Handout for David Freeman’s “Advanced Dialogue Class” Draft: May 20, 2014
[email protected] (310) 394-0361 Don’t miss the next “Beyond Structure” Screenwriting and Development Master Class Los Angeles – June 14-15 $100 off if you fly in! www.beyondstructure.com Some notes regarding the “Advanced Dialogue Teleconference” In advance of the teleconference, please watch each clip, and then read the script sample that goes with it. Then move on to the next clip, etc. We won’t be pausing during the teleconference to watch the clips. It’s not easy finding scripts for individual television episodes. The samples were gathered where I could find them. Some are in good shape, some are not. For some I have dialogue transcripts only. However, the script selections are good enough, and that’s what counts. P. 1 Before class, please see the clips, either before or after reading each script sample in this handout pack. One good way to do it is to go back and forth –– first see a clip, and then read that same script sample in this handout pack. We live in a time when the art of writing dialogue has evolved to a very high level. There are many styles of dialogue. One isn’t better than the other –– it’s a matter of what’s appropriate for any given script. Some shows and films have “talky” dialogue: • When Harry Met Sally • ThirtySomething • Gilmore Girls The vast majority of films and TV shows have “medium talky” dialogue –– not talking, not spare with dialogue. And then some films have very spare dialogue : • Unforgiven • Pan’s Labyrinth • Wall-E If one can master talky dialogue, it’s easy to “step down” to medium or spare dialogue.