Louis Althusser and the End of Classical Russian Marxism: Spinoza, Hegel and the Critique of Dogmatic Marxism David Campbell Abstract: An attempt to restate Marx’s critical method in terms of Spinozist dogmatic epistemology was central to Louis Althusser’s conception of Marxist philosophy. Though it is no longer necessary to argue that this ‘restatement’ had almost no ground in Marx’s own thinking, it was a highly significant expression of the essence of dialectical materialism. Through discussion of Hegel’s critique of Spinoza, it will be argued that a democratically acceptable method of criticism of the mistaken beliefs of others, such as Marx developed in Capital, must take a resolutely anti-dogmatic approach which has the principle of winning subjective conviction at its core. Keywords: critical method; dogmatism; dialectical materialism; Spinoza; Hegel; Althusser Word count: 10,300 (14,385 including apparatuses) Contact details: School of Law, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YN; 01524 594123;
[email protected] Biographical note: David Campbell is a Professor of Law at Lancaster University. His research interests are in the economic, legal and social theory of regulation, and in particular in the law of contract as the general regulation of exchange. Working in areas which have throughout his professional life been dominated by Chicagoan law and economics, he has sought to advance a socialist alternative to that approach. Louis Althusser and the End of Classical Russian Marxism: Spinoza, Hegel and the Critique of Dogmatic