
Steady rotation of the Cascade arc

Ray E. Wells1 and Robert McCaffrey2 1U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefi eld Road, MS 973, Menlo Park, 94025, USA 2Department of , Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland, 97207-0751, USA

ABSTRACT permitting westward escape and rotation of the Displacement of the Miocene Cascade (northwestern ) from Pacifi c Northwest. the active arc is in the same sense and at nearly the same rate as the present clockwise block We examine the rotation of the Cascade arc in motions calculated from GPS velocities in a North American reference frame. Migration of light of recent GPS results which show that the the ancestral arc over the past 16 m.y. can be explained by clockwise rotation of upper-plate Pacifi c Northwest is still rotating clockwise at blocks at 1.0°/m.y. over a linear melting source moving westward 1–4.5 km/m.y. due to slab up to 2.0°/m.y. (Fig. 1B; McCaffrey et al., 2007, rollback. Block motion and slab rollback are in opposite directions in the northern arc, but 2013). The progressive offset of the ancient Cas- both are westerly in the southern extensional arc, where rollback may be enhanced by proxim- cade arc provides an opportunity to examine the ity to the edge of the Juan de Fuca slab. Similarities between post–16 Ma arc migration, paleo- utility of GPS for quantifying long-term block- magnetic rotation, and modern GPS block motions indicate that the secular block motions like motions and the relative importance of from decadal GPS can be used to calculate long-term strain rates and hazards. crustal rotation versus slab rollback in arc evolu- Northwest-directed Basin and Range extension of 140 km is predicted behind the southern tion. We show that geodetic rates agree with late arc since 16 Ma, and 70 km of shortening is predicted in the northern arc. The GPS rotation Cenozoic rates inferred from paleomagnetism poles overlie a high-velocity slab of the dangling into the beneath Idaho and geology, and from that agreement we infer (), which may provide an anchor for the rotations. long-term rates of slab rollback and block rota- tion. We use the GPS-derived poles to recon- INTRODUCTION in response to changing slab buoyancy, ter- struct the Miocene arc at 16 Ma and examine The Cascade volcanic arc, which extends rane accretion, or mantle fl ow regime have all implications for back-arc extension and - from () southward been proposed as possible contributors (e.g., tism, and arc deformation in Cascadia. into (United States), is the Priest, 1990). Arc rotation occurs when subduc- product of of the tion parameters vary along strike, for example, GPS VELOCITIES VERSUS GEOLOGIC beneath North America (Fig. 1A). Its 40 m.y. where rollback is locally impeded by collision DISPLACEMENT RATES history is recorded in volcanic and plutonic of buoyant, thickened , as in the northern rocks that are progressively offset clockwise or Tonga-Kermadec arcs (Wallace Geodetic Rotation Rates Match from the modern arc axis. Cascade arc migration et al., 2005), or where proximity to a slab edge Paleomagnetic Rates is consistent with clockwise rotation of western may promote rollback and extension in the over- Paleomagnetic studies show that western Oregon determined from paleomagnetism (e.g., lying plate (Schellart, 2008). Humphreys and Oregon has rotated about a vertical axis at Magill and Cox, 1981; Wells, 1990; Wells et Coblentz (2007) suggested that Cascadia slab 1.19° ± 0.1°/m.y. for much of Cenozoic time, al., 1998), although slab rollback or fl attening rollback is a critical geodynamic component with the rate decreasing to the north, ,

Pemberton GS N

Miocene arc J CE Figure 1. A: Cascade volcanic arc and back- BC 49° N 49° N arc ages (northwest North America; Smith, belt B 0-2 Ma VI CS 1993; Sherrod and Smith, 2000; Hildreth, P 2007; Massey et al., 2005). Yellow triangles 42° N G 2-7 Ma are major : (B), (G), (R),


A 7-17 Ma F 120° W (TS), and Mount McLoughlin (M). Red lines show Yakima fold-and-thrust R 17-45 Ma belt. BC—British Columbia; WA—Washing- WA ton; OR—Oregon; CA—California; NV—Ne- 46° 46° mid-Tertiary OR OF pole vada. B: Block velocities (arrows) from GPS plutons (McCaffrey et al., 2007) match sense of off- OF 1.0°/Ma set of ancestral, mostly Miocene Cascade

Pacific Ocean arc plutons (red blobs) from active arc axis TS (green). Thick gray lines are block bound- 1 Ma aries; Oregon forearc block (OF) velocities and pole in red; Island block (VI) in blue (pole is off fi gure). Inset: Pacifi c (P), Juan de Fuca (J), and North America (N) M SM10 Ma plates; yellow arrow is convergence direc- 42° 42° tion of Juan de Fuca plate. Garibaldi arc seg- CA NV ment (GS), Cascade arc segment (CS) after Age of Hildreth (2007); Mesozoic orocline (dots); 10-0 Ma and Columbia embayment (CE). backarc Quaternary arc in backarc 5 mm/yr AB120° W 200 km 120° W

GEOLOGY, September 2013; v. 41; no. 9; p. 1027–1030 | doi:10.1130/G34514.1 | Published online 22 July 2013 ©GEOLOGY 2013 Geological | September Society 2013of America. | www.gsapubs.org Gold Open Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license. 1027 and east (Fig. 2A). A similar pattern emerges GPS Velocities Are Consistent With (Hildreth, 2007), but we argue the regional off- when vertical axis rotation rates are calculated Geologic Offset set is the result of a regional process. from GPS velocities estimated for the past Because the long-term geologic rotation rates To quantify the ancestral arc offset, we com- 15 yr across the Pacifi c Northwest (Fig. 2B). and decadal geodetic rotation rates are essen- pare the GPS rates to geologic rates of mag- An east-west profi le along the Columbia tially the same, we compare the evidence for matic migration in the direction of the GPS River (Fig. 2C) shows that GPS rotation rates geologic migration of Cascade arc magmatism vectors at several localities along the arc. North- increase toward the subduction zone (where over the past 16 m.y. to secular block motions east of Mount Baker () is a series of smaller block rotation occurs) and are nearly derived from the GPS velocity fi eld after remov- and stocks that become progressively identical to the rates calculated from paleo- ing the short-term elastic compression due to older to the northeast (Fig. 3A). They include magnetic rotation of 12 Ma and 15 Ma fl ows of subduction (McCaffrey et al., 2007, 2013). We the Kulshan at 1.1 Ma, the Ann the Group (McCaffrey suggest that the current surface velocities and at 2.8 Ma, and the Hannegan caldera at et al., 2007). The similar rotation rates at vastly their derived poles of rotation acting over mil- 3.7 Ma (Hildreth et al., 2003). At Mount Baker, different time scales and the great size of the lions of years can largely explain the offset of the shift of magmatic focus is consistent with rotating area indicate that the GPS-observed the Miocene arc. In Figure 1B, we superim- the observed N42°E plate motion with respect rotation is revealing permanent motions in the pose the block velocities (in the North Ameri- to NAM, with 3.5 mm/yr of the 6.0 mm/yr upper plate, as opposed to elastic strain from can [NAM] reference frame) calculated from westward magmatic migration rate explained the subduction zone or time-dependent effects the GPS data on a geologic map of Cascade by block motion. In Oregon, Miocene plutons of the earthquake cycle. volcanic and plutonic rocks grouped by age. lay 75–110 ± 15 km northwest of the High Cas- The axis of the Miocene arc inferred from the cade axis in the direction of current plate motion distribution of plutons aged 25–9 Ma (du Bray (Fig. 3B). Average geologic displacement rates and John, 2011) lies west of the modern arc in of the plutons from the present axis since 16 Ma A British Columbia Oregon and east of the modern arc in northern are 3.1 mm/yr at and 3.5 mm/yr 0 Washington State and British Columbia (Hil- at Mount McLoughlin (both in Oregon). GPS 7 dreth, 2007). Although the pluton distribution is rates are 4.1 and 7.7 mm/yr, respectively. 48° 25 0 0 complex in detail and not all plutons are dated, a 16 27 Washington broad swath through the plutons clearly demon- Slab Rollback 20 52 Pmag 2328 strates the pattern (Fig. 1B). When compared to In both Oregon and Washington, the differ- 0 rotation 46 36 the GPS velocity fi eld, the Miocene axis is dis- ence between geologic and GPS rates indi- 53 placed in a direction consistent with the veloc- cates a westward component of arc migration 45° 50-12 Ma 70 16 48 30 rocks Oregon ity fi eld, and where modern and ancient arcs in NAM of 1–4 mm/yr in addition to block 49 are nearly congruent, the GPS velocity is par- motions calculated from GPS. This additional 0 67 allel to the arc. Crustal structure and magmatic westward component of arc migration is most 30 km plumbing can cause shifts in magmatic focus easily explained as the result of slab rollback 14 42° 0 200

British Columbia 48.9° N B A V.I. block motion B 20 Ma 3.5 ± 0.4 mm/yr 46° N

48° 5 H Washington mm/yr GPS 12 Ma rotation 16 Ma 2C J rate Hannegan Lake Ann Caldera 17 Ma TS ice Stock 3.7 Ma 23 Ma 45° 1 deg/Myr Oregon Kulshan 2.8 Ma Caldera 1.1 Ma volcanic Mt. Baker migration rate M 0 Ma 6.0 mm/yr 100 km 10 km 48.7° N 42° 42° 121.9° W 121.4° W 120° W

125° 120° 3.5 km/my V.I. block 4 7.7 km/my OF block 12 Ma Pomona flow 0 3.7 my 16 10 0 3 C 15 Ma Ginkgo flows 2 GPS rotation rate NAM NAM 1 4.2 km/my 0 2.5 km/my rollback rollback 16 Ma -1 Arc Coast Arc CW rotation rate, deg/Ma Arc NAM VI OF NAM 124 120 117 source source Longitude, degrees West 2.5 3.5 3.5 4.2 Figure 2. A: Paleomagnetic rotation in de- grees, with uncertainties (Wells and Heller, Figure 3. A: Magmatic progression at Mount Baker, Washington, forms linear track on Van- 1988; Irving and Brandon, 1990). B: GPS ro- couver Island (VI) block. B: Oregon ancestral arc as in Figure 1; pluton ages from du Bray tation rates show a similar pattern to that and John (2011). Blue arrows show inferred geologic displacement of plutons from pres- shown in A. C: Clockwise (CW) rotation rates ent axis since 16 Ma. H—; J—Mount Jefferson; TS—Three Sisters; M—Mount from Columbia River Basalt fl ows (15–12 Ma) McLoughlin. Profi les show slab rollback at Mounts Baker and McLoughlin calculated with re- along profi le shown in B match rotation rates spect to North America (NAM). Relative velocities along azimuth of forearc motion, in mm/yr, from GPS shown in B (McCaffrey et al., 2007). shown below profi les. OF block—Oregon forearc block.

1028 www.gsapubs.org | September 2013 | GEOLOGY (i.e., westward motion of slab and trench with Restoring the arc to 16 Ma rotates its south- direction of the moving arc block, the speed is respect to NAM; Fig. 3). Our inferred slab roll- ern end 140 km to the southeast, equivalent to more likely to be related to subduction-driven back component does not appear to be an artifact 100 km of east-west extension in the northern counterfl ow above the slab (e.g., Jordan et al., of the locking model, Basin and Range and 100 km of northward 2004). After 5 Ma, the westward migration of as the locking model fi ts independent vertical motion of the block. From geo- rhyolitic magmatism slows to the forearc block and thermal constraints, and the elastic veloci- logic data, Colgan and Henry (2009) calculated displacement rate, as the counterfl ow encounters ties are near zero at the arc (McCaffrey et al., ~90 km of post–17 Ma, WNW extension across the slower rollback of the Juan de Fuca slab. 2007, their fi gure 10). Modeled transient veloci- the northern Basin and Range in California and ties related to the great Cascadia earthquake of Nevada. McQuarrie and Wernicke (2005) calcu- IMPLICATIONS FOR ARC PROCESSES A.D. 1700 also do not match the rollback com- lated 167 km of post–18 Ma extension across the AND CORDILLERAN EVOLUTION ponent (Pollitz et al., 2008). In Washington, the north-central Basin and Range and 42 km of dex- Our fi nding that present-day GPS-derived inferred rollback is in the opposite direction of tral shear east of the Sierra Nevada since 10 Ma. rotations can largely explain 16 m.y. of arc block motion. In Oregon, rollback and block The reconstruction predicts post–16 Ma history implies the present velocity fi eld and motion are both westerly, but eastward young- arc-parallel shortening of 70 km between the driving forces have been relatively stable over ing of magmatic belts on the rotating forearc Columbia River and southern British Columbia, latest Cenozoic time. Forearc block rotation block suggests that rollback does not keep up where the Yakima fold-and-thrust belt transects has been going on for at least 16 m.y., possibly with rotation of the forearc block (Fig. 3B). the Washington (Haugerud and Tabor, about similar poles in the back arc. Although These observations suggest some decoupling 2009; Blakely et al., 2011) (Fig. 1). At 120°W mid-Miocene-stage poles (e.g., 16–10 Ma) for between rollback and rotation. Calculated roll- (closer to the pole of rotation), the Yakima fold- the forearc are unknown, we consider the fi nite back rates do vary along strike, with largest rates and-thrust belt accommodates 25–35 km of arc- rotation about the present GPS-derived rotation to the south (>4 mm/yr), outboard of the Basin parallel shortening (Reidel et al., 1994), similar pole to provide a reasonable approximation to and Range. to the GPS-calculated value of ~30 km (2 mm/ the actual path of the forearc, given how well the yr for 16 Ma). Some shortening may be distrib- observed geologic offsets are matched. CASCADE ARC AND BACK ARC SINCE uted northward into British Columbia. Substan- The position of the active arc in NAM is a 16 MA tial shortening in the large gap between Mount function of two processes: plate rotation and We used the block rotation poles derived Rainier and Glacier Peak volcanoes may have an additional westward component we infer from GPS velocities to restore the Cascade inhibited the rise of magma to the surface. is related to slab rollback. Our analysis indi- arc to its position at 5, 10, and 16 Ma, match- We restored the Oregon back-arc volcanic cates that the slab is rolling back faster than ing the magmatic belts in the units using the GPS poles of rotation for the the motion of North America, consistent with that become younger to the east (Fig. 4). Our back-arc blocks, and we examined the rapid Humphreys and Coblentz’ (2007) conclusion fl at- reconstruction is suffi ciently accurate northwest migration of rhyolitic magmatism that rollback is a critical element of Cordille- (<0.01 mm/yr) because the poles are very close along the High between 10 and ran evolution that permits westward escape of to the rotating blocks. 0 Ma (Jordan et al., 2004). The migration rate is the rotating Oregon forearc. But in the north- The reconstructions show that the older mag- 33 mm/yr, slowing to 13 mm/yr in the past 5 m.y. ern compressional arc, block rotation and roll- matic and plutonic belts in southern Oregon and This rate is initially much faster than the GPS back are in opposite directions, indicating that northern California restore east of the present rate of the rotating forearc block (~10–13 mm/ the broader Pacifi c-NAM dextral shear couple arc axis at 16 Ma, consistent with their position yr at the Oregon border). Although the direction likely drives rotation. In the south, faster roll- outboard of the expanding Basin and Range. of the back-arc magmatic progression is in the back and rotation outboard of the expanding

5 Ma 10 Ma 16 Ma BC 0-2 Ma 49° N 49° N

2-7 Ma

7-17 Ma SG

17-45 Ma 70 km NNE Figure 4. Reconstruc- WA shortening 46° 46° tions of Cascade arc at mid-Tertiary OR 16-0 Ma 5, 10, and 16 Ma. Present plutons 1.0°/Ma locations of major strato- OR forearc volcanoes (yellow trian- gles), coastline (dotted), and 17–45 Ma arc (pale orange) are shown for reference. Oregon (OR) (16 Ma) forearc rotation pole and 10 Ma SM SM Steens Basalt SM velocities are in red.

5 Ma Age of silicic magmatism in backarc extension and 100 140 km dextral 120° W 120° W 120°100 W shear 16-0 Ma

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