

THtheI student-runE LnewspaperE of ThielN College inS Greenville,I PAAN Volume 130 Issue 1 Friday, September 14, 2012 At a Glance... Lutheranism:Ties to Thiel Events by Sean Oros, staff writer with the promise of repay- od adapted their ministry was a Lutheran. What ment once the borrower re- programs. According to staunch ad- Page 2: does it actually mean in to- turned to self-sufficiency. James Rogers, a member of vocate for a day’s world? We are a Today, German the district’s Board of Direc- balanced ed- Lutheran campus, but what chancellor Angelo Merkel is tors, they developed their ucation, as Thiel Happenings can we actually call a the daughter of a Lutheran programs so that any min- evidenced in “Lutheran” influence? Cer- pastor. Although she does istries or new churches they this quote of tainly we could include ques- not publicly push her faith’s monetarily assisted would his displayed Foam Party tioning current practices, as practice on her country, there agree to begin returning, on the terrace Martin Luther himself did is a glimpse of Luther’s when they are able, some of outside the and as our liberal arts train- teaching in her policy. She the support given. The HMSC: “A has been criticized for sup- greater District may continue city’s best Martin Luther developed the religion known as Party Conventions ing prepares us for, but per- Lutheranism. haps we can also look to porting austerity, but this spreading to needy organiza- and greatest Lutheranism’s homeland for practice is rooted in Lutheran tions in this manner. As a re- welfare, safety, the interrelatedness between Thiel Renovates a modern-day example. practice of “charity.” sult, fiscal responsibility is and strength consists in its and value of all subjects, and Steven Ozment, a Luther’s proposition does not self-perpetuating as borrow- having many able, learned, to bravely question or speak professor of history at Har- support simply “bailing out” ers are turned back to givers. wise, honorable, and well- out when we see wrong in Make-A-Wish with vard, wrote an article entitled a failing neighbor, but rather Luther’s vision is not about educated citizens.” He wrote our world. Luther left a pow- Chi Omega “German Austerity’s Luther- helping them in a way that repaying debt—it’s about volumes, spent his life erful legacy, whether for an Core” for the New York keeps them as responsible helping people to become preaching and teaching, and Lutheran leaders of coun- Times. In the article, he citizens. Merkel follows healthy members of a giving sponsored lively conversa- tries, members of the Luther- writes that Luther has deeply the same philosophy in her community as quickly as tion and free meals for stu- an denomination (whether Student Life impacted German culture, in- policies with the European possible. dents at his family’s own din- LCMS or ELCA), or even fluencing the country’s inter- Union’s economic crisis. Clearly, Lutheranism ner table. Of course, he is ourselves as students of Page 3: national practices today. And, in that philosophy, the is still very much alive today. best known for questioning Thiel. We may or may not Luther, as noted by Dr. Oz- influence of Luther’s teach- Here on campus, the signs re- the practices of the Church of follow all of Luther’s teach- ment, proposed in “The Free- ings still dynamically affects main. We are, in name, a his day, sparking the Refor- ings, or even follow the Beta Beta Beta dom of a Christian” that a the world today. Lutheran college, a tradition mation that redefined the Christian faith. However, by common chest be put in After reviewing that ties easily with our liber- world of his era. attending Thiel we show that every town to replace alms- Ozmet’s article, the Texas al-arts heritage. Luther, too, That is the heart of Lutheranism is still a power- First Feature Twirler giving. Money was loaned District of the Lutheran was a scholar, a professor of the liberal-arts tradition: to ful thought in our world, and from this chest to the poor Church of the Missouri Syn- theology at Wittenberg. He never stop learning, to see on campus today. Haunted

Abroad Obama, Romney accept party nominations by H.G. Myers, staff writer Romney, the former CEO of confident in the ” people in the shadow of a Romney, consistent with The 2012 presiden- a financial investment com- said Romney, speaking of the shuttered steel mill at a time where they had been for Thiel Travels tial campaign is officially un- pany, Bain Capital, accepted 2008 election. “I wish Presi- when too many good jobs more than two weeks prior to derway as both major party the nomination on August 30 dent Obama had succeeded were starting to move over- the Democratic National candidates accepted their to the cheers and applause of because I want America to seas. And by 2008 we had Convention, showing that Opinion nominations in the fanfare- the delegates in the Tampa succeed. But his promises seen nearly a decade in Romney did not receive the studded party conventions. Bay Times Forum building. gave way to disappointment which families struggled usual post-convention bump Page 4: “When that hard fought elec- and division. This isn't some- with costs that kept rising but that propels candidates fur- The Republican Party tion was over, when the yard thing we have to accept. Now paychecks that didn't, folks ther up in the field. In a met in Tampa, Fla., to nomi- signs came down and the tel- is the moment when we can racking up more and more Gallup poll taken on Sept.7, nate former Massachusetts evision commercials finally do something. With your debt just to make the mort- the day after Obama accept- Badstibner Review: governor, Mitt Romney, in an came off the air, Americans help we will do something.” gage or pay tuition, put gas in ed the Democratic nomina- effort to unseat the incum- were eager to go back to Romney is running the car or food on the table. tion, President Obama had bent president, Democrat work, to live our lives the with Wisconsin Congress- And when the house of cards received the post-convention Barack Obama of Illinois. way Americans always have man Paul Ryan as his vice collapsed in the Great Reces- bump, up to 48%, while A Traditional Woman – optimistic and positive and presidential candidate. sion, millions of innocent Romney was at 45%. Americans lost their jobs, Leading a In Charlotte, their homes, their life sav- Other candidates Nontraditional Life N.C., President ings, a tragedy from which seeking the highest office in Obama accepted we're still fighting to recov- the land include Gary John- his party’s nomina- er.” son, former governor of New A Day in the Life: tion for a second Obama, who was Mexico for the Libertarian term – to chants of elected in November 2008, Party; Jill Stein, a Massachu- Patti Muirrn “four more years” will keep Vice President setts physician for the Green from convention Joseph Biden of Delaware as Party; and others who do not delegates - on his running mate, despite have the necessary amount of Fashion Frenzy Sept.6 at the Time much speculation to the con- states accepting them on the Warner Cable Are- trary in the months leading ballot to earn 270 electoral Police Blotter na. “…I ran for up to the convention. votes. president because I Election Day is Nov. saw that basic bar- In a Gallup Public 6. If you still need to register gain [Hard work Opinion poll taken Sept. 5, to vote in this year’s presi- Page 5: leading to success the day before Obama ac- dential election, please visit in America] slip- cepted the nomination, regis- Rockthevote.org, or visit one Opinion Poll ping away,” said tered voters were polling at of the candidates’ websites: Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (left) and President Barack Obama. “I began 47% in favor of the presi- Mittromney.com or Barack- Obama (right) are this fall’s two major Presidential candidates. Twittin’ @ my career helping dent, with 46% favoring obama.com Thielensian A Slacker’s Guide to Studying Dear ____(Thiel) by Katey Williams, staff writer Entering into the ing, peer assisted learning Thiel Cribz fourth year of my college ca- 1.Work smart, not hard. – groups meet weekly for reer, I could probably write a If your professor provides Western Humanities classes, book on all of the study tips I notes for the chapter on and there are tutors available Culture Shock have heard: practice good Moodle, print them out and in the writing and chemistry time management, review follow along during class labs Monday through Friday, your notes after class, read and add examples that he or and the writing lab is even Christina Ryan Cartoon the chapter beforehand, start she mentions in lecture. In- open Sunday nights for any your papers weeks before stead of reading an entire last-minute authors. they are due and have them chapter before class, read the peer reviewed. All of these review section at the end of 4.Use your time wisely. – Sports and ideas sound great in theory, the chapter and familiarize Instead of sitting in the cafe- but in reality the last thing yourself with the vocabulary teria for an extra half hour Academics students want to do at night words to get an idea of what when you are done eating, is read a chapter that they are to expect from lecture. go to the 24-hour lab and Page 6: going to hear repeated at lec- work on your math home- ture the next day. 2.Pick the right study work or start the research for Women’s Tennis Most of the students space. – Go to the hidden ta- your paper. If you have a I know either read last bles in the stacks of the li- short amount of time to minute or not at all, they get brary, sit in Weyer’s Lounge, complete an assignment in, Women’s Soccer distracted when they try to or find an empty classroom. it might help you focus. study, and they write papers If you are trying to study in the night before they are your room or in the Bistro, 5.Make a list. – When you Women’s Volleyball due. Some might call these you are going to run into a are taking 18 credits of students slackers and chas- lot of unwanted distractions classes, playing a sport, and tise them for not dedicating that will make your studying trying to be involved in a TC Football the three hours that each less productive. club or two, it is easy to let professor suggests we spend an assignment slip your each week to studying. If Professor Interview: 3.Take advantage. – The mind. Having a list will keep that is the case, you can con- you on track, and the feeling sider me a slacker. Learning Commons offers a Burton Speakman lot of programs to help stu- of checking off an item is Having said that, I pretty gratifying too. have learned what works dents succeed, why not use them? Supplemental Instruc- So there you have it, Tennis Update best for me, and I do pretty five easy steps to being a suc- well with my own version of tion is available in Elemen- tary Statistics and Account- cessful slacker. Use them Katey can often be found following her own study tips. study habits. wisely! EVENTS Page 2 Friday, September, 2012 THIELENSIAN AAnnnnuuaall FFooaamm PPaarrttyy FFrreesshheennss UUpp Thiel Happenings FFaallll SSeemmeesstteerr ffoorr FFrreesshhmmeenn by Keeley Criswell, editor-in-chief by Sulbi Oh, staff writer On Friday, Aug. 31, Condom Casino – Sept. 14, the annual Foam Party (LHR, 8 p.m. – midnight) was held on the freshmen There will be casino tables quad. All freshmen partici- and students can win condoms and pants danced to music in a other prizes by playing bingo, pool covered in several feet blackjack, poker, and other casino- of bubbles that emanated themed tables from a foam machine. Tomcat Taxi:Grove City-Sept. 15 Foam dance parties If you like shopping and date back to “A Rhapsody in don’t have a car on campus (or if Black and Blue,” shot in you don’t want to use your own 1932, directed by Aubrey gas), then this is an opportunity for Scotto. There, Louis Arm- Many students enjoyed the foam party hosted on August 31. you! Let the Tomcat Taxi (Thiel’s strong danced, sang, and own taxi service) drive you to the played his trumpet in a large ty, all freshmen came out of fun but I think the pool was a Grove City Outlets. While you’re area of soap suds. Today, it the pool. Some students went little bit small to accommo- there, shop at one of 130 different has become an event for the back to their room but others date all freshmen,” Binah outlet stores. For lunch, you can Tune into “Thiel Happenings” to find out what’s going on around campus purpose of getting acquaint- remained to surely capture Min said. take a break from shopping and ed with others. This time, the emotional resonance of “I had fun at foam dance walk to one of several restaurants located in the area (Elephant & Castle and Eat ‘n Park are Thiel also held it as one of the party. party. It was cool and also a just two of your options). Or, if you would prefer fast-food, stop at the food court to satisfy the many social events on After the foam dance great experience to meet new your snacking needs. campus. party finished, many fresh- people. I made a lot of The taxi is departing from the HMSC parking lot at noon. It will leave the outlets In the beginning of men expressed various opin- friends there as well,” Xavier at 6. Sign up in the Student Life Office today! the party, about 30% of all ions about it. Harris said. Make-a-Wish Blue-Out Game – Sept. 15 “Let your wishes soar!” freshmen enjoyed the party “The foam dance party “I am from Korea. I was Support the Make-a-Wish foundation by purchasing a star from Chi Omega. Then, so the pool seemed very spa- being full of foam was very impressed about foam dance write a wish on your star. All stars will be tied to individual balloons and released during cious to them. However, fun. It was a real good expe- party because it was my first halftime at the football game on Sept. 15. Stars cost $1 and can be purchased at the game more and more students rience to get to know the in- time to take part in that kind this weekend! came and the pool became comingfreshmen. I really en- of party as a school event. Greek Recruitment Week – Sept. 17-22 crowded with almost all joyed the event which Also, I came to know about Interested in Greek Life? Then sign up for formal recruitment! Forms can be found freshmen in about an hour. somebody in upper class had American culture after par- outside Barbara Blue’s office and outside Justin Munz’s office. Along with loud mu- come through,” Kyler Jeffer- ticipating in the party,” Ahra Rocking the Quad – Sept. 21 sic, the excitement of the par- son said. Lee said. If weather conditions permit, dinner on Sept. 21 will be held outside on the Fresh- ty elated among the harmo- “As I am an exchange stu- As the interview of man Quad from 4:30-7 p.m. While you eat, enjoy music provided by The Andy Needham nized dancing freshmen and dent from Korea, foam dance the freshmen shows, foam Band and Reilly. If it rains, both dinner and the concert will be held in the cafeteria. This is the atmosphere of the fresh- party was an unusual event. I dance party is a Thiel’s major sure to be an exciting time. So, stop by to eat and/or enjoy some music. men quad became vigorous. haven’t had that kind of party freshmen event that is regret- Wings and Sings – Sept. 22 At the end of the par- in Korea before. I had a lot of table to miss. Are you… a great singer? A really bad singer? A poor college student who wants your college to buy you wings? If you answered “yes” to any of the previous questions, then Wings and Sings is the place to be! Stop by the Bistro on Sept. 22 anytime from 9 p.m. – midnight and enjoy free wings and karaoke. Thiel Renovates T-Shirt Swap – Sept. 24-27 by Keeley Criswell, Editor-in-Chief Do you have a shirt from another college? Then get rid of it! Stop by Barb Blue’s and Maryanne Elder, staff writer office during lunch house from Sep. 24-27 (the Monday-Thursday before homecoming weekend) and exchange your old, non-Thiel college shirts for a new 2012 Thiel Homecom- During the 2011- crisp fall ing shirt !!!! Get your sprit on before homecoming 2012 school year, Thiel sent air, take a Sunday and the 23, 24, and 25 surveys to the student com- seat on Homecoming Bonfire – Sept. 27 munity that asked for opin- Thiel’s Come to the pavillion outside the Glen Johnson Center (down campus) the Thurs- ions on what needed expand- new day before homecoming and enjoy a bonfire, free food (what more could you want?) and ed, fixed, or replaced. benches. other activities. It’s sure to be a blast! The chief complaints among students were the Many bathrooms and the lighting in students the freshman dorms as well are very Party Conventions Set as the poor Internet service. pleased The Student-Life staff, Presi- with dent VanAken, and the dean these Tone for 2012 Election of students, Mike McKinney, changes. by H.G. Myers, staff worked diligently throughout “When I writer it. This is usually done by a shall make or enforce any the summer to implement visited very public, very well-writ- law which shall abridge the many much-needed changes. Thiel With the Democratic ten speech broadcast on privileges or immunities of Throughout the sum- three National Convention in primetime television at the citizens of the United States; mer, the campus as a whole years ago, Charlotte, N.C., officially This student is enjoying a new addition to Thiel’s national level, and on state nor shall any State deprive underwent many renova- my mother campus, a marble bench. ended, the 2012 election sea- cable channels at the state any person of life, liberty, or tions. This year’s students and I were son is in full swing. But what level. This year’s presidential property, without due are able to experience up- worried about the school and ment geared towards is a political convention? A candidates, Gov. Mitt Rom- process of law; nor deny to dates such as new bathrooms its condition. When I chose women’s fitness,” said stu- party convention is usually ney and President Barack any person within its juris- and flooring in several of the Thiel, the only plusses were dent Taryn Benner. held every year there is a Obama, gave powerful diction the equal protection dorms. Members of sports the fact that the people here Colin Vitale, a soph- statewide or national election speeches. of the laws.”) The Republi- teams are also able to enjoy were nice and Thiel had my omore, also had a qualm. “I (e.g. Pennsylvanian Republi- Conventions are also can platform would also for- updates. Several sports-re- major. During my first year, I feel like Thiel did its best to can Convention). The con- the place where the party bid public schools teaching lated updates are the new turf stayed in Flo West and the begin restoring its buildings, ventions are places where (state or national) establishes any form of sexual education on the football field and a experience was not good. I but there are a few spots on delegates, people elected to its platform. A party plat- aside from abstinence, weak- facelift on the gymnasium kept calling my mother to tell campus that still need neces- represent the people of their form, or a document stating ening the Environmental floor. Apart from students, her that I wanted to come sary updates. For example, congressional districts or what that particular political Protection Agency, and re- professors can take advan- home. She told me that my Flo West’s hallways are still states, go to vote on who party will or will not support, ducing business’ responsibil- tage of some of the new opinion counted, and, if I carpet less and the floors are should get the party’s nomi- is then made public for ities toward reducing carbon changes - they are able re- voiced the changes I desired, nearly coming apart in some nation for a certain political perusal so that they may see output. vamp their learning styles I could be a voice for those spots,” he said. office (most usually gover- what the party and its candi- Highlights of the thanks to new technology. who did not want to speak. In However, after nor or senator at the state lev- dates stand for. Key high- 2012 Democratic Party plat- Some of the new technology the end, I am glad that I had Thiel’s efforts to update fa- el, and only for the office of lights of the Republican Par- form include: increasing tax- includes an increased num- stayed at Thiel College. The cilities this summer, students President nationally). A can- ty’s 2012 national platform es on the richest 1% of ber of WiFi access points way that the student-life are hopeful that Thiel will didate needs to gain a plural- include: a “human life” Americans, lobbying and around campus that help staff, dean, and president continue to make much- ity, or a large number of amendment to the US Con- Wall Street reform, a new speed up Internet connec- worked meticulously to needed improvements for votes, to gain the nomina- stitution banning abortion, as form of the President’s 2010 tions. make students happy paid years to come. “I, as a stu- tion. At the 2012 Republican well as expanding the right American Job’s Act, and a Apart from those off,” said a senior student dent, am happy to see Thiel National Convention, the of the 14th Amendment (Sec- call for all Americans to pay changes, Thiel put new floor- who wants to remain anony- putting forth an effort to - plurality needed to secure the tion 1 of the 14th Amend- their fair share in taxes. ing, paint, lighting, and mous. ter our school. It’s a great re- nomination was 1,144 dele- ment to the US Constitution: countertops in various parts Although so many assurance that our school gates. At the 2012 Democrat- “All persons born or natural- To read either party’s of the science building as students are excited by the cares about our education ic National Convention, the ized in the United States, and platform, you can find them well as repaired the Harter new changes, some feel that and experience, but there is plurality was 2,777 dele- subject to the jurisdiction at www.gop.com/2012-re- Hall and gymnasium parking Thiel still has a lot of work to still so much to do and cre- gates. thereof, are citizens of the publican-platform_home/ or lots. On top of that, repairs do. “As an athlete, I really ate. However, I’m sure Thiel Once a candidate has United States and of the State at www.democrats.org/dem- were made to various sec- appreciate the new turf that has a plan for the future,” received the nomination of wherein they reside. No State ocratic-national-platform tions of the Academic Center was put in this summer, but said Molly Preston. Preston, his party, he must then accept roof and the exterior of the the rec center is where Thiel like so many other students, Sawhill dorm. If you want to lacks. Students need updated remains hopeful that Thiel sit outside and enjoy the machines and more equip- will continue to make much- Make a Wish at the Blue-Out Game needed updates on campus. by Keisha Shaw, contributing writer hours. To date, Chi Omega has raised more Make-A-Wish grants the wishes of than $5.6 million for the Make-A-Wish children with life-threatening medical condi- Foundation and has helped to grant more tions to enrich the human experience with than 760 wishes. hope, strength and joy. The sisters of Chi Omega would like With the help of generous donors to thank those who made it possible for them and volunteers worldwide, Make-A-Wish to share the power of a wish today. grants a wish somewhere in the world every If you would like to help support 38 minutes and has granted more than Make-A-Wish, the girls of Chi Omega will 250,000 wishes since its inception in 1980. be selling balloons ($1), baked goods, and Continuing its longstanding com- tickets for a college survival basket. The mitment to philanthropy, Chi Omega chap- basket includes a $25 gift certificate to the ters, collegians and alumnae support the mis- Bookstore, $10 to the Bistro, $10 roll of sion of the Make-A-Wish Foundation® quarters, 3-in-1 Purex sheets, Romen, and through volunteering, fundraising, and spe- other necessities for a college student. cial events across the country. Since the pro- These goodies will be sold at the gram’s inception in 2002, Chi Omega chap- football game on Sept. 15. The balloons will ters have volunteered more than 380,000 be released during half-time. Come to the football game on Sept. 1 to support the Chi Omega’s and the Make-A-Wish foundation. STUDENT LIFE Page 3 Friday, September 14, 2012 THIELENSIAN Honorary Society empha- ABROAD! Tri-Beta:sizes Biological Sciences by Keeley Criswell, Editor-in-Chief for the sec- by Tim Taylor, contributing writer Every year, millions of students ond time. across the country choose to study abroad. The Beta Beta Beta (Tri-Beta) is the biology honorary society open to all students who Study abroad programs have become an in- biggest have an interest in one of the many disciplines of Biology. Tri Beta is a student-run organi- tegral part of the college experience for misconcep- zation under the supervision of Dr. Nicolas Despo and other biology staff members. The stu- many scholars. Throughout the past year, tion that dents and biology staff members work together to create a dynamic atmosphere focused on Thiel has had five students choose to partake many peo- integrating the different disciplines of biology to spark the interests of students on campus. in this great opportunity. Two of those stu- ple share Together, students are able to partake in special events, as well as develop interdisciplinary dents are studying in foreign countries right about relationships. now. The other three individuals each spent studying The biological sciences encompass everything from the molecular level within liv- several weeks last summer studying or in- abroad is that Pictured here is the author, Kee- ing cells of all species to the living terning in different cultures. During this se- it is very ley, who plans to study abroad. and nonliving relationships of the mester, I will be interviewing various stu- costly and al- earth’s different ecosystems. What dents from Thiel who have studied abroad. I together unaffordable for all but the richest is that, you ask? Biological sciences will discuss their experiences as well as of students. Other individuals think that the study how life is, and how life has scholarships and opportunities you can re- process required to study abroad is very dif- evolved here on our planet. Biologi- ceive for a study abroad excursion. ficult. One of the points that I hope to con- cal sciences are continuously chang- Studying abroad provides students vey throughout this column is that studying ing. As a result, there are many with an opportunity to immerse themselves abroad is not only affordable, but very possi- fields to study with a variety of op- in a culture that is different from their own; ble. If you are interested in studying abroad, portunities to get involved in what- it helps stimulate global awareness and in- stop by the financial aid office in Roth Hall ever may interest you. volvement while students earn college cred- to discuss various financial-aid opportunities Throughout the school year, its that will transfer to their home institution. for students studying abroad. Remember Tri-Beta would like to bring biologi- “It is an experience that will open your eyes that state grants, PELL grants, and federal cal news throughout the world, as to a new world,” said Audrey Rattay, a Thiel loans can all be transferred from Thiel to a with news from right here in our student who is studying in India. Many stu- study-abroad program. You can apply for own biology department to the stu- dents also discover a love for traveling to and receive scholarships that can be put to- dents of Thiel. We will keep you up- other countries. After studying abroad, indi- wards a study-abroad program. dated with special events on cam- viduals often take advantage of other oppor- pus, such as: guest speakers, field tunities to study or travel abroad. “After If you would like to find out if trips, experiments, and other spon- studying in Morocco last summer, I realized studying abroad is in your future, e-mail Dr. sored events such as “Earth Day.” my passion for exploring the world and tak- Buck ([email protected]), the head of So, come join us in our fascination ing in all of the culture that comes along Thiel’s Study Abroad Program, and set up a of Biology, we are discovering new with it,” said Rattay, who is studying abroad meeting! details and possibilities to this story Tri-Beta, also known as Beta Beta Beta, is hon of life every day. ored by its crest, which those in the society will Tri Beta would like to welcome become familarized with. Dr. Sarah Swerdlow to Thiel and HAUNTED welcome back Dr. Pale! by Michael Boratyn, staff writer is a room on the second floor, a room that is ’ Paranormal phenomenon has al- now no longer used because of the presents Thiel s First Featured Twirler by Maryanne Elder, staff writer ways been a bit of a controversy. Some peo- of spirits. The story is that one year a girl “Baton-twirling is my passion and ple believe that everything has a natural ex- back in the 1970’s, committed suicide in the Thiel Tomcat Marching Pride started always has been. Being a college feature planation or is a hoax. Other people believe room. The next year the college had some- the season with bang. Although they per- twirler has been my dream since age 2. and try to capture proof that the paranormal one stay in that room and never told the girl formed a difficult show, Andy Erb had faith Every competition I watched when I was is real. In this column we are going to ex- staying in it what had happened the previous that the difficulty would not stop the band younger, the college division was the most plore the possibility of spirits being real, or year. They did this because they feared that from being the best. Every year the band elite, and I wanted to have the privilege one if they are in fact a hoax. We are going to do she would freak out. That girl also ended up brings something new to the field, making it day to compete in the college solo category. this by entertaining the idea that there could committing suicide in her dorm. Then the an interesting experience every time you Marching band is a huge part of my life and I be haunted rooms and maybe some of the college tried to do the same thing the next watch the show. If you look closely, you will wanted to give the marching pride my best buildings here at Thiel College. year and a third girl killed herself in the see Tomcat’s first feature twirler. ability on the field,” said Yozwiak. There are several cases of these dorm. So the college decided to stop using Jessica Yozwiak, a sophomore, audi- Yozwiak’s parents are her number hauntings at our college. However, upon at- the room as a dorm. According to some it is tioned in the summer and was excited to find one support system and they are proud of all tempting to do research for this article I dis- boarded up, but according to others it is be- out that she was going to be able to represent of her accomplishments from twirling. covered that these cases have been almost ing used as storage. Thiel in such a way. Yozwiak started twirling Through thick and thin, they have been there completely covered up to the “outside To say that this is completely true at age 2 in her hometown of Youngstown, for Yozwiak for the highs and lows of world”, meaning that you cannot find any- would be wrong because there is not proof, Ohio. Yozwiak is a former student at North- twirling. Her parents were thrilled when she thing about them on the internet, although if other than the stories that float around cam- ern Strut Twirling Teams since age 7 and found out about feature twirler. Her parents you ask around campus, people have many pus, but to say it was false would be to say now is an alumni member. At Cardinal love the Thiel Marching Pride and are proud different stories. that several members of the student body are Mooney High School, Yozwiak was a feature to have their daughter as a member of the For this issue of the Thielensian, the telling lies about this. The truth may never twirler for four band! story that we will focus on the story of be known and is up to your to years. Yozwiak, being a talented twirler, is Sawhill’s haunted room. It is said that there decide. Since Yozwiak often seen twirling many different items at was little, she once and has stated that her two favorites are drew inspiration twirling three batons and three knives. When About the Thielensian ... from college girls she is preforming she lives in the moment The The Thielensian is Thiel Col- twirling at na- and lives to perform. She feels free and hap- lege’s student-run newspaper, tional twirl com- py. She especially enjoys having 10 minutes Thielensian funded by the Student Govern- petitions. Her to express herself. ment Association. competitive atti- “I cannot even explain the feeling I Staff Our mission is to serve the tude drove her to had; it was an amazing experience. I was so campus community by publish- do her best and passionate about the performance and hear- ing timely, fair, and relevant pursue her pas- ing the amazing music of the Marching Editor in Chief news, sports, feature stories, sion. With 18 Pride. I enjoyed every second of the game, I Keeley Criswell and other information, and to years of experi- cannot wait to perform again! I cannot thank provide a lively forum for stu- ence, Yozwiak Mr. Andy Erb and Mrs. Sonya Lapikas felt that she was enough for their support and believing in Copy Editor dent expression and the opinion prepared to audi- me!” said Yozwiak when asked about her Sara Toombs of others on campus. tion for the part most recent performance. The Thielensian encourages for the feature letters to the editor of 300 Jessica Yozwiak is Thiel’s first twirler spot here. Layout & Design Editor words or less by traditional mail featured twirler Bri Tiedeman and preferably by e-mail. Let- ters must be signed (no pseudo- Student Life & Events nyms, please) and a phone num- Thiel Students Travel Opinion ber must be provided for verifi- Editor cation. by Keeley Criswell, editor-in-chief Molly Preston Letters must be free from of- fensive language, personal at- At the end of last semester, tacks, obvious errors in fact, Allen Morrill, Thiel’s librarian, asked Sports Editor and libelous or potentially li- students to send to Thiel postcards that Erin Huff displayed their travels. Overall, the li- belous statements. Letters are brary received 58 postcards from all subject to editing for length and over the globe. “I liked seeing where Business Mgr. clarity, and we reserve the right everyone had visited,” Morrill said. Ken Badstibner to reject any letter. When he received a postcard, Guest columns, letters or Morrill tacked it to a wall in the library. other opinions expressed in the The wall also contains a map of the Staff Writers Thielensian are the views of the United States with pins indicating H.G. Myers writer and don’t necessarily re- where students were. “It was fun to see the map fill up. I also liked how funny Sulbi Oh flect those of the staff and ad- viser or the college. some of the postcards were. We got one Ben Montozzi Letters may be mailed to: from America’s Best Bathroom in Fair- the postcards are on display in the library Sean Oros field, Ohio, and another one from a The Thielensian Spam Museum in Minnesota. Last year, I said that there would be awards given for things like, “The Maryanne Elder 75 College Avenue Cheesiest Postcard,” so I had four people send postcards about actual cheese!” Morrill said. Hyeon Jeong Jung Greenville, Pa 16125 Stop by the library sometime and take a look at the postcard wall. The postcards are displayed so or sent via e-mail to: that you can see the front of the card as well as read the back. Melanie Thompson-Soros [email protected] Christina Ryan Jim Raykie, adviser Here is a list of some of the most notable cards: Farthest South – Vero Beach, Fla. – Amy Becher, Amy Shafer, Roberta Leonard, and Dr. Griffen Katheryn LaMark Farthest West – Canyonlands, Utah – Keeley Criswell Michael Boratyn Farthest East – Salem, Mass. – Maryanne Cardillo Katey Williams Farthest North – Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan – Dr. Hunchuck Most visited location – Kansas City Patrick Parra The Thielensian Closest to Thiel – A postcard of the Thiel library – Kristen Wansor is printed by World Travelers: West Penn Printing Costa Rica – Lea Cook Contributing Writers 103 River Park Drive New Castle, PA 16101 Nicaragua – Becky Crawford Tim Taylor Telephone: 724-654-6651 New Zealand – Joslyne Cook India – Audrey Rattay OPINION SECTION Page 4 Friday, September 14, 2012 THIELENSIAN A Traditional Woman Leading a Non-Traditional Life: Dating Outside Your Species by Melanie Thompson-Soros, staff writer of girl so trying to make a tions), grabbed the remot respectful – and you de- Don’t be taken in sponded with a hurt “I move on me is putting life and stayed. We are un- serve to be respected don’t with the line “I just want to know how to treat a lady!” and limb – or at least pride questionably attracted to you? be friends.” If a man says With the exception of hav- – in danger. And I’m talk- them but have trouble un- If he tells you he he just wants to be friends ing to ride on the back of a ing about manly pride – I derstanding them. Have loves you on the first date treat him like one of your Harley in October (BR- don’t aim for the face. you ever noticed that you you should be suspicious – girlfriends – there should RRR) it was an almost per- With all those and your male companion very, very suspicious. You be no extra credit assign- fect evening. Sadly, I years of dating experience can look at the same exact can’t truly love someone ments involved. couldn’t get past my reser- I had my first date behind me I thought I thing and each see some- unless you really know And, finally, don’t vations at what he might in 1976 and, with the ex- might take a minute and thing totally different? them and it’s impossible to judge a book by its cover – actually be doing to make ception of my two mar- hand out some advice. And This is no coincidence. get to know someone that seriously, don’t. I once a living and we decided to riages, I have been dating from what I have seen here What follows is deeply over a burger and went on a date with a Hells part friends. My point here ever since. That, my at Thiel – it is much need- lists of suggestions to help fries. Don’t misunderstand Angel. He opened all my is this – if he’s wearing friends, is a lot of dates! ed advice. you better navigate your me – he might very well be doors, held my chair, geeky glasses that doesn’t What constituted a date in The first, and most relationships with them. in love with parts of asked my opinion (and ac- make him a geek, you can the 70s might be consid- important thing I can tell This is very important, so you – just not the tually listened to my an- help him pick out a new ered quaint by today’s you is this - men are most pay attention ladies. important part! swer) and at the end of the pair. If he looks clean cut – standards. Dinner and a assuredly from a different He should be call- Have you ever evening seemed just fine he could be the biggest movie seems a status quo - planet. They just got lone- ing you – not the other been on a date with a guy with only a good-night jerk ever hiding in a really but it’s the ending that has ly and decided to search way around. If there is one who was constantly check- kiss. The following Mon- great looking package. changed drastically over out other planets in the thing I know for sure – if a ing out other women? day he sent flowers to me You get the point. the years. In the “olden hopes of finding compan- man is truly interested he Kick him to the curb at work and called on Dating outside days” a guy ended the ionship among the species will move heaven and ladies. I’m not joking – cut Wednesday to ask for an- your species is tricky busi- evening with a kiss – if he already established there. earth to get a hold of you your losses and run for the other date. When I men- ness but if you take your was lucky. To my horror I They landed here, decided to ask you out. hills. If he is already tioned that I was a little time and use common have discovered that most they liked what they saw, If he’s only calling looking for something bet- surprised at the amount of sense it can be fun and en- men today think it should sent out a homing signal so you when he’s drunk ter than what is sitting respect he showed me, lightening. And, let’s ad- end much differently. that others like them could and/or lonely just say no – right in front of him – he’s considering the reputation mit it girls, we really do Much, much differently. I find us (you know how to everything! This behav- a jerk and doesn’t deserve that most motorcycle gang love them and all their am an old-fashioned kind men hate to ask for direc- ior is, at the very least, dis- you. members have, he re- quirky, alien ways. Badstibner Review: Kiss the Ring A Day in the Life of : by Ken Bastibner, Business Editor Patty Muirrn - Galleria Worker& Caterer Versatile producer, DJ and most importantly rapper, DJ Khaled recently released his sixth studio by Molly Preston, Student Life/OpinionEdi- Kiss the Ring. DJ Khaled hoped to silence his tor critics and haters by producing another top 100 al- Describe your typical day (when do bum. Much like the majority of his previous records, photo by Google images you wake up, what responsibilities Kiss the Ring features a total of 12 tracks. In addition, do you have during the day, leisure there are a total of four bonus tracks; one is only downloadable via iTunes. The al- time, evening activities and finally bum debuted at number four on the Billboard 200, selling 40,115 copies in its first when do week. In the UK it did slightly better, topping out at number two on the Billboard you get to sleep): 200. It was released under Music Group, Terror Squad, Cash Money “I usually begin my day around Records and Universal . 4:30 and 5 in the morning. My re- One enjoyable aspect of the album is that DJ Khaled does not insist on sponsibilities start at home with raising screaming his name at the top of his lungs on every song. DJ Khaled continues his a grandson who is thirteen years old. trend of featuring the majority of the album as collaborations with other artists. Crit- Then I go to my church to clean, I’m ics felt this is what makes his records a hit and Kiss the Ring is no different. Hip hop the janitor over there. I always set up stars such as , , J.Cole, T.I. and many more are featured throughout the al- the waffle station in the Galleria and bum. Much like the tracks, the production was handled by a number of people, in- the line for the food. I have to make cluding DJ Khaled. The album's first single “" featuring Chris sure all areas are clean. I don’t often Brown, , and was released on April 3, 2012, but have much leisure time with having to did not live up to expectation by many. “Take It to the Head” fared well on the re- help my grandson with homework, ception, but critics expected better. Meanwhile, the second single, "I Wish You cooking dinner; I’m always the cook. I Would" features and Rick Ross, fared better and lived up to the hype. spend my free time in prayer. I get to Many fans were upset at the title of one of his tracks “Suicidal Thoughts” because bed between 11:30 and 12 at night.” that was a hit by rap legend Biggie. The song was strong, but there was no way it could top Biggie’s version and another name would have been much more effective. You can find Patty working in the Galleria. Make On those rare occasions you have a sure you say “Hi!” Overall, the album will be toward the top of the hip hop charts by the end of day off, what is your favorite thing to the year. Kiss the Ring may not prove Khaled's claim to be his best work. It may or spend the day doing? may not win over his biggest haters, but as the album title suggests, he's already on “I love to read. My favorites are Christian books.” top anyway. When you grow up what do you want to spend your day doing? “Just to be a wife and a mother. I found my dream job.” What is the best or worst day that you have ever had? Fashion Frenzy : “The best day of my life was when I was married 51 years ago.”

Make way for Braids! YouTube videos. If you curiosity and some re- by Molly Preston, satile style should never be unicorn braid, and the happen to stumble upon search will land you these Opinion Editor overlooked. It’s a hair flair French braid are all styles one that seems to challenge styles. I am quickly be- Hairstyles come that can be for anyone. of the original braid with a even the most dexterity-in- coming a fan of this fad, and go. Let’s all take a Anyone. It can be an ath- most literal twist. I find fused hands, don’t worry! and I hope it becomes moment to be thankful that lete’s go-to hairstyle for an this trending style to be Even the most complex more than just that. I the 80’s “feathered look” event, or maybe just a useful, versatile, and ab- technique can be achieved would adore seeing all has moved on. We have chance to try something solutely adorable. In order with a little practice, a long sorts of braids making their been seeing a trend in the new with a daring outfit. to learn how to configure (or short) head of hair, and debut. Braids have the hair world lately, aside Along with the traditional and construct the plethora some patience. It’s true! ability to bring back the from the occasional hot three-piece braid, there are of braids out there, one There are braiding styles fresh ideals of childhood, pink strip of hair that finds variations that can make must only take a scroll available for those who Want to sport this trendy but can also create an ele- itself in our layers, the new this style more than a laid through Pinterest, or even choose to keep their tresses fishtail braid? Log onto gant, mature, and graceful back look. The fishtail, the sit back and take in a few tame and trimmed. A little YouTube for instructional look. look is braids! Such a ver- videos! Police Blotter Photo by Google Images Speak Your Mind Aug.31 - 10:30 p.m.: At the Davis Sq. Have an issue? Apartment a femaile was found semi-re- Want someone to hear about it? sponsive and a paramedic was called. Then write it out!

Sept. 2 - 12:01 a.m.: Multiple The Thielensian welcomes Letters to the Editor frat items were stolen out of a which can be written about almost . Get the Davis apartment. weight off your chest and send it in to [email protected] Photo by Google Images Sept. 3 - 9 p.m.: A student in Want to submit Article Due Date Publish Date Hodge Hall was found with alcohol. an article or 09/21 09/28 Sept. 3 - 10:29 p.m.: A student was transported to Greenville UPMC letter to the 10/05 10/12 by LifeForce ambulance. editor? 10/12 12/26 11/02 11/09 LOOK RIGHT--> 11/30 12/07 Page 5 Friday, September 14, 2012 THIELENSIAN Opinion Poll: What did you think of the kickoff event?

Nick Seyko: Kelsey Smith: Sandy Rodeheaver: Josh Doody: Trent Smith: Jordan Lupori:

It was pretty good, over- They did a really good It was a blast. It was cool, entertaining. It was great because I It was nice to be outside all nothing I would job. The football team It was nice to go down didn’t have to go eat and the food was good, change. did well; they haven’t there and relax before the breakfast. The food and so was the band. done so well before. game. the music were both good. Thiel Cribz #Twittin’ by Kathryn LaMark, staff writer @Thielensian Our featured dorm room this month belongs to freshmen Sara by Erin Huff, sports editor Gerdy and Mindy McIntyre. Their room reflects both of their very unique personalities, and is a warm and inviting place. Do you think T-Pain will ever They keep their door open almost all the time for students to hang out, and they have a large amount of living space. You will buy that girl a drank? always find one of them in the room, and they are usually never alone. I sat down with them to talk about their room, and how PennState kicker tries to shoot they like living in Sawhill. himself, misses left #Ficken- ForHeisman What do you like the most about living in Sawhill? We like everyone that lives in Sawhill. One of our favorite things When my parents come to is that there are always people in the lobby willing to chill with visit and ask what Will-a- you. Here is one view of the Gerdy/McIntyre room. palooza was... What do you like least about sawhill? Teacher said I’ll need a book for The downstairs is really sketchy. We don’t go down there alone. her class...#ChallengeAc- cepted What is your favorite part of your room? The chill space below our beds – McIntyre August is the Sunday of summer How well organized the room is, and how everything matches. – Gerdy This is America, speak english, or get out Describe your room in one word. Never trust a big butt and a smile #poison Spacious – McIntyre Sharp – Gerdy Walked all the way up campus with my zipper down #KennyWoodsOpen What is the creepiest thing in your room? The glow in the dark paint on the ceil- ing above Mindy’s bed is really creepy. Tina says ‘Welcome Back’ What is currently in your fridges? Here is another view of the Gerdy/McIntyre room. Chocolate milk, pretzel M&M’s, and with a cartoon cheese – Gerdy by Christina Ryan, staff writer Reese cups, Kit Kats, and Capri suns – McIntyre

What is your favorite piece of clothing in your closet? My best friend’s sweatshirt is my favorite piece of clothing. – Gerdy My yoga pants – McIntyre What would people who visit your room say about it? They always tell us we have a lot of space in our room. What do most people find you doing in your room? am always on Facebook and Spotify when I am in there – McIntyre I am usually always on my computer - Gerdy Gerdy and McIntyre love their room! Culture Shock! by Hyeon Jeong Jung, staff writer Salt & Sugar Hi, My name is HyeonJeong Jung (Sunny). I Since I real- major in business here. I am from South Korea. I ly love eating and think that Korea and America are so much different sweet desserts, I en- Dear _____(Thiel), from many kinds of things. Since I arrived at Thiel joy going to the College, various kinds of culture shocks have been Cafe at Thiel. The Please ______waiting for me. These below are some of my experi- first time that I had ences that I have been shocked by cultural difference. dinner, I was very by Keeley Criswell, editor-in-chief No Umbrella. surprised because Since I was each table had salt assigned to live and pepper shakers. Dear Thiel, in Florence At that my first I need to print. The swipe printer thingy doesn't work, West, it has time, I thought that and your computer won't let me connect to any other printers. often rained. it was just a some- Please don't tell us that we have a printer available in our dorms Sometimes, it thing like decora- Americans love salt! if I have to walk alllll the way to the library to actually print. rained softly, and tion that makes a dish Sincerely, the other days look more delicious and improves people’s appetite. A sad, lazy freshman. were heavy. Ko- But the more surprising thing is that a lot of students reans always use at the cafeteria started to add that salt and pepper into Dear college girls, an umbrella, al- their meals which were already salted. That made me though it rains a shocked because Korean dishes are not salty like It’s a bachelor degree, not a bachelor party. little, but Ameri- American entrees. Sincerely, cans do not use Different appearance. You don’t have to wear your stripper clothes to class umbrella at all in American girls and boys are very tall and heavy rain day. large-bodied, compared with Korean girls and boys. Dear IT, But, the lack of So, I was very surprised that at the annual graffiti My computer won’t turn on. What do you mean I can’t umbrellas was party , one boy said to me that he is an 18-year-old get an appointment until next week?!? beyond our cam- freshman student because, in my eyes, he looks like Sincerely, pus. Last week, I over 30. American people are not only really tall but A college student with papers to write and homework to visited Washing- also have unique looks such as long legs, high nose, do ton D.C. At that and colorful eyes and hair. Also, girls especially have city, we met rain, a voluptuous body. Even they seem to enjoy wearing but nobody ex- Dear Shuttle, daring clothes. That concept is an unimaginable thing I called you 30 min. ago. Where are you? cept us used an in Korea. One day, I met a male student at the Bistro. Koreans like their umbrellas! umbrella. Al- While we talked to each other, I spotted his foot. His Sincerely, most everyone foot size seemed over 250cm. I was very surprised Student still stuck at Walmart we saw did not use an umbrella. It was very surpris- because of the fact that foot size of Korea normal ing to me. man is around 170~180cm). I have never seen such a Do you have an idea for a Dear Thiel, Please _____? Send big foot. ideas to [email protected] SPORTS and Academics Page 6 Friday, September 14, 2012 THIELENSIAN Girls’ soccer drops 2 games, Women’s tennis posts 1 win, ties up another by Erin Huff, sports editor takes solo wins, group losses The girls’ soccer college career. Oakey made by Ben Montozzi, staff writer team didn’t start the season her second start of the sea- the way they son and Attention Thiel College Although they battled the Go- hilating her opponent 8-3. Further vic- had hoped, los- stopped Tomcats, this year’s women’s tennis liath so early into the season, our girls tories came both from freshman Sandy ing their first the only season has officially begun! Their first still managed to show off a commend- Roadheaver, who narrowly bested her game against ball that match occurred on Sept. 1 and was able effort. Coach Timothy Dunford opponent, and from senior Heather Juniata 3-0. came her against Mount Aloysius Bean, who doubled her chal- Mary Oakey, a way, up- College. Although their lenger’s score. freshman, ping her season started off on This past Saturday, the made her first stats. a rocky path, they lost Thiel Tomcats women’s ten- collegiate start Holding a the match with a nis team held an invitational, for the Tom- record of disappointing 7-2 score. which is a tri-meet including cats and made 1-1 the Despite the loss, the University of Pitt- 12 saves on 15 girls took freshman Lauren Mittner Greensburg, Daemen Col- shots. The girls on Pitt performed admirably lege, and Thiel. picked it up in Greens- in her debut game as Even though their sea- their second burg at a Thiel Tomcat, son has had a rough start, let game though Junior Taryn Benner takes the Alumni crushing her competition us not forget to support our by beating ball down the field. Benner Stadium. in two straight sets, be- fellow Tomcats in all up- Mount Aloysu- scored the only goal for the Tom- The game fore joining sophomore coming games. There is a is 2-0. Junior cats against Pitt-Greensburg this went into Shay Kashey for an im- wealth of talent this year in Kelsey Adair week. double pressive doubles victory. The Lady Tomcats line up for introductions with the girls of both new freshman players scored their overtime Following a shaky Pitt-Greensburg. and tested champions. If our first goal 5 minutes into the and ended in a tie with Taryn season-opener, our Lady strong community is on their game. They kept the lead Benner scoring the only goal Tomcats suffered a second defeat up foresees a successful season following side, our Lady Tomcats will surely sur- well into the first half and for the Tomcats. against the lauded Pitt-Bradford tennis the girls’ commitment. Sophomore vive the long, harrowing road to a vic- with 3 minutes remaining team. Elizabeth Moir took home a win, anni- torious season. sophomore Emily Skebo The Lady Tomcats booted in another goal. This are in action again on ‘Boys of fall’ keep hopes high after first was Emily’s first goal of her Sunday. Kickoff is at 4 p.m. two losses, TC looks forward to season New professors at Thiel: by Erin Huff, sports editor After a summer full of hard work on two more drives that didn’t turn up any and dedication, the Tomcats opened their points, making the final score 17-13. Burton Speakman - season against Juniata College. A week later the Tomcats traveled to The first half went in their favor and Rochester in hopes of improving their record Media Professional looked hopeful. The Tomcat defense held the to 1-1. The first quarter didn’t start out how Eagles to a pair of field goals and the offense they expected, with the Yellowjackets up by by Bri Tiedeman, Layout & Design editor posted seven points. It was Taylor Fink’s 14 going into the second half. Coming out in touchdown that put the team up 7-6 after the the second half determined not to give up, half. Smith and the offense ran just about six and a pers. “Every position I’ve few weeks they were em- Keeping up the tempo of the game, half minutes off the clock storming down the had in journalism has ployed to make sure they the Tomcats opened the third quarter with an field in hopes of a scoring. Fink concluded stood out to me in one way understood their responsi- 8-play 67 yard charge down the field which the drive with another rushing touchdown. or another,” Speakman bilities and how to go ended with another touchdown from Fink. This put the boys down by 7 after McClel- said. He worked as an as- about being a professional Cody McClelland’s extra point was no good, land’s extra point kick sailed through the up- sociate editor in Madis- journalist,” Speakman leaving them up by seven. rights. Even though their effort was fierce onville, Texas, where he said. Later in the third, Juniata put on a there just wasn’t enough time to close the drive and tacked up seven more with a QB gap and the game ended with a score of 17-7, Professor Burton Speak- was responsible for nearly Speakman discov- sneak. With the score tied going into the the Yellowjackets on top. Despite the loss man is excited to be every part of the newspa- ered the job opportunity at fourth quarter Thiel’s defense held out as sophomore Fink had 60 yards on 15 carries, teaching at Thiel. per’s production. “It was a Thiel online after recently great chance at a young moving to northeast Ohio. long as they could but it wasn’t long enough. while junior Smith completed 17 of his 31 Burton Speakman, Regulation time was running out and with passes for 128 yards. The Tomcats kick off age to learn precisely what “I really enjoy teaching only 4:56 left in the game Juniata chalked up tomorrow at noon at Alumni Stadium. They a new professor within the I liked and did not like and interacting with stu- three more points on a 27 yard field goal. will be battling Geneva in a PAC game. Communications Depart- about the industry,” said dents,” Speakman said. “I Quarterback Andrew Smith led the offense ment, has taken on the task Speakman. like the survey course be- of teaching a Survey of Speakman works cause it is a chance to talk Mass Communications as a reporter for the about several diverse class and feels that it is Youngstown Vindicator. mediums. It is fun to see thus far, going well. He came into the job after students begin to better Growing up just he volunteered to work understand the communi- outside of Lancaster, Ohio, with students at a collabo- cations options available Speakman graduated from rative journalism outlet for to them and pay more at- Bowling Green State Uni- the Vindicator itself, tention to the media they versity in 2002 with his Youngstown State Univer- consume.” bachelor of science in sity, and the Akron Beacon journalism with an empha- Journal. Stay tuned for interviews sis on print journalism. He His interest in with other Thiel professors went to the University of teaching developed while who are new this semester. Nebraska and earned his working as a reporter in Thiel hired several new master of arts in journal- Conroe, Texas. He was faculty members and we ism and mass communica- hired to work with stu- plan to cover each one! tions in 2011. dents from Sam Houston Speakman has had State University. “I was re- a lot of experience with sponsible for working with Junior Andrew Smith takes the ball to lead his offense on two drives which did not score any points, several different newspa- leaving the final score 17-13. that student for the first WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL WINS TENNIS UPDATE: TOMCATS PLACE by Erin Huff, sports editor TAKE SECOND IN HOME TRI-MATCH The women’s team opened their by Patrick Parra, staff writer season with a trip to Ohio Northern Univer- sity for a tournament with a few non-PAC Last weekend the Tomcats Tennis Damien. Freshman Quarles had an intense teams. The girls came back to campus with- women’s team had a long fight to victory. match against Damien and after battling out capturing a win at the tournament, giv- With perfect tennis weather they could not on the courts she came out on top and ing them more incentive to win their first have asked for a better weekend to be play- won the match. With plenty of parents two regular season games. Their first two ing tennis. With some very close, intense and fans in the stands cheering and games were conference games against matches the team finished second in the 2nd supporting them Kashey and Mittner defeat- Grove City and Waynesburg and in both annual Thiel College Women’s Invitational. ed their competition in doubles match-ups the Tomcats came out on top. Sophomore Liz Moir and Freshman Sandy match against Damien. The invitational They topped the Wolverines from Rodeheaver won their doubles match against was held at Thiel College and was spon- Grove City 3 games to none. Freshman Pitt Greensburg, as sored by Hot Molly Gamble recorded a team-high 13 well as Shay Head Burritos kills, while senior outside hitter Alyssa Kashey and Lauren in Hermitage. Chine put down 8 more kills and dug up 11 Mittner. In their This event balls. Senior setter Chelsea Meister singles matches drew a larger added 6 digs along with 37 assists in their Thiel prevailed fan base than win. with victories over the team was With one PAC win under their belts Pitt Greensburg used to or the girls felt confident going into the Way- The tournament expected and nesburg game, and it showed. Chine and continued on to the gave them Andrews combined for 8 kills over following day when some inspira- Waynesburg. Sophomore, Alex Hall, Thiel hosted tion and covered the floor for the Tomcats and Damien College motivation to logged 10 digs. Meister connected with her from Buffalo, New dominate hitters for 30 more assists, leading the team York. For Thiel in Freshman Sandy Rodeheaver and sophomore Elizabeth Damien and to 3-0 victory. their singles matches Moir face Pitt-Greensburg during a match. perform better The girls will be traveling to Pitts- Moir, Rodeheaver, than they did The Women’s Volleyball team notched up 2 PAC Mittner, Tyler Flemming, and Mercedez last year at this tournament. burgh tomorrow for a match against wins in Grove City this past weekend. LaRoche College. Quarles were victorious in defeating The views and opinions expressed in the Thielensian do not reflect those of the Thiel College community as a whole. The views expressed by the writers of this publication are original to the author and by no means reflect the opinions of Thiel’s faculty, staff, or student body.