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Gloria M^ccp ofOantord, Bemetta with shortened periods: September 28 Services Announced— : Wagner cf Hiifrrrfo Marie MPT Attends Meeting Chairmen Ngfiied for ';..'•', •; ThVtocrease in the number of years old before January I i September 21$ j of Kerulo.oith. and Beverly Berry For Trinity Church George R. McGrath of 24 Man- Sunny Acres Show students who have registered tor age requirement for tfie m-st' h the Beadiine of Rcselle Park. They are enrolled sion terrace attended a dinner the iall term indicates that the en- is six years. New pupils , s' Isylhe- Deadline § SundayLservices, the thirteenth ^neeUng-of 4he -board of directors Mrs. Donald' S^vercool, priesl- rollment will be larger than at-any have certiflcatCBshowing they h^ tufc at Nyock. N. Y. Miss Barbara Sunday after Trinity, will be held at the Newark Chapter, National dent of the Sunny Acres Qarden time in the history of the school, been immunized againfet dipn Mmphy will «=jter Uew Jersey at 9:30 a. m., at Trinity Church. Association of Cost Accountants at Club, has announced chairmen for Miss CarorKrsft, director of guid- and vaccinated-Bgainst smaiip0![ the Robert Treat Hotel in Newark ; -The Rev. George A. Aitcheson, College for Wosien. The summer, schedule will close The Rev, f'rank V^ H. Carthy, the annual fall flower show' to be ance, said. ' © last .^Thursday. - Mr. McGrath is UJ3., pastor, will preach on the Othds leaving for FV*}?^**^ are Sunday at . Cranford Methodist Last year; the school maintained CRANFORD. • NEW JERSEY, JRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1950 18 Pages — FIVE CENTS tor/will celebrate Holy Eucharist associated- with C0nmar. Products held Thyrsday, September 21'froni subject, "The Misery of the Rich Robert Aftdi*:. I^itypvtrft Valley Col- a peak enrollment of 905 while Election Workers Church with the 9:30 g. m. worship and preach a service. This will 3:30 to 9 p;.m., in-Osceola Presby- and the Coming of the Lord." Sun- Corporation of Newark. • ; nigh school enrollments elsewhere •• :'-:•••• ; Paul Bartholomew. service. The Labor Day sermon GARWOOi>--Councilrnan Da Committee to Study ; be the last in the summer series of terian Church. 1 - :T '!•',••'.••:•!•••;! day at 11 a. m. worship services in ary Training School; Paul Babba continued to drop. A. Murray, George Nash and the Tabernacle. His topic at the will be entitled, 'The Three Stone- NOTICE OF HEABING Chairmen include: General, Mrs. •'.'• •', •*•*••:« services. .' . •'\.!l •>*•-• of Elizabeth. Rutgers University. Marten have been named by School Building Needs . ,. : ... . 7:45 p. m. evangelistic" meeting cutters." Nursery will be*"held for Board of Adjustment — Zoning Walter Ruenger; publicity, Mrs. • ',. • •:•"••>- and Robert SSmherti f^trm^ Falls Beginning Sunday, September Notice Is hereby given that th^ Board of New Pupils to Register" ace E. Baker of Westfleld A committee, to undertake long- Will be, "A Good Man Dies While Adjustment ,(Zonlnfi> of the Township of Thomas Brown; tickets, t Mrs. Institute in Georgia. bpys and girls under six years of li'can county chairman, as a Bad Man lives On." 1Q, the fall and winter schedule Cronford. N. J.. In the County of Union, George P. Kaiser, Mrs/ Raymond range planning of the schoolbuild- age. There will be a story for chilr will hold a public hearing on {Wednesday, Sept. 6 bers of a special group to Miss Alice Locktsoad of Wash- will be resumed. "Services will in- Cowperthwaite and Mrs. .William ing program has been appointed The pastor will address " the dren. . . , MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1050 ,:' GARWQOD—New students en- the election program. - iitax) pSsce is hosce ffO2n> the St. at 8:13 JP. M. (D.S.T.l at the Municipal Smith; construction, Mrs., Wesley, by Walter E. Cooper, president of Men's Class Sunday at 9:30- a. m. clude Holy Eucharist at 8 a. m.,Building, corner North Avenue and Alden 't'ering. Garwood schools Thursday, Paul Bible Institute where she is Mrs. George F. Rothweiler, or- Phild; guest exhibits, Mrs. Harry the Board of Education. Richard His topic. The First Murder." will church school and family worship street, Cranlord, N. J.. to.consider: September 7, must register Wed- Mr. and.Mrs. W. W. ] instructor en history. ganist, will play "Autumnal Beau- 0-50 Application of Mr. Bradford K. Broughton; properties, Mrs.. Paul J. Kaul has been named chair- lies -and dauabtor,-Jean,'nf-34 heading, "Pertinent Bible -Ques- vert house at 229 North Avenue, • lin and Washington Schools, Louis avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Troutman, Mrs. Mollie Redden, ert Babba.' Mrs. Stoddman and dows," by Stoughton, and "March," mon, 11 a. m. •'••:• . West,. near Lincoln Avenue. Lot 11, judges, Mrs. Frank Dickertj secre- Amateur Photographers Chairman Announces tions." by Hill. There will be no fellow- Block 8. Township Map. from two- p. O. Nicolello, supervising princi- Collins and daughter of [Addresses Stuff, Oftes Dr. Howard R. Best, supervising Mis. Nina Poicella Steward- The, k The chui-ch school faculty will tary, .Mrs. JHary Amermnnn; door The Comelh Committee Offers Vlot Staff for Campaign, Regular mid-week prayer and ship meeting at 7 pi m. family to d three-family dwelling. pal, said yesterday. • r- recentry spent a.week in principal,- and Mr. Cooper. Invited to Join Club Bithuj Young Ladies' Class held meet in the parish house Wednes- 7-59 Application of B. H. & C. E. . and competition awards, Mrs. Rob- 1 The bell tolled this morning Bible study hour will be held Wed- : When, registering, a child must Haven. '-••'. " '• in Education The committee will explore the Plans for the new season wi}l be I <(J>UOia To Be their Ertonttily *-l?*^^ meeting . S^on— .Rally Day will be observed Sun- day at 8 p. m. ' '• Saymon. Owners-, for a. modification ert Lovatt; "entries, Mrs. C. H. Doty; for .^ranford youngsters who For Future Expansion nesday al 8 p. m. Tonight, the dea- of the Zoning Ordinance for. permis- needs for . expansion of school completed Wednesday at a meet- day at the home of Mrs. Dorothy day, September ID. Two services, sipn to construct 20 Garages 1n the and traffic, Mrs. Michael Stevens! I Although Cranford schools may put away, thjeir summer mem- Aides for the ninth annual cons will meet at the home of Jos- buildings and consider what ac- Of J^oca! Post Office ,' ing of the Cranford Photogfdfphic Coons. logi Pmeston avenue. at 9:30 and 10:50 a. m., will be rear of property located at 20 River- . Each gardener is limited ,to one .described as progressive in fact, ories and reported for the first United Fund Campaign to be held eph Mitchell, Roosevelt avenue. resumed for the sixth year. Church Radio Program ' ' • . side Drive, Lota 2 & 3, Block 303, vov wia HNB COMFORT, HAPPINESS and the WAY TO tion might be taken to alleviate To provide for possible future Society at 8 p. m., in the Casino. -j" Mrs. Durc-aid Nelson was in Township Map. - entry in each class. All amateur? Ihev do not in,any wise follow the ' day of the new school year. from . October 6 to - 20 were an Westfield. school will be held at 0:30 a. m. HEALTH thfoub listening to eoroe of toefollowin g Christian congestion in future years. expansion of the • Cranford Post Any amateur photographers inter- charge of the primary department "THE GIFT OF GOD" is the- o-5O—5-48—12-49 Application of Mr. . may compete.; The public'is in- dcallogy ol what has been termed Frank Massa, custodian at nounced this week-by E.. Duer . Last Sunday morning, the pastor, for boys and girls tip to and in- StdeQCfi zo4lo procnijDB^ off this vielnUy: ' Recently the board, working un- Office ,the Township Committee ested , iri joining the club are in- of the Sunday Bible School. There subject of a Christian Science, ra-; ' John F. Bracco,- Owner, for permis- vited to attend. \ , • •'.-,. . - • j. regressive educaUon,. which, in Cranford High School, rang- Reeves, executive chairman. The continued the series of sermons cluding the fourth grade. Classes sion to convert house southeast corner ; ; der a special committee' headed by Tuesday njght adopted a resolu- vited to attend. • . were two visitors. A Bible drill /Jlo program over Station WNBC, North Union"* Forest Avenues, Lot *.'8fa»l WMG*i:,(?i(»i: ke>'— E»«n;' Sunday- any instances has lowered' Amer- the historic school bell which $18.0.00 quota will benefit th? Boy from the Book of James.' Mrs. A. will meet at 10:50 .a. m. forjstuf Mr. Cooper,' completed the pur- tion offerihg a 40 by 148 foot town- was led by Mrs. Grole while Miss , Sunday morning, from 13, Block. 24, Township Map, from 8ta. WNEW. (lUaiJik'*)'—Every Qnaday ....™_ scholarship, Dr. Howard R. called students to study at the Featured during the evening will and Girl Scouts, Welfare Associa- Stoddard of Lincoln; Neb., was dents.in the fifth grade and up. .""" a oncc-famlly to a tw/o-famlly . dwel- chase of a plot bounded by-Bloornr- ship-owned lot adjacent to the post ROJ.ena Hail of iMmWiiainCTfi^ jtre- ff:30 to 9" o'clp'cfcr THeTSroadcast is ling.' ' : . . • • Regional Ifigh School ;; Its. VNBO ( ««* ks> — ' 1st. Snnday Eneh best supervising principal of first Cranford school house. be a demonstration on toning tion, Visiting Nurse Association and guest soloist. She hadMjeen assoc- 1 1 ingdale, Haskins,' Albany and office to the Federal government sented a flannelgraph fj**^* ? , ^Un- A retreat for the Senior High made possible- through the cour- All In residence "A" district, ' flta. TT4XIt qf»9 k«) — 1«» * M-flaaiay K»e •ran'ford public schools, told fac- . A full session will be held prints. The display will cover all Boys' Camp. • «, iated with, the Rev. Dr. Aitcheson Reopens Thursday ; • Adams avenues; and also purchased without, cost and tax free. . answered Player.™ ' Fellowship and Odds and Ends tesy of the Rational Broadcasting At the time and place above stated' all Llty members' yesterday morning today. No new students will types of toners used and-, also the H.JV. Fisher of 320 Casino ave- in evangelistic work, in the West. interested parties are invited to be pres- . GARWOOD — Jonathan ^Dskytqn": lla. WQXB UMf ko) — *»« Sunday Eaeh M»«0h land in the rear of Cranford High Fellowship will-be hejd Saturday Company and. has the approval of ent when ' full opportunity to be heard fct the workshop in Cranford High be permitted to register. Pu- In announcing the decision, psychology of using color in.pho- nue and H. R. McCullough of 216 Regional High School in•' Spring? School. , ' • ' ; Mrs. A_ C. Blaschke spoke io and Sunday at Silver Lake. The Christian* Science Board of will be given to them. Re«iuests for free literature and reports of benefits received:' ichool. • . pils still not enrolled must, Mayor George E. Osterheldt stated tographs. There will also be in-Retford avenue have been named 1 By owner ' field will- reopen next Thursdayi: the Ladies' Class in the absence of Cancel dressings • will be made Directors. .'••.• • BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. • from these programs will be appreciated. •-' This marks the first year that a present a doctor's certificate that the committee has had the formation on how to use photo-vice-chairmen; W. Frank Persons, September'7. On the previous day,:, ; Mrs. William Berry. Her subject at the church Tuesday at 10 a. m. N. R. Foster, •-'..' .;-•-'.:. -'• BIbnitor,Views the News - . ' "- • " _ orientation program, for showing they have been vac- matter under consideration for naskoid for two tone prints, Ken Jr. of 6 Parkway Village, assistant Anthony- Q. Henriqh, .Chairman. freshmen will be transposed- to: H. W. FISHER H. R. McCUIXOUGH was, "Our Thought Life," based on. At. I p. m., the executive commit- IJachecs has been held in Cran- cinated in the last five years. some time. • He' gave credit, to Adm. Reck, president, announced. chairman; and Clarence L. Fritz Temple Belh El wiU open its Parked Sedan Hit Secretary. school to a'duplicate daily routing ' Bt». WJZ O'O fce)— ' Every Taesday. Newa Broadcast „..__..„ 0:30 p Vice-Chairman Vlce-Chairman scripture in the fourth chapter of tee of Woman's Society of Chris- Dated: August '23, 1S50. '0-7 |ord. Thc workshop opened Tues- They also must have proof that. E. D. Stanley for bringing the matr The club plans to open its pro-: of 29 Adams avenue, chairman of Ephesians. .-".-. 1959-ol «3fji«^iTii with a midnight Lt) Thomas. Woods is investigat- ter to a successful conclusion, and the business area. a tian Service-will meet inthe chap- morning and was- concluded ^they had a Schick test or a gram this year with a membership During the evening service lest Sc3(cbolb service Saturday night ing a hit-and-run case reported by said that early acceptance of the eL Mrs. Paul Powers, president, testerday-afternoon-. oooster shot against diphtheria drive. In two months, it is hoped Mr. Fisher, a resident of Cran- Sunday, talks were given by sever- Prior to Hie program, there will be ; 1 will be in charge. The credit union John' C: rtiesewetter of 2-B Park- Tjffeirby-the-Post'Office Department that the present enrollment of 30ford for 17 years, is coordinator of • -r-vs!r-f' catd gpw ^*^ the swarding of door Dr Best, whose talk was en- within the past year. - al young people about to enter will be open from 8 to 9 p.. m: way Village, who said that'his car, fcitleJ, "What DirecUon Educa- is expected. will be doubled, Mr. Reck said. the refining operations of Stand- schools and colleges. Participating and a gray 1940 sedan parked in front EVERGREENS ard Oil Company. A graduate of Jean Thomas is the newly-elect- tion?", said that three main decL- Introduced and passed on first Mrs. Hovuaul Harris and Mrs. were the Misses Beryle Perry and ed president of the Cedar Crest of 111 Miln street at noon Friday, Large Assortnkent ...... :ions face educators today. These reading was an ordinance provid- Massachusetts Institute -of Tech- Hcrbeit Graultcb are^oa-chairnien : v ...... $3.25 up summer assembly for the coming was struck by Bnothe5r car'which leal with,the type of teachers to Cranford Post, 212, ing for the submission of a request nology, Mr. Fisher joined the! Jer- of the evenins- As*nsling them are year. Richard Eppler, Marion Mar- failed to stop. . ''•'.'•'.' Red Phloxes ..< •: je developed," revaioatibn 6f the" sey Standard Oil organization in .CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LESSON Mrs. Milton ^uerbarfa. Mrs. Sidney tin and Irate Grossman have -re- purriculunv from nursery School of the police and fire departments 1&27 and has served as deputy • • V gEBMON Lauren and. Mis. WiUiam Silver- Japanese Barberry ...... turned from the -Pocono- Plateau jugh'graduate school, and the Ceremonies Tuesday to the voters at the N<^Vember. 7 coordinator or refining activities, --,'•>} •';'!£ '•* "l&Att" is the subject for Sun- man. . interdenominational conference. The alterations and ssibility of forming a closer re- Howard R. Rlngle will be seated General Election. If thejvoters apr- a director of the Esso Standard Oil day. September 3. - RIGHT u — ip among the. public, as commander of Cranford Post prove the'measure, the pew 'salary Company and as manager of ,016 GOLDEN TEXT: "Blessed is the renovations to tl(e 212, American Legion; and Mrs. schedules will become, effective company's east coast refineries. He roan that walketh not in the coun- ffielnanns to Pmipil . SHERIFF'S SALE. and school staffs. j 4Pnsettptito BRIGHTWOOD NURSERY Gray Ladies January 1, 1951. Publiq hearing is a p?lst president of the'Cranfqrd interior and front of Walter E. Cooper, president of Margaret Knight will take office sel of the ungodly, nor standetb in The Rev. .Robot G. Lowgaker SHERIFF'S SALE—Superior Court of ; '- . •;.:.- • OPEN_ SUNDAYS .• • '• ... •'"••,\ ••••/;-.*•..••, as president of the Ladies' Auxil- on the measure will be held at the Answer Call From Dramatic Club, and a member of .the way of sinners, nor sitteth in will return to the pulpit on Sun- New Jersey Law Division, Union County, ie Board of Education, welcomed Cranford-Garwood - Kenilworth Docket No. 2-2SKMS. Mervln O. Wiener, % our store are nearing iary-Tuesday night at joint public next meeting September 19. Echo Lake Country Club ana the the seat pf the scornful. But his day at the 11 o'clock service in the Plaintiff, vs. John Vltale, defendant. Civil Mountain Avel - Scotch Plains (acuity. Tuesday morning. Chapter, American Red Cross, has 21st Infantry Reserve, id Our prescription price* are. : installation ceremonies in the,Ca- First Presbyterian Church. He has delifibt is in the law of the liord; First Presbyterian Church. This Artlon Execution. • (Cor. Jerusalem ltd.) . . . ••' Tel. FAnwood > 2-'pH8 completion. We ex* general discussion meetings issued a call for women between The^ ordinance was introduced By virtue ol the. above-stated -writ of uiu£orn\Iy fair, bated on ao[. sif Paul Buonaguro, bead sino. The program will begin at been active in past United Fund and in bis law doth he meditate will marfc the fifth anniversary of execution to me directed I shall-expose the ages of 21 and 50 to volunteer following receipt of a petition circ- Begin Duty Next Week accurate knowledge of co»ts. ' pect td reopen short- [ the schools" public relations de- 8 o'clock. ulated by members of the tw.0 de- rJ •' campaigns. day and night; (Psalms .1:1.2) nis pastorate with the- Cranfaid far sale hy public vendue. In the District as Gray Ladies or members of the Five Cranford members of'the Court Boom. In the Court House In the Obr large Tohjme results in nV emphasized the need if or Mary Rizzolo of Garwood, presi- partments containing the names Mr. McCullough has resided in SERMON: Passages from the church." Mr Ljtangaker*s message city of Elizabeth, N. 3., on Arts and Skills Corps at Lyons ly . after September dent of the county auxiliary, jwill 21st Marino Infantry Reserve, Cranford since July 1, 1927, when King James version of the Bible will be "Time of Derision." A duet WEDNESDAY. THE 13TH. DAY OF Io4>vorcrhea4 *nd this saying' | working relationship between the Veterans Hospital. A training of more than 20 per cent, of the mm, SEPTEMBER A. D.. 1850, ^ 1 which has been activated to duty, he was named district clerk of the include: from "Cruciuxion™ by Faure will is passed on to the patron. - "10th ^in a store in lublic and the schools. Assisting course consisting of three lectures .be • installing officer for the wom- registered voters who favored a at two o'clock .*.• " • *v. •"'•• SEAGER'S Pfc. David Hamilton of 26 John Officials and currently is president ' were pfrotogranfted-'.by--'Ered-. other, local veteran, organizations true image of God The Christ- Being also known as lots No. 28, 28. 20 street.' Pfc."ArtttuV"Bautsch, Jr., of of tho Cronford Glee Club. A and 30 In Block 50 and lots No. 12 and J3 n.e iv membership, ;NJark, a member of the Mrsi -Ruth•'Evans ofrRpseifer fle^ oH'of a sanitary sewer'in. like understanding of scientific be- ^DRUG STORE -r^'-fll-..!**^ involved, wrtiftteers the first duplicate bridge match 18 Balmiere Parkway, and PVL veteran of World War 1> he is a in Block 420 as shown on the Tax As- J. W. Seager, Reg. Pharm. hoosevelt PTA, and Jay Rommes, partment president, and' William avenue from Lambert street west- ing and divine healing includes a JCimtcut Map of the Borough of Kenil- now being ac- first will be given a preliminary of' the new season will be' played James Phillips of 14 Tulip street member of Capt. N. R. Fiske Post, in worth, a copy of which is -on file in the 1 member of the high school pho- McKinley of Jersey City, national perfect Principle and idea, — per- 104 V. UNION AVE. interview and. \ later will he erly 850 feet.' The project will be Drive by the Cranfbrd Bridge League 835, VFW, and of the First Pres- Union County BcglstertuQffice. |ography club.' • • legislative representative. Major Simpson, a veteran of five fect God and perfect man, — as There is due approximately S75.09 with CRANFORD 6-0700 " cepieil. screened by a psychologist at the undertaken as a local improvement next Friday night, September' 15, byterian Church. He has partici- Also shown were slides owned •Mra. Jane. Gloyier is in charge years' service with the Marines in the basis of thought and demon- interest from June 22, 1950, and costs. hospital. ;: and the cost of $4,500 will be as- in 'the • parish house of 'Trinity pated in several United Fund Cam- > . CHARLES fc AYEHS, ' William Old', Robert Smith and of arrangements for the auxiliary sessed against the-benefltting prop- World War II, has been a resident stration." (p. 258) " • ^ -< , sheriff. Moke the • coming holiday •: 'cfj Hospital authorities credit the Church. All bridge players inter- paigns and Red Cross drives in post Nicholas Tomasulo: . Miss while Michael Davis, retiring com- erty owners. Only inquiry dur- Boosters list District of Cranford for the past three MERV1N O. WIENER,' Atty. '"l<4wn weekend". It** a:vijpp'\ • We wish to Ahanh Gray Ladies and workers pf the ested in duplicate; playing ore in- years. ' ' ' _' EJJJ. — CC. CL-35S-A(2) 0-7 atrice Warner, chairman of the mander, is chairman of the post's ing public i hearing was "by. A. J. months. He saw service W the Arts-Skills group with being vital Heads for Membership vited to attend. Mr. Persons, Jr.,, the assistant flees — S10.68. Step Ciakennt wW> SCUTL nlng combination \.,whi)i'.yay£j^ pur. ji a Iron s and irogram, was assisted by Miss committee. Refreshments and en- Bempsey of 306 Wade avenue who Pacific Theatre and participated in Springfield Ave, at Win. Cranford factors in furthering recreational After next week, the club will chairman, has Been active in the Scottt new dry opplttd control. - select «£pmS9L and eoily fall' '. Etta Tunner,,Mrs. Marion Eschen- tertainment will follow the instal- asked approximate cost for each Drive Opening Sept. 30 several invasions with the Marines. Services Sunday, 11 a. m. fri en d^Jor their and skills programs essential to play regularly twice each month He is an engineer with Simpson past several United Fund Cam- • J 1.95 s to .baautify your. lawn..',•;"tL' ,' lauer. Miss \»ladys Estabrook. lation. property owner. Township Engi- . Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. the ultimalerecdvery of the vet-\ Ten district captains, one forthrough May, 1951. The firsts< x paign drives. A native of New . Rita Sansone, and Miss Betty y Officers taking office for the p^js neer P. J. Grail estimated the cost and Brown, Elizabeth. Beading Koom—15 Alden Street kindindit&gence dur- erans at Lyons. Programs are each voting district, were selected games will comprise the fall'series, much Urecne. Y . include: Vice-commanders, E. Cal- Sgt. Schmal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rochelle, N. Y., Mr. Persons, Jr. - Open daily 1-4, except Thurs. and designed to stir the interests of pa^ at $120 to $140 for each 50 foot lot: by • the Boosters' Club ..executive nsadtd fall nourhhmonl for pamoMirt blind for fall ptdntlnot. ing the period our •vfin Shire, William Poormaft and the second six will be the winter William 'Schmal, sfcrved with the attended Swarthmore College and Fri., 10:80-4. Also Fri. T:30-9 p. m. Use of audio-visual tients in normal. living again so Anton H. Specht of 325 High committee for the annual. merft* lawns. 1 U> hacU 100 «q ft- Soy. Itghtfy. b«cain» tb»r» or» William Herzog, Jr.; finance officer, series, and the third six will be the Marines from 1946 to 1049. Pfc. George Washington University. He Wed. Eve, 8:15 o'clock »hre» tlmnr m raony w«d« -p*' I store has been iras demonstrated- by Courtland that they may sooner return to street and Melville H. Metzfer of bership drive September 30 at a 35 lb*-S3£0 Mi orao $0x30 Ira Dorian; chaplain, Harold Glov- spring series. Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. has been a resident of Cranford for pound at l» ordinary nlzturai. Tlalcy and Mrs. Sansone. They ex- their own communities and assume 6 Mitchell place were appointed meeting in the Municipal Court 1 It. F**d 10/100 ,qH-$7J<> ier; judge advocate, William Quinn; Prizes will be awarded'the high Thomas L.. Hamilton, has been in the past five years. During World I /bJI^5 > 5 Jh7 -closed.'-' plained the set-up used in ordering their individual responsibilities. special police officers for school room Tuesday night. President historian, Fred Smith; sergeant- scorers each evening of play and the Marine Reserves for the past War II, he served four years as I md using audio-visual •material. duty on recommendation of Po-Charles J. Stevens presided. SeoBX SPtEADEBS-for quick, Activities • of the Gray Ladies at-arms, Michael Korecki, and ex- special prizes wil go to the winning three years, while Pfc. Bautsch civilian personnel officer in the CRANFCRDCOALCa SPtCIAt PUHPOSe 0lf ND-OrWr Prior to the afternoon program, lice Commissioner J. Edward Wolf. Named by Preston J. occurore lawn trealmonh. Junior tolU, di«p tbadt. ttrracM. , cover a large field, including music, ecutive committee at large, Fred pair of each' series. It is antici- r^ has been in the reserves, for U. S. Navy Inspection Service and ' : administrators' served the an- Fire Commissioner J. W. Doran •:."• AHfcl S5.95 No 25 DtluK*-S9.t5 general recreation, teaching, ath- Casoni and Lester Baxter. chairman of the membership com- pated • that the Howell Movement two years,, Pvt. Phillips, son of Mr. held, the rank of lieutenant com- m-:% nual luncheon to the faculty in the reported four general and 18 still mittee, were: will be used this year rather than mander. He has been employed letics, dramatics, library work, Mrs. Knight will, succeed Mrs. and Mrs. G. E. Phillips, joined the UPPER UffiGH COAL ;chool cafeteria. Hosts were Dr. alarms last month with property James Avery, first district; Dr. the Mitchell. This change will since 1038 by the Standard Oil De- .The Garal-LeG Kiddie Shop is well stocked with the newest Fall Fashions for the hobbies, general ward duty,- mend- Madeline "Baxter. The new-slate reserves in'April. G. Frank Zimmerman, Mrs. los£ from Are estimated at $2,100. Michael Carlozzi, second district; give each, pair an opportunity to velopment Company as assistant "B&ck to School crowd. Whether they are entering kindergarten or the sixth ing, etc. The Arts, and Skills also includes: Vice-presidents, Mrs. Nat or Stove ..$19.75 Ethel B. Smith, Miss Tunner,-Mrs. workers specialize in work with The municipal ambulance made 18 William Hill, third district; Mr. play against all pairs in their, sec- director of employe relations. Mr. \:\ -X-X grade, we have the duds to keep your youngster in right with the school crowd. ALBAN-LEWiS Ruth Janovsik, Frank J. Martz, Marie Reed, Mrs. Florence Alhans trips during the month. Steveins, fourth district, and Mr. tion instead of just against one Persons, Jr. is a member of the leather, metal, plastic, wood, cera- and Mrs. RJzzoIo;'historian, Mrs. Motor Vehicle Agency HOUSEWAKE8 — HARDWARE — GADGETS — GIFTS find Vincent Sarnowski. • General Referred to the police committee Woolle'y, fifth district. position as was the custom' last Echo Lake Country Club. mics, oils, watercolors, jewelry Rita Farewell; sergeant-at-arms, nestings with administrators com- was a petition containing 30. sig- Also, John Wells, sixth district; year.. Schedules New Hours Buckwheat \.. 14.45 • '.-«- Free Delivery —i . ' • 1» North Ave.,W. and weaving. •"Sirel«2) i a discussion on how. to help the signs on Elm and Pine streets and Joseph Laird, ninth district, and Skol! Alden street will reopen Saturdays has been a resident of Cranford for mi Lyons Hospital is urgent. Patients (To Size 12) reader were Miss Beatrice Members of the auxiliary who 515 SWffl AYE, L are appreciative of the efforts made Mansion terrace.' The .petition Chris Sorensen, tenth district. • »Another healthy 'week was en- from 9 a. m. until noon beginning 26 years. Employed by the Acacia Earner, Mrs. Smith,. Mr. Martz, will attend the department confer- DRESSES in Plaids and Solids SLACKS, Gabardine, Corduroy in their., behalf and this offers an pointed out that a large number of Captains will enlist the aid ofjoyed in Cranford according to the this week, Harry R. Heins, local Mutual Life Insurance Company in nil i M. MarteU, Mrs. Gwen Ising ence tomorrow and Saturday in »CR 6-15161 opportunity for women of Cranford children,' of necessity, use thevolunteers within their districts report of Health Officer W. P.agent, announced. 1028, he was promoted to manager "'-'I'.'.-i ;v ••:; I fly Kate Greeneteay, and Wool ....:.... $2.98 up na Frank Ramsey. Asbury Park are Mrs. Crounse, and vicinity to s^iow the hospital- (Continued on page eight) who are' interested in sports. The Smith. Only contagious diseases Regular hours, 9 a: m. to 4 p. m., of the Newark office in 1030 and •••.":!)(.•:>-ft'. '.•;!! Talks on safety were given by Mrs. Goodman, Mrs. Baxter, Mrs. SHIRTS, Knit, Gabardine- ized veterans that they are not drive will begin at 9 a. m. on the reported to the Board of Health will be continued Monday through presently is chairman of .the advis- CiiuSeneSia, Hrs. Katherine Popp, school nurse; Knight and Mrs. Elsie Hethering- day of the first high school football were one case of measles and one Friday. The< agency was closed ory committee of all Acacia man- forgotten. . • - • — ton. .' i •"• ' Tiny Tmcn, Broadcloth ...... $1.00 up ,V y x -^ «iss Margaret Jenkins, assistant contest at home against Regional case of whooping cough. Two during July and August on Satu- agers. During the war, Mr. Fritz F Dr. Wilmar Lange, dental ad- Trojtm Maid up ', . ©' •' Kmptyour car runniiigatitsbest High School. persons wejre bitten by dogs during urdays, and also last week due to served as chairman of War Price por; Dr. Neil Castaldo, school Lions dub Opens Softball Postponed the week. ' the holiday, Mr. Helns said. and Ration Board No. 3. He is a We Also Carry a An •ffld«nt, properly adjusted tartu- Physician; Miss Elizabeth Durrell, past president of the Cranford The Cranford Softball League SLIPS, PANTIES, in Cotton ^cnool nurse. Blind Fund Drive Police Warn 100 Lions Club and currently is serv-^ >«lor,Tm«ant b«Htf •ngin* ptrfarmantt*. Ut »* play-offs, scheduled for Sunday, COMPLETE LINE OF The Lions Club launched its ing us deputy district governor. He Nylon andfKayon lection Friday netted the township its tO weeks" sessipn on Tuesday Cranford about September 18, Mr. For One-Family Homes CAROL LEE KIDDIE SHOP a«l of Elections for voter regis- October 14 at Yankee Stadium. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William supplied by the Cranford Council 1 •eager tfln»ejanco licensed foe Iiiie fUFES SIONDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL." 9 $79.75 in pennies and nickles for a evening , October 3, in Cranford Biach said. Registration may be Six applications for ono-fumily "loii. A total of 25 persons reg- Reports of various committees C. Howell of Elizabeth, at theof Church Women. They ore as ... airline* and buue*. ocean linex* special fund in the Union Co. Trust High School. made by mail up to September 30- dwellings were approved by the \ MIII u r$ Feitd since last Saturday and the were given. latter's summer cottage at 'Cedar follows: Saturday, Mrs. Alfred. •ad fetry boat*, aukuiban ami long 2 N. UNION AVE. Cr. 6-3120 111 Company. Persons parking in the One houi» courses to be offered Registration in person may be Township Committee at its meeting ioiai of new registrations Montgomery Vail of Cranford Lake, Denville., Guests over La- Borup and Mrs. Ray Tillett of iHtfTT traina, ttieel can. elevated clerk metered areas had mis-read small from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. will be: made at Cranford High School from Tuesday night. They were: Spruce I Th , "' 's office was 54. bor Day week-end were Mr. and Cranford Methodist Church; Sep- line*, tnbwaT* . . - a iwo-minnte lax! was the guest of John V. Nostrand. signs covering the dials until Tues- Charm and Personality, Stocks and 7 to 9 p. m. on Tuesday evening, Construction Co., .116 and 118 GENE AUTRY CARBURETOR lino clerk's office wiU be open Mm. Alfred Clay and family of 229 tember 16, Mrs. J. Dillard Collins cUe or • atrato»phete flight enjtther* t0 August Thermann, president, con- day and had deposited coins, mak- Bonds, Dancing III, Effective September 2(5 Friduy evening, Sep- Beech street, $7,000 each; Joseph f.' ° P- m. tonight, next ducted the meeting. Locust drive. and Mrs. L. B. Craft of the First fa tba worid. No reatiktioa oa titt and offier cowboy actm IN THlil DIMINf ION9 luis ing necessary a collection before Speech I, and Typing I. tember 29; and Monday evening, Wursinski, 805 and 807 Springfield "iy, nexTThursday. Tuesday, Presbyterian Church; September l^mlur «f mile* JOB traTcI or the Now ... see thrilling action pictures of popular cowboy atari in the regular weekly rounds. One hour courses to be offered October 2. avenue, $7,000 each; Parkview- the amazing "come to life" realism cf ful] color and three dimen- ^«' 10. and Thursday, Sep- 23, Mrs. Herman Ritter ijnd Mrs. . mxl^t^r of bmlnrM and ptf a Hire trip» F Motorcycle Patrolman Louis Enrollment in courses will bo Manor, 17 Dunham avenue, $7,000; sions. Three aeven-scene stcrcokcoplc picture Reels featurinr 1950 QHmkt-mdam Ifi,,,, , • >om Monday through W. H. Calhoun of Osccola Presby- fiom 8:30 to 0:30 p. m. will be: )au mukm durinj the jeir. W sl| y Guertiu revealed that he had is- accepted In order of their receipt und Tyler Webber, 19 Tulip street, Gtne Autry, Hopalona; Cwsldy. Cisco Kid are J ' September 25 ihrough School Calendar for 1950-51 terian Church, and September 30, Topics of Current Interest, Soci- sued 45 warnings Tuesday and and, with the exception of lecture $10,000. ' Alk today tor deuUa abont l&ia taem ' now available for use in View-Master Stereo- lunber 28, the clerk's office will Mrs. Edward White, IV, and Mrs. ology, Dancing I, Music Apprecia- scopes aiTd Projectors. Other stereo subjects for Cranford public schools opened this morulns for the first Wednesday, and Putrolmen Mich- tion, Effective Speech II and course:;, enrollment will be limited. Also approved without fee was and nnpreeedented Ttavelmaatet JOHN & SOUQS, Prop. f n u m to Everett Klllian of Trinity Church. . children include Tarzap, Wild AnMala, Fairy liitUr.ttorting, smaothor cicctUralien and °7,' '°' ° " - » P- ">• to day In the 1950-51 uchool year. This year the calendar calls for ael Fedroflf and Lawrence Bonnell, Typing II. The school will reserve the light _ permit to the Junior Service Pelky . - - tl» broadctt. loweU one* • 'I'SwtraUons. September 28 180 days, four less than last year. Dr. Howard K. Best, supervising ^.Mrs. G. E. Thurston is chairman , Tales. Scenics. •c«n«My «f o^roHon an |ui» • ftw of Hi* many on tours of duty in the north" qnd One hour courses to bo offered to withdraw any course in which League for alterations to u dwell- • daily "anel accident protection •Hard principal, has announced. of tho council. Other ofljcers in- JTHIOSCOPI »a.OO BlilS 3S«. 3 fOB «LOQ' I taKirtt *f lh« n«w lttu in tho The calendar for the new year is- as follows: clude: Secretary, Mm. William 1 «n Ch.vr.Urt built tint© 1«3> can n«w .nioy h ,",,V November 7 area, issued a like number, it was Money Matters, Dancing II, Home the latter event, un applicant may will be used as hcudquurtcru for jour children alike. Election. • October 12 — Schools Closed for Columbus Day. Tromettcr; hostess chairman, Mrs. on Hi* adv«Rta|«» «f this mw and diffcrtnl car- indicated. • Nursing'and French. transfer to another course or histhe league's Jumble Store, und a • - wuti oa mom HIGHEST QUALITY November 7 — Schools Closed for Election Day. Eneas Cantlay, und publicity, Mrs. permit to the Rankin Fuel Com- bur«tar. If yogr caipurtttr ntodt rvpladna, it will Authorities slated that some One and a half hour courses, fee will be refunded. A November 23 and 24 — Thanksgiving Vacation. Furria S. Swackhamnr. pany for u storage tank on Winaus APPROVED FACTORY SERVICE ~ •— ^ |0ci, »«r. W« can do it meters have been found out o^ or- from 7:30 to 9 p. m., arc: Spanish, More Ulan 500 persons attended DEVELOPING and PRINTING Mw M Installed December 22 — Ualf-sesslon—Schools Closed for u venue with construction value .ler occasionally since regular Glovca, Section 1, Flowers, section last year's Adult School which was Christmas holiday. estimated ut $1,500. m Call For ami Deliver YourCqr — Fast Service •-*- Cubs to Meet .•hocking, and requested uuyone 1, Woodworking und First Aid. inaugurated and sponsored by tne , Jl7 1J- «n. yesterday, clim- january ~Cub~Pack" 103,^ spomoieTI Fy~the i-cpbrling~a~i»'u;U;r RIIuroTo nolc CvanforfT Community Counctt/^As- < !-u '"'^'cm which for weeks February 12 — Schools Closed for Lincoln's . First Presbyterian Church, will the number stamped on the post. from 1) to 10:30 p. m., are: Gloves, g Mr. Biuch with arrange- Week-end Uuaic hcada ments this year arc Harry W.4law- A livd pigeon, shopping around AGEKCT * B 2? . chc for Birthday. resume meetings on Saturduy eve- Meters at Warner Plaza, design- section 2, Flowers, section 2, and TELEPHONE LINDEN 2-6893 S rence, assistant director; Mrs. PHOTO SHOP «mu! " tleiwrt"icnt because

»',„' \ ;?: V"'-' C'Hit Two . ., TtfE CRANPORD AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER> 7r1050 - j ~. J- CITIZEN AND THtmfiDAV SE^EMB?fe:>, Page decoration contest Each year, i. ifoi Drown stray - . ;.•.,•.; •••, A Hog's Life educational exhibits-are arranged Reports Suif» Stolen Two Children Nipped A sunny living room, done fa the "SinalJ businesses.are growing in 'A dog's life in these United <; modern manner, has'Walls -painted; number- despite mony mergers and. may turn out some day in ; the library during National Harold Haskins of 1 Hampton Same Day By Dogs *»• S OClAL'S > Garden Week ar)d the chjb alsi street, reported the loss last night in chocolate brown and, trim cpated cowolidstionv Today, 'there are- par with."-if not provides horticulture books for theul two_lhree-*piece suits-valued at __Jud jr _^oja jJtjBM- ColemdiL j)laee. in jN?le_Jyojrjrl pesjpBjjd^tables jw£ .appj-oattoatily 2.700,000 indepen-- at —JVJr. and-Mrs. -WillBmr AUen-'oi AlcMgnw Brca. . library .garden book'shelf. 3?15 frpm his home. Mr.' Haskin's was bitten on the right forefinger of gieanSns ijiahogany,' while up: denij cornriaerclal and "industrial or-' pooches'to pure-breds. thV'i 4C Broad street have returhed from Consultants for the. Fall Flower Turner. Tickets for the show may ; 11S2-1153 Eatt Jeremy Si. According to the club's records .home wps entdred August 29, after Tuesday by an eight-month-old bolstery and accessory colors in- gaiqzhtlons In the- country or one" are Tapldly Increasing a vacntion. in Quaryville nnd Cat- Show to be held next Thursday, be obtained , from Mrs. Charles the family had, been away for more troduce pale yellow, copper-rose for every 3fl persons compared with Also, their average life Elizabeth. N. J. the late: Mrs. George Hansel, first puppy, whic,h.had been given to . Y. September 14, under auspices of Goodfellow, Jr., or they may bepresident, realized- that the inter- than a. week, but apparently noth- and deep green. The floor covering 427,000 or one for every 91 persons estimated at well over the Cranford Garden Club, will be purchased at the door.' ests of the club must be state and ing WAS*1 missing at the time. A her recently, according to police. Is gray green, the. ceiling. Ivory. back In 1870. - •;," ,_:. la gradually growing long^ speakers - .Monday -at the club's Flower shows are held by '"the nationwide.. In 1929", the l»ca wiijd^w facing Orchard street had She was treated in Linden. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Svedmari~ regular meeting at 2 p. rn.^ in theclub to raise funds for its yearly, groupjoined the-Gaiden-Club !©! been- broken by the burglar to en- :The-same.,day... the_ BoardLof _JMw,_JD6rjs_Johnson,, councljor, and family ^>f-H2 Mohawk drive "Tiorne f)f MrsT.'RT A/Tomasulo; 371 projects. While horticultural.stud- will conduct her first meeting Wed- New Jersey, the state organization ter the house, police reported. Health reported to police, Mich- have moved to 2 Balmiere rqad. Lincoln avenue, east. ies are the group's main interest, of garden clubs. . ' ' ' nesday night when the Harry D. ael Jokubrowski, 4 years old, of south. They will include Mrs. Charles members since World War II have Members who .have served on 103 Bumside avenue, was* bitten Johnson Council, 123, Daughters of , yC?BoiUod, Mrs. Carl Q. Hanson, been prpviding flowers for service Bakery Products the state garden club are Mrs. Bakery products are sold.through under the left eye,.but was not America-, resumes for the- falL sea- Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Grail and Mrs. C. V. Rcsent-rant*. Mrs. Ray- hospitals, according to club's pro- Henry J. Southard' Mrs.'William treated. The dog, owned by Mrs. gram. . . - ,- nearly 500.000 food ^stores and more' son. daughter. Patty, of 107 Holly street, ', mond P. Wismer, Mrs.' J.- O. F. v Swjtzler and Mrs. Joseph L' Con- Raymond Wenk. of 8 Besler ave- One of the club's biggest proj- than S0.000 bakery stores through- Plans for the covered dish sup- .returned Saturday from a few Hollc. Mrs. Albert E. Johnson, Mrs. rad, now serving as" secretary. In nue, was ordered confined. Joseph Conrad. Mrs. Charles I^ose ects this year was the planting of out the country . per to be held October 11, at C.days' visit with Mrs. Grail's par- its role outsitfc eremford, the club FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR AIDS TO p. rn., in the Masonic Temple «.>. sociation will hold its meeting in. Cranford Police Department. They r -PINWAE Entries of horticulture speci- show for children in . Lincoln o. ™ ^ . the hotel. •!• __ also spent some time with Mrs. mens and«-j(eservafion.s in the ar-school. - Stevens To Speak at The council returns this month Kovacs' mother, Mrs. Jacob P. tistic arrangement classes are com- The workmen are putting.the flnlshintf-touches on the front to its regular schedule. • Meetings Pfeifer of Beechwood. •• At Christmas, the group awards' .judges' Conference and interior, of our store this week:. Bundles and bundles of TOM ing in rapidly, according (o Mrs. latest fashions for men are arriving daily. Our Grand Opening are held on the second and fourth Magistrate Charles J. Stevens will be a big event — don't miss it. RAYVE Wednesdays of each month. Extracting Honey left today for a two-day confer- HUDNUT The honey extractor is a machine ence of New Jersey -magistrates at © NEW SUIT CLUB NQW WMING © and which removes honey from, - the Trenton, where he- will speak at ARDEN comb By centrifugal force. These DBOP BV AND LET US ADD ITOUB NAME ..'.• Mrs. Margaret Frances Raymo . one of the three sessions. TO OVB GBOWING LIST BU-TEE extractors are .manufactured with o One magistrate from each coun- J Mrs. Margaret\ Frances, Raymo "capacity of two to 50 • frames. A ty was selected a delegate for the; of 20 Craig place died Tuesday two- frame extractor, with baskets meeting and judges from through- Wish we could show you all of the dozens night after a shprt illness: She was that can be • reversed without re- out th.e state will be^present. and dozens of smart little Buster Browns we The perfect saiori~\vave...for the widow of'Frederick G. Raymo, moving the combs, is large enough Mr. Stevens will s^eak on chang- have for back to'school! Our shelves are who die»d in 1928. to'tpke care of nt least twenty col- ing' rules governing\ appeals from bnlging with new patterns, all built the, Funeral services will be held onies. ' • .. magistrate to county courts. \He tomorrow at 7:45 p. rrf. from Gray Buster Brown quality way. Do bring die home will also touch upon proredu,rai North Ave., W. Memorial, 12 Springfield avenue. Frayed Lampcords rules in 'magistrate courts' A gen- children in to see them soqnl Every one Cranford 6-1698 The Rev. Frank V. H. Carthy, rec- The Jay-Mar Shop Is right in nine To> keep-the outer covering of 15 eral recommendation -concerning. miimutitHmmftw.iiuQiw.aimiiiniiiiMiiim tor- of Trinity Church, will offi- fpr.Foll ...'.,Select your Fall ward- : ciate. /Burial will take •'. place in lampcord from fraying, near the. robe from the. latest styles . ..Pat- revoking and restoring of. drivers' me! ends, coat the edge with shellac terns and colors. •' *• licenses will b~e introduced,' Mr. Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Md.' before the cord is connected inside « " • • Stevens said. ' . . - . . a plug or socket Shellac is an ex- BLOUSES, Cottons, crepes, wool Recommendations of the confer- Mrs. Raymo had lived here about cellent insulator. Jerseys — sizes 32 to 38. ence will be submitted to the Su- 30 years. She was a member of S1.98 to ?5.98 preme Court for adoption or re- Trinity Church. Her brother, jectjon, Mr. Stevens said. Charles Angle, died three years Outproduces Hens SKIRTS, Faille, Corduroy, pure wools, ago. There are no immediate sur- A Norwegian chemical process • wool Jersey. 24 to 30 . ' vivors. • • • . • outproduces 100.000 hens by daily ' • _ $2.98 to.$1.98 Shorted t. 8. Baflroad transforming codfish waste into SWEATERS, 34 to 40 — Volley railroad, 0.57-mllo In . Wilderness Boad synthetic egg white. One pound of 100% Nylon—Short Sleeve $3.98 length, at Westllne, MpKean coun-. The development of the TJnltea the artificial product Is equivalent 100 ':;> Wools-rShort Sleeve $2.98 *gr, Pennsylvania, Is the shortest IN CLEAN CLOTHES States west of the AUeghenles did to the egg white contained In ISO line-haul railroad In the United not begin until the Wilderness road hen's eggs. . ' DRESSES, sizes 10 to 18 —vWool States. This railroad derives its Jersey & Wool'Fabrics $8.98 IIP was opened. In 1TO5. Prior to that revenues entirely from freight ser- time there was no road westward to '!• :••. vice., in- 1048, the Valley Railroad accomodate vehicles. With the. employed 11 persons. It la an Inde- |MMn«MNH»«r In 1863, seven different otacS: VS.*" opening of thd Wilderness road yards were operating in Chicago, pendent company, rated by the In- ItjWW1***''*"^ ' mountains were crossed and ex- terstate Commerce Commission as with more scheduled to be built. $8.98 ploration .westward began. Pioneers Their consolidation, 85 years ago. Whew McMatrtiss Bros.' August Furniture Sale ended a Class III road. ' opened the trails. The army follow- resulted in 'today's Union Stock SKIRTS .... $2.98 to $3.08 •ream reraianen ave ed close behind, constructing fort; Yard,.biggest in the. world. ' . • lasf Satmdqy, the records showed that more people, new to protect against Indian raids. ' Sizes 10 to 18 JACKETS ....„.:... 310.98 Spray For Poison iyy htends as,well as old, bought home furnishings here dur- fully lined Poison ivy nnd poison oak can be l.ltaury lotions; a spun cream-oil: . Use emergency rower billed by spraying the plantsirt-wot •'v .v t»givByou the sefteefc— ^ them thoroughly when in full leaf ' when the electric power goes (off ing this event than at any similar time since this great with o solution of one-half! to one most lujrariouiwave ever. ? In an emergency, auxiliary power business was established in 1880. pound of ammato in one gallon of for the milking machine is avail- DBUGSTOSESCBEDtM water. The. solution is corrosive, to Vmice of ogling meriloJ. Roll hair able from the tractor, truck, or car. metal, and the sprayer should be x I. E. Parkin, extension dairy spe- \ Despite, keen competition; despite that old familim Headquarters lor "Maiden Form" Bras and Girdles washed out thoroughly immediately ti - or set in pin curls. Twiri- cialist of the Pennsylvania state OPEN THIS SUNDAY :fi»<*ius*f| college, explains a hole Is drilled after soraVinc. ' •\ 1-- __ 'enrksa and special 1 wge-tQ"'$hop aifound" and despite all the obstacles OBi'd — Open Friday Evcnlnjro— : In the Intake manifold and a milk-! . Pled Piper Legend • U Aril'D ..nd. flMKEB hairpins included; - . ins machine vacuum line stall cock mcoswemenceto our customers created by a remodeling « NORTH UNION AVE. CRANFORD 0-1729 The legend oi the Pled Piper Of Installed. 10 A. M. to-1 P. VL Uamlln grew from one- of the most farf, easy, safe. Even Blue Grass 3 V. M.:to7P. M. program and the installation of a new arid modern pas- tragic episodes in history. In the ~ r Shampoo and hair pomade Fertilize Vegetables year 1212 A. D.. o French shepherd senger elevator, McMqnusBros., enjoyed one of its best lad named Stephen fired the child- - to condition your hair. According to J. O. Dutt, exten- CLOSED ren of his village with 'the ardor to sion vegetable specialist' of the mdmths in Ik 70 years of business-a business of furnish' Join him on an ill-fated mission to Uuu^R^ Pennsylvania state college, ex- THIS -SUNDAY the Holy Land. Their parents were complete; O periments have shown that best re- wayl sults are obtained by applying helpless to stop them. Hypnotized Refill 1.65 j*b26 4 commercial fertilizer In bands two by his religious fervor they march- or three Inches to the side of the Welcome ed off, out of sight, never to return. seeding row and 2 inches below the , as we always are ana expect fo level of the seed In the row. be*-•, But, what is most significant, is the fher, by percent- IFe're glad to see you nil home again Dlood Pressure High blood pressure in persons ii! age, thait more shoppers than ever before came back to and hope that you've had a pleasant and with nephritis (kidney disease) $425 to $6.95 WmMxaea. ^P may be caused by the ACTH they According to Size •' i McManus Bros, to BUY! ' . • restful vacation. produce In their own pituitary Lll'Uf^.'l! glands, a Duke university biochem- is also interesting toA note that while price and ist says. Furthermore, eating a diet I: We at Breen's are ready to serve you law in protein seems to decrease Mm tho gland's output of ACTH and were two important factors, it was not the mJoUh a full line of Wines, Liquorsjand thereby lowers blood pressure, he mm iv comsistanti, lower prices alone that persuaded people to added. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 O'CLOCK Beers. When in need, just'remember, 23 N. Union Ave. Cr. 6-3272 buy at McManus Bros. Rather, it was the.definite assur- tee*re as close as your telephone. Files Ancient Tools - —Thouflh—files—v»re-^tised—SMJOfr ance that here was the most VALUE for their money* years ago, they were laboriously I But regardless of whether you need cut by hand until 1750 and the first Naturally, such confidence is not born overnight, in really successful file cutting ma- anything from our large stoch, drop chine was perfected. by James Secret bctmty-fclend with ouir case, we have.been developing it for over 70 years! Nasmythe of England In 1840. To- lanolin Specially good mt _'{ . in and see us. You'll always find the day, there are moro than 5,000 As the oldest and largest furniture store in this vicinity, as different kinds and cuts of files, In* for Summer-tired hair. Welcome Mat out at Breen's. eluding rotary files', and rasps. leaves your curfl ihining, well as one of the oldest and best known in the country, BLOCK ASSEMBLY • lustrouj, easyto Ml . MEN'S BUSINESS -, SHEETS 12(; Handy lubes and jar». McManus Bros, has established a jealously guarded repu- An Old Friendship ( Because of the Religious Holiday, The tie between men and docs— tation with which we have never compromised. shown by canine devotion In war PILLOW OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED "and peace, in the saving of human CASES 6c This hard won reputation is based, upon a direct, From 6:30 P. M. Monday lives, the guiding of tho blind, the tracking down of man's game, and $ •CAUllfOliy l«UN0HtO gg simply stated policy of courtesy, fair dealing and guaran- Till 9 A. M. Wednesday the guarding of his, home and pos- PtfUWTImmT »NO flNlSHID session?—can bo traced back to cave-dweller days. teed satisfaction inaugurated by Walter and Joseph Mc-

"Be TJianfc/ul You Con Sec!" Manus, the founders, in 1880 . . . and it has rigidly been Fast Drivers Hflurn Your Contribution Now maintained by all those that followed, including our To tho Lions Club Ulind Boal Drive. Tho slow cruising speed of the ^ farm tractor often deceives the driver of the fast moving passenger present Vice-President, John A. McManus. car or truck. Ho is on top of the tractor beforo he can reduce his So, as we prepare for the busy days ahead, we thank speed. PAIMOUVI Flno combed cotton broadcloth. Such o mito of WILL PUT YOUR CAR IN O prfco for to much fashion...in a gay, young blouio all of you most sincerely who have visited us and pledge SCHOOL OF FEATURES LATKER TIP TOP CONDITION 4hat'« clert of school, perl at ploy. Peter Pan collar — that in the great years to come - as in those that have SHAVE tl> graceful curvo echoed at ill pretty pocket. Ever FOR THE LONG WINTER AHEAD passed - this policy will continue as a tradition which even FRENCH 0IANT1UM lovely, ever washable. White and gay pastels. All San- and Stop i« today or way day at your convenience. :: forized. Chofco Of short or long sleeves. the most price-conscious shopper will appreciate. Our Service Department will gladly estimate : Famous SHIP 'n SHORE qtudity as advertised in SPANISH the cost of your repairs. leading fashion magazine* and 1IFE. "Be Thanfc/ul You Can See!" "•i.,-t«, Reopens Monday, Sept. ?S Jve Geaerenjly to tto^LUwfl.CiuirBllnd 8«inDflver ADULT COURSES (MOHNINGS) CHILDREN J cManus WE DELIVER TVTOniNQ r i s \ v i »» Frcncta — SpanUh — Laiiq w 21 N. UNION AVE. CRa«for«l North and Central Avenues V-i Ecpje Francoise de Weatfield FORCHILDREN 013 NONO. < I1E3TNDI1E3TNDTT HTIICEHT T TKLKI'UONE U'ESTl'lELD S-1D03-J WESTFIELD 2-0220 4 EASTMAN STREET CRANFORD Store Hours , Store 1880. Prtrcs Mae* ««««• I*wer, Qualtty Considered" '••••'•..'•":::''P^rv

/ • i . • •• ' . -


In Church Bridal Westfield Girl to Wed Wed Saturday Wedding Performed Betty BarhiglU to Wed Announce .v.i- '¥*< Rocc&Aniiese Sept+J.6, Fjor^PatriciaBtedeeh Joseph TTPerniceyJr. y/ah fftiminjaction ^ Plans have been annouilfed' lor. ^ateTpatriciaSuer 7 Altbn^Barhighfof " ~A\ a garden partyo n tb^marriage Of Miss Jean Priscilla daughter of Mr. dnd Mrs.' Ralph O. 519 Jefferson avenue, Jermyn, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. John Cui, if Calder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brodeen' of 8 Parkway »Village, ahifSunce the engagement of their of 4 Buchanan street' can. I/abor Day wCek-end has comefir Douglas James Calder Of 301 Lam- was married Saturday to_Hans daughter, Beity Elaine, to Joseph the engagement 'of thei"! bert's Mill rpad, Westfield, to RQC- Goetz^ son of #9r- and Mrs. Albert Thomas Pernjce, Jr., son of Mr. Virginia Rose, to Juniul and gone and for many Residents, Culp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John co Annese, son of Mr. and Mrs. Goetz of 317 Elizabeth avenue. The andrM5S.,Pernifce of 5 Spruce street son, son of Mr. and Mrs. summer', too, disappeared ^? qiiickr Culp in Philadelphia. ly. Lucky' pebpje were those who Nicholas Charles Annese of 15 For- ceremony was performed by the Miss Barhight, who attended Jackson of Plainfield. totlot «oap : ir... — lingered" in their~suminer~hames Pennsylvaniia schoolsh , was torm- -The •/••*/' Home from a two weeks' stay at The ceremony will be performed Cranford High ^SchoofV,^ until the last minute, for schools Point Pleasant are Mr. and Mrs: •, in the rectory,of St Michael's eriy a supervisor of the Cranford this year didnt follow the usual September 16 at 5. p. m., in the Church*. " telephone exchange, and is pres- W47. She is employed by ^ James A. Strong and daughter, Presbyterian Church, Westfield. Jersey Bell Telephone rv1 rush-back-opening after the biJRuthg . of 354 Lincoln avenue, cast ,The bride "was given in. marriage ently employed, in the telephone wetk-end'. The Revi Robert M. Skinner, DJ).,' by her father.. She wore a sapphire office in Union. in its revenue accounting l pastor, will officiate. A reception blue velvet afternoon' gown, bal- ment in Roselle. ^ For many residents, week-ends Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Waterman . Mr. Pernice was graduated from will still mean trips to shore or will follow at the Winfield Scott lerina length, and pink feather hat. Cranford High School. He attend- Mr. Jackson, >a and sonsj Richard' and Ronald, of- Hotel, Elizabeth. . She carried a bouquet of white or- Plainfleld schools, mountain homes. But for the ser- 6 Stel'on avenue, visited relatives ed Union Junior College and Drake, fiqd with liver ious resident, the busy season has Miss Barbara Lenz of South.Or- chids. . . Business College and served three Junior College. At psg^, 1 in Marion, Ohio, during their re- ange will be maid of honor, and , beguryat home. cent vacation. ,'•" Miss Nancy Anne Brodeen was years in the Army, two of which student at the Central • V. ° bridesmaids will be Miss' Kath- her .sister's pnly attendant' and were spent in the European Thea- of Brick Laying. He serv G&kfo Mrs. F. Steele of' Worcester, arine Brooks of • Cranford, Miss Norman-Keltirig of Cranford was tre. He is employed in the statis- Army Air Force during Mr. and BlrsJVJax Harbaugh and Renee Dante.of Newark, Miss Pa- Mass.,' js spending a few. weeks sons. Carl and, Timothy, of Cleve- best man. A,reception' followed at tical department of Walston, Hoff- War H and fe erpployed at with her sister, Mrs. H. Torr of 160 tricia Allen of Beverly, Mass., and,' the Echo Lakd Country Club. man & Goodwin, members of the Veterans HospitaL land, Ohio, took up residence Fri- Airs. Frank Annese of. Cranford.. North Lehigh avenue. day in their new home at 109 Oak »t * Upon return from a wedding trip New York and San Francisco Stock A wedding date has -will- TISicKanles, ancT~uF presently erP1 hot Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith ol be his brother's best man. Ushers MBS. WILLIAM CONEOY side at the Watson Arms Apart- rplled in the New York Institute 303 Orange avenue have returned Mr. and Mrs. William' Bamaby will include Otis Arnold Hintz, ments, Elizabeth. The bride . is a of Finance. from a vacation at White Gables and daughter. Frances, of 18 Myr- Beuerly Smith Bride Fred Robinson and Harold A. Vog- Nuptial Mass Held graduate, of Cranford High School No date has, been set .for the Collegians Inn, North Hero, Vt .1"~ el, Jr.,-of Cranford; Douglas J. and New Jersey. College for Wom- William U. Juhr, son of tle street have returned from a Of Wilbur Chinery N wedding. two weds1 tour of-the New Eng- Calder, Jr", of Westfield. For Marion Collins en, Class of 1950. . - - * - Mrs. William F. Juhr of 4, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Koos of 12 land States. Miss Beverly A. Smith, daughter '"•' The prospective bride is a grad- Miss Marion Leah Collins, Mr. Goetz was graduated from street, has been admitted tor Hampton road are entertaining Mr. of Mr, and Mrs. Charles C. Smith of uate of Iryington High School and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cranford High School and Massa- Betty Hird Guest terbury College, Danville, hr Jerome Collins of 10 Balmiere Dui doo* everything and Mrs. FranK Miller of St. Pfet- Mr .and Mrs. Victor D. Shoheen 748 Prospect, avenue, Newark, and the Laboratory Institute -of Mer- chusetts -Institute of Technology, a member of the junior ciaTi parkway, was ' married Saturday ersburg, Fla. of 2 Summit "road, vacationing Lake Mohawk, Sparta, became the chandising, New York. She also Class oT 1950. He served a year in At Bridal Shower Miss June Jeffler, a& a nuptial mass hi Saint Cath- with their children, Carol, David attended' Skidmore College. the U. S. Navy during the war and A surprise shower w^s given re- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel _ bride of Wilbur Franklin Chinery, erine's Church, Hillside, to Wil- Mr. and Mrs. P. Eugene Snyder and Timothy for the last 10 weeks Mr. Annese, a graduate of Cran- is a member-of the Naval Reserve. cently in honor of RJis,s Betty Hird Washington place, has son of Mr. and Mrs. George Chin- liam Richard Conroy, son of Mr. and'family of 332, South Union at Elberoa, returned. Tuesday.. ford High School and Princeton He is employed as a chemical engi- 0t319 Elizabeth avenue by Mrs. E. from Trenton where she - avenue returned Monday.from ery of 218 South Union avenue Sat- University, Class of 1948, is aand Mrs. Joseph Thomas Conroy neer by the Westvaco Company, P. Mehaffey at the home of Mrs.. a . supervisor of recr "••••Wm urday af 4 p. ni. in the First Pres- of 828 Kilsyth road. Elizabeth. month's vacation at Ocean Grove.- Mrl and Mrs. J. W. Bedford and member of the Tower Club and Carteret. * •"•-.-• H. R. McCullbugh, 216 Retford ave- summer- at the State byterian Church. The Rev. Robert the Princeton Club of New York, The Rev. Joseph Carroll was cele- nue. Guests attended from Cran- Girls. Miss Lefrier-wiu'^Z daughter. Charlene, of 142 Hill- 1 A. ' • ' senior year at New Jersey Penonal.tlro Mr. and Mrs. William. P. Celav- crest avenue, are' home from a G. Longaker, pastor, officiated. He attended Drew University while brant. ford, Hillside, Elizabeth, Plainfield, three weeks* vacation in Wells The MHde was escorted by her serving in the navy^during World Given in marriage by her fa-Clark-Gilford Wedding Lavallette and Clark. . . for Women. She is majc . er and daughter, . Jane, of 407 sociology. i, cabs Ifi North Union , avenue, are borne River. Vt ' " • father. She wore a candlelight satin War II. Mr. Annese is employed ther. the bride, wore a gown 'of Miss Hird, daughter pfJMrs. Eliz- chantilly lace over-ivory satin, with Is Held in Gancood from a vacation in Ocean Grove. redlngote over white tulle, wi£h a bv the Yorke Shirt Company, New The wedding of Mrs. Florence abeth Hird, will be married.Sep- Miss Joan' Eileen Coffey, ^ sweetheart neckline. Her fingertip York. ,- ' / sweetheart neckline. A matching temher 23 to Frank H. James, son ter of Mrl and Mrs. Albert 3 Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Gray and headdress held her fingertip veil, Gilford of 25-Cherokee road and Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Tim- family of 12 Springfield avenue re- illusion veil was attached to a cjose Bernard F. Clark of 300 South of Mrs. Clarence James, 610 Cran- fey of 41 Craig place, is atl fitting satin' cap and she carried an and she carried a bouquet of glad- ford avenue. The ceremony will be the Berkeley School of a mins and son, Larry of 229 X turned yesterday after spending MaryMellerltoWed iolus and stephanotis; • Union avenue took* place Satur- . nut avenue, spent labor Day week- the. summer in Mother Ann -Cot- arm bouquet of small orchids and day at 2 p. m., in the Garwood Mu- performed to Christ Church, Eliza- Training in East Orange. L for di>ho» and lino fabrics m J fey is a graduate of Cranfoidj end at Cranbury Lake. tage, Eastern Point, Glouster, Mass. dwarf ivy. • . Jersey City Man Attendants were Mrs. Williarn nicipal Court. Magistrate James beth.' ' ., • , Mrs..Frank L. Chinery of Du- Kelley of Point Pleasantrsister of T. Leonard officiated. ' • • School, and 'attended the Mirafeid Mrs. John A. Mellert of / Mr. and Mrs, Avery George and .Mr. and Mrs. John McKenna and mont, sister-in-law of the bride- the bride, who was matron of hem- tory Institute of Mer 4£i Rarkan road have.announced Mrs. Margaret Schwartz of Irv- She-is taking the Avenue, son.. Dick, :pf..29 Hamilton avenue, daughter, Joanne, of. 29 John, groom, was matron.o£ honor.' .JShe the. betrothal -of -their-daughter,- or, and Mrs^-Arthur Hyde -of-Bei thesda, Md., a college classmate gtonrstster^liPlaw^of "the""bride, Mr. and Mrs. W. frank Per- are home from a two weeks* vaca- street, have returned from a 16- Wore '.<'!'. •' -v"1 Califv;*«whiEre they will report-for KoUUty Kj^ti^eaS Nowpack 17oz.can2»or27o Richards Joined them for week- accessories and green orchids.,>,,< the'accounting department of the Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur L_ Hedletf avenue, ^ho jeftaiury 6 f Mas?, They return^ Ib. W ^lrieOpple' Juice Various brands 1? ox. 15c AS oz. 35. 85O Gold Medal Flour 5 ib.P k0.49° 10 ib. pkg. 93o Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buck oTll Fruit Cocktail Ubby or Dol Monlo 30 01. can 37° and children,"Alisorrand David, of dren, Bobby and Patty, of 308 Ca ^ ' . •--• . ... • at the Thatcher Furnace Company, his junior .year this fall at Rutgers Mansion-terrace announce the en- his third year with the USAF as an T Pittsburgh, Pa., were guests last Garwood. University. He was graduated from A &JE mechanic. At San Diego, sinp avenue, have returned from Chopped Beef . Freshly ground - Ib. 59o Sliced B^COll SunnyflfId y/2 hell lb>'p|ig«. 69" Uel Rich •MorgOrine Colored quarter* lib. chv33a' M-§ week of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jor- gagement of their daughter, Alice Camp Milan. Red Hook, N. Y., Yellow Cling Peaches Libby or Dei MOMO 29 01.27o ' —-t King's Point Merchant Marine Mae, to Robert DeWitt Merrick, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Hedley visited lett of 170 North Lehigh avenue> Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Whelan Academy where he received a con- their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. where they spent the summer. Mrs. Prime Ribs of Beef Extra shorrcut-io» wasio ib, 73c Srnoked Bee^ Tongues/ shori «ui ih. 59o 11 brands 29 l can •Charidge Meat Balls With «paflheiii usuco IIM> OX. 41C son .of Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt D. Schubel was swimming instructor. Sliced Pineapple A ° - 33o and children, Mary Ellen. Sheila, curent appointment as > ensign inMerrick of 15 Adams avenue. ' and Mrs. Victor Vannucci and in- Dr. and Mrs .Elmer A. Koyen Eileen, Patrick; A^i^ia, Kathr the US.NR and the UHMM. He fant son. Mrs. -Vannucci is theBobby, 8 years *old, and Patty, 6 NOW its easy to Pork LoL|18 Smal|-wholo or either half Ib. 65c Fresh Hems v/hoWor«iih«rhou ib'65o Heinz Cooked Spaghetti W«ox.can2for27«i Miss Buck is a graduate of Cran- Sunnyf ield Assorted Cereals tray oi 10 plus. 27c .and' children, Carol, Sandra and served as a student - engineer on former Joan M. Hedley. years old, received Red Cross^ cer- leen aad Michael, 513 Spring- ford High School and the Tr&p- "Lifebuoy Soap Baih «izo tako IJa | John, of 215 Miln street, have re- field avenue, are home after spend- trips to Japan and Korea during tificates for beginners' swimming, Fresh Codfish Steaks «. o «, * 35c Breast of Veal _•••/» bo \> o 'o--n»-35« hagen School of Fashion Design. Mr. and'Mrs.. Ralph C. Swann o .Whea.tena .' . . tioipkolS^ 2201.pko.29o turned from a three weeks' stay in ing August at Culver Lake. World War II. She formerly was employed by Shore Acres. and children, Wendy, Judy and Mr. and Mrs. John L. Baker, Jr., Fillet Of Cod Fancy Ib 39c Frankfurters / skiniw* o>. 65c Sweetheart 'Soap Both >\fo take lla Nettie Rosenstein, Inc., and now Randy, of 424 North Union avenue, Post Sugar Criap , <. o <<«. pi33c Gresolvent Cleans dirfy handl 1 Ib. can 13c 3 Ib. can 334 Mrrand Mrs. George Rogers and son of 111 Holly street returned 30* H^ampton street.and their chjl- Levy Brothers, Elizabeth. - Rice Krispies K0iiooo'» 5Hofcpko.l4c'.8oj:.piio.l'8o a week in Connecticut and three are home from a two weeks' stay No need to put off owning rich, family of 210 Orange avenue have Tuesday from a three weeks' vaca- dren, Marilyn, Dorothy, Lillian, Her fiance, also a graduate of Noxon Metal Polish o o "o -o . 8ox.bo».2I. 3c No experience needed, wt BOOK a five-week stay in Shelbyville. tdlt you how to get hirorders eoirf. Show your friends ami ncieJUms a Iceberg LettUC'e . California Ige. head 15c Yellow Onioilfl f'«G> nearby |arm» &. 4c lowly selection of low priced little- Mr. and Mrs. Norbert E. Heag- wood Chrirtnus. Birthday and All' FABRIC VALUES! tJJantask 31b. s m ney -of- 208 Thomas street were Tomatoes f'°"> ne<"by ' ' » °>- 12c Pascal Celery Cr«p • »t«n 19c Occasion Cards, Stationery and Gilt 'S cin hosts on Labor Day to Mr. and Mr£ can Wrappings. They sell 6a tight. Yon Francis Heagney and Miss Patricia Slaae* From nearby farm.1 Ib. 7o Jane Parker donuts make dessert make up to SIX on eacb SI box sold. ••m OOH'T HCSITATS — your family. Hcagney of Bound Brook, Mr. and WOOLENS and COTTONS! richly ronuotic attBtotr lar course with every student, <"hiircn. club can use Alia money Mrs. James Korsgaard and son, 'f Br.OCCoM From nearby farms ' bunch 2 I between-meul appeal, too. .now. Send no money—samples Bent Christopher, of Tacoma. Wash.; Mr. louse* on approval, BUSH name, address to: and Mrs. Gerald Heagney CB B>. ptg 29c attractive party rooms weights. Hadl7pcrv4 4 Ched-O-Bit chbo»»food wib.pka21c SNEAKERS by Goodrich and \aar for «ukUf JO «! the mosi alian po c Sliced Swiss Dom«iii« c>. 59« JlUk' Provolone " '* "^ ^*^ — at tiie — Grips :.v from $1.98 to $4.98 Come in today! [ Cheese PhiIodolphioorBordon'» 3 qz. pkg 15c SOCKS by Springfoot .;.;. from .39 to .65 B BleU TanOy Danish Ib59c STOP IN AND COMPARE THESE VALVES . AND MAN«-MORRI—— ___- mm Wfiite House Evaporated b Campfire OAMOtJX Marshiallows CENTER Now Prices Effective Jn Sup«r Moduli and $«lf-Sarvic« Slorotbnhr. IIUI mum SHAPIRO'S DEPT, STORE 6 ox. lib. • 2 £-23. c Peck Call Miss Carpenter for' Appointment ' OPEN F1UDAY EVENINGS Simplicity and McCoII Patterns plcg. pkg- Thoro's nono bailor for any milk UJ3 370 aPUlNCtlELD AVENUE SU21M1T 19 N. UNION AVE. CRANFORD 15-19 NOUTU AVE.. VV. Open Friday Evenlnsa Cran. fl-5505 SIJ 6-3360 ' .Ifur ike Merles STORE ALSO IN WESTFIELD 103 MILN STREET (nssu U. S. Post (Mco) CRANFORD t , '

TOE CRAWFORD- CiTlZKN ANIfr CHBOMEC3LE.. THUESa>AY.;-SEPIEMBEE -7, 1050 rsor sale at the next meeting was an rector of the Easfern Sister Kenny; To Speak Mere Doctor Gives Health Tips Township Gives lafler ol $150 fromX. J. Martino, *7 £', "t3>~" Polio Victims Aided Foundation, said that the Kenny WestfieW, 487a South avenue, east, for a 10* By Sister Kenny FBind Institute" had spent $67,764.13 in - Horace Baker . of For flll Who Trawl by Mr liritd Tb'.tT. S. foot strip adjoining his property*! CHOICE caring for infantile paralysis vic- chairman of. the Union County "Re- . Most people can sow travsl \ff August report, of building in-f , A total of $111,755.46. irt free tims from, Bergen County; $34,- publican Committee,' will be guest olr without, any qualms about up- 'streets as a play area in thai vi- HTO nnd treatment for victims of spedor F. 3. jDeller showed 59 223.14 for those from Essex: Coun-r- speaker at the initial fall-meeting-] jsetting or harmful results from the cinity. '•'•'_'• were issued for new cotf- polio from Essex, Bergen and TJn- ty, and $9,768.19. for those from altitude, says Dr. William Bolton. Application""oT TiT-X Declares >iqnCountled, was provided by the or the- Cranford Republican Club slructioa with valuations totaling Union County. "^ Cbicaflo. associate director ot the Mountainside to use a buiMing in j $32440a' Qf. the" permits issued , Motorists were .reminded a^ EaStern-Sister Elizabeth Kenny. In- at 8:30 p. m. next Wednesday in American Medical- association's rear of 54 Hale street for the mak- WILSON'S stitute in ifie^Jcigey City Medical last month, 40 were for new resi- by commissidnerJ. Edward Wolf, the municipal building, it was an- bureau of health education. ing of iron railings was referred dences. 8 foradditions , 2 for al- Center during 1949/it"wasreported nounced last night by Harry V. chairman of the Cranford Highway New milk or cream 'should never In some questionable, Instances, to the building. inspectm* far a teralinns, 5 for* garages, 3 for cel-^' Safety Coordinating Committee, o Tuesday. ' ,.' • " '^~T'x^ ^ Qsborne, Jr., president of the club. however, medical consultation more complete investigatuEi and 1 Rex G. Williams, executive dir with old milk or cream. " 1 for a building. . • that the imminent re-opening o: should be obtained before o flight report. ' SMOKED HAMS lb. c 1 is attempted. Dr. Bolton point* out Map of Ursino *Hcatty COL SOT- a SHANK END ONtY . schools calls for 'greater, precau- .Protection against posaiblo de- development at Walnut aveoue and 100 tion to prevent death or injury to velopment of motion sickness in- Raritan road was accepted for fil- the youngsters. . ••• ' cludes wearing warm clothing and. ing. The plot plan sSunss 13 Parkers "Withiri a week most children use of cotton plugs in the ears .to building lols.' , (Covthmei from pooe one) will be back at schools. Conse reduce the effects ot vibration and, Joseph A. Lettieri. Roselle Park five pennies will work, but- it Is LEGS OF LAMB quently every, driver in New Jer noise. A-simple procedure that is attorney representing John Dwna- 63c sey is expected to exercise extra important that pennies be deposited recommended if one feels HI dur- ordinary -care wherever schoo tiello,' builder, requested the «jrst Pennies placed in the-meter Jb. 89c ngSinat e seat. Specific medics' nue between Birctrarood and Cfcer- rail! not regsiter, according to Pa- man said, .tion may escribed by n phyul- rywood. avenues, and the assess- trolman Guertin, who rides the right-of-way is bad enough at any dan. ment of the cost against the b survey car for violations. . Shoulder Land) Chops lb. 69c time,' but failing to yield the right- SEEVICE Anemia may be a defln1te_cnu4e fitting property owners- Tta ic- of-way to a school child or a schoo." of individual inability to obtain ^t was referred to the bus is inexcusable." '. ;,•/ ficicnt oxygen for the body's needs worlds departmait. Lean Stewing Lamfe - lb. 28c Chairman Wfllf reminded driv- even when a flight la being made at ers that nearly a million' New Jer- We Will Call For and Deliver Your Car the usual heights of one or two Offer of Mr. Donatiello to pur- John A. Manger^ local account- miles; It is a matter of common chase lots 205 to 215. imjusive. lo- ant, xsas' guest speaker at a luncb- sey school children will be trooping sense for the prospective ah* trav- cated on TtYnnnn t¥igifaT^ avCEiSIC^for meetuig of the Westneld RoT EXTRA! EXTRA! to and from school this month. TELEPHONE tSNPEN 2-6893 eler with anemia to hatfe the condi- $1,150 was turned' down ten the dub Tuesday *iri the West- "For many of them it will be a tion of the blood checked. ground that the property ts nal for He .described" em- great adventure — their first day sale. Also rejected was bis offer to has uncovered STRICTLY FRESH-KILLED in school. But these youngster: each Those with certain forma ot heart purchase two tax sa£fi>tcerti£cates and urg^d business~~-ficms to use 240 ST. GEORGE AVE. disease may require careful .an- arc unfamiliar.with the hazards of. alysis of the pros and cons by .their for property in the same vicinity. safe accounting methods to modern traffic as adults know physician before taking an air trip. ' Installation of two ljCOO sudi occurrences in their busi- FRYING CHICKENS them," he continued. "Besides, the Some can be affected adversely by street lights in Heatbenneade place major responsibility is with the flights at relatively low levels, but was authorized. Bid of Untca Tar ;TOA LARGE adult behind the wheel of a motor and Asphalt Cot. lirmfen. % PEICE SALE bends them that they go where 700 re li-bt away! And when you HAM SLICES they should. Similarly, In the hur proceed with extreme'care and be lssse yocr oocior^i •pzescnp*" prepared t6 yield the right-of-way n Large 42c man eye all light rays from on ob- . dnr to tMMn.ofcoorse,5on"UImngit ** •••••;'. \ CRANFORD COAL CO. just wher.e|it ends up depends on ; the curvature ot the lens, both AHo;l front and back. Here Is where oph- : Order* fov Home Freezers givejt special UPPER LEHjGn COAL ! :•! thalmic science performs a won- attention on Tuesdays arid Wednesdays, derful service, for limitless re- Golden Bear Lb. Fkg. search has taught it to send the Nut or Stove ..$19.75 Cookie Assortment 39c light ray with unfailing precision FANCY -j ~ Pea ...... 17.75 0F .lb. to the proper place on the retina of Sunshine Cello. Pbg. your eye. Your spectacles are ef: Buckwheat .... 14.45 LEGS LAM6 fective because their lenses bend :•: FRESH-KILLED ROASTING Virginia Fingers ...:. 25c light in exactly "the right, way, to HEN TURKEYS H. c Stoker Rice .... 13.25 j correct your own particular seeing faults. • : Ink m ML 16 to 2O lbs. 515 SOUTH AYE., 1 wnirii CHICKENS . :*-,-52*1 Sunshine 12-oa. PUg. FRESH-KILLED FRYING Hyde Park Cookies . 39c Glasses for Night Driving Hunt's Lb. Jar Tinted eyeglasses should never be n CHICKENS . *•• 45' worn at night, because they cnt Please Read Me 'S'-.r "-}f Strawberry Preserves ... 43c down light transmission ta a dan- STEWING gerous level. Even spectacles of OLP DOMESTIC, SLIClED ">• 39' Welch's 10-oz. Jar clear glass cause a small amount of com LAMB . . Grape Jelly ,..'...-r.. light loss from surface reflections— SWISS CHEESE only about 5 percent, but meticu- •> L'<* Sklppy ' lS-.oz. Jar lous modern science has found- way to reduce that slight' loss by Choice Chuck Chopped each Peanut Butter :.;.' :39c coating lenses with magnesium mm\ • •• )'• • *-i fluoride. To minimize" the disturb- WHITE Armour's ' 2 Cans ance from headlight glare, science .... 23c has devised a new type of glasses FANCY LOCAL Evaporated Milk with cleat glass lenses on each of Choice BEEF LIVER lbs. - Lb. Can which a small mirror' shield is BLENDED WHISKEY Here's a chance to save crisp greeubacltp . . . thanko PEPPERS . Armour's placed just to the left of the pupiL Beans With Pork 10c The driver can see through these A TEHIUFCC VAE.CE1 lb. to n big opecial purchase and Koos low mark-up. SWEET CALIF. shields, but their frpnt-surface mir- A TRULY WASHABLE lb. Breust-O-Chicken -Can rors reflect headlight glare and cast Regular Frankklers They're eo charming, GO comfortable .. . yon'H want a protecting shadow across his WALL PAINT! oeveraL A pair to flnnk the fireplace, a rocker for PEAS . Tuna Flakes 33c- pupil3- ELBERTA FREESTONE £1 41.1S Dubuque's Sliced Bacon your own bedroom, another for the guest room or Campbell's. Can (One Lb. • lbs. Thla^ready-to-use flat ol\ pAlnt nursery! Frames .are staunchly built of solid maple Soups—Mo3t Varieties 16c Finishes ath Qt .Sapolin lid-Lux — gives walls and PEACHES . i ceilings a mellow finish that's ... ri&bed to a smooth rich finish. .They're uphol- Requirements of railroad coat- IOKED rtally waoliable. In White and dee- FREESTONE FRESH Pine Cone 2 Cans orator colors, Mel-Lux peeds ma ptered in a quaint, small patterned chintz . . . very lb. ings aro varied. Locomotive fin- ; •'•'(% •••'! Tomatoes 25c ishes must withstand heat mois- « LB. AVE. faint or muting. Primes, seals and colorful on a natural-cream ground- Mail and phono ture, oils, sunlight and abrasion. BEEF TONGUES finishes In one coat. Goes on right J»RUNES . over Wallpaper, plaster, wall- Franco-American 2 Cans Locomotive and passenger car fin- OLD MR. BOSTON board and old paint. Dries samr ordero (Rahway 7-3700) filled while collection laolo. ishes must also be resistant to odd JERSEY DRESSED <»y-no "painty" odor. Pleaoe order by letter . . . large sketch ia (A) . Spaghetti 27c and alkaline cleaners, for they axe frequently cleaned with such com- MANHATTANS and (C) ifl a platform rocker. pounds. Finishes on all rolling stock — OR1'— PORK LOIN (^b End Only) lb. must have good weathering char- : acteristics. In addition the finishes '- ,A on: trucks and underframes must DAIRY SPECIALS Sno£rop :,• Kraft Vi Lb. Pkff. withstand moisture and the abra- sion ot flying particles of stone and PEAS 2 12-oz. . 45c Velveeta 29c cinders. The finishes on roofs and FRESH COUNTRY sides must withstand the abrasion Suo-Crop Kay Natural . Vi Lb. Pkg. of flying cinders. ROLL BUTTER u, BROCCOLI SPEARS . pkg. 29c Cheddar Cheese .;..,. 29c 43 mooF Cotton Fire Prevention 2 Lb. PACKAGE WILSON'S Seabrook Farms Philadelphia Vi Lb. Pkg- Reduction of fire hazards created x FRENCH STRING BEANS . pkg. 25c Cream Cheese ..' ..•...•;..:„. 37c by wood matches and other foreign materials in seed cotton is the AMERICAN CHEESE Flamingo Tuscan Dairy % Pt Pkg. number ono project In the reccntly- initlated fire prevention campaign ORANGE JUICE „.. 2 cans 49c Sour. Cream 22c ot the Texas Cotton Glnnera asso- STRICTLY FRESH EGGS CQC ciation. Use of safety matches will WffiUL Large Size—Carton ol 12 %F^ c >•.' sal" MEL-LUX book matches to pickers harvesting - -HI P. S3- WEDNESDAY SPEED ENAMEL IN PHQNE cotton destined tor their gins. Tho MKAUTIFUL COLOBS match book cover will carry a tire prevention measafie along with the X QUIVER fluaner'a name. Hord Heat llarkr JOHNSTON OWNED & OPERATED BY SIcal Fredsctlea FRANK VODRASKA ' ' .., PAINT SHOP . Two-thirds of the meal tor Coat Pricea to Church and Cyic- Organisation* Richard Hortig, Prop. BU E.RKL,I.N,'& SYS ES KEY, INC, America's dlnlpf room tablp la pro- 107-5 N. UNION AVE. duced wast ot the Mississippi 104 WALNUT AVE. CKANFOKD 6^942 OUR STOBE CLOSED ALL PAY MONDAY 18 N. UNION AVE. STOBE HOUBS: »A:M. U> e p. ML DAILY CRANFORD River, while two-third* ot the meat 11 WALNUT AVE. OUnford 6-1113 CtUtiford 0-2M0 ST. GEOKCES AVE. BAHWAY 7-3700 Is consumed east of the O G O

•' t i. * WTTf*' 1 ^f^lif^v?^ '•^"-je^'. :': •*;> 'r-'-!",y..;",

THEl CRANEORD OTIZEML ANIT the Linden Model Airplane Club, won the Linden gaa model championship, at the annual meet at the children, teachers and parents. American Legion f{igUTo Answer Assault IN RETROSPECT Westfleld1 Airport, winning out by one point over Residents who say they can't find slated September 15 And Battery Charge (he Filea of the Cithea «S4 CfcMBfcS* Fred Gross of Cranford, defending champion. anydub to join arc as much off the beam Members-Of Cranford Post, 212. Carl Edwin Carlson,50 years ' . . " • • Five Years A jo . ;•'. •• ' . Building activity continued brisk during Aug-. George H. Bates was named general chairman ust and there were 12 permits issued for valua- te CBAN>on» CHBOSICLE. EsiabHsh«l 1893 —33—ther-reaidents—who join dubs-india^-Ameriean Legion ,and its Ladies' ©id, of 108 Garfleld Street, was rfe-;. of a committee to arrange tor tha, observance of tions of $26,45ft dnS fees of $102, accordmg to B With THE CBAKFOHD cmmv Established 1898 rriminatelv and find themselves in a Auxiliary, will be among repre- leased in 575 cash bail by John G. Cranford's 75th anniversary,. Mayor George E. Building InspeotoJfc^iiggieFE^Steele^-Sbe'penolts *jr_ (Combined in 1921) were for dwellings. . cnmnarciy ana nira.ii ._ sentativesof the 26 Legion posts of _ Municipal Court Clerk, Osterheldt announced. Three vice-chairmen, hofe r Harold I. Haskins was named in charge oX plans; Formal opening was announced of the new H. R. Winckler, in charge of welcomii^-plansfar. recreation center in St. JVIichael's School Hall men and women in service, and Wade H. Poston, - where duck pin alleys, deck tennis, shuffleboard rt Martinson of 11 Beach in charge of arranging aa appropriate rnetnarWl and table tennis facilities were constructed through a supervisor iiV the Western for those whd died in the war Just ended. , ; . . the sponsorship, of alt church organizations. c Kearny Work^ equipment EDWARD C. McEIAHON. PCBUSBEU h>8 energy to a select number Ot OUtSiae Garfleld avenues, Plainfleld. son Sunday after Carlson allegedly A total of $2,902.14 was collected in Cranford The Rev. Frank V. KL Carthy, recently'or- . oring organization, will be CHARLES M. RAY. Enrroa activities. Joseph G. Carty of Plainfleld. p faster of the same dained a deacon by Bishop John Wallace. Gardner in the Emergency War Relief Fund of the Red truckGeorg Cross, it w^a&.announced by Edward Montenecourt, .no'red guest at a-., luncheon Churches will-start their fall sched- past ^"^^^^^ Th address- according to police. of the Diocese of New Jersey, was to assume his e duties as curate* of Trinity Episcopal Church, it - local'Red Cross president. ,y at the Robert Trvat Hotel, ule Sunday. .Along with additional wor- ^ress of'theevenTng'will be giv- Praster was treated for a frac- was announced by the Rev. Frank Magill Sher- ....'• Fifteen Years A«© . •k. His associates V at the ship services, the churches sponsor special by James F. O'Neil of Man- ^ose and a cijt above the lock, rector; A native of Long Branch,. Father First plans were announced for the building niyaft plant are gi\*ing. the en tured Carthy was graduated from Bernard^ Preparatory : of an English-type village apartment group on the on in recognition o,f his groups for men, women, teen-ager^ and crester, N.' H., past national com- right eyeSunda y night, according School and attendedBlard College at Cplumbia. Lisle R. Beardslee estate near Riverside Drive and h anniversary with, the' .com- Member: Quality Weeklies or N. J. to a medical report aied wl P He transferred to Carroll College, WauUeshat,* it was said that apartments would be built in small at children. An/A' it's not all business— ^"1^' . * °" Wise.,_and obtained his bachelnr's degree''there. Office jit Cranford., M-Jf. units, utilizing much of the famous landscapin : g as Second Class Mutter. "H^ltJJerebTTn^eTIHcattoiHff^eMglouft^ja^^ akoadya4toilabl<^Board of Health lawthorne' Works, Chicago, tee meetings and also to make an appear- first luncheon meeting of the sea- among amateur gardeners. ' •'•- •'•..', secretary, but it was believed to have-Aeen con- • as moved to the Wekearnyan Two cases of' polio developed in Cranford. traded in New York and the victim was immed- in-1926. - ance whenever a club or PTA arranges a Single Car Accident son Wednesday at 1 p. m. in the Health Officer William J. Willsey reported. Cran- iately-isolated. ! „ . Martinson • is a member of Granford Hotel. ford recorded five cases of the, disease in 1944, Tlie Cranford Symphony Orchestra was pre^' meeting open to the public Many dubs ^^ ^ Newfl]rkelp8 Jtanley S. Holmes Chapter of - Cranford citizens who, drpve to '' Mr. Wi£s, a certified gemologlst," one in August, one in September and three in ' paring to start rehearsals In preparation for sev- iclcphone Pioneers of Amer- distant spots for vacations last Friday and civic committees will welcome a Four Newark residents were in- is president of his own flrmand a October. ' . ' • : . eral winter concerts. -Plans were being made for member who is enthusiastic and inter- Names of 107 Kenilworth voters and a ilike a patron drive to sponsor tKe ^yfganization. and Saturday arrived home safely, despite ,_red and badly shaken, and a director of the Gemologtcal Insti- number of Garwood residents were to be removed' Four motorists were flried- for speeding in ested in their work. three-year-old boy escaped injury tute of America. Mrs. Michael the Labor Day week-end. The hours from from the. voting list, requiring'that they renew Police CoUrt by Magistrate Carl H. Warslnski in So WltK a new season just starting, Saturday night when their car Carloizl is program chairman. . •their registration; it was announced by tne'.UrHctn " a drive to eliminate Speeding in Cranford, but the is Operation of Deep Friday, noon until midnight Tuesday were . . -, .••• .'j - . 1 "•• • >' 1 . ' i.T swerved into a Public Service pole . ' •'-.•• • ' County Board of Trustees Elections. fine for that traffic violation in 1935 was only $1 • • ,. ' • • Ten Years Ago '. "" .• ' :'"" • .• plus £2 cost of court, ' . . ' I.Diving Sphere, more hazardous for travel than most be- get in on the doing side of things. It s ^ £0Tih Union avenue to toe ^ Summer vacation came to an end for more - , Seeking to avoid residential conflagrations in iolphe De , Matteo, assistant cause so: many were using the highwaya • easy to sit on the sidelines and criticise automotive accident reported over geJJ« Homes than 2,600 Cranford children as the Cranford Cranford, Fire Commissioner- Edward J. Wolf B elle Beal urged local residents to be sure their flues were I engineer of Watson-Stillman for long-distance trips. community affairs. It's more important the holiday week-end hvCranford. Howland of « - " schools opened for the 1940-41 year with a com- Jpany, Roaelle, spoke on the f t i .-.••••• 1 1' « TVfnot coriAiiolv fnfnreri was whPao- toru-, reportf1" «"swi th^neu saluel of a bungalow plete teaching staff and each of the five schools in . cleaned before they started winter,.furnace fires. National Safety Council figures for. . tip-top condition, v *•" _ ' ; Touch football; bowling, basketball, and a I sea diving sphere developed to, find out why committees and clubs lhe company, at the luncheon The holiday highway homicide were peg- The Cranford Republican Club resumed ac- gymnasium class were among the fall and winter legislate as they do and the best way to tivities, meeting in the township rooms to hear activities planned by the Cranford Athletic Club at* ling Tuesday, of the Klwani: ged at 435. or 100 below the 1949 actual talks by several speakers from Republican State the conclusion of a successful baseball season. 1 in the Coach and Four; do that is to be active as much as possible President J. Walter Coffee announced plans after total. Quota for New Jersey was eight Headquarters,, President.John/W- Doran presided. f."peMatteo also showed slides in thoae groups. ' ., ^ S£X»5H^*S Place to Stanley D. Ri bmcAd,for Francis McElwee of Crattford, a'mem'ber of v'ajetingtthe^ai Kefsphe're Which is bfiing used dead, but it was not intended to be nlled. C , . " old, suffered a cut under the^right V™*3* P-T * [the California' co^st by Otis Needless-slaughter associated with speedy eye. -Her son, Pavid, was unburt. .' ...... Bon. "Charming Hudd \lritro- Id Jhe speaker, ^ther ,gviest£ vacations to engulf the last warm air of Rudolph Nemeth, 26 years old, SPECIALIZING B^ FDLUNG PRESdUPTIONSJ 7 . the driver, was treated for shock. tho comiiany included H. P. summer did not hit the national predic- WE C© ANYWHERE! |enoy, Kenneth McKaig and tion. •< Was it luck that no local driver was TQ be ame - to see and enjoy the Airwere taken to! Dr. John Olson's ' OF EYE PHYSICIANS "r treatment and releasei included? . . , ir in '.:'\\-. •' f. Henrir J. Minei^r, president, most people. Those who hdve^good eye- ° e, p je L struck in front of FARROTT TAXI SERVICE 1 Since you are home with no limb Th O w .1 of plans for sponsorship of the sight seldom stop to think what lifer would 309 South Union avenue shortly THOMAS B. PAEBOTT, Prop. / jtball ga^ne September; 16 be- encased, are you thinking it was luck that be like with impaired vision or no sight before 9 p. m. damaging the front .•»•'.. ••-.- \ •••••'• pen the Granford Maroons and Limouaine Service for; Weddings or Fuhdirals. ' it didn't happen to you >. Luck that per-' . ii of the 1837 sedan so badly that it Linden Xtiaris. The./game, a Martin BUff. — Street ^ National Kid's Day, haps you didn't pull out to pass just be- * . it- was towed away. The driver told 1 By Hour, Day or Trip. ,\ 1(H> JEFFERSON AVE. }l be played at Memorial Field. fore a bus came over the rise, that you A local service group, the Lions police that he was traveling toward For Service, Call <*p«elon» EL. 2-2340 . kept to the right and weren't involved in Club, has made sight conservation one of ciaremoot place. nice School Opens an accordion-crash that killed three, that its, major projects. To raise funds to ' k Op*n 9 tvm. to flP . M. Dolly - Moo. ft Hurt.9 A. M. to 0 P. «.' you slept when you needed it? If you W Studio )n Union providevacations*** the bUnd, purchaae Intruder ^a^^ The Lois Wicks School of th> think it was luck, then it was lucky you glasses for the needy, aid in the purchase n >-, . ftI ... ipee has opened its own stu,>. '''<"' Jc veterans' building at 479 South Th« Llona havo nrm>A lnriil i^si- ing was taken, poUce said. venue, east, at the corner of Cen ShefU'love being $ fiintor stveqler ffirl in theso i.'iinial avenue. • Direct Your Interest® *ne uons nave urged local rest- ^ Liulo sirk, too, lova our ptajd or aofid trimmeS aarm. toft woalini. Bright Breen, red, navy, wimam K Gassmann( who The school-teaches fine and £»p plaid flretsas.' Full etilou^shirtcd ctyl^B with coral or soft pastnh. Ckaoso cardigan and dents who can see to be thankrul and help investigated Monday morning, Everything begins after Labor Day. lied studies of the dance. In ad short or paAup deQvcs, tvfiUo or. telf fabric matching loos sleeved pullover. Also SISTER those who are leS8 fortunate. This said the intruder entered through ition to Lois.Wicks, director o WEATBRS thes3-6X... CARDIGAN SJDO. For children, everything means school • eoUara. Also Aarh check flin VLL0VERSU2B / worthwhile cause deserves the whole-- aanVdnlg,^ w^di^ £ £e Tm ! IC school, the staff includes Mur- while for their -patents it r"*v^n? civic and way. 1 "-('•': Voung, arranger, and Bernii , , ... . .j and evidently had left the same church organizations, PTAs, social dubs e at Lake PaulinsWU at the time. tramcr, vocal coach and teacher / Girls' Ploi^ Skirto hearted support or all local residents. way. The family was vacationing ^•personality singing. . and a new session of the Adult Schooi~ofl "jRecent.survey8-reveal a distressing « s< st K i« u \t u s< i< «• tt it it til -i* n tifi u U Modem methods of teaching are L Girlo* Wool Coato Education. ' V I apathy among American citizens toward ABE YOU MI for ballet, toe, tap, ecro- '••'School'hells tvill he ringing.and here at Tepper's are bell After a summer of physical and antic, moderne plastique, Hawaii- Vaunft mines wear the plqid in whirling pleats voting in elections. In the last presiden- SEALING / .• • or full swing skins. Red. green and naOy. Also mental relaxation—^in asense— residents tial election 37wper'cent of'New York \!hn,. bnllroom dancing and baton fall-kited Honnt& and corduroy shirts. 7-1-1. , afOWB HOME? {twirling. ringer clothes in practical, fashion-wise styles /or- all ages 3.C0-5.80 . ... _ " :• V:- are ready once again to take up their State's voters stayed away from the polls. . Now Is the Time U H UU U H U U HUM hlttiN M l*v V •« 94 M Sho'U ba ttylishty tcarm in this ({oiiblo tyrca responsibilities in the community, schools Take Qnondaga county for instance: To list Tour Home toy Cuts Hand from the, little beginner to big brother and sister . . . all the coat with belted bade, velvet collar^ FiiUy . and churches. For parents as well as for lined and tixirrjily interlined^ Brotln or blua E. , Girls* Cordturoy Jumper, There a check-up shows 44 per cent of For Sale! - llobcrt Benson, son of C. H. Ben- children, it will be a new term. . •— Phone — iStMS«MMIt,ft M •< Mi«MM St It M14 M M M M It It M U MII It, * your children*9 school needs. Visit Tepper's now, and thrill jl«MM4tMMi«l of beautifying Cranford basis. They have risen more than $13,500,000 on an annual b'aais since Vrioasly lined teith a quilted "warmth without weight" lining and a necEl has been accomplished by 1940. warming mouton. collar. Maroon, or this group's interest in brotcn. 8-17. Also Sire. 14-20 .... BO.O3 welfare of the community. And the basic fare today is 50. , The PTAs do no People who travel for any purposa H. Wool-Rayon Suits little amount of work in vluuocver, pertonal or boalneu. Contrary to wlioi some men believe,, h is The cost of operating our bus system, just as the cost of operating tccoenize Conlinenlal'* now Travel' their zeal to establish mmicr Policy as lhe best buy ever Singh breasted three button patch closer relations among often: J in world-wldo travel coverate. We've a wonderful Stride Rit& shoe for pock,et mit in hard finish 40% wool. NOT a murk off distinctions to wear a hut that's out your home, has skyrocketed in die past ten years. .' 60%. rayoa gabardine. Tan, navy and Tho low premium prolecU you on* light blue. Sixes 0-13. off bliupe and badly soiled. Sites IMS 21.03 lull year on any kind of public pas- every child from play group to junior But the basic fare was 50 ten years ago and it is 5^ now. •«»scr conveyance lkenied for biro - •. airlines an j bu«»es. ocean liners I. Pinwalc Corduroy Jaclceto . Our complete bat renovatiBtg service will and ferry brfala, suburban and long high age. The styles they love, the lasta

  • ianco trains, street cars, elevated lia.i, iuLway» ... a Iwo-mlnulo taxf For dress or sport —- tingle breasteS put your Inatt in condition for the coming eeusoia ut Public Service filed a petition on July 12,1930, with (lie Eoasxl Jacket with patch pockets in maroon riJc or a ttraloipliere flight anju&er* ami leatlier you approve, the all import of Public Utility Contniisttioners for relief from the fivoccnl. in ilia world. No rcjUicllon oa tho or frten plnwale corduroy. 8-20. a very nominal charge. fare until each time as permanent'rales shall have been csJaS> iiumlier «f miles you travel or tho ' . Grey Flannel Slacks liahetl by the Board. number of business and plcaaoxo trips taut fool protection ihoy must JiaveJ Our, DAY >ou luako during llio year, 5.95 - VZM The company feels that you can readily understand that cficicnit A-I today* for details about this new Slxa 8 or slia 20 he's tho right DRY ' experienced fitters will 'sea that thoiO n and adequate transportation sen Ice is in jeopardy when tyc iaco on,I unprecedented Travelmaster for tprey flannel *l th* He'll uxar CLEANING the loas of nearly 84,000,000 a year. •'"'icy ... tho broadest, loweat prlca them for sport or casual wear from <1J i I y travel accident protection offered grammar school through college. activo growing feet liavo the perfect Thest) fine flannel* are particularly SERVICE <«Jjy... available to you, your wife* viell styled. . o DRY CLEANERS >our children alike Boyt Shop, Mezzanine o FUR STORAGE VAULTS tvuia oa rHo:ia Stride Rite siza and width for their in<&• o RUQ CLEANING SfilVICE vidual needs. o SHIRT LAUNDEJIERS HEDENBERG- MacBEAN CEanford 6-330© AGENCY 8V.-12 - • 12% - 3 . - . Susan Henkel, Jos- vestigate a noise in the cellar uled as follows: December 6, "Per- /inegan—The Whole family laugh .spoken Jqnguage and have a good Four local residents are among rooms to be occupied by Mrsi eph Martin, Richard Arendt, Mary committee for the 1950 campaign. Club. The group this year is un-sonalities of Peace"; December 13, ber 31, it was stilted today by Cranford Rotary Club in Howard night the'pla'yer on my right drew last Thursday with each child who her home at 23 Burchfield Michael Pecora, Area Rent Di^- ind encourage Sally. to say "zlri- vocabulary." , -. Lecluires 100 in Union County who havo ;, Board Lauds Janitors' - Duffy, Mrs Yothers and .Mrs- You are South in this hand, so Martin, Gladys Sorge and Joan Assemblyman Mackey is. a .mem- avenue der leadership of Mrs. E. C. Ear-"Know Your Heirlooms";- Decem- er"~3«/e~f and over again. After Johnson Restaurant, Route 29. the last 'card of the stock, discard- read the required 10 books receiv- ber of a Wall street firm .and a rector. Parents can help children during To promote safety at sea and to been selected for service on petit Thompson. New boiler tubes were :oVer the East-West hands. ing a "Books I Have-Read" note- Hebert. ' "; , / where she was working with the hart, president. ber 20, "Christmas in Norway"; his, the whole family., says "zin- /Painting Added To ed, but did not go out. He dis- writer on finances, especially in outer door open, ran back up the" He said that all the governing the pre-school years. Parents can teach prospective boat-owners the Greetings were extended Joy juries in the cpunty courts begin- installed, and furniture was re-» book. ' , ' •/ •'. ' ', Featured during the initial pro- January 10, "Our Library"; jari-. jer". They.also tell their friends hejp their children "learn to read, furbished. ,. '. A 0 6 4' carded an eight, and we bad a meld the municipal field. stairs and tjjwigh. the backyard" gram will be a report on vacation ,uai-y 17, mortfina of music at thebody need do is to declare by res- fundamentals of- boating, the Henry Elwell of Elizabeth, district ning Monday until September 23. Routine Cleaning Job of four eights on the table. I did Each girl who read one book was t about cute little Sally's new word. not by teaching reading, but byNorthern New Jersey Power - 0 A K 5 3 • Pingry School Expeeis The committee also includes last Thursday night, she told po- lands by Mrs. John L. Lehman, home of Mrs. Young; February 7, olution that a shortagOoi Tental Sally is qulcs to realize "she has governor. Cyril M. Perley, presi- They are Mrs. Christina F. Elmen- .,. The custodial force of. Cranford Rear doors of Sherman School given a button with the inscription 1 helping the youngster to^ under- Squadron will begin a free lecture ««, Q8 7 not want to take the discard pile. George D. Rankii* of Cranford., lice. Notified by Mrs. Richard Mrs. Maurice^ S. Decker'and Mrs. discussion of topics for 1951-52, housing exists which requires the dent of the host club, also wel- dorf of 159 Hillcrest avenue. Miss public schools has done a com-were replaced and new panic locks but opponents said I had no choice. I belong to the Library Reading Capacity Enrollmeint found a way of getting everyone's stand and pronounce his words course in piloting and smallrboat ^ 10 7 6 3O -. Q6 J 8 5 2 Each municipality'in the coun- Doyle of 27 Burchfleld avenue,po _ . Hnrold M. Wilson. . H6stesses .will and biographies on Richard Mans- continuance of rent control. - mendable piece of work in reno- installed, shades supplied for the that I bad to take it because*the dub." A "Sky Pilot" pin was pre- A capacity enrollment/for Pin- attention. And she capitalizes on correctly. Parents can help their handling Tuesday evening at 7:45comed the guests and conducted Alethia G. Gaggion of 404 Elm vating buildings for the new auditorium, boiler supports welded I? none \* „ [V J 10 5 3 ty is represented in the registra- lice thoroughly searched the area be Mrs. Cameron .E. Ogden, Mrs. field, Sarah Bernhardt and John "Such resolution does /iot. re- t by coining new words with aban- W E upcapd- matched a meld of oar sds. sented to the boys. gry School again may bef expected ; child hujld a large vocabulary so at the Junior HfgFi School, Maple- tho meeting.. . street. William C. Newman of 139 , school year, the. Board of Educa- and the rear of the auditorium OJ10 02 s |0Q76 tion committee, also named by but -were unable, to find anyone M. F. ArnQld, , Mrs. J.' H. Brock- Barrymbre. ' . . quire approval of tHe'gdv^rnor, but don. , She revels in being the pen- Hillcrest avenue, and Mrs. Chris- A 6 5 3 O O& 9 2 It is my understanding that one al- As each child completed the re-ivh'en the school repperjfe Septem- Chairman Baker. Commissioner who had entered the cellar. . the Housing, Expediter should be the youngster can express his. ideas wood. Guest speaker was J. D. Pryor, tion said this week. The board waterproofed. The entire brick bank, Mrs. Howard 'R. Best, Mrs. Also, February 14, program by er of the stage.so often. • - and communicate with others. tine Butt of 32 Keith-Jeffries ave- hnn A-chqic^ whether to lake quired reading of 10 books, a min- ber.2P,.EJ^urence_gp.ringer, head- dM^HM^ notifieoLpromptlyJn writing.of the Commander Stephen E. Parker who recently took up residence in rt ^atei' lever hag htcCTF' iature book wiifiTKis narae"on*1t* KAH'id _..,— £Vtu the upcard or not, and there is master,said yesterday. 'l«ie sendof resentatives include: Edward C. action," he explained. f painting had been completed by pointed up, the report concluded! placed, on the "Tree of has adhered to a limited enroll- Read the Citizen and Chronicio perthwaite, Mrs. Decker, Mrs. mittee; March 7, "Analysis of Cur- to be six and the custodians .beside the regular . ^____ • ' , 1 '; 0 8 4 nothing mandatory about ever tali- Henry Gcuber, Mrs. L. R. Oest, rent Events"; March 14, "Of In- "Without action to continue Transfers off men and boatwomen and others • * •. ,* ICnowIedge." Each child's name jj!t a r t s. t o go l^l 5, K J .10 4 ing a card which, you may not ment of" 350 "students and many control,. federal rent control ends interested in seamanship to enroll tasks of cleaning. . was also recorded on the honor roll; classes have had waiting lists, Mr. Mrs. P. Eugene'Snyder and Mrs.ternational Interest," Mrs. Nah.a to §chool. She 1 „•: In Booseyelt School, four class- To Award Cottage \with East-West vulnerable, the want. Will you please clear this Jurji; April 4, matters of interest here December 31i" ' . Real Estate _^_. in the weekly course until final and a star was placed beside'his Springer added. Charles V. Von Lynn. .. finds that the examination in November. ; rooms, the bookroom, kindergarten; v lidding goes: up?" Guest speakers on current to Federated Club Members; April He also pointed out the federal The following deeds have been At Builders' Show . 4 name for each book read. Applicants lor certain classes baby talk that Men -passing the course are elig-, •stairways and boiler room floor SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST If the discard pile did not con- events, literature, music and edu-11, fabrics; May .2, annual lunch- rent law provides that action to was charming for recorded at the oflflce of County The Home Builders Association v Children who read the required will still be considered, it was an- ible for membership in the squad- 'were redecorated. Main offices, %> pass 3 V pass tain, a wild card nor a red three, cation will highligbt meetings eon, and May 16, annual business continue rent control after De- Register Herbert J. Pascoe "in the : of Metropolitan New Jersey re* number of books are as -follows: nounced, if they reach , the re- a three-year old three classrooms, stair landings NT pass 5 rvlr»> : Lincoln School kindergarten, office, How would you play for 12 tricks? pile. If the" pack was frozen' you Hausiein. Ramcna Hausteln, Billy Chamberof Commerce, will speak Waddill, will be held April 15 in A further local option privilege, laugh and en- one-third interest in lots 1 to '3, ber 16-23 in Elizabeth Armory,j When this hand was played, de- ready filled. the rent official said, is that a local tures on the . mariner's compass, PRBCE8 — ASX WOHK GUARANTEED • : cloakrooms, and three classrooms 1171 Magnolia avenue,. off Northi did not have to take it. ' Slichels. Jane Fegel, Carol Hauch, .._-:. HE AT ING PROBLEMS on the Hoover Conimission Report. the township roms. courage her. Theblock U, map of property 6f Lint- j were reflnished, and a total of six clarer won the opening lead with governing body could, even after built Homes, Inc. nautical charts, rules oft the road, Broad street, Elizabeth/ The sKow. The rule is that' when a player PROMPT REPAIR SERVICE Mrs. Jacob Stanley Will-be'discus-^ Other officers for the year in- .other children boiit equipment and aids to navi- A wonderful assortment of Speidel, J-B, Bretton and ~' rooms each in Shernfan School and dummy's ace of diamonds, then draws the last card of the stock Wiper Swiper \ " sion leader. :., ' f clude:1 First' vice-president, Mrs. passing a resolution to continue aas8 BteADSOAW tease and irritate Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephen "Or- other Nationally Advertised. Watch Bands. • the High School- received a coat will be in observance of National played- a 'small heart. East fol- SBBEMWS SALE federal control, vote to end control gation. and then discards without melding Continual thunder showers last Licensed Master^ Plumber. In Cranford, Roselle, During Education Wee^k, Brockbank;\second vice-president, her. When it lando" to Mr. and Mrs. Michael , Bulova,( Elgin, Hamilton and Wittnauer Watches., Home Week. -.- SALE—Superior Court ol v The North Jersey Squadron sim- of paint. ' • lowed small and South played the out, the next player must take the , ' . Ganvood and linden. ' . ' - Mrs. Decker; recording secretary, any time between .now and thecomes time. for reading, Sally Longi, property at corner of Eliz- One of the principal features will; Kcv Joaey law Division. Union County, week must have discouraged some- Charles Redden, literature cj end of the present federal rent law. ultaneously runs advanced courses ..'-, Diamond Engagement-Ring Sets and Other Jewelry. '..•'••'•'•:J&Wr ! Additional work by. the- school ruieen. West showed out and. *h<> discard pile if the discard matrttps Docket No- 2-3B10-43, Mefvin G. Wiener, one to the point of replacing a man, wilt lead a program Novem- MrSj CoWperthwaite; correspond-, makes very, slow progress. She abeth and Van Buren avenues. ~ 'maintenance staff . included the be the erection of a completely, contract had to go down, as the Ftamllflr. vs. JoimVitale, defendant. Civil 6 SOUTH AVE.. E. CRANFORD 6-5367 ing and federation secretary, Mrs. doesn't understand and flnds the Kate S. Goodrich, widow,, to in seamanship, advanced piloting, Uaa Our Lay-Away Plan - • equipped vacation cottage on the. one of his side's melds., provided Action Execution. \ • windshield wiper blade and arm on ber 8 on the subject, "Toddy and navigation, engine maintenance v Sherman School office and boiler Jack-ten of trumps had to take a the pack does'not contain a wild By virtue of the above-stated writ ot Oest; treasurer, Mrs. Boyd, and words difficult. Learning to spe^l Daniel H. McCarren, property in room and the medical, boys' guidr armory floor. This dwelling, em-r his car, for Charles Johnson of 31. Tomorrow for'American Vjputh." To Attend Washington und weather. - During the summer, trick, and another trick .went to card or red three. He may, take cccxmiim to me directed I shall expose John street told police the parts Participating in the discussiortv^yill auditor, Mrs .Arnold. is an almost impossible .task. She Lexington avenue, 820.06 feet from !'ance, and music rooms of the High bodying the most advance styling the ace of dubs. for sale by public vendue. In the District becomes shy and self-conscious be-r Walnut avenue. the squadron conducts an annual of exterior and interior layout, will, the pile if he can do so, even when Court Boom. In the Court House In thewere removed.from his car parked be Mrs. H. B: Lopaus, Mrs: T.""V: Chairmen of standing, commit- Conference on -School, and the library and cafe-i The hand is easily made with a city of Elizabeth. N. J.. on - . cause the other children tease her Mary G. Delia Serra and Ralph week's cruise through Long Island be given away during the show, to- not required to, but if for any rea- \SEUSESDAY. THE 13TH DAY OF on Centennial avenue last Wed- . Albert and Mrs. John F. Fast. '.'My tees are: Building fund, Mrs. % Fay S. Mathewson, superinten- Sound, in which many members •! teria- • . simple safety play. The first heart son be fails to take the pile, play SEPTEMHEB A. IX. 1950. nesday. Favorite Book," will be the topic D. Le.nnori; entertainment, Mrs. dent of recreation for the Union so much. '.''•'. V., her husband,' to Mr. and Mrs. G ALDEN STREET CRANFORD S Floor seal has been applied to gether with a large plot entirely at two o'clock tDayllSht Savins Time) In . When parents encourage baby participate. ' . trick should be ta*ken with the ace. ends. If he takes it and discards i __— o(a business meeting November 1. Von Lynn; finance, Mrs. Decker; County Park f Commission, . has Frank R. Him, property in'Burch- (Next, to Band Box) Tel. Cr. 6-0G31 i-.;,.:,;*;• aU-"«lassrooms in each building free of .^encumbrances. Removalof, Scnaoaa of said day. ;alk, they forget that this poor Carl W. Koester of Cranford, is If—both" opponents' follow suit, without melding out. the next the firikmdns lots, tracts or parcels Evergreens Mrs. Edwin A. Cruikshank and membership, Mrs. Brockbank; pro- been named a New Jersey delegate fleld avenue, 225 'feet from Cum- ' '• and to the gymnasium floors, which the cottage to the site it.is to,oc and pirtnHrs hereinafter more peech becomes a habit. A child secretary of the organization.. • trumps are drawn without trouble. ' Contrary to popular belief,"ever- lylrs. Loujs A. Rice will be chair- gram, Mrs. Best, and publicity, to the 1950 White House Confer- mings street. . ,, • . : *. lalso have befui relined. NBWJ&J> described, situate, lying and with • speech difficulties . cannot ligatfons, and so on until a player _ in the Borough ol Kenllworth; greens may ,be kept" in shape by v Mrs..-WayneWitte.- • .• .enee oi) Children and Youth, to be- Mr. and Mrs. James H.JBricker niture was installed in elementary person to whom it is to be awarded- QcxmUr ot Onion and State of New Jersey. '" men.' ' ." "' t " ".', •' .'' .-• '• •'•' achieve real success in his attempts declarer has the rest If East shows melds out or some player in turn careful pruning. '...*• Dr. Ivan Sanderson will speak In charge of special committees held' in Washington in December. lo'Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Vander- schools. . • . "•"• „, Co-sponsors and co-beneficiaries out on the lead of the ace of Known, and «1«-rignat«M as lots No. 29, at learning. Learning .to Ye&a and fails to take the pile. 2B. 39 and 30 in Block 58. and lots No. 12 Ionian on, "Animal Treasures,'.': at the are the following: .Anierican. home, Mathewson •'-_ is -secretary of the burgh, property hi Division ave- 1? Special contractual repairs made of the show are "the Summer Camji trumps. South wjll go off one, but and 13 in Block 430 as laid down, desig- Mrs. G. R, Smith; art, Mrs. ArnPark- s and Recreation Association o spell are made much easier by nue, 902 feet from Brqokside'place. j< throughout the system were also nated and IH«««TJ«IM«1 on Section 3 of first philanthropic tea' November mature speech. ' •.-''... v Fund of the Junior Chamber of in that case no other play would Use Slap ot New Orange. Union County, PACE COLLEGE - 'To some people the best things in life old; citizenship, Mrs. Stanley; of New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs., Sam. Caruso to i outlined "by the board, which stated Commerce of Eastern Union Count-; make the contract, as the jack-ten Hew Jersey. ' 15 in Cranford Methodist Church! Gardeners: to Meet At other philanthropic teas during drama, Mrs. Heim; international . Union County also will send Al- During the pre-school years the James Cosehtlno, properties known ir0iiR SON'S j that, nearly all equipment orders ty and the ElizaVeth PoUce Athlet- in West's hand would take a trick BeinS also known as lots No. 20. 20, 29 - tDUCATION jFOI BU3INISS are free, but to a blind person the best The Sunny Acres Garden Club S the season,, speakers will be D,r.relations, Mrs. W. H. Chase; liter- fred Dennis, a. student at Summit patterns of speaking are. taking as 301-303 Grant street, Linden; I have been received and that all ic League: Ten per cent of the\ M&. no matter what South did. But and 30 in Block 56 and lots No. 12 and 13 3 v«ttfeflanrfS will meet next Thursday, Septem- in Block 4X0 as shown on the Tax As- things in life are beyond his or her reach. Frank T. S. Hu of China,; Miss ture.Mrs. Redden; music, Mrs. C.High School, to be a delegate to shape. The child imitates the 1700-1704 St. George avenue, Lin- {essential supplies are on hand. Only ceeds will go to tneir activities/ ' the play of the ace of hearts is in- sessment Slap of tbe Borough of Kenil- Cotducathnal , den; and one tract known as lots J one book order, temporarily, out : ber 14, at 2 p. m.. at the horns of Mrih, a copy of which is on file in tbe Clarette Sehon and Clara Strqud, G. Culin,.and telephone and motor, the conference. He is active in H^- voices and sounds of adults: His It is expected there will be" more, surance against all four trumps be- . OPININO DATES Mts. L. A; Briggs. 108 to 118; revised map of Floral I of print, is not ready, it was eaid. Mrs. C. H. Doty. 23 Mohawk drive Union County Hesister"s fMB«— Evening: SEPT. 18 DayiSWT. 2S AWS. On March 21, Federation Y Club and was chosen as a rep- habits of speech are acquired at than 100 booth occupants.who will ing with East. When West fails, to Idere is due ainmulmiitrly 873.09 with •f"' The Cranford Lions Club this week 13 resentative by the Young Men's Gardens, section 4. ALL YEAR. . f Outside wood trim on the High Plans will be discussed for theinterest Cram June 22. 1950. and costs. ^Accoantincy (C.P.A.), Business, lUi- pay, members will'hear a concert The club was organized in 1891 home and in the community. When display many innovations in con-follow to the first round of trumps. Christian Association. • parents are not distinct in their Township of Cranford to Warren £ School building has received two East's hearts can be picked up byclub's fall flower show September CHAH1.KS E. AYEBS. enl Arts. CommunlaUons and English making its annual appeal to local residents and was -admitted to the General struction , methods, materials and • " . • ' SberUT. LtttntutStPsnliiibiy.Jaunialbin.Cost. Federation in 1893. In 1894, it was All county conference commit- pronunciation, it is likely that the Rankin, lot 15, map of Shaheen : "coats of paint and a removable leading through him twice. • • •. . 21 in Osceola Presbyterian Church. MEHVEJ G- WIENER. AUy. Accounting. Ttutlon, Finance, Mir- % \ metal partition was installed in the interior equipment, some of which Hostesses, will be Mrs. Doty and.KfM- —«L OXIKPAO ketlng. Advertising, Selllna. Soerejjr- for funds with which to carry on their fine made a charter member of the tees of the State will attend the youngster will not say his words Park. ' : 4M < I have never before been publicly Playing the king or queen of Ftees (tli\ Training. Busliwss English, Insur- New Jersey'- State Federation. 1950 conclave on September 29 at clearly. Erwin L. Goldschmidt, widower, art room to provide better faclli- Mrs. Frank Dickert. | ~ ***** • ancs. Labor ReUttons, fteil EsUto, etc. work among the blind and near-blind and COON displayed, '• hearts first is pointless, as it can- Rutgers University, New Bruns- The ability to use languajge to Mr. and Mrs. LeTtoy E. Nord- (tics for the two. assigned teachers. 22$ ftOAOWAT. H.T. 7 Meetings are held at 9:45 a.-m. in Supervised Afternoon not,, possibly gain andV-will lose provide glasses for needy persons. Cranford Public Library, and phil- wick. ^Acoustic tile was placed on the whenever East holds all four out- 5H0ES 'first floor corridor ceiling of anthropic teas are scheduled at 2 Study Athletics Men in Service standing trumps. If the trumps are •. t) •••'itoi-- •: "• ' .Roosevelt School and in two class- p. m: , . Wallace M. C. Williamson, sea- divided.no worse than 3-1, de- Every resident of . Cranford should ' WOSffiN WITH Awarded, Patent rooms. Older furniture under- EVERGREENS ' ' PEOBWEM FEET ' man recruit, USN, son of Mr. andclarer's play is immaterial, so the John F. McKay, Jr., a member •; went reftnishing and window safety play costs nothing and.may . cooperate by returning his contribution im- , sashes, frames, and broken glass Mrs. Wallace Williamson of 105 Large Assortniemt ...... $3^5 up ART VIA Board of the staff of the Chemical Di- Columbia avenue, is undergoing save the day. FIGURINES mediately in the Lions Club Blind Seal ANDREW CRISANTI The executive board of the Vi vision of the Standard Oil De- ' were repaired or replaced. Boil- Red Phloxes ...... 50 CANVASS BOARDS 'ers received new tubes and grates. recruit training at the Naval Train- CANASTA Oradaate of American - lage Improvement Association will velopment Company, has been ing Center, Great Lakes, J1L EASELS drive. • 'Finally, new shades were installed Question: -Vln a game the other Japanese Barbenry .25 BRUSHES Stihool of Kroetipedleft' hold its first meeting Tuesday, Sep- awarded a United States patent for 804 CENTENNIAI, AVE. . a method of preparing a synthetic in the auditorium.' In the course of his training This space contributed by tember 12 at &:30 a. m., at-the - At Cleveland School, the plan- recruit I* taught seamanship. Navy >ED "home of Mrs. John J. Banker, 10 rubber. Mr. MoKay. lives at,.32 1038 Park Avenue Avenue • ill ned, summer repairs included ex- customs, terms, basic ordnance, PICTURE FRAMES Makatom drive. • Parkway Village. terior painting, repair of two class- gunnery, signaling and navigation; BR1GHTW00D NURSERY room, floors, addition of two bull'e- Upon 'Completion of his training Oil and Water Color Toms lUitt > tinboard s and first &ejart"«!f*ens, tfae.nrauit is assigned either.to I Mountain Ave. ScotchPlaint •_ PAINTING SETS mwn and a niiJ^storerpjoiionHhe lower units •fefcttb^:pieet or to a service ~ Mi i ": Hotolo floor. Alterations for the art room school for specialized training. / (Cor. Jerusalem Ed.) TeL FAmvood 2-6148 SUSPECT (MUSE • -.'.. Small Cleisafia Insure Bus JOHNSTON - T L':••••'A +1» THOROUGH GO1XEGE PREPARATION Bcdboods Fully accredited by the Department of Education, State of New Jersey • • \ • PAINT SHOP OF BACKACHES COAST TO COAST MOVERS ... BSTAaLltHRO 1*04 -'' A"»apt old«r, «tre«» »n4 itraln, ovar. '••'^'4 CICHABb HAKXIOj Prop. •lertloo, Moodv* iMoklai Ot Wponure to The Carols Travel Bureau 101-5 N. IIIJIO1* AVE. MEMBER FliDEUAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION cold ium«tlme« ilMr* down kidney Juae- Anywhere la the VJB. «t Canada 123 North Avc Platafleldl 6-2540 • - • tloo. Thl. may Ind nin^tolln to eom. Safe, Seasonable safl pi*In ot n»sglnt b*<;k»cha. loa of pep ami PL Q-2613 PL 4-0380 «jerjy, headache* and Miisineo. Gcttlni will he held Immediate Sendee. up nlfhu tr rr«qu«At ptaitfw may result By V«B-SaU—Baai-AIr Offers you Ike services and knowledge Iraa'minor bla4'auect^Ulilly by mlUlQaa'Jof from 3 to 9 P. M: ov«r 50 year*. ^Wl»: t>e«i lynptoma may PHONE PL 64)880. 5-3120. . ALLIED VAN UNES, Inc. practical building experience and olt«n otboMfia*. Otuur. lfa amailnc >>o* Packlas * Cntlns a Specialty many times Oo«n'« jlroiiappy nllet— Ibevmistaut how" in your construction problems. Wp th« IB Ml** el kldlney, tubea and filter. HOME BEVERAGE SERVICE at the Methodist Church Auditorium Estimates Given Freely Auah out watt*. Cat Doifi'l PU1» today! Can WEsmeld £-4404 Furnishing our customers with quality "IT COSTS NO MORE .on Walmutt Avenue •lil YlismaEkctrk MEAMNO. AID • ' building rnatein?ilU»l_lontofrol>l«««AnOui — NotYnm * FItBE Uomo or OBlco Demonstration MATTHEWS Phone Unianville 2-3022 IOUE OP THE FAMOUS NAME 1RAND5 HEARING SERVICE. Inc. Standard Lumber k Supply Co. BEER AND ALE SODA 1139 E. JERSEY VST. BbUns Bojal Ciena Elizabeth. N. 3. EL. 3-4796 ruwt Ala Coca Cola F.ptl Oota Lumber — MUtwork — MasonMaterials Ocaaetfe* Bbdla Hoffman t-Cp Open Than. ETpninsi Until 8 P. M. fjrlor BmaU Mixed mir PHONES: CBaafonl 6-QStS—6-2467 \ 1 tnonia Ucldelberc Blnea * Soda BATTERIES FOU S4 HIGH STREET / CRANFORD ALSO KEG BEER AND COOLERS FOR m4 ALL HEARING AIDS YOUR PARTIES up to ^5,000 per meniber when you Save xvitB) the CRANFORD SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION Route 29. UMfelde .' Home and industry For ovor 83 yoaro tho CRANFORO SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION has pcdd dividends on tho savings accounts of Us momboro t?Uhout IntonupUon. Today our position Is stronger than ovor. Our latoat divldond at tho tato of 2%. ITI Television receivers are - vir- Installs and services its own re- SCHLECTER Wo havo never paid loss. . . . . '-'' 1 tually custom built. Television ceivers. This spells direct respon- •".'v! !; engineers will tell you that you sibility to the customer — a re? For truly whil9 woiodwork ; • a •1 -a can't buy a better set at any sponsibility that ITI has; always All Savlustt Deceived Before the 15th oj tho DUPONT Month Earn Dividends from the 1st 1 LOOK TO YOUR ROOF! price. The clear, sharp,' perfect met so that every ITI customer is ,. u.i. rM.orf. With the bad .weather months coming it's wise picture, for which ITI. receivers a thoroughly satisfied customer. SUPER-WHITE to check the condition of your roof now. It's wise are noted; the rich, full sound imply Telephone CRcmfoid 6-3474. Thinking of BUILDING, BUYING or REFINANCING ' ITI maintains two showrooms Resists yd low ingstWw.}^^^^W^^'

    THE CBANFOBD, CTTIZEM eHRQMTCT.K. JtHDBSDA^. ^SEPTEMBERJJ.,:i "30 !9i Meetings Announced A tea September 1&; on the lawn Walter J. Conley; garden, Mrs. Eu- ams the home of Mrs. Carl Anderson, gene Geddings and Mrs. G. Holmes ttlll mark tha .Williams, . ' — ;'. - . Temple Beth El Plans jserv. Ipening'of the tell season by the Also, literature, Mrs. E. J. Stan- Regular'Services StaffHI ? 1 Tillage .Improvement. Association, ley; music, Mrs. Frederick G. Mc- in schedule has been made duTf • S. Albert J^.Davies, president, Crea; welfare, Mrs, Anthony G- Methodist Sunday at Trinity t far the Week Services foir New Year ' the building program now Temple Beth El will conduct nnounced this week. In case of ienrich, and Junior-Women's VIA 1 on, and to allow for more ; Services Sunday, the fourteenth advisors, Mrs. Schillinger and Miss Sunday after Trinity at Trinity Rosh Hashanah services Monday at space.' ' ain_ the - program, will be held in By the Rev. Albert Alllneer, pastor^ Cranford Methodist Church e Caslna . •_*£ Harriet Gasorek, chairman.. ' Church, will return to the fall and , "THOUGHTS AFTEB LABOR DAY" Sewices 6 p. nr. and Tuesday' and Wednes- Sunday evening at 8 o'clock th winter schedule. Holy Eucharist Man does not live by brc,ad alone. Matthew 4:4 G speaker will W§j{August Committee chairmen are as,fol- The- Rev. George A, Aitcheson, day at 9 a. m. The Temple choir, first of three classes wi(i be n j! Two church services will be re-will be celebrated at 8 a. m., fam- The story is, told of a stranger who saw three stonecutters! oerg. of Trenton, employers' re- lows: Courtesy, Mrs. William J. D.D., pastor of the Cranford Tab- for adults in preparation • fo, Sunday at 9:30 and 10:50ily worship and church school at at work on a building.: Being curious about their work he asked under direction of Mrs. Adelaide Sunday will mark the beginning representativtti e of tthh e N.NewFredrick; entertainrrient, Mrs. Pet- the first stonecutter what he was doing. The reply came quickly, ernacle, will preach Sunday at 11 church membership., At the m «. m. for the sixth year at.Cran- 9:30 a. ml, the rector's coffee class Roth, will assist Cantor Robert of the fall program with the return er Nelson and. Mrs. Guyer; his- "I'm working for my bread and butter." Turning to,the second a. m> on the subject, "God's Proph- on Wednesday evening at 8 o'c lord Methodist dhurch. The serr- at 10 a.m., and choral service and stonecutter the stranger put, the sam£ question. "Can't you see? Loe wen thai who, has been engaged to full schedule at the First Pres- there will be an organization!? orian, Mrs. Charles I. Mott; in- inon topic will be, "Loyalty." Bi- sermoh at 11 a. m. ets as an Example for the Believers formation, Mrs. Myers;. legislation, I'm cutting stone," was the answer. The third stonecutter was to Copy." At the 7:45 p. m. evan- specially to chant the High ijpli- byterian Church.-The. Rev. Robert meeting for the older young pZ. tle classes for men and women The girls', choir, under direction asked'the same question. He replied, "I'm building a cathedral!" G. Longaker's message will . be Mrs. J. Angus Knowles; member- gelistic service, his tppic will'be, day Services. • - pie: of -Westminster. Fellowship. ' trill be held at 9:30 a. m., in theof Mrs. A. "Edna Harvey, assistant The first stonecutter was working for his bread and butter "You Can Build A Life." The ship, Mrs. -Walter Ruenger and iT 4l^t>f lif ^A_EoocJMain'.s DelightsthcCurse Ott-th^F''-«t"Pay-"f-Nfw-.Yenr, those from 18 through 25 • ' Mrs.- J\^-B^George;.-motor- corps. rMre. Henry. E. Stoner. economic system boasts of its free enterprise and Initiative,, we drews. , ' . . . hold a registration and |y, Mrs. V. G. Albert, Mrs. J. fc- i trade. 'A nursery will be held at rection of Robert M. Hazeh, organ- ' have to acknowledge that its mass production methods do just the eiy Sunday at 9:30 a. m. in theThe Second Day's sermon 15-en- Also, prograin^-Mrs. Schillinger; ist and choirmaster. Bible: school. • The regular meeting titled, "The Prophesy of Israel in The church school will resume quainted party from 2 to 3 o'cto Tiien, Mrs. Harry R. Brinkman, ! 1:30 a. m. for young children and pppositc. Every car on the road has dehydrated the individual following the overalj theme, "The aUer lublic relations, Mrs: Elmer A. 1 here will be classes at 10:50 a. m. Church school .will reopen Sun- initiative in the men who do the simple monotonous stint on the of the Young People's Society Will the Atomic Age." Special chil- on Thursday afternoon for mothers hrs 'w K. Fasnacht, Mrs. Coyen; registrar, Mrs..W. J. Angus, day ot 9:30 a. m. Registration of assembly line. -Private initiative is subordinated to the completed be held at 6:30 p. m. On Monday dren's services will be held, both Church" in Christian Faith and and children, who are three yeais farry R. Heins, Mrs; John H. Low, w\ for children in the fifth grade.and Life." Beginners through the sen- r., and Mrs. Ronald'T. Fowlie; •new students will be in charge of job on a,severe time schedule. Jesus said, "Man does not live-by evening, the annual election of of- days of Rosh Hashanah at 11 a. m.* of age and plan to enter the De- Ls Jatnes JH. McMahdn, Mrs. Up. bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth ior departments will meet from' telephone, Mrs. Victor Shaheen; ~ Franklin, Hunter, secretary of the ficers of the Bible school will be in the vestry of the Temple. partment. Libert MitcheHt.M.rs..L. JfvMyers, Mrs. George F. Rothweiler, Jr., of God." The Master never discounted the importance of bread. 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. and the nursery, ways and means, Mrs. Sidney i nganlst, will - play Romance by school, according to an announce- held in the'lower auditorium of C-h Monday evening, Jews .all CXBAN BAtoS PUttCOASED -Whlb. [Irs Harry E. Pfeifler, Mrs. John Nunn; youth conservation, Mrs. "Give us this day our daily brtad," he prayed. What he did point pre-school and kindergarten de- ; ; $veridsen, Romance - by Rimsky ment by R. J. Laier, superinten- out was that to live^on the bread and butter level is to starve the church. All teachers, and of7 over the world will flock to their Colored.— without buttons or catcha Praul, Mrs. Roland K. Schel- Donald R. Creighton," and Chil- .•";- ' ! A fleers are urged to attend.; ; partments will, meet from 11 to 12 S Gents per pound. Bring them ' ~ JCorsakoff, and Postlude by Vin-"dent. Miss Agnes' Macintosh is. the soul.. * . •.'•"'•'• • temples and synagogues to usher nilrcn and Chronicle . r Mrs. August Thermann, Mrs. dren's VIA; Mrs, B. J. Eichinger. Buy now for conning! Large, luscious fancy Elberta Freestone—so juicy and full of flavor. Perfect slicing! i lent Mrs. Claude H. Grady. Jr., principal of the primary depart- The second stonecutter's reply was curt and to the point, The. chorus choir will, resume in the New Year, 5711. According: Willard Tingle, Mrs. Newton E. ment. '•''••. torrance, Mrs. Henry Vettel and 'VIA representatives to local or- - iwill sing, "H«}ar My Prayer," by "Can't you see? I'm cutting stone!" He is to be, commended in practice tomorrow at 8 p. .m., tin- to Jewish tradition, the worId\V?as janizations include: Blood Donors, Jjendelssohn. r • The vestry will meet tonight at that he took an interest in his work. He was annoyed to be-dis- der direction of Eugene Pettersen. created at this time of the,year Ars. Paul K. Wilson. tracted. He is a man whose vision is as short as his patience. '• His YOU MAT FIND COB9DFOJIT, HAPPINESS and the WAT TO Inc., Mrs. A. V. V. Hipson. and Mrs. Boy Scouts will meet tonight at 8:15 in the parish house.- A meet-' eyes are fastened on the. stone under his chisel and mallet, and Regular, mid-week prayer and Bi-.5711 years ago. The ten days be-^ HEALTH throneh Ustenlns to (some of the followtac Christian Booklets on how citizens may Nunn; Cranford Committee, Men- " i o'clock. The quarterly confer- ing; of the Day Guild will take that stone is the center of all his labor and interest. He never ble study hour will be held Wed- tween Rosh Hashanah (New Year) Science radio programs of this vtctnlty: Lotect themselves against atomic al Hygiene Society of Union Coun- •••,:.• •••••>m:m\ - nee retreat will be held Satur- place Tuesday at 10:30 a. m; in lifts his eyes to the hills irom whence cometh his strength. How nesday at 8 p. m. .-The ladies'; mis- and YomKippur (Day of Atone- Ittaclc Will be available. Guests What a value! Fancy U. S. No. 1 firm, meo ly, perfect Rooking. Acine saves you the moist oh the best! _U_ WMOM (1030 be) Kwety Sap-ay __ —. 0:«S ». m. y, Mrs. N. R. Hower and Mrs. Con- 1! i ay at Cranford • Boys' Camp, Sil- the parish house.' - like ourselves? The immediate task becomes so arresting that all sionary prayer band.meets at 10 ment) are. penitential days during |re invited. ley, ' and • Cranford. Community Oi 1 • er Lake, near Hope. ' •' • • else is oiif of focus. From this attitude often comes expertness, a. m. on Thursdays. which the fate of every living be- •8ta. WNBW (11SO he) — Every Sunday ______0:1. ,, ,-. B Artiong special programs planned Council, Mrs. William K: Frederick Australian "Tarns" specialization but - also monotony, isolation and an. unsocial re- Families are invited to attend a Prior to the communion service ing is weighed. On Yom Kippur 8U. WNBC < 660 he) — lat Bandar Bach Bfeatb _____ 0:S0 m. m. and Mrs. White', IV. • , Fancy Calsbllt Australia, homo* of nature's odd- sponse to the world outside. Our Lord was a carpenter, and we lor the season are a card party No- icnic-"sponsored by 'the Twenty believe a good one. He loved to make tables, benches^ doors, last Sunday; the Rev. Dr. Aitche- (September 21), it will be decreed, . 9«a. WQXB (1009 te) — bl.M Soaday Baeb Bleatb —11:05 a. m. Irember 3 at Koos Brothers, Rah- YelW ears Hood Fp Club Saturday at 4:30 p. m. in e«t creations, has produced .fita*)e sOn continued a series of messages "who shall live, and who shall die, 9>H ploughs, yokes, cradles for his customers. Yet he used the im- Bta. «Q-__. — le seriousness olife serving refreshments to teachers at Method ist Kjeri wUTTfneet*ii4ohT •, His part was more thanjbread janeLbutter, than carving material. prayer by h Junior I CoUege on June^ 6 and wastes of the continenfe and: PP«v the workshop in Cranford High ay at 8 p.-m. On Tuesday, the Its end was the worship of God and the nourishment of the spirit- Mrs: Furman King played an in- High Holidays. *. - • Cranford Day, June 8/ ' - (Toman's Society of, Christian slbly linked to the DIprotodon, ex ual life in mankind. The. 12 diciples were all "workers. The Chris- strumental sola during the service. School. Assisting were Mrs. Wil- tlnct these many thousand years. tian labors here to thevbesc of his ability and keeps an eye on 1 Speakers have been-scheduled liam Stacey, refreshment chair- r-':.: l(; -^ ; Service will hold its luncheon at Short talks were given by stu- lor meetings during the year as fol i oon and program at 1 p. nrt. The eternity. The Divine Plan announced by our Saviour is in the Bazaar Nets $3.25 man; Miss Etta Tunner, principal, Spsttd lO-oi. NOTICE OF HEA8JNG ' dents home from. Bible schools. lows: October 17, Dr. Kenneth C Baud of AditKtmenl — Zoning making. What a wonderful privilege and opportunity to join with They included Miss Alice Lock-? The'wave .*qf' summer bazaars and Mrs. Arthur Hoagland. Genuine Spring LEGS cans * Ipedit union is open Tuesday from Notice is hereby given that the Board of our fellow worshippers and make it more evident this coming year dacKay ,dean of Union Junior I 'to 9 p. m. Adjustment (Zonlnfii of the Township of wood, instructor at St. Paul, Minn.; for benefit of polio victim con- The first meeting'of the PTA's 4 Makiiig A New Lawji? College, "England — 1950"; ,No- The Rev. Albert AHinger, pas- Cranfovd, N. J., In the County of Union, uRobert Blaschke, a senior at Gor- tinues to be the top activity among executive board will be held Tufes- will hold a public hearing on Crarjfojrtfs,'younger set /Last -,...... • • • - • - \r . lember 21, Induk Pahk, "Mj Itis ' or, member of the Northeastern .MONDAY, SEPTEMBER ,11, 10SQ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. don Seminary, Boston, and Robert Country .and My People"; January day at 8 p. m., in the school library. , urisdlctlonal Board of Evangel- at 0:15 R. M. (D.S.T.l at the'. Municipal taken III Francis, a graduate student at the Thursday, Jahalee^Barlow, 9,; and Qtaly! 1 Bulletins, corner North Avenue and Aldcn LESSON SEBMON PEAT. MOSS ...... —_...... „: tag© bale S4J10 h6, Mrs. George Preyer, civics All members are requested-to at- : tm, is attending the Northeastern 7 Missionary Training Institute in Debra Hiise, ,8, staged a fair at tend. . • • . street. Cranford, N. J., to consider:, "SUBSTANCE" is the subject for , Anthony F. Tesser. of Astoria, L. • • ; • rs; fl-SO Application at Mr. Bradford K. Janalee's home anji earned $3,25 5-10-5 TEBTDJZER .i ', __.™.M... 100 lbs. 2.65 (chairman, /'Clubs ol Cranford" * tirisdictional Advance in Evan- Nyack, N. Y. :" 7 •'.' ('•' Smith. Ownor, (or permission to con- Sunday, September 10. • , • I, who became ill early hist Thurs- land March 20, John Hobbiris Hart Serye delicious Jamb, for a change! So tender! So tasty! At all Acmes! •1'} for benefit of the polio fund. The ? N. I. NO. 1 ccod ^a 4 LAWN SEED __. lb. JO STANOAOO , .';'• i:'. 1 felisin Conference in Ocean City. vert house at 220 North Avenue, GOLDEN TEXT: "Bring ye all the Next Sunday, the pastor will ad- NABISCO day" afternoon at Warner Plaza, youngsters sold toys, old' maga- Ph.Dv "Down to Earth Psychol- Republicans Endorse 32c Apple SaMce 13c West, near Lincoln • Avenue. Lot II, . tithes into the storehouse, that dress the men's class on the topje, STEAM BONE MEAL .JL™_, ...... 100 lbs. Ol Ritz Crackers Block 8, Township Map, from two- Reody-for-the-Oven Trimmed Legs. Lamb ...»79c : was takerr in the municipal ambu- zines, jewelry and other articles logy. ASCO fancy - ^2f ; •' i '. family to a three-family dwelling. there may be meat in mine house, "An Early Philosopher's Ques- Candidates In State N sco Jfcelley Retires • 7-30 Application of B. H. & C. E. lance to. Muhlenberg Hospital, donated by neighbors. ' ' ~ • '• •' ;1' ^ ' • '• ' 9 o 1 s o \© ' • ' ' On December 19, the VIA will W.nl Tpnc: f" *. „ 27c 30-oz. can www and prove me ncjw herewith, saijh tion." Mrs. William Berry will be 1 Arthur F. Kelley. of 107 Locust Snymon. Owners, for a modification hear Christmas music and carols KEN1LWORTH — The Republi- Su ' of, tho Zoning Ordinance tor permis- the Lord of hosts, if I will not open Plainfleld by Fireman Walter Dit. teacher in the ladies' class. drive retired September 1 after 43 sion to construct 20 GaraBes in'the . BOVUNG. SHEEP MANURE. PULVEBIZED UME, at the home-of Mrs. Guyer, 31 can Club went oh record endors- Ice Box Wafers ,tT^ 30c you the windows of heaven, and zel and Patrohnan Aibert Bu rr. Dr! years'' service with the Bell Sys- rear of property located pt 20 River- npton street, and on February ing all local, county and state Re- / aide Drive. Lots 3 & 3, Block. 303. pour you out a. blessing, that there Henry J. Mineur sdd^tharthesjnan Standard Gauge Tel Cranford 6-9653 VIGERO. SUPER PHOSPHATE tem. Mr. Kelley was supervisor Township Map. . |20, department chairmen will publican candidates at a recent 1st 6 ribs Mazota Oil J^ shall not be more room enough to The first railroad gauge standard- AND GARDEN TOOLS of teletypewriter exchange serv- suffered a virus injt^etion. Isadore Ispeak on,>"The Arts." A round meetiiig. 0-SO—3-48—12-40 Application of Mr. receive it." (Malachi 3:10) ization was virtually completed In ice in the traffic department of the John F. Bracco. Owner, for permis- Frankeli newsstand operator, no- Itable discussion by the Cranford Alva Myers, president, an- Acme Sav-U-Trim removes much fat before weighing Flako Pie Crusil- X sion to convert house southeast corner SERMON: Passages from the King '4888, at foifr feet, eight and a halt A.T.4T. Company's Long Lines De- tified police. ' Come and Get It — And Save •Clergy Council will be featured a nounced that the regular meeting North Union At Forest Avenues, Lotv James. version of the Bible in- |the April: 17 meeting. ;, Pie Apples sS^ .ao*..'— partment in New York. 13, Block 24, Township Map, from' was postponed because, of the SWJltTS . a one-family to a two-family dwel- clude: .. to* • ling. The association's annual meeting Labor Day week-end. William Cottage Hams ***£. 83c Beef Liver S Pie Filling um"rrw.- 3 ?^ Garden Imecto All In residence "A" district. "Thou art my portion, O Lord:- land debate on current issues will; Peterson's committee on arrange- If rotenone is combined, with P. At the time and place above stated all I be held May 15 and the annual Asco Bacon 69c Interested parties are Invited to be pres- have said that I would keep thy It's New! . H*8 Economical! York. BeM Oil Bmnur. ments will meet tomorrow to com- Loiin Lamb Chophps My-T-Fine Desserts 3P C 22c D. X pratically all insects of vege- ent when full opportunity to be heard words. Thy hands have made me L, Bi_RTELL llunchebn. will be .June 4. plete plans for an outdoor'party at s will be given to them. •* 79c mi table "and dower gardens can be HEATING SYSTEfVlS Fresh Ground Beeff *• 59c COCOA By oMer -.•••. and fashioned me:" (Ps. 119:57,73) Mrs. Dayjes'ij, .staff, includes the bome ofJQu41ey- IL UeviHeion. tsr,--. •- :•:<••-• 5.-. _-•.. +J0& YiS?i ^*l°J? controlled. But vegetables should :•• BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. Correlative passages, from "$ci^ DEVOE ONE-COAT HOUSE PAINT MY SPECmiY CENTHAL AVENUE,. - --• CLABE, W. J. .•st vice-president, Mrs. Cnaries Septerilber%• ' •"=;•':•.' \/\, " 5 Speedup OUTIEI always be' carefully washed before •'-• :•••"..•...- . ; • N. B. Foster, ence and Health with Key to the SchiUinger; second •vice-presi- Acme's Frosted Fish Is Fresher Thm Fresh! tulnf when D. p. T. has been used, Anujony Q. Henrlch. Chairman Cute Repaint Costs as Much as 40% lTfflSIINEBT PLACB ToL RAhwcry 7-1581 • ' ' Secretary. • ' • . ' Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy •~y fdent, Mrs. Edward Whiter IVj^re- oatlum. . CRANFORD, N. J. ;. |cording secretary, Mrs. Herbert R. To- Resum.e" Schedule Immediately frosted when caught. All food, no waste! Auto Polish Dated: August 2>, 1880. 8-7 include: Np/fuss, no muss! The modem way to buy fish! "As God is substance and man jlcCullough; corresponding, secre- The Women's Bible Class of the ! tc Sals A , .i..:. ,.|;:'.:..

    "Blues ^a It •^ '•' \\ ' is the divine image and likness, Itary, Mrs. P. B.' Alger; treasurer, First Presbyterian " Church will 6 Cleaner '^4 i ' • man should wish for, and in real- ONE-COAT SEMI GLOSS |Mrs. William H. Chase; assistant hold its first fall meeting Sunday, Fresh Frosted Whiting Fillets '. • -': I •treasurer^ Mrs.-James A. Watters, September 17. ity has, only the' substance of good, 1 v Grapefruit Juice 2 ; BEFORE RENTING the substance of Spirit, not mat- |and auditor, Mrs.. C. A. Hashim. ' Fresh Frosted Cod Fillets r—ajr- 2T Department chairmen are as fol- Omliforola ter." (p.30D Fuji's Last E*uptlon \ \ 1 OR BUYING A Delicious Cod Steaks , *%£% Pure Orange Juice 2 29c lfroi. can llows: American home, - Mrs. When - Fuji, sacred mountain ot .,29c ••—b. •— ' _L _t_J_L_— >*•_ •*__' 1 Icharles Redden and Mrs.; E. L. C. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST Japan last erupted. In 1707-8. ash PruneJuice ':! Springfield Ave. at Mlln, Cranford l; art, Mrs. Alva.Punbaden; from Its huge crater .settled six Del Kcs-to Golden ,- \ Icivics, Mrs. Dreyer; drama, Mrs. HEADrs A 1 SOFTENER Services Sunday, 11 a. m. Inches deep on Tokyo, 60 miles Apricot Nectar <^ 38c — RICHARD UARTIG. ProD. Ijchn J. Banker; education, Mrs. Sunday School, 0:30 a. m. Open DaUy XU1 6:30 P; Jl'jr* FfIdaya -pU i»P. away. l0 . I ?& Check with A & A and SEE HOW EASV IT Reading Room—IS Alden Street Clam Chowder « 2 ^T 29c 20c ,i %{•%:[ Open daily 1-4, except Thurs. and 107-5 N. Union Avenue CRanford 6-2540 - i ••''•?'•$•'- IS TO OWN YOUR OWN. frrl., 10:30-4. Also Fri. 7:30-9, p. m" i una risn wu.. uta, 7**.«« 4&C .: -I ,'. - h 1 wiiiuiumuuuwiuHnimirmiiimimmiiwii^^ 11 D p Blua Cock . CAMP-HI'S •g 16-ox. •i : v Wed. Eve, &15 o'clock- ' \ \ \i - '•'•'.•' •' 1 '. ~ •' • • • «9 COBS Lobster " '•,',•"• j. The average family size coats only HOiVtUJJIE 1 Store DORSET ITtf -;<,]* \ $110, plus installation. And you: Hamburgers GrUIad 16-oz. lot •-•, i! 1

    ••; Lois Wicks School of the Dpe -'•••:%.-» may pay for it on easy budget terms Cheese Mecca, PGJ&JOJT, AMsweel 1 •\ : il ; over 18 months., Announces • •••' ti '•i •.. i' tjj I! ntwFoitii iini!\ii •',„: '•i-i JUNKET KennetTablets ^T\2c EC^roSyrap Hi-ox, botllo •,.v\ ''-lIl ;; ?.?•• WATCH FOR OPENING DATE Pro^ JUNKET Danish Dessert \£Z lie -V' -'•it\ i ju m Rennet Powder 3 JS* 29c atre 3<_HD_. __I ' bot Miss Wicks is formeriy..of the Roxyettes N Sh y\rfi •:,>'> l9c| mEEirs . • :'•• V-'; •'.-• "'• New York Gty_.-' • •••'"; Beans «-*-• " CANDY DEPARTMENT Shoe PoSisBn T 1 S^ese Tender Jells DUTCHMAIL.,^ 17c i Licorice "SK £: 19c peas n-^**^ ;; 1 ;- 1 Marshmallows A«»

    : ' 1 « NOW Tutie In "Ikurgin* Around With Boultou" •;'!/'3 WPAT—93 on ycur Di_l—11 A. M. to 12 Kocn, AAcj-i-j i • LOANS to MODERNIZE NOW Fresh from our thru Friday. Fc_tu/iruj thcie (_m_u_ pfo_u£t_. !v'j BVP Sheffield Milk REODI-WIC ; • 'i* StMa_a_a_a_M-~MI' • -CASH IN ALL NEXT WlNTEil "A stitch in time saves nine." That's particularly true of '^Ml 4-^-v ched i m Wcston Cookies u . _ _ . homes. Money to improve or repair your home ... to Loof One 8uro way to get all cumulation can raise your make it -more attractive and convenient ; . . is available ' *Y* s*^«. V/bite Hudson Popcr Towels the heat you pay for next heating bill substantially. Royal Crown Colo Ravox Hotucbol here at low rates. Repayment may be made in convenient THIS) .«ilGfc';»f. TrV . lorf ' wintoriatoputyourheating And be mire to ask for a •TTTTnriTi| 49?- \ , BREAD )l plant in A-l condition now. fill-up with ^ftflft-tMirninfl monthly installments. So don't delay. Check the im- VACATION COTTAGE *««. !> Remember, faulty adjust-, Mobilbeat, too. Bosldea provements your home needs now. Get an estimate of compUtoly equlpp«d and ready for V fili meat and normal dirt «c- protecting your tank, it as- the cost. Then come to this bank. Vt IvttO sures all the dean,even heat occupancy. Otfwr awards Includti tSS,^ Classes will form in Tap—fcallet—Acrobatic—Toe • K CALL you need the moment you "Be Thankful You Can Sec!" rafrigtrator, automatic wenhtrt, —Modern—Hawaiian and Ballroom dancing. Also need it! llcturn Your Contribution Now CONVENIENTLY J.OCATED complete kitchens, television «ets, Personality Singing and Baton Twirling. •\ CR. To yie Lions Club Blind Scul Ptivt. BANKING OFFICES radios, and a host of additional J * valuable merchandise. 1 'f/ See die hundred* of new dc*' "!'' Clauses and Registration at HASH Office menu, thrilling ideai. »uJ nnnl"" NEW VETERANS-fVlF.W.) HOME- _ iruprovciurnU fair iEeTibuie^onorljr (AKISCBGGU\y-~-. —» •na touiormw. See aiiuziu* ""~ • 1. home buiMiup ni-leri*l*. X'1O">J" 479 South Avc, E., cor. Centennial, Cranford EUZABCTD AVE. OVVICB < r The AaamuStorss Mobslheat m UlMbctb Ax'-, CUubalb of actuuilioaal imtovtlioiu. Gom|i' *| • HZAtlTH POIICI /// kilrhetu, ntodrrn interiors, bio'1'" TRUST COMPANY ATMtlllC IIAOUI REGISTER NOW ! lUlOAD ST. OH'ICC •/ «-a_iu«u, all the lalett «|ipli-"-'"' TODAY. SEPT. 7 — 10 A. M, to 6 V, M. IASTIKN UNION every uiodcru Wtlcd *o«iveuicii<<- CRISC9 Sdeal BalB ELIZABETH CBAMFOBD 113 Draad Ot.. CUubcUj COUNTY JUNIOR FBI.. RKPT. « — 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Armour's Armour's Wesson Oil SAT.. SEPT. 0 — 10 A. M. to ft P. M. CHMtB. Or COMMUCI t Corned Beef Lunch Tongue Shortening Fruit Jars ovrics thtt W For Information Call bottb 37C bolt-. /OC CO WcslOcU A»o, SUubcUt JAMIS t. KIM, MAYOR _O1*_ * **- _os-n H***- /OMH.tT«M Try Betty Crocker'* Neto STRONG COAL CO. Member Federal Deposit Jiuuraucc Corporation CttANVOEO Oy»lCB can «J«#*J« can *lw •Of 14 I Z A • I T H €r. 6-4563 |N£W JERSEY I Uu. 2-904 4 Uu. 2-44J94 Hash 35c 'r 53c 2 N. UNION AVE. CRANFORD and Federal Reserve System 100 aauih Ave., E.. Cianf*rd T STIltN-ROLL Pettry Heclpcl Acme'* Eceryday loss PrlceJ Bay ihc SEE( A COMPLETELY FURNISHED MODEL HOME RidHT IN THE ARMORY.

    "V" "" ' W'M^^W^^^^^F^^^^r^^

    THURSDAY, narlBctuiMitt 7> 1950 p^ Annouiwed A tea September 19, on the lawn j Walter J. Conley)f garden, Mrs. Eu- at the home of Mrs. Carl Anderson, • gene Geddings and Mrs. G. Holmes 2 Hawthorne street, will mark the. Williams: ' r oLclo,p^^jgsv Temple BetE El Plans \byteimm~ ice, in the sanctuary. This change vuiife*- .Improvement. Association, ley; music, Mrs. Frederick G: Mc- Regular'Services StoffO ? Tabefiiaele Services for New Y^ar in schedule has been made due to Mrs- Altfen J.Davies, president, l Crea; welfare, Mrs. Anthony G. |V the building program how going announced this week. In...case of I Henrich, and Junior Women's VIA Sunday at Trinity ;. Temple Beth El will conduct •ToMesume • on,,and to allow for more adequate rain, the program. *YiU be held -ih ' advisors, Mrs. SchiUinger and Miss • Services .Sunday,.the fourteenth Rosh-Hashanah services Monday at space." • •'•..."" ..'...• < • the Casino...... """ ['". Harriet Gasbrek, chairman. : , By the Kev. Albert Allinger. pastor. Cranford Methodist Church Sunday after Trinity at Trinity 6 p. m. and Tuesday and Wednes- Sunday evening at 8 o'clock the Guest speaker will be August Committee chairmen are as fol- Church, will return to the fall and "THOUGHTS AFTER LABOB DAY" Program first of three classes will be held YoerS. of Trenton, employers' re- lows: .Courtesy, Mrs. William J. winter schedule. Holy fiucharisf Man does not live by bread alone. Matthew 4:4 •The Rev. George A, Aitcheson, day at 9 a. m. The Temple-choir, lations representative of the .New -"* The story is told of a stranger who saw three stonecutters, for adults in preparation for Fredrick; entertainment, Mrs. Pet- Two church services will be re-will be celebrated at 8 a. m.. fam- D.D., pastor of the Cranford Tab- under direction of Mrs. Adelaide y Suiiday will mark the church membership. At the manse Jersey Department of Labor and er Nelson arid Mrs. Guyer; his- at work on a building.. Being curious about their work he asked trnacle, will preach Sunday at 11 sumed Sunday at 9:30 and l(f:50 ily worship and church sfchool at Roth, will assist Cantor Robert of the fall program with eturn on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Industry, .Division of Employment torian, Mrs. Charles L Mott; in- ^•••V-l'.l i. m. on the subject, "God's Proph- 1 8. m. for the sixth year at Cran- 9:30 a. m., the rector's coffee class th£re will be an organizational Security. His topic will be, *The formation, Mrsi Myers; legislation, ets as an Example for the Believers Loewenthal who has been engaged to full schedule at the First tbrd; Methodist Church. The ser-at 10 a. tn., and' choral service and Possible'• War' Jobs for Women." Mrs. J. Angus Knowles; member- to Copy." At the 7:45 p. m. evan- specially to chant the High HjS^S •byterian Chur?h. -The Rev. 1 meeting for the older young peo- sermon at 11 a. rn. I'm cutting stone." was the answer. The third stonecutter was A highlight of the tea will be ship, Mrs. Walter Ruenger and mon topic will be, "Loyalty." Bi- gelistic service, his topic will be, fG, Longaker's message will be of Westminster Fellowship, The girls'-choir, under direction asked the same question. He replied, "I'm building a cathedral. day Services. •• folk songs by Jeariette Colton Kil- Mrs. A. B. George; motor' corps, to classes, for men and women "A Poor Man's Delight, the Curse "You Can Build A Life." The tho^from 18 through 25 years of Qf-MrS...;&._Ere three years Harry R. Heins, .Mrs. John H. Low, Jr., and Mrs. Ronald T. Fowlie; initiative in the men who do the simple monotonous stint on the dren's services will be, held both I here will be classes at 10:50 a. m. Church school will reopen Sun- assembly line. Private initiative is subordinated to the completed be held at 6:30 p. in. On Monday Life." Beginners through the sen- of age and plan to enter the'De- Mrs. James H.' McMahdn, Mrs. telephone, Mrs. Victor Shaheen; far children in the fifth grade and day at 9:30 a. m. Registration of days^of Rosh Hashanah at 11 a. m." job on. a severe time schedule. Jesus said, "Man does not live .by evening, the ahnuaLfilectior* of of- ior departments will meet from partment. , t , ' • Herbert Mitchell, Mrs. L. J, Myers, ways" and means, Mrs: Sidney new students will be in charge of in tfie vestry of the Temple. • top. , -' -• "•'.'•• bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth ficers of the Bible school will be [9:30 to 10:30, a;'m.^ and the nursery, Mrs. Harry E. Pfeifler, Mrs. John Nunn; youth conservation, Mrs. Franklin Hunter, secretary of the of God." The Master never discounted the importance of bread.. CUSAN BAbS FU&CBABED -White or j Mrs. George F. Rothweiler, Jr.. held in the lower auditorium'of On Monday evening, Jews .all .pre-schopl and. kindergarten de- Colored •— without buttons or catch«K_ H. Praul, Mrs. Roland K. Schel- Donald R. Creighton, and Chil- school, according to an announce- "Give us this day our daily bread," he prayed. What he-did point Organist, will play Romance by the church. All teacherg • and of- over the world will flock to their, B Cenlj per poooO. Brinff them Into Th- ler, Mrs. August Thermann, Mrs. dren's VIA, Mrs. B. J. Eichinger. Buy now for canning! Large, 'luscious fancy Elberta Freestone—-so- juity and full of flavor. Perfect slicing! ment by R. J. Laier, superinten- out was that to live on the bread and butter level is to starve partments will meet from 11 to 12 Crsnlbnl fjHyyr^ And Chroniclo office. Svendsen. Romance. by Ri.msky ficers are urged to attend.; temples, and synagogues to usher 3. Willard Tingle Mrs. Newton E. L the soul.: ' " ' - , v VIA representatives to local or- o i> T• fEoxsaboff and Postlude by Vin-dent. Miss Agnes Macintosh is The -chorus choir will resume in the New Year, 5711.. According, '•I:--;-:-v.kl The second stonecutter's reply was curt and to the point, forrance, Mrs. Henry* Vettel and ganizations include: Blood Donors, cent. Mrs. Claude H. Grady, Jr., principal of the primary depart- practice tomorrow at S p. m., un-to Jewish tradition, the world w^S "Can'tyou see? I'm cutting stone." He is to be commended in s. Paul K. Wilson.\ . ' ; Inc., Mrs. A. V. V. Hibson and Mrs. ••'..•i.-r-'vSvjn sing, "Hear My Prayer," by ment. ••"'.•' ' • • . that he took an interest in his work. He was annoyed to be dis- der direction of Eugene Petterseh. created at this time of the,year TOU MAY FIND COMFQET, HAPPINESS and the WAY TO pouc^ets on how citizens may Nunn; Cranford Committee, Men- The vestry will meet tonight at tracted. He is a man whose vision is as short as his patience. His Regular mid-week prayer and Bi- 5711 years ago. .The ten days he-' HEALTH through listening to Boms ojf the following Christian protect themselves against atomic |tal Hygiene Society of Union Coun- Boy Scouts will meet tonight at 8:15.in the parish house.- A meet- eyes are fastened on the stone under his .chisel and mallet, and ble study hour wjll be held Wed- tween Rosh Hashanah (New Year) Science radio programs of this vicinity: :: attack wih\be available. Guests ty, Mrs. N. R. Hower and Mrs. Con- Whgt a value! Fancy U. S. No. 1 firm, mea ly, perfect cooking. Acme saves you the most.on the best! 7 o'clock. The ^quarterly confer- ing of the Day Guild will take .that stone is the center of all his labor and interest. He never nesday at 8 p. m. The ladies' mis- and Yom Kippur (Day of Atone- :l:-:- .-:t-iI lifts his eyes to the hills from whence cometh his strength. How Sla. WMCM — EYery Snndar .,_ 0:45 a. m. " are invited. \^ ley, and Cranford Community i nee retreat •• will be held Satur- place Tuesday at 10:30 a. m. in sionary prayer band.meets at 10 ment) are penitential days during the parish house. ,'•''. like ourselves? The immediate task becomes so arresting, that all 8U. WNEW (liae ko) —Eveiy Smia»jr _. :__„. 0:40 a. m. . Among special^programs planned Council, Mrs. William K. Frederick ay at Cranford Boys' Camp, Sil- else is out of focus. From this attitude often comes expertness, a. m. on Thursdays. ' which the fate of every living be- fiia. WNBC ( OM ke> — Ul Soadar Eoeh Month ___„< &S0 i^. n. for the season are ffweard party No^ and Mrs. White,, IV. • Fancy Calsklll Ii] • er Ijike, near Hope. --' specialization but also monotony, isolation and an unsocial re- Prior to the communion service ing is weighed. On Yom Kippur ears Australian "Slums'* vember 3 at Koos mothers, Rah- Yellow Head U ' Families are invited to attend a sponse to the world outside. .Our Lord was a carpenter^ and we last Sunday, the Rev. Vr. Aitche- (September 21), it will be decreed, v Bts.' 1TQXB (1MO ke> — IDA teaSunda y Each Month _11:OB a. ra. ' Australia, homo' of. nature's, odd- 1 way; a dance and men's niEht Feb- ': icnic, sponsored by the- Twenty believe a good one. He loved to make tables, benches, .doors, son continued a series of messages "who shall live and who shall die, ' Sta. WQXa <1800 Bo) >— Sed Sonfifly Eneh Month ______3:05 p. ra. e«t creations, has produced 6*omo ploughs; yokes, cradles for his customers. Yet he used the im- ruary 3 under'auspices of the Jun- Roosevelt PTA Greets ' Fp Club Saturday at 4:30 p. m. in from the Book of James. At thewho in his appointed; time, and of the . most fabulous .-yorci.jQno mediate to interpret the human responses to his occupation. Requests for free literature and reports of benefits received ior Women's Club; a fashion «Jiow ea. • ; , •••••.: •••S'-W'i'. : |cho Lake Park. Those interested evening program, the pastor spoke who not!" These are days of awe ' from these programs will be. appreciated. Teachers at Workslaop concerns the "bunylp." variously People were more important than things. ".What shall it profit a' March 3; a rummage sale and auc- Extra ' i attending are asked to bring on the subject,. "The Good Man for every Jew, and even those.who Roosevelt PTA opened its fall described as resembling a seal, o man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" monitor Views the News tion. May 18 and 19; the annual re- Pferity of extra servings in these super-size extra large, ripe California- honeydews.' At all Acmes! tejr lunch and to meet at the Dies While a Bad Man Lives On," "tend to be lax in religious observ- activities yesterday afternoon by horse, o crocodile, and/or a bull- The third stonecutter who was asked what he was doing , Bta. WIZ <1TO ke>,— BweryTuesday., ,Ne\r» Broadcast _._.__ oiao p."n. | ception for .graduates of-.Union :•' ridge near the yfestfield entrance • replied,-!Tm-building a cathedral!" This man saw the relation- from the twelfth chapter of First ance during-the-year^are moved to- serving- refreshments- to teachers at 'dekr "Another tells of ten-foot Junior College on June 6 and ; nd the swings. rabbits, seen hi the dry Inland ship between his task and the combined work of all on the job. Kingp. . prayer, by the seriousness of the the .workshop in Cranford High His part was.more than bread .and butter, than carving material. Cranford Day, June 8; ' .Methodist Men will meet Mon- wastes of the continent.. and pos- Mrs-. Furman King played.an in- High Holidays. . / School. Assisting were Mrs. Wil- . Its end was the worship of God and the nourishment of the spirit- Speakers "have .been scheduled ' ay at 8 p. m. On Tuesday, the sibly linked to the' Dlprotodon, ex- strumental sola during the service. liam Sta6ey^, refreshment chair- ual life in mankind. The 12 diciples were all workexg. The Chris- for meetings during' the year as fol-. 18-or. (Toman's Society of Christian tinct these many thousand years. tian labors here to the best of his ability and keeps an eye on Short talks were given by stu- man; Miss Etta^ Tunner, principal, Special Tbts .] ervice will hold.its luncheon at eternity. The Divine Plan announced by our Saviour is in the dents home from Bible schools. Bazaar Nets $3.25 lows: October 17, Dr. Kenneth C. and Mrs.. Arthur\Hoagland. Genuine Spring Wceb-Endl cans : oan and program at 1 p. m. The NOTICE OF HEADING making. What a wonderful privilege and opportunity.,to join with They included Miss Alice Lock- The wave ,.i)f summer bazaars MacKay ,dean of Union Junior The first meeting H. Jtevil]fi..oa. 0. T. pratlcally all insects of vet*. ent when full opportunity to be heard words. Thy hands have made me HEATING SYSTEMS ounEi Will be given to them. and fashioned me:" (Ps. 119:57,73) CENTRAL AVENUE CL ARK, N. J. •First vlce-pres'ldenti Mrs. Charles September J3. . ! Speedup .. ta&w «nd flower gardens can be ; By otder . /" MY SPEClAtTTV . . ••. ^-,inE • • .."•'. F. SchiUinger; second vice-presi- s Frosted FUn U Fresher Than Fresh! Controlled. But vegetables should BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. Correlative passages from "Sci- DEVOE ONE-COAT HOUSE PAINT TeL RAhway 7-1581 dent, Mrs. Edward White, IV; re- 1 always be carefully washed before ••-"•• •••'.. N. B. Foster. ence and Health with Key to the Cnta ttenaint Coats as Mnch as 40% "' 1 BEHNEBT PLACE Immediately frosted when caught. All food, no'waste! Auto Polish Anthony a. Henrich. Chairman. , CBANFORD. N. J. cording secretary, Mrs. Herbert R. To Resume Schedule

    e^K c»n HI?*" f Tune In "B&gin* Around With Boullon" WPAT—93 on your Dial—11 A. M. to 12 Noon, Monday NOW ovens! thru Friday. Featuring these famous products. LQANS to MODERNIZE NOW Fresh from our < m Sheffield Milk REDDI-WIP "It Whips Itself" "A stitch in time saves nine." That's particularly true of Wcston Cookies «, , D T . -/' -CASH IN ALL NEXT homes. Money to improve or repair your home ... to 2 <.;_}* ..»i •;••;/'.** tLIZAUUTU AVC. OUrttC COJCNlftCUMS of teuulioiu] innovatiaru. Cl"- (1IZABCTH fOUCI odern interiors. l«""'" REGISTER NOW! TRUST COMPANY ATHUTIC tlAOUt eakiueu, all the latetl a|ipl'.i''«(- TODAY. .SEPT. 7 — 10 A. M. to fl P. M. Ideal Ball Mason Jars UHOAU UT. OHICB • ASTIKN UNION every modem Itslcd ronveuieuf*-- Fill.. 8KPT. 8 — 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Armour's Armour's Wesson Oil CRISC9 ZINC- 113 Unud 81.. CUubcU> COUNTY JUNIO* SAT.. HEPT. 0 - 10 A. M, to 5 P. M. TOP ELIZABETH CHANFOHD CHMU. Or COMMUCI Voo »• it to yvrulf, »«ur tamilf, V»"' pint OO- 'i"1"* 70 Fruit Jars Ball ham*, to riillrtli mtmJtriol »«l»H»''-°! ^ Corned Beef Lunch Tongue r EU1OBA OrHCB For Information Call bottU OvC bottk ' Jt Shortening drttlONlCLE; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, IflSO :Pa«fe Fourteen CRAHFORD CITIZEN 4ND • CHBONICI^, THURSDAY, SEPTEIMBER 7, 1950 Page Fifteen l 8iilll • . . Mttal.Stanaca Steefet Pruessner of Westfieldr'four broth- O.S. Popiilairon Ooubfes "'"". "If you're a hunterot a:fisherman, --'-The-mortaiity-of-Hdcky-niounuia be ameetitm of |he Luther League ers, Robert F:. of 17 North Union Unlike .com, beans; tobacco, and ~ Ibe largest volume ol productlan spotted fever throughout the nation Lutheran "Chorfeh lists 1 During Past 5b Years you should always carry waterproof other new world finds, the potato ol sinless sled? is i° the United Expected Home Sunday at 7:30 p. m. avenue, Paul F. of Smoke Rise, matches on your trips/ Why not averaged 23 per cent in" 4,033 casej The Little School of Cranfortf, Stanley C. x>l New York City, and Population of the United States'at was slow to spread.. It was stfll re- States tthich for the last four years reported during * the period 1939. Fall Schedule, Meetings Church Council will meet waterproof them yourself merely garded With sospieioa in France located at 308 Casino avenue, op- John M. McConnaek Mark's A.M.E. Church with the Samuel H. or Sag Harbor, L. I. the mjd-century mark, well over has held at aa average oX about 550,- 194B. Fortunately, two of the newer Calvary Lutheran Church will Monday at 8:30 p. m. in the church 150,000.000. la just about double by dipping them in shellac and then and Germany toward the mtcTiitr at (09 ingo* tons. ..Volume last year house. "'Sewing for veterans at Ly- ened its fourth Season this morn- largely attended funeral serv- Rev. Samuel I. Matchett, pastor, allowing matches to-dry? anUboties. aureprnycin and thloro. return to its fall schedule Sunday i what it was at the beginning of the the 18th century. Though Prussia's sas somesfhat below this average, .mycetin, give promise of being rf' Hospital will btf undertaken ing. Classes are held for three ices were hcld^Fridr_-JohnJMi offlciating. H«(jwas assisted by the! • Jennie G. glauvelt Frederick the Great had tried to with' -regular services, including ReyV. Nelson Tate, pastor of the -century., Thtis, th<» numerical gain bat trilh roughly CO per cent of the iecyJJttent of this disea.,. streets among the shops filled wit WASHINGTON (Special) — Figures showing what the matins at 8:30 a. m., worship serv- by the Women's Guilo' Wednesday and four-year-old children. Mrs. MeConnack. 60, who died sudden- Private burial at TranqTTifitSv in the nation's population in the OUblNjtTiCt. NO. I1V-AO. force potato growing; Jt was the' Thomas Q. OlHpyi) ly August 2R,,At hi? home, 39 Man- New Hope Baptist Church, -Me- AN ORDINANCE Flxine the Salaries of i qnisitp rarvingK nt thi> saints nnH J—$48'4 billion spent for the Military-Establishment during the- ice at_ 11 a. m.T and Sundny school from-10 a_m- lo 4 p. m.: ' Rorxri H: Schubel is director. • followed the funeral service, for last 50 years has been as great as the Oflicera and Members of the Police famine conditions fbHorariug the o very large f 4 Fjafer place,- is expected' sion tepraw. A solemn high mass tuchen, and the Rev. George A. chromium varieties, angels. • - • . last four years means. in. terms of Federal taxes ,to various at 9:30 a. m. The Rev. William H. Mrs. Jennie G. Bluuvplt of 219In nearly 300 years between the co- and Fire Departments of Township of Seven Years' War that really estab- consumption 01 main- li,,!iii>/Saturday, September ,16,; Church. Elizabeth. 1 XT. S Grant. 18th president of th« ning at 8 o'clock. The Rev. Elbert The rate of population cairi In the of Revised Statutes 40:04-28 a petition t-harge . of immigration of of Commerce. These show over the for pay of all personnel, and f6r - The Women's Guild will ..meet B. Donnelly, pastor. Bearers were Louis Roberts, E. Gates, Jr., conducted the service signed by 20 per cent of the legal voters United^Stafesi Was christened UI«. long hair and look in character food, clothing and supplies for the tomoiow at 8:15 p. m., in the past half century has varied widely of ToWnshtp of Cranford has been' sub- (hnivh World Service of Diseven- , as they work*with their wood four years that: , •' "• A^isting the pastor were the Frank Miller, Ernest Mayer, Paris at Gray Memorial. 12 Springfield mitted, to the Township Committee, re- files ,ses Hiram:-On entering West Poi^ •„ A family- of threewith an income soldiers, sailors and marines. Less church. A zipper demonstration over-the country. First among the Scoffed S&aes ,,1-,IT(1 Persons. Miss Gilley, who carvings. The houses axe delight- than $2 of each $10 spent for de- :; I Rev. Mark J. Dooley, assistant-pas- Anderson. John Stewart and Wil- avenue. , states in this respect is California, questing that- 'there shall be submitted to A hand file is a familiar house- 'to 1839 his name was enteredM 1,.^ Wen abroad more than a.year, 1 of 53,000 paid $645.59 ill be featured. On Saturday, the fAtt SEWING +:< tor, as. deacon, and the Rev. George the legal voters -of the jnunicipality the If you've been having trouble. hold tool and a necessity in many Ulysses Simpson ana he adopted it ful with murals painted in lovely fense was used to buy guns, ships : ; liam Barnes, all of Cranford. Bur- Mrs. Blauvelt. widow of. Edward the present population of which Is question of increasing the unnual salaries vi^oiting some displaced persons colors on the outside walls, A family of four with'an Income Mr., and Mrs. Club will hold its E. Doherty, assistant pastor of St.ial was in the family plot.at Fair- of the,officers and members of the Police with your youngster's habit- of Industries. Nearly 112 million metal of $5,000 paid $1,130.08 and planes. ' -Z\ B e a utifuila wn at Mo (test.; C o s f L. Blauvelt, died in her eightieth more than seven times what it was nnd Fire Departments as fallows: scuffing the tips of his shoes reg- ", . NOTICE OV MEETING iii Ni'-A^irk City. She will, return that you all could have been there The. study declared that "Un- meeting'at 8:30 p. m. There will Theresa's Church, Konilworth. us view Cemetery, Westfleld. catting hand files and rasps were ' The annual meeting,*)! the Cranfnrj A family of four with an income year. She had liwd in Cranforcl in 1900. As a result.'California now POUCE DtPAHTMENT , ularly, you can calm your nerves mndf in 1947. and about 25.000 tons ,„ Munich after a five day stay with me.. •" of $7,500 paid 51,798.92 doubtedly much housekeeping sub-deacon. The Rt. Rev. Msfir. Mr. Durham died Friday in Muh- ranks second in- population, having Ranb From To Welfare Association. iSc.. wiU be h,","^ waste in the Military Establish- John M.'Walsh, pastor of St. Anne's six months,"coir.inj! here from Lake Chief ,...: S4500.00 S5000.00 and your pocketbook. Just shine of high carbon steel bars were con- its headquarters. KKNorth Union Av,' „ ' p, "When Joan Kaul and \Lollie In addition, these family groups IMCOHOHCD OUblNANt'K NO. ?O-5 lenberR Hospital, Pliinfleld: Born advanced from 21st place at the 3000.00 4100.00 on Thursday evening. September 21 inw P ment' diminished the value of the Give your lawn the famous .Lenape. She was born in Brooklyn. Lieutenants .....f» the shots, and then brush several sumed In their manufacture. at 8:15 o'clock for the election ol \S I The following is a part of a let- Hickok arrived in Munich on their paid out Federal taxes for other AN ORDINANCE Vacating Part x>t Church, Garwood, was seated in August 28, 1883 in Raleigh. N. C, turn of the century. Sergeants ...... I— 3400.00 3aoo.qo 34Slf] billion as an investment in Sclu*r«r Street. • '^'-^m-. A daughter. Mrs. ttuth B. Warn- 3200.00 thltj layers of shellac over the tip.. members ot^the board of directors . rwi-titly sent by Miss Gilley to tour to Europe, I was away. Here purposes connected wilh defense. SeoSfc. beauty treatment right the sanctuary. he was the husband of Hester B, Patrolmen—Class A .. 3300.00 three year terms, one member for a (t>| preparedness, but efforts begun by WHEREAS the owners of a largo tract er of Caldwell and a son. Edward Arizona has six times Its 1000Palrolmen—Class B ... 3000.00 Not only will the glass be retained. I work/ each day in the office These totaled a little ICES than $d of land lying on the cast side of EH ro- 3300.00 year >erm. and such other busi ju.r parents: billion and included such activities Defense Secretary Porrestal and ' now. First TURF BUILDER to as- ofTUi09 "E Blauvelt.^-Jr., ui home, two H/\p^ttnfinn ~f>yjf| thr> fitnt the DP Camp and just when some continued by Secretary Johnson to bot h uvemie subdivided said tract and required 20 years in Cranford and was treas- FIRE DEP. : j luld out thereon a str^H-'t called "Scherer and a speHal car was grandchildren ' i;iul two great- ington five; times, with the figure Hank From To leather against members are invited to attend ipitiitenilte~the^feitgfeHg>Hncnt=- BBd— ttrttr^inap -Stjro QTMrdl -IwpM^ and color; careless fclfc&s; -| States have estimated their total person who has contributed to the 'Any ri.]jof because I have-been to the piling of raw materials .and atomic J to transport them to St. Gertrude's urer and a trustee of St. Mark's grandchildren survive. for Florida just a little short of that Chief » ; S4500.00 S5000.00 ation during . the ' year is assocl- arrive, I am away! cut out waste have now tended.to Scctt6n No. 1 Elizabeth Avenue Villa Captains ... 3400.00 4100,00 scratches, etc. pear crop at 27.914.000. bushels in considered -j ObiM-nmmergau Passion VPlay. It energy projects. But. they meant strengthen that investment." Sites. Cranford. N. J. on file in the Union then Scoffs SEED for athick Cemetery, WdodbridRc. where in- Church. m Other states whose populations have 3500.00 member,). ' "I recently escorted 11 displaced Firemen—Class A ....•3200.00 1250. His is 23 percent below 'last u:,s so beautiful words cannot give $49.85' m Federal taxes to the County Register's office as map numbered terment took place. Monsignor . Besides his wife, he is survived more than' quadrupled slncg 1900 Firemen—Class B .„. 3000,00 3300.00 GEORGE H. BATES. persons to'Paris. They -were on $3,000- family group. $87.26 to the It added, "In view of the ex- 93 I>: and carpet of luxuriant < Firemen—Class C ....2BHO.O0 3100.00 famous year and eight percent below aver- tlio wonderful drama of the life of MISS MARY LOU GHXEY WHEREAS said &hcrer Street has nev- Walsh read the committal prayers. by a sister, Mrs. Sarah' Mdhtague Starling-.Under Suspicion are Oregon: and Nevada. Statisti- MADELEINE A. RICHARDS. reslde"t their way to Canada. Among- the $5,000 group and $138.90 to thepanded program brought on by the cians point out that in the far1 West The above schedule of salaries to become Among renowned bells are tlte age. . .,.,.,, . ,- Christ which the village of 2,000 Korean situation, it is all the more er been accepted or opened and the Town- Prior to the funeral, the Holy of Raleigh, and a brother, the Rev. The 9tarling. ono of the nation's 'effective commencing Jbnuary 1, 1051. , Secretary. 0-14 piioTllt! produce. ... •, . children were two three-week-old $7,500 group. • ship Committee now finds it to the best worst nuisance birds, is now under as a t whole the population is five BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Savoyarde. cast in 1895 for the" necessary that we obtain th(S maxi- hiteresTs* of the Township that part ot Name Society of St. Michael's j Magland. C. Durham; five daugh- Oberaromergau is situated, in.the babies. I felt like the old woman Waste To Be Cut it be closed; suspicion os a disease carrier. The times what it was 50 years ago. Committee of Township of Cranford, New Church of the Sacred Heart at Boy Enters Holiday . mum return for every dollar that Church, recited the rosary under ters, Mrs. Elizabeth Avery of Eliz-_ Jersey: Davai'ian Alps, a part of Germany 'who' had so many children she The Council's study revealed that we are investing in. our national BE IT ORDAINED by the - Township abeth, Bernice, Ruth, Shirley and American Veterinary Medical as- At the lower end of the scale are Section. 1 — The annual salaries of-the Muntmartre. Paris, and the Jeanne Committee of the Town&hlp' of Cranford, leadership of Father Dooley. spir- officers and members of the Police and Ulled with lakes and towering didn't know what to do.' We ar-Spirit, Goes to Canada. $6.76 out of every $10 spent for defense." New Jersey: Finest quality permanent grasses sociation reports that veterinarians Vermont, with an increase of less d'Arc. cast in 1919 for Rouen Cathe- 1 itual director. The Catholic Daugh- IAHS Durham and. six sons, Fcrman, Fire departments of-Township of Cranford snow-capped mountains. The set- rived in Frankfort and had to wait Randolph Johnson, 15 years old, Section 1 — Thot the public rights, in- ters of America', Court Trinity 337 Curtis, Marvin; Alfred, Clyde and have Isolated the virus of Newcas- than 10 per cent'In 50 years, and are hereby fixed as ioUows: ^ dral. The former., said to'be the, n e with awe Six thou three hours for our train. It was terest and easements In Scherer Street, tor fall seeding. You need only POLICE DEPARTMENT largest in Prance, weighs nearly line, fills " . - - who left his home at 10 Johnson between Wade Avenue and Van Buren of Westfield, attended the service Ronald Durham, at home. tle disease, a serlotis poultry mala- Iowa and Nebraska, with increases my job to see to my group's needs, nue, was treated by Dr.' Edward. Avenue, an Laid out on said mop of Sec- a third ai much because of the of about 20 per cent- Chief ^ S5000.00 18 tons; the latter, two toss faiul people had . arrived with us avenue Sunday to visit thejMuseum Completes grossfood. ', in a body and also recited the ros- dy, from a young "starling found Lieutenants ,... 4100.00 (jKit morning at 8:30 when the play keep each ticket straight and hold Bike Parts Stolen M. Coe at his office for a leg cutiot n No. 1 Elizabeth Avenue Villa Sites;, rtjllions of healthy sure growing near Ithaca, N:Y. Newcastle dis- In general, the rate of gain has Sergeants - :..— ™... 3800.00 : of Natural History en route to a Cranford, N. J. be terminated and 25 Kw-$2.50 feeds ary. Mrs. Mary Young, grand reg- Charles Armstrong Patrolmen—Class A 3500.00 am«l Dealers off _ - itiirtotl/""The large stage• is built on wall my case histories. Theft of a headlight' valued at §2 received Sunday afternoon when tlnuuishcd; and said part of Scherer z^seeds in .each ' package. ease is a respiratory-nervous dis- beenjkiwest in northern New Eng- relative's home in New York, Street i** hereby vacated. ent, led the group. Funeral services were held Sat- Patrolmen—Class B_t....". , - 3300.00 ABE SOU tluMVi'n the valley with .thocmoun. "When we arrived in Paris and nd a red rear reflector from, a the boy fell off his bicycle. 2500 KJ ft- / order that kifts many chickens and" land and in much of the farm area's Patrolmen—Class C ^ 3100.00 wound up. in Stony Creek, Canada Section ? — This ordinance shall I Ib—$1.55 5 Ibs-$7.6S , Bearers were Martin Donnelly, urday at 3:15 p. m., at Prall Funr FIRE DEPARTMENT ©fill Work and BwiWimg Supplies taiiis :is background. The wnoR they sat down-to their breakfast on Labor Day. ' boy's bicycle, parked next to the effect immediately in the manner pro- other poultry and causes heavy in the Midwest and South. SEL.LING vided by Statute. ; Michael Deane,: Harry Boimey, eral Home, 124 East First avenue, Chief ._.._ ::...„.. $5600.00 coiiimunity ureactors in some'part the first real meal they had had The boy's father, Robert John- ranfbrd Theatre ,wqs reported to TOWNSHIP OF CRANFOKD special puaposf BLEND . losses in eefi production. Investigat- Captains v 4100.00 •Notice la hereby c*ve« that L. J. Mar Roselle. for Charles A. G. Arm- • YOUtt HOME? of this life of.Christ which we since they came to the camp many For quick,,otirsy lawn Seed (or deep ihado, poor dry lolli, Melvin Bellanca, Harry Armstrong ing veterinarians think the starling Firemen—Clasu A 3500.00 son, reported hft son missing Mon- police Saturday by Melville Mat- tins hum oticrcd io purchase from the NOTICE and Harry/ Armstrong, Jr. strong. 67, of 105 East Lincoln ave- Firemen—Class B ...: 3300.00 • NoV Is the Time "watched until 6 o'clock that eve- years ago, the deep expression in hews of 20'Indian Spring road. Township Committee a ten OOt foot The foregoing ordinance was introduced tieobimttU $9.95 I Ib-$1.2S . 5 U»-$6.15 contracted the disease from its par- Tolaremla Treatment Firemen—Class C '. 3100.00 day afternoon after he failed to atrip of loi 31B In block 03. (Suulh Ave and passed on first reading at a regular Mr.. McCormack was associated nue, who died last Thursday after- l their eyes repayed me greatly for meeting of Xhti Township Committee of the ents, who may have come Into con- Successful treatment Of six cases Section 2 —- This ordinance shall take To list Vonr Home iiiiifi- - .••',' ' appear at the home of Mrs. Ruth Mr. Matthews said that hrs sonEaatt on the tax map for the sum- 01 %A\i his wife, Ella J. McCormack. noon after a long illness. The Rev. effect January 1/1051. provided a major- FSBEI&GLASS all my labors. Soon I could turn Miller in New York City.* had attended an afternoon movie S1S0.00 cash, and that said offer has been Township o! Cranford, N. J., held on 1 tact .with an Infected poultry flock of tularemia, also known as rabbit ity of the. legal voters of the Township For Sale! ~ INSULATIOM "One can understand why such upproved: antl that at. a meeting of. the September R, 1050. and will be,considered in operating a real estate and in - Albert H. Frost 61 St. Luke'sEpis- the papers of each one over to the £br final passant, after, public hearing, at voting upon, such question at the general :-')• Later on Monday, Mcs. Johnson until 5:30 p. m. and the accessories Township Committee toJbc held on Sep- while, ranging for food. fever, with chloromycetln. one of — Phone — ii stupendous drama with massive international relief officer and I another refill La r meeting of said Township •"SUrancc. concern in West field. He copal "Church, Roselle, officiated. election to bo held on November 7, 1950 foot '•' settings, and perfect costumes is received an urgent telephone re- were missing when he returned. tember 10. 1930, said offer will be consid- Burial will be private. the newer ontibotic drugs. Is re-shall vote'**Yes" on such Question. If a per sq was given a short vacation in ered far final approval and the sale of Commlttrc at Municipal Building, Cra HOUSEWAJUES — BlAKDWARiE —.'GADGETS — GBFT8 had lived here 30 years. ported by a' group of doctors from majority of the legal voters voUng upon Cr. 6-241S cr ISJIK produced every 10 years. As the quest from his son to send funds said property will be made unless suf- ford, -New Jersey, on y Born in Ireland, Mr. Armstrong Venezuela Encourages .Immigrants such question at such election shall vote Paris." fllient cause appears to the contrary. TUESDAY; SEPTEMBER 10, 1°JMJ Also surviving are two daugh- the University of Maryland school F.O.B. Our nuclience realized the play was to the General Post Office in Rock — ff*ee' BJelivery — ^ came to this country 4ft years ago. "No" on^.such question, this, ordinance SHAHEEN AGEKCY TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE " ut 8:30 o'clock P. M. / 1ers, Mrs. Rita Kurre of Scotch . With a scant four and a half mil- of niediqine, Baltimore. The dis-shall not. become effective and the sal- 'over, and the shadows were cover- CIXAH ttAO.8 rvnCHAJSED—Wblte Ol Cliffs, Canada. Authorities Were Falls from Bike OF" THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD . • (Daylight Saving Timef aries ol the oBlcers< and members of th£ 1DNION AVE., KENttWORTH - J. WALTER COFFEE, 109 RUnbn Avenue Cranforcl 6-0866 -Plains and" Mrs. JearinetteJarvis, e>had been erriMoyetT20 years^as lion people to.x>ccupy a country big- ease is acquired from wild rabbits :. Realtors . • jiH! th«i valley, quietly we found Colored — without buttons or catches — notified by.the local.police depart- Paul A. Keebpler, son of Her- J. WALTER COFFEE. a salesman for Seaboard Twins & ger than Texas and Louisiana, Ven- Police and Fire Departments shall con- ! 5-Cents per ponnd. Bring them Into The ment to detain the boy until his ' ' Township Clerk. Township Clerk. of Elkhart, Ind.. a sister, Mrs. Wil- nnd other, wild ^animals and Insects. tinue as. heretofore. 15 North Ave, E, danfonS Res. Phone. ESsex 2-2651 our way "back into "the quairii Cranfoxd CltUen and Chronicle office. man C. Keebhler of 6.Preston ave- Dated:- September Q, 1050. , ... (M4,Dated: September 0. WO.: . ... .,^14 liam Soine of Ridgefleld Park, and Cordage Company of New .York. ezuela needs an enlarged and well- It occurs as a local skin lesion and father-s-arrivaL -.— five grandchildren. ' . He has been a resident in Cranford balanced population to exploit the NOTICE * land's riches and. tame an undevel- as a generalized infection with The foregoing ordinance was Introduced for 10 years, coming here from Ro- fever. ' and passed on first reading at a regular V) Oliver Durham selle'. ' • • . • ' oped wilderness. That explains why meeUng of the Township'Committee of the: Police. Get New. Funeral services for Oliver Dur- Surviving are his wife, Mrs. the Venezuelan government .recent- Township of. Cranford, . N. J. held on AVINGS September S, 1050, and will be considered ham, 67 years old, of 101 High Clara Hicks Armstrong; two sons, ly threw open the immigration doors Chancing Ttmeo • for final passage, after public hearing, at Radio Patrol Car ^ . Street, were held Tuesday at StJame. s B. and William G., of New to 2,000 Europeans monthly. And, As a young nation, the U. S. used another regular meeting of said Township Cranford's new police radio pa- In effect, laid down the red carpet, to sell raw materials and to buy Committee at Municipal Building. Cran- iT READY-IWJW! trol car was placed in service at York;: two daughters, Mrs. Jean forcl. New Jersey, on III Nash of Cranford, and Mrs.. Mary too. Not only are immigrants urged finished products abroad. Now the -TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1050 11:45 a. m. last Saturday, accord- to come to Venezuela but the gov- situation is reversed and' it sells • at 8:30 o'clock P: M. ' ing to Chief William A. Fischer. Bell of Cleveland; two sisters, Mrs. ernment is offering them grants of \ (Daylight Saving Time* To Make or Renovate Your Lawn mainly' finished goods and buys . ,"'• ' J. WALTER COFFEE. , Chief Fischer accepted delivery William Casto and Miss Nora rich, well-watered farm land, plus of the new vehicle .on August 29. Armstrong, both of Tucson, Ariz., crude materials and semi-mnnu- •' Township ClnrW long-term, low-interest loans lor factures. / Dated: September B. 1950. 9-14 During the week, radio and other and three grandchildren. machinery and equipment. equipment was installed and the , James Allen Wlkander insignia painted on'the doors. Services for James Allen Wikan- summertime frcOaunon • A twordoor sedan, the vehicle der, 35, of Jersey City, who died Dairymen who feed.skim milk to is a special green to match the Sunday, will be held this afternoon their calves should be careful to other two cars of the fleet. It re- {Jill at.' 3:30 " from Gray's, 320 • East keep buckets and other feed uten- places former car No. 2 which was Broad street.Westfleld. Neil Hern- sils clean. This is especially im- badly damaged in a collision whyle '••—111 «Mft»mnh$iifl your war on call Jujy 20. Wirfco connected disability; don, student'.assistant ol the First portant in hot weather, as milk left Presbyterian Church, will officiate. In buckets sours fast in summer !—in proving your tight to Burial Will be at family conven- and con cause digestive upsets In 'compensation from the Vet-.. Gassmann to Report ience. ^ \ the calves., - •" ; . . BECAUSE OF THt RELIGIOUS For Active Navy Duty p William Gassmann of 152;VMo- [—in obtaining medical out* Cranford, and, Anchorage, Alaska, patient treatment or hoo- HOLIDAY, WE WILL BE hawk drive, a member of the Nav,- wajj> the "son of-the late Frank and al< Reserve,-will report -Wednesday SERVICE Wendla Wikander. At one time WHITE PAINT J OuUldc.f inow-whlle . titanium lead and to New York for active duty with J—In. inauranco or employ- hfr*was employed at the Western oil. Money-back guarantee not to peel, the United States Navy. Electric plant in Keamy. rub or Wfih off. or turn yellow. Klsir^ Closed from 630 P. 1 MOE, -Seplfll inant matters; He is survived by two sisters, gal. In O-cal. cans. Ovei, million (alloiu Mr. Gassmann, who received his told. Sample can SOe. 8no«-WMIe faint orders August 30, is expected to be f—in estahliflhing widox/fl oz Mrs. Lawrence G. Botts of 418 Or- Co.. 18 Ganaevoort SI., New Yortf, N. T, : dependents' righto; chard street, and Mrs. Martha) h Your Car a Menace on the Road? assigned to the Brooklyn . Navy ^ 9II. Wei Septic Yard, lie Will enter active service RATH'S BLACK HAWK PRIME POt EXPERT ASSISTANCE Wheels out of alignment can make your car a menace on the' as a Gunners Mate 3/c, the rank New 1950 Pack road, as well as cost you up to 50 */o in the life of your tires as Well as he held durfpg •Wfarfd War II. PRIDE OF THE FARM AT MO CHARGE TO VOW QUICK SERVICE THANK YOU'FOR YOUR COOPERATION Mr. Gassmann is married and crippling your car in other ways. , ' ' has three children. - See the Drive in today and have your wheels checker^ on our Bear FRESH, LEAN, JERSEY ELECTRIC MOTORS AND Wheel Aliner. This precision, test enables us to correct any danger- For the Land's Sake—Use Chinaware Exhibit CASE OF 24.- •2.75 ous conditions in your car which are costing you money. . AWAY! Mre. W. W. Robinson, Jr., of 305 D.A.V. REWINDING Elm street •xwill ejfhibit painted CAMPBELL'S lawn 5 china articles'made by her stu- BONELESS" BRISKET, KOSHER STYLE REPAIRING PEAT MOSS dents Monday. and Tuesday from iw6ed&iwccuo, :ojt»fu sprayy witvwtjTEndo-h Endo-" 10 a. m. to 10 p^rrt. at her home. UNITY CHAPTER, NO. 59 OPEN EVENINGS lWeed,*&glective lawn or In addition to china, the exhibit (weed killer. ^Kjlls v'em, will include ceraipic pieces. M. S. GazrrzEB, Service Officer MORY fr NUNN roots and all.,;Easy, eco- , CRanford G-9338 WALTMER 11 LEUSGHNER CO. inomical to use.' Ttila Patriotic tlaaaee Sponsored by WlNES§LigilORS Wheel Alignment - Front End and'Brake Service HYPER HUMUS Tinnesz Boy/ Hurt lb. KOUTE 29 Breen'a Liquor Store 9 WALNUT AVENUE CRANFORD I Then Apply Some V Anton Tinnes^ 14 years old, suf- 1 UNION. N. J, 413 NORTH AVE., E CRanford 6-9852 fered. a cut of the right knee Mon- 21 N. UNION AVE. day afternoon while playing in a GENUINE SPRING lot opposite hi? home, 62 Burnside !b. avenue. He was taken to and from Dr. SordiU's office, where he fe- ceived an injection for tetanus. Cut Rite FANCY SELECTED 125 ft. roll GRAY MEMORIAL TOE COMPLETE PLANT FOOD ill ARE YOU Spring BREAST OFLAME lb. 19c OUTSTANDING Welch's and for goodness sake —- TRY OUR SELLING FILLET of HADDOCK?- /.. \h. 45c YOUR HORJE? Now Is the Time SALMON or HALIBUT STEAKS /..... lb. 55c To List Your Home Many people have asked this question. For Sale! . —• Phone — © Our charge for a funeral is the same whether the €r:-6:2416>"ojr"1900 Morganville Farms STRICTLY Sno-Crop Snow White, Long lotand futieral i» held in tlie family home, the Church or SHAHEEN AGENCY 12-oa. :•:;<•;•• ..4--. ••': our Funeral Home, / , Sue., ofjers iresiaSeMs of Criinford and Realtors FRESH. EGGS pkg. nd. 15 Noctb Ave.. E., Cranford 8NO-CROI* CADJF.^StVEET The following tabulation shows thai funerals con- FOODCRAFT I Slice*! STRAWBERRIES pkE- 45c SEEDLESS €KA8»ES 2,>"*• 29c vicinity ens asssSsSwuSsmg ^csszesvs^ nonie, complete AWN SEED COTTAGE CHEESE nioz- cup 19c i ducted by Grayytiic, are within the means of every - • • i\ SNO-CUOP CAUF. SUNKLST can 4-oi. cans MR. Cf. F. SCOTT <4 Swrflt & Company Conquers Shyness j REDDI-WHIP 49c ORANGE JUICE 2 29c tloz family. TJUecosts shown are for adults only. Child txiih air coasdi&wnmg., exrgwa, Surge light rooms for. ! ORANGES- - 29c Will Bo at Our Store This Week , at Arthur Murray's^ TUSCAN DAIRY FARMS SNO-CKO1P VIRGINIA COUtKN Funerals are, of course, less expensive. lb I)kg lbs evesy i SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th MILK .... reg. qt. 20c - homo. qt. 21c FILLET OF COD - - 39c SWEET D'OTATOES: 3 - 25c ^ STATEMENT OF COSTS OF 5C0 CONSECUTIVE SampleH of Soil Tested — Free!!! ENJOY ADULT FUNERALS CONDUCTED IN HELPFUL ADVICE ON RUILDING LAWNS SUNSHINE KEEBLER' GOLD RECENT MONTHS BY GRAY. INC. MEDAL 2B Funerals coa» bom $150 to $200 KR1SPY 43 Funorob cost from S201 to S300 At Savings Up to 15c lb. SO Funerals cost , from 3301 to S400 12 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE. CRANFORQ Ess. eszsir ©SIXJ display vtMsm in WesSfzeid, 25 LARGE .PARKING AREA IN REAR OF STORE ASSORTMENT 112 Funerals coat „.„ :. from $401 to S500 BREAKFAST COFFEE ... Lb. 81 Funerals cost _„. from S501 to S600 Lb. Bag are cSenaya on diapHay — all plainly marked "Be Thankful You Can See!" Lb. Box Box DINNER COFFEE Lb. 92 Fanorak cost , .from S6Q1 to $750 llolurn Your Contribution Now 56 Funerals ccst moxo . than $750 To the LI0113 Club Blind S«ul Drive. „ Prices shown ill the above tabulation include: Personal and Professional as to chc .'froze upT> SHOPPING when oayonc diked her to dance. But CASH belief that no one can furiifeh a satisfactory service 318 E. Eioad Stroot We luave heen serving nizople o today .she U poised, confidcnl, and is COMFORT CtanlowL N. I. Wcsiaolst N. I. Very popular. 'To gain confidence," A BLOCK LONG FREE PARKING SPACE for less. ' . *«y Icadiug poychialriitj, ''become an PAYROLL CIL 6-0033 • WE. 2-0143 in cMs community for over 53 years. exceptionally good dancer." ^—_, . _ . _—_ X\VIN 91. GUOCERS. inc. 100 UALaEV BT.. NEWAUlt. MA 3-3151 CHECKS STORE HOURS: Mom., Tnes., Wed., Sat., 8 A. BI.-6 P. M.; Thnrs^ VrL, 8 A. M.-® 116-118 SOUTH AVE., E. CRanford 6-1661 AND AT 44 BUCK CUDBCU rLAZA CAST OBANOE. OB J-3UO0- • <«WHEflJE 8BOPPMNG MS A PUEASVWB . . . AND PAJmWQ 8S NO PROBLEM!" THE CRM1FQM) CITIZEN AND CfiSONICLB, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER, 7, 1950 Page Seventeen

    WORK WANTED-^ FEMALE WANT TO BUY . SERVICING .'. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE KEAI* ESTATE FOR SALS STORE FOR RENT ' ; FOR SALS WOMAN WISHES IRONING to do' atWISH TO BUY good" second-hand nultar. WALNUT AVE. (107). Cranford OU>BURNER service. CRanford.. 0-9529 CLASSIFIED BATES REFRIGERATOR, G.E., second Jjand, has CRANFORD REAL ESTATE BOARD O ASK H O Wv'L AND ABOUT © home. CRanford 0-6911. tt ' 5 strings, around S3. CRanford 6-5039 M .lease. For details phone new unit, must sell by September 18. INSERTION—S cent* a worfl. RESPONSIBLE MOTHER will care for or 1649. * . ••."•. Ave fiO cents mint!"**1"1 ' Adv cet bjr Reasonable. CRanford, 6-6987. DO YOU WANT to enjoy a beautiful children. Call Jitter 0 p. m. CRanford ? ""* * - lines—10 cents a Une. Ada «et la FORMICA. MICARTA, and TEXTOLITE "ARE YOU larce lot with flowers together with a SURF FISHING ROD. split bamboo, prac- counter top replacements.. Mlnton-Bllt 6-4857. •„ »- WANT TO RENT caps, doable ptiea.-— SELLING 0-room house of charm, sunporch. flre- AUTOS FOR SALE tically new. original price *13> asking -Cabinet. f/>, 3i Knuih Union Ave.. Inre. garner: • wlthln_wfilljlng_ distance BETEAT TnBrnmONri _coupc. weeks vlthABt espy chances) I Now Is The Time of the center of-town-? If you-do. be sure t'UMAJLU ceileht shape, 4.00tTmiles on new mM/'!M;M!^y£gmMm^^ •'•:.•••'<, TUXEDO, sinsle breasted, full dress suit. or Nov. 1st or will rent with option to. • . eeri»-a ward. SB eenta minimum. To tlsl^Your Hbmo • CALL CRanford, 6-1444. ttor . CalCUl CRanforCRfdd 6-08246062 . • ' No discount an Una. ads o» ads «e» Chesterfield coat, siie 39-40. all In very ELECTRICIAN, extra outlets Installed, re- -'-•'- For Sale' to see this attractive honw. REDUCED-TO buy. UNlonville 2-4045/ 0-28 Siursday fou Camp. Peiulleton, BOROUGH OF GARWOOD - Cttod condition. Reasonable. CRanford pairs, bouse wiring, all types of fixtures — Phone —' M2.000. = In caps. 0-14 L. A- Jacobus. CRantord 0-2631 ' tl LADY. WANTED, by Cranford Orm. lo\ CHEVROLET. 1040. special deluxc Driver Forfeits $100, . Nancy Garrick Stride \ •• l"l.lll.lf NOTICE CASH. Cheeks «'Stamps moil accom- 6-3667. Cllanfoid 0-2410 or 0-1000 FOUK-ROOM BUNGALOW with expan- NAVY OFFICER, wife, one child, desire coupe, black, excellent condition' Calif.. ' . • sion attic, • one-car garage, large front generaT office work. State experience. furnisacd't. or unfurnished ho^ise or Public Notice,, is hereby piveri that the pany adverilslna copy. Net «o- SHAHEEN ' AGENCY CRanWrd ftdJUJS. . ' r,,. Miss Rose Nicolella of Clason lorouifh of Garwood has received tho DUNCAN PHYFE SETTEE, barrel chair, SEATS—Cane, rush, rattan. Work called Realtors porch, steam heat, good condition, $8,300. - Box 443, c/o Citizen and Chronicle. " ' apartment. 2-3-4 bedrooms. Available Eleven Speeders Pay •' - * •poulbte Car error. In ada taken. club choir. StrleJ chair. ente-leB table for and delivered. -FLainilcld 6-0270. of win ullowuifl, offer from Victor,. D, Shaheen,- 13 North Avc.. E., Cranford and has been approved by V. A. . Avail- MAID to do general ^housework and care anytime until November 1st. . one or 37 NASH, tudor, good running con 'oint. the^Bronx, New York, re- by telephone.- and breakfast' set. CRanford 9410 *—Cal"l 430 Somerset Street. North Plalnfleld, two-year leaser- Excellent Westfleld KENILWORTH—Ernest Smith KENILWORTH — Miss Nancy r \\in O5sii;nc«v to purchase Boroush DEADLINE FOB COPS'—Wednesdays N. J. U able at closing. . / for children during d$y. 'Good pay. 4 tires like new, original black urned home Sunday alter visiting wiled land described as follows: utter 6:30 P. M. .Call CRanford ti-3120. After 6 P. M. caU references. WEstGcld. 2-1500.. 0-14 upholstery perfect. 8185.' B34 S of Roselle, 27 year bid, was fined ane Garrick.'daughter of Mr. and Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. \3; -$ U10A.M. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED two family, vith her uncle and aunt, Mr. ond *Myrtl« Avenue — North Side AL4IOUSE FULL OF FURNITURE—No RADIO AND TELEVISION-SERVICE CRantord 0-5393. maxon Drive, WEstfteld 2-1073 $122.50 Tuesday night in Munici- Ars. Frank Garrick of 451 Colfax bhn Di Battista of 432 Second ave- llocll 5 l^Jtg , 250B-257-258. 2G0 to 263 < reasonable oiler refused. Everything All mokes repaired, some day service, 5 and ti room apartments, hot water heat, APARTMENTS FOR RENT tlrs. A. T. Mosca of 329 North ave- .. m to 278 Incl.. 2B1 to 287 Incl. from a player piano with rolls, all kinds car garage, new roof, extra large lot, DENTAL ASSISTANT—Experience prc- pal Cqurt by Magistrate William J. ivenue, became the bride Satiir- ue included Mr. and Mrs. Frank lowest prices. Herbert F. Sorge, Jer- FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT0 iue. My rile Avrnuc — South Side FOE SA1LB of furniture, to garden tools. Moving sey Radio Service, 134 HlUcrest Ave. 100 x 153. . • , _ lerred but not necessary. Excellent op- Block 13- Lois 321 to 324 inct.. 22!>-230- ; TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, private Bruder. Of the total, $100 and lay of. Fred H. Baldwin of 945 'ypiak and family of Berwick, Pa. PRJG-TEEN SUIT, erey winter coat. Jump- out of town. Tyler, 325 Casino Avenue. CRanford 6-04B4 - ti portunity for, advancement. Box 444, AIR CONDITIONED Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Kosky oC 19-20-231 to 235 Incl., 243 to 245 Incl.. 238 NEWLY DECORATED North.Side center bath, business couple. 50 James Ave., cr. dresses, etc. AU very good condition CH 6-1636. . . . ' LOVELY. WELL-BUILT, older home, Hre- c/o Citlten and Chronicle. Auto €tub Official $3.75 court costs represented a KENILWORTH — Paul H. Van 'ross avenue, Elizabeth, son of Mr. Beniocratts to Name Both families spent part of the Spru«e AvtiiQv — Novth> Side ' plocc, oil, adapted to remodeling, but halt home on large lot. Large living room Clark. CRantord 0-0183. •12 Beech nvenue spent the week- Call CRanford 6-3544. SEASONED top-soil, « voids load, 013. LAWJJ epeclgj^lsk-.Renovation, construc- THREE PERMANENT~POSITlbjJs^rl- mandatory .fine,for driving a ve- )er Zee, co-chairman «f Bor- ind Mrs. Fred Baldwin of Miami, week-end at the home- of Mrs. Block 12 Lo(s 263B to 272 incl.. 30-37, 275 tion, weed control, maintenances R. M. not too bis. pretty setting. Ideal lo- with wood-MUrnlng fireplace, large porch, nd in Wildwood. to 27B Incl., 282 to 2B4 Incl. . TAPPAN GAS RANGE, very reasonable delivered. Sam Vltole and Sons. 144 cation. Priced at a bargain. - steam oil. heat, two-car garage. Rcason- vate secretary, dictaphone operator, Aildresses Rotariasis hicle after Smith's license had been "ia., formerly of Union. Campaign Committee Di Battista's brother and family, Block, CRanford 6-0833. U salesgirl. Five day week, salary de- APARTMENTS WANTED ugh Civil Defense, said this Homo from" Lake Hopatcong Spraee Attnu — South Side " Call CRWord 6-4223, North 10th Street. Kenilworth. T*L ible taxes.' • • revoked. Speeding cost Smith an- he Larry Fantuzzis of Flushing, Block 13 Lota 221 to 245' Inef.." lOalc St. CRanford 6-2882. . tf NEAT DUTCH COLONIAL, large living pends oh experience. Give full partic- APARTMENT. 4 or 5 rooms, wanted^ In veek that • organization is pro- The ceremony took place at 5:30 yhere they have been vacationing Authorized •< On Highway Taxes 2B7-2UBI ORDER your fruit trees for FALL and room, fireplace,'4 bedrooms, Frigidalre, NEARLY NEW 0-room bungalow—4 rooms ulars In letter to Box 68, Gorwood, N. J. other $15 and costs. At Meeting Tonight CRanford. References exchanged. eeding cautiously, awaiting fed- '. m. in Union Community Meth- re Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wickholm Myrtle Annul — Sortb Side ^_ 0-3«. '-' - •:•>»•• a SKtt&sTrT8sm&;B iiureH~'oireTir.*' "~v-t.--.i-i m : pii THrHottf=ttiid~g' Ti<..-f ni. Mr 103 Blrchwood vyvenuo. 1 — SALTS AND SERVICE >-" ' Oil air-conditioned heat, science kitchen, sfirparFWieir 6 inrt"Mra-'Grpce "Bartgy^ef^ Block .30.Lola H lo If) Incl,, 5?-Sl. CRonlbrd inal Skylight formula, 23c per gallon . Chapln's Sport erators wanted for occasional work in ished apartment In Cranford. No chil- and $3.75 costs for speeding. A treet. Mylllcr Annul — South Side REFRIGERATOR. G.E. in ..good runnin0-s ooms, finished In knotty pine. Large lot TODAY — FBI. — SAT. Jersey and the resulting, hardship Block 31 l-ot» 230-2.11. 23.1 to 2S1 Incl. . Shop, opposite the nrebouse. TeL Metered' fuel oil deliveries - : Rosclld. ' Credit for previous experi- dren or pets. References. Box 433, c/o Borough resident, Edgar A. Rid-sources is expected by December, reception was held at JTrank Dail- Democratic Club und the Women's Mr. and Mrs. Irving G. Slaney and ; condition. No reasonable offer refused. RICHARDS-SWACKHAMER. Realtors 200 x 175.'' • Mr. and Mrs. John W. Batich ol Spruce Avenue — North Side CRanford -6-1589. tf RELIABLE- FUEL OIL SUPPLY. Inc. ence gives you~n Men salary from the Citizen nnd .Chronicle. tf Edmond O'Brien on private motorists and property CRflnford 6-9257. ' Alden St., CR 6^1122, 6-0801, or 6-0470 first day • you return to tnc. switch- dle of 2 Tulip'eourt, paid $10 fine, tie said. , ;y's Ivanhoe in Irvington. Auxiliary will be held this eve- 'umily .oi Norwood, Mass. 09 Willow avenue announce the Block 57 Lots 35-58. 2J«1 to 272 Incl.. 27S ELECTRIC Light Bulbs. General Electric 68 Benjamin St., CRanford 6-2123 S-ROOM HOUSE all redecorated with oil '-*-" in Mazda.'^AU. Sizes. A & A Hardware, hoard. Call Mrs. Larson at Rosellc FOUR OR FIVE ROOM apartment, un- owners was pointed out yesterday charged by Capt. Edward Stupak. Mr. Van Der Zee, who with Dan- ning at the Oakland Hoiue, Mich- Gail Schnitzel- of 608 Union to 281 Incl. ' COLUMBIA WINDOW SHADES, up to 31 eat, combination screens and storm win- furnished, in Cranford or vicinity. Best Miss'Lois'Hopkins of Garwood birth of a daughter, Elizabeth, on . Hpjruce Avenue — Hoolh Bids l 12 North Avenue, West. . tf 4-0011 0-14 by Fred D.- Stelljes, vice-president Inches, on your roller. SI. 19. Same Day ALL HOME repairs and alterations. lows, taxes only $120, 40 x. 100 lot. , Avail-: of references. Mr. Noble, Bayonne "711 OCEAN DRIVE" Philip A. Musso of. 718 Raritan el Kerr heads the Kenilworth ael McDonald, campaign "nahager, treet celebrated her fourth birth- August 20 in the Elizabeth Gen- Block • S8 Lola 224 lo 220 incl.. 235 to Service. Alban-Lewis Hardware, 109 ible at (he low price of $9300. was maid .of - honor and brides- WELLt-ROTTED cow and sheep manure—• Broken wlmlow cords replaced, gutten 3-4500, Ext. 159. :. 0-21 of New Jersey Automobile Owners, road, and Richard J. Doyle of, 206 ome defense plan, pointed out has announced. Methods of secur- day with a party Friday for 10 2VJ mcl.. (Oak St. 240-2411 IRankin Av<>. • N. Union Ave. ' « and leaders cleaned, repaired, replaced; HREE 5-ROOM BUNGALOWS. $14,000 WORK WANTED — MALE — Plus — maids were Miss Mary Weismantle eral Hospital, Elizabeth. 422-4231 also rich top coll. WEstfield 2-S2C9-M. to S14.300. all have tiled baths, steam in a luncheon talk before the Ro-Elm street, Cranford, each paid $5' hat it would .be unwise to incor- ing Ihe-fegistration of all eligible young friends from Garwood and KENMORE WASHER, cood condition. porch steps renewed. No Job too small NORTH SIDE—Attractive fl-roopi home, RUTGERS STUDENT desires odd Jobs, William Bendlx >f Garwood and Miss Minnie Bab- Georfiiana Rodner has returned Willow Avenue North Side L. F. Baxter, phone CRanford 6-6332. heat, one with fireplace, one with ex- tiled bath, science kitchen, oil steam HOUSE FOR RENT tary Club in the Hitchin'Post Inn. fines, charged by Special Patrol- porate the entire World War II votei~r"wiil be discussed, and theSouth Plainfleld. Pinlr and yellow Block 30 Lots 25911 to 201 Incl.. 204-203- , Reasonable. Call CRanford 673097. VENETIAN BLINDS, up to 36". wnlte and pansion attic, •- . , painting, lawn work.' Experienced and er of Springfield; , Frances Fire- :o her home, 427 Williow avenue ivory, S3.49. Immediate delivery, Al- heat, 79 ft. lot, fenced In yard, porch, reliable. 81.00 per hour. Call CRan- S0VEN-HOOM HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, furn- " "Passenger car owners, pay too man Mulford. et-up rather than the most up-to- selection- of a general campaign decorations were featured with 511-55. 2BO-2I10. 272 to 275 incl.. 278 to 280 , GOOD SINGING CANARY with case and ban-Lewls Hardware, 109 N. Union Ave. IF you plan to build, repair or make screens, . wood-burning fireplace. Im- ished, immediate occupuncy, convenient stone of Cranford was flower girL following a week's visit with.her Incl., 430 REINS', mediate possession. Reduced for quick ford 6-0161. ' ' stand. SIS. WEstBcld 2-6847. •_ : - • tf alterations. Coll T. JOHNSEN. 405 Cen- transportation. CRanford 6-4248. THE UMPIRE" much and big trucks pay too lit- Also, Richard Samartin of Un-date methods for coping with an committee will be undertaken. ach child receiving a favor. Games Willow Avenue South Bide 17 North Ave., E., sale. .-•,'•.•... : Arthur Bouvler of Union was best grandmother in Plainflcld. Block (IU IJIIS 22U to 230 Incl., 233 to 230 tral Avenue, CRanford 6-0348. if A' _ __ _ „_ _ '„_ -,^_, Local candidates whose cam- were played with Carol Schnitzcr CO1JJSPOT. 6 cu. ft., porcelain Inside FRESH FROZEN HORSE MEAT. Govern- HELP WANTED—MACE tle,"' Mr. Stelljes declared/ If a ion, $20; John S. Marinelli, Jr., of mergency. man while Frank Wilson of West- Mr. and Mrs. Dominlck Ollinlck Incl., 420 '"" . and out. excellent condition. Reason- ment Inspected, nlio hearts and liver paign will be handled by the cam- TRUCK CRANE and T.D.-O Bulldozer ' HOWLAND -REALTOR PIN BOYSr-Good working conditions and LOST . SUN. — MON»— /HJES. ton-mile unit is used to measure Union, $10; Angelo" S. Arnelli .of The borough is charged with and Gail Schhitzer receiving prizes jf 341 South avenue, are receiving Myttle Avenue — Nj>rth , Side able. CRonford 6-6041. DAILY. Cranford Pet Shop. 11 North field and Ronald Brendel of Cran- S2 incL. 253. 428 for hire. S. W. Oliver. Inc.. CRanford good pay- Garwood Recreation, 348 BOY'S CUB WRIST WATCH, with navy- paign committee include Anthony or "pin the tail on the donkey", Block 60 IJ)I» 247 to 252 Avenue, East. CRanford 6-1008. 4ft Chestnut Street ' ROSelle 4-1030 highway use, passenger^ car own- Roselle Park, $5; Nicholas Louis protection of its residents, as well congratulations. on the birth of u feet, for the sum - DRESSES^ .Junior Miss, slie ten. Sl.50: 6-2139 and Linden 2-7094. tf North Ave., Garwood. WEstfleld 2-4741. blue strap, losl about August 14 In vi- Dana Andrews ford,. were ushers, •>•;'• a total frontut!e o( 4.424 HEATHERMEADC-ctiiroom bungalow on Mr. Harold Wilson—CR. 6-1054 ers pay about $6.89 more than Ideating of. Union, $15; Richard M. s providing haven for 245 evac- Ridcardo, mayoralty candidate, nnd refreshments were served.' daughter, Susan Jane, on August of S0.o30.00: the Mayor and Council hav- black winter coat, size twelve, S5.00; MASONRY 1- General repairs and altera- large lot, Areplace, H4 baths, screened cinity of Springfield Avenue. CRanford • Gene Tlerney .diven in marriage by her father, dctcrmlni-d tlial HIL- aforesaid Bor- shoes, size 6M,. 50c. CRanford 6-0491. JUMBLE STORE tions. S. R. Jordan, 220. South Avenue, porch, one-car garage, beatXUf ully Mrs. Miriam Neville—CR- 6-2120. MAN for PART-TIME WORK'as factory 6-3532. •,•'•'• {heir share of.Mghway costs — an Warner of Roselle. Park, $15 anduees from the metropolitan-area, ancLWilliam Severage and Richard Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ulrich of 25 at the Rahway Memorial Hos- Mrs. Gertrude Nunn—CR. 6-3605 laborer. Apply to Harco. Chemical he bride wore a white satin gown u owned pniperty U not required tor ARE YOU THINKING OFj FALL houso East. CRanford. Tel. CBanford 6-6911. shrubbed. 816,000. • /• if necessary. Mr. Van Der Zee as- Hartig, candidate -for Borough' public uw. GAS RANGE, Quality, 4 burners, table cleaning? Think of the Jumble Store Company, 338 North Avenue. East. BANU BOOK NO. 25683 of the Cranford overpayment of $7,070,000 last Robert H. Neilson .of Westfleld, $15, 225 Willow avenue returned home pital, Rahway. topi Bood condition, 815. Cflanford BENDIX' Automatic Washe> Service, all * Trust Company, Cranford, N. J. If riot "WHERE THE ' ityled with a sweetheart neckline Council. The Bald olter, nubjvct to the followlnB too. • We can use articles of . clothing, SOUTH UNION AVE.—3 bedrooms, tile Cranford.' Do not telephone. yenr/he pointed out. all ticketed.by. Special Patrolman erted that widespread sections of Friday following a two weeks' 6-6401. etc., that you are through with.. For work guaranteed. CRanford 6-1713. tf LOTS FOR SALE ' restored before the 8th day of Septem- rimmed with seed,pearls, a fitted condlllonu, Iniu been approved by tfie bath, .fireplace, oil steam, deep lot, 2- MAN,~25-4S—Hoad-Department, Borough ber, 1050, nppllcatroruviU be made for SIDEWALK ENDS" /On the same ton-mire basis big Mulford. Kenilworth and • concentrated in- motor tour of the Mid-west and Mayor and Council ul a meetlnff held Ton CHINA CLOSET, bullet and server, rea- Monday collections call CRanford cAr garage. • . bodice and a full court train. A 0VB877. . ' . ALL TYPES sink.'tops repaired or re- CASINO AVE.. 50 x 100 ft., 100 ft. from of Kenilworth. Must be able to drive a hew book. • . ' 0-7 . —Hit No, 2 — dustry call for special measures to Canada. Following a stop at D7 Westtfiehl Girl Engage*! the Ulh day of Auuual. 1050 ond that at sonable. CRanford 6-3074. placed." Linoleum, asphalt, rubber, tile Rlversldej Drive, $1,800. true!?* and work, on roads. Eight-hour /trucks underpay theur share of Louis Hecktor of Springfield and headpiece of seed pearls held her Moffoli-Grate Nuptial mectlni* of the Mayor -uj\d Council to i :.l - • floors Installed! Home" floor woxera for WEST HOLLY STREET—3 bedrooms, day, six days a week. Rate: SI per urnish adequate control of the eri- roit, Mich., where they visited reU o held on Svptumber. 12. 1050. at tho BICYCLE. GIRL'S, 28 Inch. 830. CRan- CORNER JOHN STREET and. North Ave- to ;. ' Robert Walker highway costs by as much; as Nathan Wongus df New York City, fingertip veil of, silk tulle. She To Wesley Howartlv DRESSMAKING. ALTEBATIONS rent, S1JS0 per day. W.'B.' Dolhlcr & fireplace, tile bath, steam heat, large nue, E., 60 x 108, opportunity for pro- hour. Apply James Regos, Road Fore- ire area. atives, they traveled to Chicugo, Municipal Uuildlraf.- Qurwood. New Jcr- ford 6-3442. corner lot, 1-cor garage, $14,700. ' Joan Leslie $451.29 a year, according.to Mr. both issued summonses by Patrol- BCV. ul U:30 P. M. (D.S.TJ the »ald offer EXPERT ALTERATIONS on women's ap- Co., 741 Central Ave.,' WEstfleld fessional man, 81,000. man, phone CR 6-1021 betweon 5:30 PLAJHFIELD carried a cascade bouquet oi white Performed Saturday 111., Canada, and Niagara Falls, GARWOOD Announcement DEND1X WASHER 3 years old. deluxe 2-5958. _ • -Jf and 6:30 p. m. tor at Borough Hall be- man Charles Lohmann, were fined Revised forms for volunteers tb purchase will be considered for final parel, Mrs. Nicholas DITuIlo, 300 Myr- Call Morristown 4-3701 or tvrite Box 3M. •'•••'• in • Stellies. "Apply that sum to even roses and'a white orchid. model, perfect condltidn. S12B. CRon- SCOTCH PLAINS—Brick-faced, 2-ycar- tween 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. 'MOVIE GUIDE GARWOOD—The First Spring- N. Y. J has been made of the engagement approval and sale In accordance with the tle Avenue, Gnrwood. Entrance on E. Monrlntown, N. J. $15. • v . . ...' : ( will be issued in the near future, . ford. 6-5523. ROTOTILL1NG and Ground Breaking In old. 4-room bungalow, tiled bath, oil a portion qf the state's thousands provisions of the N. J. Revised Statutes St. side." • _ . • 0-21 heat, attached garage, expansion 2nd "The Skipper t was announced. More than 500 The couple left on a wedding Held Church in Springfield was Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zplinski of of Miss Lois Gardner, daughter of of 1037. Title 40: Chapter 60-26 tC» and preparation for the' planting of lawns FURNISHED BOOMS FOE RENT of big triicks and you get some It" was announced that there will USED LUMBER and (Ire wood to be dis- LADIES* suits and dresses made to order; and gardens. Estimates without obli- floor, combination aluminum screen and RESTRICTED wooded lot—Best North persons are expected to offer their trip to Miami and on return, they the scene Saturday of the jweddjng Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner of subject' to tho following tcrrru* and con- storm sash, $11,600. . inkling of the size of New Jersey's be no court session September 11. 436 Second avt!Hl>e were hosts last ditions: posed of. .all kinds used agricultural also alterations. Call Mrs. Hand, CRan- gation. Karl a. Poschner, CR 6-9082. Siae location, 83 x 160, or will build to •THREE FtfRNlSHED ROOMS in private Surprised His Wife" services, Mr. Van Der Zee "said, will reside "at 945 Cross avenue, of Miss Vivian Ni, Grate, daughter week-end to her brother'and his Westfield. to Wesley W. Howart'h. implements, cheap: perennial plants, ford 6-2453. • U . 10-26 hojnc. will rent separately, good loca- "•'->«• .WALTtR RtA'DI "THVATRt '' Minissirig, highway revenues," he All summonses will be returnable tta i Deposip t on final approval shall be s Elizabeth. For traveling. th,e bride sort of 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. George How-t vines, 'shrubs, bulbs 5c the clump. 61- SPECIAL LOT OFFERING, North Side. ' ' wnxiAM a. SCHMAL tion". ROsclle' 4-075Q. •i NPLAINFIELD :'!, PtionriPi. i-ISOO'. September 18. ~ - ; ncluding-police—and-flre-resepve&j .ot.Mr.-afid :Mrs.~^jQsephJVL ..Grate -family-of-Peimsylvanlar-- lt t 2a2arr. olnolll n Drlcol , ,i . . LANDSCAPING! • 95 x 125, all Improvements,. $1473. •' Realtor WE»- ONLY; SjePT. 13 said:" "If big trucks, especially wore a skipner blue suit with blue arth of 410 Third avenue. at Iblena) tPurchase 2ar. r to pay bbalancl e of pur- 62 Volley Road. Clark Township. PAINTING AND DECORATING COMFORTABLE ROOM, for . gentleman, and those in Charge of zones. of 490-Morris avenue, Springfield William Perry of Walnut street Top soil rototlllirm - — 25 Alden Street, CRanford 6-3535A Spencer Tracy from out-of-state, paid their fair and whiteaccessories..^ /__ A graduate of Chicugo, 111., chase price in cash within 30 dayfl after TEENS LIKE OUR choice selection ol V B. .DAVIS, Interior and Exterior paint* Expert maintenance For these and other properties consult — in private home,^ncar_all transporta- .—The Temperature's Grand _ -As far as possible.'the same units and Frank M6rpU, Jr.^smi of Mr.recently enjoyed a trip to Phila^ final approval and also pay proportionate iifil winter coats. Make your choice early. Ing and paper hanging. Quality ma- Nationally advertised grass seed for crab ORDINANCE NO. 18-50 . tion. CRanford 6-5880. Lana- .Turner share,,there would be few high- ond Mrs. Frank Moroli of 420 Lo- schools and Westfield High School, share of taxes for balance-oiyear JOSO A deposit holds any coat for you. terials and workmanship, Est. 1920. At The Air-Conditioned Strand! will comprise the Defense Council Mrs. Baldwin is a graduate o: delphia, Pa. i \ grass control. JOSEPH I.OUXEB AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Con-LARGE NICELY-FURNISHED room, new- way problems," he pointed out. Class of 1947, Miss'Gardner is on and until houses are constructed, based on EDITH HILL TEEN SHOP For reasonable prices and free esti- J. F.TClusella, CRanford 6-0603 as in World War II for a speedy Jonathan Dayton Regional .High .cust avenue. Tl^e Rev. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roll and present assessed valuations. 21D Elm Street, Westfleld mates—call CRanford 6-3218. . tf • ' Realtor ' struction of a sanitary sewer in Wade ly decorated, conveniently located. Ref- There is no true relationship in the office stuff of the Henry P. 116 North Ave., West Cranford. N. J. Avenue. 3 erences exchanged. 109 Miln Street, -^ N O W «-• re-grouping once federal and state ichool, Springfield, where she was W. Evans performed the -double children of 401 Spruce avenue left (c) II purchaser fails, neslects or re- ; . WEstfleld 2-1410 "CASS T1IV1BERLANE" the present highway tax structure fuses to pay balance due together wltto Open Monday Evenings T. A. CRANE—Painting and Decorating. BICYCLE AND BABY CARRIAGE RE- Tel. CRanford 6-1890 BE IT ORDAINED by the Township CRanford 6-1686. • • MARIE WILSON directives are received, with spec- a drum majorette. She is employed ring ceremony. last week for Lancaster, Pa., where Townsend Moving- nnd Storage 239 Walnut Ave. Tel CRanford 6-0989. PAIRS. We are equipped to render Evenings—CRanford' 0-4871 Committee' ol the Township of Cranford — Hit No; 2 — between the amount of taxes paid Company, Westfleld. Mr. Howcharge- s and taxes within said thirty days TABUS PADS, 3-pc. sets, from $9.99. for estimate!. tl complete repair service and genuine In the County of Union: ATTRACTIVE ROOM, convenient pleas- Dean . Jerry al emphasis .on new needs arising in the office of Magnus Harmonica Given in marriage by her father, they will reside while Mr. Roll at- the deposit made shall be retained by the ant surroundings, suitable for com- LEWIS and the amount of benefit obtained Borouah unless covornlns'lx>dy by reso* • Choice of beautiful colon. Free esti- ports. Solid rubber tires Installed by , Section 1 —That an 8 inch pipe sani- MARTIN , ' John Wayne 'rom the atomic bomb, Mr. VanCorporation, Newark. Mr. Bald- the bride was gowned in a dress of tends Franklin and Marshall Col- urth was graduated from Garwood mates given. Alban-Lewis, 109 N. Un- LINDEN DECORATING CO. — Palnttafl ipecial machine. ALL REPAIRS GUAR- tary sewer be constructed In Wade Ave- muter. Apply CRafora 6-0001. in —' from highway/use, Stelljes said, Schools and Jonathan.Dayton Re- lutlon decides to the contrary. • tonAve , CHonford 6-0808. and decoratlnfl; established 1618. Call ANTEED. nue beginning at Lambert Street and in . Der Zee said. win, a graduate of Union High Valenciennes lace with matching lege, and Lancaster Seminary. Id) Purchaser to pay cost of publica- 812,600 buys substantially built, hollow, ROOMS for rent by day or weelo Rea- and explained. that in ISftO high- [ional High School, • Springfield tion of li-uul notice of sale and cost of Linden 2-3290. . U , KEN BUTLER'S running westerly for a distance of ap- sonable rates. Call CRanford 0-0832- "MY FRIEND IRMA At a scheduled meeting in two ichool and Northeastern Secretar- headpiece. She carried a bouquet Mrs. Velnta Connell is recuper- '. 33nun CAMERA, make—Mercury II, with . Cranford Cycle and Toy Co. , tlle'and stucco dwelling, large, living proximately 830 feet. Sold sewer Is to CRANFORD HOTEL • .. ' tt "BACK TO BATAAN" way user taxes — gas taxes, regis- class^qf 1947. He is employed by preparation of Deeds. universal F2.7 Tricar lense, and flush room, open fireplace, three bedrooms, GOES WEST" ial Institute, served two years In of asters and stephanotis. Maid of tel Property lo be conveyed by Bar- 1 AINT1NO AND PAPERHANQINO. - 10 North Avenue. West. CR. 0-1770 be constructed in accordance with' the KENILWORTH—Mrs. Morse A weeks, the remaining members of ating, at her home, 1000 Center attachment!. Leather carrying case with Quality materials, careful workman* (3 doors from Cranford Theatre) bath, hat water heat, asbestos shingle plans and specifications prepared for TWO ATTRACTIVE airy rooms in quiet I/-©—COMING HITS—• . tralion and. license fees — account- he council will, be named, it is the U. S. Navy. He is secretary to of honor for,,her sister was Mis the Esso Standard' Oil Company gain and Sale Deed subject to restrictions '-•' filters. Complete dark room equipment ship. Reasonable rates. Prompt serv- roof, open porch, lot BO x 12B; d real some by the Township Engineer and home. Trees, garden. Will rent tor ed for 87 per cent of all highway Shepard was reelected 'president of sttreel, following a recent appen- Linden. A.June wedding is plan- of record. M any., and zoning ordinances.. . ° Includlnc an Elwood enlarger and en- good buy. • gether or singly, convenient to trans- "Broken Arjow" expected, and any government in- th.e president of Payne Cutlery Cor~ Cecille Grate of the Morris avenue If) Mayor and Council reserve tho lce.A Call CHantord 6-0140. tf ACCOUNTING. AUDITING, TAX RE- now oh file in the office of the Town- the Girl Scout LeadersVAssociation dectomy performed at Beth Israel ned: • ' .!.'.- • . larolnB Velostlgmat 90 mm focus, Wol- TURNS, part-time bookkeeping, super- ship Clerk. portation. References exchanged. Ben- ^expenditures while today they pro- formation- received by that time poration, Newark. address. vBest man was John right lo accept or reject any or nil often. • lensak F4.3 lease. Must sell. Phone be- V1TSCHKE & BLUNCK — Painters and THOMAS MacMEEKlN. Realtor ners. 1 Hamilton Ave., CRanford 6-3356, v"TrettBure Wand" Tuesday night at a reorganization Hospital, Newark. I (0> Said property acquired by Borough Decorators. 47 North 18th Street, Ken- vision systems, special Investigations, Section 2 —. The construction of sold 1 • vide only 55 per cent, of the total. • Ulaky of Garwood. Joseph Seal- ."-•• twccn.5 P. M. - 10 P. M. WE 3-CS64-J. etc. W. H. MAIIAN, JR., Public Ac- IB Alden St., upstairs, Cranford, N. J. sewer shall be undertaken as a II meeting in-the home of .Mrs. -John will be adapted to local require- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin\Moser by tax or municipal lien foreclosures or Uworth, N. J. Telephone CRanford SECOND FLOOR^FRONT, furnished room This 'means that local property zadonna of Garwood ushered. deeds in lieu-of said proceedings. 0-471S — BOselle 4-6486-M. . tf countant and Auditor, 307 .Otange Ave., local improvement aitU the cost thereof in business section, near station, buses A. Stults, "39 C61umbia avenue,. ments. and daughter and Mre. Joseph Transfers . , — N O W — which the couple left on a motor Mr. and Mrs. August Serina of 252 GARWOOD — The, following , . inches, custom quality stock blinds, all 61 Elizabeth Avenue, CRanford. tf repaired and trade-in on new improvement. - the sum of 84200.00 Is room, suitable for one or two persons. : kauskas; secretary, Mrs. John KENILWORTH—The possibility <1> Houses to be one-family type - ones. Guaranteed Workmanship, terior newly decorated. Tiled kitchen MlfRNA LO» erty owners are now paying almost deeds have been recorded at the dwellinus; minimum of one and one- '64 Inches loiig. $2.05: also Jencraft and hereby appropriated. A ~dawn-paymcnt Large grounds, quiet section, conven- • Last Time Todpy' • Ruth; treasurer,!.Mrs. Louis Muel- Democratic. Club Outing of securing a'bank in Kenilworth trip to Virginia. Upon their re- Locust avenue. . . . : ;; -•' C. W. Brcncrpan custom blinds, 45c sq. WILLIAM ROESEL, Interior and Exterior — Free Estimate — and bath. Fireplace. ' Automatic heat. of . $300.00 In the ex|stlng capital Im- ient to transportation. Garage, meals BICBARD GBEEN half*of all street and road costs office of County Register. Herbert hulf stories In hcluht, to be erected ; •'''' i;^^ | 'iiii™ Painting. Skilled mechanics. Personal 63 Elm Street. WEstfleld 2-8626 t> Fully Insulated. Two-car garage. ler, and publicity, Mrs, Stults. turn they will reside at 324 North Mr;* and Mrs. Walter Pennay of on plots of land not less than B0. x 100 foot. Crsnlord Upholstery Shop, 120 provement fund, Is also hereby, approp- optional. CRanford 6-0773. n 'THE GREAT JEWEL ROBBER' 'whether or not they own an auto- KENILWQRTH About 400 was discussed' at length by the J. Pascoe in. the Court House, South Avenui, East. CRonlord «-C893. tf supervision. 203 Columbia Avenue, riated. • \ 'IF fi5s BE SIN" Mrs. Shepard requested all par- Kenilworth Business Association at avenue. A graduate of Springfield 459 Second aveoue have been en- feet, except where It 1* not possible, Cranford. Call Cllanlord 6-3713. tf CRANFORD Refrigeration Sales and Serv- WILLIAM G. SCBMAL Section 4 -*- To finance said appropria- 'SMpper Surprised His Wife* mobile. : •'' • persons attended the Kenilworth Elizabeth: . ,._ to divide the land Into SQ foot lots. . . Before Crossing . • _ abo — j • schools and Jonathan Dayton Re- tertaining the Donald McCormicks OH. BURNER INSTALLATIONS ice. Household and commercial repairs Rcttltqr tion or $4200.00, bond anticipation notes A major step in solving the New ents to cooperate with the leaders Democratic Club's outing at Mil-a dinner meting Tuesday night in Martha Lord, single, to Putsy However, In no coin shall a dwelling PREPARE NOW lor winter comfort with MUSICAL INSTRUCTION on Frlgldalre, Kelvlnator, Crosley. Cold- 23 Alden Street CRantord 6-3539 ,' of the Township are hereby authorized Grade crossing tip: Figure tho BOWEBY BOV8 in sending their children to meet- ler's Gorve" on August 26, accord- the Kenilworth Inn. Steps will be gional High School, Class of 1948, and family bf Lacyville, Pa. be erected on a lot with less than o \ Quality ^burner and unexcelled work- IANO ACCORDIAN hutrucUon given at spot, Norge, etc.«Tel. CRanford 0-1718. to be Issued in an aggregate amount not • Fri. & Sat (2 Days] © Jersey highway .problem, Mr. the bride is a' member, of the office Aloiu, Jr., lot 246, block 52, map 40 foot frontage: houses are to con- U loss before you cross. ings promptly and regularly, She ng to Mrs. Charles Cutler, chair- taken to get the Cranford Trust The Misses Jean and Concetta ' -manshlp while prices are" at a record your home. CertlOed teacher by the exceeding sold appropriation, to bear Stelljes believes, would be a con- staff of the Prudential Insurance of section No. t property of New tuln a minimum of 720- square feet In low. A.A.A. John Lcnord, Elizabeth 3-0041. interest at a rate not exceeding 6 per "WHERE SIDEWALK ENDS" urged parents to assist the leaders man of arrangements. Company, which holds a charter Russo have returned to their home area;'houses to have varied fronts; ELECTRICAL Contracting—Housewlrlno, IN THE ROOSEVELT SCHOOL SECTION, centum per annum and to mature in 1 centrated public effort to back the York Suburban Land Company sit houses to be erected with cellars; DEAN OIL CO. !.-'..' • , 0-21 one of the nicest hquses we have Dana Andrews — Gene Tlerney whenever possible, pointing out Company, Newark. Mr, Morol in Flushing, L. I., following a v FAnwood 2-8484 Jobbing, fluorescent nxtures, repairs ana year. • ' . • Harry Mopsick of Linden, Con- for a bank here, to open a local uate at Gar\yood-Westfleld. '.. , houses to be of comparable construc- E. R. BENNETT, Teocner of Piano. Latest plugs Installed. George Sangufllano, 12 offered. Largo living room with wood- : ' — also — ' ! ' State Tax Policy Commission's rec- was graduated" from Garwo^ri ,y?fck.'s visit at the home of their burning fireplace, a good sized open Section 3 — It is hereby determined here are how eight girl scpu gressional candidate,. Mrs. „ -Ann aanClal institution. _ ..; tion as appears ou plans and photo- SAVE MONEY on sink and wall cabinets. methods. Beginners and advanced. Myrtle Street. Tel CRanford. 0-BS2S. and declared that the -probable twriod of .. ommendation that a mileage tax- Schools and Jonathan ' 'Ipaytqh Marie Koch, single, to' PaUy graphs submitted with after. mi —STARTING .giD 1 screened, porch, - dlnino room, tiled la ^^Pleafle Believe Mo" ' m CranforbT.-" uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank SECONDS, Linden Stove Supply Co., , courses. Special course for adult begln- usefulness of .said improvement, & Donnelly, Union County Freehold •President. Joseph Kopystenskl, Alola, Jr., lots 247 .nnd 248, bWk (2) Purchaser will deliver a Surety jnero,,.Lessons at your home. 668 Dorian MASON C6NTRACTORS ••••. ' kitchen, pantry and breakfast nook ore Deborah Kerr — Bobert Walker be adopted orj all motor carriers' Regional High School, Class o Begasse of 443 Third avenue. 1310 Saint Gcorfie . Avcnne, Linden- on the 1st floor. On' 2nd Boor 3 good years; thatythe supplemental debt state- ems • 2 Marx Bros.' Welcomed as hew scout leader: er candidate and John Banyasz, who presided, said' the association Company Bond In the sum of >S0.- ' 3-3030. Open evenings till 0. tl Road. TeL WEslfleld 2-5396 tf Sidewalks. Flagstone Work, Garage Build- ment required by statute has been made of 8,000 pounds or more. The rev- 1946 and is employed by the Inter- 52, map of section Np. 1 property ing, Brick Work. Cellar Wdfer Proofing. bedrooms and tiled both. Nicely land- . Howl'Hits were Mrs. Leo Betz.'Jn, of 33 candidate for Union County Sher- will have representatives at future Mrs. Charles Kaylor and Mrs. 000.00 conditioned to guarantee In- scaped plot B0 x 100. Priced to sell at and filed: that the obligations herein Circus ..Rides. Refreshments i enue from such a tax has ben esti- cbemical Corporation, Elizabeth. of New York Suburban Land stallation of street pavements through PITTSBURGH PAINTS, full lino of In- IF YOUR CHILD has taken classical pi- Free estimates. Schwartz. CRanford authorized to • be Issued are within all Saturday Matinee. Sept. 9th meetings of the Borough Council. John Nolan of Fourth avenue were . terior and exterior. Pointers' discount ano lessons for years and now wants 0-9409 or UNlonvWe 2-16354. tt $14,300. ,-.. . 'HORSE FEATHERS' Roosevelt lane; Mrs. Chester Mur- iff, addressed the group. Borough Company situate at Garwood out entire blocks.' sidewalks, curbs, legal debt limits prescribed by statute; mated at $9,000,000, half of which the guests Sunday of Mrs. Amy sanitary sewers, sewer connections, in house lot quantities. Albon«Lewts. to give It up. protect your Investment and that the gross debt of the Township THE phy of 416 Coolidge drive, and Mrs. Council candidates Walter Bau- Stanley Kaulfelt, vice-president Westfleld. , 109 North Union Ave. * tf and glvu one year of popular - Instruc- CARPENTER and cabinet maker. Quality Phone CR 6-2410 could go -to relieve local taxes or Mill ot Hillside at the hitter's'sum- utilities as directed by and In strict will be Increased by the issuance of said "Monkey YOUNG JFOLES' MATINEE G. A. Carpenter of 25 Tulip court right and Earl Barron were pres- and membership chairman, an- Announce Engagement - Mr. And Mrs. John Burak to Mr. " accordance' with the specifications tions and he will always play. Results craftsmanship. • Ludwig Selbert. 388 obligations by the sum of S4200.00. ' to reduce license fees. mer residence, Bedford House, As- BOIL COMPOST, » a yard, delivered. guaranteed. Home Instructions. Wil- Lincoln Drive, Kenilworth. TeL CRon SHAHEEN AGENCY BUSINESS" — Bpoasored By — Scouts have been granted per- ent. nounced plans for an all-out mem- and Mrs. Charles A. Gillette, prop- . nnd Instructions of- the Boroush En- Screened soil compost. «7 a yard, de- liam Isaac. CRanfaxd 6-9370. tf ford 6-0526. tf Section 6 — This ordinance shall take Stelljes said ' that \the people bership drive. Efforts will be made Of Lucille C. Gibson bury Park. gineer, which said work shall' be un- livered, also email excavation work. REALTORS effect 10 days after its publication otter '; The Cranford Council for scored a victory in the recent legis- mission to use the Fire House for Paul Matweishyn won the food erty in Willow avenue, 200 fee dertaken at such times and In such L. Fazio, Elizabeth 2-8631 between 6 IB North Ave.. E.—Opp. CRR Stn. fli passage as provided by statute. SEE YOU NEXT YEAR to get all new members to attend GARWOOD- — Announcemen Following a five day furlough a manner as directed by ond under the DEPENDABLE repairs to all kinds of , — Open Sunday and Evenings — .77^ PARAMOUNT lation to limit truck axle loads and meetings during the year. An- basket raffle, and Robert Myer was from Center street. . and 8 P. M. U TUTORING household articles and equipment. Rea- GE0BGB E. OSTEUHELDT, . Children's Movies nouncement also was made .that the next meeting at the Kenilworth has been made of the engagement his home, 515 East street, Jerry supervision and approval of the said TUTORING—High School and College sonable rates.- Phone CRanford Chairman Township Committee. vA\;WAlTtR READE THEATRE to protect New Jersey highways a door prize winner. William No- / Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. John- Borough Engineer, all at the cost and MAGAZINES Inn September 19 at 6:30 p. m. of Miss Lucille Catherine Gibson Wyres, Quartermaster . 2 c, lef expense of nald purchaser. ifEW or RENEWAL subscriptions. Can . subjects. CaroTus T. Clark, B. A. (Yale), 0-0140. Please coll after 8:30 p. m. - tf Attest: ' nnd bridges. "Now," he concluded, the Plainfleld Union Water Com- lan received $50 cash in lieu ston to Mr. and' Mrs. George L. Earl V. Guy. CRanford 6-9019. LL. B.. Ed. M. 336 Mountain Ave.. West- X WALTER COFFEE. — N O W — pany has permitted the'girls to use trip to Atlantic City* of Carteret, daughter of Ira E. Monday foi- duty with his ship, the Shaver, property, known as 606 -, (l> Construction of dwellings on said Reid. Call WEstfleld 2-2741-W. tf PLUMBING and Heating. Sewers cleaned To-nshlp Clerk, "we must take steps, to %>lace, the aircraft carrier, Leyte.- lots to bo commenced Within 00 days after MADE TO ORDER cabinets of all kinds, with electric sewer machine. Guaran- TILING UAnBAItA 8.TANWVCK | its property at the end of Twenty- September 22 is the date of the tion 9, map of New Orange.' Gibson of Westfield, formerly Myrtle avenue.- final approval. • . - outside window boxes,, all kinds af MATHEMATICS - TUTOR Graduate- teed. Edward G. Ledden-At Son. TeL STEEL tile for bathrooms and kitchens (Mtfenaf • costs of our highways on a fair Edward Jubber, -single, to mayor of Garwood, and the late Capt. and Mrs.-Harry Bower o flower* boxes, pedestal tables, picnic Teacher Individual Instruction In Alge- ROsrlle 4-1207 and CRanford 6-2939. Installed over present walls. Beautiful, ' SUtoment WENDELL COUEY basis by levying taxes according to first street for camping. . t next meeting of the organization. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carroll to <)> Deed to be delivered for each bra, Geometry, TrlgonomeUry and Cal- Tho forfcolnR nrdinanrr ~as adopted on Thomas Mascaro, single, and oth- Mrs. Ella T. Gibson, to JohniiJ. 443 Fourth avenue spent the week- building plot only after actual construc- tables. > book shelves, television table. permanent, economical. Terms If de- — la — Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Dowhie, lawn furniture of all kinds, toy chests, culus. Coll or write for appointment. WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS sired. Mr.'Maynard, Vernsal Tile Co.. Tuesday, September 5, 1050. highway use." ers, property in Boulevard, 55 feet end at Beach, Haven. tion of dwcllinu has commenced on said George E. Parker. 14 Preston Avenue. Coates, Jr., son of Mr. and MYs lots 606, 607 and southerly 10 feet chest of drawers. Fred Davcy, 43 No. IT YEARS' EXPERIENCE CRanfo«L.6-3u03,.-.CR 6-5072. tf J. WALTER COFFEE. William Rohm, program chair- plot. ' 7th St. Kenilworth. CRanford 6-S553. Phono CRanford 6-0939 ' tf Only expert mechanics work . on your "THE FURIES" Sun Victim Released Right Revealed Wrong from North Twenty-first street. John J. Coates of Roselle. The Mr. und Mrs. Frank Munn and WALTER S. McMANUS. Township Clerk of tho man of the Rotary, led a question- of lot 605, map of Gorwood Fourth appliances. Irons, vacuum cleaners, radios, COiOl tVTKHMCOlOB KENILWORTH — Harry Hahn J\5r. and Mrs. Harold Snyder to announcement was revealed at a family of Walnut street and Mr. Borough Clerk. ULLER Brushes —' For tooth brushes, motors, toasters also repaired. Cofley's, . FLOOR SERVICE^ Township of Cranford. N. J In Police Crash Record avenue section, controlled by Rapid Dated: Auoust 33. 1030. 0-1 household brushes, polishes, waxes. Call TRUCKING — HAULING . FBI^ SAT. & BUN. and-answer period aiter the speak- Mr. ,aiid Mrs. Frankv J. Bilane, dinner recently at the Coates' res- .und Mrs. Cornelius Corneliss and 1-3 Alden Street. .TeL CRaniord 6-2224. tf R. MENZEL — Telephone us to discuss Dated: September 0, 1050. I 42 years old, was discharged last KENILWORTH—A collision in Transit Company. . .,w or write L. A. McKee. 13 Arlington RELIABLE TRUCKING CO. your floor problems. Floor scraping and "711 OCEAN DRIVE" INFORMATION er concluded. Discussion centered Wednesday from Alexian Brothers property known as 594 Richfield idence: family of Fourth Avenue spent the Road. Cranford. N. J. Telephone CRan- — Reasonable Storage — reflnlshlng of old floors a specialty. Pol- which no one was injured occurred fd 6-1789. H. F REYNOLDS, Rotary specialist OU — also — - ' on Assembly Bill. 13< passed in the avenue. • . . • , holiday week-end ut the shore. Estimates — Contract or Hourly burner service on all types Vacuum ishing, also waxing. Estimates cheerfully ' Cancer Research Hospital, Elizabeth, where he wasat Monroe, avenue and North Miss Gibson was graduated from J. FLESHER Jr. 3 rooms 117.30 Jlven. Phone CRanford 6-134B. 61 Elil- .SAT.. 10 A~M. ni STRAND — plus —- special session of the legislature Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Laskay to VENETIAN BUNDS. Inclosed rolla- 4 rooms &20.00 cleaning oil or coal furnaces. Con" • A new microscope now in use ot admitted the previous day for sun- Benedictine Academy, Elizabeth Miss Norma Longo of 506 Fourth Guest Preacher KQ£CIS the finest In the world, custom version work. Tel CRanford 6-3120. tf -beth Avenue. CRanford. tf Clark Gable & Lorelta Young f Walt Dimey's * late this spring, as well as on the Twenty-first street damaging the 5 rooms. S25.00 tho SIoon-Kettering. institute for COLOH CABTOON8- stroke. Police said that he ycol- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Heiny, Jr., and is. employed in that city by < avenue- spent the week-end with GARWOOD—A service of Holy Public Accountant ' made, all colon. For free estimates Refrigerators moved S3 and UP SO DEAR TO MY HEART two.cars involved shortly after 9 telephone WEstfleld 2-4388 before 1 WASHING MACHINES repaired. All work Cancer Research. New York City,, _ _1KEY TO THE CITY" | and relief this proposal tax measure lapsed while digging a ditch to lots 292 and 293, block 772, map of American Type Founders, Inc. her parents in Hazelton, Pa. Communion will be held Sunday AU loads insured — CRanford 6-1964 ROOFING — REPAIRIN G -r "KIT CAltSON" a. m. Tuesday. : Tax Consultant • • i p. m. 3. Svenda, 010 South Ave.. Gar- Guaranteed. Fred's Appliance Service. : v would give to property. owners in Cranford Knolls. - CRanford U-3J153. tf RE-ROOFINO. slate, tile, asphalt shingle makes it possible for freshly pre^ WON, TUE8. i WED. r- | lluck- BQROUGH OF KENILWORTH approximately'eight young friends. teratlons . Porch enclosures, screens, WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of all types tra-violet wave lengths. The speci- fleld" avenues. The effect, under a States Navy. He is employed, by to Miss C. B. Weldln 226 Enfclo streetCARL'. S Local Trucking Service. WU1 Itarages, caulking, roofing and tiding. NOTICE- IS HEREBY GIVEN that the was driving too fast for conditions, chase price In cash within 30 days Biter • Tenafly. U.S. _ ' , « of roof repairing such as tile, slate, mens can olso be photographed YOUR EYES" f fiovernlng body of the Boroush ot Kenil- hot sun, caused his collapse, i the Stainox Company, Roselle. Decorations were in blue and white BOROUGH OF GABWOOD move up to 4 rooms of furniture to For good work, set a master mechanic. asphalt, asbestos and any ' other type uumiutiuiuiuimiunmiHiimuiiitiiiimuMiiiutamiiiiuiiiiiuiitiiiiiujKti traveling south on Twenty-first Mortis Pollack final approval and'also pay proportionate shoro ' or mountains. Light hauling, George R. Nobes, 0 Adams Ave.. CRan through the microscope ond the Sun.. Mon. Tues. — 10-11-12 worth V/1U sell at public auction to the was said. and refreshments and games were share of .taxes for balance of year 1930 "KANOS- reconditioned and suaranteed roof. Also new rcofs. Win. L. Schroe- highest bidder, subject to' confirmation by street. John P. Barnak, 18 years KENILWORTH — The funeral jPUBMO NOTICE ' from <7B to 8703. easy terms. Brand hour, day or contract. Loads Insured. ford 6-6817. . 11-3C der, 1 Walnut Ave.. Cranford. Call day photos may be projected or repro- featured. based on present assessed valuations. Also attics, cellars and yards cleaned. the uoverninff body, the following tax Bale old, of Irvington, driver-owner o Public Notlco Is hereby given that the Property to be conveyed by Bar* field. Call WEstfleld 2-0839 after * VAN LINES. Ted Sargent. Agent. ELECTniC MOTORS REPAIRED duy. September 12, 1050 at '7:55 P. M. School, Boulevard*, Kenilworth, N. J., un- vehicle were damaged. of TempU: Beth-El, Cranford, offic- mittee on water and sewuge prob hlchI RulldlntfRlll , Garwoodd. NeN wJ Jersey, at Bain and Sale Deed subject to restrictions WEstOeld 2-3033. t EXPERT SHOE 3 BURNSIDE AVE. — CRANFORD 6-5600 • D.S.T.). Salo will be made to the highest Crani'ord. The Clarkes, members B::io P. M. IDS.T.I tho said offers to pur- p. m. or 2-3720-'W any time. tf SALES PER MONTH til 8 o'clock P. M. (Extern Stulidurd iated. Interment was In Beth Is- lems of the Medical and Health of record. U any, and zoning ordinances. bidder, Bubjeot to conflmtutlon by the Time*, on Monday, October 0, 1050," for of the Garwood Lions Clubs, will ctuiKo will be considered for final approval Said property acquired by Borough WTlnecr. BrinJ In your oM one. wo A. KANTNER. New coats and scarfs for serviced and installed. Houses wired ueuB will be immediately after the sale. Born in Rpssia, Mr.. Pollack New Jersey Civilian Defense Com- Title 40: Chapter 60-20 and aubject QUICK SERVICE 1939 1949 together with Incidental work In coti- area of Pennsylvania. by tax or municipal lien foreclosures or - • will- duplicate It: white rubticr. sale. Remodeling and repairing hlgb and rewired. Joseph A. Sonimers, ,90 NOSUCnaa Suld gale will be made pursuant to tho :iectlon theruwlth. came here 30years ago. He was a mittee. to tho following tcrnm and conditions: deeds In lieu of said proceedings. "' ' COFFEY-S grade tun. 116 Walnut avenue, CRnn Centennial Avenuo. Cranford. Tel. To Complete Jlome Skates Sharpened 9O,OOO. 253,000 provisions of R. S. 54:5-114.2 et sed. - Separute proposals will be taken in thi Mr. Fontenelli, former mayor oi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns und la) Deposit on final approval shall bo !b> Deed to premises to contain re- "The House That Scrvlco Built" ford 6-1678. . tf CRanford 6-3210. #' ' tf JOHN LUND PHILIP J. McGEVNA, retired 'grocer- Surviving are his at least 25-i of sale prioe. strictions that only a one-family type oi . 1-3 Aldeu Street ' . CRanford 6-2234 five major divisions of the work ud fol- KENILWOKTH Kenilworth daughter of Third avenue have re- Hats Cleaned and Blocked LYNN Borough Clerk. low*: — 1. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Po.st, 2230, VFW, hus launched a wife, Mrs. Rebecca Welnberg Pol- Gurwood and chairman of the loca Ibl Purchaser' to pay balance of pur- dwelling shall be erected on premises. PIANO TUNING Dated: August 8, 1050. 0-7- 2. STEEL, & IKON: 3. HEATING A VEN turned from a Week's vacation in UPHOLSTCniNG — Furniture repairs I* J. Brennan Cr. 6-028* OEAHHmMmtJWtUWIS drive tor funds to purchase mater- lack; a son, Borough Attorney Earl Civilian Defense Committee, i <>rr<-r Hubn>l'..ed by! ' - Uloek L.U AMUSDI draperies, slip covers. Venetian blinds. PIANO Tuning and Repuirlng. Warren T1LATINO; -I. PLUMBING: 5. NKLEC Canada. Jiilin A. Mlcclo and Lillian V. TIUCAL WOKK. Pollack; two daughters, Mrs. Bea- chief engineer of the Rahway Val - Mice choice of fabrics. F- Kantncr & W. GrolT. "far 25 yean Westflcld's and BRENNAN •& TOYE BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH ials for completion of its Kenil- Mlcclo. his wife - 11 230. 240. 241. 242 3160.00 in AD its Branches lluiructions to Bidden!, fc'prm of Pro- ley Joint Meeting-and director o: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Begasse o Son. 120 South Ave.. E.. Tel CUanford Cranford's foremost piano tuner," 244 trice Rosen of West New Brighton, IVtur A. Mlcclo 18 204. 209. 206 •120.00 — plus — NOTICE ponul, Generul Condltlous. < Plans . un< worth Veterans Center Building on , 6-O093. . ' tf Walnut Street. Westfleld. Tel. WEsl- Notice Is hereby given thnt the Uor- 443 Third avenue entertained rvlu Jo4«.-|>h A. McCusker and Eleanor LOUIS MONTINI Plumbing, Heating, Tinning SpecUlcatlons und other contruct docu- S. I., and Mrs. Selma Abramson of the Federation of Sewage Work: ncld 3-2329. Member of New Jersey South Twenty-first sh'eet, Nicholas 377, 370. 3707-280. 281 «200.00 American Radiator Co. "Woman On Pier 13" <»l«li of Kenilworth, on* the 12th day of ments may be examined ut tho oftice of Associations, tives front Flushing, L. I., over th. IS. McCusker. his wife 18 DRIVING BN8TEUCTION Association of Piano Tuners. tf SHOE REPAIRING * September, 1050, at 8 P. M. (D.S.T.). will Capecc, commander, announced Kenilworth; a sister, Mra. Anna WALTER S. McMANUS. Automatic All Burners — WITH — Laralne Day — ttobi. Uyuu the. Architect, Frederick A. Elnusaer. 2013 week-end. Boroush Clerk. RELIABLE piano tuning and repabjlng 8 Alden St Cranford ix'll ull lu right, title and interest in the Kramer of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Dulc-d: September 7th. 103O. 0-7 ACE AUTO SCHOOL J00 SOUTH AVE.. E.. CRANFORD hereinafter particularly described prop- Morris Avenue. Union, New Jersey, und yesterday. J ~~ Mr. and Mrs. ReUnar Walldei »13 — FULL COURSE — $13 - by recognized experts. CRaniord Piano erly us said property U not needed for one copy thereof may be obtained by euch Volunteer- workers hope to finish four brothers, Jacob, Abe and ELItsbclh 8-6375 any hour duy or nijtUt- Co.' Tuners and Rcbuilders. 3 North Wednosday-thru Saturday public use. The property shall be sold ot bidder upon deposit of the sum of Twen- Michael of Brooklyn, and Harry of Nornia Loitgo Honored and daughter of Third avenu< EL B-1B36. LI 2-3404; 0 a. ni. to 6 p. m. Ave.. East. Call CBanford 0-3720. U REPRESENTATIVE COMPANIES a public sale to the highest bidder utter ty-live Dollars 1*35.00*. The deposit wll the roof of the center before win- ipent the week-end at Ocear S» • 0-3 public advertisement thereof. . iu -4he be refunded to the bidder upon the re- ter. Tho roof requires huge steel Los Angeles, Calif., and seven At Surprise Shower CURTAINS Cranford 'Citizen and Chronicle, u news- turd ol the documents In uood condition grandchildren. GARWOOD—Mi-ss Norma Long, Grove. iwper circulating In the Borough of Kcn- within live I3t days uftcr the opening oi girders to cover a span of 60 feel Mr. und Mrs. Theodore Grilllr & AUTO SPRAY-PAINT CURTAINS, lace cloths — small and USED CARS Uwurlh. by two Insertions at least once the bids us culled for in the Instruction and roofing to cover an urea of 6C was guest of honor Tuesday eve large, bedspreads washed. Ironed and a to Bidden). of 404 Beech uvcnuu entertained ut (CARS SPRAYED—Any color, liicludina stretched. 203 Fourth Ave.. Gorwood. week .during two consecutive weeks, Davld V. Hlggins y niiifi at a miscellaneous surpris K minor dcnU. »4O. Call nny time for ap- WINDOW thv last publication to be not more than Kjich bid iiiunt be accompanied by 1 feet by 100 feet, Commander Ca WEatllcld 3-394441. .. tf dinner recently. Guests were Mr | polnUuent. HAhway 7-2632. H. Wheat. HOLIDAY SPECIALS wvcii days prior to the Bale. The prem- certlflefl check for live percent (B'-'i- > o: peco said. The post, however, ha KENILWORTH—David F. Hig-shower tendered her by her' aunt the umount of the bid, druwu upon an in Griffin's brother and sister-in-law Notice is hereby (ijven ihut the Borough Clerk's office in " l] 1173 Mayfalr Drive. Rohwoy. tf CURTAINS laundered. Ironed or stretched. 1049 MERCURY ucn particularly described appear on the insutYicMMit funds to purchase these Uins of 48 South Twenty-third Mrs. John Colone and Mrs. William Pick-up jnd delivery. Cull 24 Bu- Oillo!;i| Borough Assessment Map. a copy, corvorutcd bank or trust company, puy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grlflin o the Borough Hiill will b« open the following evenings from chanan Street. CKanford 0-4930. 6-31 — 2 Door Sedan j" which la on file in the office of the able to tho Bourd of Education, horoiltfh tnuteiiuls, the comrnunder pointed street died Sunday of a heurt at- Pinter of 431 Spruce avenue at the MOVING — STORAGE SHADES Many of thesje and other modern appliances HflfUter of Union County. ' of Kenilworth, ud a uilaruntce thut In cu&o Cranford. 7 to 9 o'clock for the purpose of registering eligible residents •' CURTAINS laundered at hoowj.. Cull 1048 OLDSMOHILE out. Tho new home will be avail tack ut his home. Funeral servlceji former's home, 500 Fourth ave-nue. ^ and nation-wide* movlntf and — pins — A ten tMircent (10C > deposit U required the contruct Iti awarded to tho bidder, h< . Mr. and Mrs. John Novy an CiUnfotd 6-5630. ' U HOLLAND BfADISON 1-Sfl — Convertible Coupe will within two weeks thrrvuftcr, execute able as :\ recreation center as well were held yesteTday at 9:15 a. m. Approximately 3<» to do, hi as u meeting place for veterans. from the D. J. Leonard & Son Home tended from Garwood, Woodbridge, All services performed In, an cxper( WANTED TO BUY Sunday from a two weeks" vaca- —. 4 Door Special Bedou Minimum shall forfeit the dcpoult U4 Uquldutcd dam- for Funerals, 242 West Jersey Cranford, Elizubeth. Clifton, Buy- manner at reasonable rotes. ANTIQUES of all kinds, furniture. China, Uloek—1U,U Sale Price uud nnd'the acceptance, 0/ the bid will be onne. Linden und Westfield. Dec- tion at Roundtop in the Cutskllls BOBBINS & AIXJSON. Inc. Hgurin.es, rugs, Jowclry. oil paintings* li/47 PLYMOUTH of bank financing. We have, loan plans for M—la ....._ (175.00 condiment upon the fulfillment of thb : street, Elizabeth. A solemn high THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 . 213 South Ave.. E. silver. Individual Items or entire con- to—10 8100.00 requirement by the bidder. The checks Transfers oF" "' orations were in pink and white. and Strutford./Coiiii. Phone CBanford 6-O8S8 ' Ciauford. N. J CLOTH j[ BIZO "' — 4 Door DeLuxe Sedan requiem mass was offered ut 10 tents of homes. AppriusaU given 1041 CHEVROLET PHILIP J. McOEVNA. of all excepting the thiee loweat bidden o'clock in St. Theresa's Church. Miss Longo will become the bru'e Home on leave for the week-end TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 CRanford- O-01S9. tf many needs. Just come in whenever you Borough Clerk. will bo relurnd within three 131 days uf Real Estate SKt. Kenneth Finnerty of 258 Lo- i HOME INSULATION — 4 Door Sedau REGENT D-ited: August 33. 1030. 0-7 ter the opeillmf of bids, und the remain- Burial was in St. Gertrude's Cem- of Joh:> Boyle of Ul THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 UOOKS. highest prices. made. Immediate ON YOUR ROLLER IruJ checks will be returned Immediately KENILWORTH — The follow rust avenue was guest of honor at fBALDWIN H11JL -rock-wool Insulation, . removal. P. M. Bookshop. 330 Park 1041 DODGE aftor contructs and bonds have been exe 1 etery, Woodbridge. October 8: ' blown methods used; personal supcrvl- Avenue. Plalnllald 4-:UlO0 need cash for any worthwhile purposa. Ing deeds have been recorded a I family party Suniiay>at his home TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 • - «lon. Established 1038. Wra. U Bchroe- — 4 Door Sedan Cutcd. Born in Meridan, Conn., Mr. Hlg- 1 22" -- 24' the oillco of County Register Her Approximately 18 pcrttjijji Wert V.. ; der. 1 Walnut Avc. Cranford. Call day 1039 DODGE No bidder may withdraw his bid •jins had lived here 30 years. He Selected for Jury THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 FOR RENT u period of 3Q duys after the date Bet foi bert J. Pancoe in the Court House present from Scotch Plains, Kear SMALL BUILDING I11 center uf town. — 4 Door Sedan Wbito oa* Emi 1 •'•cth-cd lO-youm ago after 23 years' GARWOOli—grcdi.Tirlf~C. .Web, ' Could be used tor storage or repair IU W^JV;** '*Vft ****** *.^*--» Elizabeth: iiey\~ii7ul Cruuford. Sgt. Finnert "uiTd every evening,' Monday through Thursday, September 25 to 1037 PACKARD CHARLES ft li The successful bidder will be require service with the Jersey Central rum of 523 Willow uvenuo has , CLOCKS REPAIRED shop or light manufacturing. Building WJUtOA Mr. and Mrs. Edwurd Swaszik will leave the Bayonne Naval Yurc 28, inclusive. These are In addition to the regular dully ofllce PEAHLS or BEADS expertly rcatruiu: on Is 10 x • 18 x 90 ft.. Inquire Mrs. 20" — 28" ~ 30" — 2 Door Sedan to execute a performance bond la up Railroad in the engineering de- b«cn selected for service on petit braided nylou.. Will call for and deliver. LJudqvbt. 13 *«i'"i'fp Street, Crsn iiENORIl iMRDWAR proved form us net forth lii'liiatruclioii to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Swaszik, hours dally irom 0 A.M. to 5 P. M. ford. tf to Bidders" under •Scope", which boil partment in Jersey City. He wasjuries in the county courts begin- •' Call Mr*. Slocum. Cttaaford 0-2880. 0-3 and Others Insturanco LATK'BIIOW SATCnUAV lots 99 and 0i), block 770, map ol will be In the amount of the contract. a communicant of St. Theresa's ning Monday to September 23. Deadline for registration is Thursday, September 28. ." CIXXCK8 — Sprlnsj wound or elortnc TlwJ Board of education reaervctf th Cranford Knoll:.. MURIEL F. FLESHER - elemned and renaisad. E. P. Cbamber- GARAGE FOB RENT rltfht to reject uny or all bldJ, und-'or t Mi'. Vaiut Mrs. Joseph Ventru t Church and a member ol its Holy r lain. CKanford 0-4297. LOCATED at 36 Second Avenue. Gar ucccpt tho bid that In iU JudUlllellt Wl Councilman and Mrs. David wood. 1300 square feet. S uiUble i. Michael R. Vcntrc Name Society. O Notary Public O 4WATCII. CtOCK. Jewelry and Optical storage and garsgu. Coll WEslllcld R I T Z 494 BOULEVARD of lCeuilworth. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. An- Murray of 342 Myrtle uvenue have Waiter S. McManus, H repair* at lower coat. l*ast depcodablo 2-44JO-J. PAINT SHOP properly in North Sixteenth street BY OllDEll Of HOUTIf. AVE., uAUUOUU, N. J. *- service. AU work done on the prem- DeSolo and Plymouth Dealer A — IN TJk«flNIC«JLOIl — « TlfE BOAIUJ OK EDUCATION. 150 feet from"Monroe avenue. na Higgina; two sona, Raymond t". returned from a llvc-tluy- trip to Borough of Gar-wood, N. J. Boroush Clerk. - tat*. Over 38 years' experience. Bob'i (UOIIABS DABTIO. Frep. KENILWORTH NURSING SERVICE Room 2, Second! Floor U.thrr -Wllll.m. — V«u Joh»«" UOHOUGH OK KENILWOHTlf, und Harold G., both of Kenllwortb, Salem, Ohio. While there, Coun- Z-lluo " , li Walnut Ave., Cranlord, 446 St George Avenue CQUNTV OK UNION. NEW JEltSEY. Mr. und Mrs. William J. Reilly t t COANFORD V. N. A. fur Oencral 'Nun- -'DUCHESS OF IDAHO and two brothers. Hurry of Ellza- cilman Murray attended a reun- Ing. Visits, llypodcnnlrj. Maternal and 107-5 N. UNEON AVE. HELEN M. AUTHUH. Mr. und Mrs. Charles V. Berry, lot Rahway, N- J. —— IND IJIAND NEW UIT • Phone Cr. 6-9532 District Clerk. Infant Care, llc«l(h Education. Tho MEUUCH FEDE11AL BlEPO31T INaURANCli COIU'OIIATION btth and William of Roaellc Purlt. ion ol UH: 94th Signal Uuttaliou. PAIRING Visiting Nurse Can Help You. Nominal COaafoxd C-2M0 Open Evenln-s and Sundays "MY8TERY. STREET' 0-7 Fischer 97 , 84 07 278 Johnson'and Johnson . O 10 final league game Sunday, defeat- John G. Ranhofer, Municipal •mm .474 let players who started their Klempa 85 *83' 97 273 • The Linden '.l£3 „...... „_ 0 12 .400 ing the Elizabeth.Braves 5 to 2. Kovacs !_ 01 84 100 273 Court Clerk, and Patrolman Jos- ••'.••t.\i Sunday JPlay-offs Panthers : ^' 4 0 .400 twice-daily drills under the watch- Outlaws - ^- 7 13 .3C8 ful eyes "of Coach Harvey Harman The Westfield Hawks won the Total _u_ 1118 eph J. Kovacs captured 15th and /-• At Memorial Field ' C.Y.O. ...' ~ ' 0 • 13 .310 Union County Baseball pennant the Miller. al& shooUns. scored 03. 87 and against the Cxazxfanfi 17th places, respectively. The eight and his staff. : .s Gave '. . t 'Vol. LVII. No. 34 The Maroons; leading softballers First Baptist _. 0 13 ..310 94 for a 274 total. present a ^brmicEaSilJc men, who ranked in the top half of CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1950 24 Pages — FIVE CENTS 111 Bumps Dill's •. 3 17 ...150 Leon Root of East, Orange, the same day, trouncing the Rahway UNION CO. POLICE PISTOL LEAGUE 1L See gsat jsalts in brooder house in. Ahc municipal league, hjanked SCHEDULED GAMES Indians and Question Marks, who TEAM STANDINGS 1 the field, were: Today: State University's candidate for pose, the Tip*"^ f**,*™ i nrw ze inrft ifvpnii^'ntyfl "^ Inrovide nlen* the Catholic Youths 12-0 and edged tied for. second place. • • W Times Lodcc vs. C.Y.O.; .' All-American center honors, led September 16 at hty tS, wraEJslion in tot weather. 3, Av. Score Visiting Nurse Group Builders' General Supply 6 to 5 Builders' General vs. .J. & J. . A walk by Joe Formanek and Linden No. 1 11 fox l^te l 4 Ranhofer -278.1 287 New .Commander Tomorrow: the veteran contingent of 18 Plalnfield 11 Their record b£ Kovacs Singles-by-JohnnyI-Nostce..andL-Ikfc. .. 376.7 285 l0 Names New Chairmen —268.--- 2tH A 9-2 defeat from the Lodge, Shamrocks vs.-Johnson and Johnson. few junior varsity graduates and Baldwin, Koury doubled for two Bahway Prison Guards 3 two years agnt is a (•"^however, held the Maroons to a runs to even the Braves 2-0 lead CBANFOBD „— e weaQiez. 5. U possible don't Rosendjile. .- 283J 275 4 a solid corps of sophomores make I.lnH^n Jia. 2 . ing' one. Against Orom . L— 288 27a 4 year have been named by the half-game lead, with one game" to in the third frame. Doug Staples 6 IT0IX4 been found ineligible to vote : To Map PJans«ffor up the balance of the Scarlet Eliazbeth , 6 they, have Klempa' -a. 254,8 264 G ranford Visiting Nurse Associa- at the coming election because ' i>lay. The Shamrocks and the'Old squad. gained the bases to register two Scotch Plains ._ 8 Koury-i. . ..- 253.3 208' 5 .. Soft music in keeping with the Albert G. Ingalls; .horticulture. Timers, tied for second place, each 0 A V The Cranford Pistol Team at tion. With the chairmen listed theme, "Autumn Song," will set Mrs. Green; consultants. Mrs. Ed- they have moved, are not at Bowling League Season • With Root at center, Harmon is more runs, also in the third. Noske, Roselle Park . hove played 20"games. Baldwin and Staples each hit two 10 - the local club "of tFw» Ina- the sarhe time racked up a lir'st- firsts they are as follows: Finance, the mood today for the annual fall win A. Crtiikshank; junior exhib- addresses given in Cranford, not worried about the middle, of 8 . ternational wOl . /, The first four teams of the final Final plans for the opening of for the winners. Fanwood .«..~«~._»«__ 12 round avefage of J075.8, with sev- !harles J.' Stevens,. Mrs. J. P. flower, show to be held by theits, Mrs. Lewis B. Gately; staging. Garwood or Kenilworth, or are o the seventh season of the Cranford his. line but he is in search of some National Ki^ 23. ISSHBte t Standings will compete in play- CRANFO&D CUPPEOS en wins and four! losses for fifth Heuer and Mrs. G. B. McDiarmid; Cranford Garden Club from 3 to 9 Mrsl Wilmer F.t Whitescarver; improperly registered, are Attendance Reaches depth on the flanks. Principal AB E H fniHrgfiF'Tn'iftwfl •' First Local Polio Bowling League will be made to- standing in the league. aursing, Mrs. William H.vOld, Mrs. p. m;, in the auditorium of Cran- properties. Mrs. Ge*«^«<«*o*««o«««.>> avenue, first Cranford polio vic- C.Y.O. edged the Cranford Blues W. Wehicnbers, If ••_ 2 OO st. the municipal courts this week, lection constituting three or more Charles C. Goodfellow; publicity, Persons whose names appear decrease'of 14 students under the Tentative plans call for tHe re- In ^he backfield. Rutgers ..will be catching. At tPty Tia«u>^ HBJJTTII Area chairmen for the ninth an- .Also, transportation, John V. 4 to 3. i Austin, II : ; 1OO defeating finalist Gail Brinkman, Nostrand, Mrs. Oliver Richards blooms or stalks in the same con- Mrs. Joseph L: Conrad; awards. in the list are given the oppor- im, was reported unchanged last total of 2,907 recorded last year. Builders' General edged the Pan- sumption of league bowling on Fri- outfitted with some reliable* let- Staples, irf . 4 1 ' 2 •> 3-8.6-1,6-1;..' " James H T\ TTKJTVP ac ftns*^, ^Sssss dflu nual United Fund Campaign to tainer — one only of. any variety; Mrs. William H. Fairchild; garden, tunity to present proof of resi- night at Muhlenberg Hospital, Dr. Howard R.Best, supervising day evening, September 15, at thetermen- Walt LaPrarie of Long Gallo, c -— — - 2. O 0 and Mrs. William "E. Hill; mental thers 5 to 4, in a game with Sket- Moron, »lb - — 2 0 0 Thedefeated title candidate won be held from October 6 to 20 were hygiene, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Frank W. an arrangement, implying the ar-shop, Mrs.. Adam E. Robinson; and dence if they appear person- 'lainfteld. Mrs. Biribauer's ' ill- principal, announced yesterday/ tccl striking out eight Panther bab- Varsity Alleys, Linden. Schedules Island, leading ground-gainer in a semi-finalist match with F-Iain^ tistic use, of . fxesb't plant material, bird exhibit, Mrs. Anglemyer. ally in.Room 5B in the base- Total registration to date is 2,883.- for the initial round as well as 1949, will return to the quarter- Totals :._-...._ 38 5 9. announced this week by E. Duer Myers and Mrs. Everett A. Heim; ness was diagnosed as poliomye- lers. The Panthers, late-starters ELIZABETH BDAVES Schneider, 6-2^ 6-2. DV" United Fund, Mrs. McCullough, and a composition, meaning " a ment of the Court ...House.^ - Aidrop in high school enrollment other matters of importance for back slot. Bob p'Amato of Scotch ping of Tom Abbott. Reeves, executive chairman. The flower arrangement with one or Elizabeth, prior to September litis -a week ago when she wasaccounts for. most of the 'decrease. In competition, battered Johnson Plains will be at right halfback Miller. 2b ' : 4.0 0 The title winner and. loser will WATER SOFTENER Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Kaul; member- 1 1. • . the coining season are slated for Dade . 4 • O 1 Sheldon AnHiwjiriP $18,000 quota will benefit the Boy more accessories. 28. /. - • . taken to the hospital by municipal Dr. Best said. More students rer and, Vic Archambault of Massa- be teamed in a girls' doubles match ship, Mrs. Heim, Mr. Stevens and discussion next week. Secretary Mack, ci ....__ 1 O 0 ,- ford and Ed TtpgwfTv and Girl Scouts, Welfare Associa- Arrangement classes will be en- Failure to so appear will re- ambulance. ported in the elementary schools' Arthur Boertmann announced. chusetts is the left halfback choice. Brokow. lb . \t 4- O 3 .' with Marion Hudd and Judy Peter- Mrs. Heuer, and publicity, Mrs. W. ^Tickets On Sale Hesji, c —._._—.._ ___—'4^ "O O titled, "Crescendo," "Old Treas- quire that such persons make this, year with a total of 1,802'as' • . The Cranford Bowling League sen for the championship in that tion, Visiting Nurse Association F. Whitescarver, Charles M. Ray Mrs. Biribauer is suffering from j Tickets for the Life Guards'- Ball Jim Monahan, a 195-pounder Wansaur, ss —.__ 4 O 1 division. The! latter combination is Robert Van RrfSrtfitfc Mate H^y- and Mrs. Myers. ' - ures," "Encore,"- "Accentuate the' application to a judge of the compared with 1,694 recorded in was organized as a six-team league from Connecticut, whose hitting Wojclak, U-p i 2 1 O • eck and William Anstfa and Ji and Boys'Camp.- the bulbar type of polio which af- 1949. . . - to be held at the . Elizabeth Car- , stlckney,' rf ™. 4 1 ' 1 took a. match from *Mardi Berry A total of 731 calls were made Positive," "On Wings of Song," Court of Common Pleas dur- in 1944, and subsequently in- helped the Scarlet baseball tearn Pfeifler, p 2 O Gallo are? cTttf*'^ fox* oriSjSeQ THAN PRE-WAR MODELS Many of the area chairmen al- "Overture," "Sweet and Low,': ingthetwo weeks immediately fects respiuation. She is confined Jcret Hotel, Elizabeth, at 9 p.m. and Dorothy Preston this week,. 1 by visiting nurses during" the ' On. the opening, day of school, creased until jt now operates as a o a runner-up spot in the jiational *SamDson ~-~.~——.~~^~ 1 O stitutiDn, arfrf wii ^ra|Tn lQannis fssr ready have ^completed their dis- "Memories," and "Reveille and preceding the General Elec- r'i'v^v; i;:ois "~ Friday are on sale at the Band-Box-; 24,-team league and is considered 8-6, fr4 three-month period from June to to a respirator, according to heras compared with 1,662 in.1949. In end Chapin's Sporting Goods Store championships,' will bejjsing his 3— O - ir^fip^ri spot. ,~ trict Worker groups and are "all Mingle Intermezzo," . for adults, and tion on November 7, and'on •1,749 children reported in the, one of the best-operated leagues Batted for Pfeifler to Bth- : August. ;Aroong_JhQse calls;.. 26&| 'First Collection Total physician. Dr. Charles A: Speer, (h Cranford. Proceeds •from the power at fullback again. Organized by KTargsirrf "TTtaoK* set" for the opening otthe- drive "Dreamy Serenade," and "Theme Election Day. if they wish to elementary .schools • as compared . in Union County.- " L_ .__ { Cranford :00,4 001 000-^5 the executive chairman reported. were paid, 237 part-paid and 83 who described her .condition as . dance will be used to stimulate Rutgers opens its. seasqn. Sep- Elli. Braves ™_-<>-2-d-O-O O O O O—3 teert"and Tibetar JIusse ot Xirxdeouini 19Sg. tD : Song," for children. ,Announced;. To Eegnnn seek an order entitling them with 1,662 in 1949. In the high •-'<•:••'••'>Mty Errors—Wamaw. 3: Wojclak. SUckney^ Others will complete their Hst^ot free. —— critical_early this^ week. fcompetitive swimming in the tember 23 against Syracuse at Syr- Two base hits—Brofcaw, Koury. Staples-' highlands ate the only areas of ians have plairoS rJoi tbe BEa- Highiightihg'the horticulture ex- -4o-vote in the district in-which schooschool, l.,063_altendel.,63_alte d l ^^ acuse, N. Y. The remainder of the Bases on balls—off Koon. 6: off Pfelffer. 3J workers by this week-end. hibUs will be dahlias, gladioli, they actually reside. Vlrs^ Biribauer, Dr. Speer said, county. Trophies won in swim- ' ' Weighty Cnrrency by Wojclak.' 1. Loslns pitcher—PfeUEer. Africa and Asia where the leopard the first day while last year, ming meets throughout the county In early Colonial days, some New schedule is as follows:* October 7, Is not found. • covers New York. HJew Jearr saA Assistant Postmaster Alfred C roses, annual, perennials and bi- The sum of. $457.54 was collected had returned from Staten Island there" wore 1,174 for the same day. Princeton .at Princeton; October 14, Umpires—Humnnlk and Kane _ ~ during the summer will be pre- England ministers were paid in Lang of 39 South avenue, west, Succeeds Davis As ennials, bulbs, or tubers, shrubs from ' parking meters yesterday when she became ilL Dr. Best said local schools this ' $ented during the ball. bars of Iron. . • Temple at New Brunswick; Octo- UNION COUNTV will be in charge of District No. 1; Legion Commander, and vines, vegetables and fruits after one week of operation, Dud- year lost students from Winfteld ber 21, New York University at TEAM STANDINGS Boyd E. Hudspn, Jr., 315 High and house plants. Mrs. A. Donald ley J. Croft, township treasurer, The case became the thirty- Park. About 80 pupils from. that New Brunswick; October 28, Le-Westfleld Hawks —~ 18 2 W$$m Anoyior»^ii;^rerio^erii6r;qt'in^.loweit street. District No. 2; K. A. MUIard, Plans Sak.€>f Unit Slate Seated Green is in charge of entries for reported yesterday- afternoon after ninth'in' Union County this year. locality have transferred to Roselle ' high at Bethlehem, Pa. Question Marks _.J 14 6 ! Rahway Indians 14 6 * * . price in Permulit hiUory. All the toft water 310 Casino avenue, District-No. 3; County and state officials of thethis division. Attractively decor- the funds were counted at the Un- A Plainfield boy, William Kerst- Park High School. Only seniors Also, November 4, Brown at Roselle Park B. C. 13 7 you want— hot and cold, no work, no 'ated milk bottles will be used for ion County Trust Company'. from Winfleld Park were per- Plalnfleld Merchants ~— 12 8 John V. Starr, 23 Hampton road, American, Legion were, present ing, 17 years old, was admitted New Brunswick; November 11, Elizabeth Braves _. 10 1O •b-«ner. ••.'•'• ;." ."^ ..,. :r,\\^: District No. 4; Herbert L. Finch, Used Books the large specimens and cream A total of $79.75 was taken' from mitted to remain in the school- r •. • • • Tuesday night when Cranford ! yesterday to Muhlenberg isolation Linden Buckeyes ;——- 10 10 kUnnivmary Special! Lafayette at New Brunswick; No- Enjoy thqtt advantage* 39 Broad street, District No. 5. J. A used book sale will be held Post, 212, and Cranford Unit, 212, bottles for the small entries. coin boxes on September 6. the system, h'e pointed out. vember 18, Perm State at State Cranford Clippers 7 13 ward, the hospital reported, but Roselle Stars . C 13 '« Amazing operating ««e Also Walter J. Schmidt, Jr., 15October 25 through October 28 byLadies' Auxiliary, installed new .A special display will be ar-first collection' date." Kindergarten enrollment College, Pa.; and November. 25, Hillside Comets 4 10 Horace Baker of Westneld, his case is considered mild. • Simple*! installation .. • New street, District No. 6; Wil-/the Cranfbrd College .Club .for officers in the Casino. Many per- ranged on birds. Mrs. T. V. An- Police, at the order of Chiefs Wil- dropped from 304 last year to 299 Colgate at New Brunswick. . Elizabeth A. A. 1 18 •• N*js..th,e Tetirtaa.,p*esid.ei}jL ..-J;.>,*:, sprjiiuk - :V?a\tfir,;F- We^^ffie last year,-and Sherman, 431. this ••• • • . • . TJ.ll,' will arranse for the collection: Walter E. 'Cooper, ' past com- County, "ah estimated 95,000 per- doming year, 393 last year.- -•>...;.• tations; and' Cnarles M. Ray is in 1 t Union County Trust Company said Lqrfest Boxing Gafe • charge of publicity. ..'• '....•• • Mrs . Tan.'Mrs. G. E. Thurston or mander, acted as master of cere- that it requires two separate op- sons are unregistered. Plan to Make House In the high school, 36} «tudents mm The biggest boslnff B9te In his- J 17 Altfea Steed tranford 6-2224 | Mrs. H. A. Huse. monies. . He introduced "William erations to compute the amount- He Citing an example of new sup- attended classes Monday In' the tory resulted from the' Gene Tun- The club ' each year awards McKinley of Jersey City, state ex- said that a machine designed by port for the GQP. Mr. Baker said Two>Fainily Dwelling seventh and eighth grades, and 720 ' scholarships of $300 and $200 to ecutive national committeeman, the parking meter manufacturers that union members are turning in classes nine through twelve. ney-Jack Dempsey fight in Chicago TAKEN NOW ! New Officers Elected The application of John F. on Sept. 22. 1027. Tunney won the ! E the two girls from Cranford High who spoke on Legion activities and To Present Three- could speed -up the process because to the Republican Party as the Total attendance in the high school By Newcomers' dub reviewed the program for this one machine performs both sorting bulwark against the one-party sys- Bracco for permission to convert was 1,081 as compared with 1,213 fight before 104.043 people who School who meet the scholastic Plays, Assemblies; - the former Albertson house at 236 paid $2,658,660 to see it. MIAMI-$35 •Mrs. Lewis, Crane, was elected and .'other requirements. Winners year. (Continued on pope six) tem. Mr. Baker declared the Re- lastye>lr. ,•_ president- of the Cranford NeV/7 publican Party would not bribe North Union avenue, at Forest MI t-Xil* are / introduced at the club's an- Other' officers installed' for' the Chairmen Announced avenue, from a ope to a • two- CONSOLIDATED comers' Club yesi^rday at i|s nual banquet in June. Last year, post were as follows: Vice-com- labor' by introducing favorabl A1B Plans this year of the Cranford Phys Ed Teacher " family dwelling was refused Mon- There are about 30. million tons KEN RECK STUDIO luncheon in the Crahford Hotel. the awards were presented to Miss manders, E. Calvin Shire, William legislation as he alleged was done NEWARK, N. J. Dramatic Club call for the pro- day and night at a meeting of theChurchGroup of steel on the island of Manhattan, PORTRAITS BY APPOINTOSEMT She succeeds Mrs. Chester ' JH- Jane Jeffries and Miss Barbara F. Poorman and William F. Her-duction., of two assemblies and Omittedl from list by the opposing party. . 1181 Knmuinii Vinney. ' Zoning Board of Adjustment. New York, SO percent of which are Putscher. ' zog, Jr.; adjutant, Leon Farrin; three three-act plays, according to The name of Mrs. Mildred Mr Baker declared he was con-•• Objection to the plan was voiced AIRPORT OFFICE — HI S-S37S The new state also includes: In skyscrapers and other build- 27 W. Holly St. Gufai'i finance officer, Ira Dorian;, chap- tentative arrangements made Mon- Spurling. in charge of girls* phy-vinced that 1950 is a Republican by about 70 residents. of that vi- ings. Vice - president, Mrs. George lain, Harold Glovier; historian, day night at the first executive sical education in Cranford High year due to added support and Schermund; recording secretary, Beviano Bos Drivers cinity who speke at the hearing Frederick I. Smith; judge advo- board meeting in the home of theSchool, was inadvertently omitted factions within the 'Democrtic prior to the meeting. The board Mrs. Leonard E. Moody; corres- Strike for New Contract cate, William J. Quinn; service president, Richard Keppler, 9 from the list of faculty members Party, but warned that he has Foreign Pupils.t EVERYBODY'S LISTENING TO ponding secretary, Mrs. Fred also received a petition of protest officer C. K. Sellers, and sergeant- English Village. The first assem- published two weeks ago. it waslearned from the 1948 election signed by 42 ptrsons and repre- Grcenawald, and treasurer, Mrs, For the second time in three bly is scheduled for late October. The Cranford Council of Church at-arms, Michael Korecki. •' announced yesterday by Dr. H. Rtha. t nothing is certain witbou senting 25 property owners. Women will act as host to about 50 William jSoppert. '• months, 15 employes of the Bevi- Taking office for the .auxiliary Mr. Keppler announced com- Best, supervising principal. Mrs. striving. ano Chartered Service went on The board said its action was foueign students from New York Beff. 86.95 "Time For The Truth" Named «t6 the board of directors were: Vice-presidents, Marie Reed; mittee chairmen as follows: Con- Spurling will be assisted by a He criticized the foreign policy based on the grounds that the con- were Mrs. DeVinney, Mrs, Michael strike fur higher wages and shorter colleges sometime next month, ac- 9 x 12 BUGS Provocative — Informative — Penetrating Florence Albans and Mrs. Rizzolo; stitution, Roger S. Norton; tele- substitute teacher. of the incumbent national admin version would be detrimental to cording to Mrs. L. P. Hale of 24 FERN'S Has Just Made POLITICAL EXPOSE BV V Carlozzi, Mrs. Olaf Engh, and Mrs hoUrs.' The drivers failed to re-treasurer, Betty Goodman; secre- phone, Mrs. John Bannon; busi- Stanley F. Grayson and , Paul port Monday morning, Felice Bevi- istration. and said it was a dis the property values of the one-Lenox avenue, chairman of the Joseph Jorlett. A talk on gems tary, Elsie Heatherington; chap- ness manager, Paul Dunham; news Selby are in charge of the boys* grace that military equipment was family dwellings in that neighbor- council's International Student KARKATHARINI E VAN ORDBN was given by Jerome B. Wiss, ano .president of the bus company tain, Viola GraBau; historian, Rita letter, Mrs. Theodore Ossmann; physical education program in the Uf|l I D DIAL 1430 announced. ' not present, in quantity on th hood. Committee. :45 Newark gemologist. Farewell, and sergeant-at-arms casting, Mrs. Everard A. Kemp- high school, and Miss Jean Voor- Korean front. He blamed the wai Approval was granted the appli- WW W J JU EVERY MON. p. m. The club's.book group will mee' . Ari effort to settle the dispute A meeting of her group will be SPECIAL PURCHASE Peggy Shire. '.'•.'• . shall; play reading, Allan Whit- hees has been assigned to Roose- in Korea on the "fumbling" foreign cation of Bradford K. Smith to held tonight at 8 o'clock in the today at the home of. Mrs. David will be made by Mayor George E. ney, and production manager, •.-. • OF © Ruth Evans of Roselle, depart- velt and Cleveland elementary policy of the President and theconvert his house at 229 North home of Mrs. Charles G. Albury, Mon., Sept 11, 8:4S p. m- Tyre, 102 Makatom drive. Mrs. Osterheldt together with Mayors ment president, presented Mrs. Russell Johnson.. schools, and J. Seth Weekley to H. Roy Wheeler of Linden and Secretarv of State. avenue, west, near Lincoln ave- 113 Eastman street. ' •• "THE CAT IS Lauren will review the book, "The Baxter with a past president's pin. Also, hospitality, Mrs. Mansell Lincoln - and Sherman elementary nue, from a two to a three-family Nationally Known Brands, Firat Cardinal." by Henry Martin Rob- Fred V. Pitten of Kenilworth. If Harry V. Qsbome. Jr., presi Mrs. Hule said this will be the Mrs. Knight, the incoming presi- S. Richards; arrangements. Max- schools. The assigning of two dwelling. Also approved wus afirst time the local council has un-i OUT OF THE BAG" inson. Those expected to' attend their efforts fail, the mayors will dent, received- flowers and gifts well Banks; tickets and program, teachers to the elementary schools dent, introduced the speaker. Mrs Quality, Attractive Patterns petition Governor Drlscoll to take Harold A. Glovier was acting sec reqyest from B. H. and C. E. Say-dertaken such a progrum in Cran- Sponsored by Progressive. P«Uy. ol N. J. are Mrs. Albert Goldberg, Mrs. from friends. Edward Marshall; properties, Mrs. Will provide an expanded physical action.. • . • retary in the absence of Mrs. Flor- mon for a modification of the zon-ford. Foreign students' will ar- 204 13th Ave.. Newark. N. J. Crane, Mrs.- Engh, Mrs. Eugene -Guests also—included Sylvan Ranken Millard; costumes, Mrs. education program. Dr. Best said. ing ordinance to perrrilt construc- rive by bus from New York and Lyons, Mrs. Glenn Vickory, Mrs. Last Thursday, the shop stew- Zipper of Elizabeth, department William Cole and Make-up, Mrs. Mrs. Eva Hazel of Newark has ence Crounse. New members in 9x12 RUGS recognized at the meeting were tion of 26 garages in the rear of 20will be met)by families from vari- Thomas vO'Boyle, Mrs! John S ard and ^rivers said if their con- vice-president, and representa- George Miller. Mrs. Norton will been assigned to the clerical staff (Coarinti«s en page eight) Riverside drive. The garages will ous churches here.' The guests SEE OUR COMPLETE Raymore and Mrs. Fred Adkins. tract was not completed by Mon-tives of Capt. Newell Rodney Fiske continue as librarian and histor- in Cranford High School. will attend '•church services, have day, they would strike. The man- be near a new' gulden apartment Tonight a meeting of the bridge Post. 335, VFW, and of other or- ian. constructed in Riverside drive and dinner With their hosts and then LINE OF LINOLEUM dub will be held at the home of agement agreed Friday to a 10 ganizations. Mr Cooper also- in- Mr. Bannon, chairman of the fi- attend u musical festival to be cent hourly increase and an addi- near the English Village apart- Mrs. Marlin F. Sieg, 122 Retford troduced all past commander's and nance committee, will be assisted ImsEruciors for ments. . ' given by choir members from the avenue. Mrs. Philip Powell wii: tional 5 cents an hour to be con-prominent local residents. by Mrs. Hector C. Evans, John V. various churches, she said. •;i:?f!' r^.i At FERN'S You NOTICE lie hostess. • Others attending wil tributed to the union welfare Jane Glovier Was receptionist Starr and Mr/ Kaul. The board i plan. The new contract also pro- Miss Ruth Haines, director of he Mi's. Robert Ftemnung, Mrs for the evening. After the pr6-of directors includes Mr. Whitney, High School PTA Plans program activities for the Friendly vided for a 48 hour week and ad- it. .'••.( Get Terms j> TO PERSONS IN MILITARY SERVICE OR James Walton, Mrs. Carload, Mrs gram, refreshments were served. " Mrs. Kempshall, Harry Zepfler, Forum September 28 Relations Among Students Com- Robert Newman, Mrs. Stephen ditional pay for charter and school Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Millard, Mr. Instructors for the 31 courses to given by L. E"tiennc O'Brien trips. mittee, will attend the afternoon Suit You! PATIENTS IN VETERANS' HOSPITALS and Wrny, Mrs. Robert Malcolmson Starr, Mrs. Edward O'Brien, Mr. be oifered in the second annual Cranford. The High School PTA will open program. Mrs. Harold Laughlin. Mrs. Wil- Saturday afternoon, officials of Bannon, George Trumpore and Cranford School of Adult Educa- A course in first aid will b« its new season Thursday, Septem- No Parking Problem TO THEIR RELATiyEStt Pc. Suits Local 863, -Inemational Brother- Mr. Dunham. Mrs. Albury was, hostess Monday liam Jones, Jr., and Mrs/. Fred C lio.n which opens Tuesday evening. given by Robert H. Schubel o ber 28, at 8 p. m.; with a forum PLENTY OF hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, afternoon at a meeting of the Pyku. "Besides Mr. Keppler, other offi- October 3, in - Cranford High Cranford. licensed first aid instruc conducted by parents, teachers und church council's program com- FREE PARKING If you core irrthe military service or are a patient in Mrs. Russell Baum of 211 Col and Helpers, AFL, said they want- cers are: First vice-president, Mr. School, were announced this Week lor and safety engineer, while Mr: pupils in the high school. Plans ed 15 cents an hour increase and Pins mittee. Plans were made fqr the STORE HOUR$: a veterans' hospital and desire to vote, or if you are a unibia avenue was hostess Tues- Norton; second vice-president, Mr. by John L. Biach, director. Ravmond Wismer." president of the for^ the opening event will be made World Comrnunion Day to be cele- P»Uy to 6 — relative or friend of a person who is in military service day night for the club's canasta a 44 hour week. ' Millard; treasurer, Mr. Kaul;' re- Brochures describing the courses, Cranford Garden Club and a Na-Wednesday at 1:30 p.' m., at a brated November 3 in Calvary Thurs.. Frl. Sat Rroup. Pi-esent were Mrs. Schmer- The buses serve Cranford, Lin- To Kiwanians cording Secretary, Mrs. Jacob instructors, tuition fees and hours tional Council accredited flower meeting of the PTA's executive Lutheran Church. or is a patient in a veterans' hospital who. you believe, den, Winfleld and Kenilworth. C?2n TUI 9P.U. >«ui\d, Mrs. Leroy Wilson, Mrs Three members of the Kiwanis Stanley, and corresponding sec- will be mailed out to local residents show judge, will offer a course in board at the home of Mrs. E. O. An all-day meeting of the Day will desire to vote in the General Election to be held on Heat the crowJa! Shop leisurely. Get Pied Voss, Mrs. Foppert, Mrs retary, Mrs. Old. Zohe, 216 Central avenue. November 7. 1950. kindly writs to the undersigned at onco° Club were awarded one-year per- during the coming week. Rejiis- flower arrangements. Branch of the Women's Guild of belter service. Get Letter selections. He y, Mrs. Dennis Lynch and County Bar Association fect attendance pins at the club's Three new members Were ac- tration may be wade by mail to Gaston B. Gesner, French in- Co-hostesses will be, Mrs. Wil-Trinity Church was held Tuesday makiiiQ application for a military service ballot to bo voted Carl Groner. cepted. They are Mr. and Mrs. structor in Westfleld High School, liam Page und Mrs. H. A. Larsen. Becausenof-the-Religious Holidays, oil ciet before FalL Tlrat's wbat happens . luncheon meeting Tuesday in the September 30, and in person at the in the parish house. The Rev. in said election to be forwarded to you. if you are in the To H(puor B. C Austin Coach and Four. They areN Dr. Ralston E. Neville of Cranford and high school from 7 to 9 p. m_ onwill offer a beginners' course in Mrs. F. G. BaUinunn, president, Frank V. H. Carthy, rector, guve •:.^M uben you cliooac Sherman's uuutzxazzs FERNS WILL BE CLOSED military service or are a patient in a veterans* hospital, W53IEC ANU PLKAXEU) Berkeley C. Austin of 101 Forest William Silverman, Frank Ram- Miss Marjorie Arnold of Linden the evenings of September 26 andFrench, while a course in the mak-will preside. the meditation on the topic, "De- staling your name. age. serial number, home address and UJC Expects 500 ing of gloves, belts and bags will In order that fathers may par- Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept 12 and 13 draperies -XOW!—-The eiiiartest t»«t^>« coc avenue. and_ 15.-.past_bresidents, sey_and_Winfleld_Gv Scott. Eight 29 and October 2. borah und Jael." Luncheon fol- be .given by Mrs. Caroline B. '.icipute in the PTA, meetings this^ tho address at which you are stationed or can bo ^"""ut the country held membership tncnts*. Assisting them were Mrs. UONS CLUB BLIND SEAL DRIVE. cation that ho is ovor tho ago of twenty-one years and stal- opening next Thursday. Approxi- in the PTA last yeur. 1 ing his name, aortal numbor. homo address and the address mately lust year's registry, the es-Cranford Savings und Loan Asso- Russell Hoagland, were welcomed needed urgently, according to a Grieco. former supervisor of art intor in Home Nursing ut Crunford Barber, Mrs. Harry Hunsen and ciation for nearly SO years. This by Dr. Henry J. Mineur, presi- new appeal issued yesterday by the PlainlleJd schools, who nowHigh School, while Roland H. Hill, The association hus invited ull Mrs. Ross Tuttle. at which ho Is stationed or can bo found. r timate Includes almost 200 entering *SIjop-o4-CIa=«>'^ ScnEzo is one of the longest records in dent. Cranford - Garwood - Kenilworth has a studio in Cnmford, Jr.. account executive With Merrill adults interested in youth and in Guest speaker Was Mrs. Edgar freshmen, Dr. Kenneth C. Mac- the work of tho PTA to join the 1 Phone Blsetuw 8.9600 or UE.tficU ^0500 *aS K:iy, dean, said yesterday. New Jersey. The club's benetit Softball game Chapter, American Red Cross. A beginner's course in contract Lynch. Pierce. Fenncr Si Beane, Wandless-. president'or the Worn- ' >r Forma of applicgligix can bq obtained flom tho under- brokers, will be instructor in u high schol unit. A child in high our ilccorolor will come to your tuuse »il& f»rW» in observance of National Kids' Women between the ages of 21 andbridge will be taught by Henry en's Auxiliary of the Second Prov- signed. All faculty members who served Formerly township attorney, Mr. •omplea. No Choree Austin Is the oldest practicing at- Day will be ployed Saturday by CO, iiitcwujUjd In usiiitiutj in theGruhtav director .of. th<- Cranford course entitled. "Know _Your >chool is not u prerequisite to ince of the Episcopal Church. tnst'year^wlll relurrPfor~the~lall membership. ' term, it was annonccd. Registra- torney in Cranford, having prac- the Cranford Maroons und* Linden program for hospitalized veterans, Bridge League, and dunning Stocks and Bonds.** 'Women interested^ trr attcndtni! ' Lcathercralt will be given by the state migrunt meeting this Atit About Our Budget Ptaa tion began yesterday and will con- ticed here more than 50 years. Arians ut 2 p. m. ut Memorial are asked to report to the RedRudd. while an advanced course in tinu« today, tomorrow, Monday Field. Cross Headquarters at 10- North the same subject will be given by Jack Hoffman of the American To llesuiue Meetings afternoon ut 2:30 p. in., at tho ;mew county collegeg , which are sim- rank of corporal, according to word points of interest in the Western 'W t Ji received by bis parents, Mr. anda succciis. About 20 Kiwunia fami- ceramics, oils, watercolors, jewelry Public Schools. A course on ev-Ehzabclhtown Consolidated Gas mus lighting program in the busi- to Junior colleges in this lies attended. and weaving. eryday money mutters will be on page eight) ness area will be discussed. states. I'ounlryry. Mrs. Thomas L. Hamilton. is i /