Tta -Oral Roue
DOCUM7NTPFSUM7 SE 007 731 03", C90 rtri Vf +h a?patics. 'T,TmT77, ',,=kna4" ior711 t-, N MathPmaics,:, Tnc., -r 1T C IT Tr'"r, TTa-oral roueit cff mPach,Prs 79,71,ina+nn, r 7) ri r 7), 1) "I 771 1r7n. ouncil oc mPacher of mathematics,1221 T,VA-TT,A.,v7-rT)()%1 r QtrPot, 7.W.rWashington, 7).C.2223'5 * from 71r)q. T7 r CZ 71T) 77 C T7 ur "of kvailab1=-?. T) *A,nri-a+r,r1 *LitPraturP c7(' 11)r 'DT() (7 T,it:sratu/-P royiews,*;6ithematicalPnrichmeilt, *mathe,matics 77-ancation,rPfPrPnce nooks rT litoraturn auiTh is ahil-liograrooy o' books, concccrneya withmathPmatical recreations. arfirlPc;, an-3 n0ro'rat than 2,n20 ml-is is tl-n +hirl itior of a hookwhich, con+ainPd mar,. Snpnlr,mPnts have henad1P1 to bring onfriPg it inal Plition. snide is intondndfor VIP, the }-11-,linaranT,y u interested in nronssional mat},Pmatician and tiqe amateurwho ma,thPmafics as a1-ohhv. 'or thiF: reasonboth popular articles ,.4ions are, irclud0'1. Tn many cases,entries are' tPchnical discus auth6',- poin-ls out as anail to t'lP user ofthis hook. Trhe annotaf to look for sourceratPrials and fl-at this guie can serve PF-.a place loolrig for nrojPctmaterial advanced will ImP hPinf,fl to (741-nPnts technical articlPs aPri in research.41so, -,c, many non- stulPrts enqa fn 7-1thematics, as a will proyia0PnlovmPnt for +.hPlayman intereste(7, recrPation.(T) 1 PHOCESSwailMICROFICHE AND PUBLISHER'S PRICES. MICROFICHE, REPRODUCTION ONLY. William L. Schaaf U -S.
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