WAFFLE: A Graph for WordNet Applied to Free-Form Linguistic Exploration

Berk Ekmekci & Blake Howald Thomson Reuters Special Services, LLC 1410 Spring Hill Road, Suite 125 Mclean, VA 221022 [berk.ekmekci, blake.howald]@trssllc.com

Abstract [establishment.n.04] - a public or private struc- ture including buildings and equipment for busi- The WordNet database of English (Fellbaum, 1998) is a key source of semantic informa- ness or residence tion for research and development of natu- [establishment.n.05] - any large corporation ral language processing applications. As the [establishment.n.06] - (ecology) the process by sophistication of these applications increases which a plant or animal becomes established in a with the use of large datasets, deep learn- ing, and graph-based methods, so should the new habitat use of WordNet. To this end, we introduce [establishment.n.07] - the cognitive process of es- WAFFLE: WordNet Applied to FreeForm Lin- tablishing a valid proof guistic Exploration which makes WordNet available in an open source graph data struc- Each of these senses are organized by individ- ture. The WAFFLE graph relies on platform- ual synsets (synonym sets) and labeled for refer- agnostic formats for robust interrogation and ence with a .part-of-speech.number structure. flexibility. Where existing implementations of Sysnsets include definitions, examples, lemmas, WordNet offer dictionary-like lookup, single- synonyms (e.g. establishment.n.01 is equivalent degree neighborhood operations, and path- to constitution.n.02) and are organized into larger based similarity-scoring, the WAFFLE graph hierarchical relationships (Figure1), which can fa- makes all nodes (semantic relation sets) and re- lationships queryable at scale, enabling local cilitate the computation of paths between synsets and global analysis of all relationships with- to quantitatively approximate word similarity. For out the need for custom code. We demonstrate example, there are 2 hops (steps up or down the hi- WAFFLE’s ease of use, visualization capabil- erarchy) between establishment.n.02 and .05 com- ities, and scalable efficiency with common pared to 9 hops between .02 and .06 (organized in- queries, operations, and interactions. WAF- stitutions being more like corporations rather than github.com/TRSS-NLP/ FLE is available at plants or animals establishing a new habitat). WAFFLE. Figure1 is based on noun hypernym and hy- 1 Introduction ponym relations, but WordNet includes additional parts of speech (verb, adjective, adverb) and asso- WordNet (Miller, 1995; Fellbaum, 1998) is a ciated relations - e.g. entailment between verbs, database of English with associated lexical antonyms between adjectives, and derivationally properties and semantic relations. For example, related forms for all parts-of-speech. WordNet has WordNet includes seven semantically distinct been used for building dictionary and thesaurus ap- senses for the noun “establishment”: plications as well as a range of natural language processing tasks such as: word sense disambigua- the act [establishment.n.01/constitution.n.02] - tion tasks (Patwardhan et al., 2003; Navigli, 2009; of forming or establishing something Loureiro and Jorge, 2019), document retrieval [establishment.n.02/institution.n.01] - an organi- (Rada et al., 1989; Srihari et al., 2000), informa- zation founded and united for a specific purpose tion extraction (Stevenson and Greenwood, 2005; [establishment.n.03/administration.n.02] - the Atkinson et al., 2009), and querying (Bulskov et al., persons who make up a body for the purpose of 2002; Li et al., 2003) for recommender (Blanco- administering something Fernandez´ et al., 2008) and question-answer (Tapeh

147 Proceedings of Second Workshop for NLP Open Source Software (NLP-OSS), pages 147–157 Virtual Conference, November 19, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics Figure 1: WordNet is-a (noun-based hypernym/hyponyms) hierarchy for establishment. and Rahgozar, 2008) systems. approaches. Section4 discusses related methods of The current version of WordNet (117,000 WordNet access. Section5 concludes with WAF- synsets in version 3.1 with 27 relation types) is FLE’s access and licensing details with plans for available through an interactive browser, APIs, future versions. and stand alone database files which can be cus- tomized.1 However, beyond recreating common 2 WAFFLE Graph Overview functionality, we believe there is an increasing need 2.1 Data Format for the availability of WordNet in an open source graph-based data structure to support large-scale Per its official description, WordNet’s database is use and research (e.g. for (Yuan et al., made available in: 2016; Diao et al., 2018; Vial et al., 2019; Kobylin- ski and Wasiluk, 2019), hierarchical embeddings ... an ASCII format consisting of eight (Bernardy and Maskharashvili, 2019), and graph- files, two for each syntactic category. Ad- based approaches generally (Naskre¸t et al., 2018; ditional files are used by the WordNet Pinter and Eisenstein, 2018). These use cases lever- search code but are not strictly part of age not only the content of WordNet, but need to the database.... Each index file is an al- do so with increasing sensitivity to the structure phabetized list of all the words found of WordNet. This is not only to operate more effi- in WordNet in the corresponding part of ciently, but to open up additional potential avenues speech. On each line, following the word, of research. To satisfy this need, we present WAF- is a list of byte offsets (synset offset s) in FLE: WordNet Applied to FreeForm Linguistic the corresponding data file, one for each Exploration as a fully-connected queryable graph synset containing the word.... Pointers representation of WordNet to provide: (1) flexibil- are followed and hierarchies traversed ity in exploring all of WordNet’s relations across by moving from one synset to another via synsets and hierarchies rather than particular part- the synset offset s.2 of-speech-based subgraphs; (2) scalable processing for large datasets; and (3) support for all common The two files for each syntactic category refer to operations on WordNet (look-up, similarity mea- a data and an index file, with the data file holding sures). attributes and relationships of each word in Word- The remainder of this paper is structured as fol- Net and index containing the mapping of words to lows: Section2 introduces the details of WAF- synsets present in the data file. These relationships FLE’s graph structure, computation and descriptive and indices are defined as byte offsets, which have statistics. Section3 demonstrates common Word- the advantage of allowing for APIs working with Net operations compared to non-graph structure the WordNet files to quickly traverse the datafile at

1http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/ 2https://wordnet.princeton.edu/ webwn frequently-asked-questions

148 Figure 2: (a) The core constellation of all wordsense-wordsense relationships within WordNet, with nodes colored and scaled according to degree (darker and smaller = lower degree; brighter and larger = higher degree). In addition to the central network containing interconnected wordsenses, there exist many disconnected sub-networks that appear when synsets are not rendered. Several of these isolated networks are visible surrounding the main network. (b) A detailed view of the northwest corner of the graph in (a), with closely clustered neighborhoods visible as well as long chains of wordsenses that link otherwise disparate regions. query-time, but come at the cost of being an unintu- (Bastian et al., 2009) and Cytoscape.3 For addi- itive relationship-building and indexing scheme for tional utility, WAFFLE also exports the graph as a humans. Further, the number of columns in each single .graphml file, a widely-supported graph in- row within both index and data files are variable; terchange format that contains both node and edge for instance, a data entry with 3 synset-to-synset information (Brandes et al., 2002).4 WAFFLE is relationships will have 8 more columns than an designed to work with the version 3.3 data provided entry with 1 such relationship, as each relation- on GitHub under Apache 2.0 license by the main- ship introduces 4 new fields. This design choice tainers of the Natural Language Tool Kit (“NLTK”) makes the data terse, but increases user effort to (Bird et al., 2009), but is compatible with any data parse the structure of and relationships within each following the WordNet specification.5 In the spirit row when loading into relational formats, graph of open source software and compatible with the databases, and desktop network analysis software. original Wordnet 3.0 license, we present all origi- nal components of WAFFLE on GitHub under an open MIT license.6 WAFFLE parses the data within the data file and reformats the results into graph representations that 2.2 Construction Methodology trade off representation compactness (previously optimized for quick on-disk or in-memory lookup) WAFFLE runs in Python 3 (Van Rossum and Drake, for human-legibility and advanced graph analysis 2009), and combines a custom parser for the Word- when loaded into supported tools (c.f. Section 2.2). Net format with auxiliary functions to construct The essential form of the transformed data format an in-memory graph using the NetworkX library is that of a node list and edge list, output as .CSV (Hagberg et al., 2008). The resulting graph contains and .JSON files. These files catalog the attributes 3https://cytoscape.org (e.g. type, part-of-speech, definition, example sen- 4Specification found at https://graphml. tences) and relationships (i.e. source node, type, graphdrawing.org/specification.html 5 edge attributes, and target node) of each item in https://github.com/nltk/wordnet 6https://wordnet.princeton.edu/ WordNet, respectively. This representation is ready license-and-commercial-use, and https: for import in such network analysis tools as Gephi //opensource.org/licenses/MIT

149 approximately 288,000 nodes and 392,000 relation- not yet its identity (the synset it belongs to may ships between them, and offers a starting point for be later in the file). Consequently, the synset-to- the application of any of NetworkX’s network-level wordsense memberships are stored in a separate analysis algorithms, including clustering, central- dictionary and relationships that belong to this cat- ity, link prediction, graph cutting, similarity, and egory are saved. Once the synset-to-synset rela- shortest pathfinding families of operations.7 tionships are all constructed and the file iteration The graph construction begins with an initial complete, the remaining relationships are traversed parse of the data files, loading into memory synset and edges created. This results in a complete, byte- and word attributes from each line sequentially offset-resolved data format. As synsets have no through each part-of-speech’s own file. For each representation other than their conceptual meaning, line, a dictionary is constructed to hold the synset they are identified by their offsets as primary keys data with the following structure and key attributes: in the WAFFLE graph. • offset: byte offset for lookup of relationships At this stage, the output is in its most flexi- • type: part of speech type ble form and users looking for maximum versa- • words: a list of word dictionaries containing tility should take the .CSV and .JSON node list – lemma and edge list outputs as starting points for their – sense: the numerical representation of work. For users interested in analyzing WordNet which use of the lemma the synset de- within Python, WAFFLE also constructs a Net- scribes workX graph from the in-memory representations • nPointers: number of outbound pointers the of this data, annotating edge labels and weights synset has that are exported into a .graphml format for graph • pointers: a list of pointer dictionaries contain- transformations and further manipulation. ing – symbol: the WordNet specified symbol 2.3 Graph Overview and Summary Statistics representing relationship type (enumer- ated in Table1) The WAFFLE graph contains 117,478 nodes of – offset: the target byte offset of the pointer type synset, 170,479 wordsense, and 391,949 edges – pos: part of speech of the pointer spanning membership relations and 26 other seman- – source/target: a special 4-digit hexadeci- tic relationship symbols. Table1 provides a break- mal designation from WordNet that deter- down of total edges in the network by relationship mines the specificity of the relationship, type, and Figure2 illustrates a top-level look at e.g. from a certain word-sense belonging the information content of WordNet’s relationships. to this synset to another word-sense, or Figure3 showcases the different presentations of from the synset to another synset. the WordNet data that subgraph extracts and trans- formations on the base graph structure can provide. This initial traversal and load from the data files creates a full representation of WordNet in such a 2.4 Graph Transformations way that synset, word, and lemma relationships can all be individually output and relationships traced The graph of synset-to-synset, wordsense-to- to one another without the need for reference to wordsense, and synset-to-wordsense relationships the index file. The second pass through involves across the 27 relationships (Table1) represents the the building of a node list containing all synset and most heterogeneous form of the WordNet graph. word information as well as an edge-list contain- While this form is a good starting point for famil- ing relationships by name rather than by offset. If, iarizing with WordNet’s structure, it can be useful however, the source/target field of a pointer des- to condense either multiple edge types together ignates that the relationship is from a synset to a or represent parallel edges as one, import into a wordsense, wordsense to synset, or wordsense to database-specific format, or study only wordsense- wordsense, it is possible that the reference is to to-wordsense relationships wherein a common a wordsense that is known only by its offset and shared synset induces an edge between wordsenses. WAFFLE provides avenues for these transforma- 7https://networkx.github.io/ documentation/stable/reference/ tions, each of which serves as a template for further algorithms/index.html user-driven customization.

150 Symbol Relationship Count language script for importing WordNet into Neo4j, has member Synset Membership 208353 ∼ Hyponym 89174 a prominent desktop and server-deployable graph @ Hypernym 89174 database, using its officially-supported APOC + Derivationally Related 74591 (Awesome Procedures On Cypher) plugin.8 This & Similar To 21434 #m Member Holonym 12288 enables the WAFFLE-produced graph to be readily- %m Member Meronym 12288 queryable by local and remote applications as well %p Part Meronym 9111 as data analysts issuing Cypher. Analyzing Word- #p Part Holonym 9111 @i Instance Hypernym 8587 Net through the use of a powerful graph query ∼i Instance Hyponym 8587 language like Cypher opens the door to direct path- \ Pertainym to Noun or 8054 Derived from Adjective based querying of the data, as illustrated in the ! Antonym 7983 Figure3. -c Domain Member Topic 6689 ;c Synset Domain Topic 6689 2.4.3 Expanded Graph Flexibility ∧ Also See 3276 $ Verb Group 1744 For the analysis of words in specific senses and -r Domain Member Region 1498 their relations to one another, users may only want ;r Synset Domain Region 1498 to consider synsets as stepping stones to and from -u Domain Member Usage 1368 ;u Synset Domain Usage 1368 specific wordsenses, and in so doing analyze their = Attribute 1278 relationships only by proxy. To achieve this, a #s Substance Holonym 797 transformation of the graph through the following %s Substance Meronym 797 ∗ Entailment 408 Cypher can be conducted: > Cause 221 MATCH (w1:Wordsense)-[:has_member]-(s: < Participle of Verb 73 Synset)-[:has_member]->(w2:Wordsense)

Table 1: WordNet relations and counts in the WHERE id(w1) > id(w2) WAFFLE graph. Availability of relations is keyed MERGE (w1)-[:shared_synset]-(w2) to part of speech (https://wordnet.princeton. edu/documentation/wninput5wn). From this point, the direct wordsense-to- wordsense relationships can be explored and sub- graphs extracted, providing an intuitive perspec- 2.4.1 Edge Condensation and Weighting tive towards exploring semantic relations of words and their shared meanings. This approach con- WAFFLE provides an optional step in the graph denses the total number of synset-membership- creation process that normalizes each of the 27 se- based edges in half (each new edge represents two mantic relationships (many are directional inverses original connections), optimizing the memory foot- of one another – e.g. hypernymy and hyponymy) print and query structure. into a single edge type of connectedness, and stores Compared to the full synset-inclusive graph, this the count of relationships condensed between any representation is both visually-accessible and en- two nodes in the graph as the weight between them. ables wordsense-to-wordsense pathfinding that nei- Although this edge condensation certainly results in ther the original graph nor references to the Word- a reduction of total information content, it presents Net data and index files provide (directly or in a the advantages of edge normalization and creation specific API). A count of degrees of separation of bidirectionally-weighted edges between nodes. in this graph of directly-linked words translates This makes the treatment of the graph as homoge- simply to how many synsets (or other direct con- neous in centrality and betweenness calculations nections) away from one another the two words more immediately accessible. are. Similarly, by abstracting away the synset-to- 2.4.2 Graph Database Import synset relationships, users of this particular view do not need to resolve polarity, or semantic di- Although NetworkX and Python provide a pow- rectionality, of the many synset-to-synset relation- erful platform for in-memory graph creation and ships and can focus on the introduced necessarily- analysis, potential users of WordNet may be inter- equivalent “shared synset” relationships. Although ested in loading and querying WordNet from within a user’s graph database. To this end, WAFFLE pro- 8The pure Cypher (non-APOC) components of this work- flow are applicable as well to any database supporting duces a .graphml output that is ready for import the Cypher language. See https://www.opencypher. into a graph database, and includes a Cypher query- org and https://www.neo4j.com

151 direct wordsense-to-wordsense relationships en- computation, and accordingly, stand to suit com- coded in WordNet are retained by this example mon methods of information retrieval just as well transformation, users can modify the Cypher or as graph-based approaches. Despite their simplic- remove these connections before their analyses to ity, these lookups are a very natural place to begin ensure homogeneity of edge-types. As a result, investigation of linguistics using WordNet and of- node-level (e.g. degree, betweenness centrality) fer a direct comparison between NLTK-equivalent statistics and neighborhood (e.g. community de- standalone wn WordNet API and WAFFLE. For tection) operations can be produced where each ease of reproduction and generalization, several edge is directly comparable to all other edges in the WAFFLE graph examples are provided as Cypher network. Both this format of the WordNet graph queries. and the synset-inclusive form are available with the Synset lookup by lemma in NLTK re- WAFFLE source code (c.f. Section5). turns a list of Sysnset objects that cor- respond to the called lemma, in this case 2.4.4 Subgraph Extraction wn.synsets(‘establishment’) , no- Subgraph extraction using WAFFLE enables fo- tably including synsets that do not have a cused views such as the examples in Figure3. This wordsense corresponding to the lemma queried: process is useful not just for creating publication- ready graphics, but also for targeted exploration of Synset(‘constitution.n.02’) Synset(‘institution.n.01’) specific regions of the full WordNet. A traditional Synset(‘administration.n.02’) example of subgraph extraction involves selecting Synset(‘establishment.n.04’) ... a seed group of nodes and including nodes isometri- Synset(‘establishment.n.07’) cally from that core. More creative and specialized subgraphs such as those containing all nodes and This can be attributed to the way that wn identifies induced edges within one degree of the shortest these synset lookups, ordering them based on fre- spanning path between two wordsenses or synsets quency counts from WordNet concordance texts.10 can be created as well. This flexibility in navi- By comparison, the equivalent Cypher query: gating and observing the WordNet graph through MATCH (w:Wordsense)-[:has_member]-(s: WAFFLE not as a tree structure but as a non-rooted Synset) WHERE w.lemma = " graph structure offers unique opportunities. These establishment" RETURN s comparisons, as well as a treatment of analogous is more verbose, but precisely describes the rela- functionality, are featured in Section3. tionship between what’s being matched (a word- 3 Features, Strengths, and Comparisons sense with the exact lemma) and what’s being re- turned (a synset with membership relation). Be- While novel in structure, WAFFLE parallels but cause of the design of the WAFFLE graph, synsets does not present itself as a replacement to exist- are identified not by a single exemplar usage, but ing representations and forms of access to Word- by a unique identifier corresponding to the synset’s Net. For comparison, we present several canoni- original byte offset. This trade-off reduces the cal operations performed on WordNet through its opportunity for synset misinterpretation, and all WAFFLE-processed form and as accessed through wordsenses belonging to a synset can be retrieved NLTK. We break common functionality associated through an inversion of the original query: with WordNet into: (1) Information Retrieval; (2) MATCH (s:Synset {id:someID})-[: Synset Relationship-finding; (3) Computation of has_member]-(w:Wordsense) RETURN w. Semantic “Distance”; and (4) Visualization. For lemma each category, we present examples and in This operation is done in wn by calling the 9 both WAFFLE and the NLTK WordNet wn library. .lemmas() function of a Synset object. This theme of terseness being exchanged for 3.1 Information Retrieval flexibility and explicitness in WAFFLE contin- Lookup operations treat WordNet as an informa- ues for definition and example lookups on synset tion repository rather than a structure or tool for objects. These operations are handled by the

9https://www.nltk.org/_modules/nltk/ 10https://wordnet.princeton.edu/ corpus/reader/wordnet.html documentation/wn1wn

152 Figure 3: For the lemma establishment: (a) The uncondensed graph view of any wordsense (turquoise) with the lemma and all connections within 3 degrees of those wordsense nodes. The direct relationships of wordsenses (dark teal) to one another is not very clear, but the overall topology and role of synsets (light blue-grey) in bridging relationships is made clear. (b) The condensed wordsense-only graph view of wordsenses and all shared synset and syntactic relationships within 4 degrees of those nodes. The connections between individual wordsenses is much more clear compared to (a), but senses that do not have any direct relationships to another wordsense or shared synsets – in this case one of the three wordsenses – are not included in this transformation. Node size is modulated by degree.

.definition() and .examples() func- outweigh the original advantage in terseness a tra- tion calls in wn. For WAFFLE, these values are ditional interface to the data offers. stored as properties (attributes) of the synset object nodes in the graph and closely align to the style 3.2 Synset Relationship-finding of retrieval in wn. For example, the Cypher query Relationship-finding is an operation that graphs used to retrieve the definition of any word with its are configured to perform, and graph-querying lan- associated numerical synset identifier (n874164 - guages like Cypher designed to express. As a result, demonstrative 0) is: WAFFLE presents a method of working with famil- MATCH (s:Synset {id:someID}) RETURN s. iar relationships and introduces the ability to easily definition specify graph traversals in WordNet that would oth- Considering these are attribute-lookup opera- erwise have recalled many individually-chained or tions rather than path-traversal operations, no graph recursive function calls. pattern matching is required. However, in the event In practice, single-level depth relationship oper- that all definitions for synsets containing a certain ations in wn are straightforward: individual func- lemma in their word sense were to be investigated, tions belonging to the Synset object will return the the associated Cypher query combines two wn calls result of the immediate neighbor lookup - e.g. Ta- and organizes results into a single query. Returning ble2. In the WAFFLE graph, the following query to our example, in order to look up all definitions illustrates beginning at a target wordsense and find- for synsets that contain words of the lemma “estab- ing synsets related to its parent synset – in this case lishment”, the Cypher would be: with the @ (hypernym) relationship. MATCH (w:Wordsense)-[:member\of]-(s: Synset) WHERE w.lemma =" MATCH (w:Wordsense)-[:has_member]-(s1: establishment" RETURN s.definition Synset)-[:@]-(s2:Synset) RETURN s2 As the desired lookup becomes more complex, MATCH p=(w:Wordsense)-[:has_member]-(s1: the value of concisely stating the information re- Synset)-[:@]-(s2:Synset) RETURN p trieval task as a graph look-up begins to quickly

153 NLTK return queries, configurable to report on only one type of .hypernyms() [body.n.02] .hyponyms() [county council.n.01, edge or multiple edge types, can be used to find curia.n.01, path lengths from synsets or wordsense to one an- executive.n.02, other, but these results would be incomparable to government officials.n.01, management.n.02, the specific calculations underlying each similarity judiciary.n.01, or lowest-common ancestor lookup. top brass.n.01] The same superimposition of multiple WordNet .part holonyms() [government.n.01] .member meronyms() [advisory board.n.01] hierarchies that makes WAFFLE directly incom- parable to existing similarity measures offers a Table 2: Example NLTK wn relation calls and returns novel approach to similarity and pathfinding in the for the Synset object “establishment.n.03”. WordNet data: the identification and exploration of cyclic structures in WordNet is now explicitly Any of the relation symbols (c.f. Table1) can defined. Furthermore, WAFFLE’s flexibility to be be substituted in the query to replace the hypernym transformed on a graph level is unmatched by wn. relationship with the semantic relation of interest. The transformation in Section2 is but one example It is worth noting that two of the relationships share of modifying the base graph structure to create a the \ relationship symbol, which represents either purpose-built representation. a noun pertainym or derivation from an adjective 3.4 Visualization based on context and results in a total of 26 unique syntactic edge labels within the WAFFLE graph. Building and visualizing graph structures using NetworkX and Matplotlib in wn is possible.11 How- 3.3 Computation of Semantic “Distance” ever, the nature and scope of these created graphs is NLTK’s wn provides a number of distance op- tied to and limited by the funnel of the API design. erations to quantify differences between shared For wn, an example of this limitation is that each synsets (common in wordsense disambiguation and graph query must involve recursive calls to the re- document/query similarity tasks). In general, meth- lationships branching out from a word, lemma, or ods for computing path similarity range from sim- synset of interest. In contrast, fluid and customiz- ple (number of hops in a hierarchy) to complex - able graph visualization is one of the foremost de- e.g. Leacock-Chodorow (Leacock and Chodorow, sign principles behind the structure and format of 1998) or Wu-Palmer (Wu and Palmer, 1994) simi- WAFFLE. larities in Table3. Graph data structures lend themselves naturally to network visualization, and the provision of mul- NLTK return Lowest Common Hypernym [Subsumer] tiple data formats in common interchange formats .lowest common hypernyms() entity.n.01 and specific scripts for loading and transformation Shortest Path (1/number of hops) in Cypher-enabled platforms creates a platform on .path similarity() 0.0833 Leacock-Chodorow similarity which all users are invited to explore and expand. .lch similarity() 1.1526 Figures2 and3 are but introductory examples of Wu-Palmer similarity the types of visualization that WAFFLE can be .wup similarity() 0.1538 used to generate in the study of linguistic relations Table 3: NLTK path similarities for comparing the and the structure of language in general. Synset objects wn.synset(“establishment.n.03”) and wn.synset(“establishment.n.04”). 4 Related Work There are many ways of accessing the content These functionalities are unique to wn because WordNet beyond the the database files which al- of its model of WordNet as a tree structure, where lows for a tremendous amount of choice in devel- traversals up and down the tree – up to and includ- oping against WordNet.12 Further, NLTK and com- ing the root nodes that bind each conceptual cate- parable packages from WordNet::Similarity (Peder- gory (e.g. “entity”) – provide markers of similarity sen et al., 2004) and spaCy, to name a few, provide and distance. In WAFFLE, there is no concept 11 of moving up or down individual hierarchies; in- Bird et al.(2009, 170-171) and https://www.nltk. org/book/ch14.html stead, these traversals in granularity and specificity 12https://wordnet.princeton.edu/ represent directional edges in the graph. Distance related-projects

154 comprehensive approaches to exploring not only ical forms and other semantic annotations (existing the content, but also the structure of WordNet.13 as “standoff” files; and (3) multi-lingual connec- However, compared to WAFFLE, these existing tions through with Open Multilingual Wordnet and offerings facilitate one-off to moderately-scalable potentially others referenced in Section4. 15 investigations; given more to exploratory research and processing rather than use with large data sets, Acknowledgments sophisticated applications, or classes of problems Thank you to Peter Chang, Ian Coffman, Saul Dorf- that need to leverage the structural elements of man, Andrew Follmann, Eleanor Hagerman, and WordNet. Spencer Torene for early feedback and multiple re- Some existing offerings are more oriented to views. Thank you also to three anonymous review- graph-based structures. For example, the Global ers from NLP-OSS for suggested improvements WordNet Association does produce formats (JSON, and constructive comments which improved the XML, RDF) that could be easily translated into final version of this paper. graph data structures but introduce a number of ad- ditional relationships that reflect ongoing research and linkage to multi-lingual .14 Similarly, References FrameNet (Baker et al., 1998) is graph-based and John Atkinson, Anita Ferreira, and Elvis Aravena. accessible with NLTK, but provides more seman- 2009. Discovering implicit intention-level knowl- tic and syntactic connections within the context of edge from natural-language texts. Knowledge- frame semantics with no direct link to WordNet. Based Systems, 22(7):502–508. ConceptNet (Speer et al., 2017) is graph-based as Collin F. Baker, Charles J. Fillmore, and John B. Lowe. well with a closer relationship to WordNet with 1998. The berkeley project. In Proceed- explicit external linking, but is focused on a much ings of COLING-ACL 98, pages 86–90. broader range of information for natural language Mathieu Bastian, Sebastien Heymann, and Mathieu Ja- understanding, common sense reasoning, crowd comy. 2009. Gephi: An open source software for sourced knowledge, etc. Future connections to exploring and manipulating networks. In Proceed- these offerings will be explored, but, as is introduce ings of the International AAAI Conference on We- a number of additional complexities that WAFFLE blogs and Social Media. seeks to avoid. Jean-Philippe Bernardy and Aleksandre Maskha- rashvili. 2019. Two experiments for embedding 5 Availability and Future Work wordnet hierarchy into vector spaces. In Pro- ceedings of the Tenth Global Wordnet Conference, We have presented WAFFLE, an open source graph pages 78–84. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki data structure that relies upon platform-agnostic for- Wrocławskiej. mats to facilitate robust interrogation and flexibility Steven Bird, Edward Loper, and Ewan Klein. when using WordNet in research or applications. 2009. Natural Language Processing with Python. WAFFLE’s software, example load scripts, and the O’Reilly Media Inc. associated figures and graph files are available at Yolanda Blanco-Fernandez,´ Jose´ J. Pazos-Arias, Al- github.com/TRSS-NLP/WAFFLE. berto Gil-Solla, Manuel Ramos-Cabrer, Mart´ın While we encourage users to capitalize on the Lopez-Nores,´ Jorge Garc´ıa-Duque, Ana Fernandez-´ advantages afforded by the design and transforma- Vilas, Rebeca P. D´ıaz-Redondo, and Jesus´ Bermejo- tions presented in Section2 to implement the Word- Munoz.˜ 2008. A flexible semantic inference method- ology to reason about user preferences in knowledge- Net data in entirely new ways, we envisage several based recommender systems. Knowledge-Based avenues of augmentation: (1) linking WAFFLE to Systems, 21(4):305–320. corpora to perform more sophisticated path mea- sures using information content (Jiang and Con- Ulrik Brandes, Markus Eiglsperger, Ivan Herman, Michael Himsolt, and Marshall S. Marshall. 2002. rath, 1997; Lin, 1998; Resnik, 1995) and associated Graphml progress report: Structural layer proposal. word embeddings; (2) connecting additional Word- In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium Net information such as morphosemantic links, log- Graph Drawing (GD2001, LNCS 2256, pages 501– 512. Springer-Verlag. 13https://spacy.io/universe/project/ spacy-wordnet 15See https://wordnet.princeton.edu/ 14http://globalwordnet.github.io/ download and https://compling.hss.ntu.edu. schemas/ sg/omw/

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