Rare Succulent Plants: Winter 2015 Sales List - unusual succulents for the collector and novice Payment details: Please ask for a quote on postage/packing (small orders up to $50 are usually $10). Many items are in small number or short supply so enquire for availability before sending order. Payment options are Paypal, Direct Deposit or via postal money orders payable to P.I.Forster. Send your completed order form to Paul Forster, P.O. Box 2171, Ashgrove West, Qld 4060 or via email:
[email protected] Please order with the provided order form using the names/numbers listed in the first column. Mail order sales only. No orders can be sent to Northern Territory or Tasmania to AQIS/Agriculture Dept. quarantine regulations. Orders can be sent to Western Australia with an import permit (enquire for details). No foreign orders . If you have email, then send me your address and I can indicate when the order is to be filled. The collection is diverse, so it does not hurt to make enquiries for desired plants. Substitutes can be listed if desired (especially for items listed as being in limited or very limited supply), or state whether a refund is required for items that are out of stock. If ordering from email, please print out your order form including a mailing address and attach with payment. New versions of this list are automatically sent to those with email quarterly and are also available on the webpage of the Cactus & Succulent Society of NSW at Buy Stuff Please indicate if you wish to be included on the mailing list.