Base Ball, Trap Shooting and General Sports
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READ! "ACHASE AROUND THE WORLD" IN THIS ISSUE. READS BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Volume 42, No. 7. Philadelphia, October 31, 1903. Price, Five Cents. COLUNS CHATS IN ARKANSAS. OF THE MEMORABLE WORLD'S CHAM LITTLE ROCK THE SCENE OF SEVERAL PIONSHIP SERIES. INTERESTING MATCHES. The Boston leader Tells of the Great John Pemberton Made High Average on Strain on Himself and His Players the Day's Target Events I. J. Vick and of His Steadfast Faith in the Retains State Target Medal Thibult Ultimate Success of His Team. Defeats Pierce For Peters Trophy. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 26. Editor "Sporting Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 24. Editor "Sport- Life:" Famous Jimmy Collius, of the ng Life:" What will probably prove to be world's champion Boston tonm. is at his the last target tournament of the season home here for the winter. in Arkansas Needless to say, he is the. was given on local lion of the hour. October 17 by the Duely- Of course, the noted leader Mons Arms Co., an enter was in town but a minute prising sporting goods firm before the local reporters of this place. Nothjng got busy. The first ques elaborate was attempted, tion he was asked was: but a very neat and attrac "You never doubted Bos tive tournament was offer ton's success in the final ed. This consisted of ten series with the Pirates?" In events, ranging from ten reply he said: "Never, even to twenty targets. The when they had us three firm under whose auspices games to one I firmly be the shoot was held gener James Collins lieve! we would cateh ously added $30 in cash to them and beat them out. I the purses, to which con Paul R. Litzke was as confident then as I am now that we tributions from no one else have a team that excels Dreyfuss' in all was asked. This brought a fairly good field departments on the field, and our pitching of shooters, considering the latenes-s of staff is a splendid one. I have not seen a the season. The visiting contingent was better. We won the series with two pitch goood; Pine Bluff, Cauiden, De Vails Bluff ers, practically, and several other places were represented. YOUNG AND DINEEN, The attendance of local shooters was also for we found that they held the National up to the usual standard. In the regular Leaguers down so well that it was not events John M. Pemberton, a local shooter, necessary to experiment with our other carried off the honor with .886 per cent. men, and we had a corps of good ones, Next to him was W. B. Powell, that good headed by Hughes, ready for business at shooter from English, Ark.; while Coles, of any moment. It was quite a strain on the Pine Bluff, was third. John W. Diekinson, boys of both nines, you can bet, for the an old-time local shooter, showed excellent tight for the League championships was a form, but did not compete in all the events; hard one, and then the post-season series his average was .871 per cent, for the num for the country's leadership was calcu ber of targets shot at. W. B. Miller, an lated to be nerve racking. I can tell you other local shooter, Pittsburg's boys played splendidly, but WILLIAM DONOVAN, but one of the young our team played a bit better. Phillippi de ones, also shot well. serves a lot of praise, he going in for five Pitcher of the Detroit American League Club, 1903. INDIVIDUAL CONTESTS. games of the eight played, and winning Aside from the regular program events three of his rive. He had us jumped at the there were several very important matches start, didn't he?" Cineinnatis training at Dallas, the Chicago the past season. A Leavenworth paper as decided. The first of these was between AN ANNUAL p:VENT. Americans will train at Marlin, and the St. sures the fans that if Driscoll is given the I. J. Vick, of Pine Bluff, holder, and A. L. Being asked whether he considered the Louis Nationals at Corsicaua. It is expect authority he will have a team that will Morgan, of Camden, for the Individual Tar post-season series now established, Collins ed that big league teams will also be at start the season with a leading position get championship of the State. The condi said: "I should not be surprised to see San Antonio and Houston. and hold it as he did for Nevada in 1902. tions of this specify 50 targets. This num post-seas-m games each fall as long as With such a team there is no question but ber, however, failed to prove sufficient, as there arc two big leagues. There is no MISSOURI VALLEY LEAGUE. what Leavenworth will be one of the best- each scored 42. The shoot-off at 25 failed reason, when the games are played out paying towns in the circuit. to produce any result, as each scored 24. on their merits, as they were in this ease, Leavenworth THE NEW SALARY LIMIT. Another string of 25 showed Vick the win why they should not be successful. They Likely to be One of the The adoption of a rule establishing the ner with 23 to 22. Thus it required 100 give the public a high article of base ball Leading Teams Next Season The New salary limit at .$750 by the magnates at targets to and enable the championship teams to reach a decision, and the aggre pick up a Salary Limit Acceptable. Kansas City last Monday is one of the gate score for each was: Vick 89, Morgan bit of prize money for the cold most satisfactory measures that has been 88. Mr. Vick won the medal at the annual winter." Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 24. Editor enacted. AMERICAN LEAGUE SUPERIOR. "Sporting Life:" It would appear that The need of such a rule has been tournament in open competition, and since felt badly both seasons of the existence then has successfully defended it, having Asked whether he considered that the Leavenworth was much more interested in of result established the superiority of the _ getting another franchise the Valley League. The managers suf in turn defeated W. R. Duley and G. Thi- American League in team strength. Col in the Missouri Valley fered financially during the past season bault, of Little Rock; W. B. Powell, of lins said: "Why. I never knew there was League than most people to such an extent that they will hesitate English, and now A. L. Morgan, of Ceni- a doubt on that score. National League gave it credit for. The fans a long time before an effort is made to den. men themselves admit it. In the case of of the fort town are al evade the new law to raise the limit. C. L. Pierce, of Camden, longed for pos the Pittsburgs the Natioualites had a fine ready discussing their There is also supreme satisfaction in the session of the Peters Cartridge Co. chal champion, for this is a wonderful team, chances for winning the action of the meeting in increasing the sal lenge trophy, held by Gibson Thibault, so and has thoroughly determined the fact pennant for 1904, inasmuch aries of the umpires, and if some measure this brought about a contest between this that no other National team is in its class as there is a probability can be adopted protecting the umpire from pair. This, too, was a 50-target race, but, in its play of the last three years." of securing Jimmy Driscoll the vicious assaults by the players and the like the first, was barren of results when AS TO THE FUTURE. for the manager. Driscoll insults from the spectators so common this number had been shot, as each scored Collins said it was too early to talk has led two teams in the during the past season, there will be more 41. The shoot-off was at 25, and here Thi about the future organization of base ball, pleasure in the game than ever before. The bault came to the front, scoring 22 but he Missouri Valley League to to his evidently was of the belief that victory, and he has already unsatisfactory work of the umpires has opponent's 20. the two big leagues would endure practi not been due so much to iucompetency as Probably the cally as at present constituted for another D. M. Shively begun a flirtation with the most important event on owners of the new fran- to a pure case of rattles, caused by the the card was the live bird match between year. Further than that, he said, no man chise. assaults and insults. This abolished, there W. B. Powell". of English, and could see or predict, owing to the ever- If the deal is made Driscoll will will be no trouble. R. AV. Lar- shifting conditions of the national game. go to work shortly with a view to signing kan, of De Vails Bluff, for a purse of $100. a team composed of strangers to the Val This, like the preceding match, was fraught Texas the Spring Mecca. ley League, as it is believed a bunch of Pitcher Dineen Remembered. with much interest, as the contestants men who had heretofore belonged to a los Syracuse admirers have presented theii were very evenly matched in shooting skill. Texas will be the scene of much early ing team would not draw well in Leaven- eacJi having defeated the other in a prior base ball next year.