The Book of Hebrews Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hebrews 7:1-28

I. Introduction He wants them to understand so that they can gain a deeper understanding of Christ.

II. Melchizedek and His Superiority (v.1-10) v.4 - “See…” – The only command in our text. The Greek word means to gaze at or discern through careful observation. The solution to every problem that you face is to know Jesus Christ more accurately and intimately. v.1-3 – Melchizedek is a type of Christ The author identifies Melchizedek as both king and priest, without genealogy or end of days. In these ways, he is “made like the Son of God,” and remains a priest perpetually. The Son of God is not made like him, but he is made like the Son of God, presented in Scripture in such a way that he points to the truth about the Son of God. v.4 – 10 - The Order of Melchizedek brings a better Priesthood We don’t know much about Melchizedek, but there are several things that we do know.

1. His name: By the translation of his name, king of righteousness (7:2). The name "Melchizedek" is a compound of two Hebrew words which have been joined together. Melech is the Hebrew word for "king." Zedek means "righteousness."

2. His Domain: King of Salem, which is king of peace (7:2). "Salem" was evidently one of the ancient names for the city of .

3. His Genealogy: Without father, without mother, without genealogy… (7:3). The priesthood of Jesus is a better priesthood because He never had a beginning and His priesthood has no end. He will ALWAYS be our high priest. He will always be the basis for our forgiveness and our fellowship with God. v.7-10 - The superiority of the Melchizedek priesthood is evidenced by the fact that gave a tithe — a tenth of all the spoils of war. Why did Abraham give this offering to Melchizedek? It was because Abraham recognized in Melchizedek a priest of the Most High God. The superior blesses the inferior!

III. Jesus and His Superiority (v.11-28) v.11-19 –The Order of Melchizedek Brings a Better Law and Hope In what way was the Law "weak and useless"? It was weak and useless in that it did not accomplish that which it mandated. The only thing that the Law was able to do was to condemn the transgressor of that Law.

“By the grace of God manifested in the person and work of Christ, our Melchizedek, the human situation has undergone a radical transformation.” Hughes

The priesthood of Jesus is a better priesthood because it was accompanied by an oath. We saw in the last week that when the Lord could swear by no greater, He swore by Himself (6:13). The priesthood of was never accompanied by an oath. But the priesthood of Jesus our Messiah was.

And this means that Jesus is our guarantee that the Lord’s promise of a better covenant has come to pass. v.20-25 – The Order of Melchizedek Bring a Better Covenant But the reason there were so many high priests throughout this history of the Old Covenant is because they kept dying out. The high priest would die and then it would be necessary to find a successor to become the high priest. And then he would grow old and die and they would need another. And another and another. There is no replacement for Jesus. None is needed. When He died upon the cross, He arose from the dead and ever lives to perform His priestly duties. v.26-28 – The Order of Melchizedek Finds Fulfillment in Jesus Christ For it was fitting for us to have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens; who does not need daily, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the sins of the people, because this He did once for all when He offered up Himself.

IV. Conclusion