
Christian Worldview Development: Part II

Both and Mission need a solid Christian worldview that is thoroughly supernatural, that provides a complete , that answers the ultimate questions of life in ’s way based on objective truth as revealed in Scripture. Unless we develop a true biblical worldview there is every likelihood that the unreached of the world will remain unreached. Worse, without it Christian may not survive. by Hans M. Weerstra

n the last issue of the Journal, I There can be little that our every area of their lives—not just in relig- I addressed the urgent need of Lord would urge us, even command ion. Hence everything we think and developing a Christian worldview. I us, to develop a solid worldview, one do is ultimately controlled by our world- attempted to define what worldview based on God’s Word and , one view which makes it paramount that is and how it functions in culture includ- that would give us true answers to the ulti- the Church and Mission develop a solid ing our own. I also listed the modern- mate questions of life. This means biblical worldview. day that make up our West- that we would get a biblical of In the prior article, we noted that the ern worldview. I called them the “cur- life that is strong enough not only to only way we can build biblical foun- rents of our times” since like strong winds resist the deadly effects of our secular cul- dations for faith and life is by hearing and that relentlessly blow on our lives ture but also is able to change our cul- doing the Word of God, as taught by they have the potential to destroy Chris- ture and world. Rather than be changed , as revealed in the , and as tian faith and values at its roots. (contaminated) by secular , given to us in the Scriptures, i.e., These currents have the power to rob us as salt and light we need to change it for especially in the Scrip- of biblical foundation for faith and God’s glory. Hence the Lord would tures. The obedience of faith is the life without which we cannot survive as strongly urge us to build deep-dug foun- key dynamic whereby we build those the Church of nor complete the dations that will withstand the mod- foundation, which is the same thing task that remains. (See the discussion on ern-day “isms” of our culture that to some as saying that by means of God’s Word Matthew 7:21-27 in my prior article, degree are all based on a philosophy and Spirit we develop a firm biblical IJFM Volume 14:1, Jan.-March, 1997.) of life that excludes God’s truth. The Lord worldview. In this article (Part II) we want to would warn us of these currents of In this article we will look at look at some additional philosophies of our times that have pervaded our culture three additional philosophies of life called our Western (American) culture and and have deeply changed our society, , , and hedon- what holds it together. We should be able that undermine true faith since they have ism. Like the others we have studied, to see that these modern thought sys- become part and parcel of our modern these are strong winds with great tems are non-biblical, that they oppose worldview. destructive potential to biblical faith. In a Christian faith, and are true enemies We should realize that by means radical sense these modern philoso- of . Furthermore, these modern phies of life undermine the deepest foun- philosophies of life are great barriers of our secularized worldview the enemy dations of what is, what it to the development of a biblical world- of our (of our life as ) stand for, and what it is meant to accom- view. Understanding these philoso- sends its influence like poison gas as plish in the world. phies is crucial since without it 1) we will a silent killer into every aspect of our not know what makes our Western lives for the sole purpose of the destruc- Existentialism world tick, nor, 2) will we understand tion of faith and life. We must see According to Webster existential- how to effectively minister the Word that Satan can do that, and to a great ism as a philosophy is "an introspective of God to modern man, and worse, 3) we degree has been successful, when he humanism." It is a philosophy that is will not have a clue what is happen- changes and uses worldview to his evil subjective and introspective. Webster ing to Christian faith and life nor how to ends. He well knows that the world- defines it as a "theory of man which protect ourselves from its sinister view of our culture (of any culture) deter- expresses the 's intense aware- effects bent on the destruction of our faith mines everything we believe, value, ness of his contingency and freedom; and life and mission as God’s people think and do. Satan knows that worldview a theory which states that the existence of in our generation. effects the behavior of its people in the individual precedes his ; INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRONTIER MISSIONS, VOL 14:2 APR.-JUNE 1997 52 Biblical Worldview Development specifically a theory which stresses the ism” stresses the subjective experiences accent to a neat set of beliefs or doctrines, individual's responsibilities for mak- Christians have, thus putting empha- or simply agreeing with true teach- ing himself what he is." There also is sis on "the subjective aspects of the ings about God and the world. To the con- what is called “Christian existential- human person considered as a crea- trary, Christian faith is personal and is ism,” which Webster defines as "a theory ture of God." These subjective experi- supposed to be lived and experienced; it which stresses the subjective aspects ences are seen to validate and authen- needs to be appropriated on a per- of the human person considered as a crea- ticate our lives as Christians and to a great sonal level that involves all our human ture of God." (Webster’s New Colle- degree determine the and faculties. We are to the Lord our giate Dictionary, sixth edition.) content of faith, i.e., making the subjec- God with all our heart, with all our , A key element in this modern- tive that we experience the with all our mind and with all our day thought system is the fact that exis- foundations of faith. Like secular existen- strength (Mark 12:30). Christianity is tentialism is"an introspective human- tialism, so “Christian existentialism,” more than a system of thinking. It ism." In my previous article we noted holds that subjective experiences make us rather is a way of living that is fully what humanism is, without which it is what and who we are and in a deep human since it needs to personally impossible to understand existentialism way determine our faith and beliefs, as appropriated and experienced in its full- since the latter is an introspective ver- well as the values that arise from ness, which needs to happen on an sion of the former. Humanism as a system them. on-going daily basis, in a loving relation- of thought starts with mankind and by Even though “Christians existen- ship with our neighbors. himself explains ultimate reality without tialism” sounds good, especially to the Having said that, we must see that additional assistance from outside of uninitiated, it nevertheless is a dan- our Christian experiences are totally himself. Humanism is a way of seeing the gerous enemy of the Gospel. The reason different from existentialism. Christians world as centered upon distinctively for this is that “Christian existential- faith and life, including our personal human interests and ideals, but it does so ism” is a subjective introspective version experiences, are radically different since at the expense of God and His revela- of humanism. The latter is a true they do not validate our faith nor tion, done at the exclusion of the spiritual enemy of Christian faith not because it determine its content. Christian existen- and supernatural, which are seen to be stresses human concerns and ideals tialism would maintain that our non-human concerns and interests. For the and experiences, which the also human existence and the nature of our humanist, God and the supernatural stresses, but modern-day humanism humanity is arrived at and formed by (if such reality exists), pertain to non- sees the world as centered upon distinc- one's human subjective experiences, not human concerns, and therefore on tively human ideals at the expense by objective truth as revealed by God that basis are excluded as valid concern, and exclusion of God and the spiritual in Scripture. Christian existentialists or are seen as impertinent and irrele- supernatural reality revealed in the would emphasize that our subjective vant. Bible. True humanism is a secular system experiences is what forms Christian faith, Existentialism takes this one step of thought, including its introspective not because it is objectively true, nor further and holds that looking inside of version of existentialism, sees the eternal because it is based on objective reality, oneself, or seeing reality subjectively and spiritual and supernatural as non- but because we personally experience as a human being, gives one clues as to existent or irrelevant. A true humanist it. In modern existentialism, including so who and what we are. According to cannot take biblical spiritual reality called Christian existentialism, things existentialism, man’s introspection of his seriously since they look (must look) at are true simply because one experiences own individual existence and experi- the world from within their humanis- truth, regardless of whether it is ences precedes and determines who and tic perspective, i.e., looking at reality objectively true. For so called Christian what he is. What one experiences sub- from " distinctively human interests existentialists, there is no outside jectively and personally determines what and ideals." objective truth, nor standard of truth, by is ultimately true, real and valid. As What makes existentialism so which to evaluate it since no truth is Webster stated, existentialism is "specifi- appealing, although very dangerous, is possible or valid by which to evaluate it. cally a theory which stresses the indi- that Christian faith and life is meant There is no external objective stan- vidual's responsibilities for making him- to be personal and experienced. In that dard that could be called upon to validate self what he is," or "that the existence sense Christianity is subjective and a given experience or feeling we or of the individual (what man experiences) personal and truly fully human. For anyone has. In other words, whatever one precedes his essence." instance, no one who knows the Bible feels and experiences is what is ulti- Although a true contradiction in seriously would say that Christianity con- mately true and real. terms, so called “Christian existential- sists merely of giving intellectual Furthermore, faith for an existen-

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRONTIER MISSIONS Hans M. Weerstra 53 tialist is something essentially irrational, everything is either relative () or Webster says that nihilism is "the something that has no reason, nor everything is equally true (pluralism). doctrine that conditions in the social needs to be reasonable. In fact a reason- Existential experiences are obviously rela- organizations are so bad as to make able explanation of faith may well tive and subjective, and none are ulti- destruction desirable for its own sake, ruin the reality that one has discovered mately true because none are are ulti- independent of any constructive program; and experienced. In a deep sense of mately wrong. All experiences as especially, the program or doctrine of the word, existential faith cannot be long as they are personal are true and the Russian party of the 19th and 20th checked, nor verified, nor validated equally valid even though all are also centuries, who proposed various by any objective independent standard of equally relative. As such existentialism is schemes of revolutionary reform and truth because faith is a leap in the a great enemy of biblical Christianity, resorted to terrorism. In a loose dark, that makes no real rational sense, since it erodes the foundations of the usage, (it means) revolutionary propa- that cannot be explained, that is often objective revealed truth as God has ganda; terrorism." absurd, which from this perspective is given it and thus destroys true Christian Hedonism like nihilism rest upon the seen as the deepest level of real faith. faith and life on its deepest level, i.e., secularized worldview that no objec- Because it is one’s own subjective experi- on Christian worldview level. tive truth and standard of exists. ence it cannot be validated by objec- Hedonism according to Webster is the tive truth, including what is “doctrine that pleasure is the sole revealed in the Scriptures. The modern-day secular or chief good in life and that Existentialism along with natu- systems of thought are true moral duty is fulfilled in the grati- ralism and humanism deny enemies of the Gospel, having a fication of pleasure-seeking the miraculous and supernatural instincts and disposi- in . They reject non-biblical view of reality, tions.”According to this per- objective revelation as a means and as such have the potential spective, one’s life and way of of attaining truth. Hence it is life is centered on pleasure, a true enemy of biblical Chris- to destroy Christian faith at on the pursuit of happiness, on tianity which is, and always its foundations. the gratification of pleasure has been, based on God’s and its instincts. Since the under- revealed objective will and lying assumption is that there truth. Nihilism and Hedonism is nothing else to life outside of one's own In the existential world, the truth Mankind without an objective truth immediate existence, the biblical of something is validated and authenti- and an objective standard of right and phrase fits the hedonist-materialist men- cated by what is subjectively and per- wrong is doomed to nihilism. This philos- tality to the tee: “Let us eat and drink sonally experienced. Its opposite is also ophy (worldview) holds that there is (and be merry) for tomorrow we die.” true: Whatever is not personally expe- no such thing as objective truth, nor that (See Is. 22:13 and 1 Cor. 15:32) rienced, i.e., anything independent of there exists any grounds for it. This Modern day hedonism parallels one's personal subjective experiences, means that objective truth is non-existent Western . Hedonism and is unimportant, is undermined, or worse, and from this perspective is impossi- materialism are logical extensions of each is seen as invalid and therefore is ble to attain. In ethics it means that there other that are based on the perspec- rejected as truth. is no objective standard for law, for tive of a closed , one closed to Existentialism undermines true right or wrong behavior, or for what the objective true reality, closed to the truth, i.e., truth as it objectively exists, Bible calls righteousness. supernatural, that sees nothing else to life and therefore is pure . As Nihilism denies any and all objective than this one consisting of this life a modern day , existen- grounds for moral principles or moral and the present moment. Since modern tialism is much like the Mormon law. Since there is no standard of objec- man denies moral absolutes and experience of the "burning in the bosom" tive truth and accountability (as an objective reality outside of his own expe- that authenticates the Mormon faith objective absolute moral principle) life rience, since for him no “outside” as a true simply because it is experienced. and living lose true meaning since absolutes exists, the logical conclusion is It should be very apparent that nothing is either intrinsically right or made: “Let’s eat and drink and be existentialism plays hand in glove with wrong. In this system both right and merry. . . for tomorrow we die.” In other the other currents of our times such as wrong behavior are equally valid and words, why not gratify one’s instincts relativism and pluralism which hold that good in the ultimate sense of the and indulge in what gives one pleasure word.

VOL 14:2 APR.-JUNE 1997 54 Biblical Worldview Development now since there is nothing after or beyond selves, even appear to be good Christians, draw a critical distinction between sys- this life. yet in our daily lives act as secular tematic and biblical (histori- There can be little doubt that our humanists much like the world around us. cal) theology. Though most Christians Western life of materialism, coupled We may even deny (in theory) that may never have heard this before, we with hedonism, based on existential we are secular humanists or modern-day want to emphatically state that this is a humanism, fueled as it is by commer- existentialists, in fact we may be very crucial concern to the pursuit of cialism, is modern-man’s deep seated phi- totally ignorant of these concepts, yet on biblical faith and life, and absolutely losophy of life, that more than any- an operational level, we may in essential to building firm foundations thing else ensnares him. This philosophy fact live and behave much like modern- and developing a biblical worldview. day secular humanists. as nothing else is what destroys mod- Third, we will conclude with a ern man’s soul (his life as a human being For that reason, it is paramount that study on the “mysteries of the kingdom” created in God’s image). Like nothing we examine ourselves and determine also called the “mysteries of the Gos- else, this secular naturalistic worldview is what our deep seated beliefs really are. pel ”or the “mysteries of God.”. We want What beliefs do in fact operate in our leading, enticing, and enslaving mod- to conclude with this important sub- ern man into a worldview that is bent on lives that determine (to a large or small ject since Christian worldview develop- the total destruction of his life and degree) our values, what we think and ment cannot happen without it. The soul. what we do (how we behave or conduct mysteries of God, or the mysteries of the ourselves in our daily lives). To help (For a set of discussion questions Gospel, need to be revealed and dis- on this all important issue, see the “Dis- us we should pray what the Psalmist closed to us if we are to develop a biblical cussion Questions” at the end of this prayed: "Search me Oh God and worldview. article.) know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts and see if there be any All Scripture Operational Beliefs wicked way in me, and lead me in the “All Scripture is given by inspi- In the previous article on worldview way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23, 24) we noted the distinction concerning ration of God, and is profitable for doc- As God’s people we need to operate theoretical and operational beliefs. We trine (teaching), for reproof, for cor- in true biblical faith that is much rection, for instruction, in righteousness discovered that people, Christians more than theoretical beliefs. In other (justice), that the man of God may be included, hold beliefs in one of two ways, words, our beliefs need to be based either as 1) theoretically beliefs, that complete (fitted), thoroughly equipped for on God’s Word, which need to be deep act much like creedal statement which do every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16, enough so that it will influence our 17) not greatly affect our values nor values and move us to right action and behavior, or as 2) operational beliefs that Nowhere is the revelation of God God glorifying conduct. What good do influence what we value and think and the purpose and meaning of the are neat creedal statements, even true bib- including how we act and behave. created order, including the origin lical ones, unless we live them consis- Modern-day philosophies func- and purpose of mankind, more clearly dis- tently, deeply and daily to the glory of tion in our lives in the same way. As basic closed than in the Scriptures. As most God? belief systems people can hold these of us know, God's Word consists of the theoretically, which means that they will What follows in this article are three Old Testament and the New Testa- not greatly affect their behavior either concern that will help us develop a ment. The Bible is called the Word of negatively or positively. We may be biblical worldview. First, we will look at God because God by the aware of these systems, but if held the place and function of the inspired is the principal author of all Scripture. theoretically, they will not operate in our Scriptures. The apostle Paul said that the What we find written in the Scrip- lives. As such they pose little danger Scriptures are able to make us com- tures originated in the mind of God Him- to our faith and life as Christians. plete "thoroughly equipped for every self, and for that reason is called the What is far worse, however, is good work." (2 Timothy 3:17). Obvi- Word of God. The Scriptures are inspired when we hold our Christian beliefs as the- ously it is very important that the Scrip- or "God-breathed" and as such give oretical, like creedal statements, and tures have the fullest possible impact us life—the life of God the Creator as confess to be Christian in various areas of in our lives as human beings, especially as well as the life of Jesus Christ. In the life, but not truly live or operate in God’s people in order to be “thor- same way that Adam became a living soul those beliefs consistently or deep enough. oughly equipped for every good work.” when God breathed into him the If we hold our Christian beliefs as Second, we will take a good look breath of life so in the same way we theoretical, we could fool others and our- at how to properly study the Bible and receive the life of God through the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRONTIER MISSIONS Hans M. Weerstra 55

"God-breathed" Word of God. (See Deu- own witness about itself, since no greater self in terms of the ultimate questions of teronomy 4:1, 8:1-3, 30:15 and 30:19, witness exists that could authenticate life and reality. In other words, bibli- 20; also Proverbs 11:19 and 12:28 and the Bible. cal faith is a reasonable (truly rational) Matthew 4:4 and John 5:39-40, In view of the fact that the pri- endeavor that involves our intellect 10:10; and 20:30, 31) mary author of Scripture is God Himself, and will, (our mind) as well as our heart To say that “all Scripture” is who personally stands behind it, vali- and emotions. Therefore, Christians “God-breathed,” implies that the Scrip- dating and confirming and even swearing must be careful not lay aside their intellect tures are closely linked to the breath to its every truth and promise, we can or mind, nor undermine any other of of God which denotes at least two things: take full confidence in what it reveals. their God given faculties. Christians must First, the Scriptures come from God, This is not only true with reference to not commit mental suicide to believe. specifically from the Holy Spirit, who in so called religious, moral and spiritual Just the opposite is true: We cannot have the original languages is seen as “the (supernatural) reality, but applies to biblical faith without using our minds Breath or Wind of God” and the and intellect, as well as all our “Breath or Wind of Christ.” other God given faculties, to Second, the Bible gives life to To some degree all Christians its full potential. Biblical faith is those who listen to it, it stand in need to develop a not an irrational absurd leap revives those who believe what biblical worldview. This is most in the dark as so called Christian it says who act on what it existentialism would have us reveals. For this reason the apos- urgent in our day since believe. tle Paul is able to say with Christian beliefs and values In this light note what full conviction that the Bible is concerning biblical truth and the Bible says about itself in 2 so profitable, i.e., able to Peter 1:19-21 and Psalm teach and correct, able to make ultimate reality are under 119:89. Also carefully note 1 men and women mature and relentless attack. Thess. 2:13, Gal. 1:11,12 complete (fitted), able to instruct and John 10:35. This last verse in righteousness so that we is very significant because become “thoroughly equipped for every all truth the Bible addresses in its pages, in this passage Jesus confirmed the fact good work.” including the origin of the universe, that Scripture comes from God, call- The inspired Scriptures are designed the purpose of mankind, the meaning and ing the Scriptures the Word of God. to be the source of our faith and life purpose of history, including man's We also need to note one addi- as God’s people. This is true especially problem, the existence of evil, and God’s tional concern raised in 2 Timothy 3:16 concerning the area of worldview. provision to deliver man from and and 17. When Paul talked about "all The Scriptures are designed to give us evil. Scripture..." he does not mean the New true, trustworthy and reliable answers We might ask, Who in the final Testament Scripture. Unfortunately to the ultimate questions of life. They give analysis becomes “complete, thoroughly this is a great surprise to most Evangelical us the building blocks for faith and equipped for every good work”? Christians who do not, maybe cannot, life and so help us develop a worldview Scripture is clear: It happens to those who see this. They would say: “Sure all Scrip- that is fully in line with the objective like the wise man hears God's Words, ture. . . especially the New Testa- truth as God has revealed it. Furthermore, and hears them deeply so that he acts on ment.” But this was not what Paul had in because the Bible is inspired (God- them and puts them into practice. It mind when he originally penned these breathed, Latin spirare) we can say with happens to those who accept and believe awesome words, nor was this the message full confidence that there is no greater what God reveals, who then act on it the original readers heard. Originally more authoritative book than the Bible in the “obedience of faith.” “all Scripture” meant all of the Old Testa- and that without it there is no way to Notice that this is not blind faith ment. This was the original meaning develop firm foundation for life. No book that just because one has to since the had not been or source outside of the Bible exists believe. Rather it is the kind of faith written yet when Paul penned these that could give us a true and reliable (as that sees God's Word as reasonable, that words. In fact 1 and 2 Timothy is in pro- well as satisfying) worldview regard- understands what He has said in its cess of becoming part of the New ing the ultimate reality of the universe and proper context and background, and Testament. One thing is sure, Paul did not its purpose. God has chosen to always sees Scripture in light of who refer to his own writing in 2 Timothy authenticate the Bible by itself, i.e., by its God is and what He has said about Him- as being part of "all Scripture" even

VOL 14:2 APR.-JUNE 1997 56 Biblical Worldview Development though there is good reason for us today The battle for a Christian understand- physics, morals or .” This ing of the world is being waged on to include it as part of the Scriptures. simply means that the answers to the several fronts. Not the least of these is However, Paul primarily was talking biblical study in general and espe- ultimate questions of life, including how about all of the Old Testament Scrip- cially the question of how the opening we know what we know, including tures, which he said was God-breathed, chapters of the Bible are to be read. correcting the modern-day thought sys- Modern writers commenting on the which because of its divine inspira- book of Genesis tend to treat the first tems, are impossible endeavors. tion was (and today is) profitable to teach eleven chapters as something other Hence Schaeffer reminds us to see the and correct and train people in good- than history. For some, this material great importance of the first eleven is simply a Jewish myth, having no ness and righteousness, making them more historical validity for modern chapters of Genesis, that we need to see complete men and women and thus man than the Epic of Gilgamesh or them as historical revelation, not as become equipped for every good work. the stories of Zeus. For others, it another myth or legend, not as a “pre- forms a prescientific vision that no Perhaps to many Christian today one who respects the results of schol- scientific vision,” nor as something this seems odd and even questionable. arship can accept. Still others find the that has lost “a sense of truth in regard to Most Christians, (Evangelical Chris- story symbolic but no more. Some history and the cosmos (science).” accept the early chapters of Genesis tians) are essentially New Testament as revelation in regard to an upper- Schaeffer correctly tells us that no Christians who want to have New story religious truth, but allow any real answers to problems concerning Testament faith, be like New Testament sense of truth in regard to history and “morals or epistemology” is possible cosmos (science) to be lost. believers, and belong to a New Testa- without a deep understanding of the How should these early chapters of ment church, etc. From that vantage point Genesis be read? Are they historical original revelation given in the first it is hard to see the great profitability and if so, what value does their histo- eleven chapters of Genesis. He would of the Old Testament, what it is, what it ricity have? In dealing with these maintain that any morals or ethical behav- questions, I wish to point out the tre- does, what it can change us to be, mendous value Genesis 1-11 has for ior without a righteous just and ulti- namely, making us “complete, thoroughly modern man. In some ways these mate law and Law Giver is impossible. equipped for every good work.” chapters are the most important ones Also, any meaningful and reasonable in the Bible, for they put man in his Due to this limited (New Testament) cosmic setting and show him his “epistemology” is impossible without perspective we have tried to be good peculiar uniqueness. They explain Genesis 1-11, which means that the Christians without the proper foundations man's wonder and yet his flaw. With- method and grounds of knowing, includ- out a proper understanding of these of “all Scripture” as given in the Old ing what is actually known, i.e., the chapters we have no answer to the Testament. In fact as the truth of “all problem of , morals or knowledge we have, is impossible to Scripture” is discovered and receives epistemology, and furthermore the obtain or verify. Epistemology asks work of Christ becomes one more its full impact in our lives, we will come how do we know what we know, and how upper-story 'religious' answer." (From to see that it is impossible to under- preface of Volume 2 “A Christian valid and true is what we know, and stand the New Testament, in any adequate View of the Bible as Truth: Genesis what is the source and limitations if any sense of the word, without a prior in Space and Time” by Francis of the knowledge we have. Genesis 1- Schaeffer from The Complete Works understanding of the Old Testament. This of Francis Schaeffer, A Christian 11 gives true, reasonable and reliable insight leads us into an even more Worldview.) answers to these ultimate questions. radical discovery: What the Old Testa- Because this quote is so far Without God’s revelation given in the ment reveals in the first eleven chap- reaching with so many deep implications first chapters of Genesis no true relia- ters of Genesis is in fact the basis for the we need to understand what Dr. ble knowledge of ultimate reality, includ- rest of Genesis, which forms the basis Schaeffer said: First, he wants to stress ing the visible and invisible existence, for the entire Old Testament. Properly the “tremendous value Genesis 1-11 (empirical and non-empirical reality) is understood then, the first eleven chap- has for modern man.” He says that in possible. One cannot attain the deep ters of Genesis form the bedrock founda- some way these first chapters of the answers concerning life, its origin, mean- tion for the whole Bible including the Bible are the most important because they ing and purpose without this funda- New Testament, since the New Testament give man his proper setting, they tell mental basic reality as God has given it in rest upon the foundation as revealed him who he is, they tell him his great Genesis 1-11. in the Old Testament. value (uniqueness) as well reveal his Secondly, we need to understand At this point it is worth our while problem (flaw). Without this fundamental what Schaeffer meant by “upper-story to hear what the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer setting no one can properly (biblically religious truth,” as “one more upper-story said about this crucial all important speaking) believe. Furthermore, we can- religious answer.” So called “upper- matter: not obtain any real answers “to meta- story reality” is part and parcel of the fab-

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRONTIER MISSIONS Hans M. Weerstra 57 ric of modern-day culture and Western in matters pertaining to scientific and his- historic time-space reality, including secular humanistic existentialism. As torical matters, or simply the Bible’s everything that happened in so called a matter of fact, it is the warp and woof of revelation concerning such matters is “pre-recorded history” i.e., the history that modern-day life, including much of irrelevant. From this view point we is revealed in the first eleven chapters modern Christian faith and life. We need can and should discard the parts of the of Genesis. This implies that all pre- to come to see that “upper-story” Bible that deal with science, history, Abrahamic revelation must be truth deeply undermines Christian biblical and observable empirical reality. Schaef- regarded either as myth or legend or alle- faith and if not corrected will ulti- fer would call the latter “lower- gory. Genesis 1-11 deals with non- mately destroy it. story”or “bottom-story reality,” i.e., that historic reality or with religious truth and Therefore, so called “upper-story which deals with history, with objec- therefore needs to be interpreted in an truth” including upper-story personal tive empirical reality, like matters con- allegorical way in terms of spiritual or experiences, are based on a wrong cerning the universe, its origin and all religious reality. What we are left understanding of Paul’s phrase “all Scrip- that we see and touch, in its form as we with in this perspective is a Bible that has ture.” People who believe in “upper- know it. Lower story reality is the lost its historical foundations and any story truth” hold to a believe that Scrip- rightful domain of scientific observation basis of verification. It only deals with ture is not really inspired in all it and study, but not the proper concern upper story level truth, that is per- speaks about. For them “all of the Bible. sonal and relative, that is religious (non- Scripture” is reinterpreted scientific) much of it, or all to apply only to those parts of So called “upper-story truth,” of it, being non-historical. Scripture which speak of including upper-story Because to some degree religious “upper-story truth.” we have done this with the Bible These people do not hold to personal experiences, are based we have lost the basis of true a full view of Scripture. For on a wrong understanding of biblical faith. This is especially them the Bible does not Paul’s phrase "all Scripture. . ." true with regard to the first speak truth about everything it eleven chapters of the Genesis speaks about. Such people, without which it is impossi- including Christians, believe and say that What are the implication of this ble to develop a faith that is truly and Scripture is inspired only in areas position? If in fact the Bible's message wholly biblical. Without true faith it where it speaks about religious and spiri- concerning lower story truth is not is impossible to please God, without tual and personal matters. From this true, or is impertinent, then indeed all we which we cannot become whole men perspective, the Scriptures do not speak are left with is religious spiritual mat- and women, without which we cannot be with inspired truth about history, ters of truth and reality. This means that “thoroughly equipped for every good about the universe, about its origin and “the work of Christ becomes one work.” (See Hebrews 11:1-7 and 2 Timo- purpose, about biology and most more upper-story religious answer,” thy 3:16, 17.) other scientific matters since these are not which would imply that it really has We therefore conclude that all of religious “upper story” concerns. no true basis in history, that ultimately the Scripture is inspired (God-breathed They would hold that the “all Scrip- Christian faith has no basis in historic by the Holy Spirit who is the Breath of ture”only speaks with inspiration and reality, nor has proof of verification, God), including God’s revelation in truth about religious matters, as well as which means that Christian faith is Genesis 1-11, including all truth revealed personal spiritual experiences. In this relegated to another personal and relative in Scripture concerning bottom-story sense not “all Scripture” is inspired “existential experience”or is simply historic reality—that is objectively true because the Scripture do not intend to relegated to another mythology. and real. Although the Bible does not speak infallibly and truthfully about scien- It should be clear that the ground speak exhaustively about bottom-story tific historical issues. Its only purpose for "upper-story religious truth" lies in historical reality, yet what the Bible is to speak about faith and religious (non- modern-day existentialism, or so does reveal about this is fully true. scientific) matters. From this vantage called Christian existentialism, both of For instance, although Genesis 1 point, only when the Bible speaks in the which are enemies of the Gospel does not speak in exhaustive detail on religious spiritual area of life is it since both undermine objective truth. how God made the sun, the moon, inspired by God. They are enemies of the objective and the starts, which as we know includes What we are left with, according revealed truth of “all Scripture” since it our solar system and the Milky Way, to this view, is a Bible either full of errors relegates to myth or legend any all with thousands and perhaps even millions

VOL 14:2 APR.-JUNE 1997 58 Biblical Worldview Development of other galaxies of the universe, never- ogy is an in-depth study of the various (guide) out of Scripture what it says, what theless, what Genesis 1 says concern- themes of the Bible usually studied it intended to say to its original hear- ing the creation of the sun, moon and from one’s own church or denominational ers and what it meant for the original stars, although not exhaustive truth, perspective, (what Dr. Fuller called authors. nevertheless is true in the fullest sense of “the analogy of faith”) and then organiz- Eisegesis is the opposite of . the word, because it was revealed by ing them into a logical whole. If it is The Greek suffix "eis" means "into" God by inspiration and therefore is truly good systematic theology, it will try to or to "put into". One who does eisegesis, profitable for teaching and correction, say what the Bible intends to say (instead of exegesis) is one skilled in able to make us complete, able to give us about the various themes (doctrines) of putting meaning and interpretations into proper foundations for faith and life Scripture. When all the different doc- the text of Scripture that is not there which can equip us for “every good trines have been studied, the author puts in the first place, that is not in line with work.” them into a book, (usually a very the original meaning and purpose of thick one) consisting of several volumes, the biblical passage. It is putting more Systematic vs. Biblical Theology and it is called systematic or dog- meaning, sometimes wrong meaning, Most of us are well aware of the matic theology. usually one's own meaning, into the text fact that there are lots of out Biblical theology, in comparison of Scripture that one cannot be found there, both good and bad. There is to systematic theology, studies the Bible in the original text itself. Evangelical theology, theology, in its own context, in its own historic We may think a given text or Greek Orthodox theology; there is setting. It will draw out of a given passage passage says one thing, or proves a given Lutheran, Presbyterian and Methodist the- of Scripture what it says and intends point, but because most of us are not ology; there is Liberal and Modern to say to its original hearers, in the his- skilled exegetes of Scripture, nor know theology. There are traditional and con- toric setting and context of the origi- how to do it, we fall into the trap of temporary theologies. We could also nal authors and hearers. It will therefore putting meaning into the text that is not know that there is systematic as well as focus on what the original authors there in the original passage. Fre- biblical theology. As we study the wanted to communicate to the people it quently, it may not even be in accord with Scriptures we should ask, what theologi- was originally addressed to. It stays the plain meaning and intent of our cal reference should we follow? It is away from putting meaning or interpreta- own translations and versions of the true that one’s theology does effect what tion into the text, that may be true for Bible. we see and how we interpret Scrip- us in our context, but that was not origi- When Jesus said "the Kingdom of ture. Our premise is as follows: If we nally there in the first place. God is within you" (Luke 17:21)what want to study the Bible correctly in Unlike systematic theology, the hall- did He mean to say? What was Jesus’ God’s way, and receive the full measure mark of biblical theology is that the original intention when He spoke and impact of revealed truth, we need chronology or the historical sequence and these words? When we have determined to understand the difference between sys- development of the Bible receives its what Jesus meant to say, in the histor- tematic theology and biblical theol- due impact. Biblical theology studies the ical context that He said it, including what ogy. Then we need to proceed to study the Bible chronologically, rather than by He intended His original hearers to Scriptures from the reference point of themes or doctrines as does systematic hear, then we come closest to the objec- the latter, of Biblical Theology. theology. So the chronological con- tive truth of God’s Word about this Although defining these two text and historical development of the part of His revelation. Then based on types could take an entire article (see arti- Bible receives its full significance in what it originally meant in its own cle by Dr. Daniel Fuller on “Biblical biblical theology. context we have laid the proper ground Theology and the Analogy of Faith” in Allowing the text of Scripture to work and are now prepared to come this issue) here we will need to settle say what it says in its own context, or to the understanding what God’s revela- for the brief version. drawing out of Scripture what it says tion means for us today in our historic Essentially systematic theology is not necessarily easy, but it must be setting. But it must happen in that order: follows a thematic study of God's Word, done. Drawing out of the Bible to say Biblical theological exegesis must be explaining in a logical (systematic) what it says is called exegesis. The "ex" is first, then the interpretation and applica- way what the various themes and subjects a Greek suffix which means "out of," tion of it to our own lives in our set- (doctrines) of Scripture are, what they while the "egesis" comes from the Greek ting. mean and how they relate and how they verb that means to "guide." So a good To some degree we are all apply to our lives. Systematic theol- exegete of Scripture is one skilled to take biased. Due to our particular backgrounds

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRONTIER MISSIONS Hans M. Weerstra 59 that inevitably color our perception we What is worse is that we can easily them (the crowds) it has not been given. see things, including the Bible, from fall into the trap of studying the Bible For to him who has more will be our own personal and subjective perspec- with a non-biblical grid, approaching the given, and he will have abundance; but tives. It is like putting on a set of col- Scripture with a Greek dualistic (Pla- from him who has not, even what he ored glasses that gives a certain tint to tonic) paradigm. Greek dualism divides has will be taken away. This is why I everything we see, that also effects reality into two spheres: the material speak to them (the crowds) in para- what we do and/or not do. To the extent on the one hand and the non-material on bles because seeing they do not see, and possible, we need to take those col- the other. It sees that evil and sin hearing they do not hear, nor do they ored glasses off, and look at Scripture as reside in the material, (in matter, includ- understand." (Matthew 13:10-13) objectively as we can, always allow- ing the human body, including time- There are mysteries in the Bible, ing the text of Scripture to speak for itself, space historical reality) while the good sometimes translated "secrets" in our Eng- to say what it says and intends to say. resides in the spiritual (in the non- lish versions. Scriptures speak of the Good biblical theology helps us take off material part of existence, including the "mysteries of the Kingdom." and "the our subjective biases since it always whole world of ideals and all non- mysteries of the Gospel" as well as seeks to do sound exegesis which is at empirical reality). Much of systematic the "mysteries of God" and even "the least one step removed mysteries of Christ" etc. (See from our own subjective pur- Matt. 13, Eph. 1:9; 3:9; 6:19, and suits and what this person- When we know the objective Col. 4:3) ally means. Biblical theology reality of God’s Word, we A discussion on the myster- seeks to determine the ies of the Kingdom at the end meaning of the text of Scripture are then prepared to come to of this article is included since it in it own context before a true understanding will help us realize two seeking to interpret and apply it things: 1) Help us identify key to one’s own faith and life what God’s revelation means aspects of worldview, one of and times. for us today in our them being the Kingdom of God, Timeless Categories i.e., God's rule and control historic time-space setting. over life including mankind, and A main hallmark of biblical 2) Show us how from God's theology is that it seeks to perspective we can know the mysteries, discover the integrating theme of the theology has been influenced by how God reveals the mysteries, under Bible as it historically unfolds from Greek dualism since it studied Scripture what conditions and to whom it is dis- generation to generation. One of the pit- by themes, with little or no regard for closed. Without knowing the myster- falls of systematic theology is to its time historic categories. The result has ies of the Gospel it is impossible to obtain study the Word of God in timeless catego- been that much of systematic theol- a biblical Christian worldview. ries. This means that we study the ogy has as its basis a non-biblical world- What then does the Bible mean when various themes of Scripture out of their view, i.e., one resting in Greek philos- it speaks about the “mysteries of the time sequence or pay little regard to ophy rather than in biblical truth in line Kingdom” or the “mysteries of the Gos- the historical development of Scripture. with a biblical world and life view of pel”? Upon a close study of this con- When we do that we loose a great reality. cept it is best not to translate it "secrets." deal of the full impact of God’s revela- (For a set of discussion questions The word "secrets" denotes some- tion. Without it, we may never find on the place and role of the Scriptures and thing that is kept hidden from others, God's purpose for our lives and for our Biblical Theology see the “Discus- which is revealed to a few, or never generation. Truly we run the risk of sion Questions” at the end of the article.) missing the purpose and meaning of our revealed to anyone. However, that is not lives in our moment. If we do Mysteries of the Kingdom the idea of the "mysteries of the King- not understood what God’s purpose and "Then the disciples came and said to dom" nor the "mysteries of the Gospel." plan was for His people in former Him (Jesus), Why do you speak to God wants to truly disclose the full generations, and how His purpose and them (crowds) in ? And He said measure of His Word and revelation to plan have developed through history to them, (disciples) because it has all. So in this sense in God’s Word it is virtually impossible to see it for our been given to you to know the mysteries there never are any real true secrets. The own. of the kingdom of heaven, but to “mysteries” in the Bible never refers to some revelation, that needs to be kept

VOL 14:2 APR.-JUNE 1997 60 Biblical Worldview Development hidden, something that can only be crowds in parables, and did so on pur- (see Romans 1:5, Romans 16:26, and Acts revealed to the initiated of a club or pose. The text leaves little doubt that 6:7), which is what justifies people members of a select group. the Lord spoke to the crowds in parables then and now. Works, even good works, The basic idea of the biblical so that (for the purpose that, not just done in His name, do not justify any- “mysteries” refers to things that God has as a result of) hearing they would not hear one. Only faith in God and His Word not yet disclosed to people. They are nor understand. does. But it must be serious faith, the undisclosed truths of the Word of The Lord’s intent was not to disclose deep faith in God’s character, including God, or the unrevealed message that the mysteries of the Kingdom to the the trustworthiness of His Word, God has not yet made known to some crowds and multitudes. The mysteries which must eventuate in corresponding people. The question is who are these were only revealed to His disciples. changes in behavior, the kind of faith people, and why has God’s Word not But we ask, Why not to the crowds and that produces obedience to God and His been revealed to them? Also we multitudes? And why only to the dis- Word. That is the faith that saves and might ask, Why has it been revealed to ciples? The answer lies in the variant con- gives us life. This is the faith that will some and not to others? ditions of their hearts. The Lord knew save the world! the hardness of the hearts of the crowds The Gentiles Today as then the Lord wants to and therefore spoke to them only in reveal to us the deep things of His One answer is as follows: God parables. He did this on purpose, "so that Kingdom and Gospel. But He will only do has not revealed His Word nor the Gospel hearing they would not hear," "so that this if we have "ears to hear" and of salvation to the peoples of the seeing they would not see," saying later "eyes to see." He will only reveal it to world, whom the Bible calls "the Gen- on "lest they should perceive with those who want to understand, who tiles" or "the nations" of the earth, their eyes, and hear with their ears, and are willing to believe, whose faith results because they have not heard it. Why understand with their hearts, and turn in obedience. In other words, God haven’t they heard? The Gentile back and be healed" (See Matt. 13:14, 15) will only reveal His Word to those who nations have not heard the Gospel since Why, we ask, would the Lord not want more of Him, whose hearts are the Lord’s laborers (missionaries) want to reveal to the crowds the mystery not hardened, who want to know His pur- have not as yet gone to them. For the Gen- of the Kingdom? The answer must lie pose and plan for the world, who are tiles the Gospel and the Kingdom of in the following: If the Lord had in fact God is a mystery. (See Romans 10:13, 14 willing to line up their lives with it. revealed the mysteries, or disclosed (For a set of questions on the and 15 for this process.) It has not the meaning of the parables to the crowds, “mysteries of the Kingdom” see the “Dis- been disclosed to them, i.e., the Gospel knowing full well that they would not cussion Questions” at the end of the has not been revealed to them, believe, knowing that they would not act article.) because no one has been sent to commu- on what they heard, it would have nicate it to them. For the Gentiles increased their condemnation. Since He By Reason of Use (nations) the Gospel and God’s revelation did not come to condemn but to save In the prior article we started with the in the Bible is a mystery. It will He did not reveal the mysteries of the par- of the wise and foolish man. remain such until someone goes and tells ables to the crowds. It was really the Both heard the words of the Lord, both them the Gospel and teaches them loving thing to do. For that reason Jesus had access to the Word, and both God’s Word. In Ephesians Paul sees the only spoke to crowds in parables. All belonged to the household of faith. Yet mystery of God revealed to the Gen- they heard was interesting stories. only the wise man, who had wisdom, tiles in this way. When the Gospel has In contrast, the Lord knew the survived. We find a very helpful insight been revealed to them, when God’s heart condition of His disciples. He knew into having wisdom and being wise in purpose and plan of redemption in Christ that their hearts were towards Him, Hebrews 5:12-14. It says: "For though by is accomplished among them the mys- open to the things of God, willing to this time you ought to be teachers, teries of the Kingdom cease to be myster- know God and learn of Him and to you need someone to teach you again the ies. (See Eph. 3:8-12 and 6:19, 20) put into practice what He would reveal to first principles of the oracles of God; Heart Condition them. He knew that they would and you have come to need milk and not There is a more subtle meaning believe what He revealed, that they would solid food. For everyone who par- of the “mysteries.” According to the Mat- take it serious enough to act on it. takes only of milk is unskilled in the word thew 13 passage our Lord did not As we have seen before, the Bible of righteousness for he is a babe. But reveal the mysteries to most of the people calls this the "obedience of faith" or solid food belongs to those who are of full who heard him. He spoke to the the "obedience that comes from faith" age, that is, those who by reason of

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRONTIER MISSIONS Hans M. Weerstra 61 use have their senses exercised to discern ity to “discern both .” This how and why existentialism defines both good and evil." is God’s design and will for our lives faith in this way? There are many Christians who as His people. By the obedience of faith 8. Can you see that the Christian faith is should be teachers of others but are we will receive the wisdom of God rational, i.e.,that it is reasonable, not able. Many Christians seem to be per- and become of “full age.” We will that it is not an irrational leap in the petual babes that do not grow up. nor become mature and strong. What Paul dark? Can you see that? What do seemingly can. They need baby food and said will and can happen: We will you think Christian faith is? cannot digest solid food. They are be“complete, thoroughly equipped for 9. What makes nihilism as a world- unskilled in the word of righteousness every good work.” So may it be! view so devastating? From a nihilistic because they are babes and they seem perspective explain why acts of terrorism can be justified as perfectly to remain in that state. Discussion Questions Related to Exis- valid, necessary and good? Why is it that some Christians tentialism, Nihilism and Hedonism: cannot grow up while others do? Hebrews 1. How is existentialism and modern-day 10. In a nihilistic-hedonistic world why 5 gives us the answer: "Solid food humanism related? would it make perfect sense to eat, belongs to those who are of full age, that 2. Is there something appealing to existen- live and be happy for tomorrow we is, those who be reason of use have tialism, especially to so called die? Would you live for number their senses exercised to discern both Christian existentialism? What might one, for yourself, as a nihilist? Would good and evil." The author of that be? you be a hedonist? Why not be a Hebrews is saying that Christians become 3. What is essentially wrong with existen- hedonist, or a modified hedonist, strong and of full age, i.e., they tialism as compared to Christian- maybe a Christian hedonist? become mature in the faith able to teach ity, especially as compared to the bibli- 11. Are you in agreement with the state- others, "by reason of use" i.e., by cal Christian faith and the Word of ment that what makes our Western actually doing the Word of God, or by God and the objective truth revealed in world tick is materialism coupled with obedience do what is right. By such the Word of God? hedonism, based as it is on exis- use they exercise their senses, or they get 4. For biblical Christian life, what authen- tentialism, which is fostered by com- wisdom and understanding, which ticates or validates, and even mercialism? Do you see this is gives them the ability to discern what is determines, whether something is true modern-man's main philosophy of life? good and what is evil. or not true? Even though Chris- Would you say that this as nothing Here is the key: If we never obey the tians do have subjective feeling and else is what destroys modern man's Word of God, or if we never really personal experiences do these soul and life and is leading him use it in our lives, we will remain perpet- make it true simply because they are (enticing him) into ultimate destruc- ual babes, always needing milk experienced? Or is it something tion? instead of solid food. In this state Chris- else, something objective to personal 12. As an assignment, look up in a good tians will never grow up nor ever get introspection, something external dictionary what is meant by deter- the wisdom needed to discern what is to our subjective feelings that deter- minism and fatalism. Then interact good from what is evil. Proverbs mines whether or not something is with the definition. Ask yourself 2:10-12 is to the point: “When wisdom true and is truth? how (fatalism) relates to enters your heart, and knowledge is 5. How does existentialism play hand Christianity as a system of life, pleasant to your soul, discretion will pre- in glove to modern-day relativism and especially to the biblical position con- serve you; understanding will keep pluralism? cerning human freedom. Accord- you, to deliver you from the way of evil. . 6. Do you clearly see that existentialism ing to the Bible, are we essentially free .” Verse 20 adds, “So you may walk as an "introspective humanism" is in our actions and decisions, in our in the way of goodness, and keep to the a very serious enemy of the Christian life as human beings, or are things pre- paths of righteousness.” faith? Have you personally been determined by necessity by God or Therefore, genuine faith in God’s affected by it? To what degree? How by fate/chance or karma and therefore Word is primary. This results in obe- can you, or any Christian, come life is basically fatalistic? Make dience to the Word of God, what Hebrews clean of this modern day stronghold in sure you save your answer and com- 5 calls “by reason of use,” which our hearts and in our worldview? pare it after your study on "free results in maturity, becoming “of full 7. Do you see that faith as defined in exis- acts" in lesson two, and lesson four age,” strong in the Lord, which pro- tentialism is irrational, that it truly coming up in the course. duces wisdom in us that gives us the abil- is a leap in the dark? Can you explain 13. How does your dictionary define

VOL 14:2 APR.-JUNE 1997 62 Biblical Worldview Development

? Is this an essential Christian 7. How can we get to see the big picture strong Christians, able to stand and position? Is it a viable biblical of the whole Bible without know- survive the trials of life, while oth- position? If not, why not? What is ing every every chapter and every ers buckle under? Some can survive basically wrong with a deistic verse of every book, without the winds and currents while oth- worldview? knowing every detail of the Bible? Is ers are destroyed? Does this have any- this possible? How is it possible? thing to do with the mysteries of Discussion Questions on the Inspired 8. What does 2 Peter 1:19-21 say about the Kingdom? Does it have anything to Scriptures and Biblical Theology: the Bible or about prophecy of do with developing a Christian 1. Why do Christians call the Bible the Scripture? What does this mean for biblical worldview? Explain. Word of God? What makes it the you personally? Please explain. 4. What have you learned about build- Word of God? 9. What is the main difference between ing firm foundations for your life as a 2. What do some of the above pas- systematic theology and biblical- Christian? How does this compare sages in Deuteronomy, Proverbs, Mat- ? to developing a strong biblical world- thew and John teach? Please study 10. What are the main hallmarks of view? some of these great passage concern- biblical theology? What are some pit- 5. For your personal reference, list the ing the Bible's own witness about falls of systematic theology? most important concepts (key con- itself. 11. How can we see and understand the cepts) that you have learned in this fist 3. Why do we need life from God? purpose for our generation today? lesson. Also list the ways you plan Don't we have life already? Isn't the 12. If we study the Bible chronologically, to apply them to your life. Remember, life we have enough? Will the life beginning in Genesis and then see it is one thing to hold beliefs theo- we now have just keep on going by retically, but quiet another to hold what develops over time, closely itself, including after we die? Do observing what God does and says them as operational. Ask yourself, you know what the Bible says about from generation to generation, all the how can I make the new insights and these important questions of ulti- way through the book of Revela- the new beliefs operational in my mate reality? tion, what would you discover? What life? How do they, how can they 4. What do you think it means that the do you think is the central integrat- become operational in the lives of Scriptures are inspired by God? What ing theme of the whole Bible? Can you believers? does that tell as about the Scrip- explain what it is or what it would 6. Do you think other Christians tures and what does that mean for us be? should learn these key concepts? Can who read and study the Scriptures, you help them teach them so they who have access to the Scriptures? can also learn them? How would you Discussion Questions on the Mysteries 5. What does it mean when we say go about that? that the Bible is inspired? If it is of the Kingdom: inspired is it trustworthy? Why is 1. What should we understand with the that? biblical idea of the "mysteries of Dr. Hans Weerstra served as a mission- 6. Why should we believe what the the Kingdom" or the "mysteries of the Scriptures say about the origin of the Gospel"? Are they deep secrets ary in Southern Mexico for more universe and life and humanity as that only a few are will know, that no than 20 years. He is the editor of the being created by God? Is it trustworthy one is really supposed to know? International Journal of Frontier in this area? Can we trust it to be 2. Why does God reveal His Word and Missions. With his wife Judy he directs true in giving us historical facts that purpose to some and not to others? the Southwest Center for World occurred 2,000 years ago, or 3,000 Apply that to your own heart and life? Missions located in El Paso, TX. or 6,000 or more years ago? 3. What makes some Christians