October 2019
THE COMMUNICATOR Phone: (336) 835-2511 Fax: (336) 835-5248 Email: wifm@wifmradio.com Since January 1990 www.WIFMRadio.com www.VintageRoseWeddingEstate.com October 2019 Pinnacle Garden Club tired group of local residents. To start sharing my curiosity, the store has three sets of scales that The nine members of the outstanding Pinnacle range from weighing 1/8th ounce to 250 pounds. Garden Club meet every second Monday at 10 a.m., On shelves behind the checkout counter are more usually at Pinnacle United Methodist Church. Mem- than 50 5- and 10-pound bags of seed. One can bers occasionally visit regional displays of interest. purchase any amount of seed, potting mix, lime They recently completed an annual competition and fertilizer. During September the top sellers are with 50 entries in the Stokes County Fair. Entries turnip, kale, mustard, cress, collard and onion sets included begonias, coleus, zinnias, african violets, and cabbage seed. Year-round offerings are chick- roses, Christmas cactus, ferns, geraniums, snake en, goat, rabbit, cow, horse and bird feed. plants, succulents, several herbs, watermelons, There is no competition for Sanders. Big-box vegetables and cut flowers. stores only offer pre-packaged items. At Sanders Several of the club’s on-going projects are main- one can buy from 1/8th ounce to a truck load. Jo taining a planter in front of the church and main- Ann said, “We have a lot of older customers who taining a park across Highway 52 in Pinnacle. Every only need small amounts to plant. We help them Valentine’s Day the club gifts community shut-ins a purchase all they need, no more and no less.” lovely red carnation.
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