VOLUME 2. PORTLAND, JAN. 15, 1878. Nq. 3.

Some pious Thebans, when the storm was past, M Penley, m ; Milton J Loring, sw ; George Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, Unclosed the sepulchre with cunning skill, Parker, jw; Edwin T Stevens, sec. And nature, aiding their devotion, cast No. 37 Plum Street, Portland. Over its entrance a concealing rill. Star in the East. 60. Oldtown. Mellan A Then thy third darkness came, and thou didst sleep Austin, m; Edgar B Weeks, sw; Stephen C Twelve cts. per year in advance. Papers stopped Twenty-three centuries in silence deep. Morse, jw; Charles A Bailey, sec. when time is out. OTTostage is prepaid. But he from whom nor pyramid nor sphinx Oriental Star, 21, Livermore. Everett L Can hide its secresies, Belzoni, came; From the tomb’s mouth unloosed the granite links, Philoon, m; Byron C Waite, sw; James N Advertisements §4.00 per inch, or §3.00 for Gave thee again to light, and life, and fame, Atwood, jw; John Larrabee, sec. half an inch for one year. The money should be And brought thee from’ the sands and desert forth remitted to insure insertion. To charm the pallid children of the north. Wilton, 156, Wilton. Justus Webster, m ; No advertisement received unless the advertiser, Alonzo B Adams, sw ; Anson Morseman, jw ; or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in Thou art in London, which, when thou wert new, Ansil Walker, sec. good standing. Was, what Thebes is, a wilderness and waste, Where savage beasts more savage men pursue— Maine, 20, Farmington. Roliston Wood­ A scene by nature curs’d—by man disgraced. bury, m; Hiram C Barnard, sw; Horace L ADDRESS TO THE AEAB ASTER Now—’tis the world’s metropolis—the high Queen of arms, learning, arts, and luxury. Parsons, jw; David H Knowlton, sec. SARCOPHAGUS, Here, where I hold my hand, ’tis strange to think St. George, 16, Warren. Alvin Hinkley, deposited IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. What other hands perchance preceded mine; m ; Warren Morse, Jr., sw; Melvin Parker, Others have also stood beside thy brink, jw; Urban II Hovey, sec. And vainly conn’d the moralizing line. BY HORACE SMITH. Kings, sages, chief, that touch’d this stone, like me, King Hiram, 57, Dixfield. L C Willough- Where are ye now?—where all must shortiy be. by, m; D F Newton, sw; J S Swett, jw ; Thou alabaster relic 1 while I hold All is mutation;—he within this stone W M Kidder, sec. My hand upon thy sculptured margin thrown, Was once the greatest monarch of the hour:— Casco, 36, Yarmouth. Munroe Stoddard, Let me recall the scenes thou couldst unfold, His bones are dust—his very name unknown. m ; Lorenzo L Shaw, sw ; George E Thoits, Might’st thou relate the changes thou hast known, Go—learn from him the vanity of power: For thou wert primitive in thy formation, Seek not the frame’s corruption to control, jw; Josiah M Walker, sec. Launch’d from th’ Almighty’s hand at the creation. But build a lasting mansion for thy soul. Composite, 168, La Grange. Marcellus Yes—thou wort present when the stars and skies Nason, m; Frank G Perkins, sw; Manly G And worlds unnumber’d roll’d into their places; Brackett, jw ; Ronella L Doble, sec. When God from chaos hade the spheres arise, And iix’d the blazing huh upon basis, MASONRY IN MAINE. Liberty, 111, Liberty. Gustavus H Cargill, Anti witli his linger on tlio bounds of space m ; Weston B Marden, sw ; Levi T Brown, Mark’d out each planet’s everlasting race. Lodge Elections. jw; Ambrose P Cargill, sec. How many thousand ages from thy birth Bethlehem, 35, Augusta. Edward F Beals, Fraternal, 55, Alfred. Marcus W Towne, Thou sleptst in darkness, it were vain to ask, Till Egypt’s sons upheaved thee from the earth, m; C H Brick, sw; H AB Chandler, jw; m ; Asa L Ricker, sw ; Otis R Whicher, jw ; And year by year pursued their patient task, H F Blanchard, sec. Alonzo Leavitt, sec. Till thou wert carved and decorated thus, Worthy to be a king’s Sarcophagus. Portland, 1, Portland. John II Hall, m ; Oriental, 13, Bridgton. Albert F Richard­ Wm N Prince, sw; John Evans, jw; Con- son, m; Frank P Bennett, sw; George H What time Elijah to the skies ascended, vers O Leach, sec. Geo W Deering, Trustee. Willard, jw; Micajah Gleason, sec. Or David reign’d in holy Palestine, Some ancient Theban monarch was extended Hiram, 180, Cape Elizabeth. Thomas B Trojan, 134, East Troy. William E Dor­ Beneath the lid of this emblazon’d shrine, Haskell, m ; Wm F Rundlett, sw ; Roberts man, m ; William F Mitchell, sw; Timothy And to that subterranean palace borne Which toiling ages in the rock had worn. Melcher, jw ; Elisha M Jordan, sec. W Hawes, jw ; Abner Hodgdon, sec. Reuel Washburn, 181, Livermore Falls. Solar, 14, Bath. W. Scott Shorey, m; Thebes from her hundred portals fin’d the plain To see the car on which thou wert upheld:— W H Wood, m; AG French, sw; Frank John H Stantial, sw; John R Knowlton, jw; What funeral pomps extended in thy train, Garcelon, j w ; W S Treat, sec; J L Douglas, sec. What banners waved, what mighty music swell’d, As armies, priests, and crowds, bewail’d in chorus Ancient Landmark, 17, Portland. Henry Felicity, 19, Bucksport. Guy W McAlis- Their King—their God—their Serapis—their Orus! F Perry, m ; Clayton J Farrington, sw ; E S ter. m; Wesley Lockhart, sw; Albert M Redlon, jw; Geo L Swett, see. Leander W Houston, jw ; Edwin P Hill, sec. Thus to thy second quarry did they trust Thee and the Lord of all the nations round. Fobes, Trustee. Messalonskee, 113, W. Waterville. Cha’s Grim King of Silence! Monarch of the dust! Atlantic, 81, Portland. 1. I< Gatly, m ; Rowell, m ; George W Goulding, sw ; Louis Embalm’d — anointed—je well’d — scepter’d — Belanger, jw; G T Benson, sec. crown’d, A I) Pearson, sw; Charles C Bedlow, jw; A Here did he lie in state, cold, stiff, and stark, G Rogers, sec. R II Hinkley and D W True, Tyrian, 73, Mechanic Falls. E F Stevens, A leathern Pharaoh grinning in tlie dark. Trustees. m ; J M Libby, sw ; II N Whittle, jw ; E F Thus ages roll’d—but their dissolving breath Northern Star, 28, North Anson. Benj Edgecomb, sec. Could only blacken that imprison’d thing, Adapts, m; Benj Mantor, sw; Wm II Wil­ Which wore a ghastly royalty in death, Cumberland, 12, New Gloucester. John I As if it struggled still to be a king; liams, jw ; C S Mantor, sec. Sturgis, m ; Albert W Larrabee, sw; Wm A And each revolving century, like the last, Alna, 43, Damariscotta. J F Sumner, m; Knight, jw; George II Goding, sec. Just dropp’d its dust upon thy lid—and pass’d. F Clark, sw ; E II Winslow, jw; Wm A Dirigo, 104, Weeks’s Mills. O F Rowe, m ; The Persian conqueror o’er Egypt pour’d Jones, sec. II S Gray, sw ; F Percival, jw ; OF Sprowl, His devastating host—a motley crew; sec. The steel-clad horsemen—the barbarian horde— Greenleaf, 117, Cornish. Preston Durgin, Music and men of every sound and hue— m; Charles C O’Brion, sw; Israel Boothby, Esoteric, 159, Ellsworth. Arthur W Gree- Priests, archers, eunuchs, concubines and brutes— jw; Roscoe G Smith, sec. ly, m; Wm F Emerson, sw; Francis A Ma­ Gongs, trumpets, cymbals, dulcimers and lutes. Freeport, 23, Freeport. S A Thurlow, m ; comber, jw; James A McGown, sec. Then did the fierce Cambyses tear away W F Bennett, sw ; B F Chandler, jw ; G P Mount Kineo, 109, Abbott. Charles N The ponderous rock that seal’d the sacred tomb; Then did the slowly penetrating ray Soule, sec. Rand, m; Marcell L Hussey, sw; Wm S Redeem thee from long centuries of gloom, Carrabassett, 161, Canaan. George W McKusic, jw ; Llewellyn S Flynt, sec. And lower’d torches flash’d against thy side As Asia’s king thy blazon’d trophies eyed. Johnson, m; John F Brock, sw; Abel Pleasant River, 163, Brownville. Alvin S Prescott, jw; Albion R Chase, sec. Wilkins, m; Wm F Jenks, sw; Charles L Pluck'd from his grave, with sacrilegious taunt, Nichols, jw ; Andrew P Carle, sec. Tlie features of the royal corpse they scann’d:— Village, 26, Bowdoinham. James II Wil­ Dashing the diadem from his temple gaunt, son, m ; Silas Adams, sw ; Charles W Frost, Vernon Valley, 99, Mount Vernon. Au­ They tore the sceptre from his graspless hand, jw; Benjamin L Higgins, sec. gustus F. Smart, m ; George C Hopkins, sw ; And on those fields, where once his will was law, Henry Graves, j w ; Silas Burbank, sec. Left him for winds to waste and beasts to gnaw. Ancient Brothers’, 178, Auburn. Albert 18 MASONIC TOKEN JAN. 15, 1878.

Archon, 139, East Dixmont. Benjamin F Blunt, hp; James H Frost, k; Orrin A as to elect one member of the Finance Com- Porter, m ; Samuel F Mansur, sw ; Silas W Priest, s ; CM Lambert, sec. mittee for three years each year after the Philbrick, jw; Amos Whitney, sec. New Jerusalem, 3, Wiscasset. James M present term. Officers for the ensuing year : Washington, 37, Lubec. John 0 Baker, Knight, hp; Seth Patterson, k; Edwin m ; John Thayer, Jr., sw ; Wm 11 Hunter, Farnham, s; Joseph W. Taggart, sec. President—S. R. Leavitt; Secretary—A. E. jw ; Alfred Small, sec. Crescent, 26, Pembroke. John Mincher, Chase; Treasurer—Eben Corey. Star in the West, 85, Unity. Reuel S hp; W B Hatch, k; Duncan L McIntosh, Ward, m; Manley Ward, sw; Daniel W s; A G Levy, sec. Ocean Lodge, at Wells, has resigned its Parkhurst, jw ; Ralph Berry, sec. charter, owing to dull times. This is the Council Elections. Pythagorean, 11, Fryeburg. Frank Y only lodge which has thus succumbed since Bradley, m ; Wyman H. Jones, sw; Thomas Portland, 4, Portland. Richard K. Gatley, the Morgan times. We trust the revival of S. Pike, jw; Frank E. Howe, sec. M; Geo R Shaw, dm ; Samuel F Bearce, King David’s, 62, Lincolnville. Robert W pcw; Franklin Sawyer, Rec. business will induce the members to apply Perry, m; Lucien H Duncan, sw; John again for it. French, jw ; David Howe, sec. Commandery Elections. LINCOLN.—A Mutual Benefit Association Crescent, 78, Pembroke. I A Leighton, Portland, 2, Portland. John C Small, ec; has been formed in Lincoln, limited to 1200 m; Duncan L McIntosh, sw ; Fred. J Carter, Jos Y Hodsdon, g ; Leander W Fobes, cg ; jw ; AG Levy, sec. John S Harris, rec. members, and open to members of any lodge Pine Tree, 172, Mattawamkeag. Charles St. Alban, 8, Portland. Jos A Locke, ec ; of masons in Maine. Wm. B. Bullard, of O Libbey, m; Danville S Chadbourne, sw; F E Chase, g; Levi A Gray, cg ; Franklin Lincoln Centre, is President, and Wm. C. Wilbur F Lovejoy, jw ; Geo W Smith, sec. Sawyer, Rec ; J M Caldwell, Trustee. Clark, of Lincoln, Secretary. Relief, 108, Belgrade. Charles A Yeaton, Maine, 1, Gardiner. Geo W Gardiner, c; m ; Charles H Lovejoy, sw; B Frank Augustus Bailey, gen ; J K Osgood, cg ; P The Mutual Relief Association of Mechanic Yeaton, jw; James C Mosher, sec. H Winslow, kec. Lebanon, 116, Norridgewock. Seth H Falls numbers 1000 members. The limit is Willard, m; Benjamin D Bowden, sw ; Chas MASONIC BOARD OF BELIEF. 1500. H Emmons, jw ; Edward C Hale, sec. AT LARGE. Augusta. — November 19th, Bethlehem Caribou, 170, Lyndon. George M Emery, Portland Lodge—W. 0. Fox, A. J. Rich. m; Robert McCubrey, sw ; Cyrus W Hen- Lodge, says the Kennebec Journal, celebrated Ancient Landmark—M. N. Rich, L. A. Gray. drix, jw ; Alonzo W Boynton, sec. their anniversary, by installing their officers, Atlantic—C. C. Hayes, S. H. Doten. Hancock, 4, Castine. C H Hooper, m ; and an address was delivered by the retiring I P Stevens, sw; I F Rea, jw ; Isaiah L Chairman, W. O. Fox, City Building. Master, E. F. Beals. A proposition was Shepherd, sec. Secretary, C. C. Hayes, 9 Congress Place. Mount Moriah, 56, Denmark. David P made looking to the erection of a soldier’s Lord, m ; George S Bucknell, sw; Nathaniel Installations. monument. The canopies and window fix­ Robinson, jw ; Dominicus G Tarbox, sec. The officers of Pine Tree Lodge were pub­ tures furnished by the Messrs. Bosworth, of York, 22, Kennebunk. Joseph H Hill, m ; licly installed on Thursday evening, Dec. this city, with the other furnishings of the George A Gilpatric, sw ; Charles H Fergu- son, jw ; F. C. Simonds, sec. 27th, by P. M. Hiram Stevens, of Forest new hall, elicited much commendation. Union, 31, Union. William A Albee, m; Lodge, assisted by P. M. Harrison Piper, of Aaron D Wiley, sw ; Oscar A Bartlett, jw; Horeb Lodge, as Marshal. Annual Elections. — Many Lodges, Chapters, Commanderies and Councils have Cyrus R Morton, sec. After the installation, Bro. Lewis Barker, held their annual elections, which should be Benevolent, 87, Carmel. Charles II Kim- of Bangor, in his pleasing manner addressed ball, m; Charles F Kimball, sw; John F published in this number of our paper, but Dorr, jw; Camillus K Johnson, sec. the lodge and people assembled. The hall the neglect of Secretaries to return them Rockland, 79, Rockland. Henry E Hutch- was then cleared for the Fourth Annual Ball. promptly to tbe Grand Secretary prevents. inson, m ; John E Singhi, sw ; Sumner H About sixty-five couples took part in the Boynton, jw ; E. T. G. Rawson, sec. dancing. A picnic supper was served by the If any Master is disappointed in not finding Hermon, 32, Gardiner. Henry S Webster, ladies in their best style. All enjoyed them- his lodge noticed, if he will gently nudge the m ; George L Towle, sw ; Evander G Snow, Secretary it will appear in our May number. jw ; La Roy W Goodspeed, sec. selves, and voted it the best time for the season; and wished all prosperity to Pine Augusta, 141, Augusta. E C Dudley, m ; Maine Masonic Text Book, for the use of C C Hunt, sw ; C A Curtis, jw ; E F Black- Tree Lodge, and many more annual meetings. Lodges, compiled by Josiah H. Drum­ man, sec. mond, Fast Grand Alaster. Portland: Timothy Chase, 126, Belfast. Andrew E Dedications. Dresser, McLellan & Co. Electrotyped Clark, m ; Joseph C Townsend, sw ; Rob’t The new Masonic Hall recently built at by Stephen Berry. P Chase, jw ; Jones E Davis, sec. Thorndike was dedicated on Wednesday, In his preface Bro. Drummond says : Lincoln, 3, Wiscasset. T Carleton Dole, November 21st. “ For several years there has been a gen­ m; Isaac G Williamson, sw; Woodbury The dedication took place in the forenoon, eral call for a Digest of the Decisions of the Parsons,jw; Joseph W. Taggart, sec. and was conducted, in the absence of the ; but when I came to consider Arion, 162, Goodwin’s Mills. C W Mur­ Grand Master, by Charles I. Collamore, Dep- the preparation of such a work, I at once per­ phy, m ; James W Smith, sw; H K Smith, uty Grand Master, who, with A. B. Marston, ceived that, if confined to a mere Digest of jw ; Jerome Smith, sec. of Bangor, Grand Marshal, and Warren Phil­ Decisions of our Grand Lodge, it would fail lips, of Portland, Grand Tyler, were all Rising Sun, 71, Orland. Asa Conary, m ; to meet the expectations of the Craft, and the Grand Officers present. After the cere- prove comparatively useless; and I became Hudson Saunders, sw ; Aaron G Page, jw ; monies, a picnic dinner was served. Speeches James C Saunders, sec. satisfied that a Digest of the Constitution were made in the afternoon, with dancing in and Decisions was required. St. Croix, 46, Calais. William Parritt, m ; the evening. “Beyond this, there seemed to me to be Charles A McCollough, sw ; John F Oliver, needed, even more than the Digest, a state­ jw ; Stephen D Morrell, sec. The outside of the Belfast ment of the manner of proceeding in masonic is finished, and work will be continued on the trials, with forms, the whole so arranged that Chapter Elections. interior during the winter. Brethren, not familiar with legal proceedings, could proceed in due form, in the undesirable Mount Vernon, 1, Portland. Leander W but necessary work of disciplining unworthy Fobes, hp; John C Small, k; Clayton J MasoNIC Relief AssociatioN. — The members. Farrington, ,8; John S Harris, sec. Association now numbers 779 members, six “ It was also suggested by Brethren famil­ Greenleaf, 13, Portland. Geo R Shaw, hp; having died during the past year. The iar with the work of our lodges, that a Mon­ itor, adapted to our ritual or work, would be A K Paul, k ; A D Pearson, s; Francis E available funds consist of five City of Port- Chase, sec. B F Andrews, Trustee. of essential benefit to the Craft in Maine. land registered bonds of $1,000 each and “ For these reasons, I determined to com­ Aurora, 22, Cornish. Geo F Clifford, hp ; $4,437.90 on deposit; $6,553.12 have been pile a Text Book, which should embrace in­ John Bradley, k ; Gilbert Chase, s; Roscoe struction for all the work and ordinary busi­ G Smith, sec. disbursed during the year, and $7,586.70 re­ ness of the lodge and the ceremonies of the Somerset, 15, Skowhegan. Albert G ceived. The by-laws have been revised so Grand Lodge, and contain a Digest of the MASONIC TOKEN, JAN. 15, 1878. 19

Constitution and Decisions of our Grand Notice.—In our advertising columns is The Chaine d’Union of Paris, in a long Lodge.” noticed Stoddart’s Musical Library, a serial and complimentary review of the Proceed­ All this he has successfully accomplished, publication now under way, which, from its ings of our Grand Commandery, pays a high and the brethren in Maine can now feel that extraordinary cheapness, will effect a revolu- compliment to Grand Commander Gordon, they have a text book which will answer tion in the music publishing interest. Messrs. and in closing says : nearly every question they can ask, while Stoddart & Co. agree to give for the low price “Nos compliments les plus sinceres aux abroad it will be received with great favor, of one dime a collection of the most popular FF.: chevaliers Stephen Berry, David Bug­ both for its intrinsic value and on account of bee et Horatio A. Duncan, pour lexcellence instrumental and vocal music, printed on full de fond et de forme de leur habile Rapport.” the great reputation of its author. size music paper of the best quality—the As we can never expect to satisfy every same amount and quality, in fact, as would Bro. Harvey Hazelrigg, of Lebanon, expectation, so some are already questioning cost $1.50 if published separately. This is a Indiana, who died Dec. 15th, was one of the why compass and compasses are both given. step in the right direction, and one which most prominent masons of the West. He The answer is, that the Grand Lodge having had been a member of the Order for nearly will find instant and hearty favor with those forty years. He was elected High Priest in adopted the word compass, it must be used whom it is entended to benefit. 1848, and served as such up to December, in the work aud lectures; elsewhere the 1866. He served twenty-three years and six months, consecutively, as W. M. of a Lodge, mason may gratify his own taste. So in Foe Lists of SUBSCRIBERS, High Priest of a Chapter, Eminent Com­ cases where our Constitution differs from the We have to thank Bros. I. L. Shepherd, mander of a Commandery, Grand Master of general masonic law, our Constitution takes Castine; Newell H. Bates, Dexter; O. H. the Grand Lodge, and Eminent Grand Com­ precedence until it is changed. The book is mander of the Grand Commandery. He Wakefield, East Lowell; P. G. M. David a 12mo. of 350 pages, elegantly bound in served one year as Grand King, ten years as Cargill, Augusta; Roscoe G. Smith, Cornish; Grand High Priest, one year as Grand Cap­ blue cloth, and will be sent by mail on receipt W. R. G. Estes, Skowhegan. tain General, two years as Generalissimo, ten of §2.00. years as Deputy Grand Commander, two years as Grand Commander, one year as g^’We send, or try to send, free, our Senior Grand Warden, four years as Deputy INDIAN TERRITORY.—Bro. J. S. Morrow, paper to all Grand Secretaries. If any fail Grand Master, and had been a member of for the Committee on Correspondence of the the Grand Lodge since 1844, a period of to receive it, notice to us will bring it. If Grand Lodge of Indian Territory, copies thirty-three years, never missing a meeting, any one of them wishes extra copies, it will from Maine, thus : this being a longer continuous attendance give us pleasure to send them also. than that of any other member in the State. Bro. Day, D. D. G. M. of the 15th Dis­ In addition to being always on hand, he trict, says : served at every session on some of the most “February 2, 1876, after five hours’ drive —It will be seen by their advertisement important committees. He devoted much in getting twelve miles through drifting that S. P. Leighton & Co. have established time to the study of masonry, and was held snow in a blinding storm, I arrived at Phil- in high esteem by the Craft. lips, with both ears white, and was glad to a new store for the manufacture of masonic find that the W. M. had postponed the meet- goods, at No. 22 West Street, Boston, under ing of Blue Mountain Lodge until the next the Gas Co.’s office. The senior partner has We learn from the London Freemason that afternoon, at which time I witnessed work been long a member of the old firm of Pollard, the action of the Grand Orient of France is veryon the creditable third degree, manner, which and wasI am done satisfied in a Leighton & Co. evoking earnest discussion in England. The with the material used on that occasion, for Grand Lodge of Ireland and the Supreme a candidate who will come in such intense We have published an illuminated title Council of England have suspended inter­ weather eight miles—the last three, by com- pulsion, on foot—and at the expense of a and index for Volume I, which has been sent course. frozen face, has zeal sufficient for a whole to all who asked it. If any, who have kept A discussion arose in the Grand Lodge of Lodge of Masons.” their files, still lack it, a postal card notice to England regarding the German Grand Lodge, And comments as follows : us will secure it. No. 1 is also re-printed, which refuses to initiate Jews. It was urged Pshaw! that is nothing, Brother Day. which we will furnish on receipt of 25 on its behalf that it had been organized for a Why, our brethren of the Indian Territory have to fight their way through hostile bands cents. We have a few complete sets of Vol­ hundred years as a Christian Grand Lodge, of wild Indians to their lodge-rooms, and ume 1, which will be sent on receipt of $2.00. and that it did not refuse them the privilege they are always present, of course! The It is particularly to be desired that Maine of visiting, but would not initiate them with­ Grand Lodge of Maine has a “ Charity Fund ” of several thousand dollars, and they lodges should secure these for their libraries. out a declaration of belief in Christianity. expend it according to masonic principles, We have sent every number to every lodge This seems reasonable. which, after all, is the best evidence of the free, but doubtless few have preserved them. high standing of the Order in that State. May God ever bless our brethren of Maine. Yet, as the whole volume can never be re- FreemasoNs’ Repository.—Our readers printed, and only about/t/ly copies will exist, it will regret to learn that on the 27th of Sep­ Wanted. Proceedings Grand Lodge of is evident that some day sets will be eagerly tember the Repository office at Providence Maine, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1853, 1854, 1857, sought for, as it is a history of masonry in was burned. The proprietor started anew, for which cash will be paid on receipt at Maine, since 1867. We may as well mention, and, we trust, will soon make up the loss this office. Also— modestly, that since we have given them through the sympathy which it will elicit. Grand Chapter of Maine, 1865. free for ten years, we should be willing to We regret particularly to learn that the back Grand Council of Maine, 1858. receive subscriptions from all the lodges. If files were burned, as we lack Nos. 6 and 11 Grand Commandery of Maine, 1858, 1863. each lodge would yearly appropriate one or of Vol. 6. Bro. R. L. McCormick, of Waseca, Minne- more dollars for subscriptions, and distribute sota, wants the following Grand Commandery the papers to their members, they would find Schleusner.—A mourning circular from Proceedings, for which he will pay cash or it the best invested money they had. How Bro. Amaral of the Grand Orient of Brazil, give valuable duplicates in exchange : often you find masons whose sons fail to join informs us of the death of their much valued Mississippi, 1857, 1858, 1861. the fraternity; but if they found masonic brother Udo Schleusner, Dep. Grand Mas­ New Hampshire, 1826 to 1860, inc. org. ’60. papers lying around at home they could not ter of the province of Bahia, Oct. 17th. Texas, January, ,855, 1864, 1866, 1868. fail to get interested in the subject, and one Virginia, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864. candidate a year would be a handsome in­ A copy of the London Freemason strayed terest on your dollar. We must not omit to off to Portland, Oregon, Maine having been The Masonic Advocate, of Indiana, in a say that a few lodges regularly do it, and we omitted, but our kind Bro. Earheart, the leading editorial, advises the abolition of are sure they will fully agree with these Grand Secretary, sent it on to us. Will Bro. affiliation fees. remarks. Kenning add Maine to our address ? 20 MASONIC TOKEN, JAN. 15, 1878.

PUBLICATIONS ren as the claims of Truth will permit. The the apartments more elegant, in every re­ negro question seems to be tided over for the spect. The Armory is now large and com­ SENT post-paid ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. present. The surrender of the Cryptic de- modious, and its ornamentation very fine. grees is an action which looks like a doubt in When the banners and arms are displayed in History of 1-10-29 Me. Regt, by Maj. J. M. the large cases on either side of the room, Gould, 720pp. octavo; illustrated with cuts, regard to the future of the fraternity, which and plans of Battle-fields and portraits of we cannot feel. A review of our statistics the effect, together with the crosses of the officers, cloth,...... $5.00 show has order emblazoned on the walls, will be ad­ Maine Masonic Text Book, Digest and will what the history of masonry Monitor, by J. H. Drummond, 350 pp. 12 mo. been in the past. mirable. The small banqueting room and cloth,...... $2.00 In 1820 our Grand Lodge started with the Library will be admired and appreciated. Memorial of Lieut. Fred. H. Beecher, 48 pp. quarto; tinted paper, gilt edge; cloth, $2.00. about twenty lodges and say 500 members. While the brethren are admiring these rooms, Grand Lodge of Maine, vol. 1, Reprint, 1820 In 1830 it had 58 lodges and about 1540 mem- it is well to suggest that the gentlemen whose to 1847, inclusive, (a few copies only,) In sheets...... $3 20 bers. In 1840, masonry was so prostrated taste has designed them, are Geo. W. Deem­ Bound in 4 roan,...... 4.30 Vol. 6, Proceedings for the years 1867, ’68 that it was difficult to say how many lodges ing, Rufus H. HiNkley, and William G. and ’69, in sheets,...... $2 50 were alive, but as 36 lodges were represented Davis, Committee, F. H. Fassett, Archi­ Bound in J roan,...... 3.60 Vol. 7, 1870 to 1872, in sheets,...... $2.50 in the convention at the revival in 1843, it is tect, and CiiaRles J. Schumacher, Fresco Bound in ,t roan,...... 3.60 Vol. 8, 1873 to 1875, in sheets,...... $2.50 safe to estimate the lodges at 40 and the Painter. Bound in | roan,...... 3.60 membership at 1000. In 1850 there were 50 Grand Chapter of Maine, Vol. 4, 1868 to 1873, inclusive, in sheets,...... $3.00 lodges and 1800 members. In 1856, when The Committee of Correspondence of the Bound in j red roan,...... 4.10 the present Grand Secretary was elected, the Grand Council of Florida complain that the Grand Council of Maine, Vol. 2, 1868 to Grand Recorder of Maine is discourteous 1875, in sheets,...... $3.00 returns were first tabulated, anil the following Bound in J green roan,...... 4.10 table will show the progress : because he has neglected to send our pro­ Grand Commandery of Maine, Vol. 2,1868 Gain ceedings to them. Our Grand Recorder is to 1873, inclusive, in sheets,...... 3.25 Members. Per Cent. Initiates. Bound in | black roan,...... 4 30 sure he sent them, and the Grand Recorder 1856, 3,211 646 Grand Chapter of Florida, Reprint 1861 and of Florida seemed to think so, too, because 1862, in paper, ...... 1.00 1857, 3,288 ‘4 497 Masonic Token, Vo). I, 1867 to 1877, with 1858, 3,391 3 480 he acknowledged the receipt of them ! Index, in sheets,...... $2.00 1859, 3,762 11 668 1860, 4.319 13 817 LODGE HISTORIES. Grand Encampment. — Grand Master 1861, 4,744 9| 897 Lincoln Lodge, Wiscasset,...... 40 1862, 5,396 13| 679 Hurlbut has issued an order appointing Dis­ Lincoln Lo., Wiscasset, Supplement, to 1870,..20 1863, 6,041 12 1,054 trict Deputy Grand Masters. District No. 1 Harmony Lodge, Gorham,...... 40 1864, 7,227 Arundel Lodge, Kennebunkport,...... 30 19j 1,995 is the New England States, and Benj. Dean, Casco Lodge, Yarmouth,...... 40 1865, 8,884 23 1,741 Lewy’s Island Lodge, Princeton,...... 25 1866, 10,075 13j 1,608 Grand Generalissimo, has charge of it. York Lodge, Kennebunk,...... 50 1867, 11,491 14 1,678 Eastern Frontier Lodge, Fort Fairfield,...... 25 1868, 13,001 18J 1,672 Messalonskee Lodge, West Waterville,...... 35 Cuba.—A courteous letter from Dr. S. J. Atlantic Lodge, Portland,...... 30 1869, 14,121 1,343 Mt. Desert Lodge, Mt. Desert,...... 25 1870, 14,726 1,130 Barnet, of the Grand Lodge of Colon, asks Hancock Lodge, Castine,...... 35 1871, 15,818 1,160 an exchange with their official Bulletin, Paris Lodge, South Paris,...... 40 4 Forest Lodge, Springfield,...... 25 1872, 16,571 1,193 which we accept with much pleasure, and Crescent Lodge, Pembroke,...... 30 1873, 17,224 4 1,015 Cumberland Lodge, No. 12, New Gloucester,. .50 1874, 18,108 1,127 thank him for the file of Proceedings sent us. Greenleaf Lodge, No. 117, Cornish,...... 30 si 964 Rising Sun Lodge, No. 7, Orland,...... 25 1875, 18,673 1876, 18,837 805 Aina Lodge, No. 43. Damariscotta,...... 30 4 MasoNic Trustees of PORTLAND.—At Tremont Lodge, No. 77, Tremont,...... 20 1877, 19,365 703 Waterville Lodge, No. 33, Waterville...... 90 the annual meeting, January 11th, Stephen Sebasticook Lodge, No. 146, Clinton,...... 30 This shows a healthy growth from the re­ Berry was re-elected Chairman, and R. H. Howard Lodge, No. 69, Winterport,...... 30 vival up to 1861, when the sudden war gave Somerset Lodge, No. 34, Skowhegan,...... 50 Hinkley Secretary and Treasurer, for 1878. Crescent Chapter, No, 26, Pembroke, . .. . .30 it a check, followed by a rush until the close Drummond Chapter, No. 27, W. Waterville, .35 It was voted to name the new large hall of the war in 1865, when a gradual decline “ Corinthian Hall,” and the smaller “ Tyrian begun, which reached its lowest point in A New YeaR brings with it new hopes Hall.” On Thursday evening, January 17th, 1876, when the increase was relatively and new duties. Not that our old duties, the the apartments will be opened to Master smaller than in any year since 1846. In tenets of our profession, Brotherly Love, Re- Masons and their lady guests, when the organ llef and Truth are changed,but that the drift 1877, although the number of initiates was smaller, the return to membership made the will be exhibited, and some fine vocal music of the world’s opinion brings them up in new given by a select choir. forms. The action of the Grand Orient of gain more than three times as great. That France in changing their constitution so as to this coincides with the depression of business, Compass or Compasses? admit atheists, is the most important masonic will be seen by the fact that the two periods The article of J. O. S. in a former number event of the year, and Grand Lodges are when there has been the greatest rush into of the Token has led me to examine the dif­ rapidly moving to suspend intercourse with beneficiary societies have been 1846 and them on account of it. In all Catholic coun- 1876. Hence we are confident that the low- ferent Monitors in my collection to ascertain tries, the action of the church against ma- est point is reached, and that we are once which word is used, and the following is the sonry has thrown the liberal-thinkers into its more on the up-grade, or very near it. result: In the first edition of Thomas’s Constitu- ranks, so that France is likely to be sustained '['he darkest hour is just before dawn. In the former depression it is noticeable that tions (1793), edited by Rev. ThaddeUs by many Grand Lodges outside of the En- MasoN Harris, Compass is used; but in the glish-speaking communities. How rapidly many lodges succumbed just before the re­ we shall move in this matter is a subject for vival. Let us not imitate them now, but second edition (1798) it is changed to Com­ careful consideration, but it is evident that hold steadily on and wait for the coming passes: when the word was introduced into Anglo-American masons, who have been morn. the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Mas- taught from time Immemorial that their first And so, brethren, we wish you, confi­ sachusetts, Compasses was used, and has ever duty is to God, will not be in haste to yield in dently, a Happy New Year. since been used. so important a point, by admitting atheists to In the first edition of Webb’s Monitor visit their lodges, while the feeling of fra­ The New Halls are nearly completed, (1797), the word is Compasses, and in the sec­ ternity must make them as considerate and will be opened this week. The organ is ond edition (1805) the same word is used, as towards the opinions of their French breth­ pronounced much better than the former, and is also Compass; but in the editions of 1805, MASONIC TOKEN, JAN. 15, 1878. 21

1808, 1812, the three of 1816, the two of 1818, Kentucky.—The Grand Lodge of Ken­ primarily to a lack of interest and ability to the one of 1821, in both editions of MoRRis’s tucky lately laid a tax of one dollar a year support them in a proper manner. “ Upon the revival of masonry, the cultiva­ Webb, in Carson’s Webb, and in Chase’s for five years on each mason in that Sate for tion of these degrees was resumed, and was Webb, the word is Compass. the support of the Widows’ and Orphans’ gradually extended. The re-action in favor In Preston, the first American Edition in Home, at Louisville. This caused a rebellion of masonry was such that it was overdone: the growth was too much of the fungus char­ 1804, and in the English Editions of 1829, among the lodges at Maysville. The Grand acter, and certainly too rapid. Brethren (edited by DR. Oliver), and 1846, and the Master demanded the charter and lodge devoted to it more time than due attention to American Reprint, (being all which I have), property of Confidence Lodge, and some of their avocations allowed: they held official stations in from two to four Bodies, and even the word is Compasses. the members got a legal injunction against Grand Bodies, at a time. Too impatient of In Cole’s Maryland Ahiman Rezon of the delivery, whereat the Grand Master waiting for promotion in their body, they 1817 and 1826, Compasses is used. issued a proclamation arresting the charter, sought to establish new ones; each little village was also ambitious of being the seat I have not the first edition of Cross’s and declaring all acts of the lodge clandestine. of one or more : the result Chart, but the second (T820) and all subse- was that a vast number of new charters were Grand Commander Rugg, of Providence, quent editions have Compasses. granted for bodies, which, when they lost has gone to Halifax, to take charge of a the services of one or two zealous Brethren Hardie’s (New York) Monitor (1819); flourishing society. who were their backbone, began to die, or, at Converse’s (Connecticut) Key (1823); Cor­ best, live at a poor, dying rate. nelius Moore’s (Ohio) Craftsman (1846); Bro. William Hacker is writing a his- “ Such was the position in 1861, at the breaking out of the war: but even then the Chandler’s (Pennsylvania) Monitor (1843); tory of masonry in Indiana. membership and the number of live Councils Scott’s (MississippiJ Keystone (1856); and in the country were not so large as at the The Grand Lodge of Indiana will have to Gray’s (Mississippi) Mystic Circle (1859); present time. The stimulus the war gave to vote to tax the lodges or give up its masonic masonry, however, was felt in the whole all use Compasses. temple this year, as the treasury will be system, but it was an unhealthy stimulus : The first edition of Dove’s (Virginia) members joined and went ‘ as high as they completely bare at its next annual meeting. Text Book (1840), and the second edition could get’ (as the saying was) from merce- nary or selfish motives, and, worse than all (1854), have Compass; while the third edition Eakly HistoRY of the Grand Lodge that, they were hurried through the degrees (1866) has Compasses. of PenNsylvaNia.— The Library Commit- with a rapidity that absolutely prevented Charles W. Moore’s Trestle Board has tee of the Grand Lodge have compiled and their receiving any benefit whatever from our teachings : the inevitable result was that Compass, but during all the time that book published the early history of this Grand when the occasion passed by for which they was the standard Monitor in Massachusetts, Lodge. Part i is issued, containing 183 pp., sought the benefits of masonry, they cared the Constitution* had Compasses. with an elegant plate of Col. Daniel Coxe, of for it as little as they knew, and ceased pay­ The Text Books published by the Grand ing dues; having never been in the habit of Trenton, N. J., the first Grand Master of that attending our meetings, they did not have to Lodges of Massachusetts (1876), Mississippi State. This Part contains the evidence late­ change in that respect. (1875), North Carolina (1875), Pennsylvania ly produced by -Bro. McCalla to show that “But there was another cause for depres­ sion : when the war broke out, many of the (1825), and Tennessee (1868), all have Com­ Masonry existed in Philadelphia three years best officers and members were called away passes: but the first edition (1840) of the earlier than elsewhere in America, and it from their masonic duties, and never returned Tennessee Manual had (Joinpass. seems very conclusive, not to mention that to active work : the bodies fell into the hands Dalcho’s South Carolina Ahiman Rezon of brethren equally ambitious and zealous, Bro. McCalla has still later found a letter but not as competent: that is to say, the av­ of 1807 has Compass once, and Compasses dated March 10, 1715, signed by John Moore, erage standard of excellence and competency every other time; and the second edition ancestor of some distinguished Pennsylva­ of officers was lowered. “ To this should also be added the fact, that (1822) follows the first: while Mackey’s nian Grand Officers, who speaks of spending in the South many bodies were actually de­ editions of 1852 and 1866 have Compasses; evenings in festivity with his masonic breth­ stroyed by the war, in everything but name. and in Mackey’s recent work, “ The Manual ren, and this, two years before the revival of “ The result was, that when peace, and a of the Lodge,” he invariably uses Compasses. masonry and establishment of the Grand settling down to the avocations of peace, came, we had a very large number of bodies, Drew’s (New York) Monitor of 1860, and Lodge in England, so that Philadelphia ma­ especially in the South, which had lost all Mead’s (New Jersey) Text Book of 1872, sonry is actually old enough to prove a con- their members who could be relied upon to maintain them; and another large number, use both. necting link with operative masonry against which had been unadvisedly organized, with Sickels, Macoy and Cunningham, in those who argue that the whole thing orig­ no efficient material in the surrounding coun­ their recent works, all use Compasses, while inated in 1817 ! The book is elegantly print­ try for their support: and others with a large Taylor (Texas) uses Compass. ed, like all Philadelphia work, and sells for nominal membership of those who had never been masons more than in name, who paid The term is used in but few of the Grand $1 for each part. Those wishing io subscribe no dues, and for whom the active members Lodge Constitutions, but in those in which may address Charles E. Meyer, Masonic paid dues to the Grand Bodies. it is used, including those of Scotland)'Ire- Temple, Philadelphia. “ When matters were precisely in this con­ dition, there came in business that terrible land, England, Canada, New Brunswick, depression, which was the necessary result Quebec, and Massachusetts, it is Compasses. Ckyptic Degrees.—In Illinois the Coun­ of the overdoing in the previous years ; the J. H. D. cils are arranging to amalgamate with the same law produced the same effect in busi­ Chapters, and in other States there seems to ness as in the material affairs of masonry ; but it told with double effect, of course, upon The Repository proposes to find the oldest be a tendency the same way. This is forcing masonry. Past Master, and leads off with Christopher an extra and unnecessary burden upon the “ The result is, that in many Grand Lodge jurisdictions there has been a large falling Burr, made in St. John’s Lodge, Providence, Chapters It is to be hoped that in Maine off) and the membership throughout the in 1812, and Master in 1819. we shall find pluck enough to go on through country has scarcely held its own: in the To our list of old masons we add the name the dull times, holding the progress which Chapters the result has been worse; and if it of Marcus Richardson, Bangor, Maine, born we have made in the last score of years. If has been even worse in the Councils, it is simply because the higher bodies inevitably 1780, made a mason 1802. He will therefore any Council is too weak to live, let it drop feel it the worst. come No. 3 in the United States. Peter out and surrender its jurisdiction to its ******* Hammond, Geneseo, Ill., 1799, and Capt. nearest neighbor. “Let those, then, who do not believe in John Knight, Manchester, Mass., 1801, being Comp. Drummond, in his report on Cor­ lowering the standard to demoralization and dissolution, close up the vacant spaces made older. respondence to the Grand Council of Maine, by those falling out, and, with united effort, says: maintain these beautiful degrees in the or­ The Ontario Freemason has died at eight “ We believe that tbe depression in Cryp­ ganizations our fathers created and transmit­ months of age. tic Masonry, wherever it exists, is not due ted to our care.” 22 MASONIC TOKEN JAN. 15, 1878.

The Christmas number of the London Free­ Chas. P. Utley, Gr. Rec., for proc. Gr. Com­ been ever given by the Grand Master of the mason is an elegant 32 page paper with a mandery Wisconsin, 1877. old Templars), is in itself an error. Knight­ R. T. Jones, Gr, Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge Indian hood can only be granted by the Crown for wrapper containing pictures of the Prince of Territory, 1877. public services to the Crown or State, and Wales and other officers of the Grand Lodge, , Sov. Gr. Comm’r S. M. J., transla­ tion proc. Gr. Orient France respecting rejecting the only exception we know of is the Knights and is full of good things. Deity, and mandate suspension intercourse. of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, which Theo. S. Parvin, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Chapter knighthood used to be conferred by the Prior The Jewel says the Grand Lodge of Arkan- Iowa, 1877. Among others, it contains a capital of the Franciscan Convent at Jerusalem. In sas has accepted a report which will stop the likeness of Parvin, who looks as modest as if he a word, all such societies in England, are was unconscious that his “ obituary ” follows it. skillful adaptations of older and different yearly aid given to St. John’s College. George Kenning, 198 Fleet Street, London, pub­ societies, and nothing more. But when we lisher of London Freemason, for the “ Cosmo­ politan Masonic Calendar.” This contains a roll write history we should seek to write history, Contributions to Masonic Library. of all British Masonic Bodies, and most others on authentic, matter of fact, and not color it by the globe. Of this country it gives the Grand prepossessions, however amiable ideal attrib­ Bodies, and their officers. It is very valuable. William P. Preble— Price, post-paid, 2s. Id. Sixty cents will bring it. utes, however innocuous.—[London Free­ His whole masonic library, consisting of mason. Christopher Diehl, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge 238 bound volumes, 244 ('estimated) unbound. Utah, 1877. List hereafter. This contains many rare and DIED. valuable works. “A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TEMPLARS Aurelius S. Hinds— In Portland, November 29, Alfred M. Burton, Vols. 29 and 30, Moore’s Boston Magazine. AND THE FREEMASONS OF THE ClTY Treasurer of the Maine Savings Bank, aged 53 yrs. 8 mos. Brother Burton was born in Gorham, and Stephen Berry— OF YORK.” Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar for 1878, We have received and studied with much was the son of William Burton, P. H. P. of Eagle London. interest a paper read before the members of Chapter. He was a member of Atlantic Lodge, the Ancient Ebor Preceptory, No. 101, Sep­ Mount Vernon Chapter, Portland Commandery, PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. tember 11, 1877, by E. Sir Knight J. B. and Portland Council, having been Master of the Whitehead, E. P., with this heading, and latter. lie was for many years Secretary of At­ Pen and Plow, New York, monthly, $1.00. though we cannot conscientiously agree with lantic Lodge and Mount Vernon Chapter, whose The Sanitarian, organ of the Medico-Legal the views of the writer, yet they are so records will be a lasting monument to his excel­ Society. Monthly, $3. Dr. A. N. Bell, ably put forward and so moderately ex­ lence in that department. He was also for a time Editor and Publisher. pressed, that we deem the little work worthy Treasurer of the Grand Chapter of Maine, and was of something more than a mere passing Robert B. Thomas’ Old Farmer’s Almanac, a member of the Board of Trustees from its organ­ perusal. Sir Knight Whitehead seems to 1878, from Loring, Short and Harmon. ization, as also President of the Relief Association. assume as his “ petitio principii,” that the Catalogue Bates College, 1877-8, from the modern Masonic or non-Masonic Knights He was a man deeply beloved and esteemed by President. Templar are the lineal and actual descendants his brethren, as well as by the citizens at large, Boston Book Bulletin, from D. Lothrop & of the famous chivalry of the Temple, that and his funeral was attended by representatives Co., Boston, 10c. they retain in some way or other, which from all the Masonic Bodies. Illustrated Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 1, from Ja’s “ deponent doth not explain,” the forms and In Portland, December 6, SewaU Waterhouse, Vick, Rochester, N. Y. §1.25 a year. Also secret usages of the actual Templars. But aged 72. his annual catalogue, 75 pp., with elegant Bro. Whitehead, though he traces out quite Hon. John F. Harris, an esteemed citizen of illustrations, which is sent to all who en­ correctly the history of the Northern English East Machias, Me., died at his residence in that Templars to their absorption in the Northern close a two cent stamp. place on Sunday, September 30th, aged 81 years. Convents, under the auspices of Archbishop The deceased was a prominent member of the Bhlletia-of—t&e—Asjsrifif’H Metric. Bureau, Greenfield, in 1311, yet can carry historically January, 1878. Price 10c. Office Tremont the annals of the Order no further. His Masonic Fraternity, and had been a member of Place, Boston. This number is full of in­ statement that in 1312 they were all relieved Warren Lodge, No. 2, for fifty-three years, having formation for teachers. from their obligatory confinement is not con­ been made a Mason in that Lodge November 16, Maine Genealogist, for December. Full of firmed by historical documents, as the ac- 1824. In 1826 he was elected Senior Warden, and valuable matter. Two plates. Quarterly. counts of the hospitallers disclose pensions to December 27, 1828, was elected Master, which Wm. B. Lapham, Augusta. $1.50 in ad- Knights Templars in the north much later position he held when the Lodge suspended its vance. The truth is that from 1312 to 1780—4G8 regular communications (December 29, 1829) on Music. years — nothing more seems heard of the account of the anti masonic troubles which at that Templars in York. Then the G. S. of the time extended all over the country. On the 6th of From, F. W. Helmick,Cincinnati. Grand Lodge, who had become a Templar Sweet Forget me Not, by Bobby Newcomb, Mason, became a zealous advocate of the October, 1847, the Lodge resumed its business, and 40c. higher grade. Brother Harris was again elected Master, which Old Uncle Dan, by Horace Dumars, 40c. Bro. Whitehead can still see the draft in position he held till 1857, when he was appointed the York Archives of a proposed warrant for District Deputy by the Grand Master of Maine. a Templar Chapter of “ Knights of the Holy In this position, as in all others which he filled, he hanks to OuR T Sepulchre of St.John of Jeiusalem,” with discharged his duties with that promptness and Christopher G. Fox. Gen. Gr. Sec., Reprint Gen. all its erasures and interlineations, showing fidelity which always characterized lum as a man Gr. Chapter, organization to 1856. Proc. Gen. Gr. that up to that time no proper warrant had and a mason. He manifested great interest in the Chapter, 1877. been issued. What is the evidence of Tem­ Order up to the time of his death. He was a man Willis N. Brent, Gr. Sec., for proc. National plar perpetuation during the 468 years ? of sterling honesty and integrity, and had filled (Colored) Masonic Convention, 1877. Practically nil. The charter of Larmenius Prof. J. E. Hilgard, Asst. Supt. Coast Survey, at Paris is clearly a forgery. The Scottish many positions of honor and trust in the com­ for report 1874. evidences of Templary under Jacobite leader­ munity where he resided, and twice represented Chas. H. Titus, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge Washington County in the Senate of Maine. He Massachusetts, September, 1877. ship are of dubious authority, and there is was buried with masonic honors, Warren and John Carlovitz, Chairman Correspondence, proc. not the slightest evidence accruing, or Addi­ Gr. Council Florida, 1877. son would have produced it, that the Southern Harwood Lodges being in attendance. W. T. Boyd, Cleveland, for proc. National Templars, after their imprisonment and ill (Colored) Masonic Convention, 1877. treatment, ever met again as such. Where Our Masonic Exchanges. Thos. J. Corson, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Chapter Dunckerly obtained his Templary from is and Gr. Commandery New Jersey, 1877. still a moot point, and he is the Southern Kentucky Freem son, by II. A. M. Hender­ Library Committee Gr. Lodge Pennsylvania, reviver of it. The theory that the modern son, Frankfort. Monthly, $1 in advance. Early History Grand Lodge Pennsylvania, Part I. Templars have any historical connection with JJulclin Oficial de la Masoneria Sinib. de Luke E. Barber, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge the old, is, in our opinion, an utter delusion. Colon. Dr. 8. J. Barnet, Consulado 69 A., Arkansas, 1877. Every usage is modern, and utterly alien Havana. Semi monthly. John F. Burrill, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge from the real customs of the true Templars. Illinois, 1877. “• Encampment ” is a modern word, and no The Freemason, 198 Fleet Street, London, Geo. S. Hallmark, Gr. Kec., proc. Gr. Council “ Preceptory ” of Templars was ever called Eng. Weekly, 16 folio pp. 10s. 6d. per year. Florida, 1877. after a person, but a place. The “ locus in Liberal Freemason, Alfred F. Chapman, John H. Brown, Gr. Sec., proc. Grand Lodge quo,” where the Preceptory was situated, as Boston, Mass. Monthly, 32 octavo pp., $»2. Kansas, 1877. Bro. Whitehead well knows. Edward C. Pa: melee, Gr. Sec., proc. Gr. Chap­ Masonic Eclectic, Washington, D. C., by There is not in the Templar ritual any ter Colorado, 1877. G. II. Harney. Monthly, 48 pp., $2. J. Emmett Blackshear, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. remains of “ knightly archaisms,” indeed it is Lodge Georgia, 1877. notoriously most modern. The very adapta­ Maine Freemason and Odd Fellow, Kilby Wm. R. Bowen. Gr. Rec., for proc. Gr. Com­ tion of the power of granting knighthood & Woodbury, Skowhegan. Monthly, ljil. mandery Nebraska, 1877. (which, by the way, does not seem to have Eight folio pages. MASONIC TOKEN JAN. 15, 1878. 23

The Square, Masonic Publishing Co., 626 S. P. LEIGHTON & CO., W. L. KEILER, Broadway, New York. Monthly, $1. Manufacturers of Evening Chronicle, Philadelphia. Masonic MASONIC FRESCO PAINTER, department. Democratic Daily. $6. ORDER SLATE, The Keystone, weekly, Box 1503, Phil­ Jewels, Baaks, adelphia. $3 per year. 25 UNION STREET, The Hebrew Leader, Weekly. 196 Broad­ BANNERS AND FLAGS, Residence 108 Vaughan Street, PORTLAND. way, N. Y. $5. Masonic department. Knight-Templar Uniforms, The Craftsman, Port Hope, Ontario, J. B. Ladies should buy their Trayes. Monthly, octavo, $1 50. GOLD AND SILVER Masonic Advocate, Indianapolis, Ind., Martin Laces, Fringes, Cords, Braids, Tassels, H. Rice, P. G. Master, Editor and proprietor. DRY GOODS Monthly, $1.25, 16 quarto pp. Buttons, Spangles, Stars, at the well known store of Freemason;' Repository, Ferrin & Ham­ MILITARY & THEATRICAL GOODS, LSACTI, mond, Providence, R. I. Monthly $1.50. 22 West St., BostoN. Masonic Jewel, A. J. Wheeler, Memphis, No. 84 Middle Street, Tenn. 24 quarto pp., monthly, $1. Union Mutual Life Insur­ Blade Sillcs, Paisley Shawls and Loomis' Musical and Masonic Journal, Housekeeping Goods are New Haven, Conn. Monthly, 20 quarto pages, ance Co. of Manne. of which four are new music, $1. Specialties. Always Directors’ Office, 153 Tremont St., Boston. Masonic Review, Cincinnati, Ohio, T. J. JOHN E. DEWITT, President. THE LARGEST STOCK, Melish. 68 pp. octavo. $2.50. J. H. Drummond, Portland, Resident Director. THE BEST GOODS,

Masonic Chronicle. D.Sickels, New York. B. G. BEAN, 88 Exchange St., Portland, THE LOWEST PRICES. Monthly. General Agent for Maine. LORING, SHORT & HARMON, La Chaine D'Union de Paris, Journal de ORD-FORMING. An intellectual game. la Ma^onnerie Universelle. Paris, France, Rue Sets of letters, with explanations, sent by BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Wmail, prepaid, on receipt of 25 cents. Stephen de la Vieille-Estrapade, 9, M. Hubert, editor. And jobbers of Monthly, 14 francs ($2.80) per year. Berry, Publisher, Portland. Paper Hangings and School Books, OR SALE, a Weed Sewing Machine, Manufacturers of in perfect order, at a low price. Address DOLLAR-AND-A-HALF for 10c. FStephen Berry, Portland. TZtjLi^AZMLi BOOKS, STOOD ABUS MVSTCAL LIBRARY, And Dealers in just publishing, 12 pages, full sizc, best and most New and Second Hand Law Books popular music for 10 cents. New and Popular DR. W. R. JOHNSON, Songs, Dance and instrumental Music, Operas, 110 Middle St., under Falmouth Hotel, Hymns, etc., etc. For sale by all news-dealers. Postage 2 cents, to be sent in addition to the above, PORTLAND. if ordered from the publishers. J. M. STODDART & CO., Office over H. H. Hay’s, Middle St. E. W. FRENCH, 723 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. All operations in Dentistry performed in the best possible manner, and charges alwavs reasonable. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ltliei' or Goh i.diiiii.lHlore.l will. perfect safety. BRYANT AND LONGFELLOW. Curer and Packer of and Wholesale Dealer in AVING removed from my old stand to the new Smoked, Dry and Pickled Fish, Fish A Superb life-size portrait of either of these poets store, H Oils and Fish Pumice, will be sent to every subscriber to tlie ATLAN­ NO. 17 UNION STREET, TIC MONTHLY for 1877, who remits $5.00 French’s Wharves, EASTPORT, ME. direct to the Publishers (H. O. HOUGHTON I shall carry on the business of & CO., Riverside Press, Cambridge, JOSEPH A. LOCKE, Mass.); and for $6.00 the magazine and Steam, Gas and Water Piping both portraits will be sent. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, in all its branches. Especial attention will be No. 74 Middle, cor. Exchange Street, paid to Premiums.—Any brother who will procure ______PORTLAND, Me.______subscribers for us, remitting not less than $1 at Sanitary Drainage and Ventilation, and Heat­ a time, may retain one-fourth of the money for ing by Hot Water. his services. Those who wish to assist us, THE SUNDAY TIMES without caring for the premium, can gratify I shall be pleased to see all my friends and Gives all the nezvs, both at home some indigent brother by sending him a paper former customers. I have taken the agency for and from abroad. free. It is belter to take subscriptions for two Nathan & Dreyfus’ Injectors, Its large local circulation makes it a most valuable advertising medium. “ THE BEST.” Office No. 31 Market Street, (opposite Post Office). This is the only Injector that will lift water twenty feet from a well or cistern, and deliver it GILES O. BAILEY, Prop'r. Maine Masonic Text Book, into the boiler against any pressure of steam. Eveiw Injector is warranted to do all we claim for H. HANSON & SON, BY JOSIAH II. DRUMMOND, it. They will be put in for responsible parties Manufacturers of PAST GRAND MASTER. upon trial. Send for Illustrated Circulars. Work done in any part of the State, and satisfac­ tion in prices and workmanship guaranteed. Monuments, Tablets, Grave Stones, Cloth, 12 mo., 350 Pages, $2.00. W. H. PENNELL. AND GRANITE WORK, Grand Master Burnham says“ 11 will be very No. 17 Union Street, Portland, Me. No. 907 Congkess Street, Portland, Maine. useful to the lodges, both for their officers and the All orders promptly attended to. members. A great amount of labor has been THE PORTLAND MASONIC RELIEF ASSO- spent in its compilation. I trust it will have a 1 CIAT1ON meets the 4th Wednesday of every wide circulation among the Fraternity.” month. For full information apply to FRED'K F. HALE, Past Grand Master Moohe says:—“ It is a work A. E. Chase, Sec’y, that should be in the hands of every mason who Box 737. Portland, Me. desires to become posted in the Order. Tbe name ART STORE, of Past Grand Master Drummond, its author, who is one of the best masonic writers in the WILLIAM ZPEARCE, Frames, Mouldings, Chromos, country, is a sufficient guarantee of its worth and accuracy. Besides the Digest of Decisions of the PRACTICAL PLUMBER, Engravings, Photographers’ Supplies, &c., Grand Lodge, this work also embraces instruction No. 2 FREE STREET, PORTLAND. for all the work and ordinary business of the .Force Pumps and Water Closets, lodge, and the ceremonies of the Grand Lodge. No. 41 Union Street, (under Falmouth Hotel), It is what every intelligent Free and Accepted Portland, Maine. MAINE SAVINGS BANK^ Mason wants.” Warm, Cold and Shower Baths, Washbowls, Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $2.00. Brass and Silver Plated Cocks, every description Cor. Middle and Plum Sts. DRESSER, MCLELLAN & CO., PUBLISHERS, of Water, Steam and Gas Fixtures for dwelling Houses, Hotels and Puldie Buildings, ships’ closets, No. 47 Exchange St., Portland, Me. etc., arranged and set up in the best manner, and Interest on deposits commences on the first day of all orders in town or country faithfully executed. January, February, March, April, July, N TO RICHMOND. A game. Sent post­ All kinds of jobbing promptly attended to. August, September and October. paid for 5c. Stephen Berry, Publisher, Port­ Constantly on hand Lead, Iron and Brass Pipe, Oland, Maine. Sheet Lead and Plumbers’ Materials. A. G. ROGERS, .Ass’f 1'reas. 24 MASONIC TOKEN, - - JAN. 15, 1878.

PROCEEDINGS SENT BY MAIL POST PAID. 1835. v. C. TARBOX, 1876- N. & H. B. CLEAVES, General Agent Grand Lodge, 1866, 18G7,18G9, 1870, 1872, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, each,80c.. Counsellors at Law, Grand Chapter, 1863, ’64, ’66, ’67, ’68, ’69, ’70, NEW ENGLAND ’72, ’73, ’74, ’75, ’76, ’77, each,.. .55c. Grand Council, 1867, ’69, ’70, ’71, ’72, ’73, ’74. Mutual Life Insurance Co. No. 30 Exchange Street, ’75, ’76, ’77, each,...... 35c. Grand Commandery, 1857, ’66, ’68, ’70, ’71, ’73, OF BOSTON, Nathan Cleaves. PORTLAND, ME. ’74, ’75, ’76, ’77, each, . 55c. 176 Middle, cor. Exchange St., Portland. A few files Grand Com’y 1864 to 67 inc...... 2.25 “ “ “ Council 1865 to 67 inc...... 1.00 Master Mason’s Hymns, mounted on heavy HALL L. DAVIS, TTJCKE3. pasteboard, (by express) each...... 10c. Masonic Hymns for Lodges, 9 hymns with music, paper, by mail per doz.,...... $1.50 BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, JOB PRINTING HOUSE, Chapter Music Cards, per doz.,.., ...... 1.25 And Blank Book Manufacturer, 115 Exchange Street, Visitors’ Books, Lodge and Chapter, bound half blue and red morocco, 160 pages, No. 53 Exchange Street, Printers’Exchange. PORTLAND. printed heading, express,...... $2 50 Black Books, express,...... $1.00 PORTLAND, ME. A. M. KIMBALL, Makager. J. W. STOCKWEI.L, 463 Danforth Street, R. K. GATLEY, Masonic Furnishing Store. Manufacturer of DRAIN Pipe, Flower Vases, Garden Border, Chimneys, Wells, Embry Wheels, Burial Vaults, Building Blocks, 21 Union Street, Portland, POLLARD, ALFORD & CO., Carriage Blocks, and Carbonated Stone of almost any shape, size or color. PLASTERER, STUCCO £ MASTIC WORKER. 10-4 Tremont St., Boston. Whitening, Coloring, Cementing, §"c. Every description of goods for S. S. RICH & SON, Contractor for Concrete Walks, Drives, Streets, &c. Lodges, Chapters, Councils and Commanderies, Manufacturers and dealers in WOOD & METALLIC CASKETS, G. M. STANWOOD & CO., On hand and furnished to order. BANNERS AND FLAGS COFFINS, SHROUDS, CAPS,&c., SHIP SMITHS. Painted and made to order. 138 Exchange street, residences 162 and 186 Pearl Sole Agents and Manufacturers for the street, State of Maine for A. J. Rich. Portland, Me. PINKHAM’S PATENT CAP, ORLANDO LEIGHTON, 173 Commercial Street, Dealer in DRESSER, McLELLAN & CO., Portland, Me. PUBLISHERS, ffi^All orders promptly attended to. Pork, Lard, Hams, Dressed Hogs, Wholesale Booksellers &. Stationers, PORK AND BOLOGNA SAUSAGES. C. E. JOSE & CO., Manufacturer of AND Importers of BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, EXTRA LARD OIL, 13 and 15 Silver street, - - Portland, Me. 47 Exchange Street, Portland, Crockery, China and Glass Ware, And Dealers in Kerosene Lamps, Plated and Publish Maine Reports, Webb’s Railroad Laws of Britannia Ware, ESTABLISHED 1841. ______Maine. 140 and 142 Middle, corner Pearl Street, RUMMON D A WINSIIIP, Counsel­ R. S. Maxey. PORTLAND, ME. J. C. Small. D lors at Law, No. 100 Exchange Street, Wh-Olesale Druggist, Portland. A. E. STEVENS & CO., Josiah H. Drummond. John O. Winship. Importers of Junction Free and Middle Sts., IRON AND STEEL, PORTLAND. Nos. 146 and 148 Commercial Street, ------0------Head of Widgery’s Wharf, I. D. MERRILL, Ask your Grocer Augustus E. stevens, Grenville M. stevens, PORTLAND. PLUMBER, TIN ROOFER, FOR THE and dealer in CHARLES M. RICE & CO., Plumbers’ Materials, CHINESE LAUNDRY SOAP. Dealer in all the varieties of No. 27 Union Street, PAPER, PAPER BAGS, & TWINE, D. W. TRUE & CO., PORTLAND. xchange t oktlanb wholesale No. 14 E S ., P . Paper of any size or quality made to order. ERRY, STEPHEN, Book, Job and Card Flour, Grocery & Provision Dealers, Printer, 37 Plum Street, Portland. All kinds Charles M. Rice. Bof Printing done to order. Orders by mail prompt­ 141 COMMERCIAL STREET, ly attended to. LANKS.—Masonic Blanks of all kinds always PORTLAND. WOODMAN, TRUE & CO., B on hand. isST'Send for a circular. Importers and Dealers in In future we shall send no blanks or other articles, of which the price is given in our circular J. A. MERRILL CO., DRY GOODS AND WOOLENS, list, by mail, unless the price is remitted with the order. Dealers in Woodman Block, cor. Pearl & Middle Sts., IY-LAWS.—Model By-Laws always in type, so ) that Lodges can have them at half price if few Masonic & Military Goods, PORTLAND. 1alterations are made. IARDS of all kinds cut to any size, and sent by ) mail or express at wholesale prices. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. " JOHN B. HUDSON, Jr., ( /CERTIFICATES OF STOCK, Town Bonds and All hinds of Lodge, Chapter, Council and, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, V7 every description of Ornamental Printing. Commandery fittings constantly I CHECKS, Drafts and all kinds of Bank Printing No. 367 Middle Street, C Stamped or unstamped. on hand. PORTLAND, ME. ABELS of all kinds, very cheap. Apothecary’s Recipe Blanks, Calendars, &c., &c. KNIGHT TEMPLAR UNIFORMS, &C. Special attention paid to all kinds of Masonic L Painting, and drawing and recording Marks. ODGE MUSIC, in Pamphlets, nine hymns—the No. 239 Middle Street, L best ever issued. Per dozen $1.50. PLACARDS & ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS J. A. MERRILL. PORTLAND. ALBION KEITH. SISE & NEVENS _L in every style. Colored and Bronze work. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in ) ECORDS and other Masonic Blank Books fur- GRAND LODGE CERTIFICATES I11 nished or made to order. Can be had at the Grand Secretary’s office, accord­ COFFEE AND SPICES, EALS.—Embossing Seals and Presses, very cheap ing to vote of Grand Lodge in 1868. Price $1, (or and of the finest workmanship, by the best in pocket book form $1.35). The quickest and best CREAM TARTAR, CAYENNE &.c., SSeal Engraver in the country. way is for Brethren wishing them to apply through the Secretaries of their respective Lodges. Eagle Mills, Office 184 & 18G Fore St., ISITING CARDS printed in the latest styles, sent post paid for 75c. per pack of 50. Money IRA BERRY, Grand Sec’y. H.H. Nevens. PORTLAND, ME. Vmust accompany the order.