Since 1911 October, 2003 Volume 23, Issue 3 Sigdalslag Saga

Velkommen, nye lag Serving Norwegian-Americans of Sigdal, & Krødsherad ancestry medlemmer! x MICHAEL KENDALL Hillsborough, NC x JAN DUTTO N Report from the 7 Lag Stevne (2003) Minneapolis, MN x DO N & CA MILLA DOCKEN Winona, Minnesota - Winona State University - July 9-12, 2003 Northf ield, MN by Marilyn Moen x DONNA M. GILBERY Yakima, WA Forty-one Sigdalslag mem- x MARY BETH MCCULLAGH Scottsdale, AZ bers were gathered on the beautiful campus of Wi- x TOM O'K ELLEY Tacoma, WA nona State University, x BRIAN O 'KELL EY Winona, MN for the 7 Lag Silv erdale, WA Stevne July 9-12, 2003. x ROSE ENSMINGER The theme of the Stevne Walcott, ND was Rivers, Rails & Trails. x LOWELL & BARBARA TORKELSON The 7 Lag Stevne includes Willmar, MN the Land, , x KAREN JEAN KA SLIN Nu medal, - Photo by Marilyn Moen KAUTZ West Bend, WI , Sigdal, Telemark, WSU campus from the bluff & Toten lags celebrating our x CRISTINE BERG PRUCHA tude of information available. Lee Rokke, LaCrosse, WI Norwegian heritage from these areas in Nor- Sigdal genealogist, provided assistance and x NORVAL G. GILBERTSO N way. Some 275 persons attended the Stevne in Pueblo, CO Winona. many resources to those searching the Sigdal x DONALD MOE area. Burnsv ille, MN The genealogy room was set up in the library at Some of the special events and tours included a x CYNTHIA DELANO Winona State. For the first time the genealogy Winona, MN room was available on Wednesday afternoon Steamboat River Cruise on the Julia Belle x LORRAINE ROSEANNE and evening as well as Thursday and ending at Swain, stained glass company tour, tour of the DA HL noon on Friday. Each lag was well represented city of Winona, organ concert & church tour, Woodbury , MN with excellent persons to help search the multi- and rural churches tours of Southeast Minne- x MERRIA M FI EL DS BLEYL sota. The movie “Cool and Crazy” was en- Placitas, NM joyed Thursday evening. x MA RILY N ST EV E NS Oakdale, MN On Friday the opening ceremony was held with x BARBARA & CARTER BERG greetings from each of the lag presidents, Center, ND including Earl Knutson, the president of Sig- dalslag. The Story of Early Doctors was presented by Christine Midelfort and Pastor Gifts and Memoria ls Ron Nowland gave a slide show on Vikings in Istanbul. Saturday evenings program included $ 20 Memo ria l fo r Ha ro ld Ande rson, give n by Irene Photo by Marilyn Moen (Continued on page 3) Navarre WSU Library Page 2 Sigdalslag Saga V olume 23, Issue 3

2002-2003 Sigdalslag Fra Presidenten: Officers EARL O. KNUTSON President 722 Second Street SW Willmar, MN 56201 320-222-1613 [email protected] Greeting to our members! CAROL MEADE VP 1 6929 Park Ave. Time marches on - the 2003 stevne is now history. Those who Richfield, MN 55423 were able to attend will agree, I’m sure, that Winona State 612-243-3924 University was a very nice site for the stevne. [email protected] However, only a few of our membership are able to attend our stevner. Our membership at the end of June, 2003 was GARTH ULRICH VP 2 253, which amounts to about 400 persons since spouses are Box 28, Spalding SK automatically members. Only 41 persons, about 10% of the SOK 4CO, CANADA membership, registered this year at the Sigdalslag desk. 306-633-2274 The stevne is a nice experience featuring both scholarship [email protected] and camaraderie, so it would be nice if more members could participate. JUDY SOSTED VP 3 1118 Lia Court Those that did not attend the stevne can catch up to some extent from the articles and pictures in this newsletter. Northfield, MN 55057 Those with internet access can also check the "stevne" [email protected] section on our web site,

DON SKADELAND Treasurer One of the things decided at Winona is to send free copies 10642 “O” Street of the 2004 Saga to prospective members. We hereby ask the Omaha, NE 68127 membership to nominate persons to receive these sample 402-331-5906 copies. Descendents of emigrants from Sigdal, Eggedal and [email protected] Krødsheread, eligible for these nominations. Nominations should be sent by year’s end to our Secretary, AMY MICHELSEN Secretary Amy Michelsen. 18730 Roanoke St. NW The big news from Winona was that the 2004 stevne will be Anoka, MN 55303-8971 held in Willmar, Minnesota, and that Sigdalslag is the 763-753-5484 host! (There are seven Lags that join together for these [email protected] stevner, and it’s our turn.) Our Executive Board has already held a special meeting (September 13th in Willmar) LEE ROKKE Genealogist to start planning.10. Wish us luck, and plan to come! The 13465 Garden View Drive dates are July 8- Apple , MN 55124 952-432-9767 Ha det bra! [email protected] Earl O. Knutson President, Sigdalslag MARILYN MOEN Co-Editor 32557 Clay Bank Road Erhard, MN 56534 [email protected]

CINDY PETERSON Co-Editor/ Editor’s Corner... Publisher 3520 Banyan Street What a joy to fill up the front page margin experiences of finding your family’s history, or Santa Rosa, CA 95403 with the names of so many new members! W e your trip to Norway, or about some Norwegian 707-573-1504 welcome you warmly and hope that you find your custom that your family has preserved. W e are [email protected] membership fulfilling and find the Saga enlight- linked by our an cestry and can b e surprised by ening and informative. To the new members that the common threads of our modern lives. For submissions or questions, I mistakenly omitted in the July issue, I apologize. This issue is being accompanied by our new please contact Marilyn Moen Tusen takk to those of you who have shared directory! Thanks to all who worked so hard in or Cindy Peterson with our members your stories and articles of producing this useful publication. interest, I hope that it inspires others to share Cindy Peterson theirs as well. Please do tell us about your own co-editor/publisher Sigdalslag Saga V olume 23, Issue 3 Page 3

Stevne Report...

(Continued from page 1) cers, members talked about the various Winona fiddlers, Wegeland Dancers, farms in Norway their ancestors came and Janet Martin. Janet who has written from, the Hamar Lutheran Church numerous books including Cream & chartered by Sigdal emigrants and Bread, A Norwegian Distionary had the others from Norway, a video of the audience in laughter much of the eve- building of a Norwegian Log Church ning. near Willmar, MN. Saturday night the event culminated by the Banquet, Bu- Saturday the various lags held their nad parade and entertainment by Tina & annual meetings. The Sigdalslag group Lena. also took a formal picture (also avail- able for purchase, see page 4). The The next 7 Lag Stevne will be held in meeting also included election of offi- Willmar, MN and will be hosted by Sigdalslag. This will be an Photo by Be tty K nutson opportunity for many of us to be involved in the fun! Plan to attend.

Photo by Marilyn Moen

Clockwise from top: The Comedy act of Tina and Lena: The rarely seen back side of the banner: Mike Block and Cal Jokstad lead the Banner Parade: People at work in the genealogy room: (bottom) Bunad lineup after the banquet Photo by Marilyn Moen Photo by Marilyn Moen

Photo by Be tty K nutson Page 4 Sigdalslag Saga V olume 23, Issue 3

Sigdalslag Annual Meeting July 12, 2003 Winona, MN open and he is looking for The meeting reconvened at for deceased members and oth- someone to commit to the posi- 0920. Earl reported that Sig- ers of Sigdal ancestry: Linda The annual meeting of the tion through 2011, the centen- dalslag has to date 254 member Block, Jeanine Gail Omoth, Sigdalslag was held at Winona nial of the founding of Sigdal- households and only a small Rosanna Gutterud Johnsrud. State University in Winona, slag. Earl reported that while fraction of these attend the Minnesota on July 12, 2003 in there were no first time atten- stevne (approximately 15%). The minutes of the 2002 busi- conjunction with the Seven Lag dees present at this stevne, Earl extended a special wel- ness meeting were accepted as Stevne. While waiting for any there were 41 people who reg- come to new members who printed. latecomers, Lee Rokke passed istered their attendance with joined since the 2002 stevne. President Earl shared the re- on greetings sent to the lag Sigdalslag. Of these, 27 people Secretary Amy Michelsen read fro m member Irene Navarre, attended this annual meeting. these 24 names along with their port of the audit performed by with Irene’s deep regrets for town of residence. None were Elaine Lange. It was accepted missing this stevne due to her The meeting adjourned for 30 present at this stevne. Amy as printed. Appreciation was husband Harry’s health, this minutes while all present reminded us that standing rule shown to Don and Lynn Skade- being the first stevne she formed up for a group picture 1 in the bylaws state that mem- land for their maintaining and missed since 1975. taken outside. The portrait was bership includes spouses, as reporting the financial records. taken by local photographer, some people may not be aware Treasurer Don Skadeland re- President Earl Knutson offi- Mark Miranda, and orders were of it. Members may choose to cially opened the meeting at taken for copies of the final ported on the treasurer’s re- add their spouse name if they cords that he shared with mem- 0840 with introductions of the chosen print at a cost of $18.00 wish. officers present. He reported including shipping. bers present. This report will that the office of Historian is Earl led a moment of silence (Continued on page 5) ~~ 2003 Sigdalslag at the Winona Stevne ~~

Group photo taken in Winona by photographer Mark Miranda. If enough interest is expressed, more prints can be ordered. Prints are 8x14 inches. The cost will be $18, including shipping. Please contact President Earl Sigdalslag Saga V olume 23, Issue 3 Page 5

(Continued from page 4) x Woodcarving exhibition be subject to audit prior to ap- and sales. proval at the 2004 stevne. Don x “Original Lutheran stated that Sigdalslag has a Church” is in the area. trend of gradually gaining sev- eral hundred dollars each year. x Many lakes nearby for It may be wise to change to recreation or meeting calendar year reporting. places. Don Skadeland along with his x Utilize loca l Historical wife Lynn coordinated registra- Society to give lecture on tions again this year. Don re- local history. ported 35 pre-registrants and 6 x Utilize local Chamber of walk-in registrants at this Commerce for resources. stevne. One walk-in registrant x Genealogy is always a became a new member for 3 Board members left to right: Don Skadeland, Lee Rokke, Amy Michelsen, years. major d raw for part ici- pants and the Convention Marilyn Moen, Carol Meade, Judy Sosted, President Earl Knutsen President Earl gave a prelimi- Center will have at least 8 nary report on the 2003 stevne. connection ports for internet content. He suggested a letter bruk, husmann, seter. Sur- Approximately 250 people pre- access. of gratitude be sent to each of name requirements after registered, down about 100 as x Should there be a schedule them and this was voted and 1924 in Norway and the approved by all present. absence of such a law prior compared with last year. for Saturday afternoon? to 1924, leading to a variety Picnic in a big park? President Earl Knutson, who Election of 2003-2004 officers of choices among our emi- also serves as representative to x Should lag meetings be was conducted by past board grant ancestors. Presented member Ruth Manning. There NSI, led discussion on plans for staggered to allow atten- by Lee Rokke who also led dance at more than one were no further nominations discussion. the 2004 stevne. In the past meeting? from the floor. A motion was year, Earl and Betty researched passed to unanimously approve x Gård og Bruk. Each mem- x Many people in the Willmar and visited three places as pos- the ballot for the slate as pre- ber shared which parish and area descend from Eggedal sible sites for 2004 stevne: UM sented. The following were farm their ancestor came and Sigdal… invite families elected: from, and some told a little at Morris, Augustana College to have reunions during the bit more. in Sioux Falls, and Convention same week. x President Earl Knutson Center in Willmar. In a meet- x Publish information about x VP Judy Sosted x History of the Hamar ing on 10 July 2003, the NSI Church in Rothsay MN. lags, stevne and member- x VP Carol Meade board accepted the proposal to ship in newspapers. Presented by Marilyn Moen, hold 2004 stevne at Willmar x VP Garth Ulrich whose ancestors had a role x Publish an article about the MN. Dates were set for 8-10 x Secretary Amy Michelsen in its founding. 2003 stevne. July 2004. Sigdalslag is re- x Treasurer Don Skadeland Video about the first church in sponsible for planning the 2004 x Collect names from current Arctander Township, Kandi- stevne, and Earl stated that the members of likely new members. President Earl presented a let- yohi County MN. Presented by Sigdalslag board will meet on ter of appreciation to Ruth Earl Knutson, whose great- Discussion led to a vote and 13 September 2003 to plan the Manning for her past volunteer grandfather Ole Knudson do- event. A brainstorming session motion approved to ask mem- duties as a Vice President of nated the land on which the bers to nominate people to re- ensued by the members in at- Sigdalslag. church was built and partici- ceive a complimentary one- tendance, with the following pated on the building commit- year membership to Sigdalslag The business portion of the tee. ideas presented: and they will receive Saga. annual meeting was adjourned Our editor will make a short A buffet sandwich lunch was x Locate place of cultural at 1017. note in the next issue inviting shared by those present from interest in the area of Will- these nominations. Following coffee and cakes, 1205 to 1245, prior to the video mar. members gathered again at presented by Earl Knutson. x Invite a doll maker named Member David Rokke ex- 1048 for a cultural portion of Faye Moen. pressed gratitude to our two co- the annual meeting. It in- Respectfully submitted, editors of Saga for their wo rk cluded: x Presentation on the history in the past year to create its Amy Michelsen, secretary of American Indians in the attractive layout and excellent x Review of definitions of area. Norwegian terms: gård, Page 6 Sigdalslag Saga V olume 23, Issue 3

Hamar Evangelical Lutheran Church of Rothsay, MN By Marilyn Moen

On June 20, 1999 the Hamar Lutheran towards the building of a church. Folks at Tollef Gronseth Church celebrated its 125th Anniversary. that time were busy getting the necessary Today the Hamar Evangelical Lutheran logs for this own use for houses and fences Church continues to serve its members. and money was scarce. So everyone took Since 2002 it is part of the New Life Con- a hold to help get the first church built sortium comprised of Hamar Lutheran under the direction of a supervisor. It was Church, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and here, as so often happens that the most Little Bethany Lutheran Church of the ambitious had to work for themselves as Rothsay Minnesota area. well as the less interested. It has been stated that Asle Flatin and Tollef Gronseth put in a lot of hard work to get the church finished. The first church was built on the grounds of the current Hamar cemetery that is located approximately 1 mile south of the village of Rothsay, Minnesota.

Hamar Evangelical Lutheran Church today Rothsay. The first funeral in the new Looking back at the beginnings of the church was for Ole Tollef Gronseth in church Norwegian ancestors were the char- 1875. ter members of the organization with many of them coming from the Sigdal, Eggedal Tollef Gronseth was married to Viil El- & Krødsherad area in Norway. lingsd Gunnerud (1843-1893) from Krød- sherad. They had four children: Bertha The twenty charter member of the Hamar Karine (1870-1938), Ole Tollef (1872- Lutheran Church who met to organize the 1888), Ellen Olive (1874-1887) and Caro- congregation June 1, 1874 at the Casper H. line (1876-1887). The youngest three chil- Rudh home just east of Rothsay were: dren all died from diphtheria in 1887-1888. Tollef Olson Gronseth, Gilbert Engelson, Haakon Halvorson, Ole O. Gronseth, Paul Tollef second married Ingeborg Olsd. L. Paulson, K. C. Gulson, Martin L. Heg- Haslerud fro m , gen, Andrew R. Johnson, Gulbrand H. , Busk- Kantrud, Gunder Kantrud, Asle G. Flatin, erud. They had Paul Halvorson, Lars O. Honrud, Ole P. Charter Members of the Hamar Evan- gelical Lutheran Church: one son Ole Stenrudshaugen, Torger G. Kantrud, Ole Tollef (1885- T. Nordmarken, Christen Tanberg, Freder- From Sigdal Eggedal Krødsherad 1941). Ole ick F. Fosse, Johanes G. Kantrud, and Cas- Tollef Gronseth per H. Rudh. The first four trustees were: Tollef Olson Gronseth. Tollef Gronseth was my grand- Martin L. Heggen, Lars O. Honrud, Torger was born on 18 May 1838 in Gren, Sigdal, father. Kantrud and Tollef Gronseth. Gilbert , Norge. Was on the 1865 Cen- Engelson was secretary/treasurer. Ole sus for Grønsaeter, Sigdal, Buskerud, Nor- Our extended family has also documented Hanson suggested that the congregation be way. Tollef Olson died in Rothsay MN, that Tollef had two other children both named Hamar after the city in Norway that on 5 Oct 1907; he was 69. To llef was a born in Norway namely Ole Tollef Gron- had the most beautiful church. farmer, carpenter, and County Commis- seth Overby (1868-1949) and Andrine sioner. Tollef was buried in the Hamar Tollefsd. Gronseth (1869-?). Aase Knuts- In the church historical records it is writ- cemetery, Rothsay, MN. Tollef’s parents datter Overbyeie was the mother of Ole. ten that at the first regular meeting of the were Ole Tollefson Gronseth & Beret Kit- The families of Ole Gronseth & Ole congregation arrangements were made tilsdatter Gronseth. They also came to Overby are now in contact. Kari Hansdat- Page 7 Sigdalslag Saga V olume 23, Issue 3

ter Gronsetheie was the mother of Andrine. Asle married Turi Ellingsd. Gunnerud From Near Christiana We are actively seeking information on (1848-1908) they had the following chil- Gilbert Engelson, Casper H. Rudh Andrine, her mother Kari Hansdatter and dren: Gilbert A. (1872-1947), Elling A. her grandmother Aase Larsdatter From Oppland Barhaugen. Write the author if you have Gulbrand Hans. Kantrud, Gunder Kantrud, additional information. Torger G. Kantrud, Frederick F. Fosse, Johanes G. Kantrud, Ole Hanson, Haaken Hal vorson. Born in 1845 in Sky- Martin L. Heggen, Ole T. Nordmarken liholt, Sigdal, Buskerud, Norway. Was on the census for Sjøliholt, Sigdal, Sigdal, From Sør-Trondelag Buskerud, Norway, in 1865.20 Haaken Ole P. (Stenrudshaugen) Pederson purchased farm land in Akron Township, Wilkin County. I do not have knowledge Location in Norway Unknown to Writer of when and where he died. Paul L. Paulson, Andrew R. Johnson (1875-1934), Carl A. (1878-1943), Clara The Early Pastors of Hamar Luther an Ole Olsen Gronseth. Ole Gronseth, a Josephine (1881-1908), Lewis A. (1883- Church brother to Tollef Gronseth was born on 19 1947), Theodore A. (1890-1961). Mar 1846 in Gren While these notes focus on the charter Farm, Sigdal, Asle second married Guri Olsd Aarud members of the church it is important also Buskerud, Norge. (1855-1937). They did not have any chil- to document the early pastors of this con- Ole Olsen died in dren. Rothsay MN, on 7 gregation: Jul 1920; he was Paul Hal vorson. Paul was born on 1 Nov 1874-1878 Reverend Tollef Rosholt 74. Buried on 12 1849 in Skyliholt, Sigdal, Buskerud, Nor- 1878-1883 Rev. Stener Svenungson Jul 1920 in Hamar way. Was on the census for Sjøliholt, Sig- cemetery, Rothsay 1883-1921 Rev. Magne Langeland dal, Sigdal, Buskerud, Norway, in 1865.20 MN. Emigrated on He was a farmer in Akron Township, Wil- 1921-1923 Rev. Halvor Bjornson 11 May 1869 from Stavanger To Wi- kin County, Minnesota. Paul died in Roth- 1923-1953 Rev. Emil Salveson nona Ship Skandi- say, Minnesota, on 10 Jun 1907; he was 1953-1961 Rev. E.O. Barsness navia.23 Ole Gronseth was single and a 57. His parents were Halvor Paulsen and farmer in Akron Township, Wilkin Kjersti Knutsdatter. His father was born at This summary of the charter members of County, Minnesota. Helle, Veggeli, Numedal. His mother was the church was written in 1999 when born at Støvern, Sigdal. The father Halvor Hamar Evangelical Lutheran Church of K. C. Gulson. K. C. Gulson also known Paulsen has been mentioned as the well- Rothsay was celebrating the 125th Anniver- as Kittil Gulson was born on 11 Mar 1844 known parish watchmaker. He was not sary. While every attempt was made for in Ingebo, Gren, Sigdal, Buskerud, Nor- married. accuracy the writer will gratefully accept way. K. C. Gulson farmed in Oscar any new information or corrections that Others from Buskerud Norway Township, Otter Tail County. He was others may have. married but I do not have any further infor- Lars O. Honrud , Christen J. Tanberg mation. K. C. died in Rothsay, Minnesota, Marilyn Gronseth Moen on 7 Dec 1905; he was 61. Kittil although a charter member of Hamar Lutheran Sigdalslaget 1949 yearbook Church later joined Our Savior’s Lutheran $31 US (includes shipping) by mail order or online at www.sigda church also in Rothsay and is buried there. His parents were Gul Kristoffersen Rud and Anne Kittilsdatter Grønseth. Order form for: Sigdalslaget - 1949 yearbook

Asle Gunbjørnsen Flatin. Born on 26 Name ______Dec 1846 in Sigdal Norge. Was on the Street ______census for Gjulsflaten, Eggedal, Sigdal, Buskerud, Norway, in 1865.39 Asle State ______ZIP______Gunbjørnsen died in Rothsay MN, on 13 Phone ______E-Mail ______Mar 1914; he was 67. Asle Gunbjørnsen Make check p ayable to Sigdalslag Flatin was the son of Gunbjørn and Kjersti Qty. Price each Total Send to: Don Skadeland Flatin. Asle was a farmer in Akron Town- 10642 O Street ship, Wilkin County, Minnesota. @ $31.00 Omaha, NE 68127 Page 8 Sigdalslag Saga V olume 23, Issue 3

News From Elvera & her Paintbrush S igda l Par ish… By Lee Rokke

Eivind Haare Krogh has Many Sigdalslag members will remember the mar- accepted the position as sokneprest in Sigdal. Origi- velous rosemaled plates that Elvera Bisbee nally from Mjøndalen, he and created for the Sigdalslag to give as gifts for his wife Kari have served om the three churches when the lag went to Fjell parish in Vesthordland Norway in 2000. Elvera is still paint- prosti (district). He is 31 and ing. She is rosemaling constantly and the date he will move to Holmen Church will be after designing furniture as well as renovatons at the priest's smaller woodenware pieces. Her farm are complete. latest endeavor is painting on win- TWO ANNIVERSARIES dow screens and windows. Holmen Church celebrated its 150 jubilee year anniver- There is a new shop in Tracy, sary at special services Minnesota, where she lives. The September 28 at 6 PM with Etc. is a coffee shop that features homemade former sokneprest Njål Gjen- soup and salads. It sells candy, books, yarn and nestad preaching and with other treasures. And it features Elvera's work-so special music by the choir she has to produce a lot to keep up with the de- and Kai Roger Emmerud, cornet. Church coffee fol- mand. But she loves it. If you need a special lowed. Magne Låyten as- rosemaled piece for a gift, or for a treasure for sem bled pictures wrote the yourself, just send a note to Elvera at Bisbee Bu- collected historical data. tikk, 161 Union Street, Tracy, MN 56175, or you And the building and can call her: 507-629-3017, or send an e-mail: grounds had been given special attention to be wel- [email protected]. coming. Elvera will turn 81 in September, and plans to Pros t Helge Norrud live to 100. She says she hopes to die with a A Deacon’s bench, the sides of the bench are preached at the 125th jubi- paintbrush in her hand! also rosemaled. lee anniversary in Eggedal Church September 14 at 6 PM. Nils Henrik Wichmann Recognize any of these Sigdalings? played trumpet at the ser- Please contact Marilyn Moen if you know who-what-where. It is believed to be at a Sigdalslag stevne vices and "kirkekaffee" followed the service. A new brochure with photos by Tor This picture w as w ith Kornstad and editing by my parents pictures Sigdalslag life member and had come from Håvard Støvern has also pictures had by my been translated to English by grandparents. Their Boel Kristin Støvern. names – Ole & Anna Gronseth. They were The lag s ends its bes t involved w ith wishes to both congrega- Sigdalslag. Christian tions! Holmen council presi- dent is Marit Strand Resell Syverson would have and at Eggedal the council been a first cousin of president is Anne Sofie my grandfather Ole. Velle. Marilyn (Submitted by Narve Somdahl) Sigdalslag Saga V olume 23, Issue 3 Page 9

New Book on “Bunads in America” More Web Sites Letter and information provided by Jean Negaard Shogren of Interest...

My sister, Rosalie Olson & I are members mailing to: LOV Bunad Project, c/o Anne Check out The Promise Kløvnes Høidal, 5740 Lance Street, San of Sigdalslag and are also members of Sons of of America at Norway Lodge, Valhalla Lodge #25 in San Diego, CA 92120. Make checks payable to emigrasjon/emigration/ Diego, which recently published a 180 page Ladies of Va lhall. hard cover book called About the Author This site includes a "Bunads in America: A Norwegian Cultural Tradi- Anne was born on the small selection of books, book tion in Southern Califor- island of Uløy in Troms excerpts, entire articles, nia". province, . America letters, On the island there were no photographs and prints, The book describes the schools beyond primary film clips and excerpts historical development of school, so at 14 Anne left the bunad tradition in Nor- for Lyngseidet in the Lyn- from radio and way and illustrates how this gen Fjord to attend real- television broadcasts. tradition has been kept alive skole, and later for Tro mso Bibliographies with in Southern California. Al- to attend gymnasium. The search possibilities list a most all costumes are mod- next step was the University great deal of the eled by the owners them- of where she first selves, which is very un- earned a Cand. Mag. degree material published in usual for a bunad book. in history, comparative lit- this field. In addition, Furthermore, a short entry erature and Norwegian. In there are links to for each person explains 1967 she finished a Cand. valuable sites on the their connection to the bu- Philol. degree (magna cum Internet related to nad tradition. Short chapters laude) with the thesis: are included on how to take "Cora Sandel's Alberte Tril- Norwegian Americana care of a bunad and how to ogy: The Influence of Soci- and genealogical acquire an authentic bunad. ety on Alberte” While fin- research. A very beautiful bunad ishing her degree, she met from Sigdal is modeled by and married Oddvar Høidal, Kristin Åby, whose family Oddvar and Anne settled in came from Sigdal. I am San Diego where he be- enclosing a photocopy & came professor of history at Just For Fun… the text featuring Kristin San Diego State University. Åby and her daughter, Kjersti, who is wearing Anne finished a Masters Degree in English in Ole had a bull that wasn’t a children's bunad. 1971 at SDSU with a thesis on “A Comparison too successful when it of Old English and Old came to breeding the "Bunads in America" Norse Love Elegies.” cows, so he called the came off the press in veterinarian. The vet from ‘Bunads in mid-Nov. 2002. The Over the years Anne gave him a bottle of pills America’: author is Anne Kløv- taught Norwegian, history to see if it would change “In 1938 the nes Høidal, and the and geography at Lille- Sigdal Associa- book was published by hammer Høgre Allmenn- things. A tion of Farm Ladies of Va lhall, skole; English, history and week later, Women and the Valhall Lodge #25, Norwegian at Brumunddal Sven came Heimen store in Sons of Norway in Gymnas (Hedmark prov- over and Oslo, together San Diego. For further ince); and English and asked Ole with Carsten information please Norwegian at Ringebu about the Lien, started to contact Anne Kløvnes Ungdomsskole (Oppland medicine for the bull. work on the re- Høidal via e-mail at: province). Anne has also “What kind of pills are construction of a [email protected], worked as a translator for they?”, asked Sven. “Vell, bunad from Sig- or by telephone at many years, which in - said Ole, “dey are little dal... based on (619) 286-8641. The volved translating books green pills, about da size costumes as they book is available for and documents in Norwe- of a bean. And (smacking were believed to gian, German, and French $37.50 ($34.50 plus his lips) dey taste some- have been in $3.00 shipping) by to English and Norwegian. about 1830.” thing like pepperm int.” Page 10 Sigdalslag Saga V olume 23, Issue 3

mates are mostly Middle-eastern and African is 011 47 7398 1002. In the US, you know our From the refugees; w e also have one Russ ian and one postal address, our e-mail address is Saga Brazilian woman in our class ; they are married asto rbo @nw, and our phone number is to Norwegians. We are becoming good friends (425) 644-8301. Mail Bag: w ith some of our c lassmates, and are learning If you or any othe r S igdals lag members to apprec iate the ir pe rspec tives of the w orld. have q uestions about our expe rie nces in No r- From Homme lv ik Norway… My th ird cousin Jorunn Tronstad and he r way, or have a request which we can easily husband Ole have helped us settle into life in fullfill, w e w ould be happy to respond by e - He llo… My w ife Sharon and I moved to Norway. They found the house we are renting, m a il. Norway in late March...We first joined Sigdal- and they helped us do essential tasks upon ar- slag in 1997, but inadvertently let our member- Vennlig hilsen, riving in Norway - registering with the local sh ip lapse a year o r tw o ago. I th ink you may Art and Sh aron S torbo po lice department, getting pe rson-numbe rs so find other information about us in past Sigdal- that w e can carry out legal bus iness like s ign- s lag reco rds. From Florida… ing a rental form, obtaining a library card, and We first heard o f S igdalslag w hen I made buy ing o r le asing a car, and getting a te lephone Dear ... Sigdalslag Members: a casual enq uiry about he lp in trac ing family in hookup. These task are no t easy w hen one ...I look forward to hearing more about Norway. Lee Rokke was a big help to me in speaks very little No rsk. How ever, w e find all Sigdal, Norway and things Norwegian; My tracing my fam ily in the Sigdal, Eggedal, Pres t- No rw egians friendly and courteous, and w e are short experience in researching my family's foss, and Krodshered area. We visited this area enjoy ing our stay very much. genealogy has been fun and fasc inating; I've in 1997, and hope to visit it again this summer. Bes ides go ing to No rsk c lass, our expe ri- been at it only about e igh t months, and began We are liv ing in Hommelv ik, a small tow n ences so far have included: 1. Meeting 30+ because my daughte r w as asking q uestions 15 miles east of Trondheim, renting a furnished cousins, most of whom speak English, but they about the family I could not answer; My house for 9 months. We planned this adventure k ind ly suffe r our b roken Norsk, and they are a daughter has also experienced the adventure of fo r tw o years, and it fina lly happe ned w hen w e b ig he lp to us in learning Norsk. 2. Watch ing immigration, hav ing moved to the UK about a received our residence permits in February. As an aw esome display of the No rthe rn Ligh ts one year ago; you may know, a residence permit is required night in late March. 3. Cross-country skiing in My mothe r's mate rna l g rand pa ren ts w ere to stay in Norway more than 90 days, the limit Sw eden and in No rw ay. 4. Walk ing th rough Erick and Aase Roen, who eventually settled in fo r touris ts. Getting the pe rmit w as not easy, as the countrys ide, e njoy ing the emerging signs of Norway Lake Township, Kandiyohi County, w e did not fit the no rmal catego ries of spec ial- spring, w hich began only a w eek ago w ith Minnesota; Children were born in Deuel ized w orke r, student e nrolle d at a unive rsity, "warm" (50 degree) weather. Except for those County, Dakota Te rrito ry, and in M innesota ; refugee, or family reunification. We finally won few days, it has usually been only 35-40 de - Erick had tw o m arriag es ; S ince beg in n ing approval w hen w e convinced the UDI (national grees here for the past five weeks. 5. Seeing Internet searches and posts to message boards, immigration department) that our s tay in No r- some of the local history, such as the Tautra I've m et in te res t in g peop le, inc lud ing a d is tan t way would contribute to broader dissemination Clo ister ruins near Fros ta, and the mound cousin; I look forward to meeting more people, of know ledge of No rw egian culture and h is - where viking leaders met at the Frosta Thing a and w ould love to communicate by email w ith tory. thousand years ago. 6. Vis iting Sve resborg anyone willing; I have a special interest in the O ur reasons fo r liv ing in No rway a re to Museum in Trondheim. 7. Exploring down- Norway Lake Lutheran Churches, and have take time off from our jobs; become more fluent tow n Trondheim fo r restaurants, s tores, and built a database of names and marriages de- in ; meet distant relatives ; search ing fo r a copy ce nte r (w e believe w e rived from the Festeskrift by Debbie Boe on her have some states ide relatives and friends visit found the only one fo r 200 m iles around). 8. w ebsite ; I hope to add to it w ith names of mem- us th is summer; trave l, research fam ily h is tory, Revisiting the Leif Erikson statue near the har- bers of the associated churches- To date, it and expe rience the land of my grand parents; bo r in Trondhe im (w e w ere a pa rt of the g roup amounts to about 900 names and over 400 and work on my family history book. All four of which contributed to the statue erection in 1997 marriages, with many notations of birthplaces ; my grandparents immigrated to the US from as p art of Trondhe im 's 1000-yea r a nn ive rsary I w ill gladly share what I have, although I No rw ay betw een 1882 and 1907. celebration). 9. Attending a No rw egian fu- have little other than family photos (with inter- We are currently enrolled in the language ne ra l, s imila r in many respec ts to Lu the ran esting clues) and what is available on the Inter- program offered to all immigrants by the Nor- funerals we have attended Stateside, but unique ne t; I wish that I had more to contrib ute, but w egian gove rnment. It cons ists o f 500 c lass - in details. 10. Noticing the weekly change in have bee n transc rib ing census data to he lp out room hours a nd is requ ired of any imm ig ran t length of daylight hours. Already, the northern in that respect; I've been unsuccessful in finding seeking to hold a job in Norway. We are learn- sky is completely dark for only four hours, from history of farms, and don't speak Norwegian; ing first-hand what it is like to be an immi- 11 pm to 3 am. In a few more weeks, wewill One website that I found early on is apparently grant, unable to speak the local language. It is have light all night long, even though the sun "down" at present; Each clue seems to lead to humbling to have to use s imple first-grade will go 3 degrees below the horizon on June 21. two more "mysteries" - much fun! conversation. But we enjoy our class, four He re in No rway, our postal address is Art Sincerely, hours per day, five days per week, with at least and Sharon Sto rbo, Se lbuvege n 24, 7550 Hom- Ellen D. West 10 hours of homew ork pe r w eek. We are also melv ik, Norw ay; ou r e -am il addd ress is 311 Island Way, #101 find ing out how difficult it can be to learn an- asto rbo, and our telephone number other language at ages 55 and 60. Our class- Clea rw ate r Flo rid a 337 67 Sigdalslag Saga V olume 23, Issue 3 Page 11

In Loving Memory Schedule of Events

Valdreslag. She died of cancer still unknown. She is survived x September 5 - November 16 at the age of 56. Her great by one daughter, Alison, cur- “NORDIC LANGUAGE grandparents on her father's rently living in New York CHURCHES IN WASHI NG- side, Simen Jonsen and Rena City, her mother, husband Lien came over from Norway Mike Block of San Mateo, Ca TON TERRITORY 1853-1889” in the early 1850's to settle in (Sigdalslag member), and one also ongoing LINDA BLOCK Sacred Heart, Minnesota, sister and one brother. “THE DREAM OF AMERICA” April, 2003 before moving up to North Nordic Heritage Museum, Seattle, Linda was an elementary Dakota in the 1890's. He was WA (206) 789-5707 and If you have information on a departed teacher most of her life and from Vang in Valdres, the member, please contact the editor. was also a member of the actual birthplace of Rena is x September 27 - January 4 “INC A R NA NA TI O NS : A NANCY JACKSON RETROSPECTIVE E XHIBITION” Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, Sigdalslag Members Send in Surveys Decorah, IA (563) 382-9681 Sigdalslag Surveys have been received from: x October 7 - 11, 2003 x Marcia Johnson, Apple Valley, MN on de- x Paul Larson, Cresco, IA, Civil War papers HØSTFEST -- Minot ND scendants of OLE KNUDSEN HUNSTAD. of OLE HALVORSEN HOVER, who was (701) 852-236 from , but mother was DORTE x Carla Olsen C lausen, New Brighton, MN on ANDERSDTR SKATVEDT. descendants of OLE KNUDSEN x January 8 - February 10, 2004 x Gerald Hokanson, St. Paul, MN, on de- FLÅGANEIE. “THE SKI STORY: SNOW- scendants of JOHAN TORSTENSEN x Marilyn Hagen Stevens, Oakdale, MN, on SKINNES-ØYGARDEN, who used the TRACKS FROM NORWAY” descendants of LARS ELLEFSEN GREN- name JOHN ODEGAARD in the US. l'Agora in Maison du citoyen. SEIE. Gatineau/Ottawa, Canada x Dianna Gray, Sioux Falls, SD, on the de- 1 613 238 6571 x Karen Kaslin Kautz, West Bend, WI, on scendants of TORKILD JACOBSON and descendants of KNUT JONSEN HOVDEN. JØRAN SVENDSDTR ENGEREIE. x Christine Prucha, LaCross, WI, together x Merriam Bleyl, Placitas, NM, on the de- with her mother, Della Berg, Bangor, WI, scendants of CARL JOHAN ELLEVSEN on the descendants of GUNHILD SY- FJELD. Carl Johan came from the Hof VERSDTR NOREEIE and JENS BJØRN- parish in Jarlsberg, but his father was “And the SEN SKASETBRÅTAN. ELLEV JONSEN VELSTADBRÅTAN. Nominees x Cynthia DeLano, Winona, MN, material on the family of ERIK PEDERSEN NYHUS. are…”

Is there someone you’re thinking of who These have been added to the Sigdalslag library: might like to receive a free subscription to the x Cynthia Thompson Delano, Winona, Minnesota, gave a Copy of Hatton: A Century of Change to Saga for 2004? Please the Sigdalslag library. The book belonged to her parents Wallace Thompson and Mae Nyhus take a moment to Thompson of Hatton, North Dakota. We are very grateful to Cynthia; the book has been out of nominate that person, print for many years and is very hard to find. It is a valuable addition to our library. Tusen Takk! prior to January 1, by calling or e-mailing x Rosella Goettelman gave a brochure listing the Cemeteries of Winneshiek County Iowa , pub- our lag’s secretary, lished 2003 by the Winneshiek County Pioneer Cemetery Commission, Decorah Genealogy Asso- Amy Michelsen at ciation and the Winneshiek County Historical Society. 763-753-5484, amymike- Special thanks to all of the people who worked at the genealogy session of the stevne, and es- m [email protected] pecially Donna Kulenkamp and Rosella Goettelman who put in more than their share of time. Sigdalslag Saga FIRST CLASS MAIL

Serving Norwegian-Americans of Sigdal, Eggedal & Krødsherad ancestry

PUBLISHER 3520 Banyan Street Santa Rosa, CA 95403

SAGA solicits feature articles, news, pictures and obituaries from members. Please contact editors Cindy Peterson or Marilyn Moen (contact info on Pg. 2). Next deadline: January 10, 2004


We’re on the Web!

Changed your address? Please notify the editor! Also, please keep SAGA’s return address in your own address book, and note the “paid thru” year as indicated on the mailing label next to your name.

5 2 4

1 12 1 11 3 98 1 10 1 2 9 2 Membership 1 10 3 1 Across the Globe 6 5 1 3 1 (as of 9-22-03) 7 2 1 3 21 U.S.A. - 243 1 1 2 7 4 Canada - 11 1 1 7 Norway - 7 England - 1 5 5

1 England

Mail application and check payable to Sigdal Lag to: JOIN SIGDALSLAG NOW! Date______Check if Renewal: AMY MICHELSEN Full name/s______18730 Roanoke Street NW Street ______Anoka, MN 55303-8971 City______State______ZIP______Residents of CANADA may send checks to: GARTH ULRICH E-Mail ______Phone ______Box 28, Spalding SK SOK 4CO, CANADA BUSKERUD Family Origin in (circle one) - SIGDAL EGGEDAL KRØDSHERAD Write “Sigdalslag dues (3 yr or 1 yr)” on the memo line of the check. Ancestor’s name ______Dues in Canadian dollars will be applicable rates for US dollars on the Farm name ______Year Emigrated______date written. Garth also maintains e-mail addresses. To update yours, write him at 2003 Dues: US/CANADA $10/YR or $25/3 YR, in US dollars [email protected]