CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at Provided by Research Repository A Comparative Study of Digital Game Platforms for Educational Purposes Kowit Rapeepisarn1, Sumet Pongphankae2, Kok Wai Wong3, Chun Che Fung4 School of Information Technology, Murdoch University Murdoch, WA 6150, Australia Email1,3,4:{k.rapeepisarn|k.wong|l.fung} Email2:
[email protected] Abstract—Digital games have gradually been accepted as teachers and school administrators have to decide from the learning tools in schools and colleges. They can be run or many alternative digital game platforms that which is the most distributed on several platforms including DVD-ROMs or CD- suitable for a learning environment. It has to be recognised ROMs for personal computers; consoles for television-based that these game platforms have different features, components, systems; game specific handheld consoles; and, handheld units advantages and limitations comparing to one another. It is the such as personal digital assistance (PDA), portable computers or mobile phones. This paper reports the features, components, and purpose of this paper to have an objective comparison advantages of these digital platforms for educational uses. It is between the characteristics, product features, functions, as expected that this comparative study will be useful for digital well as the educational uses of these digital game platforms. It game manufacturers, educators and users who are interested in is hopeful that this comparative study can be used as a the development and use of this digital media for education guideline for educators and stakeholders in the decision purposes. making process in choosing the most suitable game platforms for the teaching and learning situation.