Awarded to Bob Stransky, Colorado's Big Gun and Last Week S No

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Awarded to Bob Stransky, Colorado's Big Gun and Last Week S No Page 4 The Do i ly Nebraskon Wednesday, October 23, 1957 Kea Clemensen, a the Kehlish of senior, it Pete it only experienced quarterback Johnny Logan Says: football team for the sec- Penn'a the University of Missouri's foot-ba-it ond straight year. He plays guard. team. Last year, he com- RIB E. LeRoy Mercer was the last pleted S of 18 passes for 52 yards. BULKY KNITS Milwaukee Strong Champs; to captain two Penn teams. He led He b a good runner and defender. the team in 1911 and 1912. He it also aa excellent punter. Have Great Farm System By BOB WIRZ a soft spot and then stick with it. Milwaukee. Staff Sports Writer Logan added that Stuarts great Then, when spring rolls around What do major league baseball power somewhat resembled that of he will head for training camp players do during the off season? Ralph Kiner several years back. at Bradenton, Fla.. and start work- Many of like Johnny Logan them, For the present time Logan just ing towards another pennant and of the World Championship Mil- wants to relax and forget about possibly a winning World Series waukee Braves, spend a great deal IVIen baseball. During the winter, he check. Johnny says he can always in the know of making speeches and their time will be doing public relations work use the extra money and for that visits. for the Ceramic Tile Company in matter couldn't anyone? know true from falao Logan visited Lincoln last Fri- day in his first such trip of the ' season. The handsome shortstop I X was in town through the efforts of The Student Union Activities Committee, Sports Illustrated and Golds of Nebraska. There are more than seven Making his first trip to the Corn-husk- million college graduates state, Logan paid a visit in the United States. to Golds, to sign autographs, and then to the Stag at PJ ' TftUB FALSI the Union. He also answered the ...' questions of students and fans. True. The number of degree holders in the U.S. is skyrocketing. It is esti- Johnny feels that the Braves are mated that by 1977 there will be twice on top to stay for a while. He ! that number or 14,000,000 alums. season frankly admitted that next This people with HEAR does not include one the champs will be great with its to three years of college training. present club plus the addition of Frank Sinatra WUley Joey men like Carleton and N.w Sosa Jay, a couple of pitchers from Hrt Wichita. -- ALL" Tb. : An 3 "Milwaukee has a great farm r WAT"! average college man has system." Logan said. Braves farm suits, 4 pairs of shoes, 11 pairs teams won more league pennants of undershirts and shorts. this year than did those of any I other club. TRUSJ FALSI However, the old star, True. Campus research surveys a ho look for a runaway but does not show that the average man on campus St. Louis, another close title chase. owns 3 sports and miscellaneous Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and San jackets, 2 overcoats and topcoats, 4 will all be tough. Francisco Living Fast . , pairs of slacks and 14 shim. This Logan also had some pleasant Loving Hcrrd HI makes Joe College a well furnished man in any league. words about former Western Frankie Sings League players. Sam Taylor, who His Heart Out caught for Topeka in 1956, may la An make the '58 squad as a catcher Electrifying behind Del Crandall and Del Rice. Jockey is a Trademark that Logan said that the hustling back- Performance ! stop has a good future ahead of refers to underwear made him. only by Coopers. When asked about Dick Stuart,! the Lincoln Chiefs home run king. TRUI Q FALSI he said "The big guy has a world ; True. Jockey is a registered brand and of power." Logan continued, that j trademark of Cooper's, Inc. It ap- Stuart would have to conquer any plies only to Jockey brand briefs. weaknesses that he may have be--! Midways, longs, undershirts, cause big league hurlers hunt for and boxer shorts. Each the very finest and most comfortable of its kind. Buffaloes, Top 3 Big Eight Club L'arry Aspegren, Magee's Col- irs COMIG lege Board in Revere's "Sweat- AEXT... Men on the go er Shirt". Rib-kn- it ly Aus- Offensively tralian Zephyr Wool, moth- proofed. Red, gray, tan. Colorado, intent upon retainL-i- g (Mil The Its runner-u- p spot in the Big Eight gO fOrcOCrIunderwear $12.95 Ok'.a-ho.u- Three football race, goes against a MEN'S ON this week-en- d with an of- SPORTSWEAR FIRST fensive edge over the champion m only by made Sooners. Kill OJTEue Conference statistical tabulations show the B'ffaloes have gained a WOOOWAB Want Ads Bring Results total of 2,156 yards for a five-gam- e average oi o.i. in four games.) OkIaxma has picked up 1.518 yards for an average of 379 5 Kan- Live Modern! Here's News... sas State has the next best average with 301.1, while Missouri, finally i . getting its offense clicking against Iowa n"-- State, foliowis with a five! " ' ' - -- - M no iraMMs- fa.. JS- L 2- 3- B B H came average of 201. ' - E Jl It fll Awarded To Bob Stransky, Colorado's big gun and last week s No. 2 man nation- ally in rushing, added a heahny is i 168 yards against Kansas State to raff boost his total to 635 yards on 92 1 Ti six-ya- ti carries, a average. Stran-- MU 1,111 Miracle i scy also strengthened his position! as the top scorer, getting three! ( touchdowns and a conversion Sat-- 1 nrday for a season's total of 51 points. Hi tT-y- If 'JL ?' V M . :'.' m. Dwight Nichols of Iowa State ad- III tV L.m r. WM W .t ,"' vanced to tie for the No. 2 rush- ing spot with 333 yards on 95 car-re- s. With the same number of yards, Eddie Dove of Colorado has a better average on 39 attempts. K State i Gen Keady has run 38 times for 332 yards. Nichols continued at the Vm in forward passing. The Cyclone tail-- j back has completed 23 of 43 for 234 yards. WaHy Strauch of Kansas,' who saw only brief action against! O. C, held onto second with 18 connections on 30 attempts for 205. Dick Corbin of moved up the list and has 13 of 39 for 197., ktiitml mwmm mWUtil (fAnuM IkW-- Dave Baker of Oklahoma is next -- with a nifty six of eight for 169. This is it! Pure White Inside t Colorado's Boyd Dowler moved f from second to take over the pass , ruic nunc iui B receiving leadership. He uuiiuc has iffl it-M-i - 12 m m r . i Cleaner. Better anared for 179 yards. Homer s, tf It Floyd of Kansas sagged to sec-- - - nnA mittt 1 4Q ti-r- Jj r,r V " - " JM VM .llk ICT.CjJ tkmi. Colorado's Dove went from ri sixth to third. He has caught five for 137 yards. j la punting (based on at least three kicks) Bob Haas of Missouri ; I is the best with seven averaging! t! 6.9. Thomas of Oklahoma ad- -' fl - ssi-ifewcH- AT 111 : SP . f mm mm mm mm vancod to second with 10 averag- ing 40,3. Harry Tolly of Nebraska Get !!! exciting flayer has kicked seven for a 39.9 aver-ag- and Ben Frosse, has plus the patented Miracle Tip lifted five averaging 39.8. Groase took over from Jakie Youget with each LfeM cigarette San deter of Oklahoma in punt re- jr y ZJ.f, the full exciting flavor of the turning. The has returned A l Southland' finest tobaccos. x two tor Sande-fe- fair a average. r YOU get 20.2 re- the patented Miracle Tip baa a average on five -- j, 1 mtmmn waKi?-a' . pure white inside, pure i turns. Howard Cook of Colorado Bulky-Kni- t IfiRf Ar i white tas v averaging 19.8. Your assurance of outside as a filter should be for cleaner, smoking. The pat- Southland's finest better BUY 'EM BY THE BOX OR PACK the tobaccos ent on the Miracle Tip protects a Orion Siceaters . Let's get-- Every package of LaM's ever L&M'a exclusive filtering process. Crush-Proo- f Box (Costs no more) haircut today manufactured has carried this L&M smokes cleaner, draws Handy Packs (King and Reg.) promise: "A blend of premium easier, tastes richer. n gifted in all sorts of ways at Penney's quality tobaccos including special types." Live Modern... Smoke L'M! Bill Murrell's Gifted indeed in luxurious softness, flattering fit, aromatic unbelievable Drive-I- n ease of care! The beloved cardigan, newly styled with three-quarter-sleev- es and peter or pan collar in a bulky knit that hand washes wonder- fully, needs no blocking whatever! Heavenly in Sportsman's white . radiant in scarlet or maize. Sizes small, . WWJtWM Barber Shop medium, large. PEMEm SECOMt FLOOR ISA Sc "P" Street..
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