Chemical Sensors a Perspective of the Present and Future by Antonio J

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Chemical Sensors a Perspective of the Present and Future by Antonio J Chemical Sensors A Perspective of the Present and Future by Antonio J. Ricco, Richard M. Crooks, and Jiri (Art) Janata o a greater extent than in many areas of endeavor in the chemical sciences, successful chemical sen- sors require a high level of inter- disciplinary collaboration and effort, along with an unusually Tclose coupling between the ultimate application and the R&D process. The tremendous growth in chemical sensor R&D over the past ten years has been spurred by everything from funda- mental advances in interfacial chem- istry, to new microscale engineering technologies, to a demand for cleaner, more efficient, better-controlled indus- trial processes. Figure 1 presents the numbers of refereed papers published (in English) in the chemical sensors field from 1988 until the present, as col- lected by Janata and colleagues in the course of several reviews.1 To better understand the underpinnings of such growth and, more importantly, to anticipate the critical needs and poten- tial rewards of the future of this dynamic field, groups of 20-30 scien- tists met in May 1997 and in July 1998, at National Science Foundation-spon- sored workshops, to critically evaluate the chemical sensor field. This article summarizes and presents trends based upon the first-hand expe- riences of the participants in those two workshops as they grapple with trans- ferring the fundamental research of chemically sensitive interfaces from concept, to laboratory, to the shelves of commercial vendors in the form of Schematic representation of a chemical sensor array system, tracing the steps from analyte collection marketable products. We believe that to response output. The “sample collection and conditioning” step may include preconcentration and/or this is an important paradigm for much preseparation. The “sensor array” can include from a few to tens of sensors, often based upon the same physical transducer platform, although multiple platform types can be advantageous. To provide of the research in chemistry that will be greater accuracy and robustness of response, the array may include some proportion of intentionally pursued as we begin the next millen- redundant (nominally identical) sensors. In addition to such functions as analog-to-digital conversion, nium—research that expands our filtering of noise, and multiplexing, the “signal pre-processing” stage can streamline the output from knowledge of chemistry at the most the sensors by averaging identical elements, eliminating “out of range” responses, normalization, fundamental levels, while simultane- scaling, etc. The “identification & quantitation” steps typically utilize some form of pattern recognition ously coupling it to the needs of real- to classify the response as one of the “known” (previously measured and calibrated) analytes; better methods can also identify a response pattern that does not match any known analytes, rather than world applications and to a broad range making an incorrect identification. Depending on the method chosen, quantitation can be performed of scientific and engineering disciplines simultaneously, or as a separate step following analyte identification. “Output” can take many outside the traditional confines of forms, from a simple indicator light or alarm to the display of analyte identities, chemistry. We hope this article will concentrations, probability that the identification is accurate, and related information. help to answer such critical and oft- asked questions as “Who cares about chemical sensors?”, “Where does the funding come from?”, and “What’s the best sensor?”. 18 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 1998 Practical Issues: Commercial Aspects of Chemical Sensors There are a number of chemical and biochemical sensors that have been suc- cessfully developed. These include ion- selective electrodes, glucose sensors for monitoring diabetics, amperometric sensors for toxic gases such as Cl2 and CO, industrial ISFET pH sensors, high- temperature zirconia oxygen sensors used in automobiles, and semicon- ducting oxide sensors and catalyst- loaded ceramic beads for combustible gases. More recent developments have made use of microfabrication tech- nology to manufacture a variety of sen- sors, including many of those described above.1,2 A clear requirement for the suc- cessful commercialization of these devices is a need, either established or successfully predicted, for the sensor. In addition, the sensor technology selected has to offer an advantage over previous technologies. Successful imple- mentations have been those where the use justified the development cost. From a technical perspective, the suc- cessful sensors were those that were developed with a firm understanding of the basic underlying science. In con- trast, less successful commercialization efforts have been those in which devel- opment cycles have been long because of a lack of understanding of the neces- sary materials or technologies. FIG. 1. Number of papers published in English, organized by year and by topic area, in the field of Among the barriers to successful chemical sensors. The year of the published review is given on the abscissa, and the data in each development are technological issues, case are from the two years preceding. (No review was done in 1996.) The details of the search 1 technology transfer, funding in the and selection criteria used to obtain these statistics are reported elsewhere. early stages of development, commu- nication among the various stake- rial), rather than attempts to devise owned by others. Successful commer- holders, and establishment of the and construct completely new types of cialization can be impeded until all the required, effective interdisciplinary sensors, more often proves to be com- ownership issues are resolved. partnerships. In both technology mercially useful. Nevertheless, the fact In the process of transferring tech- transfer and the development of inter- that sensors are functional parts of nology from an inventing institution to disciplinary teams, the wide gap larger systems, not isolated compo- the product developer, there are signifi- between academic and industrial nents, must be kept in mind if devel- cant cultural, technical, personnel, and modes of sensor development needs opment is to be rapid. In many cases, resource differences. Moving ideas to be effectively bridged, as does the it is the overall system that must meet between entities works best when gap between the different technical cost and performance issues, not just accompanied by the transfer of per- and non-technical disciplines that the chemically selective coating or the sonnel and the availability of funding. must collaborate. Often another tech- transducer. Developing mechanisms for completion nological gap separates a successful An issue that often delays commer- of the projects or transfer of people is laboratory sensor from the field appli- cialization is acquisition of the intel- critical. The establishment of formal cation. Present experience indicates lectual ownership of all the technical collaborations is a powerful that even in the research stage, it is technologies incorporated in the com- means to break down the barriers important to consider how a sensor plete system. Academic and other non- between partners in sensor develop- might be packaged and manufactured commercial researchers should strive ment. In these partnerships, specifica- if it is to reach the marketplace for a stronger appreciation of what tions, practical goals, and problems are quickly. Commercial experience fur- constitutes an invention. In addition, raised; students receive training that ther shows that academic research they should be aware that many of the includes a practical perspective; new sci- directed toward improving sensor sub- enabling technologies used in their entific and technical skills are trans- components (e.g., a particular type of own research and development efforts mitted; and a direct connection is made chemically sensitive interface mate- may involve intellectual property between industry and academia. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 1998 19 The issue of understanding the win- commercialization is largely dependent nificant, though difficult to quantify. dows of opportunity for bringing a upon the creation and support of small One reason that small companies product to market is complex and expe- companies. By virtue of their size, small have not been more successful in com- dient. If a technology possesses an companies often lack the necessary mercializing chemical sensors is that obvious advantage that can be financial resources to bring a sensor they typically are not capable of devel- exploited, commercial developers will system to market independently; oping complete systems independently. move quickly to turn it into a product. funding by government programs and The FIFTH Framework, the European Formation of product-development transfer of expertise from academic or Union’s R&D funding program teams at an early stage, bringing government laboratories is often crit- ( together technologists and business ical. General awareness of the existing , has addressed this issue by encour- experts, allows a group to move forward funding modes, which are designed to aging joint collaborations and ventures quickly once the business opportunities facilitate collaboration between acad- between academia and small and emerge; this can help the developers emic and government laboratories
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