European Perspectives 2014, Volume 6, Number 2

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European Perspectives 2014, Volume 6, Number 2 contents EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVES Journal on European Perspectives of the Western Balkans Volume 6 Number 2(11) October 2014 Letter from the Editor 03 GUEST VIEW Developing Enterprises and the Public Sector 07 in Transitional Economies Janez Podobnik ARTICLES Energy Security in the EU – Concept or Reality? 17 Vladimir Prebilič Motivations of the Common European Competition Policy 35 and Lessons for the Western Balkans Ábel Czékus Slovenia’s Attitude Towards Slovenian Minorities 63 in Neighbouring Countries Dejan Valentinčič EU Enlargement: The Case of Iceland and the Implications 85 for the Western Balkans Tamara Kajtazović Why do Leaders Lie, and Why do We Believe Them 105 Eva Goričan BOOK REVIEWS Slavoj Žižek, Srečko Horvat 124 WHAT DOES EUROPE WANT? : The Union and its Discontents Neja Bergant Milan Jazbec (ed.) 129 SOCIOLOGY OF DIPLOMACY Sara Jud SARAJEVO 2014 Contemporary Marketing Communication 137 and the Case of Islam Zijad Bećirović CROQUIS EPHESUS 161 Anja Fabiani BIBLIOGRAPHY 2009-2013 163 Letter from the Editor Off we go, one shall say, with a new issue of our journal. Th is means leaving the anniversary tenth issue behind, but not to forget, save for to remember and to compare, while the new ones are on their way. We are glad for this, since it continues to provide us with new contri- butions, adding to the rich and diverse pool of expertise, experiences and policy hints that this journal has been vibrating. All the previous ones are carefully listed and presented in the jubilee issue. Th is has been, aft er all, our mission: to off er, with the help of promi- sing, consistent and enthusiastic authors, under careful eyes of peer- reviewers, various views that could shape and profi le what is the European perspective of the countries as well as of the region of the Western Balkans. Th is endeavour isn’t easy coming for anybody. Aft er last year’s Croatian membership one should not or at least much less lament on the enlargement fatigue, though. But at the same time it is not quite clear if structural dynamics across the region has gained much on momentum. One would wish that the notion of the European integration process would be stronger, more visible and would off er more for those who have to benefi t from it – the people. Th is is surely something what the new top team in Brussels should think about. Th ere are fi ve articles in this issue, paying attention to various topics: the question of the energy sector in Europe, an ever challeng- ing and also changing subject; followed by a discussion on the com- mon European competition policy and lessons that could be drawn from it for the region; we also dwell on the way Slovenia sees and understands its minorities in the neighbouring countries, a topic that on a general and concrete level deserves constant attention and political sense; the case of the Iceland’s highly changeable attitude towards the EU membership has gained much attention during last couple of years and we believe its messages and experience could serve for much political and policy use for the region; not much less could be answers to the question why do leaders lie, in the region and elsewhere (with this contribution we start our series of articles each of them contemplating a single outstanding book from the IR area). Th e recent Guest View discusses the role and the mission of the oldest international organization in Slovenia, which dates well back to 1974: the International Center for Promotion of Enterprises, widely known, not only among its eighteen current members, as the 3 ICPE. We point out some of its most important and echoed acti- vities (programmes, projects, area) that could be broadly summed up as a constant concern for the effi ciency of the public sector. Our Croquis goes this time well back to the spring of European philo- sophical and intellectual tradition as a whole, to the place of Ephesus that has provided human cognition with a clear understanding of dynamics as a driving force of everything: it was Heraclites who there and then claimed pantha rei. Sarajevo 2014 section has marked the previous period as a remem- brance of the historical avalanche, but is staying with us as a memento also in this and in future issues. History neither starts nor stops with calamities like those of the previous century. Humans need a piece of orientation, a point of departure and this is what we try to off er with this section, this time focusing on some selected specifi cs of contem- porary market communication with Islam. Wishing you, as usual, a fruitful and critically coloured reading. Th anks for being with us and hope to see you again in the spring of 2015, our sixth year in a row. Th e Castle of Jable, November 2014 M. J. P. S. As the world is contemplating the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, let us remember that we started our journal with its fi rst issue fi ve years ago, focusing on the twentieth anniversary of this tectonic shift that marked our recent political history. 4 guest view Developing Enterprises and the Public Sector in Transitional Economies Janez Podobnik 5 6 European Perspectives – Journal on European Perspectives of the Western Balkans Vol. 6 No. 2(11), pp 07 - 13, October 2014 Developing Enterprises and the Public Sector in Transitional Economies Janez Podobnik1 Introduction Th e International Center for Promotion of Enterprises (ICPE) is an intergovernmental organization headquartered in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It was established in 1974 as a research, training and consulting organization for the then developing countries with the support of the United Nations Organization and the Non-Aligned Movement. In 1976, ICPE became a joint institution of the developing countries with thirty-four member states. ICPE’s activities were defi ned as carrying out studies, research projects and exchanging information on all aspects and developments of public enterprises. In 1997, the ICPE Statute was revised and amended due to the changed international environment, as well as social and economic circumstances in the Center’s member states. ICPE was restructured into the International Center for Promotion of Enterprises, while its main objective became to support and promote enterprise deve- lopment in developing and transitional economies. Besides its fl agship educational program in good governance issues and public enterprises, ICPE’s more recent focus is in the fi eld of sustainable energy, environment, spatial planning, and public- private partnerships through education, knowledge sharing and networking. Today ICPE has 18 member states from Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe, and three core sets of activities: long-term education, short-term trainings and organization of expert meetings, conferences and seminars. 1 CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Janez Podobnik, Acting Director General, International Center for Promotion of Enterprises (ICPE), e-mail address: [email protected] ISSN1855-7694 © 2014 European Perspectives, UDK: 327 (4) 7 Janez Podobnik Program Areas, Projects and Priorities ICPE’s role and potentials are being timely rediscovered. Its mandate is to pursue and promote international cooperation in areas related to the transfer of technology, sustainable entrepreneurship and promotion of knowledge-based societal change through research, training, consultancy and information services in these fi elds. ICPE focuses on international cooperation in areas related to: public sector enterprises, social responsibility, entrepreneurship development, SME, infrastructure sector, corporate governance and economic diplomacy, all of which have a signifi cant potential within ICPE’s member states and partner countries. Long-Term Education - International Postgraduate Mba Program Th e international postgraduate ICPE MBA program is conducted in partnership with the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (FELU), and combines the top-notch academic program of the FELU with the rich historical and experience-rooted international context of ICPE. Th e EQUIS and AACSB accredited program, conducted by leading experts from Slovenia and other countries, provides all core business management concepts and essential knowledge for suc- cessful managers and public servants. Th e two accreditations place the FELU among the top 1% of the world business schools. Th e program is accredited as a two-year postgraduate program compressed into an intensive one year program designed for executives and policy makers. Th e teaching curriculum is additionally supple- mented by practical fi eld excursions organized by ICPE in coopera- tion with relevant Slovenian companies. As the program has been conducted for 25 years, the ICPE Alumni Club, established at the end of 2012, connects more than 650 former students from 45 countries around the world who studied with us as executives, senior managers and policy makers. Today their mission is to promote ICPE, as well as to share their knowledge and experience with the future MBA participants and graduates. Moreover, the Alumni Club - currently presided by Dr. Pradeep Mon- ga (Director, Energy&Climate Change Branch, UNIDO) - represents an enormous potential for connecting experts from most diverse 8 Developing Enterprises and the Public Sector in Transitional Economies fi elds. In 2014 the ICPE Alumni Club was incorporated under the umbrella of the FELU Alumni Club. Short-Term Training Programs All ICPE short-term training programs are customized according to the needs and objectives of the training set as priorities by each individual partner institution.
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