Live God Loud Ministries

Day Three Quiz Material—-28


1. QUESTION: How long did Paul wait in Herod’s Palace before his accusers arrived from Jerusalem? ANSWER: Five days (24:1)

2. QUESTION: What man spoke before Felix against Paul? ANSWER: Tertullus (24:2)

3. QUESTION: How did Tertullus say that Felix should determine the truth about Paul? ANSWER: By examining Paul himself (24:8)

4. QUESTION: At the time of Paul’s appearance before Felix, how many days had transpired since he had first arrived at Jerusalem? ANSWER: 12 days (24:11)

5. QUESTION: What two things did Paul deny as he stood before Felix? ANSWER: A. Arguing with anyone at the temple B. Stirring up a crowd (24:12)

6. QUESTION: What could Paul’s accusers not prove? ANSWER: The charges they were making against him (24:13)

7. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) Paul said, “I worship the God of our ______as a ______of the Way.” ANSWER: A. Ancestors B. Follower (24:14)

8. QUESTION: Quote Acts 24:16. ANSWER: “So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.” (24:16)

9. QUESTION: Why had Paul returned to Jerusalem when he was arrested? ANSWER: To bring his people gifts for the poor and to present offerings (24:17)

10. QUESTION: When did Felix promise he would hear Paul’s case? ANSWER: When Lysias the commander arrived (24:22)

11. QUESTION: What three things did Felix command the centurion to do with Paul? ANSWER: A. Keep him under guard B. Give him some freedom C. Permit his friends to take care of his needs (24:23)

12. QUESTION: (Two part question) Who came with Felix to hear Paul, and who was this person? ANSWER: A. Drusilla B. She was the wife of Felix (24:24)

13. QUESTION: What three topics did Paul discuss with Felix and Drusilla? ANSWER: A. Righteousness B. Self-control C. Judgment to come (24:25)

14. QUESTION: What did Felix hope to receive from Paul? ANSWER: A bribe (24:26)

15. QUESTION: Why did Felix leave Paul in bonds? ANSWER: He wanted to grant a favor to the Jews (24:27)

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1. QUESTION: What did the high priests and Jewish leaders ask Festus to do for them? ANSWER: They asked to have Paul moved to Jerusalem (25:3)

2. QUESTION: Why did the Jews desire to have Paul moved to Jerusalem? ANSWER: They wanted to kill him along the way (25:3)

3. QUESTION: Against what three things or people had Paul done nothing wrong? ANSWER: A. Against the Jewish law B. Against the temple C. Against Caesar (25:8)

4. QUESTION: Why did Festus ask Paul to go to Jerusalem? ANSWER: He wished to do the Jews a favor (25:9)

5. QUESTION: Before whom did Paul wish to be tried? ANSWER: Caesar (25:11)

6. QUESTION: (Give exact quotation) How did Festus respond to Paul's wish to be tried before Caesar? ANSWER: “You have appealed to Caesar. To Caesar you will go!” (25:12)

7. QUESTION: Who came to pay their respects to Festus in Caesarea? ANSWER: King Agrippa and Bernice (25:13)

8. QUESTION: How did Festus describe Paul to King Agrippa? ANSWER: There is a man here whom Felix left as a prisoner (25:14)

9. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) “It is not the Roman custom to hand over anyone before they have faced their accusers and have had an ______to defend themselves against the ______.” ANSWER: A. Opportunity B. Charges (25:16)

10. QUESTION: About what did the Jews have some points of dispute with Paul? ANSWER: About their own religion (25:19)

11. QUESTION: What did Agrippa wish do when he had heard of the Jews dispute with Paul? ANSWER: He wanted to hear Paul speak (25:22)

12. QUESTION: How did Agrippa and Bernice enter the audience room to hear Paul speak? ANSWER: With great pomp (25:23)

13. QUESTION: According to :25, what was the conclusion of Festus concerning Paul? ANSWER: Paul had done nothing deserving of death (25:25)

14. QUESTION: Why did Festus bring Paul before the rulers? ANSWER: So he could determine what to write to Caesar (25:26)

15. QUESTION: What did Festus consider to be unreasonable? ANSWER: To send a prisoner to Rome without stating the charges against him (25:27)

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1. QUESTION: According to Paul, what things did King Agrippa know well? ANSWER: All the Jewish customs and controversies (26:3)

2. QUESTION: According to :6, for what was Paul being judged? ANSWER: His hope in what God had promised his ancestors (26:6)

3. QUESTION: Prior to his conversion, what had Paul tried to do to the name of Jesus of Nazareth? ANSWER: Everything that was possible to oppose it (26:9)

4. QUESTION: Who gave Paul authority to arrest and imprison the Lord’s people in Damascus? ANSWER: The chief priests (26:10)

5. QUESTION: What did Paul carry with him as he went to Damascus in search of ? ANSWER: The authority and commission of the chief priests (26:12)

6. QUESTION: According to Acts 26:13, how did Paul describe the brightness of the light he saw on the road to Damascus? ANSWER: Brighter than the sun (26:13)

7. QUESTION: In what language did Paul hear the voice of Jesus speaking to him on the road to Damascus? ANSWER: Aramaic (26:14)

8. QUESTION: Of what two things was Paul to be a witness? ANSWER: A. Of what he had seen B. Of what he would see of Jesus (26:16)

9. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) Paul said, “So then, King Agrippa, I was not ______to the vision from ______.” ANSWER: A. Disobedient B. Heaven (26:19)

10. QUESTION: In what place did Paul first proclaim the message of repentance? ANSWER: Damascus (26:20)

11. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) By suffering and rising from the dead Jesus brought the message of ______to His own ______, and to the ______. ANSWER: A. Light B. People C. Gentiles (26:23)

12. QUESTION: When Paul finished giving his story, of what did Festus accuse him? ANSWER: Being out of his mind (26:24)

13. QUESTION: Why was Paul certain that King Agrippa had heard all about the death and resurrection of Christ? ANSWER: Because the had not been spread in a corner (26:26)

14. QUESTION: After meeting together, to what conclusion did Agrippa, Bernice, and Festus arrive concerning Paul? ANSWER: He had done nothing worthy of death or imprisonment (26:31)

15. QUESTION: Why was Agrippa not able to release Paul from prison? ANSWER: Because Paul had appealed to Caesar (26:32)

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1. QUESTION: What was the name of the centurion of the Imperial Regiment who was in charge of Paul’s journey to Rome? ANSWER: Julius (27:1)

2. QUESTION: Why did the ship Paul was sailing on pass to the lee of Cyprus? ANSWER: Because the winds were against them (27:4)

3. QUESTION: At what place, near the city of Lasea, did Paul’s ship stop? ANSWER: A place called Fair Havens (27:8)

4. QUESTION: Why did the owner of the ship decide not to stay in Fair Haven? ANSWER: Because the harbor was not a suitable place in which to winter (27:12)

5. QUESTION: What was the name of the storm which arose during Paul’s journey to Rome? ANSWER: The Northeaster (27:14)

6. QUESTION: What did those in charge of the ship do when it was caught by the wind? ANSWER: They gave way to it and were driven along (27:15)

7. QUESTION: What did the ship’s crew do to lighten the ship during the storm? ANSWER: They threw the ship’s tackle overboard (27:18-19)

8. QUESTION: How did the people aboard Paul’s ship feel when the sun and stars failed to appear for many days and the storm continued raging? ANSWER: They gave up all hope of being saved (27:20)

9. QUESTION: (Two part question) How deep was the sea the first time they sounded it for depth, and how deep was it the second time? ANSWER: A. One hundred twenty feet B. Ninety feet (27:28)

10. QUESTION: What did those on board the ship do when they had dropped four anchors into the sea? ANSWER: They prayed for daylight (27:29)

11. QUESTION: What did the soldiers do when some of the sailors tried to escape in a lifeboat? ANSWER: They cut the ropes and let the boat drift away (27:32)

12. QUESTION: Why did Paul urge everyone to eat some food at dawn on the fourteenth day of the storm? ANSWER: They needed it to survive (27:33-34)

13. QUESTION: How many people were on board the ship with Paul? ANSWER: 276 people (27:37)

14. QUESTION: What did those on board the ship do after they had eaten as much as they wanted? ANSWER: They lightened the ship by throwing the grain into the sea (27:38)

15. QUESTION: What caused Paul’s ship to break apart? ANSWER: The pounding surf (27:41)

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1. QUESTION: On what Island did Paul’s ship run aground? ANSWER: (28:1)

2. QUESTION: What came out of the fire and fastened itself on Paul’s hand? ANSWER: A viper (28:3)

3. QUESTION: What did the barbarians say when they saw the viper attach itself to Paul's hand? ANSWER: This man must be a murderer (28:4)

4. QUESTION: What did the people do after they had seen that the viper had not harmed Paul? ANSWER: They changed their minds and said he was a god (28:6)

5. QUESTION: What was the name of the chief official on Malta Island? ANSWER: Publius (28:7)

6. QUESTION: What did Paul do for the father of Publius? ANSWER: He healed him (28:8)

7. QUESTION: What were the twin-god figureheads of the ship on which Paul’s company sailed from Malta? ANSWER: Castor and Pollux (28:11)

8. QUESTION: According to :12-13, at what three places did Paul’s ship make landing before coming to Rome? ANSWER: A. Syracuse B. Rhegium C. Puteoli (28:12-13)

9. QUESTION: How long did Paul stay with the brothers and sisters in Puteoli? ANSWER: A week (28:13-14)

10. QUESTION: How was Paul treated by the Romans when he arrived in Rome? ANSWER: He was allowed to live by himself with a soldier to guard him (28:16)

11. QUESTION: How long did Paul speak concerning Jesus with the Jewish leaders of Rome? ANSWER: From morning till evening (28:23)

12. QUESTION: According to Acts 28:27, how did Isaiah describe the hearts, ears, and eyes of the people he was prophesying about? ANSWER: A. Their hearts had become calloused B. They could hardly hear with their ears C. They had closed their eyes (28:27)

13. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) “I want you to know that God’s ______has been sent to the ______, and they will ______!” ANSWER: A. Salvation B. Gentiles C. Listen (28:28)

14. QUESTION: How long did Paul stay in his own rented house in Rome? ANSWER: Two years (28:30)

15 QUESTION: How did Paul receive those who came to visit him in Rome? ANSWER: He welcomed them all (28:30)

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