
Chapter 33: Global Conflagration / World War II

1. What were the specific actions taken by Italy and Germany in the 1930s that were in direct violation of the terms of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles? Why didn't Britain and France object when Hitler and Mussolini violated the terms? 2. What were the characteristics and key events of in Europe? How were the Germans able to overwhelm continental Europe so quickly from 1939-1940? 3. What were the characteristics and key events of total war in the Pacific? How did the Japanese overwhelm this part of the world so completely? As part of their long range plan, what was the Japanese purpose in attacking the United States? 4. Compare the occupation policies of Germany and during the war. What was their general style of occupation? How did they use resources of the conquered? How did they “work” with the conquered? 5. What were the factors that led to the defeat of the in Europe and the Pacific? 6. As an illustration of “total total” war, WWII had a huge impact on civilian populations, families, and women on the various “home front” of the war. Describe what this looked like in different areas.

A fully developed response to the questions above will include reference to many of the following terms, but it is not limited only to these terms. Consider adding in information covered in class through lecture, media, and activities as a further supplement to what’s found in the text, including your own study and experience. Bold or underline your use of these terms, concepts, ideas in your responses:

 Origins of War in Europe: Italian and German aggression in Europe and Africa, Ethiopia, Spanish Civil War, “November Crime”, Anschluss, Munich Conference, appeasement (Neville Chamberlain, “peace for our time”, Nazi/Soviet 1939 Treaty of Non-Aggression (1)  Total War in Europe: (Poland), fall of France (Dunkirk), (The “Blitz”), (Lebensraum) (2)  Origins of War in Asia: Japanese aggression in China ( of , Chinese resistance), the Tripartite Pact (3)  Total War in Asia and the Pacific: American support of the war (cash and carry, lend-lease program, economic tactics), Pearl Harbor, Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, “Asia for Asians” (3)  Defeat of the Axis Powers: impact of American entry, Soviet stands and advances, D-Day, Dresden, V-E Day, Hitler’s suicide, , “island hopping” strategy, kamikaze, atomic bombs (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) (5)  Life During Wartime: Japanese and German occupation styles and exploitation of resources, general overview of the collaboration and resistance strategies, Holocaust (“final solution”, Wannsee Conference, Einsatzgrupen, death camps) (4 & 6)  Women and the War: general CC and/or description of women’s role in war across the world (US, Britain, Soviet, Jewish, Korean) WAVES, “comfort women” (6)

Review / Study Resources:

 Chapter 33 Practice Multiple Choice Quiz  Chapter 33 World War II Map Review  Crash Course World War II

Grading Rubric:

 Addresses all parts of the questions and prompts completely.  Includes in responses all of the terms from the word bank AND outside information covered in class through lecture, media, activities, possibly including some from the student’s own study and/or experience. 4 Excellent  Explains thoroughly how or why the word bank terms help answer the question(s) AND makes connections, where 90-100% relevant and appropriate, to other societies and cultures, possibly including connections to recent and/or modern day current events or trends.  Uses proper formatting conventions throughout the entire assignment: bolds key terms in body of work, numbers responses, organizes responses with a clear beginning, middle, and end, and displays sound grammar/mechanics, etc.  Addresses all parts of the questions and prompts. 3  Includes in responses most if not all of the terms from the word bank. Proficient 80-89%  Explains how or why the word bank terms help answer the question(s) AND possibly makes connections, where relevant and appropriate, to other societies and cultures.  Uses proper formatting conventions throughout most of the assignment: bolds key terms in body of work, numbers responses, organizes responses with a clear beginning, middle, and end, and displays sound grammar/mechanics, etc.  Addresses most parts of the questions and prompts, but some parts may be missing.  Includes in responses some of the terms from the word bank, but some may be missing. 2  Explains how or why the word bank terms help answer the question(s), but some of the key analysis or connections may Basic be missing or not done at all. 70-79%  Uses some of the proper formatting conventions of the assignment, but consistency is lacking: bolds key terms in body of work, numbers responses, organizes responses with a clear beginning, middle, and end, and displays sound grammar/mechanics, etc.  Addresses few parts of the questions and prompts, but it’s mostly incomplete and undeveloped.  Includes in responses only a few of the terms from the word bank, but most are missing. 1  Explains very little of how the word bank terms help answer the question(s), but most of the key analysis is missing or not Developing done at all with few if any relevant connections made. 50-69%  Uses none or very few of the proper formatting conventions of the assignment: bolds key terms in body of work, numbers responses, organizes responses with a clear beginning, middle, and end, and displays sound grammar/mechanics, etc.