1922. CON.G,J:">]JSSIONAL RECORD-SENATE .. '1553 SENATE. etc., which "\Ya referred to the Committee on Inter~ tate Com merce. :MoNDA.Y Janua'ry ~3} 1922. Mr. DADD presented 48 petitions of sund.ry citizens of Souris, The l!aplain, RcY. J. J. 1\fuir, D. D., offered the following Cogswell, Brampto.n, Lundsvalley, Maddock, M()untain, Goocl prayer: rich, l\fercer, .McClusky, La 1\foure, Marion, Ypsilanti, Eckelson, Pekin, Arnegard, Rydel', 1\Iohall, Maxbass, Wheelock, Reeder, Our Fathei:, Thou hast very often proven Thyself to be a 'Bucyrus, Haley, Tolley, Norma, Kenmare, Lisbon, Elliott, Coal present help in time of trouble. As we look.out upen tbe wodd 1Harbor, Kulm, Merricourt, Leroy, Backoo, Neche, Sheyenne, this morning we see tbat sorrow is everywhere present. As iPark Ri\er, and Hoople, all in the State of North Dakota, and multitudes the world over bow. before the bier. of a distinguished· of Newark, S. D.ak., p1·aying for the enactment of legisla prelate, as a nation sorrows becauso an honored statesman has tion reviving the Government Gram Corporation, so as to passed a"ITny, and as there are so many homes shadowed by the stabilize price of certain farm products, whieh were referrecl presence of a Yacant chair, we would ask Thee to--day, our to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry• . Father, o to move upon onr.hearts and.lives that through those He· also presented· a re.solution . adopted at a public gathering monition. of Thy providence TI"e may, learn to live right and to of farmers and business men ~ld at Aneta, N.
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