Saugus Tees up Route 1 Vision
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FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 2016 Lynn Babe Ruth nds a generous Partner Saugus By Steve Krause ITEM SPORTS EDITOR tees up LYNN — North Shore Medical Center has contributed $5,000 to Lynn Babe Ruth baseball to fund its 15-year-old all-star Route 1 team’s trip to the World Series. Partners answered Babe Ruth’s fund- raising plea Thursday, presenting coaches vision and league of cials with the check to put toward the team’s $35,000 trip to North By Leah Dearborn Dakota. The team will play its rst game FOR THE ITEM on Saturday, Aug. 13. “North Shore Medical Center supports SAUGUS — The cement any initiative where people are doing good is almost ready to pour on things in the community,” said spokes- Essex Landing. A pair of peer reviews of man Kevin Ronningen, who presented the the project by BMA Archi- check to Lynn Babe Ruth board member ITEM PHOTO | KATIE MORRISON tectural Group and Davis Jeff Earp, manager Leon Elwell and Tony Square Architects, Inc. Luciano, the father of one of the players, Kevin Ronningen of North Shore Medical Center presents Lynn Babe Ruth with were produced at Thurs- and the one who contacted NSMC. a check for $5,000 for its trip to the Babe Ruth World Series at Fraser Field Thurs- day’s Planning Board meet- “This donation really gives us a boost in day afternoon. From left, front row: Luke Boisselle, Zach Elwell, coach Sean Ley- don, Tony Luciano, Jeff Earp, Ronningen, manager Leon Elwell, coach Ryan Bois- ing as one of the nal steps our goal to raise money for the trip,” said in the process of breaking Luciano, president of Wyoma Little League selle, Aedan Leydon, Christian Burt, AJ Luciano, Kevin Durant. Back row, from left: Mike Leavitt, Dayshon Anderson, James Wilkins, Danny Lilja, Brett Bucklin, ground on the site. BABE RUTH, A7 Matt Gisonno, Anthony Nikolakakis, David Barnard and Erick Ubri. The $120 million devel- opment will include 250 one-bedroom apartments in four buildings, two ho- tels, ground oor retail Marblehead and Swampscott and garage parking in seven buildings. The partners, Michael down in the dumps over trash Touchette and Michael Barsamian, bought a va- cant 11-acre site next to By Gayla Cawley the Route 1 Miniature ITEM STAFF Golf in 2013 for $1.4 mil- Life could soon become messy lion, and they plan to close for several North Shore com- soon on the 2-acre golf munities. parcel. The entertainment Of cials from several munic- center is expected to close ipalities were stunned after later this year. being informed that Glouces- Davis Square Architects ter-based Hiltz Waste Disposal recommended that the will stop collecting trash at the board devise a list of condi- end of September. tions based on their review “I was very surprised,” said for Essex Landing develop- Thomas Younger, Swampscott ers to follow as they com- town administrator. “It came mence work on the site. out of the blue. I’ve never, that In return, Chairman I can recall in my history, had Peter A. Rossetti Jr. said a trash service terminated that the board will try to mid-contract.” address concerns in the As a result, Swampscott, review and have a list pre- Hamilton and Wenham are pared for the next meeting ITEM PHOTO | OWEN O’ROURKE rushing to nd a new contrac- in order for the project to Jacquelyn Ramirez dusts a CD for n- tor. While the trash disposal receive a building permit gerprints during a class at the Lynn company continues to honor its ITEM PHOTO | OWEN O’ROURKE and move forward. Summer Police Academy at the Mar- TRASH, A7 Corey Gwinn collects trash in Swampscott. SAUGUS, A7 shall Middle School. Arresting Positive developments are seen in Lynn evidence By Thomas Grillo ing the two-hour session at the Lynn Museum. “That’s the ITEM CITY EDITOR kind of thing that can happen when you bring local, state and federal resources together. No one was talking about LYNN — Picture this: A gleaming apartment or of ce this before.” in Lynn building atop the underused MBTA Garage in the down- While the MBTA owns the facility, the city was encour- town with restaurants, boutiques and shops on the ground aged to seek developers who would be willing to build on By Bridget Turcotte oor. top of the garage. ITEM STAFF The idea was oated by MassDevelopment, the state’s eco- Moulton was in town with members of the team, Gov. nomic development and nance agency, at a private meet- Charlie Baker’s high-powered panel that in addition to LYNN — Lynn teens are investigating law ing of the Lynn Economic Advancement and Development Moulton includes Transportation Secretary Stephanie Pol- enforcement careers. (LEAD) team on Thursday. lack, James Cowdell of Lynn’s Economic Development & The Lynn Summer Police Academy divides “I never imagined it and I think it’s a great idea,” said U.S. its time between the classroom and hands-on Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) a LEAD team member, follow- DEVELOPMENTS, A7 activities. It offers a real-life policing expe- rience for children interested in becoming a cop. “My dad is a police of cer,” said Jonathan Kim, 16. “Ever since I was little I wanted to A special be part of the criminal justice eld. I learned a lot more this summer.” summer in Lynn More than 90 applicants applied this year and 60 children were chosen to participate. Max Collett Half way through the six-week program, 13 By Michele Durgin and Chloe FOR THE ITEM dropped out while 47 students remain. The Kable play program is paid for by the city and organized a squirt-gun LYNN — Summer is made for the young. by Student Resource Of cers Bob Hogan, game at Time away from the classroom provides Mark Lee and Ryan McDermott. the Lynn them with a chance to enjoy a variety of fun “It’s a tough academy and it’s not for every- one,” said McDermott, student resource of - Special and exciting activities. The Lynn Special cer at the Thurgood Marshall Middle School. Needs Camp Needs Camp offers youth the chance to ex- “We want to teach them about commitment. in Lynn perience camp in a supportive setting. Everything we do is focused on community, Woods. Dania Carranza, 16, is excited about a leadership and integrity.” eld trip to Canobie Lake Amusement Park ITEM PHOTO | POLICE ACADEMY, A7 OWEN O’ROURKE LYNN, A7 INSIDE After much noise, committee passes school budget In Opinion Nahant demonstrates By Bridget Turcotte tended-day service for their kids,” she said. “I nd the money in the budget,” he said, refer- planning at its best. A4 ITEM STAFF want to see it in this budget.” ring to Kevin McHugh, the district’s business To pay for it, Coppola proposed cuts in- administrator. LYNN — After a contentious debate, the cluding $25,000 from security system up- Ford added that it would be inappropri- In Boston School Committee passed a $138.5 million Lynn native dates, $30,000 from technology network ate to make assumptions that money could school budget. supplies and maintenance, and $18,000 — be “cherry picked” from individual line Howard-Hogan Disagreement revolved around an extend- the amount that would fund the program — items. sworn in as judge. A6 ed-day program that the panel wanted to from the superintendent’s public relations Superintendent Catherine Latham opposed see included in the spending plan. Commit- account. any changes to the budget. She said it is too In Sports tee member Donna Coppola lobbied for the John Ford, a committee member, argued late, noting that contracts have been signed Navs lend a hand to program that proponents say would bene t that the board doesn’t have enough expertise and commitments made. Babe Ruth All-Stars in families. to decide on making cuts. more ways than one. B1 “Most communities around us have this ex- “It’s more prudent to ask Mr. McHugh to BUDGET, A7 OBITUARIES ..............................A2 POLICE/FIRE .............................A6 COMICS ....................................B4 HIGH 85° VOL. 138, ISSUE 206 OPINION ...................................A4 LOOK! .......................................A8 DIVERSIONS .............................B5 LOW 68° HOME .......................................A5 SPORTS ................................ B1-3 CLASSIFIED ........................... B6-8 PAGE A8 ONE DOLLAR A2 THE DAILY ITEM FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 2016 OBITUARIES Five alleged mob associates John L. Noon Jr., 92 arrested in East Coast sweep 1924-2016 LYNN — Mr. John L. Noon and his wife, By Denise Lavoie the men used violence, niello, Calabrese, Valenti- tion, Calabrese and Santa- Noon Jr., 92 years, of Susan, of Lynn, ASSOCIATED PRESS exploited their affiliation ni and Depergola would niello threatened to cut off Lynn, died on Thurs- James Jeffrey Noon with La Cosa Nostra and try to collect the mon- the man’s head and “bury day, Aug. 4, 2016, and his wife, Erin, of BOSTON — Five al- made implied threats of ey through violence and his body in the backyard” in the Kaplan Family Lynn, four grandchil- leged associates of the murder to instill fear in threats. if he refused to pay, the Hospice House in dren, Michael Noon New York-based Geno- their victims. On Sept. 30, 2013, Ca- indictment alleges. It also Danvers after a brief and his wife, Jenn, of vese crime family were The men arrested in- labrese and Santaniello says Santaniello hit the illness. He was born Boxford, Laura Gree- arrested on extortion-re- clude: Ralph Santaniello, allegedly confronted the man in the face and or- in Lynn, the son of ley and her husband, lated charges Thursday Giovanni Calabrese and owner of a towing busi- dered him to make an ini- the late John L.