Ornithological Club No. 6.


President ~lAJOR J. H. FRANKLIN





Hon. Secretary C. J. BRECKNELL


Hon. Editor





GEN ERAI .. Although l'ehruary was a hard month of SIlOW and I'rost. the ~pring weathel' was fairly dry and May a month of near drought. This period was follownl by a very we.t summer and a mild autumn with heavy snow at Christmas. 'rIms earlv breeding birds fared well compared to those o[ June and later. Amongst the 1I10re interesting visitors to Herefordshire were a Black.-throated Diver. Shelduck. \'\'hooper Swans. Quail, Cornuake. Hoopoe, Hooded Crow, nIark Redstart. ami Crossbills, whilst Radnor­ shire daim{~d \\'his.kered. Common and Little Terns and Hoopoes, At the Annual General :\le(~ting it was relu<:Iantly decided that, owing to the steep rise in printing costs and stamps. annual sub, scriptions must I){' raised in 1957, and these arc now '!I/' for ol'dinary m{'lulrer,. J(l/- [or ea<:h additional member of a family and 7/6d. for Junior Members nnder IH vea", of age,

:\JKMBERSH [I', 'J'his remained constant, with losse, and additions balancing at a total of 1,159, During the year wc' lost the ,crvices of M:r. P. W, Hinde a.-> <:hainnan owing 10 his taking up a post in Wolverhampton. Chair­ man for three years, he will be greatly mis'ed, as his services to the Cluh have been far reaching and invaluable ever since its inception, How{'ver he is ,till taking a v('n active part on the Editorial Sub-Committee and :\rrs. Hinde colltinu{'s to do the bulk of the Ivping' of this Report. for which servicl:' the writer is extremely gTatct'ul. All members will wish them even success and much h;tppiness in their Tlew veil t 111'(',

"Ve aTe fort llnah.' ill having :\fr. .J. G. :\iurrav as 0111 rWIII <:hainnan.

1'1 NA1\CI-:. It is gratifying to report that the Club's credit balance is DJ!I. AI the last\nnllal Gener·al !\reeling it was felt lIecessary to appeal to members for financial assistanc{'siIl('c' ex­ penditure during tht· veal' had beerl heavy. The g'el]{TOUS re,sponse given has overcoIlw 0111 difficulties, and with the increase in sub­ -<:11iptions there is {'ven hope that we shall be able to proceed modesth without financial anxiety. HiO HEREFORUSHIRE ORNITHOI.OGICAI. CLlll\ REPORT, 1956

1\1 EI-:TI NCS, Of the several Field Meetings held, the highlight was the week-L'11d spent on Skomer. Those members who were luck} enough 10 go on the trip greatly appreciated all the careful organisa­ tion by \11', Murray for their accomJIlodati~lIl, transport and general welfare, The indoor programme was composed of talks and films given hy :\11'. S. :\1. D. Alexander on .. The Hin:b of the Canal Zone "; Mr. Stanl.On Whitaker's .. Bird Photography in Norfolk ". 'Captain H. R. H. \'aug'han's "The Protection of the Kite in \Vales "; Mr. D. Lulhnan's .. Bird Watching on Three Islands "; nr. C. W. Walker's "The OSpI:t'Y in Scotland "; and J\h. J. G. MUITav's "TIll' Island of Skomer."

ACKN·O\\'LEDGMl<::\'I'S. Once ag'ain the Club is indebted to Mrs. V. L. l)ownes for all the duplicating of llotices and circulars 'Which sht~ ha., dOlle for LIS throughout th{~ year; her generous assist· ance has he,en a gTcat saving in our expenses, To Mr. L. B. Robinson we ,HT also grateful [or his help 'wi,th the typing, and to M.... A. H. Sadlcr for auditing' our a(x:ounts. Thanks must ahs<) be given to the' large Illllllber of members who have sent ill notes and material [or this Report to which the Editorial Sub-Committee (Messrs. C. J. Brecknell, 1'. W. Hinde. G. C. S. Ingram and 1)1', C. \\'. Walkel') Ilave given so lIlllch of their time.


1955 RECE.IPTS 1955 PAYMENTS £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 17 5 0 To Balance-1st Jan. 1956 6 12 3 8 10 0 Bv Duplicating Notices Editors Cash in hand 2 6 4 11 6~ .: Stationery 3 0 5~ Proceeds of Sale of: Printing. Stationery 8 16 0 4 16 6 Annual Reports 3 8 9 5 o Cheques 3 10 0 Herefordshire Birds ... 17 6 13 18 n .. Po"tages 18 0 q Birds of Radnorshire 6 7 7 26 3 9 Printing Annual Report 53 4 0 To Appeal Fund 46 4 0 to 0 o Donation to Birds of Rad•. 10 6 Donations 2 0 6 Affiliation Subscriptions: Subscriptions in advance I 10 0 W oolhope Club o 0 Subscriptions for 1955 3 2 6 British Trust 63 17 6 Subscription~ for 1956 58 3 0 for Ornithology o --- 62 15 6 Birmingham and W. Mid. 5 Postage Prepaid (, Bird Club (paid in advance) Editors Imprest Account 2 British Naturalists Asso. Waverley Book Co. 8 0 3 o 6 210 Times Book Co. 3 6 10 0 Subscr.iption" in advance 10 0 Gratuities 5 0 10 15 0 Lecturers· expenses 700 13 3 Telephone calls 7 9 I o 0 Club Room charges 4 0 3 5 6 Net Los:

The above accounts have been audited BASIL E. MIL£S. M.D.. M.R.C.P.. and found correct. Hon. Treasurer. A. H. SADLER. Hon. Auditor. 162 HEREFORDSHlRI'; ORlIilTHOI.OGICAI. CLl'11 REPORT. !fl5t; DECREASE OF SOME BIRDS FORMERLY COMMON IN WEST HEREFORDSHIRE In thi, area of We,t Hercfonbhire. ~vcral specie, of binb have deoreased greath during' the la,t thirty years. \Vhilc the area is well wooded and there arc orchards. the ground larg'eh con,ist, of arable fields and. in fact, contains prohahlythe best and mo,t fertile fields ill th{~ count\. The HaW!tinch. OIH't· quite nUHlerous. has become very l'are---the (:cilllmon Partridge. once v·ery C0l1111l10n. ha, hecome a rare bird the Lapwing ha, disappeared and so have hoth the Skylark and the Woodlark: A, regard, the Partridge. thank, to the k·indne", of Sir Richard Cotterell, I have eXll'arted the following figures from the Garnons game book which has heell kept up for 101 year,. These figure, speak 1'01 them~hes.

PARTRnl(a-$ Kll.u:n 0:\ 1'111': (;,\RMl:\S ESTATY 190& - &42 1926 - 159 1946 - 1& 1907 - 379 1927 - 23 1947 - 10 1908 - 361 1928 - 366 1948 - 21 1909 - 175 1929 - 296 1949 - 42 1910 - 162 1930 -359 1950 - 21 1911 - 517 1931 -'-; 92 1951 ~ 39 1912 - 255 1932 - 138 1952 - 107 1913 - 318 1933 - 358 1953 - 87 1914 - 287 1934 - 537 1954 - 6 1915 - 789 1935 - 366 1955 - 0 10 yrs. 3865 10yrs. 2694 10 yrs. 343

rh(: best \eal' recorded ... J ~()(i when J .069 partridge, welT kill~d. In 19or, in four davs' dri, ing. 1'0111' guns killed Slio partridges, As regards the Lapwing. there 'were nest, in e,en field thirty ,ears ago. Only ahout three: or four pair"'''-instead of ,everal ,core·­ nest in the area 1I0wadavs and then onlv on three small swampy patches of groulld. The Skylark used to be regarded as a pt·s! in winter sown corn and nmld ht· seen Oil the SIuhhJesin multitudes. "'any nested in lily neig'hhourhood. :\0\\ Skylarks are never seen--in facI' the village childrell havc nC\cr heard a Skvlarksinging. The \Voodlark ncsted jn some n nlllh(']'s on the poorer gra" ficlds--gcntralh adjoinin(J the woodland. Thn ha\'e aIM) gone.~ '. n The cause of all thi.s loss seems to Ill'. Wilhoul doubt. the use 01' chemical manurcs. such as hasi( slag and spravillg. The mowing machine dcslro'Td Ihe Corncrake man\ vcars ago in Hererordshire, and now ne\\ methocls of fanning art driY ing awa\ 01 her species-­ besides those lIIcntioned. ] nol ice Ihe C urlcw. a ne\\ -COlll(']' <\uring the la-l 1'01'1\ years. is growing yenscarn' as a hreeding bird. Lel me make it yen dear indccd that Ihe ahove nOle refer.s onh to the' di.strict in whidl' !Iivc. H.\, (;n.lWIH. IlERE"'ORIISHIR~: ORNTTHO!.O(;ICAI. CLUII IU:l'()RT, 1956 }(j3


The first hint that the writer received that an immigration of these birds lIIiil;ht he taking place was contained in a circular sent out 10 Area Repre.selltatives of the B.T.O. This stated that a part\ of thirty had reached Fair Isle l~inl OhservalOl'Y Oil July md where it was thought that such an in/iux mighl he a prelude to onc 01 thch' pel"iodic ,. ilTuptions."

Crossbillswcre first reported locally hy G. R. and T. :\. Edwanb when they saw a party of ten birds feeding Oll the cones of a largc Siher Fir in theiT garden at Bearton on Jllly 19th. Fiheell birds were liext seCll on this tree on July 2:>th whellce they flew southwanb across to Hellwood, a nearby wood consisting of larch and mixed deciduous trees, where Crossbills had spellt some time d l1rillg the last illlllliil;ration ill 19:>3. Here on September !llh. S.\1.1L\. saw a party of nineteen. and on October 1I th the writer made his first acquaintance with these most attractive birds when he had a part\ of' eig'ht under short observatioll ill a larch. Birds \HTe heard on IatCl' dates (\villg llorth and south over lkanoll.

.\ party of 22 was first noted at 'Vigmore Rolls on Juh 27th which was the largest number seen there. More werc seell on the .:FsL three timcs ill August. ouce ill Septemher. and finallv on ~ovelllher' !llh whell three were obserYed. .\ few were heard in flight laler'. Flighting lOok place between the Rolls and Harlll'u \\00(1 to the south. (L.B.R.)

At LipoIc two parties of about six amI ten birds were seen in flight. on Angwit jlh, and a small flock was reliablv reponed as being seen there on Illh. (l\I.G..\.H. ~l1ld P.W.H.)

"'exI in order came reports from Chaff \Vood. jnst west 01 \lortimer's Cross. where :\0 birds were seen feeding- on DOllg las Spruce on Oct.ober 12th and about the same number were shewn 1)\ obseryer to C.W.\V. and D.H. 011 I.·p.h. On December !lth a HOCK of nine was present ,It the western eud of this wood and she\\n to C.J.B. (T.R.A.). It. was by the edge of thi.s .same I\'ood on December ;\nl that T.A.E. saw a IO\\'-flying Ilock of 20 or 1IIore birds. 1ll0sl 01 I\hich appeared to be adult males.

On :r\oyemher (lth a small party IQS heard audseen to I" h i,u,h and \H:stwards over the \\Titer's garden at Kington. He imlllcdiatc" \\cnt to Park Wood and stationed himself by a belt of tall lanhe, at the hig'hest central point of t.he wood. 1lilt it was somc h,tlf-lwlIr bdore he heard. hut could not at first sec. the birds \dJich "'ept 0\ er Hi-! IIEKEFOIU)~HIRF OR!'\ ITIIOI.O(;1( :'\1. cu:n KFJ·ORT. IH5ti

him ill a broad straggle of I wenty or morc to pitch ill a clump of neaJ1by spruces which was successfully stalked; SOOIl afterwards the un­ expected crash of a twel\'e-bore gun close by put an end to further (Jbser\,atioll. Howc\'er. the birds could be found fairly frequently in this and Ilearbv wood,s until well into the Ilew veal'.

\Vhen accompanied by G.S.T.D. 011 .l'\o\'embcr 17th. observer,s were puzzled by a peculiar clamouring' noise. akin to :\lagpies chatter­ ing !Without their longer and morc strident cries. which emanated from a flock of some 2[, Crossbills in spru('(~. Apart from this' one occasion all caIls heard were the high chipping and tinking notes nOJ1mally made in flight rather than at rest. It was frequently noticed that when flocks were feeding a seutinal adult male was perched at the highest possible valllage point. The birds were highly nervous.of ovel'head predators which included Buzzards and CarJ1ion­ Crows and particularly a Sparrow-Hawk. Dispersal into smaller parties seemed to take place after November 17th. From about December 6th larch cones were favoured iIlStcad of those of spruce. On November uth a restless party of eight was seen at Combe \loor. Ryton. near five larches, but never during tht· half-hour that they were watched did they alight on them but kept to the tops o!" neighbouring deciduous trees. (S.M.D.A.) The only Radnorshire record came from D.ER.. who watcht.'d a pair feeding on larches at Broadaxe. J'resteiglle, all December 1St. Apart from a oJIIale seen by C.\\'.\V. OlJ October 11 th near a Scots hr spinney at the Field. H,tmptolJ Park, . and another pit:ked up dead OIl Aylestone Hill. Hereford, by J. c. L. Comby on December ~\Oth and the birds al Henwood,

R. H. R,m.I.lF. Hl'REFORIlSHIRE ORNITHO\.O(;I,A\. (:1.\'1\ REPORT. 185ti 165


BUZZARD 011 June 19th a nest cOlIlamlllg one young was inspected at Llanbedr, Radnorshire. On the nest was a dead' mole together with a large number of feathers of juvenile Rooks. a few \Voodpigeons' feathers were also present. P. .J. CH ·\])WICK. During March and April the Head keeper of Garnons Estate, ,~h. G. Hames, saw a Buzzard fly off a dead Barn-Owl which was lying qn the ride in a small wood. Later a Buzzard was surprised on the body of a second Barn-Owl which was lying in a field. ollitside the wood, under an oak. Both Owls were still warm and both O(XUITcnces took place in the morning before noon. "VhenMr. Ben Price, Keeper, was waiting at a Carrion-Crow's. nest in Radnorshire to destroy the old birds, a Buzzard arrived and took a young Crow away from the nest. After a short interval ~t returned and took away a second young Crow. Another Buzzard lOok voung Crows from a nest at Monnington in Herefordshire. H. A. Gn.RFRT. I.>uring the spring. when watching badgers at Fowllhope;.. "bscrver noted one of a pair of Buzzards perch on a post on con­ liecutivc evenings about an hour before sunset. The post was a shoot distan<:e from a big yew in which a pair of }a)'s was nesting. When I he Jays werc absent the Buzzard ,was seen to skim over l'heg~ound 'llld dive lip into the yew out of her sight. 'Frantic noises and scream­ ing were heard for somc time after each visit. The Buzzard. with the Jays in pursuit. later dashed across the clearing in a running tight just above the ground. No victim was seen in the BUzzard's. talons but observer is sure that all the young Jays were taken, in stages, because after two nights the Jays disappeared and no young were ever seen thereafter. ObservCl' also suspects that this pair of Buzzards also accounted for a nest of young Crows as none wel'e seen 10 leave the nest. E. M. LEE. During the cold weather of February a Buzzard. which carrier! oH a large hunk of bread. was amongst twenty-onc birds which came for food put out at Tvington. \1. BI·:NTLEy-TAYJ,oR. 011 June iFd hy a cross-roads between Llanbedr and Erwood a bird was seen carrying ,what appeared to be a black chick or small

Al Easthampton, Buzl.ard~ appeared to speud le,s time in slug­ gishness during winter and more in soaTing in spring'. They often fed on the after-birth of ewes lambing and on dead lambs, hut there was no evidenoe of live lambs being attacked. Also fed on carcases of Rooks which had been put on to fields, of newly planted .j.,rrain. DUTing the autumnuhere was a plague of ,field-mice and birds were noted· on Ihe stubbles during this period. T. R. A \I\ro'\I>S.

In late August obsencrsaw a Buzzard which appeared to be feeding on an old manure heap in the corner of a held - on exam­ ination oC the heap a Iar!/;e number of wood lice was found. G. S. T. DIG(;OI{\·. :\Janv obseners COlIllnent on the B·uuanls' ClIITent habit 01 spending'mllch time pCIT.hed Oil tClegTaph poles or on the gronnd.

TAWNY OWL On June 13th. with the aid of a torch and at d(>se range. ob­ server watched two y~mng birds fed by parents while perched on :l low branch in her orchard at E'ardisland. The parellts were stuffin,Q,' food down the youngsters' throats. E. TI"'i\IER.

KINCFISHER On :\ugusl 29th an adult was seen from observer's garden on the Teme at Leintwardine diving' and feeding 1ish to two YOllng. .\ ,fe\v day, later it wa, seen to bring ahsh to a bough. batter it to death on the boug-h and then. instead of feeding it to YOllng. the fish was dropped into ri\Tr so that voung had to stoop down on it. . .\..\. W. BF.ACII.

GREAT TIT D.E.R. reports Tits attacking hi, milk bottle lOpS. both card board and tinfoil, in Noyember and thinks this is the firsl ou:asioll Ilotediu Presteigne. although similar attacks were made ill KnighlOll l;ht vear. The only culprit seell lI'a, a Great Tit. R.H.B. record.' ,ame thing with hi, hottle, in same month at Kinglon for the hrsl I iml' but species of Tit nOI identihed. Immediatelv after the felling of a poplar tree at ThonJhlln obsen'er was shown a Great Tit's nest in it which cOlltained SC\TU­ teell eggs. Four only of these had been damaged 1n' the fall of tbe !Tee but not completely broken. It was interes,ting to note that the birds paid s.everal visits to the nest before the hranches were lopped oH' the trllnk. \Vhile thi, operation was -being- done the Iree agaiu shifted and the hirds made no further yisits. G. S. T. DI(;(;(w.Y.

~.. IIt:REFORllSHlRE OR"ITHOI.()GICi\I.CLl'I~ Rt·,PORT. Hl56 167

SONC-THRUSH At a cottage near Hoarwithy a 24-fool. long gutter along th~ piain end wall of it nms with a drop of perh.ips twelve inches t~ the front, where it joins the g'utter draining the front of the roor and whence water is led into a tank which constitutes the mail) water supply. In this sloping gutter across the cnd of the cottage a Thrush built its nest. It filled the gutter from the upper end for a length of some ten feet with grass, etc., and in the centre approxi­ match, placed some twigs across the three-inch gutter for a wider loundat,ioH for the ne,sl.

,\lthough fond of birds the cottage O\\'ner had to remove the Hest and grass so that the water supply could be maintained. The thrush. however, continued to earl)' on building in exactly the sa~e method allll it was not until the nest and grass had been removed six times that the bird gave up further building. There were normal nesting- sites in plenty anlUnd the cottage garden and neighbourhood.



On March {jth oue was watched trying to take a bath in the top of a cabbage afteJ' rain. A bowl of water was then taken out, of which the Rohin took immediate advantage. On April 13th one was singing- by street lighting al 2.30 a.m. and continued at intervals -of about a quarter of a minut'c for some twenty minutes longer. .



Ou September .!loth a flock of c. I r,o Starlings at Llan Bwch-llyn was seen mobbing one of a pair of Buzzards. They were soon joined hyanother flock of like n\l.lllher which joined forces with them. They then succeeded in driving away the Buzzard after forcing it to climb to a considerable height. Later a Hoek of c. soo Starlings. was seen repeatedh circling the Lake presumably before roosting there, S. \1. n. ALEXANDER,

YELLOW HAMMER On i\1av .~nl two birds were seen by Jad Rickard to mob' a "toal in tl~'lt ea.rly morning on the road between \Vellington and Dinmore Hill. per R. E. MILES, 168 HERF:FOR[}SHrR~: ORNITHOI.()(;rCAL C1.1'1I REPORT. HI!)!;


(lbe serial n umbcr~. 1l01llCndalUrc and order uscd below arc those used in tllt: .. Check-List of the Birds of Great Britain and Ireland," published by the Hritish Ornithologists' [:nion in W!)2. Paragraplk:, prefixes Hand R rdeI to Ikrefordshirc and Radnorshire t-espet.:­ tively.)

1. BLACK-THROA;rED DIVER. H. Februan 25th a singlt: bird lirsl secnon the Wye at Hampton Hishop by K.J.H. and D.H. It was la,sl seen on the following afternoon by R.B.B.. D.V.M.. K.A.M.. H.E-M.and otlu:r mellllxTs, (Utis i, onh Ihe third nx:ord for Ikrdordshir<:. En.).

.5. GREAT CRESTED' GREBE. H. S.hohdon. ~lan:h 71h three bird, present (B.E,~l.).' Hey April :lrd two ne>.ting pain w<~n' present. (K ..J.H.. D.H. and .fR.). .June I!)th IwO p..ir.s with voung (K ..J.H. and D.H.). Juue :mth Ollt: iUllllatlll'e only pre~enl (K.J.H. and C.W.\\'.). Sept. 21st thrn: (H.E-M.). Oct. 7th a pair in wintt~r plumage (D. B .. .J. V, and C.W.W.). 21st. one onlY (J.R.). July l:lthoue. thought 10 he all immatllrc; 011 Wve al flt.:refonl\K,,\.:\L). Sept. 2bt/25th a pair Oil tilt' I'emc hv ob,ern'r", garden at Leinlwardinc (A ..\.\\·, H.). R. 1.lan Hw(:h-lJyn Lake .\pril 22nd two pn:S(:1l1. .J Ullt' IHlh ;, pair with al It-ast two young plus a sing'k adult ~P.J.c.).

g. BLACK-NECKED GREBE. H. Last ~een 011 Janual") 2nd al Hampton I~i~hop hv K.J.H. ;\id(' antea !'Ijo. 5. p.125).

9. LITTLE GREBE. H. Jalluary ht fj\c SCCIl on Wye al. Hampton Hi'ihop U.R.) and lIlany were reponed along Wye _in .Jan./F'eb. March 4th on(~ 011 .\hlldc pool. Mnch l)ewchurch (K..J.B.). April !JIb a pair Shobdon (W.D.H.).Mav ht an adult with young ~e(~n on Alknslllon' Pool {G.G.L.). Iltb. a pair nesting on~JlJall pool ne;lr Elsdoll (F.S. H.). .\ pair 1I<:~ted ~uccessfuIly on a pex)1 al H()p(' I<:nd Estate (M .I'-S.). A pair hatched tW(> youllg from fi\e t:g-gs al .\ll<:nsll!on' (D.A.C.). :\m. hth sing-Ic bird Ihne (D.H.). R. Hindwdl PO~)1. Jan. :Wlh nine ~W.D.H.). "faITh lIth ~i'\ (R ..n.B.). April !)th a pair (W.D.II.). ()(-I. 12th <:. 12 tR.II.B.). Nm. 17th sallle (G.S.T.D.).

28. CORMORANT. 11. Bn:dwardinc Tul'llt'r'.~ I~oal sln:ldt of W\e Rqxn'(s frolll lIIall) ohst'ners indicate thal hirds fnxJlIell1 Ihi, stretch frolll 0<:1.. Jan. Near TUl"lwr's I\oal i" a favonrite rO/ht-ing' I ret' for SOIll(' fonrtel'n hirds. \ Ell.). I.U:REFORIlSIHRE ORNITIlOI.OGICAI. 1:1.1 il\ Rt:I'ORT. 1956 109

;~O. HERON. H. In S. Herdordshin: a pail' brought oil three young this season near observer"s house dnd she suspects that another pair also nested in Sa'lllt' general hl(:alitv. (En.). No IlL"Sts al 'I"yherton (D.H.). R. Abbey Cwmhir. Approximately 50 q,rgshells wen: found In observer during nesting season ullder heronry trees (D.G.).

45. MALLARD. H.. January ~nd l'. 100 at Lcltl)J) and Nov. 5th l'. 40 Shoh

46. TEAL. H. January 2nd live on Tylx'rton pool U.R.). 13th Lhin\ at Lcllon (C.W.W.). ~Hth [our Oil flood water at TiduOl' (K.A.\!.). \Iardl IHth at Iea,~t lifty at By'toIl (S.:M ..IL\.). Seell rcg;ularly during lir..t Iluartt:r of YI:ar at Ivington (M.B-T-). Alwavs a few to Ix: seen 011 "Vyc at 1...~lt()Il and nearer Hereford and at Tybt:rton up till mid·J\.larch and froIII Nov. 14th 011· wards (IHT.). April IsI Wigmore Ml101' l'. 25 (S.M.D.A.). 5th l'. ·10 (P.W.ll.). ,\pril Sth I'. 25 Ihtou (S.\UL\.). Nov. 5th eleven Shohdon \J.R.). R. On 12th sevcntet:n atl ,lvn Hilyn (R.lI.n.).

50. WICEON. H. \Iany ohservcrs have sent in detailed notes 1'1'0111 whidl it i, t~videnl that this species W;\S common on the \Vyt·­ during the first quarter of the year amounting to several hlJn­ dred hirds by about mid-January. Thereafte1' numbers dc· creased. saH~ [or c. lOO! 150 on March 18th. alll} tht, 1aSl recorded was on ,\pril (it'lJ on the Sink Green stretch (T.A.1',), Thev WlTe also reporll:{l from \\'igmore Motll·s. Rotbel'was and tht~ Lugg \lcadows am] Shohdon. For the last quarter I:. 2(} were reported at Shobdon on Nov. 5th (K.lH.. n.H. and J.R.). and c:. 150 at Letton Oil ))t~c. 18th (I'.A.F. and D.H.). R. rhincen 011 SLMichad's 1'001 Oil April l!ith were thong-hI to be all males ~:\.St. G.W.).

52. PINTAIL. H . .lanuan :\lst a male on Lugg Meadows "K.A.M.). April ~nd a male in flight at Shohdon (M.G.A.H. alld 1'."V.ll.).

53. SHOVELER. H. Jallua1'\ :!7th two at nylOn (W.D.H.). :nst. four or live nu Lngg' \kadow floods (K ..\.M.). \lardl l~th two male.s HylOn (S.\f.IL\.). \pril ~Ild a malt: Shobdon (M.G.A.H and I'.W.H.) and anotlwr at Hereford Sewage Wtl!'ks (C\\<·.W.). \lth a llIalt: at l\\lOn (W.D.H.. !'.J.H. alld D.Il.). Hhh a pail at Hampton Hishop ('1',\.1".). 56. TUFTED DUCI('. ·'H. Shobdou. Sen:lal obsencrs Iloled three or four birds froI'u' -jan. ilrd ollwards uutil only a pair .remained by April 29th (Ell.). A pair was lloted on the Wye during Fehruan at Fowuhope (E.M.1..). A male was seeu on the Wye in Hereford to.wn on Feb. 24th alld 26th (K.JH. and. D.H.). Thre<,' on ,Wye a'1 Hampton Park on 28th (RE.M.). During March on the Sink Green stretch of the 'Vye fifteen were seen on 10th. tenon 11th and four on 18th (T.A.F.). A female was noted at Shobdon on Nov. 5th (K.JH.. D.H. and JR.). One on 17th at Flintsham Pool (G.S.T.D.). and on Dee. 7th a party of c. 30 was seen (lll a roadside pool between Almelev and Eardisley (M. B-T). R. Hindwell PooL Jan. 2tith ,three pairs (W.D.H.). Feb. 26th four males and three females (C.S.T.D.). March 11th two males. 13th and 18th three males, 25th two birds. April 1st none (C.S.M.). Llan nwch-lIyn Lake. April 22nd five males and four females (R.H.H., and G.S,TD.). Sept., 30th nine birds (S.M.D.A.). During' April onc female present 011 RhiwPool (S.M.n.A. and T.R.A.).

57. POCHARD. H .. Jan. 16th five males Tvherlon iT.A.F.). Feb. 5th a male Shobdon (K.JH. and JR.). Hith two present ('V.D.H.). 26~h and 29th· two males alld three females Hampton Bishop (K.J.H.. D.V.M. and K.A.l\l.).l\tarch 7th three Shobdon (RE.M.). April 29th present (G.P.1..). Sink Green March J9th eight. 11th. t'wo.17th one, 18th duee (T.A.F.).Nov.17th two Flintsham Pool {R.H.B. and G.S.T.D.). R. HindwellPooL Jan. 2Gth onc female (W.D.H.). Feb. 26th e. 15 male and iten female (G.S.T.D.).

60. GOLDENEYE. H. Feb. 2Gth and 28th a male on \\'ye at Hamp­ ton Bishop (K.JH.. D.V.M. and K.A.M.). March 4th and 5th a female there (T.A.F.). R. Dee. 7th a party of four at western end of Cahall Coch Reservoir, EJallValley (Je.).

70. GOOSAND£R.Ji. LNton. Jan. 2nd ,five, :~rd one female, 9th five (TA.F.. K.J.H., D.H. and JR.). 13th four (C.W.W.). Dee 17th two pairs, olle male lRth (TA.F. and n.H.). April 29th two present at.SJlObdon (G.P.1..). R. Dee. 7th a male on Caban-Coch Reservoir, Elan Valley (J.G.). n. SHELD-DUCK.U. Jail. 29th four present 011 flooded Lower Lugg \Jeadows (C.J.B. and K.A.M.). JlI.'RFFO\{IlSHIRF OR1\ITHOLOGICAL CLUB RFPoRT, 1956 171

76. WHITiE-FRONTED COOSE. H. Lugg Meadows. Jan. 29th/30th two seen feeding on edge of Hoods (C.rB: and K.A.M.). Feb. 11th three immature birds (G.M.I.). Two birds (C.T.B.) Feh. 2nd and 25th Co 20 seen feeding neaT Mortim.er's Cross (per P.W.H.). The following records apply to unidentified grey geese: Jan. 29th, H in V .formation S.\V. ,of making towards Dinedor Hill (D.H. and J.R.). Feb. 28th and March 1st a par,ty of thirtv-fonr birds seen flying north-west.wards over Stoke Edit.h station at 7.20 a.m. and' 7.25 a.m. Presumably the same flock was observed returning at 9 a.UI.' on 1st (per \V.D.H.). March 2nd a Hock of sixteen flew over. Tupsley heading n01,th, westwards at 7 a.lll. (C.J.D. and K.A.~I.). March 4th flock of fifteen flew mer Hampton Bishop and Dinedor Hill (K ..J.H.) Flock of twenty-four followed by others numberin~' e. 100 seen flying north-eastwards over Kington (A.K.F.). Nm'. 20th c. :10 flying sonth over Eastharnpton (T.R.A.).

82. CANADA COOSE. H. April 15th three on Shohdon Pool (T.R.A.). 18th a pair on \"igmore ~Ioor (R.H.B. and P.W.H.). :30t1> a very . tame' bird on \Vye at Hereford between \"ye and Victoria IJpidges, (K ..J.H.). A pair with six goslings seen on a pool near Brampton Bryan in spring' (A;A.\V.B.). A flock of eight has heen seen on various occasions' later in the year in the Brampton Bryan area. These appear to· derive from the pair which first bred at Brampton Brvan Lake in HJ52 (vide ;1~ltea '52. '5:1. '54. '55). (C.W,W.).

84. MUTE SWAN. R. One of a pair alreadyhwoding on nest at Llindwell Pool on l\larch 11th. Probahlv oWlIIg to hnman int'erference the hirds suhsequenth changed their site and bred successfully (R.H.B.).

S5. WHOOPER SWAN. H. 1\larch 29th a partv 01' ten seen Hpng north-east over Baron's eTOSS road. LeomillSter. at 6.:30 p.m. Thev were in an ohlique line some 2/300 feet up and tbe whooping call was heard several times (S.M .D.A.). Dee. 19th/26th two birds reported at EywoodPool by Mrs. Pvc. Seen by several local observers who noted long necks. yellow bills and loud lI'hooping cal1s.

91. BUZZARD. H. Opinion seems to be somewhat divided in Herefordshire amongst members as to how this ,hiTd is faring thoug'h there seems to he little doubt that it is holding its 01111 ill RadnOlshire. In the north of the County. P.\V.H. says of the Bircher area that although he once saw nine hirds in flight on :\larch 18th within a distance of t\\'o miles. he C011­ siders that Buzzards are less cOlllmon than they lIerc. Three pairs nested lI'ithin one and a half .miles at LlIctOIl hilt nOllt ]72 HERI<:FORJ)SIUIU' ORSITIIOl.O(;IC:.\J. CI.nl REPORT. 1956

mcceed{~d in rearing any young. A fre~h lett'uce leaf found in one ne~l. In the Chapel :Fann area of Wigmore. I..B.R. -reports seven .resident hints but only onc young known to have been reared. 1\1'anv \\food-pigeon carcases at foot of tree. T.R.A. repon~ that a pair at Ea~thaIIl'pton repaired two old nest-·before occupying a third which contained two voung on JutW 18tl" One fully fledged voung in nest on July 2nd. Thought other young,ler might ha\'{~ been eaten as no sign of one falling from nest. Another pair also reared only one voung. Southwards D.A.C. report~ them as being commonly seen hy him a1'ound his practice centJ1ed in Kingstone but not:' in such number,; as bdore ulyxomatosis. C..J.R. says there is'­ a noticeable dedin{' ill the l.ugwardin{' a·rea. See abo uncleI' Ikhaviour Notes, pp. Hi5 and Hili. to'!. HOBBY. H. junt, 20th a pail' seen and heard <:aJling in a wood in central Herefordshire wher(' the\' have now bred for some veal's (C.\\'.W.).A pail' was seen on several occasion~. during !\la\' ill North Herefordshire. the nest was ('stablished at the top of a very tall Hlflifer Oil Junc 2nd (R.H.B. and ".'V.H.). On August 5th onc down covered chick was seen 011 edge of nest (P.\Y.H.) and twu were seen on 18th W.W.H. and B.E.M.). By 25th there was no sign of young' in nest but behaviour of parents indi<:at.ed that the\' were ill vicinity (P.W.H.. C..'fM. and C.W.W.). ' lOfi. PEREGRINE FALCON. H. '\larch :101.h a sing'le female. w}ikh fiew over Bradnor Hill. KingwlI. was ,;ecn to swop in charac­ teristic fashioll on SOllle llJlSeen object hefore flying off (S.1\l.D.A.). !\-{;ay 5th a sirlgle hird seen hy several memhers fly­ ing high and eastwards at Club outing at Hope End. R. Raduor Forest April 20th l'WO single hirds seen at interval ()f forty minutes OVCI' a 'alley (M.G.A.H. and P.W.H.). May lath a pair SL'CII in same valle, (R.H.B.. ".'''.H.. C.S.M. and R.I.'\oI.). A.pril 21st a cliff e\Tie visited which contained one egg (G. '\1.1. and M.].\\'.). 107. MERLIN. H. Feh. 15th onc seen Hying low over stnhhles where finches were feeding at Bridg'C Sollers (CW.W.). R. Radnor Forest ,March 18th a single hiI'd (G.M.1.). April 21st a single male. This hiI'd proved to he one of a pair nest­ ing at lhelop .of a larch in an old CarrioJl Cl'Ow's nest which on '\(;1\ l:31h had two eggs in it ,md fi"e Oil 21st and 30th. Four well-developed young 011 Juh 7th (ohservat'ioJlS covered Il\ R.H.H.. F.S.n.. ].1\f.H.. P.W.B.. G.'\I.1.. C.S.1\f.. RJ.M. and '\1..1.\\'.). A second pair nestcd in an old Buzzard's nest. also at the top of a larch, which was used in 1954. Nest contained two cgg- 011 May 21lst but was not re.inspected (G.1\I.1. a,lId '\I ..J.\\'.). July ~~nd two adults. probably from nest :-';0. 1. ob­ served for half all hour during which tiult' the' chased a kestrel through t rtTS. One binl alighted sOlJle len \anls from observer and captured a moth. ,\ third se("1I at lOp of. next valley. July 2Bth, an adlllt S('-ell in a different an'a where ohserver was told ,en reliahh that four were present (r.R.. \.).

Ill. RED GROUSE. R. Four Radllor Forest ~1archlRth {C.\!.I.). Six flushed on l\ewcllllrch Hill. April 28tll(R.H.B.) and a nest of eight eggs fOUlld on :~Oth on 8rondf(~-fa,wr hill (D.G.). Ha. BLACK GROUSE. R. Oc1.. ~1st a mak- seen on east side of \"aull .\1arleg no\ far fl'Om w}wre a hen was seen ill 1!l!).') (D.(;.).

L15. RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE. H ..\pril -!th and Sth two and four birds seen at Yarkhill (W.D.H.). ~ray 2nd OIIC' on Lugg \leadow (T.A.F.). 13th. two at HaJnpton Park (H.E..\£.). June 3rd one near Hampton Bishop (C.\".W.). 4th/10th one pair below 11pper CoJwall (CP.T.). Hith. onl~ found sitting on nest of ten eggs. On Juh 7th three eggs remained among'st hatched shells (M. P-S.). i\ covey of about eight birds at Staunton·on-Arrow in autumll (J.\V.). l\OIlt.' HJported Lucton-Bircher area for scomd veal' running (P.W.H.).

116. PARTRIDGE. H. Population has decreased during last few ,cars ill \riglllor('~ area. Two pairs S('l'lI earh in ,car hut no mnllgseen (I.. B. R.). Sce aIso a rticll' Oil p. Hi~.

117. QUAIL. H, Olle seell al By tOil Oil .Ill11e 24th (D.W.). 120. WATER-RAIL. H. \larch IHth olle well viewed at Hereford Sewag'e Works (1.\1.). 27th. a dead hird picked up on side of Behnollt Road (I\..JH. alld D.H.).

1~5. CORNCRAKE. H. Heard OIl Richard's Castle 011 April ISth and M a \" 6t h 0111, (LC.\'.S.). Oue was heard call iug h) several ohser\ers Ileal' 1I pper Hergest durillg the last week of June­ alld Oil Juh 2nd alld 5th O.J.).

126. MOORHEN. H. For first ti,me III thin, \'ears nOlle seell OIl Richard's Castle (C.C.V.S.). ,,­ 1-I. COOT. H. Shohdon. Feb. 5th. c. H5 (h.J.H.). 16th (', 50 (W.n.H.). 'larch 7th c. 50/100 (B.E.M.).\pril ~lId c. ;~5 (P.W.H.). :\pril Sth c. -!o (S.M.D.A.). Jo'eh. 29th. 4~ OIl W\t' at Hampton Bishop (C.W.'V.). \larch 17th mosth gone froIn Hampton Park (B.E.M.). R. UYIl Hil\Il. ;\1arch :~Oth to April 5th three (R.H.H. and W.D.H.). 15th two pairs (S.1\1.D.A.). June ll:ith tlVO pairs. one with youn~ (P.J.C.). Juh 11th one paiT with five well grown 174 HERJ<:FORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CU;B RF:PORT, 1956

young (R.H.R);June 17th nine adults, three with young, at pool near St. Michael's Pool and at least two pairs, both with young, on Llan BiWch-llyn Lake on 19th (P.J.C.).

133. LAPWINC. H. Jan. 10th/11th flock of e. 50 near Y

140. COLDEN PLOVER. H. March 6th sixteen Lugg Mcadows, some in summer plumag;e ('V.D.H.). R. April 9th ouc in summer plumage seen on Newchur,ch Hill (R.H.B). (A)) identifiable birds of southern race. En.).

148. WOODCOCK. H. Feb. 21st one seen at Bircher (M.G.A.H.). March 18th one By ton (S.M.D.A.). :30th one flushed from bracken Bradnor Hill, Kington (S.il\J.D.A.). A pair seen at Lucton on several occasions during May; no eviden~e of. breed­ ing observed (P.'V.H.). Birds seen all year round at Chapel Farm, 'Vigmore, but breeding not proved (L.B.R.). Oct :31sl single bird flew over observer's house at Kington at dusk (R.H.B.).

150. CURLEW. H. From thc numcrous notes received it is evident that the main influx took place during the first tcn days of .\Iarch. By the 14th and 15th of that month a flock of sevellly­ seven birds was counted on the river meadows at Lcintwardine (L.B.R.). The more uuusual dates arc Jan. 30th two on Lugg :\Ieadow floods (K.A.~I.). Nov. 15th onc seen f1ving nonh­ eastwards over B,radnor Hill, Kington. at 7.15 a.m. (per R.H.B.). At Chapel Farm, 'Vigmore, one was heard ca))ing at 12.15 a.lll. on Dee. 7th and five seen flying westwards on 2l:ith (L.B.R.). Single birds were also reported in the Mortimer', Cross area once in January and once in early Februarv. Breed­ ing in the Lucton-B.ircher area was late but up to average strength (P.W.H.). HER~:FOR()SH1RE ORMTHOLOC;ICAL CLCIl RI·:PORT. IH56 17fl

R. Started flocking in the Rhayader area Oll June 14th when a Hock of fifteen was seen (D.G.). Nov. 4th one seen flying ovel the hill from Painscastle to Rhosgnch (A. Bk). 18th someheartl caUing at Rhosgoch (H.l\LS.). 156. GREE'N SAN,DPIPER. H. Jan. Gth single at Lettoll U.R.). Hth one on a shingle bank of \Vye near Turner's Boat (K.J.H.• D.H. and J.R.). Feb. 28th one flushed from bank of Lugg below Hereford (K.A.M.). March 12th one seen at the Old Weir. Hereford (KB.) and again at same place on ApTil 8th (H.H.B.) Dee. 8th one just above Luggbridge. Hereford (C.W.W.). 17th one Letton (T.A.F.). 159. COMMON SANDPIPER. H. Jan. 7th one on Wye al Hamptoll Bishop (C.W.W.). April Hth two Hampton Bishop (JR.). 11th Staunton-on-Arrow (J.M.B.). 15th two by Lugg Mill., (T.A.F.). 17th onc on Wye near Belmont Woods (D.H., J.R.). 18th one on Lugg near l\Iortimer's Cross where a pair bred ill area though nest not found (,P.\V.l-I.). 22nd pair 011 Wye at Belmont (K.J.H., D.H. and J.R.). One seen on Lugg at Kings­ land cnd of April (S.l\1.D.A.). May 4th two on Lugg near Lug· w,[rdine (K.A.M.). 20th noted on Teme at Burrington IF.eLM.) 27th a nest of three eggs near Leintwardine (G. M.I.). J uh 23rd Olle by Lugg near Hereford (C.W.W.). Sept. Gth three on Wye at Hereford (T.A.F.). Oct. 10th onc on Wye below Turner's Boat (R.H.B. and J.E.A.D.). R. April 17th onc at Penybont ~A.St.G.W.). 24th onc Claer­ wen Reservoir (W.D.H.). May 21st one Uyn Hilyn (G.M.I.). June Hth nest of four eg1gs on Afon Marteg; fOlllld destroyed by cattle next day and a secOIld nest with three e!!ig's found (D.G.). 1(H. REDSHANK. H. Wigmore. April 1st ten (S.M.D.A.). thereafter maximum two pairs for rest of month (by several ohsen-crs). a nest of four eg'g's found 4th by M ..G.A.H. and P.W.H. R. Uyn Hilyn. A pair. first noted on l\farch 30th. stayed till April 22nd at least and JIlay have bred. On 18th June four birds were feeding there hut Hew off while obs6ver was search­ ing for young Lapwing (P.J.C.). April 14th a pair on Litton Hill and three at SI. J\,tichael's Pool (A.St.G.W.). June 17th a pair near above Pool but did 110t give observer impressioll that thev were breeding (P..J.C.). 17S. DUNLIN. H. Sept. 30th a part\ of tell seel1 on KillgtolJ Goli Course (A.K.F.). HH LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. H. Hereford Sewage Work-. Feb. 2nd two (B.E.l\I.). August 11th a pair and odd ones elm· ing September and October (D.H.). Jan. 28th three in Hig'ht over Hampton Bishop (K.A.l\f.). -March 20th two Hying north· 171; 11 EREFOIWSIIIIU: ORNITIIOJ.OWCAJ. UXII R}:PORT, 1956

cast over Bin'hel' .Uld 2ht two over Lustoll going northwards <"LG.A.H.). 2ht two Hying lwrthwest over Baron', Cross, Leolllinsu'\'

201. .COMMON GULL. H. Jan. 2!1th many hundreds 011 Lower Lugg valley floods

208. BLACK-HEADED GULL. H. Some 25/80 pairs nested on a small pool near Title) station. This small guller\' is reported to be about three years old now (F.S.B.) Observer noticed in 1955 I that birds were interested in thc marsh at The Weston. Bred­ wardine. and this vcar there are over thirtv nests. Some of the swamp appears to have been dug' out and there is more open \ water there now (H.A.G.). On June 24th observer noted birds breeding snccessfullv on the \"eston Marsh and estimated well over 100 birds ;presellt (RB.). Jan. 30th seen in wme numbers, with Common Gulk on Lugg Meadow floods (K.A.M.). Feb. 211d <. 300 preselll at Hereford Sewage \Vorks (RE.M,). ",,'ig-more :\fOO1. Althongh c 40 were present April 5th there \\'ere onh three or four there ou 18th. In 1955 birds attempted Ilt'Rl",HIRllSllIRF OR~I'I'IIllI.(l(;ll:\1 <:1.\: K REPORT, IHrlli 177

lIe~ting but Wen' flooded out; there appcan 10 han' h"en nO' attempt LO ('oloniM' the moor this year (P.\V.H.). R. ;\by 19th ('. 750 pain estimated to bc at RhoSlguch b\ .\1. A. Wright and observer thougil there appeared to he k~s wheq Ill' rnisited area on JUIll' 20th (1'.J.e.). Two nestling~ ringed by ohserver on nhis ground on JIllle 17th wcre found (a) dying some tif.ty miles to the north at Monla near Oswestry on Aug. 17th and (b) dead about l(jfi miles E.S.E. at \lOll' .Park near Maid~tone on Sept. 10th (S.M.D.A.). June 17th ('. 2fiO pairs at pool near St. Mkhael's Pool. Mally not bn'eding or had been rohbed. There were at lea~t thirty dead adult~ around pool several of wlJich ~howed no sign 1,)1' extemal injury (p..J.e.). I.lanwefr Pool. April 2ht ('. 250 pair~ prt'M,m. Fivc nes·ts dutch three, eight nests dutch twl,) and eight nests dutch one. June Hith r. 250/275 pairs pH~SeJlt in addition to a further '484 bird~ in .surrounding grass or in lIight. Raining at time and no young seen (p.].c.). Rhiw Pool twelvc plus present during hreeding season as in previous vcars hut 110 proof of nesting (G .1\1.1.). 2,14. WHISKERED TERN. R. April 21st onc was first seen 1)\ (;.C.L. on l.1an Bwch:'1hn Lake at noon. Aher watching it for ahout an hour in flight he contacted A.Bk. who. wit'h H.,\I.S., saw it ,that evening. On 22nd (;.S.T.D. and ohserver watched it h'om 11.05 uutil about uoon. Ven good views were obtaiued at fOri V yards I:ange when it perched ou a dead tree ou tht, south ~ide of the lake. It was about the size o[ a Black Tern with_,a ~iU1ilar hUOl'al1t flight. nIack cap. white lower cheeks and chin. Hack and upper plmnage smokY frel1ch grey. very slightlv darker 011 back and shoulders titan ou rest of wing·s. 'Vhole­ bodv black. Tail slig'htly forked aud ~hort Bill aud leg's dull rich recl-It was uot ~ell bv B.E.:\J. and C.\\'_'V. when the'\' an-ived that afternoon (R.B.B.). (This is the first record for W.tle~ amI the twent\-sixth for the Rriti~h Isles. See III-irish Birds, Yol. 1. p. 121. Ell.). 217. COMMON TERN. H. Sept. 1st onc watched at dose qual·ter" as it flew up aud down the \\'ve at Lugg confluence. Apart from slight appearance .of white on head it was in tvpied summer plumage and bill·colour (C.W."T.). R. Sept. 7th an immature hiI'd kept beating across Llyn Hilvn pool dnrinl\' aftel11001l. occasionalh-' alighting on old Coot', ncst in middle ()[ pool. Black hilI showed l'ed at base partkn­ larh on lower mandible. Tail well forked hUI did not appear to extend bcV'ond wings II'heu at rest. Black line on leading edge of wing iu flight formed a hlack patch when hird at rest (R.H.B.). (This is the first definite record 1'01' the County, En.), 178 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL eLl'I! REPORT, 1956

217/ COMMON/ARCTIC TERN. H. A single hird seen feeding daily 218 on the Medlands pool, Staunton-on-AlTow. from July 28th \0 August (lth (per J.~J.B.). R. August 2nd a sing'le bird al Milton Mill. M,ichadchurch (C.L.P.). 222. LITTLE TERN. R. July 29th one watched at ranges down to ten yards at Erwood as it Hew up and down both banks of the Wyc (H.l\LS.). (The only other record for Radnorshire is of one picked up . near Knig'hton on Sept. 23rd, 1915. Eo.). 235. TURTLE-DOVE. H. May :kd Eardisland (E.T.). -lth StaunlOn­ on-AlTow O.M.B.). 10th Hereford (C.W.W.). 19th Hoarwitln (W.A.E.). June -lth/10 a pair Colwall area (C.P.T.). (jth Monk­ land (W.D.H.). 10th Behnont (K.J.H.). 17th three at Cockshoot H ill on telegraph wires (C.J.B.). August 12th Sink Green (T.A.F. and D.H.). Sept. 18th two Behnont (K.J.H.). Noted during breeding season at Hope End and Mathon (M.P-S.). Odd birds ~seen around Kingstone but not so numerous as in 1955 (D.A.C.). Pairs bred at Bircher and Yarpolc. also seen in Jnne and July at Lucton (p.'V.H.). Several on Chapel Farm. Wigmore. aU summer (L.B.R.). R. .\lay 20th six plus seen and several others heard in the plantations about Rhiw Pool (C. l\L I.). 237. CUCKOO. H. April 11th Hereford (M.B.C.). Bulk of first records l-lth/22nd. Last heard June 25th (C.W.W.). Last adult seen Sept. 8th Birley (C.W.W.). ,l\lay 5th six birds seen together at Hope End ,'LP-S.). May 20th one heard to call distinctlY three times at 11.15 p.m. on dear moonlight night (F.C.M.). R. On May 15th a M'eadow Pipit's nest was found OIl the 1350ft. contour at Ireland. It contained three pipit's eggs and one cuckoo·s. On 27th young cuckoo was aboutt:wenty-fOlIl hours old and had ejected the pipit's eggs. On June 9th it was found dead in nest well feathered and noa:pparellt cause for death (Vide Bird Stud)', Vol.· 3. No. 2. p. 131) (A. Bk. and H.~r.S.).

2-l1. BARN-OWL. H. During middle of January one could be "cell hunting in daylight over marsh near H ulltington lurn off King-ton-Brille\' road (E.S.L.). Jan. 2(jth one bird LeuolI !W.D.H.). Feb. 11th one near Hereford (C.l\!.!.). 1\Iarch 25th onc Bodenham and 26th onc Tanington ('V.D.H.). April 181h one bird nine milcs west of Hereford on Hay road (B.E..\I.). Up till cad\' ~Ia\' single birds noted at Hampton Bishop. Holme Lac\'. 'Vithington. 'Vinfarton and 'Iamel Lac\' (E.l\I.L). One pair resident Chapel Farm. Wigmore (LB.R.). 'Iuch scarcer this year in middle and west of COllnt\' ,'·V.D.H.). /II':IU:FOIWSIIIIH: OR:\/TIIOI.O(;/C,\I. C1.!'/\ REPORT, IH5(; 17!f

2-1-(.). LITTLE OWL. H. Jail. 25th one Hampton Park (K.J.H.). liel>. 18th olle near Peterohurch (R.E.M.). ~Iarch 15th One Hope­ under-Diumore (W.D.H.). April 7th one Hampton Bishop (R.E.M.) and one TidnDr (K.J.H.). 25th one at Hig-hwood. Bircher (M.G.A.H.). May 7th onh one pair nesting at Fown­ hope this year against two pairs last year. One adplt and two fully fledged young were killed by cars last sUlIlmer (E.M.L.). FrequentlY seen during first quarter of year: five .. counted in one day hetween King'stoneand \\70rll/esley (D.A.C.). Nov. 26th two at Easthampton which remained till end of year (f.R.A.). None seen Chapel Farm (L.H.R.). This species appeared less comrtlon this year; one onlY seen in Bin'h~r Common area. although a pair reported hreeding near Yarpo1e (P.\V.H.). Distincth scarcer this year in west and centre of county (W.D.H.). 248. LONG-£ARED OWL. R. A pair which nested in a larch in Radnor Forest had four eggs on April 21:<1. one of which sub­ sequentlv proved to be addled. Three young were reared. One parent and two young were lastseell on the wing hy F.S.B. and ].M.B. on May aOth (R.H.B.. P.W.H.. G.M.\.. R.I.M.. C.S.M. andM.J.W.). May 20th one seen near Rhiw Pool \G.M.I. and M.].\\'.). Another pair brought oH three vOllllg from four egg:s in the Red Lion Hill area (D.G.).

24H. SHORT-EARED OWL. R. Waun Marteg. On April 4th. one bird was seen and a nest of fonr egg's was found on the Hth in dense molinia grass nuder a two-foot high Norwav spruce. An adult was flushed oH the nest on thc' 12th which contained a dead vole in addition to the eggs. It rained all the next day and on the 14th the nest was empty and deserted. Suhsequently not less than two pairs nested successfully in this area and a single hird was seen frequenth' on a hillside near Pantydwr and sus­ pected of nesting'. The young birds in the WaunMarteg area remained apparenth unable to flv for several weeks hut moved. or were 1I10ved. up to :~OO yards evcn twenty-four hours (D.G.). (This is the first definite breeding- record for thc County. Ell.).

252. NIGHTJAR. H. Julv 7th scrape seen with two eggs at Lucton; whether successfulv hred is not known (P.\V.H.). Several seen during summer at \Vigmore (L.B.R.).

:255. SWIFT. H. Earliest date\pril 2Hth three localities (Eo.). Birds seell almost dailY at Hereford until Septemher 11th (C.\V.\V.). 2Gl. HOOPOE. H. During April Mrs. Baker reported seeing a bird at Elsdon bllt it did stay. April 2:1j:lO a bird spent this period frequenting- the grollnds 01' Sarnes.fie1rl Court and Crang'(' where UW HERH'ORnsIIIRt: OKNrfHOLOGIC.... 1. 1:1.1'1\ RI·:I'ORT. W!)6

it wa1'i seclI ou scvt:ral occaliious hy Mr. and Miss MarshaII arid two otllt:r observers. Ma} 5th a single hird llll~hcd off the Title)! Prt~stcigue road about a lllile sonth-cast of Rodd. Crest and tt:'lI'a-like marking:s wdl se(~n f\lr. and 1\lrs. J. Jones). 18th singk at Whitcwclls.Much Hirch. ",c(:n hv Commander and \In. R.W. Anstin:, 21st onc seen iu ohseners' garden at 'l\Io111ifonl (Mr. and \lrs: A. J. Hollaud). R. .\pril l:hh ohscnet' alld wife saw a· ~ingk hiI'd near the road af POIH-ar-Elan (\LS.). 15th. one seeu by Craig Goch Reservoir feeding-by roadside. It reUlain(~l in lo(:ality Eor sc.~veral daY'S aud other I~oplc came to s'ce it (S. \V .). .\ pair seen at the lowest (him in th(' El.all Vallev Rescrvoir during the second half of April (Tlti' lV/1st/'m Mail of 8j5/5tl p(~r G.C.5.1.). (As these hirds wcre all St:en ill a fairly n:stric'led area within ahoul a week or so it is pmhabk Ihal oulv two hirds wert: pn:selll. En.). 262. GREEN WOODPECKER. H. DcI'. 20th all iUIJllatuu' bird 1'O<'ell on ohservcr\ lawu at Tarriuglou had (1)(0 iris pale and the other dark (\V.IUL). 264. LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER. 11. March 2!)th heard calling and drulllming at Eanlisland hili 1I0t uOll:d again till Octobcl' Wth (E.T.).\pril Uhh single Killgton Churchprd (R.H.B.). \1,1\ 21st a male "'cn at Avleslone Hill. Ikreford. where birds nc,ied and voung' fkw from lIesl in a dead apple tree on .I unto ~lth. III sallle ITIT al ,allle tinlc was a 'Iarlill~'s nest with seol\1d dlllch of e~g;s 1,C.\\'.\\'.). One seen in observer's gal'dt."ll at Hoarwitln ill earl\ Juh (\\'..\.F.). <)ct. Hth otiC seen searchinj!; hell~l'1ol1' al Lug·g-vak. Hen:fonl (C.W.W.). A pair hre

272. SKYLARK. 11. Oil Jan. 2Hth in mild weather for lilll(: 01 V(:;l1 Oil" heard in full sOllg 011 Birchcr Conunon (1'.\\'.11.). Sec art ide Oil p. lH2. 274. SWALLOW. 11. Firsl ;lI'Iin'd Kingtoll .\pri! Hth d.\1.B.). '111e hrn:dillg ,easOIl judging 11\ many n'pon, ,cellh to ha\(.' heen a poor one. \lam lale dates include On. 2Hth. four al \Iorllifonl (<:'\\'.\\'.). :\1,1 olle al lIen-ford T .. \.F.). :\ov. 1-1 and 211d one hawking round Killg-1011 Chlmh~anl. lilh two young' hi,'d, sUlllling Ihellhl'!\I" Oil a willdow-kdgr Oil Dr. I>nland's hou~' al Killg-loII. Onh Ol\(' seell 11I1 71h aull la,'t ,('('1\ !llh. 11 i, '11,· P(TI<'d Ihar I",rh iliav have died (R.II.B.). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNlTHOJ.OGIC,\L CLl!1\ REPORT. W5li IS 1

276. HOUSE-MARTIN. H. On April 12th and l:lth a pair came to prospect old nesting sites at Hall Mote, \Voonton. but made off towards the Wye (A.P.J.H.). Oet. 2i"t flock at Hereford (C.W.W,).

277. SAND-MARTIN. H. March 27th OIlC at ROlherwas (T,A.F.).

279, RAVEN. H. Ne'sting. A pair brought off (WO young at the top of a tall ScOts pine near Be1mont (D.H. and JR.). A pair nested in all oak in the Mathon area and two v hampton (T.R.A.). 281. HOODED CROW. H. Man:h 15th one .seen consorting with some Rooks on past,wre near Leintwardine Vicarage (M. B.). (Although occasionally reported. the last puhlished record wa' in .July 1921. En).

283. JACKDAW. n. April Htll the same cream m!oured variant Wii" present in and around same fields at AUeusTl\ol'e (vide :"in. rl. p. 139) (D.A.C.).

293. WILLOW-TIT. H. June 4th/10th lward bUl not 'et'Tl Upper ColwalI where they bred thret~ years ago (C.P.T.). R. .J une 20th a pail' with youug Oil east side or Rhmg"oeh and a sc<'ond pair Oil wesl edge of ground (P..J.<:.). 294. LONC-TAILE'D TIT. H. Widely reported and higgest fhx:k.... were up to twelllyat Wellington (J.L.C.). and a pal'lv of l'welve seen feeding on spindle tree helTi'c" on Bee 27th (f.R.A.), 302. FIELDFARE. El. May IsI. floek al LlIg'g \leadem (C.W.W.). Sept. Wth fiN IH)ted at EaSlchamplOu (f.R.A.). Three birds allowed approach to within tell \;ml, in Fdll'llan \\;JthoUl being disturbed (L.B.R.). R. April 15th, Hock of 150 175 Llyn H ilvn ~S.'I.J).A.). 307. RINC-OUZEL. H. .M;weh :lOth two. 1'i'l'slIlHcd to be a pair. wt/n' disturhed on west face of Bradnor Hill. King'ton, alld tlew to a lttunted hush where the whill' bib aud gTcvish fc;tthl'l" of dosed wing of male OH/Id Ix' ,('CII. HOIh wen' \{'l'\ sin and flew off on closer appma~:h (S.M.IL\,). 11012 IH:RJo:FOKIlSIIIIU: OIOdTlIOI.()(;JCAI.' <:I.CII Rt:I'ORT. 195(;

R. Radnor Fore,,!. April 21st three sing-le males. Ma~ 21st a male seen mohbing a Buzzard perched OIl heather. :~Oth single male. June 17th a small party of six/seven birds including juveniles. Aug'ust 24th one male. (Same observers as for Merlin.)

:10101. BLACKBIRD. H. 1" eh. 11155j March 195(j a pied bird. l'ather like a Ring-Ouzel. seen at Dormington Churchyard ('V.D.H.). Dee. 23rd at Hereford Cemeten observer watched. for some twenty minute.s • a male that was completely white save for ahout three hlackspecks on each wing (\V.H.M.).

:Hl. WHEATEAR. H. March :~1st Easthampton (T.R.A.). April 10th a pair Kington (R.H.B.). 11th one Tidnor (T.A.V.). Two l.ugg Meadows (K.A.l\L). 15th pair Hereford Sewage Works (1.M.). Three In \\lve. Hampton Park (K.A.l\I.). 28th tenWigmore (Cluh (}llting). :~Oth. female Lugg Meadows (C.J.B.). ] uly 23rd one tipper l.ugg !v[eadnws (P.W.H.). Sept. lith three Belmont (T.A.F.). A pair ne.sted Oil Chapel Farm, Wigmore (L.B.R.). R. April 21st seven plus near Llanwd'r Pool (G.M.I. and .:\I../.W.). :\[llch scarcer than usual this veal' ~R.H.B.).

:UH. WHINCHAT. H. April 15th two In l.ugg Bridge (T.A.F.). 21st a male Be1mont (K.J.H. amI J.R.). 28th six Wigmore (Club Outing). Rareh seen this veal' and formerlv common Kington alld Radnorshire (R.H.B.).

:tw. RfJDSTART. Had a ven good season andwide1v reported in hoth counties. Ell.

:121. BLACK REDSTART. H. Sept. 20th a male seen near hington (:\1.B-T.). Nov. 12th a male seen about Longmeadow House, Hereford (H.H.B.).

:122. NIGHTINGALE. H. Mav Hth j June Wth a male in song near Mat!lon and last heard to call on August 1Hth (M. P-S.). 10th \Vormhridge (C.C.L.). 18th one at Wellington Hill heard' for about fou.rteen days (J.L.c.). 21st several male., in song \Vool­ hope (W.n.H.). 30th Checklev and Fownhope (B.E.M.). June 4th j 10th two in song Colwall area (C.P.T.). 22nd two seen Haugh Wood (E.W.n. and T.A.F.). Two heard singing by Mrs. :\1. Laird during J lllll' at Birle\' where never heard before (per C.W.W.).

:\~;'i., ROBIN. H. During autumn at Vasllramplon nine were counted ;\> being in .,ong at once around the farm buildings (T. R.A.). HEREFORIISIURE OR"rTHOI.OGICAL CLU\ REPORT. 195H 183

327. GRASSHOPPER-WARBLER. H. May 2nd very dose view:; of a pair at Haugh Wood (K.J.H.). June 2(jr!l one in song in It feUed wood near Tidnor (K ..\.,i\I.). (.\ characteristic hreeding" site for this species. Ell.) R. "lay 20th. Rhosgoch. Onc closely observed by Club mem­ bers. June 21st two singing 'at Prysgduon Tack. ;\lest of :;ix eggs found there on August !Jth and contained five young and onc egg hatching on 13th (D.G.). At Ireland a male was heard in sflng in litre evening and it was seen again al same spot on August !Jth il11d :Hst. and another' was put lip some 150 vaf(l~ away which retllrlled towards original site. Later twO more were flushed but light was so poor by then that it was nor po~­ sible to distingllish whether they were fledged birds or no!. Obsener thinks it possible that a late nest was hatched Ihere (H.i\I.S.). (Normal nesting period May and June. Ell.).

;~33. REED-WARBLER. H. Two nests each containing four eggs fonnd on Jline :lOth in north of countv (K ..J.H. and C.\\'.\\1 .). Last uOled Sep!. 8th (C.W.W.).

3;~-I. MARSH-WARBLER. H. July 2ud a cock seen aud heard giving snatches of song close to where a pair of Sedge-\Varblcrs was uesting near Ross-ou-\Yye. It was resented and chased by Illale Sedge-\VaTbler. Obsel'Yer could find no evidence that it had a mate or nest and it Ivas 1I0t foulld 011 suhsequent v'isit s (C.\V. \\'.),

3;37. SEDGE-WARBLeR. H. I~irds noted at following places wherc breeding did. or possibly did. take place at \Veston Marsh, Bredwardinc (B. B.).. near Titley Station (F. S. H.). ShohdolJ (K ..J.H.) and Byron \1001' (W.D.H.). R. Rhosgoch. two singing males on June 20th (l'.J.C.). ;~4;~. BLACKCAP. H. .I an. lith /15th a male seen daily in g'ardcII of Beechnut Cotlag·e. 'Vhitchmch-on-\\'ye. by 1\lrs. ;\l. Atteridge (pcI' C.W.W.). Since Dee. 21st at Lllgwardine until Jan. 11th a female has been a regular V'i,itor to observer's hird-tahle. ;u1<1 a male less frequently. mostly on cold days. and last seen 011 Jan. 8th. ln57 (DJ. B.).

:34G. GARDEN-WARBLER. H. Widely reporlnl ill lIorth and e;hl Latest date Sept. 24th Hereford (C.vY.W.).

8-17. WHITETHROAT. H. Greatest lIumher c. 10 pairs at Hereford <;ewage Works on \Iay 10th (B,E.1\I.). Latest date Sep!. '-I11l Eardisland (C.W.W.).

848. LESSER WHITETHROAT. H. \laY lith hington (M.B-T.) alld 7th Kington (J.\1. B.), August litl{ a late nest with fullv fledged young at Easthampton (T.R.A.). No other reports. IS..\ !H:RF.FOIU..... nm.t·. OR:-; ITIIOI.()(;IC\1. CUll REPORT. Hl5li

:\:1..\. WILLOW WARBLER. H. Firsl datc April Rth Fasthampton­ (T.R.A.).

:til;. CHIFFCHAFF. H. First date ;\Iarch 24th Hope Elld (\I.P-S.). III sOllg Oct. :)rd/5~h Hampton Park (B.E.M.). R. In song April 5th I'enccrrig (D.G.).

:3;)7. WOOD-WARBLER. H. Bred Birchn (p.\V.H.). Colwall «(;,1'.1.'.) and Richard's (:a~tle (G.:\1.1. alld \1.J.W.). April 21st two seen Haugh Wood (E.W.n. ami TA.F.). June 17th prerent Ridg'e \Vood (<:.J.B.). CO;lJIlllonl'l' this veal' Lunon~-·Bircher area (P.W.H.).

:ll;ti. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. H. First date April 22nd Tarrington (\V.D.H.). Fourteen sucn:ssful nests found in walls and build­ ings in Colwall area (M. P-S.).

:\liR. PIED FLYCATCHER. H. April 2Sth a male Wigmore Moor (Club, Outing), 29th Lipole (T.R.A.). May 6th a male seen to enter a knot-bolt: ill a chestnut at Richard's Castle (G.M.l. and \I..J.W.). 27th. it nest with two eggs at Ling-en ((;.:\1.1.). A pair nested on Chapel Fam.. Wigmore (L. B, R.). A pair nested in s;unc place at Lucton (anica No. 4, pp. 104 and No. 5. pp. 142). Two pain; hred at B-ircher ,md t\\Oo other males seen during .June (P.\V.H.). June 12th one seell in obsen'er's garden at Fownhope. prohaihly 011 migration. Never recorded hefol'e (E.\r.L.).. R. A pair which at-i-ived 011 \lay 2nd hred successfulh in a nesting box at Pencerrig. Seven daYs elapsed between the lay­ ing of first and second eggs. after which laying was normal (D.G.). Present. as usual. Water-hreak-its-neck (G.\1.1.).

:\7:).. MEAI)OW-PIPIT. H. Several wintered at Hereford Sewage Works but fewer tw,m usual (1.1\1.). Common on Malvern Hills from i\Iarch/ October (1\1. P-S.). April 31'd a Hock of fifteeu I twents-fiv·e near Wigmore (K.J.H.. D.H. and J.R.). Sept. 29th two present Hereford Sewage Works (B.E.M.).

;{7I;. TREE-PIPIT. H. First date April 14th Hereford (C.W.W.). R. April 2nd. \Vater-break-its-neck. (M. B-T.).

:lHO. PIED WAGTAIL. H. Hereford Sewage Works. Feb. 2nd c. 100 present. numerous on Sept. 28th (B.E.M.). Considerable num­ hers of \\'agtails were passing south through Hereford all September and Oil into October. No doubt uhe majority were Pieds: hut of the Ii-ght coloured birds some may have been \Vhites: the distinc,tion was impossible to make ',~ith certainty. except in the case of onc bird on Oct. 5th with light grey wiI~g' coverts. dark gTev rump, and the whole top of the head includ- HJ.:IU'FOI{IlSHIIU 01{:\ IHIOI.O(aCAI. CI.l'R REPORT, 1956 185,

ing crown grey, and showing no black on crown or white on brow: this was certainly a White Wagtail (C.W.W.). R. Llm Hihn. March 30th. a single While \Vagtail \Trl.a.allm) was di~LUrbe(i which settled on a stake next to a Pied Wagtail (1JI..Il.yltrrelli). both birds having their backs to ob.\erver at a range of fifteen [eet. The pale grey back and rump of the former bird being dearh seen and compared with that of its companion (S.M .D.A.). (The above al~e the first definite records of the White \Vagtail for either county. Ell.).

;~kl. GREY WAGTAIL. H. Only one bird wintered Her'eford Sewage Works and this was last seen on Feb. 21st (LM.). Four/six there 011 Sept. 29th (B.E.::\1.). Nested Cold Dias (G.G.L.). Ted­ stone Ddamere (1 S) and Lipole (T.R.A.). R. A.St.G.W .. who coyered a large area of North Radnorshire on root this spring. is of the opinion that this species is much scarcer there thall it used to he and he saw very few birds. \lay 2Ist. nest of six eggs near New Radnor ·(G.M.L and M..J.W.). '

:3B2. YELLOW WAGTAIL. H. Single birds at Hereford Sewage Works Oil April Ist and Hth (LM.). April 9th Easthaihpton (T.R.A.). Hth. Hereford (C.W.W.). 15th. onc Luggbrid~ (T.A.F.). ami two \J\ Wye at Hampton Bishop (K.A.M.). 1Sth., a male 011 fresh.h ploughed land at \\'igmore. made freqll~t atlacks 011 neartJ\ cock \Vheat ears which alway~ gavew'ay (R.H.B. and P.W.H.). 2Ist, one Belm011t (K.J.H.). May 5th, Stallntoll-Oll-Arrow (J.!\LB.). A pair hatched off young at Allenslllore (G.G.L.). Three pairs present a't l"ownhope, one of which hrollg-lJl lip olle large brood (E.M.L.). Present Oct. 5th at Hereford (C.W.W.).

:lSS. RED-BACKED SHRIKE. H. June 4th/10th a pair in Eastnor al'ea (C.PT.). :\ pair Ilested sllccessfully in the British Camp area of the \Ialverlls and from August 2nd/8th the male was. watched feedin~ .follr\'olln~ near the nest. Though present the female was not seen to feed them (\1. P-S.). :3S!J. STARLING. H. Onc. rin~'ed as an adult at Bamard Castle. Co. Durham. 011 15.1.55 \\'as shot at Tarringtoll on 4.8.5H. some 175 miles S.S.W. of ring'ing point (\V.D.H.). Flockillg Notes. Oct 6th first larg-e flock of c. 1.000 seen at East­ hampton, hy 21st flock reached upwards of 10.000.. They came from Berringtoll direction to feed in local meadows (T.R.A.). Dee. 2nd, a vast flock some three-quarters of a mile long flew N.W. over Westhope Hill. Canon PYOll road at dusk (C.J.B.). nee. 18th. c. 1.000 in a small field at B\'ford (T.A.F. and D.H.). 18G IIEREFORDSHIRE OR>;ITlIOJ.O(;[CAI. CI.I:I\ REPORT. 1H51i

3\:l1. HAWFINCH. H. About thc cnd of the first week of April observer saw a pair on his lawn at Titley. This is Qrily the third occasion in sevcn years that he has seen them here (A.F.S.D.). \Iay 1st a Hock of three males and two females !leCn at Hircher (p.\\'.H.). \lay 20th ohserver found a nest of five eggs on Hope End Estalc situated in a low ccdar hough at a height of eight feet. "'hen rc-inspected on 2..hh it \\"as found to ha\"(' been rohbed (\1. P.. S.).

;~H:~. GOL·DFINCH. H. Flocks noted hOI1l\pril 21st to July 10th in ~he Hope End area (\1. P-S.).

394. SISKIN. Thc following werc all scen III aldcrs: Jan. 2nd, two at Hrcdwardine (J.R.). 18th. one KinglOn (R.H.B.). 28th. mixed Hock of Siskins and Red-polls on '\'yc at Hampton Bishop (C.W.W.). \Iarch 14th. three [>\ Wye on Sink Green strctch (K.J.B.).

3H7. LESSER REDPOLL. H. Jan. 7th. c :~0/40 ncar the \Ionnow river by Pontrilas (K.J.H.). 9th. 10th and 11th a f\()(:k of thirteen on alders at Chapel Farlll. Wig-more (LH.R.). 28th a mixed Hock of RedpDIIs and Siskins feeding' in alders at Hampton Hishop (C.W.'V.). Feb. 7th onc scen 011 Lugg bank (1'. ..\.\1.). R. \Iarch ;mth a pair at Rho,sgoch (S.\I.IL\.).

401. BULLFINCH. H. None seell al Hoarwilhy up to the cnd of the sunnner resulting in a good cherry crop from the two trees which thcy had sI ripped of buds annually for twenty \ears (\V.A.E.).

404. CROSSBILL. Sec pp. ili!j and ili4.

407. CHAFFINCH. H. \larch 21st an albino seen at hllln (\I.G.A.. H.). (I had various reports of this hinl being sCCIl III the Eyton area dnring February and \Iarch. P.\\'.H.).

-lOt( BRAMBLING. H. Hampton Park \Ieadows. Jan. bt/8th a flock of 150 bUI greatlY diminished on last datc (Cl H.). 25th/27th Hock 150/200 strong (D.H.). Jan. 17th Ihree with ChaHinch Hock at Evtoll (\I.G.A.H.). Fel>. 1st and 4th two and 1'0111' scen at Belmont IK.I.H.), 2nd. onc in stackvanl at East­ hampton (T.R.A.). 12th and 21st five and three al Hereford Se\\'age 'Vorks (1.\1.). 2-!th onc during hard frOst at FOIIJlhopc (E.\I.L.). nee. 14th onc at Castle Green. Hereford (T..\.F.). R. Onc. with other species. fed at ohsel"\'C!"'s \lindo\\ :It be· ginning of Febrnal"\' at Llandrindod 'Veils (\1. Hnan-Smith). Nov. 7th a male with Chaffinches flnshed off mad at Bleddfa

HO. CORN-~UNTINC. H. Feh. :!nd a sillg-Ie bird watched feeding in observer"s stack-yard at Easthampwn. Identification made by immediate reference to book (T.R.A.).

421. REED-BUNTINC. I-I. Feb. 2ht Hereford Sewage Works a pair ("V.D.H.). March aOth one male and sCHTal females 011 April 1st (B.E.'~f.). Preselll during' willler allll were thong-ht to have bred snn:essfnlly later (1.:\1.). April 1st onc male '''"igmore (S.M.D.A.), 28tJI OIlC I'emale ther(' (Club Outing). Junc 13th pair Ihwn (\V.D.H.). 24th a pair breeding at W·estoll Marsh. Bredwardille (H.B.), 30th I.Jest with young at Shobdon (K.J.H. and C.W.W.). No\'. 5th two birds therc (JR.). R. .\Iarch aOth a pair Rhosgoch (S::\I.D.A.). April 21st pair Waun Marteg (D.G.), 22nd a pair Ll\'n Hilyn (":.D.H.). June 20th a pair Rho.sgodl (p.J.e). 'kpr. 80th onc adult and five immatnres at L1an Bwch-llm Lake (S.:\I.n.A.).

-12-1. HOUSE-SPARROW. H. During winter 1!J55-5li .:\-Jr. Bowden of reported an alhino at Yarkhill (per 'V.D.H.). A white hell at Kilpcrkhatched ott' t\l'O broods which were thought to he normal as no ul1llsual 'young were seen (G.G.L.).

-t2fi. TREE-SPARROW. H. Jan. 11th a flock of 20, :30 seen near Yarsop (K.JH.). April 11th a pair seen building ahout twenty feet up ill all elm at Hereford. 15th a pair seen al Hampton Bishop II\..A.\I.). ,\ pair watched visiting- a lIl'q hok ill orchard al ,\bl>(,l'do)'(' IR.n.H.).


;):1. SHOVELER. R. On J llne 8th. 1954. a pair was Hushnl from marsh\' g-')'Olll 11 1 to ,outh of l.Iall\\·cfr Pool (G.c'I..).


For iuitial, (;1' :)4 llIcllIber, please SCl' list OU pp. ISS- W I.

.\'O/l-IIIf'III/)('/'.I: F. Bulllll'l', Hereford: P. J. Chadwick. Bristol. Dr \1. B. Chri",til'. Hereford: L1.-Col. \. F. S. Ilouglass. Titley; D. Goodboch. Rhavader: J. Crillith,. \krtll\l T\dfil: .J. Jones. Upper Hcrge'l: G. C. Lunhoun](', Birmingham: (;. L.PowelJ. Winforlo)]: \1. Staitles. :\orth Curl'l: C. 1'. TO\\lhelId, Lincs,; Dr. D. \\"alker. I'n·'t('iglI(,: Ill'. J. Walker. I'n'sleig-TIl': \Ii.'\S S. Ward. Harpendell. 188 HERFFORDSIHRF. OR:-IITHOLO(;[CAL CLl :11 REPORT. Ulflli


ALEXP>NDER. 5. M. D.. National Provincial Bank House. . Herefordshire. AMMOND5. T. R.. Easthampton Farm. Shobdon. Herefordshire.

BAG5HAW. The.Rev. L. H. 5.. St. Martins Vicarage. HerefQrd. BAGSHAW. Mrs. J, F.. 5t. Martins Vicarage. Hereford. BAILUE. R. H .. M.B.O.W .. Wyche House. Kington. Herefordshire. BAILLIE. Mrs .. c.G.G.. Wyche House. Kington, Herefordshire. BAILY. R. E. H.. C.B.E.• Breinton Court. Hereford. BALL. Mrs. c.. Oldfield. Pipe and Lyele. Hereford. BARNES. c.. Showle Court. Yarkhill. Hereford. BARTON. Dr. M.. The Fosse. Castle Street. Hereford. BAYLI5. Mrs. D. J., Good Rest. Lugwardine. Hereford. BEACH. Dr. A. A. \V .. Bridge House. Leintwardine. Cr·aven A:ms. Salop. BEACH. Mrs. M.. Bridge House. Leintwardine. Craven Arms. Salop. BENTLEY-TAYLOR. J. M.. The Hyde. Ivington. Herefordshire. BENTLEY-TAYLOR. Mrs. M.. The Hyde. Ivington. Herefordshire. BIRMINGHAM AND WEST MIDLAND BIRD CLUB BL.<\CKHALL. R.. 28. Grey Friars. Hereford. BLOWER, E. c.. clo Vaughan & Davies. Solicitors. Duke St.. Kington. BOND. A.. Moor Cottage. Widemarsh Common. Hereford. BRADLEY. F. H.. Hergest Croft. Kington. Herefordshire. BRECKNELL. C. J,. 243. Road. Hereford. BROVlLEY. F. S.. The Garth. Kington. Herefordshire. BROMLEY. Mrs. J. M.. The Garth. Kington. Herefordshire. BROOK. A.. Wyevern. Aberedw. Builth Wells. Breeks. BRUCE. Mrs. E. H., Church House, Kington. Herefordshire. BULMER, H. H.. Longmeadow. Hereford. BUTCHER. B.. 177. Upper Ledbury Road. Hereford.

CAWLEY. Vivienne Lady. Berrington Hall. Leominster. Herefordshire. CHANDLER, Dr. D. A .. Bryn Tyrion. Kingstone. Clehonger. Hfds. CHAPMAN. Capt. R. P .. R.N. (Rtd.). The Trappe. Evancoyd. Presteigne, Rads. COLBATCH CLARKE. The Rev. G. E.. Little Derndale. Wellington. Hfds. COURT. j. L.. Hill Cottage. Wellington. Hereford.

DARUNGTON. D.. I, Hav-elock House. Bargates. Leomjnster. Hfds. DAV,IES. P.. 134. Hampton Dene Road. Hereford. DAVIES. R., 5. Wallis Avenue. Hereford. DAVIS. E. W.. 141, Ledbury Road. Hereford. DAVIS. G. C.. 99. Old Eign Hill. Hereford. DEACON. j. E. A .. M.B.E.. G.M., Hill Court. Kington. Herefordshire. DEACON. Mrs. B.. Hill Court. Kington. Herefordshire. DENISON. Mrs. M.. 8. Hafod Road. Hereford. DIGGORY. G. S. T .. Rockdene. Kington. Herefordshire. HEREFORDSHIRE ORl'ITHOLOGICAL Cl.l'1I RI-:I'ORT, ID;;l; ISH

DIGGORY, Mrs, A, Z" Rockdene, Kington, Herefordshire, DIXEY, K; H" Waltham, I, Cromwell Road, Malvern Link, Worcs, DOWiNES, Mrs, V. L. Wargrave House, 23, St. Owen· Stree~, Herdord. DUNCOMBE, Miss B" M,B.£" JP,. Wilton Castle. Ross-on-Wye, Hfds, DUNNE, Miss 5, G" J,p" The KnolL Bircher, Leorninster, Herefordshire,

EVERSHED. W. A" Prothither Grange, Hoarwithy. Herefordshire.

F£NN, 'or. C. M" Meadow Way, Uanwrtyd W.ells, Breconshire. f1INNEY, J, J" Moat House. Leominster. Herefordshire. F11&HER, 'or, H" Wyelands, Broomy Hill, Hereford, FLEET. A, K" Anchorsway. Kington, Herefordshire, FLEET, Mrs, M.. Anc.hors.way, Kington, Herefordshire. fOXTON, T, A., 27, Manor Road, Putson. Hereford, FRANKUN. Major J. H .. Rossway, St, Leonard's Road, Eastbourne, Su..""". FYSHE., A, G" Perryfield, Sollershope, Herefordshire,

GADESDEN. Mrs. C, Homend, , He·refordshire GALLIMORE. T" Woodleigh, Staplow, Ledbury. Herefordshire. GIBSON. Miss W. M., Sunnyside, Broomy Hill. Hereford, GILBERT. Capt. H, A., M,B.O,U,. Bishopstone, Bridge Saners, Hfd~ QILBERT, Mrs, M, V.. Bishopstone, Bridge Sollers, Herefordshire, GILLAM. Miss M. A .. at Harleton, Bromsash, Ross-on-Wye, Hfds. GRANT-DUFF, 'or, L" 15. Hafod Road, Hereford. GREEN, R, H" Rosehill. Lyonshall. Herefordshire. GREEN PRICE, Miss M.. Flat 3, Fairlawn, Hampton Bishop, Hereford. GRISMOND-WILLlAMS, Mrs, R. Oakfield, L1andrindod Wells, Rads.

HAKE, Miss F, E" Sunnyside, Broomy Hill, Hereford, HARRilSSON, W, ,0" Barrs Court, Tarrington, Herefordshir.,. HARTMAN, H, F, L.. Almeley Manor, Herefordshire, HENLEY, K. J" 53, Blackmarston Road, Hereford, HIBBERT, Col. A. P. J.. O,B,E" Hall Mote, Woonton, Herefordshire. HIBBERT, Mrs, E" Hall Mote, Woonton, Herefordshire. HIGGINS, M. F.. Moorend Court, Mathon. Malvern. HINDE, P. W .. M.B.O.U.. 14. Goldthorn Road, Wolverhampton, Staffs HINDE, Mrs. M. G. A .. 14, Goldthorn Road. Wolverhampton, Staffs. HOLDEN. Mrs. E. M" The Cottage, Weobley, Herefordshire. HOLLAND, Lady Elizabeth, Dderw. Rhayader, Radnorshire. HOLLAND, MiSs, Dderw. Rhayader, Radnorshire, HOLl.ANDS, F. G" F.RC.S., M.B.O.U" Red Ley, Quarndon. Derhyshi,,' HORNE, Miss E. M" Upper Bridge Court, Brilley, Whitney-on-Wye, Hfds. HOWSE. Councillor Mrs. M.. Broadaxe Corner. Presteigne. Radnorshire. HUGHES. ,0.. 60. Merryhill Crescent, Hereford. BUTTON. Mrs. M" Chamherwell Cottage,Weobley, Herefordshire.

INGRAM. G. C. S., 22, Waterloo Road. Roath. Cardiff. IRESON. G. \1 .. l8. Linton Road, Penn. Nr. Wolverhampton, Saffs. 190 HF:RI·:!'ORIlSHlRt: ORNITIHlI.O(;ICAI. Cl.l'l\ Rt:PORT. HJ5fi

]ACKSON. Lt.-Co\. E. H. P .. Yew Tree House. W.ellington, Herefordshire. JACKSON. Mrs. H. ] .. Yew Tree House, Wellington, Herefordshire. JOBLING. The Rev. Preb. G. H.. The School Bungalow, Lucton. Hfds.

KEALL. Mrs. H. G .. The White House. 39. Moor PaTk Road, Hereford. KEMEYS. W. G .. 27, Mostyn Street. Hereford. KNIGHT. L. A .. Trinity House, Baggallay Street. Hereford. KNIGHT. Mrs. L. A .. Trinity House. BaggaUay Street. Hereford.

LANGDALE-SMITH. Dr. H. G .. The Doctor's House. Tarrington. Hfds. LANGDALE-SMITH. Mrs. D. M.. The Doctor's House. Tarrington. Hfds. LEA. Miss M.. Breinton Court, Hereford. Lf£. Mrs. E. M.. Rock House. Fownhope. Herefordshire. LEVY. Dr. B. G. Old Rectory Cottage, Hampton Bishop. Hereford. lEJWIS. Major C. ]. L.. Evancoyd. Presteigne. Radnorshire. LEWIS, Miss G.. Troutbeck. Mill Lane. Leintwardine. Herefordshire. L1NDSEY SCOTT. Mis§ W., Upper,.. Bridge Court. Bfilley. Whitriey-on-Wye. LLOYD. Mrs. "E. S.. T'iuee Hollies. Whitney-on·Wye. Herefordshire. LLOYD. G. P .. ].P.. Ferlys House. Leominster, Here,fordshire. LOCK. C. B., Th"Garage, AU~smorei Hereford. LOCK, Mrs. G. G.. The Garage. AlIensmore. Hereford. LODER-SYMONDS. Mrs. A. L.. Waldri.-t. Venns Lane. Hereford. LUCTON SCHOOL FIELD CLUB, Lucton, Leominster. Herefordshir...

MACADIE. C. S., Bradnor Cottage, Kington, Herefordshire. MACADlE. R. L, clo Russell. Baldwin and Bright. 20. King St .. Hereford. MARSTON. F. W .. Bath Cottage, Aymestrey. Leominster. Herefordshire. MASH. D. V .. 88. Church Road. Tups!ey. Herefordshire. MASON. K. A.. 287. Upper Ledbury Road. Hereford. MEADHAM. W. H.. 10. Guildford Street, Hereford. MELLOR. j. E. M.. Prospect. Bredwardine. Herefordshire. MILES. Dr. B. E.. The Clyst, Hampton Park, Hereford. MILES. Mrs. S.. The Clyst. Hampton, Park. Hereford. MILLER. F. c.. cio Physical Education Dept.. County Education Offices. Bath Street, Hereford. MORGAN, F. C.. F.S.A.. 267. Upper Ledbury Road. Hereford. MULLER. Miss I.. 29. Nelson Street. Hereford. MURRAY. ./. G.. M.R.C.V.S.. Bank House. Southend. Ledbury. Hfds

O'CONNOR. The Rev. W.. St. Francis Xaviers Presbytery, Broad Street. Hereford. ORMISTON. G. S.. Cranbrook. Stoberry Avenue. Wells. Somerset.

PALMER-SMITH. Mrs. M.. M.B.O.U.. 202. Pickersleigh Road, Malvern. Worcs. PARRY. ].. Priors Court. Staplow. Nr. Ledbury. Herefordshire. PARRY. R.. Quarry Farm, Nordan. Leominster. Herefordshire. PARRY. Miss S. K.. Quarry Farm. Nordan. L..ominster. Herefordshire POW'IS. T. ] .. Knapp Farm. Aston, Kingsland. H....dordshire. PRAU .. L I.. Th.. Knoll. Tupsley. Hereford. HEREFORIlSHIRF OR'ITflOI.O(;U:AI C1.1'B RH'ORl, I !~fiO HJl

REASON, j .. 33. Haylease Cres",ent, Hereford. RlEDFEA:RN. 0, E.. The Gmmrnar School. Presteigne, Radnorshir,' RiEDFEARN. Mrs. D. E.. The Grammar SchOQI. Presteigne. Radnor,hire. RElD, Dr, N.. Fig Tree Cottage. Pembridge. Leominster, Herefordxhire, RENDF..LL, H .. Newtown Inn. Lower Eagleton. Hereford. ROBiIN-SON. L. B.. Chapel Farm. Wigmore. Leominster, Herefmdshire. RUDD. Miss E, KS.. Whitehall. Goodric:h. Ro",,-on-Wye. Her..fordshire.

SALMON. Col. H. M.. CBE.. M,C., M.B.O.LJ., 24. Bryngwyn Road, Cyncoed, Cardiff. SMITH. H. C.. C.BE., M,B,O.U" Pilstone Hou"", I.landogo. Nr. Chepstow. Mon, .suvllTH, L. 27. Sunnybank Road. WyIde Gwen. Sutton Coldfidd, W'arwb. STEADMAN. Dr" The Steps. Ledbury. Herdordshire. STEDMAN. j. R, Yarkhill Court. Hcrdord,

TALBOT RICE. The Hon. Mrs. B, M.. Bowley C..ourt. Bodenharn, Hfds. THOMAS. G. W.. Upp<,r House Farm. Yarpole, Leominster, Hfds. THOMAS. j. E, G.. Upper Hom,e Farm. Yarpok Leominst.".. HId... TOPUS. E.. 20. Blackmarston Road. Hereford. TUNMER, Mrs. E.. Staick Cottage. I''::ardisland. Hen,fordshin'

VEASEY. Mrs. E.. Stone House Kennels. Sutton St. Nic:holas. Her..ford. VICKERMAN. j" Ferriby. Wellington. Herdordshire. VINE STEVENS. L. T .. Ryecroft, Richard's Ca...tle. Nr. Ludlow, Salop. VINE STEVENS. Mrs, C C. Ryecroft. Richard's Castle. Nr. Ludlow. Salop.

WALKER. Or, C. W" M.C. Summerhayes. Venns Lane. H,·ft,ford. WALKER. M·rs. I. H.. Summerhayes, Venns Lane. Hereford WALKER. D. C.. Birley Court, Dilwyn. H.'rdordshire. WALSH. A, St, G.. c/o Evason. Well I.ane, Mollington, Chest".r. WARREN. M, ].. 40, Colman Avenue, Wednesfield. Wolverhampton WHITING. M..s. E. S" Old Quarry. Almeley, Herefordshire W'lGHT, Miss M" ThelwalJ House. 14, Overbury Road. Herdord, 'MILUAMS, E .. 146. Kingsway, College Estate. Hereford, WILLIAMSON, J. H .. 306. King's Acre Road. Hereford. WRIGHT, H. E .. The School House. Richard's Castle. Nr Ludlow, Salop_ WYNN, Miss G" 15. Eign Mill Road, Herdord.

ZIMMERMAN. A. U., The Vine. Tarrington. Herefordshi.re

Hopkin-sO'I1, Printer, KingriJ.!l