Rapporter och meddelanden 141 Geology of the Northern Norrbotten ore province, northern Sweden Paper 5 (13) Editor: Stefan Bergman Rapporter och meddelanden 141 Geology of the Northern Norrbotten ore province, northern Sweden Editor: Stefan Bergman Sveriges geologiska undersökning 2018 ISSN 0349-2176 ISBN 978-91-7403-393-9 Cover photos: Upper left: View of Torneälven, looking north from Sakkara vaara, northeast of Kiruna. Photographer: Stefan Bergman. Upper right: View (looking north-northwest) of the open pit at the Aitik Cu-Au-Ag mine, close to Gällivare. The Nautanen area is seen in the back- ground. Photographer: Edward Lynch. Lower left: Iron oxide-apatite mineralisation occurring close to the Malmberget Fe-mine. Photographer: Edward Lynch. Lower right: View towards the town of Kiruna and Mt. Luossavaara, standing on the footwall of the Kiruna apatite iron ore on Mt. Kiirunavaara, looking north. Photographer: Stefan Bergman. Head of department, Mineral Resources: Kaj Lax Editor: Stefan Bergman Layout: Tone Gellerstedt och Johan Sporrong, SGU Print: Elanders Sverige AB Geological Survey of Sweden Box 670, 751 28 Uppsala phone: 018-17 90 00 fax: 018-17 92 10 e-mail:
[email protected] www.sgu.se Table of Contents Introduktion (in Swedish) .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................................