The . Computer E. Museum

Founded in 1979, The Computer Museum is c o N T E N T s an international collecting and exhibiting museum. The only museum in the world devoted solely to computers, it was incorpo­ rated as an independent non-profit educa­ tional institution in 1982. 1 Chairman's Report The Museum has assembled the most Gardner C. Hendrie extensive collection of historical computers and robots in the world. Open to the public 2 Board of Directors, in downtown Boston since November 1984, the Museum welcomes over 100,000 Committees &. Staff visitors each year from around the globe. The Museum's mission is three-fold: 3 Executive Director's Report To educate and inspire all ages and levels Joseph F. Cashen of the public through dynamic exhibitions and programs on the technology, applica­ 4 The Year in Review tions and impact of computers.

To preserve and celebrate the history and 6 The Computer Bowl promote the understanding of computers worldwide. 8 Feature To be an international resource for research into the history of computing. Gwen Bell gives a ten-year The history and current application of perspective on The Computer computers is presented in over 19,000 Museum's history. square feet of temporary and permanent exhibition space. The historical exhibits make ample use of the Museum's rare and 9 Exhibits growing collection. Some 60 hands-on Oliver Strimpel on the fuwre exhibits enliven the visitor experience and plans of the exhibit committee provide a window on the future of computer technology. and highlights of the past year. The Museum brings its message to a wide and varied public through a program of daily 12 Education demonstrations and guided tours, frequent Adeline Naiman on programs eV lectures, workshops and events, and a plans at the Museum; national program of traveling exhibits. Jon Miller on Computers and Eaeh year, over forty thousand students are introduced to the world of computing at the Scientific Literacy. Museum. Teacher workshops empower educators to expand their students' use, 16 Feature understanding and appreciation of comput­ ers. An active outreach program sends Ralph Gomory on museum educators into the schools with Trends in Computing. programs on computers and robots. Educa­ tional materials for the classroom are distributed nationally. 20 Collections The Museum is funded through corporate Additions to the and individual support, admissions, Collections. foundation and government grants. Members receive a bi-monthly newsletter and The Computer Museum Annual, a 28 Development richly illustrated report of the Museum's The Capital Campaign, activities. Phases 1 and II; Located on Museum Wharf at 300 Congress Annual Fund '88; Street, Boston, Massachusetts, the Museum The Computer Bowl. is easily aecessible by public transportation and is only minutes away from Logan Inter­ national Airport and Boston's financial 31 Membership district. Public open hours are Tuesday tlm;lUgh Sunday, 10 am - 5 pm, Friday until 9 pm, and daily during the summer. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT


" t .. -t: • .,-,' ""C:di ' - ~11II,) I -. ".." --..', "",'''''' ~ •... ~ , -' " -,~ ."( THE N EXT F I V E YEll. R 5 Gardner C. Hendrie The Computer Museum has certainly come a long way from its early days in Chairman, Marlboro with its collection of early computers. It now has a wide range of II The Computer interactive exhibits in both the Smart Machines Gallery as well as the Graphics Museum Gallery. These exhibits help to expand the audience for the Museum from technically trained people who have grown up in the computer industry to include both children and adults who are curious about computers and how they work and how they are used.

The two primary challenges which I see for the next five years are:

1. To further expand the audience of the Museum in terms of both the age and background of our visitors. 2. To expand support for the Museum to include individuals, foundations, and corporations that span all segments of the computing community, both suppliers and users.

To achieve these goals we need to: 1. Continue to expand and improve our exhibits. Oliver Strimpel's article de­ scribes the new exhibits that will be devoted to history, will explain how computers work and will illustrate new and significant applications. 2. Create exhibits, events, and materials that allow us to share our collection and resources with organizations around the world. One of these is an exhibit on pocket calculators which is currently traveling throughout the country. The Computer Bowl was a simultaneous East and West Coast event that was later shown as two programs of the PBS show Computer Chronicles; the questions and answers were reproduced in The Communications of the ACM. 3. Develop the Museum's Education Department. Adeline Naiman, the new education director has a long list of programs currently being developed for school-age visitors. 4. Expand the involvement of the business community through innovative programs such as our breakfast seminars. These seminars bring industry luminaries to the Museum to talk about what is happening in computing today, and what may lie in the future. 5. Complete Phase II of the Museum's Capital Campaign. This Campaign is the principle means for funding the expansion of the Museum's programs. In the first year, we successfully raised over 1.2 million dollars. However, we still have a long way to go to successfully reach our goal of seven million by 1992. 6. Broaden the participation of individuals and corporations in the Museum's programs. Volunteer activities in public relations, collections and exhibit development have occurred from Louisville, Kentucky to Newcastle, England. 7. Promote pro-active collecting. The Museum has a preeminent collection from the 1950s and '60s and all of the very earliest PCs. However, we need to add the important advances of the '70s and '80s. These programs will help us achieve the goals of The Computer Museum over the next few years. The most important element, however, is you: the mem­ ber, the contributor, the visitor, the volunteer. The Computer Museum Board of Staff Directors Committees

Joseph F. Cashen Marketing Gardner Hendrie John William Collections II Executive Director Mark Hunt Sigma Partners; Poduska, Sr. See Page 20 Gwen K. Bell Director of Marketing Chairman, Stellar Computer Ill c. The Computer Executive Founding President Gail Jennes Jonathan Rotenberg MLlseU111 The Roston Edward A. Schwartz Development Public Relations Chnmllan Manager Joseph F. Cashen Computer Society Jane Dusza Stanhope Executive Director, Joseph F. Cashen Linda Holekamp Jean E. Sammet Development The Computer David Donaldson Assistant Public Consultant Coordinator MUSel.l111 Relations Manager Edward A.Schwartz Gardner Hendrie Valerie Freitas Gwen K. Bell Membership Kathy Keough FOllnding President, Naomi Seligman James McKenney Coordinator Functions Manager The Computer The Research Board Nicholas A. Pettinella Store Museum Paul Severino John William Education Wellfleet Christina O 'Sullivan Lynda S. Bodman Poduska, Sr. Adeline Naiman C0111111L1111Cllt 1011), lll C, Store Manager Schubert Associates Paul Severino Director of Education Hal B. Shear Shashelia David L. Chapman Michael Chertok Compllter Power Research lllve,l1llelll Exhibits Education Degrassinried Adviser" Ltd. See Page 9 Store Assistant- GrOllI', Americas Coordinator Irwin J. Sitkin Diana Dimente David Donaldson Finance Gregory Schroeder Ropes eJ Gray Ae/Ila Lde eJ Operations Manager Assistant Weekend Casualt)' James McKenney Store Manager Jon Eklund Clullrman Ron Smart Exhibits and Robert Gates The National Museum Nicholas A. Petti nella Collections of American History Digital EqUIpment Assistant Store Corpofiltion Treasurer Oliver Strimpel Manager William Foster William J. Spencer Mark Allio Curatof eJ Associate Interpreters StralUs Computer. In e. Director Xerox CorpofiltlOn Joseph F. Cashen Laura Bernstein Edward Fredkin Dan Griscom Capital Technologies Richard Stewart John Bristow Trustees Exhibits Engineer Thomas Gerrity Christopher Wilson Charles Caruso Tom Merrill Index Group Charles Bachman Pnblic Relations Exhibits Specialist Jane Ewing Richard E, Greene C. Gordon Bell Wendy Germain Tom Restivo Fernando Gonzales Dow Switch Dr. Erich Bl och Collections Assistant Corporation Betsy Gillis Mark Gould Harvey Cragon Allison Stelling Max D. Hopper Mark Hunt Ken Gustin Robert Everett Registrar/Collection American Airlines Gail Jennes Scott Haas Manager Sir Arthur Humphreys C. Lester Hogan Linda Holekamp Mehreen Hassan Gregory Welch In ternational Andrew C. Knowles III Christopher Morgan Exhibits Developer John Mello Computers Limited Koji Kobayashi Sheryl Schultz Tom Restivo Theodore G. Johnson Finance and John Lacey Joshua Shapiro Administration Norman Simpson Mitchell Kapor Patrick J. McGovern On Technology, In c, Roxanne St, Claire Mark Allio David Shaffer Robert M. Metcalfe Director of Finance August Klein Keith Westerman Douglas Stoddard George Michael and Administration Robert W. Lucky School Advisory Kelly Strasburger William H. Millard Michael Halwes ATeJT Art Bardige Receptionist/Staff Shawn Wilson, Bell Laboratories Robert N. Noyce Marilyn Gardner Assistant Carver Mead Brian Randell Beth Lowd Antje Luhl-Archibald Institute Kitty Selfridge Personnel Manager of Technology Adeline Naiman Michael Spock Brian McLaughlin James McKenney Alan November Erwin Tomash Accounting Manager Harvard Thomas). Plati Business School Paul Tsongas Doris Ray Laura Barker Morse Maurice Wilkes Russell Reynolds Jonathan Rotenberg Associates Robert Tinker David Nelson Confluent Systems In c. Russell Noftsker Nicholas A. Pettinella Intermetrics, In c, D IRE C TOR I S REP 0 R T

Joseph F. Cashen Executive Director, Th e Computer Mu seum

As the only museum in the world and programSj our responsibility as an ily funded by private contributions solely committed to computers and informal learning center for comput­ and memberships. The Common­ II their impact on society, we have ing is woven into all our activities. wealth of Massachusetts supplies before us extraordinary opportunities Our various outreach programs have some funding for reduced admissions, and an audience with both national been well received and we are but very little support comes from and international dimensions. committed to building this activity government agencies. Fundamental to our mission is even more in the months and years I sincerely hope this Annual the preservation and celebration of ahead as a way of improving our gives you a more complete under­ the history of this remarkable and rapport with young people in particu­ standing of what The Computer dynamic field, and the exciting and lar. Nurturing this link to youth is an Museum is about. We believe every educating of all levels of the public exciting way the Museum can help Museum visitor gets a better under­ about computing and its impact on the great numbers of people who have standing of the computer revolution their lives. no knowledge of computers at all or and its impact on society. With your The Museum has what is un­ who are intimidated by them. continued interest and support, The questionably the best collection of Given our ambitious role and Computer Museum will implement post-1 950 computers and robots in the our limited resources, the need for its critical mission even more effec­ wo rld. Rather than just storing the good, committed staff people is tively and grow into the world-class collection for preservation purposes, particularly obvious. With the institution we all want it to be. we leverage it by utilizing key addition of our new senior Education artifacts in exhibits to help us Director and other key new people, Fiscal year 1988 implement the other parts of our our staff is capable of addressing the operating revenue mission. An example is our Smart challenges in the months and years Machines Theater which presents our ahead. The "Year in Review" section unique robotic artifacts with an of this report hopefully gives you a explanatory light/video show that is feeling for the pace and vitality of the both entertaining and educational for Museum, and the accomplishments of many levels of visitors. Our national the staff. It also points out the impact is being increased by such increase in our national impact activities as Computers in Your through such activities as our first,. 18% Pocket, a travelling collection-based travelling exhibit and the highly exhibit currently on a 16-city tour successful, exciting inauguration of Admissions 16". across the country, our CDC 1604 on The Computer Bowl. Museum Storo 9% display at Cray in Minnesota and our On the subject of national and Univac 1 being exhibited at the international impact, it is interesting Othor 12% Conference in to note that 50% of our visitors are Louisville. from outside of Massachusetts and Fiscal year 1988 More than 60 computer-based, about 12% of them are from foreign operating expenses interactive stations provide more countries. interesting and educational opportuni­ A common question from ties for our visitors. Our longer term people interested in the Museum exhibits are complemented by time­ involves where our funding comes .-..-~ sequenced temporary ones such as the from and how it is used. Audited SPOT exhibit which vividly demon­ financial statements are available for strates how digital satellite imagery those interested. The charts below A~OIl.F... _. 22% helps humanity deal with natural graphically depict the flow of our resource utilization. The computer Operating Budget. Note that the processed satellite images are also Operating Budget does not include Education 8r VlsItor Service. 22% highly prized for their artistic beauty. new exhibit development costs. New Although we have a separate exhibits are all self-funded in that the Markoting & Momborships 15%

Education department, our education dollars needed are raised on a per­ Museum Store 10% mission permeates all our exhibits exhibit basis. The Museum is prirnar- Colloctions 4% 1 9 8 8

This banner year began with the signing of a historic joint collecting agreement The Year with the Smithonian Institution and culminated in the world's first Computer Bowl, a nationally televised event benefitting our educational programs. The Museum launched its first traveling exhibit and its first internationalcomputer in Revie-w graphics research project. How Tall Are You! became our first outdoor exhibit. A children's robot-building workshop encouraged youngs ters' hands-on in­ volvement.

4 1987 1988

Museum signs historic November 5 December 3 February March 6 April joint collecting agree- Joseph T. Brophy, William F. Zachmann, Compare the Peter Oppenheimer, As part of Boston's m ent with Smith- Senior Vice President, Senior Vice President, Candidates program The Computer Museum Goers sonian Institution. The Travelers International Data allows visi tors to Graphics Laboratory, Month, Awesome Companies. Breakfast Corporation. Breakfast contrast presidential New York Institute of Adventures intro- October 7 Seminar: Linking the Seminar: The Second candidates' views. Technology: Beyond duces interactive Charles E. Sporck, Knowledge Era of Information Nature: Computer exhibit of maze explo- President & CEO, Workforce. Technology: The February 4·6 Graphic Simulations ration, flight simula- National 1990s ... and Beyond. Ali ce Trexler, Tufts of Life. tion and 3-D Semiconductor Corp. November 6·8 University, introduces animation. Breakfast Seminar: 25th Anniversary of January computer-assisted March 13 Sematech: Why Computer Games Education Department dance. , The April Manufacturing is Im- features representative takes lessons in robots Kurzweil Fou ndation: By Kids' Design portant. exhibits and symposia and computer li teracy February 7 Intelligent Machines exhibit features on past, present and to New England Ke n Knowlton, of Today and winners of national October 11 future games. classrooms. Wang Laboratories: Tomorrow . computer creativity Marvin Minsky, MIT: Gala party for Space- Experiments in contest for students The Society of the war! inventors. January 14 Computer Graphics March 18 and teachers. Mind: A Psychological 2nd Interna tional Core Naomi O. Seligman, and Art. Max D. Hopper, Look at Artificial Wars Tournament and Senior Vice President, Senior Vice PreSident, May 5 Intelligence. teach-in . The Research Board. February 20·21 Information Systems, First teachers' Demonstration of Breakfast Seminar: Third Annual Kids American Ai rl ines. workshop, supported October 18 world champion Roots and Rhythms of Computer Fair Breakfast Seminar: by Massachusetts J. W. Forrester, MIT, MITEE Mouse robot. the Future: Compel- introduces educational Strategic Uses of Council on the Arts Robert R. Everett, ling Technologies. and entertaining soft- Technology: Benefi ts and Humanities. The MITRE Corpora- ware via special inter- and Pitfalls. tion, and C. Robert January 28 active exhibits, re- May 1 Wieser, Science Appli- Jon D. Miller, Director source center, and March Dennis Ritchie, cations International of the Public Opinion ro bot playpen. 19·20,26·27 AT&T : Corporation: Laboratory, Northern SIGGRAPH Unix: A Dialectic. Whirlwind's Genesis Illinois University. February 28 Electronic Theater and Descendants. Breakfast Seminar: Stephen Ocko and May 8 The Future of Mitchell Resnick, David Zeltzer, Media November 1 Scientific Literacy. Media Lab, MIT: Lab, MIT: Interacting Hans Moravec, LEGO/Logo: Building with Animated Carnegie-Mellon a New World in the Microworlds. University: Robots: A Classroom. Recapitulation of Life.

lay Forrester at the The opening of The Ray KUTzweil .. lccture and WllJr/wind reunion. Interactive Image. demon.')trarion. We opened a host of new exhibits while continuing to draw computer pioneers, innovators and industry leaders from around the world to meet, share, and contribute. The events of this successful year are a tangible expression of our mission - to educate people of all ages; to preserve, promote and celebrate computing; and to be a resource for the international community. II May 9 July 14 Massachusetts September November 6 December 1 Insti tute of Electrical Celtics' great Dave Council on the Arts Award for collections Thomas A. DeFanti, Edward Feigenbaum, and El ectronics Engi- Cowens opens new and Humanities grant conservation study Electronic Visualiza- Professor of Computer neers, Inc., honors outdoor How Tall Are funds admissions for made by the Institute tion Laboratory, Science, Stanford Board Member You! exhibit. students from low and of Museum Services. University of Illinois: University. Breakfast Robert M. Metcalfe. middle income Computer Graphics Seminar: Expert He donates $10,000 August communities. September 7 And Beyond: The Systems: Industrial award to Museum. How Fast Are Henry J. Crouse, Viewer As Partici- and Commercial Computers! updates August 15· President, Open Soft- pant. Successes of the First May 12 CRA Y exhibition of November 15 ware Foundation. Wave. St uart Wecker, Presi- supercomputers. Imagine: Art With the Breakfast Seminar: November 6 dent, Interface Design, exhibition Open Software Foun- The Interactive Image December 26 Inc. Breakfast Milestones: The His- fea tures dazzling full dation's Contribution adds six state-of-the- First robot-building Seminar: Computer tory of Computer color art. to the Computer art graphics worksta- workshop. Networks: Myths, Graphics project Industry. tions to the Image Reality, and the starts, supported by August 1 Gallery. December 26·31 Future. ACM SIGGRAPH. Computers in October 7 The Computer as an education expert The Computer November 9 Artist's Tool May 15 Adeline Naiman be- Museum launches the David L. Nelson, educational program Tod Machover, comes Director of world's first President, Confluent features Boston artists Media Lab, MIT: Education. Computer Bowl. The Systems. Breakfast working in their Valis: A New East Coast team Seminar: Technology media to create dra- Computer Opera. August 27 emerges the winner. Trends in the 90s. matic new images. First traveling exhibi- June 17 tion Computers in October 14 November 29 Gardner Hendrie Your Pocket opens at Max Toy, President, Terra Firma in Focus: elected Chairman of the Science Museum, Commodore Business The Art and Science the Board. Richmond. Circulated Machines. Breakfast of Digital Satellite by the Smithsonian Seminar: Personal bnageryopens, June 17 Institution Traveling Computing- supported by SPOT Ralph E. Gomory, Exhibition Service; Yesterday, Today, Image Corporation, Senior Vice President funded by Hewlett- and Tomorrow. The Anal ytic Sciences for Science and Packard. Corpora tion, and Technology, IBM. October 30 Digital Equipment Breakfast Seminar: Robert Abel, Odyssey Corporation. Trends in Computing. Filmakers: The New Age of Computers: July 2·4 Life in the Hyperme- The Computer dia Fast Lane. Animation VideoFest November July 13 Can Computers Pilot PC Resource Understand English! Center opens, shows public how supported by Comput- computers can begin erLand Corporation, to understand English. Apple Computer, Computer Arts Resource of Brookline, and Shack Computer Centers.

The OpCIl111g of Computers in Your Pock et til the SCIence Dave Cowen.,: open.') How MlhCl111l. RIchmond. Computer Bowl wizard Robot·building workshop Tall Are Yo u; VJrgw1O, Mltchell Kapol. for students. By now, everyone has heard about the world's first Computer Bowl - described by II the media, audiences, and sponsors alike as "the best event of the year in the computer industry. }} And by now, everyone knows that despite tough competition from the West Coast, the East Coast team was victorious

But does everyone A major event doesn't just happen. It rivalry. It would parody sports events, begins with a vision which takes and be packaged to attract sponsors know that the shape as a plan that becomes a reality competing for industry "position." It big winner was through the efforts, energies and com­ would offer an evening of incompa­ mitment of many people. rable fun, excitement, and the chance The Computer Museum The "vision" that became The to rub elbows with industry legends. and the winning team Computer Bowl began in 1988 with At the same time it would raise 800 computer-related questions money for The Computer Museum. was the many sponsors brought to founding President Gwen A strategy in place, the plan­ and volunteers Bell. The questions were the brain­ ning group recruited an event child of Steve Coit, a partner of committee comprised of board who made this event Merrill, Pickard, Anderson & Eyre, a members, friends, and other Museum possible West Coast-based venture capital supporters. They also called upon the firm. Recognizing that they had the talents of the Museum's Public ? makings of an extraordinary fundrais­ Relations Committee, a group of ing vehicle, they set to work. Gwen seasoned PR professionals who advise Bell recruited Steve Coit and Technol­ the Museum on major events. Even ogy Research Group president Andy before the first press release was Rappaport as co-chairmen, and hired issued, a leak leading to a story in the Boston event marketing and sponsor­ San Tos e Business TournaI prompted ship consultant Janice Del Sesto. many inquiries. Calls and letters The next task was to transform began to pour in from media, poten­ 800 trivia questions into a one-of-a­ tial sponsors and ticket purchasers kind event that would attract media, from around the country. sponsors, and audience. In so doing, One was from the PBS award­ the Museum would raise money for winning TV program, The Computer its education programs and increase Chronicles, which agreed to vide­ public awareness of the importance of otape and broadcast the event as a computer literacy. special feature and to manage a Thus, The Computer Bowl was satellite feed to the West Coast conceived. The event would provide a audience. forum in which industry luminaries Now the recruitment of a West would for the first time actually "play Coast committee and a national out" the legendary East/West Coast chairperson were crucial. The na- tional chairperson was an obvious Meanwhile, using Alan Shapiro's Did the event turn out as expected? choice. Except for the title, Pat official logo design, the creative Well, not exactly. There were a few Collins Nelson was already acting as studio of Carol Lasky was creating surprises. We can thank technology national chairman. Pat was a full-time posters, program books, t-shirts, and for one. Satellite problems delayed volunteer working alongside Jan Del invitations (the inventive invite the broadcast for thirty minutes. But Sesto as the project manager. In produced on a Dysan floppy disk even that had its bright side. The addition, she and her husband Dave received media acclaim). Tony La East Coast audience was able to hear Nelson, a Museum board m ember, Fuente had his crew at Flagraphics all of host Chris Morgan's techie had become "founders" of The busy at work making the banner and jokes. The West Coast audience got Computer Bowl. Having assured her flag that would greet everyone at to see hosts Gordon Bell, wizard of that the only new responsibility Boston's World Trade Center. the tech world, and venture capitalist II would be adding a title to her signa­ Cash sponsors were signing on John Doerr tap dance to the tune of ture, Pat signed on. She soon recruited after negotiating their "official" "computer companies I have known Trish Simeone to give up her summer status. Trade sponsors came through and loved!" Bowl watchers on both off and become project coordinator. with much needed services and coasts claimed to have enjoyed the Meanwhile Gwen Bell and Steve products. More and more people surprise entertainment. Coit were at work on the West Coast. called wanting to help out, to become Other surprises? Well, if you They convinced Steve's partner Jim a part of that exciting adventure ask the West Coast team (David Anderson and his wife Nancy, and called The Computer Bowl. Eventu­ Bunnell, Adele Goldberg, William Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers' ally, 40 sponsors contributed more Joy, Allen Michels and Casey John Doerr and his wife Ann to co­ than $400,000 in cash, products, and Powell), they'll tell you the biggest chair a West Coast Committee. The services for this event. surprise was that they didn't win. If bi-coastal event now had the neces­ By October 7, the invitations, you ask the East Coast team (Richard sary bi-coastal committees! word-of-mouth, and extraordinary Shaffer, Esther Dyson, David Hatha­ Coordination of more than 100 media coverage in industry journals way, Mitch Kapor and John William volunteers and contracted personnel and publications including The Wall Poduska, Sr.) they'll tell you every­ became a balancing act. The Museum Street Tournai, The San Francisco thing went just as they expected. staff had to balance the requirements Examiner, Business Weei{ and USA But the biggest and best of their daily jobs with the additional Today spread the excitement. It surprise of all was that the extraordi­ efforts an event of this magnitude seemed everyone knew about The nary efforts of volunteers, staff, and requires. Fortunately, technology Computer Bowl. And judging by the team members, and the exceptional helped here. A Xerox-donated facsim­ number of phone calls in that last generosity of businesses and indi­ ile machine and the use of speaker week before the event, they all viduals resulted in this event being phones made "real time" bi-coastal wanted to come. The Museum had the most successful in The Com­ meetings and immediate responses to created what was to become the most puter Museum's history! Press, press inquiries possible. talked-about, best-covered event of audiences, and sponsors raved about Media from around the globe the year (outside of industry product the Bowl for months afterward. called every day with questions, announcements that is!). Several Letters and calls to the Museum requests for photos, interviews, and weeks later more than 800,000 TV expressed praise and thanks for an sample Bowl trivia questions. Inter­ viewers across the country had the evening to remember. views and photo sessions had to be chance to see East and West battle it And what may come as no scheduled, and travel and hotel out when PBS aired the event on The surprise at all is that now nobody can accommodations had to be made for Computer Chronicles. wait for the next Computer Bowl in the celebrities. 1990. See you there! There was a game show to produce, a script to write, a set to design and build. Who could the Museum recruit for that? Fortunately, the choices here were obvious: Chris Morgan, a collector of rare computer books and a former editor of Byte would select, edit, and write addi­ tional questions with Gwen Bell. Lighting designer Alan Symonds and sound man Michael Callahan who had worked on several Museum exhibitions would design and build the set with Tom Merrill and Dan Griscom of the staff. F EAT U R E

Even Release 1.0 of The Computer was what most of the visitors liked, II A Museum was more than hardware even if they came to see some of the boxes sitting out on the floor. What historic machines. changes a collection into a museum is In June 1987, the Museum Ten Year the human interface, the software opened Smart Machines, release 2.5, interpretation that allows people to where the visitor explores and investi­ Perspective appreciate and learn from the exhib­ gates the world of artificial intelli­ its. In Release 1.0, these were mainly gence and robots. Human interface in Gwen Bell signs and photographs that helped to this area is even easier: machines Founding President interpret the early machines in their respond to voice and speak back, to context. Like many first releases, the physical presence, and with touch. human interface was hardly easy to Keyboards are only one small part of A decade ago, in the winter of 1979, I use. The old timers, who remembered this interface and signage is supple­ met with a small group of people at programming in assembly language mented by video, sound, and dramatic Digital Equipment Corporation to talk and hand-soldering machines, loved displays. about plans for a computer museum. these exhibits. In fact, one said to me, Release 3.0, the future museum, In 1976, Ken Olsen had asked a "Why isn't the Museum in Boston, may finally be able to realize the consultant to write a report on the like the first one in Marlboro?" This dreams of ten years ago to communi­ idea of such an institution. The focus is a minority opinion, the first cate the excitement of computing to a of this report was the education of exhibits were inexplicable to most broad audience. An unparalleled school children. Concurrently, people and did not begin to meet any collection will continue to be used to Jonathan Rotenberg put together his public need for explaining computers. develop unique and exciting historical first proposal for a computer discovery In the eighties, a rapid change exhibits. The tools of new easy-to-use center, and a Silicon Valley group started to occur in the industry. computers will be used to define a new started the idea of their high technol­ Within three years, the PC was level of interactivity in Museums. For ogy center. All of these ideas were announced with word processing, the first time, using interactive video, ahead of their time, and are only now , and enough memory to exhibits can have layered messages starting to get off the ground. make it a business and educational that will appeal to different levels and Ten years ago, when the plans tool. This revolution, along with a interest groups. The evolution of the for The Computer Museum were move to Boston, allowed the Museum computer - that we celebrate - will made, they reflected the environment to take on a new look and feel. also transform this Museum into a of the time. The mainstream of In the fall of 1984, Release 2.0 of new multi-level, multi-layered computing was time-shared minis and The Computer Museum opened at the experience that can grab every family batch-processed mainframes. The present site. Many of the old ma­ member from a six-year old to a PhD Apple II, Commodore Pet, and TRS~80 chines were put away in the ware­ in Computer Science and to a grand­ were a year old and considered to be house. Only the most dramatic and mother intimidated by the new world "hobbyist" computers. special computers were put on display of computing surrounding her. was dreaming up the first spread sheet in a context with more information In all of this the Museum pro­ to be sold to mini-computer users than Release 1.0, but at a level best ceeds step-by-step, experimenting with along Route128. Few people foresaw understood by engineers. Guided the new while preserving the old. The the spectacular personal computer tours with trained interpreters from vision leads to Release 4.0, reflecting revolution that was to come. Few the Museum staff help make these the new advances that are still in the people cared about the early first exhibits understandable to school realm of "computer imagineware." generation vacuum tube computers groups and other visitors. One-third of Come along this road with us. Help that were being thrown out. Release 2.0 used interactive computer the Museum preserve a distinguished It was easy to start The Com­ stations where even the un­ past and bring the newest computing puter Museum by collecting old knowledgable could have fun experi­ concepts to the public. machines, film, and video and doing menting with personal computers and some "oral video" of the pioneers of investigating graphics applications. computing, who, with a few excep­ It became clear that the interac­ tions, were alive and well. tive element - computer discovery- E X H I BIT S A Plan for the Museull1's Exhibits

The The Computer Museum's mission is, in part, to educate and inspire all ages and Oliver Strimpel II Computer levels of the public through dynamic exhibitions and programs on the technol­ Curator eiJ Museum ogy, applications and impact of computers. A ssociate Director Exhibits Over the past year, The Computer Museum's Exhibits Committee has Committee debated the future of the Museum's exhibits. What exhibits should characterize Release 3.0 of The Computer Museum? The first step towards answering this question has been taken - the Committee has produced a long-range plan for Gardner Hendrie the Museum's exhibits. This article presents the essence of that plan. Sigma Part ners Chairman The Purpose 01 the exhibits l. Be rnard Cohen Exhibits provide an environment for "landmark learning," the grasping of key ideas in a new subject. Exhibition galleries filled with an engaging array of Robert W. Lucky interactive displays, original artifacts, and video have a special power to inspire AT<.lJT visitors to make mental leaps into new fields. The selection of content and Bell Laboratories media serves the educational goals of the Museum. James L. McKenney What are the educational goals of the Museum? They are to stimulate the general public's curiosity about computers; to address their fears and miscon­ David Nelson ceptions; to evoke an interest in computing that could profoundly affect the Confluent Systems Inc. course of a visitor's life, especially among the young; and to reveal how com­ puters work, what they do, and the role they play in society - past, present, and future. The Museum's educational thrust is described more fully in the The article on page 12. Computer Museum Communicating with visitors Staff The Museum attracts visitors of all ages and diverse backgrounds. Forty percent are children, and the majority of the adults do not know much about comput­ ing. A significant minority are computer professionals. Over half the visitors Oliver Strimpel come from outside Massachusetts, and over 10% come from abroad. The Gwen Bell Museum's exhibits must strive to open new horizons for all its visitors. Joseph F. Cashen An important tactic for accomplishing this will be to plan diverse Adeline Naiman exhibits that offer great variety as the Museum is traversed. Individual exhibits may appeal to particular visistors more than others, but the overall mix at the Museum will offer a rewarding experience for all. Two exhibit types can have particular impact on visitors. The first is the "larger-than-life" display, epitomized by the wal}<-through human heart in the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, or the "Soup Machine" animated computer of the National Museum of Sci~ce and Technology, Ottawa. Such exhibits envelop visitors with a revealing new perspective on the museum's subject matter. They instill a powerful take-home impression that is a salient characteristic of many successful museums. The Computer Museum's new galleries will include two such exhibits: a recreation of a giant 1950s computer room and the Walk-Through Personal Computer. The second highly effective type of display is the hands-on interactive exhibit where visitors learn by doing something themselves. This stimulates a depth of understanding not attainable through passive watching or listening. The Museum currently' has over 60 interactive, computer-based exhibits; over the next few years, this number will approach 100. In addition to offering fresh experiences, this increase will ease crowding, allowing a greater proportion of visitors access to the interactive exhibits of their choice. Exhibit content How Computers Work Each of the Museum's exhibits will The centerpiece in this area will be a address one or more of the following giant walk-through personal com­ topics: computer applications and the puter. Visitors will roam through this social impact of computing, how gallery-sized simulation of the inside computers work, evolution of com­ of a working computer, discovering puting, and people in computing. what the main parts of the machine Many exhibits will contain a richly are and how information flows interwoven mixture of all these areas. between them. Visitors will be able to Computer Applications interact with this "computer" by and Social Impact means of giant input devices and see their data or instructions travel to the This topic has wide appeal because processor and memory, be manipu­ people want to discover what comput­ lated, and sent to an output device. ers are capable of doing and learn how This larger-than-life exhibit will they will affect their lives. The crea te an indelible impression for Museum is a natural place in which visitors and may become the Mu­ Smart Machines to demonstrate computer applica­ seum's hallmark. Opened in June 1987, Smart Machines tions; visitors can engage with them Topics that will be adressed in explores artificial intelligence and directly, gaining an experience that other exhibits include miniaturiza­ robotics with many intemctive exhibits, cannot be matched by print or tion, the difference between hardware including expert systems, natural­ audiovisual media. and software, and the nature of a language-based systems, robot sensing The two most popular major program. Special care will be required demonstmtions, and a theater with a galleries in the Museum, constituting to make these exhibits truly acces­ multimedia show, that features the over a third of the current exhibit sible to visitors with little computer classic robots. The 3,750 square foot space, focus primarily on computer knowledge, while serving the intellec­ gallery cost $500,000 to develop, with an applications: Smart Machines, tual needs of experts. equal match of in-kind donations of featuring artificial intelligence and hardware, software, and labor. It is the robotics, and The Computer and the The Evolution of Computers Museum's most popular exhibition. Image, showing image processing and The Museum plans to develop two computer graphics. permanent historical exhibits. The Museum will radically Milestones of Computer Evolution expand the scope and range of will present the key innovations in computer applications presented, the history of computer hardware, starting with a major exhibit on software, and applications. The personal computers. This will exhibition will feature the social demonstrate key application areas and factors that stimulated the develop­ will offer visitors many hands-on ment of computing, and, in turn, the interactive computers for experimen­ effect of computers on society. tation and play. Milestones will define a basic level of Another exhibit featuring computer history literacy for school­ applications and their social impact children and the general public. will be The Networked Society. This The second exhibit will fea ture will present large-scale computer the world's largest computer - a applications that control information SAGE system from the V_So Airforce's essential to the running of modern early warning line, active from the society. Examples will include late 1950s until 1983. The display will networks, airline reserva­ combine the Museum's SAGE tions, on-line banking, international artifacts with audiovisual and special finance, manufacturing, and retail effects to create a dramatic recon­ networks. struction of an early computer environment_ Terra Firma in Focus The Art and Science of Digital Satellite Imagery The Computer Museum's most popular temporary exhibit of the year displays spectacular imagery from SPOT, the French remote-sensing satellite. The displays demonstrate how, with the help of computers, satellite images can provide valuable information for agriculture, natural-resource exploration, map making, and news gathering.

In addition, many other aspects Centers. Computers in Your Pocket is of computer evolution will be covered the first such Computer Museum II as introductory or background exhibit, currently being toured by sections within other thematic SITES. exhibits, both permanent and tempo­ Second, the Museum plans to rary. The history of personal comput­ distribute exhibit kits that provide the ers, for example, may be presented materials and information required to within a thematic gallery on personal replicate Computer Museum interac­ computing. tive exhibits. Exhibit kits would be Visitors who wish to see sold at reasonable prices to science artifacts from the Museum's collec­ and technology centers around the tion that have not been selected for world, saving needless reinvention public display will be able to tour the and bringing the benefit of The Museum's Visible Storage area. There Computer Museum's experience to they will see all the significant tens of millions of museum and artifacts in the collection, labeled science center visitors each year. with general descriptions and detailed specifications. People in Computing The achievements of individual computer engineers and entrepreneurs provide a good vehicle for focusing on The Museum currently has 19,000 square feet (almost half an specific technologies, applications, acre) of public exhibit space, with a further 9,000 square feet and their social impact. Temporary available within the building. Over the next four years, over half exhibits will be mounted to feature the existing exhibit space will be redeSigned from scratch, and a specific groups of individuals, perhaps new 2,500 square f~ot bay will be opened. on the occasion of important anniver­ saries. Audiovisual programs showing computer innovators will be used Proposed allocation of exhibit space wherever appropriate to add a human (proportional) dimension to the exhibits. Serving the national and international public In many parts of the world there is a Computer applications & impact (55%) 'crying need for resources that can stimulate the growth of computer literacy. The Computer Museum has the world's most extensive set of exhibits on computing. We plan to maximize their educational impact by sharing them with a broad public in other parts of the country and abroad. The Museum is pursuing two ap­ proaches to meet this need. Evolution 01 computing (25%) First, the Museum will create exhibits that tour science and tech­ nology centers under the auspices of How computers work (10%) the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) or the Association of Science-Technology People in computing (10%) ED U CAT ION

III The forms of education have been a scant half-century old, and while The changing as rapidly as society itself in our members and supporters are well recent years. The proliferation of informed about computers, most of information has made this the age of the public is not. Indeed, what brings Living the specialist. No brand of conven­ a great many of our visitors to the tional schooling can prepare students Museum is their curiosity to find out Ciassrooll1 adequately to meet an indefinable about this dazzling new technology, future, yet this is what schools today see it in action, and try it for them­ are expected to do. No wonder they selves. The Museum's exhibits are Adeline Naiman are charged with failure. increasingly designed to meet their Director of Still, we humans are remarkably needs. Education, resilient-and entrepreneurial. in the The Computer Museum's The Computer past couple of decades, "continuing Education Department builds on this Museum education" or "lifelong learning" has desire for knowledge in several ways. helped restore educational possibility One way is to work with the staff to to those who missed it first time help them match their tours and around or who want to better their presentations to the requirements of lives. visitors of a range of ages, background More recently, the notion of understanding, hands-on experience, "informal education" has come to the and interests. We make a special fore. Its underlying assumption is that effort to reach young people from people must take charge of their own school, camp, and community groups. learning and not simply receive it We have a particular goal of bringing whole as packaged and directed inner-city children to the Museum instruction. Museums are ideal places and helping them recognize it as for informal learning. This does not theirs. We reach out to elderly visitors mean that we abandon the responsi­ and to people who are physically bility for presenting knowledge and limited. Always, we strive to main­ throw the whole smorgasbord out on tain gender equity in our programs the table for visitors to sample and materials; the computer is, after heedlessly. No indeed; the recognition all, neuter. that people of all ages come to a Other ways we support such museum to explore, enjoy themselves, efforts is to design, refine, and present and find answers to their questions new demonstrations on topics of puts an even greater reponsibility on general or school interest and to museum staff to set the table care­ incorporate these into the regular fully and selectively, to make the visitor schedule. To the extent array appetizing, and to frame the possible, we also offer presentations setting to satisfy explicit and hidden to groups outside the Museum. By hungers. We must shape the learning collaborating on exhibit development, environment with greater care than a we try to add an explicitly educational classroom or textbook can, because perspective to the design and commu­ we cannot simply "teach"; we have to nication aspects of exhibits. capture and satisfy our learners. Of course, the mission of every museum is, in part, to educate-to preach to the unconverted. The Computer Museum stands in a special relation to that mission because the technology that constitutes our collections, exhibits, and programs is All student groups receive a guided tour of the historical galleries. Here, an MI explains the SAGE Blue Room.


Future educational services subsidized connect time to a number Off-site presentations have been A long-term goal is to expand the of databases. We are looking to com­ much in demand and serve a valuable educational services we provide to mercial sources to fund and equip the function in bringing the Museum to people who call or write in for specific Center and help us staff it. It is our audiences that might not otherwise information, resources, or other help. hope that teachers and school admin­ come here. Only a shortage of staff Our newly revised and reprinted istrators will come to regard this as limits the number of requests we Educational Activities Kit serves as a their special place within the Mu­ can meet, and we are seeking brief introduction to computers. It is seum. foundation support to expand our routinely given to all school tour Steps we're taking right now outreach activities. These and many other activities leaders, so that they may prepare Meanwhile, we are expanding free or have been carried out by our small students for the Museum visit and reduced-admission visits for low­ education staff. During the summer, follow it up with classroom activities. income schools with the help of Michael Chertok, Education Coordi­ Following reviews in national media, increased funding from the Massachu­ nator, set up a pilot Computer orders are coming in from all over the setts Council on the Arts and Hu­ Resource Center with borrowed country. We expect to add toour manities. In early October, we sent a equipment, and staffed it with Boston existing printed handouts and work­ new tour guide to schools and high school students. Visitors were shops and to develop new resources­ community groups within comfort­ able to tryout personal computers, videotapes and descriptive sheets able visiting range of Boston, and we application software, and a telecom­ about the Museum's collections and continue to host groups from the New munications network. These hands­ exhibits, focused publications, topical England states and even beyond. Each on activities were especially appealing teaching guides. tour begins with a survey of the great to school-age visitors, including those We plan to create within the computers on exhibit and allows time who came on tours from summer Museum a teacher resource center, for free exploration of our interactive camps. They also proved engaging to where we will offer presentations, exhibits. Visiting teachers report adults eager to get their hands on new workshops, and short-term courses. considerable satisfaction. Repeat equipment and software. Here we expect to have the latest and visits are common. I joined the Education Depart­ best available hardware and software During school vacations and on ment in August, 1988. Building on the designed to bring the classroom and weekends and holidays, we offer Museum's existing strengths, and in curriculum up-to-date. Teachers will special events. This December collaboration with the staff of the be able to try out equipment and vacation week featured demonstra­ other Museum departments, I am courseware they might not otherwise tions by computer artists-in-resi­ confident that we will fulfill our have an opportunity to explore for dence. A successful first was the collective mission to make The themselves. Students and t~eir parents "Build Your Own Robot" workshop Computer Museum a significant force will be helped to use innovative for child-adult pairs. This will be in the education of a wide public and teaching materials, and all visitors repeated on coming holidays. help to create a technology-literate will be welcome to test the cutting February vacation week culmi­ citizenry. edge of educational technology. nates in Kids Computer Fair, which The center will have educational brings commercial vendors to the software, books, and periodicals, as Museum and allows children and well as videodisks, CD-ROM disks, their parents to sample the latest audiocassettes, and videotapes, all software. Special Needs Day and with players. It will have printers and October Computer Learning Month a local-area network with server and offer additional opportunities for software. We already have a start on participatory learning. equipment with EDUCATION

Basic scientific literacy refers to the These concepts are important in II COITIputers ability to read and write about scien­ thinking about science and technology tific topics. Functional scientific and should influence the selection of literacy allows a citizen to understand strategies for public communication on and Scientific major public policy issues involving issues. technological issues. Distribution of Literacy Basic scientific literacy demands functional scientific litera cy a vocabulary and an understanding of The Longitudinal Study of American the process of science. To test concept Jon D. Miller Youth found that 81 per cent of high comprehension, people have been Professor Miller, school sophomores failed to qualify as asked to rate their own understanding Director of the Public either scientifically or technologically of terms like radiation, DNA, and com­ Opinion Laboratory, literate. The student's gender, educa­ puter software. To test understanding University of tional aspirations, and parent's educa­ of the process of science, people have Northem Illinois, has tion skew this distribution. Table 1. been asked to explain in their own been measuring To assess the relative important words "what it means to study some­ scientific literacy for of gender, educational aspiration and thing scien tifically. " more than a decade. parental education, a log-linear path Technological literacy concerns The Laboratory is model was constructed. This model, the understanding of the impact of currently undertal

Some college Less than college 4 (87) 1 (79) Baccalaureate 13 (41 ) 3 (71) Graduate degree 21 (41) 9 (54)

Baccala urea te Less than college 1 (36) 0 (30) Baccalaureate 11 (65) 1 (58) Graduate degree 21 (87) 10 (98) The impact of computer use A Path Model to Predict Functional Scientific Literacy among High School Students were asked whether or not Sophomores. 1987. they used a computer 10 or more hours during the preceding summer. This is a useful measure because summer use would most likely be voluntary - as opposed to a classroom requirement. Seventeen percent of high school sophomores reported that they had Functional used a computer more than 10 hours. Scientific This variable was placed in the Literacy II path model of family education level, gender roles, and educational aspira­ tions. Computer use was found to have a direct and significant positive rela­ Parents' tionship with functional scientific Education literacy. (Figure 2) The level of summer computer A Path Model to Predict Functional Scientific Literacy among High School Sophomores, use is influenced by the level of educa­ including the Influence of Computer Use. 1987. tional aspiration and gender. The influ­ ence of parental education appears to be limited to fostering educational aspirations with no residual effect on summer computer use or functional scientific literacy. The level of educa­ tional aspiration is the strongest influ­ ence on summer computer use, ac­ Functional Scientific counting for 53 per cent of the total Literacy mutual dependence. In contrast, gender Educational Aspiration accounted for 16 per cent of the mutual dependence. How are we to attribute influ­ ence? Variables were entered into a look for the next generation does not stepwise model that we think mirrors look significantly better. reality. Each variable predicts the The estimates of the proportion of high school sophomores who are maximum amount of mutual depend­ percent of the total mutual depen­ functionally scientifically literate indi­ ence possible. We reasoned that the dance. cate ranges from zero to 30 percent for level of educational aspiration is a long The discrepancy between the various demographic groupings. The standing attitude and that computer two models tells us that there is a very strong skews in functional scientific use is a more proximate variable and strong joint effect between the level of literacy away from women and the should be entered first. If this order is educational aspiration and computer children of less-well-educated families followed, then summer computer use use, which is what we might have will make participation all the more accounts for 22 per cent of the total expected. mutual dependence. Educational aspi­ difficult for many groups that have Implications ration is then entered second and ac­ been historically underrepresented in counts for an additional 36 per cent and Thinking ahead to the 21st century, it the political system. This is a recipe for gender is entered last, explaining about is likely that the number and sophisti­ increased alienation in the political 17 per cent of the mutual dependence cal of science policy issues on the system. of the model. national political agenda will markedly The problems of scientific What difference does each increase. Many issues, like recombi­ illiteracy are not going to be reversed or variable make, holding constant all of nant DNA processes and products, will even significantly reduced in the next the other variables? What is the unique require a reasonable level of under­ generation with a significant interven­ contribution of summer computer use standing of biology. Other tion in the education system. Opportu­ when the level of educational aspira­ issues, especially those involving risk nities in informal education, in access tion and the gender of the student are assessments, will require an under­ to computers and alternative opportu­ held constant? Using a main effects standing of probability. My findings nities for youth are extremely impor­ model, and examining a series of show that present levels of adult scien­ tant. The political perils of this situ­ models that systematically delete each tific literacy could not support a mean­ ation are great. Attention needs to be variable one at a time, summer ingful broad-based political debate on focussed on this problem so that we computer use accounts for only nine these issues. Unfortunately, the out- can press for major improvements. F EAT U R E I 1. ~:= /(~ I

Miniaturization Trends in Every talk on trends in computing includes a discussion of the continu­ ing progress in miniaturization that Figure 1. Progress in Microelectronics. COlTIputing has brought us in 20 years from one memory bit on a chip to more than a Ralph E.Gomory million. It is worthwhile to reflect on Dr. Comory is how the industry is able to sustain Senior Vice this remarkable progress. President for Science and One way of looking at this that Technology at tends to confirm the notion of an International endless path of improvement is to Business Machines remember that we don't do any work Corporation, in this industry. It may not feel that Armonk, New York. This article way at times, but computing does not is based on his involve physical work. This industry tall{ at a luncheon is quite unlike the auto manufactur­ following the ers, for example, who have to build a Annual Meeting of car that will carry people up a hill. All The Computer Museum, that computer products do is move 2. Tune 17, 1988. marks around, and we make progress Figure A contemporary three level by making these marks (ones and silicon factory. Only the middle level of zeros) smaller. There seems to be no the three is used for production. It is limit to this miniaturization, and isolated jor cleanliness and supplied with that, to a large extent, is the game all the chemicals needed for processing. we're in. The dominant FET (Field Effect Transistor) logic is rapidly moving Disk Performance Gains from one micron toward .35-micron 1956 ,.n 1987 technology and smaller. This inevi­ (RArAAC) (3330) (338<)) Information per spindle 5 100 3,750 table miniaturization process will of disks (millions of provide more and more MIPS (Mil­ characters) Time needed to access 600 30 16 lions of Instructions Per Second) on data (milliseconds)

fewer chips per computer. Read/write speed 9,700 806,000 3 million The quarter-micron limits that (characters per second) were projected just a few years ago are fading away as they are realized. Tenth-micron technology is working Figure 3. Disk performance gains. today in the laboratory, and we see no reason to think that can't be im­ proved on. My personal point of view is that even if we should run out of gas in semiconductor technology, we will find other ways to make very small ones and zeros. Large tools for small circuits As the cilcuits get smaller, the tools to make them get bigger. We'll probably, at some point, have to go from optical lithography to something with a shorter wavelength to draw circuits with finer features on the won't be needed. Yet the disk has machine than bits per square inch. silicon. One of the interesting stubbornly defined extinction. To me Progress in getting disks closer characteristics of this industry is that it is one of the most amazing together is even more rapid than in if you can make a picture of some­ branches of computer technology. packing the bits more densely. thing, then you can make it. And the A disk, whether it's in a desktop Optical storage is very attractive finer the picture, the more of them computer or a big disk farm in a large because light has some nice features. you make. computing center, is fundamentally It comes in beams, which allows the None of this is cheap; it is just the same thing. It is a platter that head to be moved away from the disk the opposite. To make progress, you spins at engine speed, typically 3600 surface. Very small marks can be have to make things small. To make rpm, very much like a phonograph, made with light, and that increases things small, you need complicated and represents ones and zeros by little the number of bits per square inch. tools. Further, these tools have to magnetized areas on the surface. However, the heads are more compli­ operate in a clean environment. The Figure 3 shows the dramatic improve­ cated, requiring the disks to be spaced result is that the tools are expensive ment in storage capacity and speed farther apart at the expense of cubic and the plants are even more expen­ from the time of the RAMAC, the density. sive. Modern silicon factories can first disk. The scenario for optical storage effectively use only one-third of their The problem in disk technology started at the write once/read only floor space. The rest is to keep things is to sense the magnetization as the stage. It is moving toward read/write, clean and circulate the processing disk rotates. The only way to distin­ relatively low performance products gases and other chemicals. Such a guish one bit from another is to get that may march right on up the facility costs about $1000 a square close to them so that the sensor's field performance curve. foot. of view is filled by a bit. Unfortu­ Packaging the chip nately, there is no way to beam magnetic fields. Especially in the highest performance About 1970, the read/write computers, the package, the way one Figures 4 and 5. The increase in the heads in magnetic files were flying chip is wired to another, is as compli­ number of bits stored per square inch of between one and two wavelengths of cated and challenging as the chips. disk surace, and the equally significant light above the disk surface. And The cycle time, or interval between progress in reducing the volume of dis]{ when I use the term flying, they really successive operations in a large storage. fly; they are shaped like little airplane system is about equally divided wings, and the air holds them up, and between the chip, the package and springs push them down. Flying one other factors combined. With faster or two wavelengths of light above an circuitry, better packaging is needed imperfectly smooth surface going at to exploit it. 3600 rpm seems improbable. And in In low-end machines, the the early seventies we thought this principal packaging consideration is was the limit of closeness. No. Today not the speed of the , the heads are flying only a third of a but their cost. This cost, measured in wavelength of light - smaller than pennies per wire or input/output any dimension in semiconductors - connection is what matters in above the still bumpy surface and providing low-cost computers, and they are going to keep coming closer there is tremendous progress in this to the disk. Because again, progress is Volumetric Capacity Progress area, too. made by making the magnetized areas Megabits (F) fcu. in. Increasing disk densities / smaller, and that means getting the / While progress in microelectronics head closer to the surface. ':[ Files seems natural, magnetic disks and With the advent of desktop I- I disk drives are often thought of as 1- computers, the third dimension is 1 t clumsy mechanical components that r0 becoming more important. Bits per '" 10 • sooner or later ought to be replaced f,, ~~ __ L __ _J cubic inch is a better measure of how - 1 -- 76 ·SO '84 ·ss '92 -96 with some kind of solid state storage much storage you can put in a small Year of First Customer Shipment so that all those nasty moving parts The scanning tunneling mark them. This has been done by affordable and will continuously II microscope putting fairly complex molecules on a improve. In 1986, two scientists at the IBM surface and then, by applying a The great mystery about speech Research lab in Zurich were awarded voltage, changing their state. The pin recognition has been the problem of the Nobel Prize for the scanning can be marched away, come back finding a useful application. As the tunneling microscope. This device, later, and sense the change of state. capability has steadily improved year like disks, is a reminder of the power This is a demonstration of storage by year, the number of actual uses has of mechanics. Although mechanics created at the molecular level, remained very low. The goal of has an old fashioned flavor to it, the something I believe we will be doing dictation to a machine remains notion that the wavelength of solid routinely in the long run. elusive. objects is very short compared to the The human interface I don't know how many people want an electronic book, but it's wavelength of light offers possibilities While progress inside the computer is coming and it will be made by for very precise measurement. The dominated by the paradigm of making sticking together the pieces of scanning tunneling microscope is not things small, the human interface is technology I have talked about. My often looked at as a masterpiece of measured by its ease of use, and we model electronic book contains one of mechanics, but essentially that's what have to do something other than those small, very dense disks coming it is. miniaturize it. However, Figure 7 in a few years that will store approxi­ The scanning tunneling micro­ shows that miniaturization helps mately 300 novels. It has a flat scope is basically a tripod with three here, too, because it provides more display, a technology which is legs and a little pin that sticks down power for processing new forms of evolving from the bottom up. That is, between them. The mechanics are so input. it's the same liquid crystal display good that the little pin can be posi­ The traditional input methods, that originated in wristwatches and tioned very close to surfaces. When I hammering on a keyboard or moving just keeps getting bigger. Liquid say close, I mean 5 or 10 angstroms - a mouse, don't take a lot of processing crystal displays increased in size to one or two atomic diameters. The legs power. But an easier to use scanner become very small screens, can be extended and contracted with takes more, and handwriting and got larger on portable computers, and great precision to walk the pin across speech recognition even more. Indeed, are on their way to becoming a major the surface, scanning it. speech recognition and eventually alternative to the familiar cathode ray The presence of the surface is machine vision will only become tube. sensed by putting a voltage on the pin practical because of cheap MIPS that The book's display surface will so that some current will tunnel can be devoted to them. also allow hand-marking and charac­ through the gap between the pin and When I joined IBM, 1200 of us ter recognition. In a small corner of its the surface. The wider the gap, the shared one 704 computer. If we had disk it will carry correspondence so less current flows, so as it marches decided to devote that 704 to word you can write and edit your letters. along, the current varies. This processing, it could have been fairly The book will be hinged in the variation maps the heights of the successful for one person. Believe me, middle. I sometimes think that the surface at the atomic level. the thought never crossed our minds. most doubtful part of the whole thing In Figure 6, each bump is Similarily, what a profusion of MIPS is whether we can get the optional associated with one atom. So in a very can do is something that is often hard leather cover to adhere to the back. real sense, in this picture you are to forecast until they become so cheap But all the rest of the technology is looking at individual atoms. This is that people start to fiddle with them. going to be available. different from looking at an x-ray Speech recognition is clearly Today, workstations are what picture of a crystal, where in fact you benefiting from cheap processing people use. With their tremendous are looking simultaneously at mil­ power. At IBM Research, we have pes computing power they are beginning lions of atoms which, when symmet­ with one or two special cards that will to present an interface that is more rically placed, give you a single recognize 20,000 spoken words. I natural than anything we have ever picture. The scanning tunneling don't mean words that run together; seen, as well as being significant com­ microscope pictures provide views of you .. have .. to .. pause .. between .. puting engines. Many of the obvious individual atoms. each .. word. With very high speed things that people do can be dealt In principle, if you can look at chips devoted to recognition, this is atoms one at a time, you can also with simultaneously on their mul- Figure 6. Scanning tunneling microscope tiple windows. Their power, espe­ tion and design tools, languages that images of silicon and cially when they are backed up by enable the use of modules from many gallium arsenide surfaces. networks of other computers and with different origins, and the ability ot expert systems, will enable users to maintain all this, in an orderly way, do very intricate things that will be a in a single repository that is accessed mixture of computing and visualizing by many different tools. Powerful information. workstations for the programmer are Software evolution helpful, too, because they allow viewing of work at different levels of In 1950, if you wrote an application, detail. you really wrote an application; you wrote it all. Now you tend to write Progress in hardware and only the part that's unique to the job software at hand. The various activities The technology trends I talked about common to many applications have earlier were not obtained by plotting been split off and become subsystems history on semilog graph paper and Figure 7. Input Technology. of the system software. drawing a straight line. They were Writing to a tape, for example, obtained by making the best techno­ gradually turned into a file subsystem, logical projections about what is that didn't have to be rewritten for possible or what can almost certainly each application. The file system be done. And since they are based on turned into a hierarchical database, what we already know how to do then into a relational database, and today, I think most of the surprises one day it will become a collection of will be on the up side. objects. Similarly over time, other The growing power in both common functions such as communi­ hardware and software will allow us cations and independent front-end to move into a tremendously different subsystems are being split off. This future. We are only at the beginning. Figure 8. Electronic book means that application programmers The changes in the next 30 years can spend their energies on the will be even greater than in the application, and the system takes over last 30 years, since the time I first the other functions. used that 704. As software evolves, the interfaces between different parts of the system have become cleaner and cleaner. In older operating systems, everything was scrambled together. Modern system software communi­ cates at higher levels of abstraction. For example, in a very modern data­ base (or one just around the corner) you should be able to have a com­ Figure 9. System Software mand like "retire" that sets in motion Evolution. a whole series of changes that reflect an employee's status. The tendencies continue to be: clean up the intrface, deal at a higher level of abstraction, and find greater function in the subsystems. Software development itself is in rapid transition today thanks to a combination of things: new specifica- COL LEe T ION S

The collections of the Computer Museum are broken down into three II The categories: artifacts, film and video, and documentation including pho­ tographs. COInputer During the last year, all of the collections (not on loan) were moved to the Museum Wharf site. A 4000 square foot room has been set aside for on-site Visible Storage and to house the archives. A work­ MuseuIn ing area will be set up for research. In addition, the Museum has two smaller storage areas where items are kept compactly. TheMuseum Collections could accommodate the collection in this area because it had arranged with Digital Equipment Corporation to store the Whirlwind and the

The TX-O, and to loan the CDC 1604 to Cray Research. These objects, Computer alone, would have filled the 4,000 square foot visible storage room. Museum The Museum will continue to make creative arrangements with other Collections organizations to appropriately preserve, exhibit or store other artifacts Committee that we have preserved. Bruce Eric Brown In moving all the artifacts, the collection acquisition's policies Wang Laboratories were reviewed by the staff and Collections Committee. Bruce Bruemmer Two activities were initiated: a conservation survey funded by The Charles Babbage Institute the Institute for Museum Services and a project on Milestones in Com­ Joseph F. Cashen puter Graphics funded by ACM SIGGRAPH. The Computer Museum The continual refining and development of the collections is made l. Bernard Cohen possible with the help of The Collection Committee who meet three Professor Emeritus Harvard University times per year. In addition, the group is helpful in providing ongoing Jon Eklund advice. The National Museum of American History, Artifacts The Smithsonian In the last year, 110 artifacts were added to the collection, representing Institution about twenty percent of the offers received. Three large-scale acquisi­ Gardner Hendrie Sigma Partners tions were made: the major components of a UNIVAC I, a corner of Christopher Morgan the CDC 7600 Serial Number I, and an IBM 3851 "honeycomb" Mass Jean Sammet Storage Unit. Representative samples have been taken of a variety of Consultant machines, including an IBM 360/40 console front panel, a CDC 39 inch disc, and a SWAC Williams Tube. In some cases, when an object was The rejected for the collection, documentation was kept for the "virtual Computer collection." Museum Staff

Gwen Bell Oliver Strimpel Allison Stelling Computers Videobrain Computer Company Computer Videobrain, 1978 Devices Inc. Personal Computer DOT, 1979 Gift of Portable Personal Charles Backlund Computer X874.88 Gift of Mark r. Lowenstein X911 88 Subassemblies &: components Compusource, Inc. Abacus Personal Datanet 760 Computer, 1984 BCU 7600 Portable Personal Gift of Rob Staples Computer X921.88 GIft of Dr. Kenneth Levites G-28-input X917 88 Nand/Nor Gate Decoder for counters Control Data of registers Corporation X959.88 CDC 7600 Serial # 1, see photo p. 26. rEM Gift of Lawrence 360-40 Console Front Livermore National Panel, c 1968 Labomtofl' Gift of Data Sales X9<12.88 X948.88 PC of the Year 2000 Convergent Luke T. Young, Kurt H. Thearling, Steven S. Sl

Teleterm Computer Devices Computer Devices Terminal, 1970 Census had used card accounting GIft of Richard W UNIVAC I Herzfield The UNIVAC I, , Universal processes with each step handled by a X913.88 Automatic Computer, first delivered person. The computer mechanized these tasks performing all the steps Thinker Toys in March, 1951, was the most Morrow Speakeasy, important machine during the early from the initial feeding of the cards to 1977 1950s. It is a single-address, decimal the printing of the tables. Gift of Robert Leffert X938.88 computer with 12 digits/word. Two For scientific use, the UNIVAC instructions are stored per word. The had a general-purpose algebra routine that could subtract, multiply, primary mem ory has 1,000 words Memories with ten words per delay line. and reciprocate matrices of orders up Addition and subtraction took 525 to 300. The UNIVAC was used to 3M microseconds. commercially handle premium Winchester Disk The main parts of a UNIVAC I billing for life insurance processing an Drive, 1981 were saved by Mr. Lawson, and put in average policy in less than 0.5 Gift of David Sager X90988 his garage in Goodlettsville, seconds. For logistical purposes, the Tennesee, with the idea that UNIVAC was programmed to California sometime it would be important. quantify a mobilization plan. Computing Systems Forty-eight one-million dollar M-XVI16K And indeed, because of his Static Ram fores ightedness, the Museum was UNIVAC 1's were produced. But $1 Module Kit, 1978 Gift of Alan Frisbze able to acquire the artifacts from his million was only a fraction of the real X930.88 widow, Mrs . Sarah 1. Lawson. cost. For example, for the installation Professor Arthur Riehl, at Franklin Life, they removed four Cambridge feet of wall between two windows to Memories, Inc. University of Louisville, and Dr. John ExpandaCore II McGregor, Murray State University, allow sections of the central Add on memory for Murray, Kentucky, and their students computer to be craned in; enclosed PDP-II!45 390 square feet for a switchgear room; GIft of lames Prater have taken the components of the X9S2.88 UNIVAC to Louisville for removed a false ceiling; installed air refurbishment for the February conditioning in the basement and ran Control Data Corp Computer Science Conference where lines to the computer room. CDC 39 inch to magnetic disk it will be on display. In addition the costs preparing the Gift of Computer The UNIVAC was the first computer room, the average Science Department. commercial computer in the United installation required hiring 80-100 University of people. These included supervisors, Colorado States, although it was predated by X949.88 the ERA 1101, the first programmers, coders, librarians, operators, engineers, technicians, and Compupro "commercially-sold" research Godbout Memory computer, and a contemporary with tape handlers. Boards the LEO 1, produced by the Lyons Sources: J. Presper Eckert, Jr., Gift of Robert Leffert Tea Company in the UK. James R. B. Weiner, H. Frazer Welsh, X940.88 Nevertheless, to many people, the Herbert F. Mitchell, "The UNIVAC Datanet 760 UNIVAC I was the first computer System ", AlEE-IRE Conference, 6-26, Memory Unit December 1951; Martin H. Weik. A Bulk Core that was widely recognized. Its fame Memory Unit came from correctly predicting the Third Survey of Domestic Electronic Bulk Core Unit 7600 landslide 1952 Eisenhower election Digital Computer Systems, Ballistic Delay Line Research Laboratories Report No. Interface Card victory. Memory Unit The UNIVAC was capable of 1115, March 1951 . Memory Driver statistical, scientific, logistical and Memory Driver Gift of Rob Staples commercial applications. It produced X919.88-X926.88 the Population Tables for the 1950 Decennial Census. Prior to this, the Dynastor Ramo Woolridge Dynastor Floppy Disk Magnetic drum Recording Cartridge, Giflof 1977 Herbert S. Teager Glfl of Ron Hopley X971.88 X888.88 Raytheon IBM Four K, 18 bit IBM 1401 Disk Pack, Core memory board 1965, In transportable Gift of "hat-box" suitcase Herbert S. Teager see photo p. 23 X958.88 Gl": of David S. Neroda RCA X887.88 Bizmac Magnetic Drum Ring IBM Gifl of Francis Hjarne 3350 Direct Access X966.88 Storage Device Gill of John Hancock RCA "'fulUal Life Insurance Bizmac Magnetic Core Company Elements X865.88 Gifl of Franci Hjarne X969.88 IBM 3 51 Mass Robins Storage Unit Paper Tape Slicer Magnetic "honey­ Gift of Franci Hjarne comb" and disk X962.88 storage Gifl of John Hancock S.D. Sales Company MUlI/al Life IllSurance Memory Board, 1976 Company Gifl of Robert Lefferl X863.88 X939.88

IBM Solid State Music 385 I Magnetic 8K RAM Board, 1977 Cartridge Gifl of Robert Leffert for the "honeycomb" X933.88 storage unit Gifl of John Hancock IBM 1401 Disc Pack MUll/al Life In urance Robots Company A portable "hat box" disc pacl{ was devised so that X86t./.88 Minsky Tentacle Arm programs and data could be carried from site to site. Gifl of Marvin Minsky Ithaca Audio X927.88 Audio 8K Static RAM Board, 1977 Tandy Electronics e,,{l of Roberl Lefferl Robie Jr., 1986 )(934.88 Remote controlled talking "robot" Institute for Glfl of Tandy Numerical Analysis Electronics National Bureau of X945.88 Standards 195 1 SWAC Wi lliams Tube, Tandy Electronics Gifl of Harry Huskey Mobile Armatron X872.88 Remote control robot arm LFE, Labora tory for Gifl of Tandy Electronics Electronics Bemouli Disk X946.88 Memory, c 1960 Spinning mylar disk Electronic with fixed heads calculators Giflof Herbert S. Teager X956.88 Casio, Inc. Casio fx-7000G Scientific Calcula tor, 1986 Gift of Casio. fnc. X902.88 Gillette Company Sears Keuffel &. Esser GPA Calculator PC-] Electronic Basketball. Company Gift of Gary Boone ]979 Polyphase Slide Rule X904.88 Gift of Tom Restivo Gift of John McKenzie X870.88 X929.88 Litronix Inc. Litronix 1602, 1975 Seiko IBM Four-function World Time Clock, Hexadecimal Adder electronic calculator 1987 Gift of S. Lester Gift of Gary Boone Gift of Seiko Ungerleider X90S.88 X931.88 X879.88

Li tronix, Inc. Waddington House of Lightning Manufactur- Litronix 2200 Series, Games Inc. ing Company 1975 Wizard, Model 2004, Lightning 7 Electronic 1979 Adding Machine • Calculators Gift of Tom Re livo Gift of Irwin Sitkin Gift of Gary Boone X867.88 X87S.88 X907.88 Perrygraph Corp Olivetti Underwood Slide rules &: "Reynolds Wrap Programma 10 I, 1965 calculators Time-temperature Desk top size Cooking Guide", 1959 see photo p. 24. Air Express Slide Rule Gift of Leslie Meyer "Air Express Shipping Gift of X91S.88 EstiInator" W. Thomas Wagner Circular Slide Rule X897.88 Summit International Gift of Corporation W. Th mas Wagner Redi-Mix, Inc. Summit Calculator X889.88 ACU-Math Concrete MB-8,1972 Calculator Gift of Gary Boone The Carpenter Steel Slide Rule X903.88 Company Gift of "Carpenter Stainless W. Thomas Wagner Texas Instruments Tubing" X891.88 TI-1200, Slide Rule Gift of John McKenzie Gift of Rockwell Manufactur- X928.88 W. Thomas Wagner ing Company X892.88 "Rockwell-Nordstrom Olivetti Programma 101 Multi Port Valves" The Programma 101 produced in 1968 is one of the first Microprocessor- Dwyer Instruments Demonstration based devices desk-top electronic calculators that is almost a computer. " Air Veloci ty Slide Rule Calculator", 1972 Gift of It has a sufficient instruction set to be classified as a Adidas Slide Rule W. Thomas Wagner computer, but the storage for temporary data, constants, flM.icropacer" Gift of X898.88 and programs is limited. This calculator was Running Shoes, 1985 W. Thomas Wagner see photo p. 25 X890.88 Safety Grinding Wheel programmed using special magnetic cards. Gift of Adidas and Machine The Programma 101 costing $3,500 in 1968 is X901.88 E. I. Dupont Company Company slightly less expensive than the HP 9100A, the "MYLAR Cost Guedon Slide Rule Coleco Industries Comparator" Gift of contemporary desk calculator that is almost a computer. Talking Wrinkles, Slide Rule, 1956 W Thomas Wagner The program library for the Programma 101 was extensive 1981 Gift of X899.88 with many multiple card large FORTRAN programs. Gift of Coleco W. Thomas Wagner Industries X894.88 Textron Electronics X944.88 Inc. 1960 Freemont and Lewis "Vibration ll Milton Bradley Inc. Con1puter , Comp-IV, 1978 Hoffman Slide Rule Slide Rule Based on "Master- No.60IUTO Gift of mind" Gift of W. Thomas Wagner Gift of Tom Restivo W. Thomas Wagner X89S.88 X868.88 X900.88

Parker Brothers Jeppesen and Co. Ephemera Merlin, 1978 "jeppesen Computer" Includes Blackjack 13, Model R-2 Charles Andres TicTacToe, Circular slide rule for "CPU Wars" and Follow the Leader pilots, 1955 see illustration p. 26 Gift of Tom Restivo see photo p. 25 Gift of R. D. Mallery X871.88 Gift of X883.88 W. Thomas Wagner Sears X896.88 Berger Associates Football Electronic OPMSilk Tie Game, 1979 J(j eley and Mueller, Gift of Philip H. Dorn see iLlustration p. 24 Inc. X88S.88 Gift of Tom Restivo "Valve Capacity X869.88 Calculator", 1947 Slide Rule Sears, Football Electronic Game Gift of W. Thomas Wagner X893.88 Burroughs IBM Burroughs Compilo­ Punched card gauge, gram, 1961 needle and measure GIfr of Philip H Dorn Gife of Francis Hjarne X878.88 X967.88

Button Collections IBM Gilt of Control panel wiring R D. Mallery; tool, 1959 X882.88 Gift of Francis Hjarne G Edward Bryan. X965.88 X88<1.88 Phil Dorn. IBM "Micropacer" Key Punch Machine X886.88 Running Shoes II Francis Hjarne: Gift of John Hancock X970.88 Mutual Life Insurance The shoes Company calculate speed, IBM X861.88 distance and IBM Flowcharting Templates IBM caloric output. Gifes of Port-a-Punch lack Meyerowie::; Gift of John f. X873.88 McCaffrey lohn I McCaffrey X953.88 X955.88 Instruction Displays IBM Inc. Sign "Model \05 "IBM Scheduled Instruction Display" Preventative Gife of fohn Maintenance in McDermott Progress" X866.88 (.lfe of lohn f. McCaffrey MAl X95<1.88 088 Collator Column Sensing Brushes IBM Gift of Francis Hjarne Plant Tour Book X964.88 Gile of FTIlncis Hjarne X96/.88 Mathatronics, Inc. New Mathatron, 1964 IBM Gift of Phillip F. Lynn "Think" sign X918.88 Glfe of Flancis Hjarne X963.88 Oliver Garfield Company 1955 IBM GENIAC "Think" sign and Construction Kit, holder Gife of William R. Gile of S. Leseer Simpson Ungerlelder X877.88 X880.88

IBM Film 8r video "Think" notepad Gife of S. Lester Mudge, Rose, Guthrie, Ungerleider Alexander & Ferdon X88/.88 The PDP-I, Space­ War!, 1988 IBM Gift of Mudge Rose Time clock card, 1956 Guthrie Alexander Gift of aJ Ferdon fohn S. McCaffrey VT180.88 X957.88

RCA WGBH,NOVA Bizmac notepad, Artists in the Lab, stylus and pen VT 181.88 Gilt of Francis Hjarne The Robot Revolu­ X968.88 tionl, 1986, VT 182.88 The Mind Machine, Other 1986, VT 183.88 Computers, Spies, and Private Lives, IBM VT184.88 519 document Gifts of WGBH originating machine plugboard Gife of Francis Hjarne "Jeppesen Computer" Model R-2 X960.88 A circular pocket calculator for aviators. CPU Wars This "comic book" was created in the seventies by an engineer at Digital Equipment Corporation and later published by DEC US .

Nat to mention any SHi VEX IE, Run OSNS pronto computer hoc»lod in and call your old Mah Jongg ':'t to elthor type ... a' buddies to help you 'SOK, Chi.', OIIVI ,. teut in Iheory._ • j . Jon1ng. I vat moat of It d~h is ~n~_ " iwhat' s goln' on, VEXIE ? 0" the lround... "\,._ You'ro • lillie slow._ SWell, It'. Ilk. I WIlf'nH ,.., c.=2:==~---:( ~~II:.:.r:k!ri!::::I:, with ml t H uncontroll......

CD C 7600, Serial N umber 1 Serial number one of the 7600 was delivered to Lawrence Livermore Laboratories in November 1969 where it became the center of the "Octopus" networl{ that tied together many of the computers. It operated until October 1988 when it was "cut out of the system." The cables in the Octopus networl< running under this floor were literally cut, when the system was tal

The documentation is divided into Addison-Wesley Publishing Company two parts. The Museum has a small library and an archive of Guy D. Ball documentation. The library in­ C. Gordon Bell cludes books relating to the col­ Gwen Bell Gary Boone lecting areas of the Museum, Cleveland Clinic computer history and reference Foundation books. Of particular interest are John Fine the books on computers and Patrick J. Finnigan computer architecture from the • Alan Frisbie 1960s and 1970s. Some consider Jack Gilmore these books outdated, but the Carl Helmers Museum was happy to accept such Richard W. Herzfeld books from the Boston Museum of High Technology Science Library and would be Magazine pleased to receive other additions. Francis Hjarne The archives document the A.Iadonisi computers in the collection and Neil R. Karl the ones that we would like to Allen Royce Kent have in the collection. The Gary C. Kessler Museum has also extended Lawrence Livermore archives on special collecting and National Laboratory Historic photograph of IBM 1460 printer exhibiting areas, such as computer William J. Leehan "This new, 1963 printer, is capable of producing 1, 1 00 graphics, artificial intelligence and lines of alphabetic and numeric information in one robotics. Gerry Lupacchino minute. " Charles Jortberg Associates, T. Mackey and particularly Ann Russell, has Paul Marsh been assisting the Museum in Massachusetts Institute of developing a data base of the Technology archival material. By the time of John J. McCaffrey the next Annual, we should have John McKenzie Sanders Associates electronic assembly line, c. 1970. an active searchable data base on Carver Mead the holdings. William J. Leehan This coming year, the Jack Meyerowitz Collections Committee will Harry M. Murphy consider various aspects of the Museum of Science software issue including documen­ Library, Boston tation. All of the language manu­ Hirohiko Nisimura als fro m the Museum have been Mr. Oliver sent to the collection assembled by Jonathan Prigot Jean Sammet. Daniel Sachs The Charles Babbage Frank Satlow Institute for the History of Infor­ Stanley W. Spear mation Processing documents the Insurance Agency location of major archives and also Herbert M. Teager collects in this area. Michael G. Thompson Travellers S. Lester Ungerleider W. H. Freeman and Company Karl West CAPITAL CAMPAIGN

It tal{es the financial commitment of many individuals, businesses, and government agencies that believe in an institution's vision and programs to keep things going. The Computer Museum gratefully acknowledges the support of those listed here and hopes that this list will inspire others to join them in supporting The Computer Museum programs.

II p H A 5 E 1 Donors to the first phase of the capital campaign had the faith to buy into a concept before there was an actual product. They provided the seed capital needed to open the Museum in its present facility in Boston in November, 1984. Their support helped refurbish the building and develop the first set of exhibitions. At the campaign close in April 1988, $3.3 million has been raised.

64K or more 16K or more 4K or more Less than 4K Anonymous Clark Baker American Microsoft Rolland Arndt Gerald Paxton Management Systems Apollo Computer The Boston Globe Robert M. Morrill Isaac Auerbach ). Eric Pollack Charles and Connie C. Gordon Bell Robert Berkowitz Ken & Laura Morse John Banning Ann Roe-Hafer Bachman Douglas Drane Nolan Norton G. C. Be lden, Jr. Dan Rose Control Data Roberr Berkowi tz Corporation Company Bruce Edwards Leo Beranek Jonathan Rotenberg Gene Brewer Data General John L. Payne International Data Alfred Bertocchi Michael J. Samek Roger & Mary Cady Digital Equipment Group Nicholas A. Pettinella Fred & Nancy Brooks Oliver & Kitty Corpora tion Howard Cannon August Klein Edward G. Perkins Selfridge Gordon S. Brown Carver Mead R. Steve Cheheyl Tom Knight Robert M. Price Software Results Les Brown Kenneth Olsen Robert & Eleanor Corp. M. McMahon Regis McKenna Inc. Chinn James R. Burley John William William Spencer James L. McKenney Ben Robelen Poduska,Sr. William Congleton Walter Carlson John T. Stark NEC Corporation Jean M. Sammet Wang Laboratories Alex d' Arbeloff Robert Claussen Max J. Steinm,mn David and Pat Nelson Grant Saviers MITRE Corporation Arnaud de Vitry Howard E. Cox, Jr. Michael Tomasic Paul & Katherine Hal B. Shear David Donaldson Harvey Cragon Severino Thomas E. Welmers Alan F. Shugart David K. Dyer Henry Crouse 32K or more Ron Smart Robert Whelan Richard L. Sites Robert Everett DECUS AT&T Charles E. Sporck Harvey Wiggins Stratus Computer Ford Motor Company Patrick Donini Bank of America Ivan Sutherland M. V. Wilkes Del Thorndike & Jay W. Forrester Draper Laboratories Henry Burkhardt III The Travelers Steve Teicher William Foster Tom Eggers Computer Land Chris Terman Corporation Gaston Snow & Ely Dan L. Ei sner Cullinet Stephen Watson Jean de Valpine Bartlett Uif & Helene Kenneth Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Winston R. Hindle, Jr. Fagerquist Gardner Hendrie 8K or more Charles P. Waite Peter Hirschberg R. Farmer Mi tchell Kapor Anonymous William Wolfson Houghton Mifflin Edward Feustal AFlPS Company Alan E. Frisbie Russell Noftsker Harlan E. & Lois International General Systems Anderson Computer Ltd. Robert M. Metcalfe Group Erich & Renee Bloch Jack S. Kilby Fontaine K. John Gilmore Richardson The Index Group Andrew C. Knowles III John Griffith Theodore & Ruth Edward & Debbie Stephen Gross Johnson Kramer Roberto Guatelli John Allen Jones John W. & Edna W. System Development Lacey Jerrier A. Haddad Foundation Liberty Mutual Robert Henderson Insurance Company Stan Olsen Robert Hoffman Ralph & Linda Russell Planitzer M. Ernest Huber Linsalata Douglas Ross Allan Kent Robert W. Lucky Erwin Tomash David Knoll John Norris Maguire David Koogler Richard D. Mallery Alan & Judith Kotok Thomas Marill Glen Langdon Daniel D. McCracken John Levy Thomas & Elizabeth McWilliams Eli Lipcon Meditech New York Air Allen Michels Joseph M. Newcomer p H A s E 2 Donors to the early stage of the second phase of the capital campaign have contributed funds needed to buy the building, develop the second set of • exhibits, and begin building an endowment that will ensure the future of the Museum by providing long-term finanicial stability.

64K or more 16K or more 4K or more Less than 4K C. Gordon Bell ACM Siggraph Charles Bachman John Alexanderson Digital Equipment William Foster Henry Burkhardt III Alps America Corporation Allen Michels J. Clark Arthur Young, Inc. Eliot Bank MITRE Corporation Stephen Coit Richard Bond Gardner Hendrie National Computer John Cocke Dominic Chan Mitch Kapor Graphics Association J. Carl Masi Harvey Cragon John William David &. Patricia Sequent Computer Davox Corp. Poduska, Sr. Nelson Corpora tion Dan L. Eisner Xerox Corporation Unisys William Spencer J. Ed Feigenbaum Jay Forrester 32K or more 8K or more Robert Hoffman Burgess Jamieson Robert Berkowitz Reed Dennis Ted Johnson David Donaldson Harold Judy J. Michael Greata James McKenney The Index Group Meditech Ben Robelen Thomas F. Stephenson Ed Schwartz Paul Severino Daniel Weinreb

Spacewar inventor Shag Graetz at the console of the PDp·i. Graetz joined dozens of other pioneers at the Museum's symposium on the 25th Anniversary of Computer Games. • i1,;, Exhibit engineer Dan Griscom repairs the Denning Sentry Robot, which is used - . in one of the Museum 's daily public ~\'.. ~ 1~-·~.I~.-..tIl · demonstrations. \' ~ ~.

" t •• • ' ~ . \ .' ~..! - ~).l: IJI/ ~

ANN U A L FUN D 8 8 The Annual Fund is comprised of gifts from individuals, corporations and other friends which are pooled to help offset annual operating expenses. The fund helps our programs flourish while allowing us to reach new audiences and continue serving as an international resource for computer research and education. Continued growth of the Annual Fund is important as the Museum expands its services.

Richard Adams Bob Evans John Ippolito Michael Pique David Z. Tuttleman David Ahl Ulf &. Helene John W. Lacey Mr. &. Mrs. Herbert Vrooman Fagerquist James A. Pitts Anonymous Faith E, Lamprey Stuart Wecker Alan Feuer Douglas A. Prescott Fred Bamber Robert Langridge Robert Weiss Barry Folsom John A. Pries Raymond Blum Curtis Larock Niles T. Welch, Jr Philip E. Fox Robert Probasco Corrado Bonfanti W. Steve Latham Peter J. Wilczak Robert K. France David P. Reed M. W. Bouwensch Linda C. Lawrence Hugh Wilkinson Thayer Francis Stephen Reilly Michael &. Esther Lord Einstein O'Neill Jim &. Carol Williams Breslau Thomas Gerrity &. Partners Audrey R. Reith Robert E. Williams Lawrence Brown Steve Golson Hermann Luttermann C. M. Riggle Paul &. Les lie Computer Science Rodger S. Gourd Carl Machover Jonathan Rubinstein Wittman Department, Brown William Graustein Morton Madoff Howard Sal wen University Glenn C. Wonn Richard Greene Michael S. Mahoney &. G. E, Bryan Michael J Samek Anita Jones William Wulf Paul C. Guglietta Barry Margolin Guillermo Santos Peter G. Capek XRE Corporation Karl Guttag John R. Mashey P. B. Schecter Mr. &. Mrs. Hermann Zapf Arthur Carr Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mason Thomas Schroeder Tom Hall Mr. &. Mrs. Joe W. Matthews Earl &. Mary Tom C. Cathers Bruce Hall Schweppe Charlotte N. Albert C. Christoph J. Scott Hamilton McCullough W. L. Shevel Kenneth W. Cohen Mr. &. Mrs. F.W. McFarlan Richard G. Shoup Michael Hathaway Harvey Cragon Brian McLaughlin Ira L. Sider Jon C. Hausler Thomas W. Crosby, Jr. Anthony J. Medaglia, Dan Siewiorek Dennis Hayes Jr. Mr. &. Mrs. Irwin J. Sitkin Henry J. Crouse Neal Hill Alfred Mercik Ani! K. Sodhy Paul J. Curran Suguri Hiroki George A. Michael James A. Starkey Alfred C. Daggett Robert Hoffman Jean Middour Joshua Stein Charles Dana Naomi Hoida Catherine Mills Max Steinmann G. Gervaise Davis III Kurt Horton Charles Minter William M. Steul Randall Davis Ernest Huber Reg S. Mitchell Robert &. Diane Ian Davison Linda Humphrey Gentaro Miyairi Stewart Dale Dellutri Harry D. Huskey J. c. Morris Linda Stilmack Nicholas &. Margret John Ippolito Lee J. Neal Joel D. Sugg De Wolf John Jewett Richard A. Nelson Al Sussman Lloyd Dickman Theodore &. Ruth Charles Newman Frank Sweetser Maryann &. A. Duane Johnson P. Nicholson Michael Thompson Dillerud Nolan T. Jones Carl A. Niehaus Warren G. Tisdale Lucien &. Catherine Charles Jortberg Dimino David Novak Robert Trocchi Richard Kenner David Donaldson Noyce/LaBombard Richard H. King Family Theodora Drapos Stuart Klein H. Edward Nyce Davis A. Dull David J. A, Koogler Franklin Oberster, Jr Frederick A. Ebeling Louis Padulo Tom Eggers Anthony Pell William T. Elliott Ernie Petrides Lucian J. Endicott, Jr. MEMBERSHIP

c o R p o R A T E M E M B E R 5 II Corporate m embers support the Museum annually through participation in this program. Member corporations are recognized in our bi-monthly newsletter and receive a sliding scale of benefits. These include free admission passes; individual memberships for corporate designees; the opportu­ nity to use the Museum for corporate functions; use of the Museum's archives and the ability to participate in the Museum's Collection Loan Program.

Benefactor Patron Contributor E.!. Dupont de Sequent Computer ($10,000 or more) ($3,000 - $9,999) ($1,000 - $2,999) Nemours Co. Systems Inc. ACM/SIGGRAPH Advanced Micro Advanced Computer EMC Corporation Shawmut Corporation Devices Graphics Aetna Life & Casualty Gillette Company Software 2000 Boris Color Labs, Inc. A! Corpora tion Amdahl Corporation Goldman, Sachs & Co. Spaulding & Slye ComputerLand AGS Corporation AT&T Corporation Gourmet Caterers TASC Education Coopers and Lybrand Analog Devices, Inc. Cognex Greater Boston Technical Data Coordlllator Michael DECUS Apple Computer Chamber of Commerce International Chertol< brings Ii Digital Equipment Arthur Andersen, Inc. robot !Vork ,hop on the Corporation Draper Laboratories GTE Laboratories, Inc. Teleprocessing, Inc. road to classrooms Hewlett·Packard Fenwick Partners Arthur Young Harvard Community USIR Health Plan throughout New IBM Gaston & Snow Bachman Information Verbum Magazine England - one of Systems Hill and Knowlton, Institute of Museum Gillette Wollongong Group \cvewloutreach Inc., Advanced Services Bank of Boston progwl1l\ provided by Bull Worldwide Technology Practice XRE Corporation Massachusetts Council Information Systems Bank of New England the Museum. Hub Mail Advertising on the Arts & IEEE Computer Society Banyan Systems Humanities Hyams Trust International Data BayBank Boston Maxell Corporation Infomart Group of America Bitstream Intel Corporation Manufacturers Merrill Pickard Bolt Beranek & Hanover Trust Co. Interface Group Anderson & Eyre NeWluan MASSCOMP Interleaf Raytheon Company The Boston Globe McGraw-Hili, Inc. Foundation Intermetrics Smithsonian Institution Traveling Microsoft Corporation Boston Safe Deposit Lotus Development Exhibit Service & Trust Co. Corporation Moore Business Forms SUN Microsystems California Museum Manager Software Phoenix Technologies Foundation Xerox Corpora tion Massachusetts PC World Cambridge Institute for Computer Software Communications Information Systems Council Price Waterhouse © Carol Lasky MicroAmerica Prime Computer, Inc. Cigna Systems Microcom Prudential Life Corpora tion Millipore Insurance Company CINCOM NEC Systems Ropes & Gray CLSI Laboratory Spectrum Interactive Cognition, Inc. Nixdorf Computer Stellar Computer Continental Nolan Norton & Stratus Computer Cablevision Company The Computer Society Control Data Orchard Computer Corporation The Technology Palmer & Dodge Research Group Dane, Falb, Peat, Marwick & Main Stone &Co. The Travelers Pell, Rudman & Co., Companies Data Architects, Inc. Inc. Unisys Data Ease Pfizer International Venrock Pharmaceuticals Data Resource Group Ziff-Davis Phase 3 Systems Data Translation Phinney & Company Davox Polaroid Foundation Deloitte Haskins Russell Reynolds & Sells Associates DesignSystems Eastech Management National chair Pat Nelson coordinates Computer Bowl volunteers from coast to coas/.

T H E c o M p u T E R B o w L The World's First Computer Bowl is now a bi-annual international event to raise funds for The • Computer Museum's educational programs. The full story of the Bowl can be found on pages six and seven of this Annual. The Computer Bowl was successful because of the founders, sponsors and volunteers listed below who gave so generously of their money, time and ideas. They helped set a standard of excellence for the next Computer Bowl, to be held in early 1990.

Corporate Founder Gardner Hendrie West Coast Team Daniel Fields Sheri We is PCWorld Interna tional Da ta David Bunnell, Robert Fields Keith Westerman Group, Inc. PCW Communica· Edward Fredkin Wine Cell ar of Seline Individual Founders tions, Inc. ICaptain) Susan and Bill Joyce Fredkin West Coast Pat Collins Nelson Poduska Adele Goldberg, and Dr. David Nelson Wendy Germain James Anderson Stellar Computer Inc. ParcPlace Systems, Official Sponsors Inc. Betsy Gillis Nancy Anderson Stratus Computer Inc. Advanced Micro William Jo y, Steve Guthrie C. Gordon Be II The Technology Devices, Inc. Sun Microsystems, Research Group In c. Sterling Hager James Bell American Airlines Venrock Associates Allen Michels, Ellie Hashian Roberta Bell Apollo Computer Inc. PC Computing Ardent Computer Neil Henry Ann Doerr AT&T Corpora tion Cheerleaders Patty Hillis John Doerr Boris Master Color Casey Powell, The Boston Harbor Sequent Computer Joanna Hills Lorrie Duval Clint Clemens Hotel Systems, Inc. Martha Isham Shirley G ines The Computer Connie and Charles The Examiner Howard Ka ye Peter Hirschberg Chronicles Bachman William R. Hearst III, Carol·Ann Kennedy Janice Del Sesto Gregory Del Sesto The San Francisco Carol Lasky Robin Metcalfe DYSAN David Donaldson Examiner Kerry Leppo Ted Meyer Flaggraphics Deloitte Haskins & The Judge Sells Maureen MacGregor Gorham Michael Perkowski, Christopher Morgan Hewlett·Packard Computer Systems James McKenney Company Gladys and Walter News Mary McKenney Nelson Kubota Computer Inc. The Producer &. Editor Sybil Masquelier Trish Simeone and Carol Lasky Studio Christopher Morgan Sheryl Menesale C. J. Rotella Merchan ts Press XRE Corporation The Computer Bowl Christopher Morgan Merrill, Pickard, Volunteers XEROX Corporation David L. Nelson Anderson & Eyre East Coast Pat Coll ins Nelson Morse, Altman, Dacey West Coast Alchemy Ca tering & Benson Satellite Sponsors Susan Poduska Mark Allen New England Apple Computer, Inc. Tony Rea Jim Anastasi Oldsmobile Dealers Hewlett· Packard Andrew S. Rappaport Association Elisa G. Baar Company Anne Roe·Hafer Palate James Baar Munday and Collins Christine Rose PhotoColoratura Inc. Elisa Barr C. J Rotella Price Waterhouse Sun Microsystems, Theodore Baar Inc. Sheryl R. Schultz Ris Paper Company Connie and Charles East Coast Team Edward A. Schwartz Alan Shapiro Bachman Richard Shaffer, Alan Shapiro Sun Microsystems, Karen Blust Technologic Inc. Joshua Shapiro Computer Letter Suzanne Burton Trish Simeone Typographic House ICaptain) Michael Callahan Terri Slater World Trade Center, Es ther Dyson, Claire Campbell Boston EDventure Holdings Danielle Solomon Inc. Stephen E. Coit XEMAG Roxanne St. Claire David Hathaway, Holly Cannon David Stern Table Sponsors Venrock Associates Howard Cannon Katherine Stimpson Gwen and Gordon Be ll Mitchell Kapor, Gregory Del Sesto ON Technology, Inc. Alan Symonds Coopers & Lybrand Daniel Oem John William Cindy Crowley Edward Fredkin and Helen DiMuzio Theodore Johnson Poduska, Sr., Weinberger Stellar Computer Inc. Neil Ferris s u p p o R T E R s

Audrey R. Reith Theodora Drapos Gary Koenig Jon Radel Michael Roberge Dick Dunnigton Martin Kurtti David P. Reed Linda & David Esther Dyson Robert Laman G. Brendan Reilly Rodgers Richard Eckhouse & Joel Lamstein Steven Reilly Michael). Samek Ruth Malucci John Langell N icholas Reinhardt Donors Dawn R. Banks &. William Steul Donald Edgar (5500 - 5999) Robert Praetorius Tsvi Lavi C. M. Riggle Robert &. Diane Lucian J. Endicott, Jr. Alps Electric (USA), jordan Baruch Grace Leahy Terry Robinson Stewart P. ). Evans Inc. John Levine Ann Roe-Hafer james Bell Warren Tisdale Charles &. Connie Neil Faiman Bristollnformation John Levy David Rose Bachman R.). Trudel Ulf and Helene Gordon S. Brown Margaret L. Lieby Richard Rosenbloom BASF Michael G. Uhler Fagerquist Lawrence Brown John D. C. Little Thomas S. Roy Il Burlington Public Allan 1. Wallack Andrew Farber Reed Little Charle Rupp Library Roger M. 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