NTHISISSU-- She Challeúged the Campus Fire Lane Or If We Cannot Easily Activitiee and Newsbriefs
FRESNO CITY COLLEGE Vol. XXXlll,lNo. 7 Fresno, Ca. Thursday, Oct. 12, 1978 Within minules Seperrcte ccmpus mishopg iniure studenl, lcndscaper Two men were injured in by the pipe, slipped aud ejeeted lot facing the old Adrninistr¿¡is¡ separate accidents occuring Uota into the air. He fell about Building when his motorized å f within minutes of each other on eight feet, landing on his back, wheelehair weut up an asphalt ciampus Friday morning. and striking his hip on a sledge berm and spilled him out. He At 10:37, Shoji Uota, head hammer .he was using. He struck his head on the sidewalk. landscaper' for Gentz Construc- sustained a broken leg and Ambulances responded from tion Co., fell from a tractor scoop possible internal injuries. Courtesy and Jones Ambul¿nce while driving in a length of pipe Meanwhile, Richard IV. Services. No word is avail¿ble on to support a tree near the Gym. Howser, a quadraplegic student, the current condition of either The scoop, partially supported was wheeling along the parking victim. Homecom¡ng Week Nov. ó-lO Homecoming lVeeÈ has been goming Week, climaxing with a Possible activities discussed at slated for Nov. 6-10, it was' football game between Fresno the meeting Íncluded insçct decided at Tuesday's regular City and Reedley Colleges the races, a hypnotist, or a "pie in the - meeting of the ASB Senate. evening of Nov. 10. However, [ace" contest with David Dickie, -Þ The Senate also decided to homeeoming eveuts will be ASB adviser, on the receiving fi schedule events for the noon scheduled at various times end.
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