Extensions of Remarks 10145 Additional Sponsors H.R
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May 7, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 10145 ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 3301: Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. JEFFORDS, In the matter relating to the appropriate Mr. BRODHEAD, Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. MAR level of total new budget authority decrease Under clause 4 of rule XXII, sponsors LENEE, Mr. FLORIO, Mr. KlLDEE, Mr. NOWAK, the amount by $620 million; were added to public bills and resolu Mr. VENTO, Mr. HORTON, Mr. DONNELLY, Mr. In the matter relating to the appropriate tions as follows: MOLLOHAN, Mr. GUDGER, Mr. BEVILL, Mr. level of total budget outlays decrease the MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. STOKES, Mr. amount by $100 million; H.R. 1006: Mr. PEYSER. HUGHES, Mr. HANLEY, Mr. SEIBERLING, Mr. In the matter relating to Function 050: H.R. 1141: Mr. DoUGHERTY, Mr. BUCHANAN, National Defense decrease the amount for Mr. ATKINSON, Mr. SHUSTER, Mr. RosE, and BLANCHARD, Mr. EVANS of Georgia., Mr. RATCH FORD, Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. ZEFERETTI, Mr. budget authority by $1 b1llion; and decrease Mr. WALGREN. FITHIAN, Mr. PEPPER, Mr. LUKEN, Mr. WoLPE, the amount for outlays by $355 mill1on. H.R. 1297: Mr. CORCORAN. Mr. BONKER, Mr. BEARD of Rhode Island, Mr. In the matter relating to Function 500: H.R. 1307: Mr. CARR, and Mr. KILDEE. BARNES, Mr. CORCOltAN, Mrs. BYRON, Mr. BAU Education, Training, Employment and Social H.R. 2109: Mr. LEDERER. Services increase the amount for budget au H.R. 2540: Mrs. SPELLMAN. MAN, Mrs. HECKLER, Mr. LOWRY, and Mr. RoE. H.R. 3927: Mr. MINETA. thority by $380 million; and increase the H.R. 2705: Mr. BONIOR Of Michigan, Mr. amount for outlays by $255 million. WEISS, Mr. OTTINGER, Mr. MURPHY Of New H.J. Res. 229: Mr. BETHUNE, Mr. CHENEY, York, Mr. LEHMAN, and Mr. LAFALCE. Mr. GoLDWATER, Mr. GOODLING, Mr. KEMP, Mr. H.R. 2846: Mr. KINDNESS, Mr. WHITEHURST, LEACH of Louisiana, and Mr. SKELTON. H.R.39 Mr. MURPHY Of Pennsylvania, Mr. BAFALIS, H.J. Res. 265: Mrs. SPELLMAN. By Mr. EMERY: Mr. EVANS Of Georgia, Mr. CLEVELAND, Mr. -Page 363, between lines 14 and 15. insert DORNAN, Mr. CORRADA, Mr. WOLFF, Mr. AN the following new subsection ( 1) and re DREWS of North Dakota, Mr. WEISS, Mr. SEI AMENDMENTS number subsequent subsections accord BERLING, Mr. GINGRICH, Mr. McCORMACK, Mr. ingly: BEDELL, Mr. LLOYD, Mr. NOLAN, and Mr. LEACH Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, pro (1) FURTHER ACTIVITY.-No further ex of Louisiana. posed amendments were submitted as ploration, other than that provided for in H.R. 3056: Mr. KOSTMAYER, Mr. BALDUS, Mr. follows: this section, and no development, shall be STEED, Mr. RUSSO, Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland, H. CON. RES. 107 permitted, except by Act of Congress and, Mr. ERDAHL, Mr. NOLAN, Mr. RoTH, and Ms. By Mr. COLEMAN: until the Secretary- MIKULSKI. -In the matter relating to the appropriate ( 1) has offered for lease all those areas H.R. 3196: Mr. 0BERSTAR, Mr. GILMAN, Mr. level of total new budget authority decrease in the Teshekpuk-Utukok National Wild MOAKLEY, Mr. THOMPSON, Mr. STOKES, Mr. the amount by $650 million; life Refuges which the Secretary intends to FORSYTHE, Mr. SEIBERLING, Mr. WALKER, Mr. In the matter relating to the appropriate offer for lease pursuant to section 304(a) DEVINE, Mr. GOODLING, Mr. ST GERMAIN, Mr. level of total budget outlays decrease the (14) (D); FLOOD, Mr. MITCHELL of New York, Mr. ERTEL, amount by $650 million; (2) finds that sufficient exploration of the Mr. FASCELL, Mr. DOUGHERTY, Mr. HUGHES, In the matter relating to the amount of oil and gas potential of the Teshekpuk Mr. DAVIS OF Michigan, Mr. HOLLENBECK, Mr. the deficit decrease the amount by $650 mil Utukok National Wildlife Refuge has been WILLIAMS Of Montana, and Mrs. SCHROEDER. lion; completed so that reliable estimates of the H .. R 3245: Mr. BoNER of Tennessee, Mr. In the matter relating to the appropriate oil and gas potential of the refuge can be STOCKMAN, Mr. KOSTMA YER, Mr. COTTER, Mr. level of the public debt decrease the amount made based on the activities of the lessees HANSEN, Mr. PANETTA, Mr. DAN DANIEL, Mr. by $650 million; and such other information as is available !CHORD, Mr. TAUKE, Mr. ROBINSON, Mr. IRE In the matter relating to the amount by to the Secretary; and LAND, Mr. BUTLER, Mr. SYMMS, Mr. LOTT, Mr. which the statutory limit on the public debt (3) has submitted to the Congress a re JoNES of Oklahoma, Mr. COELHO, Mr. MITCH should accordingly be increased, decrease port containing ELL of NeW York, Mr. LEWIS, Mr. STENHOLM, the amount by $650 million. (i) an identification of those areas of the Mr. FoRSYTHE, Mr. WATKINS, Mr. NoLAN, Mr. In the matter relating to Income Security refuge which have oil and gas potential WINN, Mr. HARsHA, Mr. GRISHAM, Mr. COR decrease the amount for budget authority by and an estimate of the volume of the oll and MAN, Mr. JACOBS, Mr. SHELBY, Mr. HUCKABY, $650 m1llion; and decrease the amount for gas concerned; and Mr. PATTERSON. outlays by $650 m1llion. (11) a description of how such oll and gas, H.R. 3255: Mr. WEISS, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. By Mr. WEISS: if produced, may be transported to proc MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. STOKES, Mr. -In the matter relating to the recommended essing facilities; and MITCHELL Of Maryland, Mr. WOLFF, Mr. VENTO, level of Federal revenues decrease the amount (iii) an evaluation of any environmental Mr. DOUGHERTY, Mr. CORRADA, Mr. EDGAR, Mr. by $100 m1llion; impacts which may occur as a result of the DRINAN, Mr. LOWRY, Mrs. CHISHOLM, Mr. In the matter relating to the amount by development of the oil and gas resources BONIOR vf Michigan, and Mr. BROWN Of which the aggregate level of Federal revenues of the refuge and proposed measures to California. should be decreased by $100 million; mitigate any adverse impacts. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PENSION ernment of the District of Columbia, we and then finally-in the dying hours of BILL IS A MONEY SAVER held 3 days of hearings on a bill to the 95th Congress-again through the fund these pension systems. House and Senate. In 1975, I succeeded to the chairman Unfortunately, the bill was vetoed. HON. ROMANO L. MAZZOLI ship of the subcommittee, and chaired Unfortunately, because the bill is, OF KENTUCKY 4 days of hearings on the same subject. simply put, a money saver. It saves IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1976, the subcommittee reported a money in two ways: bill to fund these retirement systems and First. It cuts back on the too-generous Monday, May 7, 1979 trim back their extensive benefits. The disability benefits which previous Con e Mr. MAZZOLI. Mr. Speaker, in 1974, full District Committee reported the bill gresses had ordered; and I served on the District of Columbia to the House, but it died there. Second. The funding mechanism re Committee's Subcommittee on Fiscal Af In 1977, I reintroduced substantially duces the ultimate cost of paying for the fairs and, under the leadership of my the same bill and, my distinguished col benefits already earned. good friend and former colleague Con league Congressman RoN DELLUMS Unfortunately, also, because the De gressman Tom Rees, began a study of chaired 2 more days of hearings on the partment of Treasury actuaries told our the District's pension system for police, bill. committee that 1 year's delay in fund firefighters, teachers, and judges. As the following Washington Post ing raises the cost of the bill by a whop That year, focusing on a 1972 recom editorial details, this bill was pushed ping 47 percent. mendation of the federally created Com through the House and Senate, then However, if a pension bill for the Dis mission on the Organization of the Gov- through a long and difficult conference trict of Columbia is passed this year, • This "bullet" symbol identifi.es statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 10146 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 7, 1979 it will reduce the ult\mate cost of District The word Flag 1n itself means many things wish more Americans would get con retirement programs from a staggering tome. F is for the Freedom of religion, speech cerned, because we only make progress in 100 percent of payroll cost of a more and choice of government officials which we America when we work together to build acceptable 60 percent of payroll cost. enjoy. a better future.• I hope that my colleagues will read L is for our liberty bell which sounded the following editorial and support the out our freedom. enactment of this important legislation: A is for the land we call "America the REV. RAYMOND A. ROESCH RE THE "PREMIER RIP-OFF SYSTEM" beautiful." TIRES AS UNIVERSITY OF DAY G is for the God who shed his abundant TON PRESIDENT Last year President Carter vetoed one of grace on this great land. the most important legislative achievements We remain the land of the free and the of the 95th Congress on behalf of the District home of the braves. HON. TONY P. HALL of Columbia. It was a bill to stop a taxpayer I'm proud to salute the flag of the "United OF OHIO supported gravy train that could ride the States of America." town to financial ruin: the police and fire May we always honor her and fly her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fighter disability-pension system, also known proudly. May we carry what she represents Monday, May 7, 1979 by Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton's description of in our hearts wherever we may go.