FACTS FACTS FACTS FA- ! THE NEXT EXHIBITION I Library WILL BE THE 1 SEE Books at 2c per day I Books at 5c per day IT Twenty-first Membership at $1. per Annual Exhibition I month

of the ALL I Cape Books Provincetown Art Association Tarbell, Kittredge, WITH Rare Books, Guides, Lincoln Books- MODERN August 4th to September 2nd I f New Books PILGRIM’S The Cream of the New Books in stock, GUIDES 24 hour order service on The Annual Costume Ball others- a modern pilgrim’s willbe heldat Low Priced Books Bay Shore Guide Star and Blue Ribbon Dollar Books, Modern a modern pilgrim’s TOWN HALL Library Books-

a modern pilgrim’s Friday, August 30th Print-Book Provincetown 1935 Bookshop On Sale .Everywhere Across from Town Hall Artists’ Framing and Art Materials WILLIAM H. YOUNG The Copley Frame Shop INSURANCE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Court and Commercial Streets Respresenting the Leading Companies of the World PROVINCETOWN Losses Adjusted Promptly EAST GLOUCESTER ROCKPORT BOSTON Provincetown,


TH€ SEA CH€ST A. AUSTIN DUNHAM SEAMEN’S SAVINGS BANK ANTlQU€S Provincetown Mass. Specializing in Prints 436 COMMERCIAL ST., PROVINCETOWN Money Goes on Interest the First of Each Month Tel. 508 TOWN CRIER SHOP AND Provincetown Art Association ADVOCATE GIFT SHOP Incorporated GIFTS JEWELRY FOUNDED IN 1914 STATIONERY

The Hooked Rug Shop Elizabeth Waugh. Collector Ninth HEADQUARTERS FOR HOOKED RUGS The Ship Model Shop Coulton Waugh, Collector Modern Exhibition HEADQUARTERS FOR SHIP MODELS In the oldest house in Provincetown, Mass. 72 Commercial Street June 30th to July 28th PROVINCETOWN 1935 GUIDE BOOK ARTICLES BY PROVINCE- TOWN WRITERS OF NOTE ON THE HISTORY AND Characteristics OF THIS FAMOUS TOWN

Provincetown Light and Power Jury of Selection Company Howard Gibbs Dorothy Loeb Electrical Conveniences for the Modern Home Shelby Shackelford Patty Willis

282 Commercial Street Phone 10 OFFICERS President-William H. Young. Honorary Vice-President-Frederick J. Waugh. Richard E. Miller, George Elmer Browne, *Gerrit A. Beneker, W. H. W. Bicknell. Director-Mrs.Harold Haven Brown. Acting Vice-President-Mrs. Eugene W. Watson. YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN Recording Secretary-Stephen Marsh. Corresponding Secretary-Harry N. Campbell. Treasurer-Mrs. Henry J. Winslow. The TRUSTEES Dr. Percival J. Eaton, Mrs. Charles W. Hawthorne, William H. Young, Frank E. Potter. Henry J. Winslow, William L'Engle, Ralph Provincetown Art Association Carpenter, Coulton Waugh, Floyd Clymer, Harry N. Campbell, *Gerrit Incorporated A. Beneker. Mrs. Harold Haven Brown CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS COMMITTEES House Ways and Means Article II. Objects and Purposes. The objects and Mrs. Henry J. Winslow. Chairman Mrs. Frank Little, Chairman purposes of this association shall be to promote and cul- Membership Entertainment tivate the fine arts, and to that end to establish and Mrs. Ralph Carpenter Mr. Ralph Carpenter maintain for the town of Provincetown a permanent Publicity collection of and other works of art. Also to Mrs. Harold Haven Brown hold exhibitions of paintings and other works of art and to promote theadvancement of art by means of social LIFE MEMBERS intercourse between artists and those interested in the *Edwin A. Grozier Mrs. AnneDunbar WilliamH. Young *mrs. Emily c. Eaton arts. *John D. Adams Mrs. Henry J. Winslow Dr. Percival J. Eaton *Frederick c. Boynton MEMBERS Henry J. Winslow *Rev. Henry Mottett, D. D. Mrs. Caroline Brewster Crooker Section 1. Membershipin this association shall be divided as Conrad W. Crooker Mrs.Frances E. Deland follows: Miss SarahS. Munroe MissCharlotte S. Cullen a. Associate members-Dues $2.00 per year. MissFlorence Waterbury Frank A. Days, Jr. Mrs.Adele Shrenk Rogers b. Contributing members-Dues $5.00 per year. Frank A. Days Joseph A. Days Mrs. Frank Little Sustaining members-Dues $10.00 per year. c. *Howard F. Hopkins Mrs. E. Ambrose Webster d. Life members-$50.00 Mrs. Alice G. Grozier Leslie N. Brock e. Patrons-Any person contributing $100.00 or more. Mrs.Anna M. Young EmanuelFellman f. Benefactors-Any person contributing $500.00 or more. PATRONS *Miss Elizabeth w. Roberts 'Mrs. Florida Duncan BENEFACTORS Mrs.Alice G. Grozier

*Deceased Ninth Modem Exhibition

PAINTINGS--Large Gallery

Alice Stallknecht. The Wreckers “The outstanding principle the ratios is use of as Fritz Pfeiffer. The Little Steam Engine found in geometry, which bring about eurythmic re- lationships between the Following pasts of al picture. Jane L. Gardner. Houses this principle, the artist must be free to bend the line, change the pattern or create new forms which may not be found in nature.” Esther Sheridan. Dora with Sean From a lecture by E. Ambrose Webster. Lucy L’Engle. Car Barns, New York Edwin Ambrose Websber 1869-1935, student at the Boston Museum, studied under Frank Benson and Heinrich Pfeiffer. A Sea Town Edmund Tarbell. Mr. Webster’s conservative paint- lngs were shown in the leading galleries, Carnegie . XII Institute. Philadelphia Academy Corcoran Gallery, Boston Art Museum, Chicago Insititute, etc. W. M. Zogbaum. Bourgeoise Contemplating From 1896-’98 Mr. Webster studiedat Juliens in . Sarasota Souvenir Paris and there started his impressionistic painting. Returning to this country he settled in Provincetown, Shelby Shackelford. Composition where he became the leader of the me- ment, Ada Gilmore. Blue Heron Ellie Roberts 1884-1935, studied in Germany with J. Floyd Clymer. Fishing Boats in Gale Von Hyak. 1915-16 she worked in Provincetown under E. Ambrose Webster. Florenz Brillinger Pfeiffer. An Edge of Town- Returning to South Africa, her native country, she No. 1 taught and gave exhibitions until 1925, when she re- turned to Provincetown and continued her study at Ross Moffett. Picnic modern painting. Agnes Weinrich.

Helen Medeiros. Abstraction on a Refrigeration Plant Lucy L’Engle. Clam Diggers

Ross Moffett. Geology Lesson - Blanche Baxter. Landscap I

Fritz Pfeiff er. Harbor and Interior Marcia S. Hite. Wanderlust

Loren MacIver. Dune Landscape Mary H, Tannahill. Painting Evelin Bodfish Bourne Shells and Rope Ellen Ravenscroft. Flowers Mary Hackett. The Suicide Howard Gibbs. Spring Cleaning Katherine. Munroe. Still Life Oliver Chaffee. Still Life William L’Engle. Track Meet Katherine Munroe. Still Life Howard Gibbs. Standing Clown Florenz Brillinger Pfeiffer. An End of Town- No. 2 Fritz Pfeiffer. Family Group Agnes Weinrich. Flowers Howard Gibbs. Three Heads Blanche Lazzell. Still Life Karl Knaths. Lilacs *E. Ambrose Webster. Carmel Gladys Young. Mexican Types Hope H. Voorhees, Trees

Agnes Weinrich. Drawing Dorothy Lake Gregory. The White Queen, the Red Queen and Alice Mildred McMillen. French Iron Crucifix Margret Cook. The Pink Horse Lucy L'Engle. Houses Shelby Shackelford. Family of the Artist Shelby Shackelford. Baby-No. 3 Gladys Young. Mexican Boy Shelby Shackelford. Baby-No. 2 Gladys Young. Mexican Types Ellen Ravenscroft. Island of Murano Blanche Lazzell. Provincetown Yards Dorothy Lake Gregory. What We are Doing for the Geisha Girls Blanche Lazzell. The Pile Driver Blanche Lazzell. The Monongahela at Morgan- town LITTLE GALLERY Blanche Lazzell. Red Petunias Oliver Chaffee. Crab Lucy L'Engle. Church Tower, Wellfleet Oliver Chaffee. Frogs Legs

Agnes Weinrich. Flowers Oliver Chaffee. Ormond Beach Hope H. Voorhees. Fruit Oliver Chaffee. Pelican and Alligator Floyd Clymer. Bonne Bay Fishermen Dorothy Lake Gregory. Provincetown Lane Heinrich Pfeiffer. St. Augustine Church Blanche Lazzell. The Campus, W. Va. Uni- versity Sam Charles. Fruit

Blenche Lazzell. My Wharf Studio Blanche Baxter. Croton Point

Hope H. Voorhees. Income Tide Charles Kaeselau. Spring

ucy L'Engle. In Wellfleet Charles J. Martin. North Truro Village

Shelby Shackelford. Ballerina Karl Knaths. Swamp and Dune

elford. Baby-No. 1 Charles J. Martin. Truro Houses SCULPTURE Marcia S. Hite. Bathing at Magnolia Margo Allen. Self Portrait Charles Kaeselau. Dos Passos House Arnold Geissbuhler. Portrait of Mrs. E. C. G. Karl Knaths. Sugar Loaf Mountain Arnold Geissbuhler. Mirande Constance Bigelow. Autumn Leaves Arnold Geissbuhler. Portrait of Mr. Wang Karl Knaths. October Margo Allen. Negro Head

Charles Kaeselau. Wellfleet Margo Allen. Portrait of Hope Allen Blanche Baxter. Bear Mountain Marjorie Gowie. Standing Figure

Marcia S. Hite. Drawing-No. 1 Margo Allen. Devene Harold Anton Van Dereck. Pastel Study Margo Allen. Tibetan Head Evelin Bodfish Bourne. Black Cat

J. Floyd Clymer. Men and Steel 129. Louise Von Brockdorf. Decorated Boxes Mary, H. Tannahill. Houses, Stonington, Maine Sam Charles. Moret, Canal Banks

Sam Charles. Through the Woods


Oliver Chaffee. Idol Ellen Ravenscroft. Across the River Charlotte DeWitt. The Widow’s Cottage

Charlotte DeWitt. The Sand Dunes Charlotte DeWitt. The Willows Oliver Chaffee. Spring Song Rembrandt COLORS TO OUR PATRONS Are Pure, Brilliant

This program, with its many and varied adver- and Permanent U.. a Distributing tisements is a convenient business directory of Office at our local merchants, including also the leading 127 Sussex Ave. TALENS & SON Newark, N. J. APELDOORN HOLLAND hotels, restaurants, gift and art shops, tea rooms, etc. Patronize them with the assurance C. L. BURCH CO. of reliable merchandise, consistent prices and .Fine Groceries and Provisions fair treatment. Meats, Fruits and Vegetables THE PROVINCETOWN ART S. S. Pierce's Specialties ASSOCIATION, Inc. Phone Choice Wines 134 or 237 Beers and Liquors RENT YOUR STUDIO OF F. A. DAYS & SONS Join The P. Am Am Become a Supporter of American Art by joining the Provincetown Art Association

'John A. Francis REAL ESTATE and FIRE INSURANCE Houses and Bungalows to rent-Furnished and Unfurnished

577 Commercial St.PROVINCETOWN F. Am DAYS & SONS Telephone 303 GeneralContractors H, Dyer & Company Coal, Wood, Lumber, Doors, Windows and Blinds, B. Dealersin Lime, Cement, Brick, Building Materials HARDWARE, PAINTS and OILS, CORDAGE of All Kinds BLINDS, GLAZED WINDOWS, DOORS and WINDOW FRAMES PROVINCETOWN, MASSACHUSETTS 169-173 Commercial St, Provincetown Telephone 41 Telephone 114 THE CONNELL GARAGE Miss charlotte M. Wilson Telephone Provincetown 50 237 BRADFORD STREET RED INN PROVINCETOWN ON THE WATER House One Hundred. Thirty Years Old Every Room with Bath Dining Room Overlooking the Harbor House Telephone 84-2 Garage Telephone 84-3 Make Dinner and Luncheon Arrangements in Advance AFTERNOON TEA GARAGE L. A LAW, Treas. Telephone 311 ProvincetoW N, MASSACHUSETTS J. D. Hilliard Co. Inc. The New Central House COAL, WOOD and CHARCOAL King Arthur Flour ON THE CAPE I PROVINCETOWN 337COMMERCIAL STREET FRANK E. POTTER, Proprietor ADEQUATE AUTO PARKING SPACE FOB HOTEL GUESTS H. C. CURRAN Special Attention Given to Automobile Parties Tel. 53-2 I FINE MILLINERY 241 Commercial Street J. E. ATKINS Tel. 178 Telephone123 DEALER IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS HARDWARE Provincetown Art Shop Woodenware, Picture Frames, Window Shades Mattresses,Etc. 373 COMMERCIAL ST. PROVINCETOWN, MASS, J. C. HERRING, Proprietor GIFFORD HOUSE Blanche Lazzell The Hotel on the Hill INDIVIDUAL, INSTRUCTION Painting-Composition-Color WOOD BLOCK PRINTING Provincetown, Mass. I Exhibitions Daily 4 to 6-Saturdays 10 to 6. Modern Accommodations at Reasonable Rates On the Shore-Opposite Methodist Church. F. O. CASS, M. D., Ch. B. 284-A Commercial Street Office Hours 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 P. M.-Sundays by appointment only Tuesday and Thursday 1 to 3 P. M. Telephone 60 ARTISTS’

THE SANDWICH SHOP MATERIALS whichwill be Breakfast Luncheon Dinner of All Inds-at City and THE INDIAN TREE ROOM Prices (upstairs) Luncheon AfternoonTea Dinner 314 Commercial Street Telephone Provincetown 161 H. N. CAMPBELL The GRAY INN, Inc.


Telephone 521

The Provincetown Guide Book with Accurate Street Maps

Published By the Art Association

Daniel Howard Hiebert, M. D. exhibition 322 Commercial Street, Provincetown

Office Hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.

Telephone 75