Vmesnik VGA Za Igralno Konzolo Nintendo Game Boy

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Vmesnik VGA Za Igralno Konzolo Nintendo Game Boy Smetanova ulica 17 2000 Maribor, Slovenija Žiga Stegu Vmesnik VGA za igralno konzolo Nintendo Game Boy Magistrsko delo Maribor, december 2014 VMESNIK VGA ZA IGRALNO KONZOLO NINTENDO GAME BOY Magistrsko delo Študent(ka): Žiga Stegu Študijski program: Študijski program 2. stopnje Elektrotehnika Smer: Avtomatika in robotika Mentor(ica): izr. prof. dr. Dušan Gleich Vmesnik VGA za igralno konzolo Nintendo Game Boy i Vmesnik VGA za igralno konzolo Nintendo Game Boy ZAHVALA Zahvaljujem se mentorju dr. Dušanu Gleichu za strokovno pomo č in vodenje pri izdelavi magistrskega dela. Hvala vsem, s katerimi sem delil študentska leta. Posebna zahvala velja staršem in podjetju Gorenje d.d., ki so mi omogo čili študij. ii Vmesnik VGA za igralno konzolo Nintendo Game Boy VMESNIK VGA ZA IGRALNO KONZOLO NINTENDO GAME BOY Klju čne besede: igralna konzola, Game Boy, video vmesnik, VGA, zaslon UDK: 004.51:004.354.7(043.2) Povzetek Ro čna igralna konzola Game Boy je bila, po izdaji leta 1989, izjemno dobro sprejeta, predvsem zaradi velikega števila iger. Veliko konzol se je ohranilo v delujo čem stanju. Presenetljivo je, da so sedaj, poleg osnovne uporabe, dosti v uporabi predvsem za ustvarjanje 8-bitne glasbe. Konzola ima enostaven enobarven zaslon. Zaradi zanimanja obstajajo poizkusi izdelave video vmesnika, ki pa so ostali kot prototipi na razvojnih ploš čah. Namen in cilj magistrske naloge je na osnovi mikrokrmilnika izdelati pretvornik video signala, ki bo omogo čil priklju čitev zunanjega zaslona, televizije ali projektorja. Izdelati je potrebno vmesnik, ki bo skladen z analognim kodiranjem signala, VGA. iii Vmesnik VGA za igralno konzolo Nintendo Game Boy VGA INTERFACE FOR GAME CONSOLE NINTENDO GAMEBOY Key words: game console, Game Boy, video interface, VGA, screen UDK: 004.51:004.354.7(043.2) Abstract Handheld game console Game Boy, released in 1989, was received very well, mainly due to a large number of games. Many consoles have been preserved in working order. Surprisingly they are now primarily used to create 8-bit music. The console has a simple monochrome screen. Because of interest there are attempts at producing video interface, which remained as prototypes in developement boards. The purpose and objective of the master's thesis is to produce a video signal converter, based off a microcontroller, that will allow external screen, TV or projector, to be connected. The designed solution will be compatible with VGA, analog signal encoding. iv Vmesnik VGA za igralno konzolo Nintendo Game Boy KAZALO 1 UVOD ........................................................................................................................... 1 2 GAME BOY IGRALNA KONZOLA ........................................................................ 4 2.1 Predstavitev ............................................................................................................. 4 2.2 Revizije .................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Strojna oprema ........................................................................................................ 7 2.4 Uporabniški vmesnik, strojni vidik ......................................................................... 9 3 VIDEO STANDARDI ............................................................................................... 17 3.1 VGA ...................................................................................................................... 19 3.2 DVI ........................................................................................................................ 26 3.3 HDMI .................................................................................................................... 27 3.4 DisplayPort ............................................................................................................ 29 4 BREZŽI ČNI IGRALNI PLOŠ ČEK ........................................................................ 30 4.1 Strojna oprema ...................................................................................................... 30 4.1.1 Mikrokrmilnik STM8S003F3 ........................................................................ 31 4.1.2 Mikrokrmilnik STM8L051F3 ........................................................................ 32 4.1.3 Brezži čni modul nRF24L01+ ......................................................................... 34 4.2 Programska oprema ............................................................................................... 37 4.2.1 IAR Embedded Workbech IDE ...................................................................... 37 4.2.2 KiCad EDA Software Suite ............................................................................ 38 4.3 Zasnova ................................................................................................................. 39 4.4 Sklep ..................................................................................................................... 42 5 PREDLAGANA REŠITEV POVEZAVE GAME BOY – ZASLON .................... 43 5.1 Zasnova za 2 sivini ............................................................................................. 45 5.1.1 Strojna oprema ............................................................................................. 45 v Vmesnik VGA za igralno konzolo Nintendo Game Boy Mikrokrmilnik STM32F103C8T6 .................................................. 45 SPI .............................................................................................. 48 DMA ............................................................................................ 50 5.1.2 Programska oprema .................................................................................... 52 Keil µVision IDE .......................................................................... 52 5.1.3 Izvedba .......................................................................................................... 52 5.1.4 Sklep .............................................................................................................. 56 5.2 Zasnova za 4 sivine ............................................................................................ 57 5.2.1 Strojna oprema ............................................................................................. 57 Mikrokrmilnik STM32F401VC ..................................................... 57 5.2.2 Programska oprema .................................................................................... 60 STM32Cube ................................................................................ 60 STM-STUDIO .............................................................................. 62 5.2.3 Izvedba .......................................................................................................... 63 6 SKLEP ........................................................................................................................ 68 7 VIRI IN LITERATURA .............................................................................................. 70 8 PRILOGE ................................................................................................................... 73 vi Vmesnik VGA za igralno konzolo Nintendo Game Boy KAZALO SLIK Slika 1: Blokovna shema projekta ......................................................................................... 3 Slika 2: Game Boy [3] ........................................................................................................... 4 Slika 3: Game Boy Play It Loud! [3] ..................................................................................... 5 Slika 4: Game Boy Pocket [3] ............................................................................................... 6 Slika 5: Game Boy Light [3] ................................................................................................. 6 Slika 6: Konzola slikana iz vseh strani [4] ............................................................................ 8 Slika 7: Matrika gumbov [5] ................................................................................................. 9 Slika 8: Blokovni diagram elektronskih sklopov [5] ........................................................... 10 Slika 9: Napajalni del, napajanje na FFC in primer izvedbe kasete [6] ............................. 11 Slika 10: Glavni del vezja, ki gosti procesor, pomnilnika in avdio oja čevalnik [6] ............ 12 Slika 11: Blokovna shema povezav na LCD modul [6] ...................................................... 13 Slika 12: Signali zaslona, lo čljivost vrstic ........................................................................... 15 Slika 13: Signali zaslona, ena vrstica .................................................................................. 16 Slika 14: VGA horizontalni časovni razpored za lo čljivost 640x480 [9]............................ 23 Slika 15: Priklju ček DE-15 [9] ............................................................................................ 24 Slika 16: VGA BNC priklju čki [9] ...................................................................................... 25 Slika 17: Primerjava ve č zaslonskih standardov po lo čljivosti in razmerju stranic [9] ....... 26 Slika 18: DVI-D priklju ček [11] .......................................................................................... 26 Slika 19: Blokovna shema STM8S003 [14] .......................................................................
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