Talks in Geneva C » M E R O a 1 I T D «
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, • - ji The Weather . , A r t n f Dftiljr Net Phuh Rub rereowt Qf c. 8. tVmtter MfM« FortlMWMkBiiM Maniii S, Ite t Snow toiilght aatf t n « o ^ . Not mooh change la tempenthre. I<ow V V 13,549 l^bnlght In 90s. High Tneoday la •f Jko Anait 80a.’ * . I of OlreiUotloB M anchetter-^A City o/ Villa/re Charm MANCHESTER, CONN , MQNOAY. MARCH 5, 1962 (Claoeined Advertlaltig on Page 18) VOL, LXXXI, NO. ISO (TWENTY PAGES) -----;------------------------------------ - British Craft in Africa State News 111 on R oundup Car Crash Kills Bridgeport Man' GREENWICH (AP) — A Talks in Geneva C » m e r o a 1 i t D « - . AustrMiww, i n . h «<» YAOUNDE, Tile nationality of tiirce I Ja m es D. Kennedy e West Lib- (AP)—Rescue parties reach passengers waS''jjot known, but ' erty St„ was kill^ yesterday ^ the charred wreckage of a the airline said it jin ^ ' of no when his automobile ran off chartered British airliner in a Americans aboard. , the Post Road ^and crashed Agree swamp near Douala today and U.S., Reds (Continued on Page Twelve! into a concrete wall and, a util- found all 111 persons aboard itj' pole. dead. PMice said th e, accident appa ^ s t -2 It wM the woret dviKaii crash rel) tly^was caused by a blowout on Caught by In htotory Involving a single plane. Salvage Crews a right front Ur* on, Kennedy”s Only one other single plane crash, auto. Suggestion that <rf a y.S. Air Force Globe- They said the blowout i*used the Own Traps master In Japan in 19S3, has taken Still Hunt Jet’s i auto to swerve into tlj|* esplanade a bigger toll—120. Two collisions I of a gas station, wherq’ft struck s of planes in the United States took By JASnSS M.ARIX>W W.ASH1NGT0N ( A P ) \- j retaining wall before hitting the The White House confirm^^ 134 and 128 lives, respectively. Flight Records ■{ Utility pole. Asaodated Press Nows Analyst Witnesses' said the four-engine Dr. George T. Timlck. medical ! WASHINGTON (AP)—In today that President Kennedy l DC7C seemed to make a normal Salvage. examiner, said Kennedy died of a has rc(»ived a message from takeoff for Europe In a light i*ain NEW YORK ( API . their race not to be second,! Sunday night, then suddenly crews hope to recover today thfe broken' neck. Kennedy ^viet Premier Khrushchev in the auto. the United States and Russia l . plummeted into a swamp less flight recorder and instrument- (■.' are caught in their own gigan on the forthcoming (5dneya than two miles from the airport laden cockpit section of the Amer disarmament conference, at Douala. largest cJty in the West ican Airlines plane that crashed in 33 to 41 tic and gruesome trap. n was learned that Khrushchev Jamaica Bay last Thursday, kill Th. Ut.te They’re too stuck with fear of African republic of Cameroon, HARTFORD (AP) advised the President he would Hie plane exploded on impact ing all 95 persons aboard. j.iif, e«oh other not to test their ter- send Foreign Minister Andrei Begrimed workerw-.reached the Motor Vehicle Departments oS“y|rible weapons to make them even and burned fiercely. record of 'nutompblle fatalities as j more terrible. Gromyko to Geneva, thus, accept cockpit. area of the submerged ing a U.B.-Britlsh suggestion that . The plane carried 101 pas wreckage Sunday , and recovei'ed of last midnight and the totals on ^ a t they say to each other sengers—among them three chll- the same date last year: about it, and alraut each other, the conference open .at the foreign • dren—en route from SOuth Africa, a major portion of the flight en 1991 1962 is taking a monotonous repetlUon. minister level/ Rhodesia and Mozambique to gineer’s instrument panel. K illed............................33 -41 They even use the same word, And it was learned that Khrush Europe. It had a crew of 10, Includ They have maneuvered a 35- "blackmail." against each other, chev denounced Kennedy’s an ing three .hostesses. ton floating derrick into position niey're beginning to look In- '■ nouncement that the United States • The passengers Included 42 and hope to the cockpit and 50 E$cape Injury capable of getting unstuck. Thej would resume nuclear testing In Britons, many of them living in parts of the wreckage that might SHEFFIELD, Mass. (AP) -• result Is no end of testing Is in | the atmosphere unless the world Rhodesia, 40 South Africans, and Fifty passengers escaped unhurt sight. powers complete a teat ban treaty a .sprinkling of Dutch, Germans, (Continued on Page Seven) yesterday ’when two New Haven L ast August when th« Soviets before the end of April. Railroad self-propeUed cars derail said they would end a three-year There was no'immediate com ed on a branch line from Pittsfield voluntary Iwm on testing, the ment .from' the White House on to Danburj", Conn-. WTiite House issued a statement Khrushchev's latest move in a. Quoted hy NASA Director that said the Russian announce contnuing exchange among Mos 2-Alarm Fire ment was primarily a- form of cow, ' London and Washington. ^’atomic blackmail, designed to None was expected until the mes NEW BRITAIN (API -r- Pfe substitute terror for reason.” early today’caused extensive dam Now. six months later. Presi sage Is carefully studied. Glenn Has No Plans age to a three-story brick build dent Kennedy says the United Fliom what Is known of the ing at 321 Main St. States_____ will__ resume______ testing to keep message, it remains unclear Authorities said the ' two-alarm | the Ruasiang from getting ahead Premier Khrushchev speaks in Moficow today opening a week-long meeiUiv M the Central Oo*«mtt- whether Khrushchev himself in fire apparently broke out in an unless they agree to a test ban teVM thf Soviet .Oommumlst Party called to discuae Russia’s la g g in g ^ c u ltu ra l tends to go to Geneva' early in overstuffed d ^ r In a third-floor with an iriapectlon system to pre eignelgn cor)<wondenu were banned. At right is Presidium member Frol Kozlov. (AP Photofax via the conference which b e ^ a For Political Career clubroom and spread downward to vent cheating. radio fPOtKN loacow). March 14. The Soviet premier nad the second floor which houses sev To this over the weekend the advocated a summit gathering of eral roomers. No one was hurt. Russian nevi’B agency Tass re! the 18 heads of sUte whose coun WASHINGTON (AP) — Aatro-s,to catch up with Russia and to tries will be represented, at surpass her. In space efforts has There was little fire damage to sponded; This “strongly resem' naut John H. Glenn Jr. heads back” ------ '•*- h». 1 bles blackmail.” lln d u str y ^ so Warned Chinese P eril Geneva. to Cape Canaveral, Fla., today to moved at a far different pace and the first floor, which houseg a sta- tempo under this administration 1 tlonary store and a travel agency Last Sept. 9. eight days after The- United States plana to aend resume work on the Merqury man suffered I the Soviets had resumed testing. Secretary of State Dean Ruhk. in space project after a week <rf than It did under the past one.” but both establlshmenU this country and Britain appealed Own Economy, parades, banquets and awards. His Inm a .pariynartv nenpep talk Febreu. 24« S'-1at heavy water and smoke damagem Kennedy and Macmillan toad There was no Immediate esti to . Premier Khrushchev for an propoeed earlier that their foreign saya the space hero has no Stamford, C3onn., Bailey had de Immediate test ban, uninspected clared that Glenn’s orbit "showed mate of the financial damage. Nikita mtoiiatcre and arom ylu arrtv* at plans to enter politics. until a treaty could be agreed on. UN Unit Says Geneva before the conference The first Ameriwn to oi-blt the what America can do when li'nMm. Khrushchev rejected this, say? earth spent a quiet Sunday with urgency and determination replsc? fS anted State pnvrri Russia "will net agree to opens for an early dlaoueelon of TAIPgil. Formosa (AP)—14. the nuclear teqt . issue. u his family at their Jiaarhy Arling apathy and Indecisionnf In the»nv.rn ex HARTFORD (APjj^Naw Britain guch a deali it ig possible to end Uii Ch(Milg-s*e, a lighter pUot ton, Va-. home a«er p e n d in g ecutive branch Red Far lU.B. disarmament eWef WllUam.... .-JMtUy^LS^Jnqe»t C .'C sizetta wdiiuuclear testa only on the Wt*i.# of who defected with his MiOlS services aX the ment-." • • represent Connecticut at the "C'’'’'-general and complete disarms from Red CAiina, said today "the Foster eeid in a Uleniaion Inter byterlan CJiurch. • , Rep. Bob Wilson of California, nectlcut Day ” ceremosiy at the „ient.’' view Sunday nig(ht that the United chairman of the Bou4e Republican 'people of the mainland are In Several hiuvdred peoplsi-^ were Seattle World's Fair, B.v PRESTON, GROVER « aay ire than half the Soviet States now wants an even tighten waiting bn the chiffch lawn when Campaign Committee, accused a dMperale condition and. ready Governor Dempsey today desig (CoBtlnned. on Page .Twelve) MOSCOW (AP) — Soviet Pre crop laitd la semi-arid where con to rise against the CommunUt InipecUon system than it would the (ilenns left. He smiled and Bailey of trying to make pollUcal nated Cazzetta. head basketball at servation^ considered rttal. have been willing to accept last waved, then led We family quick capital out of the orbit.