'wrto Aid those ure lessfortunate, Pontrff urgesu;ell-to-do fumilies VA'l' ICAN CI'lY**llis'l{rtli- rucss ['ot)c .Joltrr )iX Itl lras clllctl oir {arnilics tltttt are "to tvcll ol'1' otttbid olle atl- othcl in gcuct'osity" lotvard lcss foftunatc fanrilies, Spctrkirtg on tlte fcasl. of tltc Iloly Fnurill'of Nazaletlr (Jan. li). tlrc I'ortlifl srtirl lte is cvct' "o[ arvrrc thc rlilficulties antl tlan*crs rvhiclr L-lrlistian {nrttities cncoulltcr tlnilt'." I'opt: .lohtt sptrko ft'ottt lhc rvin- rlorv oll lris irivatc librat'y to e clrlrvtl trr St. Itotcr's srlttarr:. Ilis talk Iolhrrvctl his lcgrtlnr noon retitation of tlxr .,\ngeltts and lris blcssing of thc pcoplc in ilrc srpiitt'c ltelon', ,\bout 25,0t1}()pcoplc rvcrc gitth- clctl bcncath thc rlintlos,, antl his l'rlrtls rr'ctc clt'r'ictl olcr antpli- I'icr's.'l'lrt,1' rvclc alsu bt'oatlt:ast ovcr'\rnlican llltlio nnrl tlte ltitl- itn nctu'olk. INDIANAPOLIS,INDIANA, JANUARY 13, 196T ACCO I\IPANIr CAI| DI l{AL J/1SS.'1(),\1&J.$ BdryiBlV anYclergyandlaitv Clhurc:h is free to work tl J Itt attenclconsistory in nlostof the Corlso Scltonlgrub in Ceylon S'l'. L()l.,lS- t'lrtlitrll ,los- P. (,lotly of l(attsl,s {irly.Sl , ,loscplt. ('hallcs cph I'). llillcr'. Alt'hbislrop ot' ,\lo.; []islrop ll. l lelrrrsirtll CEUPPENS htrs hot'tt lo t'rtist'tltt-'strttrts of By REV, ,rf Sytt'itrgliclrl.(lrprt (;irar'(l('irtl; l'()n!il1('r(' \t()nlr'il.'l't';tiltttt;1 lll Sl. l,ottis. lt'l't lrt'r'c otr,lirrrrr- liislrop .lrrscplr \1. Il:rrlitu:, ('.1'.. l,l';()l'()l,l)\'ll.t,l,l.'l'hc' Cottgo-*-Six lttotttlls ol' chaotic llolilt' t t'oilor'rtrcs :ttttl e it ic rltttics iil'.\, l() I0t' ll()tlrc u i{lt a sccrr ruitl toul purullel I'.S.. of ,lcflcrsrrtr Citl', Ilo,. anrl in tlrc ('ortgo ltttt'e left tlteit' tnat'k oll lhc is tltt cotr: ol lltrs pt'ogt':tttt. ltt it r I ()l' sc\'(!ll nl(lepr.u(l('nec ltttt'sotttl 1r ): r\ttxiliittl' Ilisltop (ilennott ['. tlrc largcr to\\'ns ('oul('t'1. litt sttt'lt lrttl rr illt l5l rrlltcrs rtt t'hurich. btrl hate lctt it srrbstantially I't'ee to cill'f)'on its (l()1,()lll|(t. t'r'l loil-.'l'hc ('il1h. l)('r's{)lrs, l"lar itt. (:oullll'.Y's t'tluc:rtion ill'o con(lu('t('(l ltr' ('utt- Itis <'lt:rt'1t'r'r.rl.l('l l)l;rnr, lnrl irr \\'ol'k. ln .rlrorrt lrro-tltit'ds of thc llll rlioccscs tlte olir llislrops rrl ('r') krtt litlrrtlc


Ncw dinccse in Urugtrry - Asli lnx cxenrPlion - *'?,';,,"'T';l T$Ti,"lllt_'.:lil,Scores ec o n o nx i c, i lc1rcal Quccn honors prrclatcs! or trrc Says marriage ends roman(e ll,',lllil,li.1,1if,i.."'u""'cr social conditions in Latin America

-Nhen"\\'ltcn rruil'rtilr' WASIIINGl'ON--lilxisting soclal ol:I'orr dcrrimnl,tlcirat'ttttt'nt, d*hrcd:tlcclitt't'tl: trvo pt'oplc tlccitlc co.rntilctc .to ij,,tican Cit-1, 1n gct i rirst.trana antl econotnic s(l.uclul'cs in Latin Illt'it t'ontartcc atttl t-.rttcl irrtu tttat'r'iagc, tltc.1'arltttiI tlrtrlttglt{fl tltcir 'I.hn r.rrrrnintnnnn rvi6 its runr.le e.l\)t,l,l - Aurct'ica alc lalgcrly un.itrst. ac. ,,uri,*, 'l.;liiJiln,:lilll::,,1'' cor'

ip1hai'iiNtyrcci'ssila..ii".'.ro.rui'g...i.riiiiii'ii;;.j;iiH:(,[.';h iifi"im,r*.ri"-i s,i",r,q,*;r.. radhccon,c rod **n *'ll::l],'li esaoao *l,.1lillll'.,"*,1.:,,1*llll,.l,li: jzillg.su0dayNo|.[schodnlc.\iltthe'iteclilxlrlstry,nig.!estiiii.iiiiiiJ.i'','*ll..li'';'''l.llttlil'l.ll*Illll',:',lll;""l"li,ll':;l|riiix|iiii{liii''ifi$lrlmj"lli.*:l*l.'l...,,*':l':."l:iiilll,lp.fEL|V|IR'SFL00RC0IJERING, Inc olfondrr in kcrpinA Ncn at "'lrii"ii]l,i ;;;; ;;;;-;;"i ;ii;,i" "u"ii i*"uornn,runo rr. ross. ,:ll,j':lliit;;,rss,rt,-".,::l]l:: il:i:,,1T:.".:,:.t:lTtil I rlope rorrn scnr a,rcreg.n', ro n!n$,:i,ili::i:: il,,!ili::*l;i 0 presenls n.',lll*l',\",lli,l,lirl|h}.'.il'i?-lJ'"lI]l^,j..:1;]::j:y;::':"llI,:iiiil}:"..Eii*]\[i#nu|ldcsIxt.tIlI,oIlmnsor;u;it;;.;.;,;;;;;;ii;;;;"i I'rI|inllF]]|.bcto|t,bcsh1.i,'.i".'i'"*"i.*t"tswcUn|3't[b'dhd!y(Jrn.n'11f1|fii?|.'lfl JANUARYSPECIAL ..1|!l]i'.l|'iIf]d;ll.1.!i:!'.1lI,f"'}1*)li.if]';:,]:.:,::iirci|;ll CORDRIDGE ii'ili"ll*",i.tr..ii';iiii"r!;ii;;".;'t.1t.";ll]i.'1lJ..tj..1ll$lii*:sii..":r:''-r.:.":"i]iiil"':f'*"ll""lrllil':':il.ll,,'llll.iiiilLl1:;:1l,llllllt",li:l.x]T;.''lljl"l.ilT$th\:.fi.l?ip.lll,'i.1Tii,'illjr!il;]. .;,il'l',".1lll];;,,.,,..,,'.;^,,i;li:-ilil''.l.i:l'.1;Ttli.j''i:lll.,iit.di;lli**:,'*:l:lll.'.trllii]jilljllBROADLOOM BY "iti;i;r''ii.,:'ii"'c;iiil il$(Rl a.Lri'iiii"i_. StrildrI gtrr.lt \uul.d vic. lstritr in tol BIGELOW ii'J,r.iiuJl!,iiii.,i.1i.*,iiiliifllI.,il..,i,f".i,lii:i't$i:ii$i-4,JIly.'il.,u,,}.,,Yl,,:lHt.:{l":!}'.,i.iit"'.lifl;llJ.#,.jm#lH{#'1ltn| sindsy|||cn[d|hflulAdnI'iiii;;:";1'..ii;ii';i.i'ii{i*i.ii'iIg.ir"il."""iil"i ;xll"ln*'ixlli"*'xl."**"l':"**-"'illjil$:r'*:l.l-'l"*jlli"llj*I'*IJ.:"*;;;_"..l..i"'''"u'".*modc of :llJ."'.;1fi1]li;i*:"'lou..u*rii"uirii:iTli"j.::::r-,'"".n:-'*lt.n#*;l:f;i111*11l;.*1rii:ill'].J'jIiiili'lj.'l1]llllDuPONT wHATsrUNc(.ltt,i('sinlo"$ll''.,'l.'lT':"i.ii;i:]ill'': dtc.dbIlfI'mits|0t|tvotksl,[bor.nlamFesl.ntbaIgnfingi!i,tJosso.vn1otanot|mo.v[lilll*.'I*il.-il,.j;i'i1;;f|l!]l!1l]{ inl'5l.'Ttis$rslIcso.c{lk\tin.shclntihslrulgintoniilrgh .iiriiiini n:,iiii CARPET NYLON!

|nl951|heGermrnBishop-rlllfi'|'il..1i:.,l;;.'l',:l,,;jl]lj,:-".*; condemned|hirnew*oit'i*str'o1'si1sntot'allotttltl;ttionsanrlIirrshr,illaltaslrsketl leminriointprsro.ot.^riLyli',''.,.,:'il]:].:,^',l,:.,j.ll,-'.Y:ol.ji,,.ljc.orrLtto*of"ii.ru*l"ri'ui'v'ii'l;if;ilili]l'1ttincnnd ctc'n'v"' thev sai'r in

;:'li: Hli:il'."**.,"'lti ,*mml l;li;lil..H;l;tllnl llilliii:l*:it.T::,"_li{iid,l:li:ilics. t'o-txistttrr'c rvill bt tlrt' ccrr- relieiour life of rhe workerr They crerred r rpeciot com. ::lttl::::",,.l1llll!. lll9j'j1'!1!l.' ,lll ttri of our-nxrst fer.vcnt.prl;'cr.s.', and loosened frmily ties. mission lo discusr Sundcy work wifh reprerenltliver of thc rleel induslry'r mrnrgemenf rnd llbor. Bul thesc discussionr cnded wilhoul rorullr. ,";?i'l,li:f1l.Xl,il'f;'"ffi,$'iit - ^ -i stot-.l Foraging inrlustry in l$5?. rvhen the fincls scll govel'nlncnl of North Ilhine. \\'cstphrlia gave its hh_.ssingui.ili"ri' lo ^ _ iiliillll'.i'::T,,rlio*:r'*on fighting fronl itt I_,aos 9?: NEW -- Anamazingly low price for VOiiK r\n Anterican ing lu.okc out hc scr.vcrl as n pt'icst scoilring for at ,.r1esscrrfir_r _rvas .foorl boy,,, goirrg har:k antl carpetof this superb quality! thc height of the fighting tn vtcn- .....r. . fot'tlt fot sttpplies and tianc, iaos-anrt toirntf fjimscfi-in aitlinp; r'cftr. Irontline fighting. gces to leavc tlre r:it.y. "I took my motoreycle antl erccpctl into town-hcavy mortar unequalfedfor beauty and nraclrine gun lire all arounrl '--lookirrg for somctlring to enl," "'I'hc . . . extremelyfong wear hc rvrotc. and we llrrcc Oblates of 1\{ary Inrntaculate werc vcry Iow on food.,' ... andeasy care! "l HAD TO PASS in lront of at'tly hcadquultcrs. It was noth- ing l)ut a heap of ashes. Gcn. Phoultri (Novasan) had oblitcrat- C0RIlRl0St gives you these erfa benefits ctl the entire blockl I rvcnt only a fcrv hunrlrcrl yards past thb r [r's?long rear . , . 0u Pont 501" carpet nylon Itcarlquarters and rnn into 'l'hcy antwearsany other fiber in carpetsd l)hounri's front linc troops. equalconstructiofi. ntlviscd nle to go no further, for "501' they krl?w a large nuntbcr of o Supsriu tcrture relention...0u Pont (Capt.) (pro.con- Kong Lc's nen carpet nylonfibers rcslst scuffingcf ntunists) were hiding in shops and feet or pressre of hearyfurniture. homcs in tlrat area," PIANOS& ORCANS I;'ather -rhaddlngi "furdng:.. "50F . l\Iatt lllenger, 0.ilt.I,, SHEETMUSIC o f,o or . Du Pont didn't rcport whethcr he suc- RECORDS carpetnylon is a luxuriouqco0tinuort fflamenl cccded in finding food, but his yarn lctttrr STEREOO TV&RADIO vrith no lfl,so short fiben whicb lo the heatiquartcrs of Cath- BAND INSTRUMENTS "shedding'or "fur,zingl TEET.AGE olie Rclicf Seryices * Nationat prcduce h Catholic lYelfare Conlcrcnce hcrc, MUSICSCHOOL ordinary carpets. GU!DE graphieally describctl the figlrting 'lill 'till llout's: Opur'.|'lnrls. $:ilO; otlrer days f :t)tr lN OCTOBER o{ 1$59 (icr- in the Laos . ;dclhrocgt bacl . . . TheHoven'thrslg|l the eapital. !.ather IIcn- _ nran..Ilislrops t: onec more pointcd ger reprcscnts the worldwide toheiact featun of Cordridg.,6 h out. that Sundal' rvolk threatcned rclicf ageney of U.S. Calholics Eigelods f amousSropoint cunmerciaf to srrlloldirrntc nlen to ccononrics Laos and also scrvcs as a corrc- in carpet,insures suporior tuft bid. spitc of shorter working hours. spondcnt fol the N.C.lV.C. Netvs .fhcy. sairl-the pilclice ryeakcncrl Servicc. . Siperir sbh ndsttlca,." Ibe struchnu raillrty Ilfc "Sll" bt'kceping ianrily of lh Putt nylon yarn provide. nlemt)el.s itp[I,t. ertra protectionfrom householdspots aod "ll is ., .Sunday resl in caniunc- slains;nyfon is lessabsorbent and tion with the Saturday hoiiday wnrcfi offers ersier cleaningthan ordinaryflberr _ makes real family life possible," they slaied. ,,ll . XeWoof . tndct proof - llo*.lltltonl3 seemi lo ss fc bc i crinit B'nai R'rith a$iard againsl the frmily rnd lhe na. t". reduce this :]?ll opporr-.niry given Nol.re wrthoul very cogenl reasons.,, Dame

rpei-Ru gs the stonc age, hrrt not so to(lay. Elmet's0ne-Slop Linoleum-Tile-4a your our completc floor leen'ageh a keenage when Conre Sutt

THE CRITERION, JANUARY 13, 196I PASE FIVE .,FAXIILY CT,INIC 'hero' lttlark T.sainis new Red Feels husband visits .,^ri."i'i?"y;r"ri"",f,x-'**"1"u**"1,J",i.,ffin:Book on Oxford life 'riirr*i["rffi,i s'disappointment,

d.v.rUd.rr.nd3frh.r..ndf.,'..'..'i'l]lf{ii[HtIi{l+{hf'.if:':ii:iiii:.'.'',..fllii,l*,,n.*|l$d'n!nh,s.,',.,,,"-l;i'";"{'"ii;$f rrilrc rn'! miko orrrr I. h.. h.m.. I .arr ...."ii'iiilill':i'lili; :i*.li:.'',*'.'"::i:l'*; y::r'lr::Tiiifj*:i${+ It-ii'i.il,-a,-,'.iir-"-t 'r'l ftd &. r,n pbyh!.,c(..a ru. il'l ll,rj')i {

;' ,ii,su:iri,"iii,i"r;-'.""' ,tijrTlrii siTlsiiux[s$sl iil!*ll{i!,ilil"i';i;l"il.iiinii$lif -"_:".jjiT;l::::$$i$$fi ;;;:-*m'demreisi's$ r*.liffiir,*# *'jhrri1*lr,l;Tilifiifr NationatGoals lteport :$i,*:i;;,,*- r:'f:':f* tilri:irli;'*?,,,tl,Tiil$,"l,liii ffiWiliil,,1""","ll,llw{t\N mll!.lwftt+*ii$lllffi a'crrorc orgrlv3r.r'e',, $i;jfitfliiu:1ft{ffi ;;J"$;il"H*T:::, *ffi& u-;'iffiffi il$i,ffiffi frfjtffi H,*rnilt"tffi;s;;$ffi mtrortll'ffi Hjf$$',:ll"** ti$:llilii*ll-liil'1i'];:J':i'*,u"u"n*"liiTs:ji:|l{:"]i[i::ii$l*l$#:$"i*,Ai[lj''$ll*]i:HIi:"'i.iff;tu[wir'l+jt$t!}iJiIiiii,l$ll*i

llill--\\'ll('ll president lltc lllll ir:r.rlll'puhlitl a t-nitctl Nations !]clrrc.iirnal. l:tjc...ile.\r'as nltntctl |ll'o(||l{)|tttti1ot.crislsorrvltcItit.l'lrefir.stpirr.[ofllreboolicctt"SrlientificarrtlCulttrral "+i,*lffi".."il:i:''"iii; *i+lriffi *li'wil+l+you i;;"'i';ii;.'"T,""'iii::i'; 'ra1,lr*r'e to ('c(f uscc'*sitrt-r- l,\fl'l'l,l:],.:,1:*:'l' H[,*iliffilr{)llrtc ae [ivit5'." oxfurrl, enr.olhnent grew lronr 1.1,000 to m**a*:S a'd a ratrrcr rh'cat'y m*****,*"* :U;ffi;:Jric- i;#j6ffi uririshCurhotics lli:'ll;i;l,,l1l:',il'*'hf.ili;;jililli:ffilJ,i:lil;,1,1,:i'ln*ti;li lli!:,':ltillil; . 1a rt^l totat it.,ini!!ion *iliili",li*l;il\l iij:--J[1iilljii:'.l]:l.ji:$il}:ii:I'+ilir':iiloiNl,'.i.itl'..'#:twll*i*l['';;:lllt'.'.s:i,ihtTi-iiilll*:::I{:j:";::iif*iilill il.,lJ$ifjl;lji:',$,iif}ii'il[l;lil;i"*siJiT[,[;idIj.J"';.iT,.i,$'.:{:j::::i'ifdii:tii'.i;*ll.;irttW".i:{'#$$5;lf[!:

;qli|l;1;q,;i$|ljl#!i}#,"'.$$"]:ii:lin*,,,...Clr|lrtrlir.s nrmbcr.d n{,!rj8. :l'"-"

rirxri ARETURil T(lTHE CHURCH u",urn,,ii,,l,ijij,,,ii,...:rii:iil, llll. il,r r,.,il{sor ndil amqr(.n ;i;;-;H.i,-;; r,*r**i""i""iiiir"i:,,i"iiii

lt*co\croti.|c$|ilsthUolhcrcancc''|tr.t|!'L||'tr'.kL{ill:i'{' is g r\lllel'lca]l (l{)ll)ocf:lcJ'is tltc first of 111;s'scrigs of lrgrvop iir lirpir. lt,lt,r.oI tr.urrsrtrit. Personal gtmt " lhir- mighi ba ir hrrd to ,,llat1cr talhc| thln ittstittttiottnl.t' Inr'l$ur()s agirirrst catholic rtluca- tal. it is'",,i:'r,,,ii,:'iil,'i ;";. tiorr.ttttlrtlt.)6.r1ltiirrl1rrovincetlliiiir''lli.i'i,.,rit'itt.tirtltltst.tts:;irltt.'-Intlc|t'rtrlilllh

$1.N .lojid h] rt;i,i;;,.i:'li.

.rr,(rr.r('.Lro., l!.t Sayctl r\hrrrcrl licl.r.t is arlrrrirrt,rll.v trl.l t. thc li,;ri.,ir.,,rf,irf i,ll ,ri,'Jri rJ,i]rlii,ili .Naguib lllshuru. saitl Catlrolic go,itl, I'rrlil.turralcl!, luluclu., irr. lilrt,r,nls. st'ltttols slr.ultl 5e *(:c.fiil(l tltrottglt.ttt thc u',\.li. sotttc of tlrc.r'iticisiri llt'ing lt,ri :r'rl r,b.it,ctivc anrr. Itttt'\' be ttbligcti lo accept ru'r.r,pui.l.erl- '\loslt'ttt cl.rl ngainsl tlrt' i, .rt, irr. dtt'cclors. .lltlrtir'r [ ilr:rl cr.ilics .f llrt: *apot.t lc(,lu.uto :rnd so lar,kiirl i,, i,i,i..i,i. sirt,ultl t.rl.c tle t^^rlllc lo feil(l ll'ltt: Jesuil sr-'lrool hcrg lt as tivitl' as lo trral;c. orrc r.lllu,r ",t;'i-iliiiii"ii'lii,ii""lii.Lllii:i,.i]i.i'"i]ir"..1.',.il!i.IjI.:liliiirl''.)i;il;..'..,Hl''i. ii r ",.1. r:.r.elull_r. 6.f.r.. sar.irrrr rra ehtilsc _ b\ hr r.nr[.rh trilr oI uur rr(f n(tAtrq " ",r.n"t ,,,.i,;i,. ilrc pflNti lhrru ilN ilnurH (!Ei.nril!. ljliilI:,"'Hi.']lt'.l.'.j",,.l;:].,.:::alr[Uid\ih{.A('4i,,i.*i,'j,.i.{ij*i:.1i:,iFi".M:tttof}.t,rr'i*n[:'$l*#l}t:I

s([ud|$xstil{nofcr(DUu'!!).in+r.*"'ll'""liil'.,lli.]:i]r"t.*'.{l..''l']'jll"iil*"J1f.1i:,ii,,u.l,['',F.- rh re$,1 $roul n l,"n"r l, l:liii ,i',,',..il' llt-ilijt,Tl$i:i::i,f,'1.ffi sururr,,uuts.rrgrrr il.'.lhb|in\'----"i:'lili,.l'i.:ll.''..'"''.'.'.t."..il'"n:iilil'll;',l'lririiu{\lllil,llii|:jfi il{"",:,.TtTil{jilii::ll't,"'i.AppryForordLincLesal


tr'risnilt. ailrilr1nnril' hfrN I'i IrclonilrsDfsnililhoild.ilr:corlitrts E!st.c4fntn!snitratonnDn. larDrlv. Il8atdf|dIcril*(ltll.niltla|^'t[dl}ccs(|otR't.nh'|,ol'nd..b(.i(iingIeii Foals Ir crcry Nloct ot hilnjro Arcldiocosrn tur.sligafttrB tDro Ctr{kh's iocint iilcrrinc lilo. ttotrolrrssorrittrnutdBojanov- Noouisiltiotr Nu !rm*l 'l[o!illo$ilta(xc(til{ln,rDth!. rcdtr's ol**" *.","jiilllK\NSNctlY ski rv(F cin{i{krl rD Ortohr. rr.rRrdthcnavforhis:rtiru onc\rilcaion}ou: IAddr ! rr\l oI ltro lt(Dnil ilild r,!^r $,nr, ri,uf rrnrs rtrcr lhrr $arc s.s(ri io ilrlul"i"u,. T.ar oul ilri* rd ,nd n,o1 ;, ! o9-."_ i ;l'']li""l"ii-lli'ii',"Jl;ii.,'iiil':ii,;);i.lli"l']'',,,i.'li]:H'jllill,']l1 ffi r"r,*riur$,*i ;'rfi1"l'',mgq:ilil I[nnUAt& (r)u'(hrUtctcxdntEo|..'l.h0pcasan1s-oth'!nd']lort[istD|itb{mrcqtrn'edhiD[orcid_;$i,';,tifr*il i.,,l,,ll l;t::**{[gtl: Dottt6g.t1i,, Dcononrl'," tlrc tlc- Itllposc he fotttttletl tltc Conglega- irctlrrsltlatt. i[c {ioccsan leg's- '1lolt "gor'- iiiiti cxplir:itiy ril' Set'r'itnis |Lga ^. stlics llral .liistcrs of ihc paper, The rre\tispaper. g1\.c - -::::::::' cltrttrcnt pulticilratiorr irr llrtr Jllllllilcllllttc Conccptiott, whiclr lrinr a totally !lc\y slant olr Catll. cconottty shoukl l;le tirni{erl to has nlorc tll{llt 4,01){) Sistels in olic st-rcial tiac|ing, he 1'rites. Safudomos The Criterion thosc ins{ances rvhclc il is esserr. i lial to thc nltionnl Oiilciat int(ft.ost anrl AMIGOSI Neruspaperof the I rvhet'e plivate inrliVirlrrals or J.iI*:;--*-;-::*:'::-:::l':-'::'1":1':=:-----:.-- ' Archdjocese ol Indiananolis I organizations r:annot arlcrlratcly i Something Unurual For Your mcet the neetl." r 124W. Ocorglr, p. O. 0", Uf j The sanrc section o[ {he llqrort DINING ENJOYMENT Indirnrpolh 6, Ind. ful'tltcr stilIes thll.,.colle,ciive I of ruthentic llerlcan flavor-an aDpealing K1VSE bargttining br:trvccn l.cplr'senta, A dinner "Sottth MEtrmc 54531 i version of oue of the most popular recipes of tho livcs of ryolkcrs arril enrplol,cls Border." lnol. corrrprrlsor'y albilration nor TJSHER IR ifflii$,$i*, i alty otltet' fot'nr of g()t'e fII Circulai,ions I l.nlnonl ARROS CON MARISCOS actionl should continue as tlre .TEQUILA SOUR W $t""Si:,:tlll,t"iI nation's clticI nothorl of rlett-.r'- mining Funeral SHR,IiIPAPERITIVO tvages a rrrl rvor.kirrg con- Seruice ditirins." .Beverages SEAFOODWITH RICE are 'DECANTER OF optioual CHILLED SAUTERNE MONDAYS ONLY frn*rEst0)issionstrAN:ls I CATD|NA! tpE[[mAN, poldrar xlr:. J:t.pt I t tior, ||a.t toc,y KEY 2861 Madiron Avenuo trad ell Gortirllccdoar toi WEST sr 6-1441 NEAREArr w[FARi aisoflnrrox Pricc ye!f. 480stllgllc 94,00. SHRIMP l'fte lrrLlinrrrrpolisilcslrrulcrtt rrxingronAvc. oiiail, ii-ii.ilffiiiii,:il PublishcdEvcry' v. Fridry usitha National llepr{al.iolt @s HgUSE PAGE SIX THE CRITERION,JANUARY t3, I96t Dates finalized Iorf IDost-season Going soft? cage tournevs In a reeent issue of Sporls LJJ lllurlreiad, our nrrw Proside rrt- Bv BILL SAHM elect has rvrittcn to thc effcct tlrat 'l'hc young America going is soft. No, lisl ol'trurnt-ls *r,:rilable to CYO bnskoilrlrll tcnrrrs rvas eom. you say, having jrrst scen tcn plctcd l\lontlnr' rvith lhc announcctrcnt by Iloly (rross prrrish, Intlian- young men of 1'otrr sge ntn up apolis, of fol sporrsor.ing (u'ith Irlarrs Oyt) backing) a llost_season and down g basketbnll court {or ,'6?" tlinriiiutit,ri fol intrrrt'sicrl r:lrrLs iu tllc l,cilt1ut,. 32 minrites, .iunrping and throrvin.q with donnt'r'J' to*fnc1's ri)r' cldcts, Jrr*i.r's, anrl ,se.ior..s and yelling at one anothcr. on tap in all cight tlcanclics, antl llrc Ilttly -- Yes, says lIr. Konnctly, takine Spiril, lttvitational [,'tt'shnrrrr- the ph5'sic:rl results of oxrlrtioll Sopltonrorc rtroct in tltc strlks for. tests lhat shor.rcr! {hat Arrrtlicarr llrc tltit'rl ,vcar, plactir:all5' all youths were in podrer nruch slllpo plrtycls on rn olganizod C\'o lhan mnny of tlte ir lluropotrn trnnr s'ill har'o:rn olllrrrltunity to counterpat'ts. Ycs, sa1's ll r', K., 11111ililililililililililililililililililililililil1ilil||il1ililil1 prtrticill:rte irr lt ltrar;I orrr: [ouL- observing that nrore tlran bc- cvcr Ita nrcnl . fore are orrr lrigh-school pnlking HOLY CROSS oflicials sairl tlrat Lorudes lotg crolded rvitlr autorlobilcs. confir:rns all ?() tcnnrs conrpcling in tlrtr .ctudents' nutonrobiles rvlrich halc "(i7" Lcilguo (rt'hit:h is lcsllictcrl been usul not to lr':rnspott rn to sc\'onth glatlcls lrtrl ltr'lrr*') allegr:d rniraclc espeeially henvy lontl of books to u'il! li.' irrvitcrl to tlke parl in llrc school just that onc tluy (lrooks? 'l't'rrtativt lotrlnr'1'. ly, tlre tennts ()N LOUltllES, l'r.ancc_.thr: t\Iccli. who carries bot-rks?) but lo lako THE SENIOR C\'O levcl. t'tt{r.Lcrl nlt to lrcgin filirrg orr cal Ilureau at the slu.ine of (lur a load off tho foot of .lor' IIigh llotlfrrlrl ;rrrrl Nor'lh Vclnort rvili .l''cbt'ttary l? antl conclurlc Larly of [,our.tlcs $,ill {orrval.d to .School, u'ho for all his 1S0 lbs.. on palticipalc s('l)al,iltely, arrrl ln- lrr.brttar'1' 1$, if nll t(|inns ('lrl(.r ecr:lesiastical authoritics only rrnq more or less t:vtnl]' tlistribrrtetl, rlilnapolis rvill lrnvc onl5' one thc loul.nc}'. r\n cntrl' f('o gti.00 of the 47 cascs of allegcd finds u.alking a bur'dr.n not lo be of Icalr t:onrpcting irr Arclrrliocesnrr nrir._ rvill bc chlrgctl ttntrants, lntl lhis ucles llerc (lurin,q lfx;t). suffered lightll'. filirrc. ticccirra IIigh Sclrool is to .exanrine(l It is thc case srrrall asst'ssrnalrt \vill lakc car.e lre uscrl of a Sicilian And n'hat nhotrt thost' {rn rvlro as thc si{c for. Norllrcr.rr A sludenl of all rcfc'rce antl lr.oplr-v clipcnsc wo[lan who rvas curerl of tubr.,r- rrn and fifst.r{)un(l clirrriniltions (involv. up rlorvn tho b.ball cou|t? culosis of the pelvis antl fol the cn{irc lortlnantcnt. rng I ntlianupol l.he lt:gs Sure, lhc1"r'.. in slrape--if llrcl"r'tr is. Itichurond,'for.rtr llcle's l littlc lctter frour a A k.ttcl rn 1038 aftcr three days anrl entlv lrllnk rvill lrtt llarrlc, ;rnrl [,lrvrenccburg) at llris nol, lhen lhey'rt' nuts fol lrrnninq "$?" nttrl farncd ft'ir'ttrl of rrrirte irr t'hicirgo, a .jrrrr" nrnilcd to all parishes car.l1' Vo I\tarian slrr.inc. An intcr. alsn lirr lhc llcylra scui.finals lnrl finals il, wrostling that way-but ryhat lhout llrr: "\'ou nltional iol in lrigh sclrool; ask tucxt rvcr.k, rvith tntlics lrl lrc tcanr of tloctors rvho ci:- 1000, 100 titrtts lheir nrrlrrllcr. irr thr: Jrrniol antl Sorrior. tottlnn- rr.lro tvltt'ther I'r'e learl good (lY() ()l'fir,c, amincd thc rvrrnr:rn anrl any books ntailetl lo thc u'lrirli nlcnts. hcr casr: sit rva{clrinA. etclnalll' rvatching, oul' l,trrl.t. of f,ottrdcs rvill littell'. t nrust ansu,tr lhat, orr {ht-. rvill assrst lloly (lrnss history agrcerl thal. hcr cul.e lvas irr sottirri{ ytlal'lursl. lo lh(' Nol'th('r'n whilt the plos of tlreir' statc in Cntlct rnorlicallv rt,hrtlc, lhc rluality of rrr.v lcatling tU) ilnd opclntittll the toulnlnrr:n1.. arc rvilhotrI r:xlrlanatiorr, I)r';tttt.t'1, CYO Iifc all lunning:) clurrnlrions. lnrl alsti tlrc possibilirit:s drr tho Art' lher. nratclial is dcpcnrlont Upon lhc Sincc that tinrr, thc ryornan has in shapc? Florv can lht-1'hr'l' scrrri.fintrl lrr

Likewirc, EVEN THOUGH lhero ir only one wry in which wo cln prov. rvc lovc tiorl, it still u,oul(tl;c iurpossitrle our lovs for lor us to se6 Cod In heavcn God. That ir by doing what God wanlc ur lo if.Gorl rlitl not givc us a special power. do, by belng fhc kind of humrn This special power rvhich givcs ln keepins wilh ruch diruc- being He wanlr ur lo br, God to ilrc souls in Lovr lor God doer nol heaven, a pow€r that ls not part fiver, it ir now held by morl reride in fhe omolionr. a of iur lnrnran natrtre, ! porverto which rve Catholic rrholrrr fhat Judith, have no righl.,is eallcrl {.hc,,light of glory,i If it were not for the Tobii, rnd Erthcr havc no moro liclri of lllory, the lrighesthappiness to lhan which we eould e kernel ol hlstorlcrl lrufh aspire woukl be ilrc iritural happrnessof limtro. in lhem. That would.be a happincssvcry nruch like thc irappinessa saini enjoys In this rife, whcn lre is i, crose anqr ecstatic union wirii God but does not sce God. (Continuctl on pflge f,) I I'IIE LIFE OTT0(ili. LO{TD The foundation of the Church By F. J. SHEED lrr Orrt' Lorrl on lrirt.,-,,r\r.t thorr - -An odtl, in fact melninglass, "l'lcsh 1hc (lhlist, tlre Son of thc lllcsscrl *ntl blood has no{ r,c. i

'substitute laws that have opened Australle to largel numllers of non-British Spurn gods,' imurigrants. The lcadcrs plid tribute to a Australian urged l,ll,kelru.rit1*$'T:Jt"{rl* "is scen at its finest exist.nce of God or the valitlito'-..."'"" idg"l. and 'ighiest youtlt." of IIis Commandmcnts,"flnmm".n*.^-1.. 'i bl'ighiest antonganrong youth." *:", j"jlq-j"rg. They also'ti$,1_Hi"_TiilJfi praised you nrentlt, sf the.rI^",,,:t: Catholie$ - #J: {,.- "r_.:rl: "i.9,.Ilo!- il;,".r'riliiii'rouu antt graritude estant relisious teaders yl!:1n " [,fi";S.i',;; invalid parentr.,, lo.rtniglrt. Their first was a Christmas message to ilre public, : cntphasiring the spiritual signifi- cance of thc feast.

Before ON TV PANEL-Falher Charler Kosler, Secrafrry of lhe Archdio- y|lurenBt| cesan Mrrrirge Tribunal and As- llluus cornlllctcrl sirlrnt Paslor of Sr. John'r l}wellingantl Church, Indianapolis, is a regular. for NC(lifl member of lhe interfrilh panel ptrley Autornobile. "$cope," lor which will be seen al 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 15, on in Insurance Chrnnel E, $talion Wl$H.TV. The [)ittsllurgh progrrm is devoted fo a discus- sion of issues of lhe day in lhe light of moral principles.

"If tlre young al'e ineltrcetl to lleneliI r:urrl frar'[1r model their lives upon trrch cx. amples, they nrust ilrevitably rcap e halvest of rnisery for slitletl .[tnutrt' 21. thernselr'cs anrl disaster for thc " nation. GRAIH DEAIEN' lrtnc[i{ qnltl palll', A .sponsort'rl muT[rAt AGENCY, |ltc. bl, thc (iittlrolit: [)atr,.llr{ers of 1740N. Meridian r\tucrica, Cottrt ('hitt tt'uutl. rvill lro Srreot hcltl Satttnl:r1', ,):rrr. ll, irr {lrt: WAlnut3.2453 1,, li, Al rts .{urlilolirrrrr. l"l:r.r'rng F RT. AUIO . ONCE UFON A TIME-Miss Anha Rrebs, r Marlen Collegc rophomorr lrom Plainview, N.Y., enler= CASUATIY lrrt{ins ll. I p.rrr. lrins r portion of the youngslers who rtlonded the fourlh rnnurl Chrlrtian Family Doy larf Sundly 'llhcnrc their prrents it Mrrian Collage. More lhrn 50 boyc rnd girlr wore lrcrted lo an afternoon of illentlttlrs of lltr: contrtrr{tec iir.t: of tlrt: convcrrt ion rvill with '"1'lre bc {vn nnd grmes by membe6 of lhe Young Chrirfiln Sludenlr group l} Marian. (Slal{ photo} l\l isscs i\l ar.iolitr f llinli, (l|,rrr Alrostolic Lnynttn: Ncrv llt,sponsibilitits irr (ihristian llt'ekttich. \'ictolil'lirrltl, \lirrcl{rr t'ttitt.'' ll u;rs sr,k'ctltl bcctttsc oI Oortl'uls, tlarl' Ilrrsc (lu'crr. \\'ini. the r:cuurcni<'al council anrl its I (.laltiu, (lct'elia drl!\T CALKIIV ft'rtrl llo{)lz, L\litr- strcss ()ll llnil,]'. C()t)t'ctrl ibtt reyl- VIRE gttt't'itc illcCo.r' arrrl r\l ls, T'. (), lcscrrtltires rvill struly s'hal. U.S. Ilton. . Fri, ['atltulit' ltr,r'ntcn r:an Iler:lt. rlo fot' tlre 14.30 on r:iusri ()f tihristiun unit.y. '['ltc ptrrcottls rlill lrt'usr,r! lrr!' your Dial 7:45 p.m. illcrrrlxrls of t lre N(iOil c.xcr:rr. tlte sttrtrnn'<::rrrrp lrrnrl arrrl llrc r azy' lirc cournril.tt'c rlccirted on Iorrr Deniesshe?q'boy-c llosaly Rarlio l'togltrrr. git'nt ral strll.je<:ls ils thc ntain FRIDAY, Jrnurry lt (Trpe) Rt. Rev. Bernard Sheridrn. topie.s [tir' :rrklt't'ss, parrcl rliscrts. MONOAY, Jrnuary 16 (Trpr) cotllnr.rnt. Sltottkl lrc lcsrrrtrr' llr(' siotts atttl tvotlislroJls.'['lrt-'t' arr:: Very Rev. Mon:ignor Corneliur (llrtl in Thrnkrgiving by a member of lhc Apor. lirtotr. ils rlt()n- slitlr.rl thc spilitual lrasis t'or' (jlrlislian flvcgney ltositiott, _vrrtr'll lrlrl)' lolrh. [)r) Urrr, l],ri.i rr 1tl'l is Loi/.( l'il:i/ tional. lirtt cln lltcn l)rr'irli ii\rll trrritl; (ilrlistiln rrrritf in a r.hant{. (li)olil, ilr'r'ilil.\r' s/,i' itj't's lt) l{lil rluitt rlcfinittl.v anrl sl1' lo lrinr, irt;i corrrrrrrrrritl';thc prrblit: irnagc TUESDAY, Jr.nuary l7 (Tapel Rev. Richard Kavanrugh rnd ".lack, ru[,St. lfrtruntlt llc l)oltl' (tr:ai {;(t 1'rrr i, ?llr lltt'ftt ltlt l'tu sot't'1 ltut I u ou'l lt,t ol flrc (llrru'r'lr-,-irlllclns to Clrris- me mbcrr of 5t. Michrel's parirh, '.. ,r l{.r.lii.r.t,i..' t rr'1illr t,lll itIill' yott tiirrr rrnill'. ltokl nrc lilic {}rll.".\t lhis lnrl L'hlisti;rn unity WEDNESDAY, Jrnuary (Trpc) ;,1(' l8 Rev. Thomar Finneran, rlV ls (ir'('t1slrri t,.i ltt't:tllts(: poirrl. it's rrll to hirrr ulrctlrt'r trr ltrd ple,lutlice. THURSDAY, Jenurry 19 (Tape) Rev, Francir tltr'1t srrli ti:rif s rt/i I r'r'cr' lrtlit: ttot tltc tl;rtrcu is nrsrtnrcrl. Van Benfen, ru. irr' r111rir queiled by r member of fhe Apostolrt*, in Thrnksgiving. alrrrlrl.' l rti sr'lrt,rrl lhirrl' a RE-ELECTED ri'r' t:):oirftf frtlii rri,rrttl ttl!/rllrtlt trt' I}:rrr,l!1..:s ( rrll,'rrr; ..r.;,r'il,i,;17't. !i,r' .rli('l'l'itl r1| :11r's. l,llrrrrrrtrl l)ttporrl, 1\'as l.c. ?o hava ycur ncmi anrollod in thr ltri)lt. lir'{'r,rif,' r,-f ifrrtl'l llr'11 so1/ lft't'l.'lirir'c I ti'as lorillrr'ir, I r'llr:llrl plcsirlcrrl of St.. r\nthony's Rorory Rodio Progrom of Sponsors li r' (ll'{' ltt.tliirri: ti 1,,t, i)0 11{||f Itdt'a Ilr'dn (lfl{),r'('rll0 ritittl: Dr ririt r\lt:rl Srrcictl r'cr:cutly, (lthcr lrnd your oicrlngr (largo or small! tor is l' lonrt' rlrt s1.tr,r'irrlocrtrsiorrs. I rtli?. olliculs tiiirrl.' tius .iop irrt:lurlc llls. i\lonzo [lor'- THE ROSARY "tuf!l(lrcl llOli! ri.t'lCcll. l,lrsl ry('{tt'trltctt I llall. \'i(:c 1l|t'sirlent; 11t's. Ctrl RADIO PROGRAM (-r]lti.\l]tt(ts(l(r]r(t(' Ilt W. Dear Mar.-qa't', ll.,eIf io r)l/]' dl lllrrtlnicl<. socl'()l,rl'j-i arrrl iliss Ooorglc tt. tndlcnopallr 2t strDool. llt: {roJlr:lrrtl c brrt/lr'lrrtl llaly l'-allon, [,'casrtnrr. of Il strulrl tre ;trr rtrthalrlrl krntl I looli rr Icl: tfrirr/.'.s. lirrr rlorrlrl rl qrrls of v{)ur l!{e tlid ttot rlolld thitt.k I lJoi drttttA bc('trrsr'.trrrlrrl trol s, clatt: occasiottall] tlisrttss oi lfue gtris: l irolirl' thrtn !lrorr) tlren antl lrr toS tlrerr i'olnpall]', rrro still [nlkirrrl oltout it. lf y

The oflice, shich rvill be usert Ack !o res Uff hformatior thl: rEeH by nervsnren from al! o,l-t 1. or.'er the o,/I\ rvorld, rvill be located in one of the trvo oflice buildirrgs facing St. Peter's Square. Located on the grountl floor, the office rvill be erluipped with teleplrone llooths and othor conveniences. Tlre press oflice s'ill be in rlirect eontaet rvith the Council's iThir prcparatory conrurission an

ll rrroiloln bihlieel scholarship Itls alliterl ;rl ttruclrrsions for.eir;n to past a{t s, it lr:rs tlonc this onlv fuf.sgr.l,'ralrr:is ,I, Rcint:, S.J'.[)., I)r:csir-lcnt lrt'ctrrrsclht' r'r'r'l kirrrl rrf ovirlt.nt.tr nt)w hotloils pro of Mariarr College,lnclianapolis, will lle I r'('spoct(.(l :rntl ntlvoclrlr,rl in tho Itaptl tlo,runrt.trts has lerl tlrem in escort lor a l]6-davtour of six Iiuropean l lhis rlilcclion. \\'e noetl lraro rro Atloplirrtt of :lll lloltol's l)l'o- ferl llrlt :rrrvthinrl glcnuirrcll' busic gIirtlr lor' f.it't':ttct' itttcllcctttaI coulltrieslcaving I'ronr Indianapolis .]uly lt]. I to ('lrristitrnitf lrcin{ is tlt'slr.rx.erl. ttttlslitltrlirtg t LOCAL ANGLE--.,\rr ilrtr(.1t.\\,rillorr by Sisier Jernne Frrncis, rlt'r't'lolltttctrl ol' For Additional Information. Coniact Next week:'l'lre Inspirntion uI t sltttlt'ttls \\'ils itllllotltlcc(l to- S.P.. f()tnrr'r. lcut'lrr,r.;rt St, Joseplr,s School, lnrliaDupulrs, lpDr,irr.s tlris of tlrt lliblc. Xlnliau (lollcgtl. tnottth in llrt'('llholic Sr'lror'l ,llrrlrral, rnrrnlhlv peliotlical of thc crlrrca- iCopy.iqlrtby thr Crtholi3toportr.r! tl;rv b-r' Msgr, Reine Travelmart,Inc. I "t'(rlnls('llit{: or Iton tlttlttstt'1. I':ltllllo(l I)loscrrl)lion f0l 1.csliltrla1.'srlls." A[tcr vicu'ittr: sttcccssfttl opct'a- MarianCollege r09E. 34rhSf , t (ltlfillg the ;tltrch' rlc;tls . rtlt i'.rrnsclinr: trl lrigh school rturlt'rrts. Srstcr .lt anno li()n ()l' ,il llilot stttrll' ll)511'{i0 wA 4-2601 Indian.rpolis5, lnd. I If rrrncis ls cul'r'nll\ .n tht' l;r.rrlt) of st. srnton's School, \vaslrinrton. I fr:irvcrr :rnrl llrt' iit sI sottlcslr't' t)l l1]li0-til, ttaaaa)aoa*t'lnlll lnd. llrc irrlrrtitttslt'iltir)ll hils apllt'ovt'tl 4( il Con ( ('r)ntrnuc(l f lonr puce ? ) tlrr'llonrrt.s Itrrtrlt;utt 'l'ltc artat't[' ltappinoss rrf lrolrrt'rr. lltolt, trrrrrin:lirr'lililr' lt'rrrlittllto 'l'lr;rt \t-rr nriur ]lullrr.r's lllur.trlale Guild is l supernrtUral llirpIrnr,ss. lnil ()f llotlors l)t'{rct's. TOP GRADECOAL \vt' tllil] ltr'ltir,r'o il. (irrrl rlt\(\s ils rnd ('iu'(l tht' sLrpt'r'nalrrlll lrcllls rvhich rve sftrte Io nu:cl I{J (itrrl l)ill'l,\- fan, t'itll {t'rtr'r'. lf lr'ti us lo oul FUIiL f)I[, 'l'ltt' orrrr lrrilr.lv nlltrral stl.onrllh, \\'r! utttttt:rl sIt'itt{ r'ut'tl prrrtt' Sislt'r' ()lrvil slrirl lhc lriltll ll(,\('r (.()lrhl aeltictc lhc liitttl rrf l)t'{) Pillrnan-Itice: SI)()Ii.1'lt'(llr\ th(' \t'\\llliltr ll{)lll- lritstt';rlll ol assttlttttl lor t. llurl s ill urclil llo:l\ on for, rrs. rvrll con:isl r'l's( llli) of lirrllt,r't rrnt,rsrlr, rrill itltll s('llllllitl tlist'ttssir,rts (lo. lT lS A spt'cial kintl 6f Iryp. r'(,ilrllrltls [i'ucl I't ltr,l,lrrr L S ,\r rr'\ .\lt{tltr,t'i(ltn "t.h:rlil.r." lrvo rlt't'lis tltt'tttt.tlltrtttl lltr: "Scrvico 'l'trt,ril;rr. \\'c t':ril rt arrrl (iorl evt't'1' At lts llcst" olt ,l:ulllir!')- l7 I'lltr ing ;ttttl [ol' rnrplrrttt. lhc sr.t,tlol it in ()ur. \i.ill solrlrnrrrorr' .lttttiot ]'t'ltt's. Me 2-747t 3409 E. Washington ME ?-6565 lrtlrtt::r! I prrr lrl irrrlrtirltt;tl ttl 'l'lh' at lllIlistn. So l(|ll{;rs u'c rkl rruf lrrntrl lttrrit'r'ls Ir'iit'r't,rls if()nl lllis :lllnuitl |csr';tt'clt. l;llx)l'ill()l'J' of Itltt t. h)' st't,liirr,,.l.rrcccl;littrl :rrrll Irlrr':rIv o\t'lll \\ tli ltt ttrr'ii l,rtr.tt'tl tltt' t'\. ftclri $rrt ii Irr r'lt';tll\(l I'trltlttt'ti0tts rrsinil lhc succt'ssir e {r'irccs u hiclt 0ontc Irclllr's ltl\olrt'rl itt tllt) ul)kot'p ()f Coolod Dy Ur fiorl plovirft.s, tltis sttpr'r'rtattn.irl rrr Ilrt' st'ttiot ]t'ltt', iltt' \a\\ l]]int Ilr)ir\r' r)ll Sulls0t 'l'ltt't'i. Ncvcr Cold lgotn; Ior r. [or' [io,l u'ill j]r'otv in us, an(l Intlilttt:tpnlis sltttllttls ltl At t'.. ;tttti iil\l)llfrl t1 lIe ILtiltling n ill hr':rl f lrrit . rltt'ttlt. t'lticlt tl'as lrt'rlttlt OrisinalMOVIE BAR lrrrrrl. lllection of officcr.s rr.ill hc helrl tlrc llilrlt IIUIL\1, INN ihe llclrr crt ts ;l sullcl.nitlut.itl t.c. in tlrt. flll oi lllirl). lllll bc ptir'- ('lttitrntt'n irr lluttr:r lf lltc at busincss nltotinr follotvin; MIXTiD DRINKS . WINE |l IMPORTED BEER LlTzlJfftAtf uulrl. to ltc tho lunchoon. lrr'lritlctl llrt.otrr:ltlho ll('{{'{l tr) ltr'{ttl tttrt'l,i nt'rt fnll on COLD CHAMPAGNE lin'1) ilro ]lr'. ,lrrhn,\, I)rrircll anrt 'lir . T lrr itrq of n :i1l)('r'n1t1r,1l liir,. lll lll{'il ft'sp('ttl\0 "Unusual" 0oal& OilCorp. llt's. \\'. .1, \li'][lrltrrlt, Irtltiot' 1rt'ojIr'l\ In ()rrr' (ialr.'- Out I)cPaltnrcnt (ltrrl. littotr, lot r ittttl scS c tr11'r. lit,lrls oI stttrl]. li7 \',\lill.l'l'lt.)S ol l,l()UOItS arul 'ouR ol! HEAI . " , lfill u.orrirlr.rr;rrir.r: lltc irnltrrlsr' of (io

Mnrtin rle f)orrcso CONTRIBUTORS ,IH!"-Cr.ll-!Llotl. wilt rarry .r. tirr ot pertrh .no Orginr,itt0nalrorretlrondehlj ahd ;lhe;r Penrvian friar, wno ntYarepofttd neWS [Ot lho Currcntlltur, fh! loll0wint D0rsortscbmittcd ltemt for lhit weck. rnay s0on bc sainl

Tili#itqiififrttliil::ifif,j {fri,ryiitilti+l:r,ti,lili,t Golden Guernsey Milk '.Courtcourrl)rDr,lljl,irlrlc ftorn.


fhe Pqql[qyn Grqvel Co,, Inr. "RIADY MIX CONCfiETE" 5AND._GRAVEI,-f II.I DIRT -: Colt-roa-Gsll

RECEIVE CHARTER-One of lhousands of Calholic civics club: thrriered in thc U.S. for tho expresr purpose of developing informed, responsible young citirenls is thrl of Sl. Pius School in Troy, lnd. Known as lhe St. Pius Sludent Council Civics Club, lhe group is com. posad of eighth grade pupils rnd two represenlalives from each ol fhe olher classer. Oflicers oI lhe organiralior,, scaled left to right, arel Allred Snyder. lrensurerj Mary Fella, secrelaryl Wade Van Winkle, presidenl; and Pat Tuggle, vice prerident. Other menrhers, from left to right, are: Mery Linne, Stephen Jrcobs, Anna Jean Kessens, Mrrilyn Rudolph, Billy Jo Kesrens, David Deville. Jahres Wciver, "Your Mary Jo Etlirrre, Mary Snyder and Gregory Hagedorn. Themc of lhc currenl program is Citirenship * Know lt, Cherish, ll, Livc ll." "lhr Eonk With lhc Convrnhnf Wolk Up Windo*',

Norfh Varnon, Ind.

'l'lte brtilrlings aro: it scit'nce 'l'he Itttildinq trr be ttnnrcrl ftil l.ouis big sky .gl'rnnasiuur = nutlitoliunr lo be nrnri'd linishts IIlll for the nick. 8y DANA C. JENNINGS 1\t' rrho livr. :rntl l:rlltr rrnrlef iHass c()lllrnentary norv iri iiorilr for:nr rtarnt ol lhc school's lcarnsi:r tlrt. lrili slil':rlt'hnoun in sclsorr i!#liliiiiirlii,, sturk ttt I'csirlt'ncc hull Lrr lte to lrcrlrolrn tlrc lrtltt ()t' rtin il, 'iliiiimtr+iiniitir:iiri/tiffi nanrt.d lirr' .lolrn Ilcnry (jarrlinal irout's lolth or', in otlrcr :.eitsollsr narncd for Cardinal .lclrn Ilenry Itithhokls. Otr lho otlrt-r' h:rntl, SAVE TIME SAFELY I N('\r'nl:rir; a residcncc l'or'

'1Vfiora fio llorno Eogils'

Putronite Hargo{lil Gompany Our Cleoned Filtcred FUEL :1dr:r:r'fi.selrs OIL H*;,o,.on,,,.rle@ t40 t, ltloin :-:----*'--:€ of a hat zroualrrL_ 42 Fccri 3r. Plt', W ll .4-0581

F[V0R|TE l6fuRatzBrothers ORYCLEAIIERS I Y-"^-"::;'J,:; I ,Atlo. Iires-lldtlcft€s lil t.7lh ph,tJe t2th & Main Sr. ph. ?53 PhoneWH.4-2285 I Sfote ond Moin Slreels i% Olre D I:r orjnitt bv Atl}olnlttcnl TheFranklin County Nalional Bank TIGTIIT Hospitol Phcrmocy of Frookville "Lcadership lnsurancef,geney l{evstone Inc. tlrrough Servlce' jo., llritlDllE !'DtrllnAl, llEl'OSIT tNSUIitlNCn- CO&POIIA'IION **y:1.1,q3 Roonr 2ol, Federul Savingr Bldg. Schlitr - C.V. - Corlinge Black Lohel f,ed fop - Old Dutch - fslstsff rrrd Carlingr Red Cop Alo ROBTRTHOSKINS Ornerclltianogc, l2t4 GREINSfR;tt Weslern Hqrdwsre "Servico ffi 'Two on r\nything fileclronic" locolions Frr Your cilRtsu0lz Convonience" Bill's TV 625 illnin St., llccch Grovo s'r.'6.7,100 Sales ond Service M0T0RS,lllc. tot fl:N't ond BOYI' 220 W. lllnin, Grccnwood CTOIHING 3ylvqnic M Hl.Fi 766CIEANERS TlJ. 1.2020 lnCOtUIrtBus..,t.. l80l Central DR.6-7550 H. tonnon ounlf-iiilii ond ,.*ffi^n "Fine W,B, ftlyers Dry Cleoning,, MILAN, INDIANA lgency Delicqlessen "'NSURANCT" Phonc "Reo/ Cokcr & Porlrior Eslole Speciol 1720 F. Ave. JA,9-4801 & lnsurancet, 4lr J. tlth 3f. ,A.9-2000 Ofiite 2791 - Scrvlcc 389t D{/Ftw, 525 Worhlngton lt' l6 Wcrhington tlt..l, Kl' 7-5156 24I W. Moin 5t. TL'. 1-2574 f DR. 6-4828 731 Mqin Downtown Columbur t762 25rh Sr. DR,2.5311 Bsnk Number lhrec DAtE Orgonized In 1873 PRINTINGCOMPANY FISCHER'S "Ofiice I(EI-LY Patronize THECITIZENS Supplios onC HomeFederalsavings andLoan Associafion SHOE STORE PrintingSlnco 1901., I STATEBANK CIIBVIIOLIJT InsuredScvings Accounlr Morfgoge Loons Our 16ll-17 Brocd NEW CASTtE,IND. |'r. JA.9-540r I WA kVICE J 4dlisd*.d cfdar ' Graenwood, lnd, Wqshington Street ..- n p;or lhd Yrrt I grrtt o IU. t-257t 544 Adaertisers lrnif reo& I SidneyE, Baker MAHER I Agency BUICK. PONTIAC CO. QUATITY COAL 0ARPEIITER'SnEXALt 0RUG ST0RES Zoercher-GilfickFunerol Home JA 9-5690 AND SUPPTIES I * JosAl(hor, Owner srh & WASH|NG?oN sl. 273e GENTRALAVl. I * Anrbulonce Service .*- "Fuel I JoeHerold, Soles M91r. Oil-Pittsburgh P^inrs., Fhonc Pholo Supplio-sundrig-Gift: Phona 1409 Rqre St. JA.9.5tl0 Ntw cAtltl DR.6.4127 Prcscriplionr*.Drugi--Cotmclio 0R. ?./851 f[r.tctry, IND l7l E. lruodway I lU. 1.0606 :I THE CRITERION, JANUARY 13, I96t PAGE ELEVEN

t StuCy club sets Remember Them frt Y'our Prat ers PROBABLY A rlreeting rnonxnpoits 3. Church Jan. l8th LIFETIMEi -,Jfn. C!matett. Sutvivorjr wit0, 1 r. 0trrt, 82, St. joan rnilom€na, brother, Louir, lfAnlY oi Arc ol Sfookyllle. A meeting of _ lllur(h, - Jdn. 7, Crlv6ry Centetery. Sut. _ the lrvington vivorrr wilG, Anr-r 8.r daughlcrr, Mrr, [oren Cathulic Wornan's AflllA_ f,_.3IAHD, 78, toutt Study Club is ,, 0ldcl.motrr M'l. 0. A. Hardlnq. Sirlar t St, Church, Jn.n,.7, Chqrch Comrtary, SurvivoBr scheduled Wedncstlay, Arrn M.ryi S,P,, Sl!tor Jornno MaiV, S.p.r . hut. January D!nd,-tvon, tont, Clilford paul; 5onl, ddlry A,r Jr. !nd l. Roberl. end 'Strubls,dauoh, 18, at l p.m. in the rE6,, Mr!,. R9y 8ar-ro dnd Mr:. E6rl home c,f lttr.i. blolher, Anlhony Botro. John A. l)u{fin, 43 N. Glarlstone t tA?nY f, OUDl.tY. 73, Our trdy of lourdqr Ave' . Cllurch, Jdr!. 6. Sl. Joreph Cemilarv, 5rrt. . rR.*c,.rory* vlvdt3r hrolher, George l.; sirlerr. Mrr, Clarr t MAI|NDA GuRtt, s2, sr. [orndJd__Chufch. IUrs. George Lawler Will pre" Mlll[r, Mil. floteilra Whll.. Jrn. 10, ChurchCenrolsrv, Surv ru",ilir iiro n';r"ii' niliJ;'il;";i'b";l:ril:" sent a paper on the Cathblic 1 r*io c, *ut*ir,-io, sr, cnrh.rrno,l Dlgest. (hurch, . Idn, 1. 5t. Joroph Crmel0ry. Sur. vlY0ltr wifo, Ktlhrynr siitsr, Anna 8iyon.

t WAUTR L LYONt, 63, St, Bridg?l Chur.h. Jdil,7,51. Joseph fen)elcry, Sutvlvotlr wlk. Calherirrel ilslerr, Annr Kingery, Agner Roedt, il1tt. fldncil S.q6. t ttanoAlrt r'ruilpiT,-zr, rt. prrrrck Clrrirch, lln,7.5t, Joregh Cenr.tery, Sur. Yivots! rliler, Mrry A, Hlrthl brothrr, John,

t l0YD J, (t0U3ln, 88, SS.Pclrr rnd Prul ddlhadr.l, Jrn. 7. Holy f,rorr (errrclety. Stttv;tot,. sorls, Joh[, [!o, prler, lhomrr, Indianapolis Parish Alftpd, dau9hiail, Mrr. Margdrel Bernaucr, Shopping (clcsto, List Slsl0r Agnes C.lcsla, $lster Mary *ft. cclherlnr (allahanl hrolher, iil:ii;r.

t cAt[rRitr rovii-'ea, is. p.tcr rnd . P,rr,lCfrthedrrl, ldn,7, Holy frosr Ccmr. lefy, Survivortslsler, lher0snllngnn, 'f ltlr,.il,-PlAlIA, 60, Sl. P.trlck Church, Holy Name * Lady of Lourdes * Little Flower St. Jude Jafl. {, LatvaryLar}tGt!tY, * t OrOROr CErrACnrn,- Ar, st, l,lary't ClrurclrrJan. 10. Holy (rorr C0rnel.ry, (0r{ilmtYtU.r 'I Bradiey Hardwnn Co. McFsrland Meat Markel t JoANt{t c. wriirl-rl, our ridy or llRt,. A, 0. tAlol{, BB, Sr, Gdt,rirl,r tourlcs Lhurclr, Jniluaty /. Storo lIrr, Church,Jon. 10, Calvary tonu- . Survivorrr husband, Uoo. thru. Srt. Etto r.B. 5650McI.rlird nd. rI &t{Ot l*ry. Survivors:sislcr? fi1rs, fronce: 0ri{{in, A. G. Sav0il;(hili,rlrt, R0lrerl rrr.i Mtry Ileler_ Itl lt_p,rn,-Sutr. p.|r| ! a,!n. ttl I -- }'Lesh Cut - ^1rs.Chdrlolttr filcer.' Jl .horte;ArlhUr 1., of touitvill., Ki.; llerl Uonrolate Ilir€ [{ftrdwrra Derr 1., 0t -n,t,trRUrllvllle; tIrs. [,1ureilcr ll'op Qualil.y l{cats xAvltrrt0tl hriltn0ilty.,r,l l_,rldyclle;dilrl Mrr, lt6nr,Ct durdsall Faintr "ill,T 05iilski,0[Brfl, Mrch. _.__,_-= i.:1:"':l:i_'_::"j., |,1111;,,,'!1",T,1?.11 t1;,,,1i;,*,iL: vlvors_r_ rJ,luqlllIr, Mr\. Mnfy Sti,0r{ta] sl5_ ItB, Mrq. Mdyrilc 5rurtrl0r. Mf5, l:t,r',rd llJville, wffi -;;il;";"^o " llovtrr lorAl O.*rr;;; ""il",il:"'ww":::":-:i'- [.lrrabclh Mc(rnlcy, ilt ot Hovrj r*il" Anfhony's Ffower Shop iiltn#'r, nr*w Cathedral Flower Shop Joo lt \Yllrtrl (,lnthont't Thonrnron "{'lo\'r'fr3 Holy Spirit fdr All orcdsi0nr" Irrolrrl,)torr I S. JoltN50f{ AVl. ?10[ Nrdhor lyq. ST. l.lali Scuthoott, ,t+f+J,'H FL 0-5508 lrirl, Rar.(L 5'90/9 FAENZI'S St. Lawrence * RADTO& T.V. IEXACOtutt Ott 'fry "l'rrsqnnllzcrl Holy Spirit Otrr Strvlcr" I'AI,ES iNd SEITYICE 6lll{ E- t0th sr. "39 gAR' lrvington lce f,r Fuel Co. 8801E. 38rh t[ 7,7555 Lowort Drtoer 0tr Colat Crrry{rut B.€r Dhcottnt on Pld. Llquorr r:mTillfl 'FINE St. Andrew f$oDs' EAST SIDE BIKE STORE WOLMAN'SDRUGS 5{.lltl!lltl & llUtl-Y SlCYCttS.-l:rsv T$rnr {)ptn /,30 r.nr.,6 p.nr,.-elosed \ycdnrsrl.rv ,l2l!? St.Mark t. Michigrn 51. fl 6.02t? liyril9l0il'sPrf5rripir0il furitr KEYSTONEPHARMACV * t Rt[ 0l:tlVIRY

tt t.5{3r I{6{ t. l{|rhinglon ll. -Prescrlplion $peciolistr- Woodcroft Pharoacy j*':ru!lllg- *' "" PA'lIil0K iu{||ll,t}|1]Y. uwnal Crrnrplclo Llrrr: of Slck lloottr Supyrller il iRaoNHai6iia--- t:t,t5 l\rAtrts,u:t $t. (i?Etg CtfANERS . ltxl'l:RI PnUSCltllr:{t{)N |i$BVIC}] . QUNLI'IY DISIJGI Tur-usniv;i i'i.iNIlARI) {$iJJ ti, i,lirhrstrr l'L $-?30? ^ SF]RVICE "\Vhun yollr {iorlucnls r\ri Not Sl. Ann * llccurtttrrti,to \{}n tllfy shoukl Ur .6. ,*i[,to,t]tlof,. t:0tnlila to Ui" l'lilorlol i\rr s.0s6s '! WALIER's PHARMACY l.rptr'( t,tt'rtrir{.tttll a ltre (:0r. lloll lkl, lt l'ornrworth uu(l llrllotr Servica CHr \Vnrh clI. l-,4000 . r)lJ,\l,lt'Y ltlllJG,\ r DAVIS GROCERY Co. . li.\l'lalt'l' I'Itl:;ri(:nl P'l:l(-):!" lsTSi . H:[Igr' GIocct'ir3. lltr.iiS, i.tult$ il Vogetsb!er t t llskery Coodr rC0t COL! E(lll :IYIL CL. l'?t0t 5t. Bcrnadetle * * * St.

Safeway Quality Foodr Dl orrisl,orvn DETBO DRUGS IlllUS AVld at LAtAlEitl'}; a.D. "!'rfrb l52l N, Emerson chotc. cut' lt.rt Ft. 9-8265 PADGETT l'ltl!St;lil l'J l(,Ns St. Monica .\i:cllt'olIly .[:lliril * Lady of Lourdes * SuburbanDodge, Inc. ChevrolelSales " DIRK'SMARKET GREENWOOD A tltlENttLY I'LACE1O Qttirlttr, rrl(t Sen'lc. TRADE" r'll!:l': OAl,iV}]Rt Driae u lteg:_.li;vlra ll[ilex and T;l;phonr:ttO J-4115 fL, I'lllrit 5J:l.t I $'arh SL Morrislown, lndicrno --- Saur: tllany Dollurs MORAN'S ;iiiRY sHELrsrRtrcE' * Hofy Cross SERVICE St. Catherine 6001 li. lt!{hisatr ltd, Ct,, 6.081t McBANE Airscsl {iiltiiltc Iunc-ul) - t;r(}nt f:tr(i 1\lliinntr'llt lirrrkc \r,rviuc

"-.\\o I'icl,-l)gr & l)r:iirr:r-.' Joe Lawler has had | | yearr experience selling cars in the Indianapolis area, BurialUaults SEPT|CTANKS ;,,h,r*t c;;;y';;ly D;,t;;.;t,;- qnd 0lher I)O!)GIJ rrrrd l,ANChllt A-1 SERVICIT Concrcte Prodscfs rt.\\,t.: llr,llot,s l t.tiI \\i.)trti 172 Main Street TU. 1.2581 t){)Nn }i()\\'l Diol Rockwell 3-5241 PATRONIZE Sllttr flont Ntrr llrll lllhrltr GREENWOOD THE IHORRI5IOWN,INDIANA ADVERTISERS A. & B. UPHO',SIERING ' lrslilrlrlt's litirlllsllf(l I ,"j.i"[,:_*_ 11:I ilD. s.m{rii

{lhr:rt:h- St:hool - Hom* - Mainterance (.ot t I rn c I ors - - S rrpp li ers ltl!r-.c tri cilr1 s - {irrllcrrl crs An Inexpenrive Wsnl Ad lrlrrrrrlrrlrs- lfllslorcrs - Ifuiltr:rs - licne ing Does q Bis lob cAtL ME. 5.{531 Ask tor an Ad-Tekor ffi Carl'c Upholrtering nrrn. f,.l'tr;S'l t Allilt(lS, Custom-Bullt'I'ermr Uve catll. Frco trllt U detlted, 1.:t":--' FOR SALE PAINTIN(FINTENTOR & EX'fTRION Paper llanglng ,ltr Stesmlnr .{. IILTI}lJlt'f Waldo :_T' |j-l'iL __* ----*-*r 9-3IL -rE"DErls JANUARY SPECIAL I TOT I I (l,lcensod Agency) | iii) G,\f ,. {il,ASS LlNl.)f) llOOFlNO. OI}TIIIRINQ rtrd ftEPAIItS I Babt sitlerD add Maternltt ti6rvic. I (ir\S Palntlnt-Interlor and Ertertot. Lo\r WA'l'l.lR I It,t,\'t't,:tt rFrll $oIJR-DAY.-WEEK Chrct Up Tlnr" ri I'u.-ii€t ll$ | I Insllrllcrl... .Onlv S9g.95 CAPITIILGLASS est rlossiblo rrrlcet. Lonnlo Plbg. 7-5658. FL. e-ssre & Healing Conlracror Wolfe Shell Service Station t-I I /I5 E. Southern Ave. * St. * ,r.r.\ lll{5 lL ltuC}ltGAN sT 6.3083 C(IMPAINY,IJ{C. 'l'lre, E(r1. Lutr., Battert 't'Rtisn lULlItJt gu.r MEA'rsI Sfore Frontr RRlHtt serv. wash-slmonltG PAT S\Ur//lZ . SEllVlCB CAL|,8 . St. PhilipNeri Furniture lops DOLLEN'S lt ill& r.orl.tl lv+r buy our own. frults 'lhls and vegotftble! Window Gloss from (;Fowerr. Inrurer you lrerh. good quallly. 8|lUMlNous ness :lnd JAOOtr I'ONZEI, Mirrors 648 E.49th PAVING AT. 3.63?l lnrportrr ot Gcrnlnn Alsynite Fibre Gloss Grrndfslh.r-Cuckoo & olirr {ino slockr walch€t - Jewe|rY - dlrmondl rxcAvailoNS Boiley Gloss Sliding .tpcrt r€pllrlnF The IJIS EAST TENT|] SI'RREI' Doors House of Poper Phour Mc 6-9001 lndlanapollr I, Ind. ROAD OITING J8l0-ll Collcra Wl'.,r-rral Ihermopone Fol Your Wcd(llna F. S. GRADY & SONS e ANn\OUNCEIIIiN'I.S . lNvI't,\'rloNS !NC. * C.rd! toa All Ortrionr * | ,,r r. ,o..,,ii-' cx.43343 lP.O.8ox LEADED GLASS I 2tO04,W.l, Srotion) CHRISJ. GREINER ' AND SONS Criterion Vtrlt our Ncsttt flartcl ' r . - PAT DOLLEN'S Plumblng ond llcotlng rJtrl. Ct la6o' iaiioNlTE-iHE fully Equippod for {tt lyilt '.tlrr.str UUt' ilt lfl'" New-Remodeling-Repoir AdvertisingPays (iltl ,r$n f lllllt lnd vaga||bl!. ADVERTISERS f220 r. torh Wd bur FL 6.4639 lltrm (irrr$rat\. Ihi\ In!lll6t tlr|t lfatD' nerr and good (lttalilY. PASE TWELVE THE CRITERION. JANUARY 13, 196I 'gog'on Suclan refusesto expluin Catholic new,estory By REV. PATRICK O'CONNOR graph scrvicc is opctatcrl by Lhc tto r'()Ply hts be cn rc. morr .l leatt erc noodod, bul govcrnnrent. on and harasscd in ntrrch th. govornment will nol give parmirrlon rnltt \{'ay as foreign_born THE N.C.W.C. corrcslrontlorrl for fhem. l'as irt Juba Ior tlrc l'ollorr,ing rveck, rlrrling rvlrit,lt he lcct'ivcti nc, noticc frour thc tclcgraplr of. fice that his rarliograru \\,ls trn- tlelivarablc for ant, r(,as()ll. After loaving tire Sudan, he learnad thai fhe news service had nol received his dispatch from Jubo. He cobled the Di. reclor of Posls and Telegraphr scem to be in Khcrtoum asking for an ex- plenalion and e refund but rcccived no reply. EOUATORIA pr.ovirrce lrns ba. collrc no{ oriorrs lirl ol Iicial lros. lility lo Ulrlistiirnitl', Supprr.ssi6n ol' a [olcign colrt'sllotrtlcnl's dis- TermiteControl Service pllclt, cvcn :rftr;r it lratl bccn lc. ccptctl I'ol tr':rnsnri.ssiorr. inrlicates tllll { hc Strrlarrcsc irrrtlroritics I.ITEE STATEWIDE rlislt lo cont:t;rl tlreir arrti.Uhris. Iilrn rrrt'lsrrlus l)'orl public opinion TtiRNIITE INSPIiCTION abt'otttl, 'l'l)c Personal friendship sccrr guvclnrrrrrnl. ol tltc Sutlatt, o [ifefinre Guqronfee Plon rvltirlr rllclirlt's llrlI tlrc Clrurch "Srrtlanizctl" r Convenienl slroulrl bc (stal'f

I'0irttitrg urrt Ilrat his ttrorrastcrl' lrad bceu csltrlrlishctl in l9?(i at tlrc lcrlrrt,st of I)()l)c Ititrs XI to Thel96l NATIONALCATHOLIC ALMANAC llrrrl)alc lirl thc lt:storation of ttttitl' lrctu'ucn tlrc st'pa|nt.ctl l,ilrst. ln lts 5Tfh Ye.rr of Publicatiorr! clrr Chulclrcs anrl llonrc, hc rk:- Cornplele Catholic "\\:c Wor'ld's Mosl Reference! tl;tlctl: hlltl lrccn ll.t'irtg thc glounrluolk fol rrnitl' lirl llrnosl" Cornpletely Authoritative 4(l 1 eals." "'l'lrc otrtlook is crrcorrr,agirrg,', "lrul Accurate and Practical lx' ;rrlrlerl, the ar:corrrplish. nlenI rs fal in thc ftrttrrc." l)t'pcrtdirblc iln(l lilsl to Llsc [ ttr r\tiuulc 1r tlrc CEREMONY -)hN Irr,lispcnsirblrlor tltc llotttc, 'l'ltt' t)l l'ir.:r'.Sclrcol r)l' L,illrilf.)r. I't'rrrtl{r' poirrlt'tl orr{ irr his i\ur t'rlhol 1.1 lcttcl tlttt tlrc "tlri. ('ltulclr ulilrokls opiniorr thlrI Latcs[ ;\r'lilultlc Stuti.sl.ics oL llr0x' nlust hc .ecrrrrin0 lltirltitil{l- OiT ItNllS ()$ I3O|-,L,S ernd '['lrrr trrtnt :rtrtl lirl)ot' t'ol]t'(rsollllli{)n in ChLrru:h ill Cloth binding Lhc Wollcl. tlrc s1nrlicllcs." iurrl sairl {lrat iI "lltcn Ihci'c is rrot. lhc slrrtlittrtcs * Lisfings Only $2.75 D I SCOifTl I N tl llD IfA'l'Tli niTS of Catholic Universities, \\'oul{l foll\tilrrtc a totalilalian lc- Re!igious OrCels, Periodicals, 696 pager gituc likt' llrosc ol llitlr,r' ol ol' tlrrr " and Church Sociefies. Order Now! Sol it'ls. ('alrlirrul l'lu t'urri'lutlt'rl llltt plescrrt '. llail Ortlc.r's _ lr,lttions l)ot\ro0ll tlrc ijov- I.rout1ril5,I,'illcd et'ntttcttt illt(l the blrrllrcr'lrrrorl, '"flj'c ulticlr has llccn accrrst'd b1' gor,. Srrcrr-:iulizeflr Seruicre" cl'nnlcnl ol'fieials of irqitilting illilnlsl EXT'RA lhr. l.r'nrrt'o f('j.tnllc, itfc SPECIAL "cxt KftlnC BnOS. Dsrnutislrcrtlggp lcrrrr'[.ty rlirnilclotrs." THE CARDINAL scrrt his lcttr.r' ,O},IH^i8fii Cnt I rol ic Srrlrpl11'Iforrsc lrrr:. as changt s in tlrc s,vrrrlicltc clcc- Iyes Exomined ( l;i llollr South ol Ayr.r) t ion llu's rlo'c lrcirrg clchated, NV Glosses tO}I Mode PET Spaitt has rro lalrot'rrnions CAR Iikc ME. 8-3416 llrose ilr tltc t'.S. Insttatl tnor.r: l0-\'car' \\'citt' (l r';,rn t)tl * (n' Itrrliannlrolir ME.8-3417 :t trtr [cc \\'ilf No{. I'ill l'riz.'t tltan t iglrt n'rillion l,ulkt'r's an{ Plo-Itat .ctl Busis by Nlill t.rrrlllol ols irlc or.glnizctl into 116 IIOOSTDTT 'l'c,rturcrl t l'arclrtttellt, Ijallallla or slnrlictrtos lbr trl l,orv l)t:sigrr r.trriotrs irr