Media Release LG Professionals WA welcomes new Local Government Minister

16 March 2017

LG Professionals WA and our Members congratulate Mark McGowan and WA Labor on their decisive election victory.

Following today’s announcement of the new Cabinet, our Association further congratulates David Templeman on his appointment as the new Minister for Local Government; Heritage; Culture and the Arts; and Leader of the House.

LG Professionals WA Chief Executive Officer, Warren Pearce said, “Our Association has worked closely with David during his time as Shadow Minister for Local Government, and we have very much appreciated his support for our sector and his commitment to treat local government as a valued and respected partner.” Said Mr Pearce.

“As Shadow Minister, David has attended many of our conferences and events to address our members and to discuss the future direction of local government. Having built a strong relationship with the sector, we can be confident that he understands the many challenges facing local governments and our Members.”

“In Opposition, Labor committed to a review of the Local Government Act, to implement a partnership agreement with the sector, and to explore the creation of local government enterprises. Our Association, looks forward to working with him as the Minister, and with the new McGowan Government to progress these important issues.”

“At the same time, the previous three Local Government Ministers, Hon. John Castrilli MLA, Hon. Tony Simpson and MLA, and Hon. MLA are all leaving the State Parliament. Our Association has enjoyed a good working relationship with each of them during their respective time as Minsters and as Members of Parliament.”

“We sincerely thank them for their willingness to work with the sector and our Association, and for their contribution to the local government and the State of .” Said Mr Pearce.

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For further comment please contact: Warren Pearce, Chief Executive Officer - Local Government Professionals Australia WA on 0477 399 130 or by email at [email protected]

About LG Professionals WA

Local Government Professionals Australia WA (LG Professionals WA) is the peak representative body for local government officers in Western Australia.

Local Government Professionals Australia (formerly known as Local Government Managers Australia) was established in 1935 and is a National Federation with Member Associations in each State, representing over 5,000 members across Australia, and over 900 members in Western Australia.

Among our membership, we are privileged to count the overwhelming number of Chief Executive Officers of Western Australian local governments, as well as officers from all across the diverse range of professional disciplines. LG Professionals WA provides a range of services for our members and local government professionals, including:

 Support for local government officers;  Advocacy, representation and policy development;  Professional development and training; and  Conferences, forums and networking events

Our purpose is to enable our members to realise their local government career and leadership aspirations and to ensure that their voice is critical in shaping our sector.

We are committed to continuing improvement in local government leadership, governance, management and service delivery for local communities, and ensuring that our members are at the forefront of change and innovation.