(DISTRIBUTED v-, — to the l faguf of Mations ‘ ào. 1925. MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL.] ^ ^ 1 1 U IN 3

G e n e v a , Decem ber 4th, 1925.

S ubject L ist N o. 55


(Prepared by the Distribution Branch.)

Council, League Covenant, Article 4 regarding Protocol of amendment adopted by 2nd Assembly to (C. L. 100. 1921, A nnex 1) Arbitration and Security Ratification by Haiti of Conventions, Particular, for Note dated , 1925 by the Secre­ Memorandum dated , 1925 by the Secre- tary-General announcing deposit of instru­ tary-General reminding the Council of the post­ m ent of ponement to its December session of the action C. L. 98. 1925. V to be taken on the A ssem bly resolutions (A. 133. 1925 and A. 136. 1925) regarding Investigation in the four States subject to investiga­ C. 684. 1925. IX tion in virtue of the Treaties of Neuilly, St. Ger­ main, Trianon and Versailles Armaments, Reduction of Arms, Private Manufacture of Organisation with a view to exercise of right of Memorandum dated , 1925 by the Commissions of Investigation Secretary-General announcing the inclusion on Composition of the agenda of the meeting of the Council Com­ Letter dated , 1925 from the Uru­ mittee to be held at the beginning of December guayan Government forwarding a preli­ 1925 of the resolution adopted , minary list of the experts which it is prepared 1925 by the 35th Council Session on to hold available for these Commissions C. 685. 1925. IX C. 721. 1925. IX Conference, International, of (C. P. C. 188) Memorandum dated October 4, 1925 by the Secre­ tary-General reminding the Council of the post­ 37th Session, , Geneva ponement to its December session of the action to be taken on the Assembly resolution (A. 133. Agenda for 1925) regarding Text issued , 1925, together with C. 684. 1925. IX list of rapporteurs Austria C. 678. M. 244. 1925 Financial situation of Commissioner-General Items, additional, issued , 1925 Report (34th) dated , 1925 by the Comm issioner-General (M. Zim m erm an) for C. 678 (a). M. 244 (a). 1925 the period, , 1925-, 1925, together with nine relevant annexes Covenant, League A rticle 4 C. 642. 1925. II See : COUNCIL, LEAGUE

Article 6 of, Paragraphs regarding allocation of ex­ penses See : FINANCES, LEAGUE Allocation of expenses Committees and Commissions Place of meeting of A rticle 12 of Letter dated November 20, 1925 from the Secretary- Protocol of amendment adopted by 2nd Assembly General to the Chairmen of the League Commis­ (C. L. 100. 1921, A nnex 5) sions quoting and calling attention to the passage Ratification by Haiti of of the report of the 4th Committee adopted by the 6th Assembly insisting on the advisability Note dated November 21, 1925 by the Secre­ of holding the meetings of all League Organisa­ tary-General announcing the deposit of tions in Geneva instrument of C. L. 152. 1925. X C. L. 98. 1925. V

S. d. N. 175 (F.) + 150 (A.) 9/25. Imp. Sonor Covenant, League (continued) Dispute between Bulgaria and Greece Article 13 of Note dated November 11, 1925 from the Chinese Protocol of amendment adopted by 2nd Assembly Government congratulating the Council on its (C. L. 100. 1921, A nnex 6) successful solution of C. 723. M. 265. 1925. V II Ratification by Haiti of Note dated November 21, 1925 by the Secre­ Telegrams dated from the Governments tary-General announcing the deposit of of Luxemburg, Nicaragua, Peru, Siam, Switzerland instrument of and Venezuela on subject of C. L. 98. 1925. V A rticle 15 of C. 644. M. 234. 1925. VII Protocol of amendment adopted by 2nd Assembly (C. L. 100. 1921. A nnex 7) Telegram dated , 1925 from the Greek Ratification by Haiti of Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Greek Minister Note dated November 21, 1925 by the Secre­ in Paris announcing the Bulgarian occupation of tary-General announcing the deposit of a certain frontier post before the expiration of the instrument of fixed period C. L. 98. 1925. V Letter dated , 1925 from the Greek Minister in Paris forwarding Article 26 of Protocols of three amendments adopted by 2nd C. 674. M. 243. 1925. V II A ssem bly (C. L. 100. 1921, A nnexes 12, 13 and 14) Ratification by Haiti of Telegram dated , 1925 from the Greek Note dated November 21, 1925 by the Secre­ Government, via its Minister in Berne, expressing tary-General announcing the deposit of its satisfaction with desire expressed by the British instrument of Representative in his report to the Council that the C. L. 98. 1925 V recurrence of such conflicts should be rendered impossible and with the principle underlying the draft Pact of Security and Compulsory Arbitration between the Balkan States on the lines of the Locarno Agreements, which Pact it understands the Secretariat is preparing D Note dated , 1925 by the Secretary General submitting this telegram to the Council Danzig, Free City of and denying the correctness of the statement Post, Polish, in that the Secretariat is preparing such a draft Pact Letter dated , 1925 from the High Com­ C. 657. 1925. V II missioner (M. MacDonnell) forwarding letters from the four members of the Committee of Ex­ Telegram dated November 3, 1925 from the British, perts appointed to delimit the port of Danzig French and Italian Military Attachés announcing for the purpose of the Polish postal services the continuation of the withdrawal of the Greek protesting against the allegations made by the troops from the frontier districts and the resump­ President of the Danzig Senate to the 35th Council tion of normal life on both sides of the frontier Session on , 1925 regarding the methods employed by the Committee C. 646. M. 235. 1925. V II C. 656. M. 241. 1925. I

War Material, Polish, Depot for Guard, Polish, for E Memorandum dated October 30, 1925 by the Danzig Government regarding the application of Article 5 of the Constitution of Danzig to Economics and Finance Polish military and naval detachments on Danzig territory and proposing that the Council Balance of Payments and Foreign Trade Balances should recommend the Polish Government Memorandum dated by the Secre- to transfer the munitions depot from Danzig tary-General showing estimates furnished by to the Polish port of Gdynia, the construction nineteen States of balances of international pa}'- of which is now sufficiently' advanced ments for 1923 and 1924, together with series of summary trade statistics of fifty-seven countries c. 715-1925-1 for the period 1913-1924 Special Volume on Balance of Payments and Letter dated , 1925 from the High Foreign Trade Balances, Volume I and Commissioner (M. MacDonnell) forwarding the Corrigendum report* of the expert appointed in accordance Banks, Central with the Council’s resolution of , 1925 Memorandum issued November 1925 by the Secre- and the arbitral decision* taken October 22, tary-General on the position of Central Banks 1925 by the President of the Harbour Board in from 1913-1924 view of the fact that Delegations were unable to agree on the above-mentioned report, and an­ Special Volume on Currency and Central Banks, nouncing the transfer on October 31, 1925 from Volume II and Corrigenda the Harbour Board to the Polish authorities of the entire area attributed to the Polish Govern­ Statement issued November 1925 by the Secretary- ment by the above-mentioned decision General showing the foreign assets held by the C. 706. M. 256. 1925. I Central Banks of the various States Special Volume on Currency and Central Banks * Not reproduced. Volume I Economics and Finance (continued) Finances League (continued) Conference, International Economic Allocation of Expenses (continued) Committee, Preparatory, for Scale adopted September 26, 1925 by the 6th As­ Letter dated , 1925 from the French sembly for the allocation of expenses for the years Government (M. Briand) submitting proposals 1926, 1927 and 1928 which might constitute a basis for the Council’s C. 614. M. 198. 1925. X discussions on (A. 142. 1925) C. 718. 1925. II Budget, General, of Currency 8th Fiscal Period (1926) Memorandum issued November 1925 by the Secre­ Estimates for tary-General on Currency during the years 1913- T ext adopted Septem ber 26, 1925 by th e 1924 6th Assembly, of Special Volume on Currency and Central Banks, C. 619. M. 201. 1925. X V olume I

Statistics Budget, Labour Organisation Bulletin, Monthly, of 8th Fiscal Period (1926) O ctober 1925 Estimates for Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, 6 th Year, No. 10 T ext adopted Septem ber 26, 1925 by th e 6th Assembly, of Unification of C. 619. M. 201. 1925. X Letter dated , 1925 from the Secre­ tary-General to forty-one States Members forwarding a copy of and urging reply to his Budget, Permanent Court of International Justice letter of May 10, 1924 which transmitted the 8th Fiscal Period (1926) recommendations of the International Institute of Statistics, the report of the Imperial Mineral Estimates for Resources Bureau and the extract from the T ext adopted Septem ber 26, 1925 by 6th rep o rt of th e Econom ic Com m ittee (C. L. 52, Assembly, for 52 (a), 52 (b) and 52 (c), 1924) on this question, C. 619. M. 201. 1925. X requested any observations 011 the principles contained therein and asked whether the Go­ vernments were prepared to put such principles Budget, Secretariat and Special Organisations into practice 7th Fiscal Period (1925) C. L. 143. 1925. II Transfers in budget for N ote dated N ovem ber 16, 1925 by the Secretary- General requesting authority to transfer a sum from Item 31 — “Expert Committee to consider Amendments tothe Covenant” to Item 28 “TemporaryCommittee on Sla­ v e ry ” C. 692. 1925. X Finances, League 8th Fiscal Period (1926) Allocation of Expenses Estimates for Allocation of Expenses Committee Text adopted September 26, 1925 by the Composition of 6th Assembly for Note dated , 1925 by the Secre- C. 619. M. 201. 1925. X tary-General quoting the Council’s reso­ lution of , 1924 which renewed Position of until the 1925 Assembly the terms of office of the members of this Committee and the Memorandum dated November 7, 1925 by the resolution adopted by this Assembly which Secretary-General giving the position as on requests the Council to ask the Allocation O ctober 31, 1925 of Expenses Committee to submit a revised C. 645. 1925. X * scale to the 1928 Assembly and giving C. 676. 1925. X Report, General, adopted September 26, 1925 by the 6th Assembly on the proposal of the 4th Committee, Covenant, Article 6 regarding regarding Protocols of three amendments adopted by 2nd C. 619. M. 201. 1925. X Assembly (C. L. 100. 1921, Annexes 2, 3 and 4) Ratification by Haiti of Supervisory Commission Note dated November 21, 1925 by the Secre­ tary-General announcing deposit of ins­ Composition of tru m e n t of N ote dated N ovem ber 10, 1925 b y th e Secretary- C, L. 98. 1925. V General calling Council’s attention to the necessity for it to proceed to the appointment of a member to replace Lord Meston of Agra Memorandum dated October 15, 1925 by the Secre­ whose appointment terminates on February 1, tary-General quoting the resolution adopted 1926 September 26, 1925 by the 6th Assembly approv­ C. 677. 1935. X ing the scale of allocation annexed thereto for the years 1926, 1927 and 1928 * Confidential document, one copy only to each State represented on C. 614. M. 198. 1925. X Council and to each Council Representative Intellectual Co-operation (continued) University questions University Information Office, International Bulletin, of H November 1925 Bulletin of International University Informa­ Health Organisation tion Office, 2nd Year, No. 6 Epidem ics Report, Epidemiological (Monthly), of the Health Section d ated N ovem ber 15, 1925 R . E. 84 (4th Y ear, No. 11) Sleeping-Sickness Committee, International, Technical, to co-ordinate investigations into Labour Organisation, International Finances for Conference, International, of Note dated , 1925 by the Secre­ 2nd Session, June-, Genoa tary-General announcing the intention of the Conventions adopted by (20/31/51) British Government to contribute to Ratification by the Finland of one of C. 726. 1925. I l l Note dated , 1925 by the Secre- (C. H. 396) tary-General announcing the deposit of instrument of Note dated November 26, 1925 by the Secretary- C. L. 138. 1925. V General announcing that this Commission will commence its work on February 1, 1926 3rd Session, October-, Geneva a t E ntebbe C. 726. 1925. I l l Conventions adopted by (C. L. 8. 1922, Annex) (C. H. 396) Ratification by Finland of two of Hungary Note dated November 6, 1925 by the Secre- Financial reconstruction of tarv-General announcing the deposit of Com missioner-General instrument of Report (18th) dated , 1925 by the C. L. 137. 1925. V Commissioner-General (M. Smith) for the period -31, 1925, together with four relevant Governing Body annexes Treaty of Versailles, Article 393 and corresponding C. 659. 1925. II articles of other Peace Treaties regarding Amendment adopted November 2, 1922 by 4th Session of Labour Conference to (C. L. 66 (a). 1923. V) Ratification by Haiti of Note dated November 21, 1925 by the Secretary-General announcing the deposit of instrument of Intellectual Co-operation C. L. 148. 1925. V Bibliography Loan, International, of books, documents, etc. Letter dated November 6, 1925 from the Secre- tary-General to States Members quoting and requesting them to consider giving effect to M the resolutions adopted by the Intellectual Co-operation Committee and approved by the Council and the Assembly making various Mandates recommendations regarding procedure for A M andates Iraq, British Mandate for C. L. 145. 1925. X II Frontier "between Turkey and Iraq Advisory Opinion (No. 12) given November Letter dated November 6, 1925 from the Secre­ 21, 1925 by the Permanent Court of Inter­ tary-General to States Members annexing the national Justice to the effect that the decision report of M. Marcel Godet on this question to be taken by the Council will be binding (C. I. C. I./B. 55), th e m em orandum of the on the Parties and will constitute a definitive D utch archivist (C. I. C. I./B. 51) and th e determination of this frontier, and that it minutes of the Bibliography Sub-Committee must be taken by a unanimous vote, the (C. I. C. I./B/7th Session/3 (1) on representatives of the Parties concerned taking part in the voting, but their votes C. L. 147. 1925. X II not being counted in ascertaining whether Committee on there is unanimity Composition of C.P.J.I., Series B, No. 12 Note dated November 11, 1925 by the Secretary- General requesting the Council to consider the nomination of two members of this Commit­ Note dated November 23, 1925 by the tee to replace M. Bergson and Senator Ruffini, Secretary-General forwarding who have resigned C. 683. 1925. X I I C. 708. M. 257. 1925. V — 5 —

Mandates (continued) Mandates (continued) A Mandates (continued) A Mandates (continued) Iraq, British Mandate for (continued) Iraq, British Mandate for (continued) Frontier between Turkey and Iraq (continued) Frontier between Turkey and Iraq (continued) Agreement, (draft) proposed March 19, 1925 by Representative ot Council in area of (continued) the Turkish Government to the British Telegram dated November 3, 1925 from this Government for the settlement of representative (General Laid oner) stating C. 690. 1925. V II that most of the incidents are of little importance and that he is about to Correspondence exchanged March 19, April investigate the deportation of Christians 9, 20 and 28, 1925 between the British and the occupation by Turkish authorities and Turkish Governments regarding of certain villages south of the provisional frontier, which events may be of lasting C. 690. 1925. V II effect C. 682. 1925. V II Letter dated November 2, 1925 from the British Government submitting to the Telegram dated N ovem ber 16, 1925 from Council copies of the above-mentioned this Representative (General Laidoner) on agreement and the relevant correspondence the situation C. 690. 1925. V II C. 705. 1925. V II Palestine, British Mandate for Commission to study question of Report, Annual, by the British Government on R eport d ated Ju ly 16, 1925 of this Com­ the administration during 1924 of Palestine mission (C. 400. M. 147. 1925. VI) and Transjordania E rra tu m to Unnumbered document and Appendices* C. 400. M. 147. 1925, E rratu m

B M andates Letter dated , 1925 from the Turkish Government (M. Tewfik Kiamil) giving, in Cameroons, British Mandate for reply to the British Government’s letter Report, Annual, by the British Government on of , 1925, information explain­ administration during 1924 of ing the situation of the Nestorians living on the provisional frontier between Turkey and Unnumbered document * Iraq C. 650. 1925. V II Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian Mandate for Report, Annual, by the Belgian Government 011 Representative of Council in area of the administration during 1924 of Finances of LTnnumbered document ** Note dated November 12, 1925 by the Secretary-General informing the Council Observations dated October 1925 by the that the sum authorised by its resolution Permanent Mandates Commission (7th Ses­ of , 1925 has already been sion) on engaged and requesting authority to C. 649. M. 238. 1925. V I *** charge an additional sum to Item 33 (C. P. M. 330) of the Budget “ Unforeseen Expenditure” C. 689. 1925. X Comments dated November 1925 by the Belgian Government on L etter d ated O ctober 12, 1925 from the C. 691. M. 248. 1925. V I *** Secretary-General to the Turkish Govern­ (C. P . M. 333) ment announcing the departure on . 1925 of this representative and the British Government’s assurance that he Tanganyika, British Mandate for will be given every facility on the Iraq Frontier between Kenya Colony and Tanganyika side of the frontier and requesting the Letter dated September 25, 1925 from the Turkish Government to give the same British Government stating that the Governor assurances, should it decide that it wishes of Kenya Colony has requested a copy of the him to visit the northern side of the instrument defining this boundary, that it frontier, together with the Turkish Gov­ assumes that the boundary envisaged by ernment’s reply that its attitude has not the mandate is that defined in the draft changed agreement prepared in 1914 as the frontier C. 680. 1925. V II between German and British East Africa, that it has accordingly forwarded this in­ Letter dated November 2, 1925 from the strument to the Governor of Kenya Colony Secretary-General to the Turkish Govern­ with the instructions that he adopt the ment announcing that the Council has frontier defined therein as the boundary instructed him to call the Turkish Govern­ between Kenya Colony and Tanganyika and ment’s attention, in reply to its letter of forwarding a copy of this Agreement (Not , 1925, to his letter of October reproduced) 12, 1925 and to state that it is for the C. 687. M. 246. 1925. VI Turkish Government to decide whether it (C. P. M. 332) desires this representative to perform his mission under identical conditions on * English text only, one copy distributed to each Council Member both sides of the line and, if so, to give the with C. 693. 1925. VI same assurances as the British Government *« French text only, one copy distributed to each Council Member with C. 693. 1925. VI " C. 652. 1925. I *** Distributed to Council only — 6 —

Mandates (continued) Minorities (continued) B Mandates (continued) Protection of (continued) Tanganyika, British Mandate for (continued) Report dated September 1925 by the 6th Committee Report, Annual, by British Government on (Count van Lynden van Sandenburg) to the 6th administration during 1924 of Assembly submitting draft resolution approving that part of report on the work of the Council C. 452 (d). M. 166 (d). 1925. VI * dealing with the procedure followed with regard to the protection of minorities and requesting Togoland, British Mandate for the Secretary-General, in view of the Lithuanian Report, annual, by British Government on admi­ Delegation’s withdrawal of its draft resolution, nistration during 1924 of to communicate to the Council the discussion which took place in the 6th Committee in this C. 452 (b). M. 166 (b). 1925. VI * connection C M andates C. 610. 1925. I, A nnex I (A. 88. 1925. I) Samoa, Western, New Zealand Mandate for Report 5th Annual, by the New Zealand Go­ Minorities in Greece vernment on the administration during the Minority, Mussulman, of Albanian Origin year ending March 31, 1925 of Telegram s dated N ovem ber 12, 14 and 15, 1925 by the Albanian Government protesting against Unnumbered document ** a decision of the Mixed Commission to exchange Albanians of Chameria against Greeks in Constan­ Report, Annual, by the Nexv-Zealand Govern­ tinople and against the Greek Government's ment (Health Department) supplementing intention to exchange the Albanian minority in Unnumbered document ** Greece C. 695. M. 250. 1925. I South Sea Islands, Japanese Mandate for Report, Annual, by Japanese Government on Telegram dated Novemberi6, 1925 from the Chair­ administration during 1924 of man of the Mixed Commission for the Exchange of Greek and Turkish populations denying its Unnumbered document ** intention to exchange such Albanians as alleged by the Albanian Government in its telegrams of South-West Africa, South African Mandate for the 12th, 14th and 15th instant and replying in Report, Annual, by the South African Govern­ general to these telegrams ment on the administration of that part of C. 700. M. 253. 1925. I South-West Africa known as Caprivi-Zipfel, .not included in its annual report on Telegram dated November 21, 1925 from the Letter dated August 15, 1925 from the South- Albanian Government confirming, in spite of the African Government containing assurances given by the Mixed Commission in its telegram of November 16, 1925, the statement C. 443. M. 163. 1925. VI *** that an agreement exists for the transfer of the Albanians of Chameria to Turkey Mandates Commission, Permanent C. 713. M. 262. 1925. I 7th Session, October 1925, Geneva Note dated November 16, 1925 by the Secretarv- Telegram dated , 1925 from the Alba­ General submitting to Council the five annual nian Government stating that the Epirus Sub- reports on the administration of mandated Commission of the Mixed Commission has decided territories and the report on Caprivi Zipfel to deport Albanians from the villages of Gardhiq examined during and Dragouni, Albanian villages of Chameria, C. 693. 1925. V I and appealing to Council to prevent this depor­ tation Report dated October 1925 of C. 713. M. 262. 1925. I C. 649. M. 238. 1925. V I **** (C. P. M. 330) Minorities in Turkey Minorities Minority, Armenian Protection of P etition d ated F eb ru ary 17, 1925 from M. Johannes Essayan, an Armenian refugee at Athens, request­ Minutes (Extracts) from meetings held September ing the League to urge the Turkish Government 14 and 22, 1925 by the 6th Assembly, regarding to arrange for the return to Turkish Armenian C. 610. 1925, A nnexes 2 and 3 Refugees living in Greece of their deposits in foreign banks and of their property left in Asia Minutes (Extracts) of meetings held M inor (C. 289. 1925. I) and 21, 1925 by the 6th Committee to the 6th Letter dated October 20, 1925 from Turkish Assembly regarding Government giving their observations on C. 610. 1925. I C. 655. 1925. I Note dated , 1925 by the Secretary- Minority, Greek General submitting to the Council, in accordance Petition dated August 25, 1925 from the Pleni­ with the 6th Assembly’s resolution, extracts from potentiary Executive Committee for the Protec­ the discussions held in the 6th Assembly and in tion of the Rights of Greeks from Constantinople its 6th Committee, together with the latter’s temporarily resident in Greece, protesting against report to the 6th Assembly on the abolition of certain of their rights by the C. 610. 1925. I Convention concluded between the Greek and Turkish Governments and requesting the Council * English text only to take such action as they may consider necessary ** English text only. Onecopy distributed lo each Member of Council with C. 693. 1925. VI. to assure the protection of such rights *** English text only. Distributed to Members of Council only. **** Distributed to Council only. C, 651. 1925. I Minorities in Turkey (continued) Opium, Traffic in (continued) Minority, Greek (continued) Convention and Protocol, etc, (continued) Petition dated August 25, 1925, etc. (continued) Letter dated , 1925 from the Secretary- Note dated November 6, 1925 from the Secretary- General to those States Members which have General communicating this petition to the signed this Convention and Germany, forwarding Council and stating that the Turkish Govern­ a certified true copy of this Convention and ment’s observations thereon will be communi­ Protocol showing the signatures appended thereto cated as soon as received up to Septem ber 30, 1925, calling atten tio n to C. 651. 1925. I Articles 34 and 35 of the Convention regarding its ratification, and offering any assistance possible Minorities in Upper Silesia to facilitate the deposit of instrument of ratifica­ Case of M. Karl Michalik tion of Opinion expressed February 17, 1925 by the Chair­ C. L. 136. 1925. X I man of the Mixed Commission, on

C. 714. 1925. I Letter dated November 13, 1925 from the Secretary- General to those States Members and Non- Petition dated May 7, 1925 from M. Karl Michalik Members represented at the 2nd Opium Confer­ appealing to the Council regarding the action ence which have not signed this Convention and taken by the administrative authorities in German Protocol, forwarding a certified true copy thereof Upper Silesia in respect of his claim for compens­ showing the signatures appended thereto up to ation and for the allotment to hinr of a domicile , 1925, calling attention to Articles at his former place of residence 34 and 35 of the Convention regarding adhesion thereto and ratification thereof, and offering any C. 714. 1925. 1 possible assistance to facilitate such adhesion Municipalities Co-operation between C. L. 136 (a). 1925. X I Memorandum dated November 11, 1925 by the Secretary-General quoting the resolution adopted September 25, 1925 by the 6th Assembly and Letter dated November 13, 1925 from the Secretary- reminding the Council of the necessity for its General to the Government of Sudan, forwarding action on the last paragraph thereof a certified true copy of the Convention and Protocol showing the signatures appended there­ C. 679. 1925. X II to up to September 30, 1925, calling attention to Articles 34 and 35 of the Convention regarding ratification thereof and offering any possible assistance to facilitate the deposit of instru­ ment of ratification of

o C. L. 136 (b). 1925. X I

Opium, Traffic in Letter dated November 13, 1925 from the Secretary- Convention and Protocol concluded February 19, General to those States Non-Members to which 1925 at Geneva on the Council decided to communicate this Con­ vention and Protocol for purpose of adhesion C. 88 (1). M. 44 (1). 1925. X I * thereto, with the exception of Andorra wrhich has already adhered, forwarding a certified true copy Adhesion of Andorra to of the Convention and Protocol showing the Note dated November 6, 1925 by the Secretary- signatures appended thereto up to September General announcing 30, 1925 calling attention to Articles 34 and 35 C. L. 142. 1925. V of the Convention regarding adhesion thereto and offering any possible assistance to facilitate A rticle 8 of adhesion to C. L. 115. 1925, A nnex I C. L. 136 (c). 1925. X I

Letter dated November 6, 1925 from the Secre­ tary-General to States Members and Non- Text issued November 1925, showing the signatures Members requesting the information mentioned appended thereto up to September 30, 1925 in the Health Committee’s resolution of April 25, 1925 and annexing this resolution and the te x t of C. 88 (1). M. 44 (1). 1925. X I * C. L. 115. 1925. I l l

Import and export of drugs Resolution adopted April 25, 1925 by the Health Committee deciding to ask the Governments Importation certificates to furnish a list of the preparations to which they consider that, in conformity with this Note dated November 20, 1925 by the Secretary- Article, the Opium Convention shall not apply General notifying the receipt of information and to communicate such information to the from the British Government announcing the Permanent Committee of the "Office interna­ putting into operation of the system of impor­ tional d’hygiène publique" with the request tation certificates in the territories under to make the investigations necessary to give British Mandate of the Cameroons, Iraq, the advice for which it may be asked Palestine, Tanganyika and Togoland

C. L. 115. 1925. Annex II C. 709. M, 258, 1925. XI

* Certified true copy. * Certified true copy. Opium, Traffic in (continued) Opium, Traffic in (continued) Seizures of drugs Seizures of drugs (continued) Seizures in the following towns and countries Seizures in the following towns and countries (contd.) B om bay Straits Settlements Letter dated , 1925 from the Statement dated August 7, 1925 by the Superin­ Indian Government forwarding letters dated tendent of Government Monopolies, Straits S eptem ber 16 and 19, 1925 from th e Col­ Settlement of the seizures effected during lector of Customs at Bombay giving details April, May and of seizures of cocaine effected and 16, 1925 on board the S.S. Sicilia and C. 688. M. 247. 1925. X I th e S.S. Indus Maru (O. C. 339) C. 643. M. 233. 1925. X I (O. C. 337)

Letter dated , 1925 from the Col­ lector of Customs, Bombay, giving parti­ culars of a seizure of cocaine effected Sep­ tember 28, 1925 from a Japanese fireman of th e S.S. Celebes Maru Press Collaboration in the organisation of peace of C. 697. M. 251. 1925. XI (O. c. 342) Committee of Experts to consider C alcutta Letter dated November 14, 1925 from the Secre­ tary-General to the ten States represented on Report dated , 1925 by the Indian the Council reminding them that the Council Government of seizures of cocaine made will reconsider this question at its December Septem ber 16, 1925 on board th e S.S. Nam- Session and suggesting that the representatives sang on the Council might consult various agencies C. 703. M. 255. 1925. X I in their own countries and forwarding a col­ (O. C. 344) lection (C. 611. M. 196. 1925) of docum ents on the question of Letter dated , 1925 from the Cuban C. L. 149. 1925 Government giving a statement of the drugs destroyed during August as a result of infrac­ tions of the laws in force regarding the Letter dated , 1925 from the Secre- import of drugs tary-General to States Members non-Members of Council drawing attention to the report C. 653. M 239. 1925. X I adopted byr the Council on September 26, (O. C. 337) 1925, which stated that the Council will greatly Curaçao appreciate any useful suggestions on the subject D eclaration m ade A ugust 26, 1925 by the and forwarding a collection (C. 611. M. 196. Netherlands Government of seizure made 1925) of documents on the question of A ugust 11, 1925 on th e S.S. Chiten C. L. 149 (a). 1925 C. 710. M. 259. 1925. X I (O. C. 345) Publications, Obscene Italy Suppression of circulation of and traffic in List dated November 1925 by the Italian Convention, International, concluded , Government of seizures made in Italy- 1923 a t G eneva on (C. 202. M. 64. 1924. IV) during the last six months of 1924 Ratification byr Latvia of C. 712. M. 261. 1925. X I Note date November 6, 1925 by the Secretary- General announcing the deposit of instrument (O. C. 347) of R o tterd am C. L. 125. 1925. IV Declaration made , 1925 by the Netherlands Government of seizure of pre­ pared opium made /15, 1925 from a Chinese sailor

C. 711. M. 260. 192 s. X I R (O. c. 346) Singapore Refugees Note forwarded November 1925 by the British Resolution adopted October 1925 by the X llth Con­ Government giving details of a seizure made ference of the Red Cross Societies regarding the M arch 25, 1924 on board the S.S. Sarvistan co-ordination of non-official relief work on behalf of the refugees C. 725. M. 267. 1925. X I (O. C. 351) Letter dated , 1925 from the President (M. Ador) of the International Committee of South Africa the Red Cross quoting the above-mentioned Statement dated November 1925 by the South resolution and stating that it is anxious to support African Government of seizures made during any measures which the Council may suggest August and September 1925 in with a view to assisting Bulgaria to bear the burden resulting from the large influx of refugees C. 724. M. 266. 1925. X I (O. C. 350) C. 720. M. 264. 1925 Slavery Convention (draft) submitted September 1925 by the 6th Committee to the 6th Assembly regarding (A. 130. 1925 and E rrata) s Note dated , 1925 by the Secretary- General reminding the Council of its decision of September 28, 1925 to postpone consideration Saar Basin of the procedure to be adopted in concluding Governing Commission the Convention on Slavery proposed by the 6th Assembly Report, 23rd Periodical, dated , 1925 C 698. 1925. VI for period from July 1, to September 30, 1925

C. 694. M. 249. 1925. I

Insurance, Social, in Memorandum dated , 1925 from the T different Trade Unions in the Saar Territory giving the particulars of social insurance in the Saar, comparing it with that in Germany and Transit and Communications requesting the Council to see that it is developed in accordance with that in Germany or is re-united Inland Navigation w ith th a t in G erm any (C. 605. M. 193.1925. Annex) Danube Navigation Letter dated November 3, 1925 from the Govern­ Report dated August 1, 1925 by Mr. Walker ing Commission, together with five annexes, D. Hines, with the aid of Major Brehon Somer­ containing its observations on vell to the Advisory and Technical Committee of Transit and Communications on C. 701: M. 254. 1925. IX C. 444 (a). M. 164 (a). 1925. V III

Petition dated September 5, 1925 from the Centre Passports Party and German Saar Liberal Party on the Conference, Advisory Council submitting a comparative table showing the difference between the conditions Agenda for of social insurance in the Saar and in Germany Text draft adopted , 1925 by the and requesting the Council to see that social Sub-Committee on the Passport Regime, of insurance in the Saar is put on the same footing as that in Germany or is re-united with that in C. 639. M. 218. 1925. V III G erm any (C. 605, M. 193. 1925. I) (C. C. T. 200)

Letter dated November 3, 1925 from the Govern­ Convocation of ing Commission, together with five annexes, containing its observations on L etter d ated N ovem ber 1925 from the Ad­ visory and Technical Committee for Com­ C. 701. M. 254. 1925. I munications and Transit requesting the Council to convene this Conference for the beginning of May 1926 Labour Conditions in Memorandum dated September 5, 1925 from the C. 707. 1925. V III different Trade Unions in the Saar comparing the Saar and German legislations with regard to labour and requesting the establishment in Documents, Preparatory, together with appen­ the Saar of the highly-improved German legisla­ dices, for tion (C. 605. M. 193. 1925) C. 639. M. 218. 1925. V III (C. C. T. 200) Letter dated November 3, 1925 from the Govern­ and C. 641. M. 230. 1925. V III ing Commission, together with five annexes, containing its observations on Report submitted August 29, 1925 by the Experts C. 701. M. 254. 1925. I on Emigration (MM. Deroover and Perassi) to the Sub-Committee on the Passport Regime annexing a model identity book and transit Plebiscite, Preliminary measures for card for emigrants Note dated November 10, 1925 by the Secretary- General announcing the death of the Provisional C. 639. M. 218. 1925, VIII and two Appendices Records Commissioner, (M. Bonzon) before the (C C. T. 200) completion of the mission entrusted to him by the 34th Council Session on , 1925 and requesting the Council to decide what measures Report adopted October 5, 1925 by the Sub- should therefore be taken Committee on the Passport Regime on the conclusion of its work in preparation of C. 658. M. 242. 1925. I C. 639. M. 218. 1925. V III Secretariat, League (C. C. T. 200) Staff Appointments and resignations Resolution adopted , 1920 by the Conference held in Paris, annexing the model List dated November 19, 1925 by the Secretary- international passport and list of categories General of appointments and resignations mentioned in paragraph 4 of this resolution since the 35th Council Session

C. 696. 1925 C. 641. M. 230. 1925. V III — IO —

Transit and Communications (continued) Ports, Maritime, International Regime of Convention and Statute concluded , 1923 at Geneva on (C. 686. M. 246. 1924) Adhesion by Great Britain on behalf of Malta, to w Note dated November 21, 1925 by the Secre- tary-General announcing the deposit of instrument of Women and children C. L. 150. 1925. V Protection and welfare of children and young people Child Welfare Committee Treaties, Conventions and Engagements, International Composition of List of Treaties (Nos. 953-991) and of adhesions, denunciations and ratifications etc. registered Assessors during October 1925 Letter dated November 12, 1925 from the British Government stating that it has Registration of Treaties, List No. 49 been advised that the most comprehen­ sive organisation in Canada is the Cana­ Texts of Treaties (Nos. 865-889) registered from dian Council on Child Welfare and pro­ M ay 19, 1925 to Ju n e 8, 1925 posing that this organisation also be invited to submit .names of candidates Treaty Series,Volume XXXIV, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 for Note dated November 20, 1925 by the Texts of Treaties (Nos. 890-900) registered from Secretary-General announcing that this , 1925 to , 1925, together with Annex organisation has decided to submit (XI) containing texts of adhesions, signatures, names in agreement with the Social ratifications of Treaties received since issue of Service Council in Canada and forwarding A nnex X

Treaty Series, Volume XXXV, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 C. 704. 1925. IV