Named Entity Extraction for Knowledge Graphs: a Literature Overview

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Named Entity Extraction for Knowledge Graphs: a Literature Overview Received December 12, 2019, accepted January 7, 2020, date of publication February 14, 2020, date of current version February 25, 2020. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2973928 Named Entity Extraction for Knowledge Graphs: A Literature Overview TAREQ AL-MOSLMI , MARC GALLOFRÉ OCAÑA , ANDREAS L. OPDAHL, AND CSABA VERES Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, 5007 Bergen, Norway Corresponding author: Tareq Al-Moslmi ([email protected]) This work was supported by the News Angler Project through the Norwegian Research Council under Project 275872. ABSTRACT An enormous amount of digital information is expressed as natural-language (NL) text that is not easily processable by computers. Knowledge Graphs (KG) offer a widely used format for representing information in computer-processable form. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is therefore needed for mining (or lifting) knowledge graphs from NL texts. A central part of the problem is to extract the named entities in the text. The paper presents an overview of recent advances in this area, covering: Named Entity Recognition (NER), Named Entity Disambiguation (NED), and Named Entity Linking (NEL). We comment that many approaches to NED and NEL are based on older approaches to NER and need to leverage the outputs of state-of-the-art NER systems. There is also a need for standard methods to evaluate and compare named-entity extraction approaches. We observe that NEL has recently moved from being stepwise and isolated into an integrated process along two dimensions: the first is that previously sequential steps are now being integrated into end-to-end processes, and the second is that entities that were previously analysed in isolation are now being lifted in each other's context. The current culmination of these trends are the deep-learning approaches that have recently reported promising results. INDEX TERMS Knowledge graphs, natural-language processing, named-entity extraction, named-entity recognition, named-entity disambiguation, named-entity linking. I. INTRODUCTION Processing (NLP) and other types of information extraction Knowledge Graphs (KG) [1]–[3] were introduced to wider techniques. One of the central challenges is to identify the use by Google in 2012 to precisely interlink data that could entities mentioned in the text. These entities can be either be used, in their case, to assist search queries [4]. In a KG, named entities that refer to individuals or abstract concepts. the nodes represent either concrete objects, concepts, infor- Because entities can be represented as nodes in KGs and mation resources, or data about them, and the edges represent relations as edges, KGs are a natural way of representing semantic relations between the nodes [5]. Knowledge graphs NL text in computer-processable form. This paper therefore thus offer a widely used format for representing information presents a literature overview of recent advances in one in computer-processable form. They build on, and are heavily research area that is central for lifting NL texts to KGs: inspired by, Tim Berners-Lee's vision of the semantic web, that of extracting named entities from texts, or Named Entity a machine-processable web of data that augments the original Extraction (NEE) [7]. NEE is a task that involves recog- web of human-readable documents [6]. KGs can therefore nising the mention of the named entity in the text (NER), leverage existing standards such as RDF, RDFS, and OWL. disambiguating its possible references (NED), and linking the In practice, however, KGs tend to be less formal than the named entity to an object in a knowledge base (NEL). ontology-based semantic web promoted in [6]. In this fast-moving area, the paper presents an overview At the same time, an abundance of information on the of how the research front has moved over the last 5 years. internet is being expressed as natural language (NL) text To identify suitable articles we have searched six digi- that is not easily processable by computers. Making all tal libraries: ACM, IEEE, Science Direct, Springer, WoS, this text available to computers requires Natural Language and Google Scholar. Papers that investigated approaches to named-entity extraction, were published in 2014–2019, The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and and had sufficient quality were then considered further, approving it for publication was Victor Hugo Albuquerque . whereas low-quality or out-of-scope papers were excluded. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see 32862 VOLUME 8, 2020 T. Al-Moslmi et al.: Named Entity Extraction for KG: Literature Overview We searched for papers that explored at least one of the main tasks (NER, NED, and NEL) on the path from NL text to KG. A total of 362 articles were identified based on abstract filtering, and 89 papers remained after closer FIGURE 1. From natural language (NL) to knowledge graphs (KG). screening. These remaining main papers were categorized as either NER, NED, or NEL core papers according to the task they focused on. We used snowballing to identify a few additional papers referenced by other main papers. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: SectionII presents the background for our work. Section III constitutes the bulk of the paper and reviews recent approaches to lifting named entities in NL texts to KGs. Section IV discusses the current state of the art, before Section V concludes the paper and suggests further work. FIGURE 2. Natural-language processing (NLP) tasks. II. BACKGROUND Figure1 shows the path from collections of NL documents This section explains the most central concepts used in the through NLP to KGs. paper. III. REPRESENTING NAMED ENTITIES IN KGs A. NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING A named entity is an individual such as a person, organization, Natural-language processing (NLP) attempts to enable com- location, or event. A mention is a piece of text that refers to puters to process human language in meaningful ways [8]. an entity. For example, [9] describes NLP as ``an area of research As already mentioned, extracting named entities from texts and application that explores how computers can be used to and representing them as nodes in KGs involves three main understand and manipulate natural-language text or speech to tasks: Named Entity Recognition (NER) attempts to find do useful things''. NLP is commonly used to derive semantics every segment in a text that mentions a named entity. Named from text or speech and to encode it in a structured format that Entity Disambiguation (NED) attempts to determine which is suitable for semantic search [7] and other types of computer named entity a mention refers to; for example, the mention processing. Many well-established techniques and tools are ``Trump'' can refer to either a person, a corporation or a build- already available for this purpose, such as GATE [10] and 1 ing. Named Entity Linking (NEL) attempts to provide a stan- other NLP pipelines; IBM Watson and other NL analysis dard IRI for each disambiguated entity; for example, Trump- and lifting services; NLTK [11], Stanford CoreNLP [12], the-president can be linked to the IRI that represents him DBpedia Spotlight [13], and other NL programming APIs; 2 in Wikidata: NED OpenIE , MinIE [14], and other information extraction tools. and NEL are closely entwined, because an ambiguous entity must be disambiguated before it can be linked and because an B. KNOWLEDGE GRAPHS IRI is a good way to represent the result of disambiguation. A knowledge graph (KG) represents semantic data as triples Therefore, we will often discuss NED and NEL together. (i.e., as ordered sets of terms) composed as (s, p, o): subject s, Figure2 shows the resulting sequence of tasks from NL predicate p, object o, that can be either IRIs (Internationalized to KGs. The figure also shows the more recent end-to-end Resource Identifier) [15] i 2 I, blank nodes b 2 B or literals (also called zero-shot) approaches, which lump together all l 2 L, so that s 2 I [ B, p 2 I and o 2 I [ B [ L [16]. three tasks, typically using deep neural networks. These The IRIs used as subjects, predicates, and objects can be approaches usually rely on standard pre-processing steps, taken from well-defined vocabularies or ontologies in the which we will review first, before we go on to the other tasks. Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud [5], [17], [18] that attempt to define their meaning as precisely as possible. The literal A. PRE-PROCESSING values used as objects can be represented using well-defined The most frequently used pre-processing techniques in NL data types, such as the ones defined by XML Schema Def- lifting are tokenization [19]–[22] and part-of-speech (POS) inition (XSD). Through the use of terms with well-defined tagging [19], [20], [22]–[25]. Other common techniques meanings for types, instances, and relations, the knowledge include: stop-word removal [26], normalization [20], sen- graph aims to describe the semantics of real-world entities tence splitting [20], [21], [25], lemmatization [19], chunking and their relations precisely and to link the descriptions to and dependency parsing [25], and structural parsing [20]. further information in semantic LOD repositories [18]. Although pre-processing is used by default, some studies do not describe in detail how they are performed. A possible 1 reason is that most studies, especially on NER, use standard 2 datasets that have already been pre-processed. For example, VOLUME 8, 2020 32863 T. Al-Moslmi et al.: Named Entity Extraction for KG: Literature Overview FIGURE 3.
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