Opp: 7. Crevel (René). Onze poèmes. 10 colour screenprints by Michael Caine. MICHAEL Final double screenprint, sérigraphie double sur papier Somerset satin. 10 copies. Format 56 ×152 cm, Imperial/Jésus. Royal College of Art, London. CAINE Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine

1. Akhmatova (Anna). Anno Domini mcmmxi. A small missal of 64 poems, copying the original book design of notable graphic artist Mstislav Dobuzhinsky. Prefaced by Dmitri Bobyshev, a close friend of Russia’s greatest female poet. English version from The Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova, Zephyr Press (1990), translated by Judith Hemschemeyer. Caine’s facsimile edition was keyboarded in Monotype Lutetia 8‑pt and printed by Phil Abel at Hand & Eye Letterpress ; a project aided/seconded by Sir Isaiah Berlin and Joseph Brodsky.

450 hand-numbered copies on ivory Rivoli paper. In-32 (8 × 11 cm). Sewn yapp-edged limp covers. 108 pp. Editions Petropolis. Paris, 1995.

in english · standard edition : 55 €

2. Auden (Wystan Hugh). Lullaby/Berceuse. The English text of Auden’s renowned love poem here spooned with the French translation by Françoise Gouyou-Beauchamps. Handset in Italian types : Pastonchi roman for the original English text and Garaldus italic for the French. Two richly coloured engravings by Caine. A seven panel accordion fold-out book. Belle édition bilingue en leporello dépliant de sept volets, illustrée de deux gravures sur bois en couleur de Caine, en typographie au plomb mobile, le Pastonchi romain et Garaldus italique. Le plus beau poème d’amour écrit en anglais au 20e siècle.

90 copies numbered, signed, on Hahnemühle mould made paper. In-8 (20 × 25 cm). Various printed paper wrappers. 8 pp. Editions Petropolis. Paris, 1998.

in english and french · standard copies · tirage standard : 145 €

3. Beckett (Samuel), Crevel (René). 10 Poèmes. La totalité de l’œuvre poétique de René Crevel, dix poèmes, jumélée avec un essai qu’il a spécialement écrit pour pour Nancy Cunard, dans une très belle traduction en anglais de Samuel Beckett.

Crevel’s provocative prose text The Negress in the Brothel was commissioned by Nancy Cunard for her Negro Anthology (1931-1933) and translated into English for the publication by Beckett. Here printed with Crevel’s entire poetic output of ten poems (in French only). Monotype and Fry’s .

One original screenprint in deep blue by Caine at the Royal College of Art, London.

24 signed head copies with an additional original etching by Caine. 100 numbered standard copies on Indian Khadi handmade paper. In-8 (18 × 25 cm). Sewn into screenprinted paper wrappers. 16 pp. Scargill Press. London, 1989.

english and french · standard / édition courante : 250 € · édition de tête : 400 €

Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine

4. Brel (Jacques). Fils de. Une édition enjouée et ludique, débordant de couleurs vives, de formes tournoyantes, dans des compositions finement élaborées de multiples vignettes miniatures ponctuant les couplets poignants de Brel. Conçue pour fêter la naissance d’un fils, en l’occurence le neveu de Caine. A famous Jacques Brel (the composer of Ne me quitte pas) song handset in Kis-Janson (1672) types, printed Klein Blue. The couplets are arranged within mosaic blocks of tiny Fournier-style vignettes and rows of Crous-Vidal motifs printed in a range of very bright split-duct tints. One full page original engraving in colour.

3 head copies signed by Maddly Bamy (Brel’s last wife) in a special binding. 100 numbered, signed standard edition copies on white Vélin Lana. In-8 (19 × 27 cm). Printed paper wrappers. 12 pp. Old Peacock Press. Paris, 1997. en français · édition courante : 125 € · édition de tête : 550 €

5. Catalogue of Books in Print - 2005, Editions Petropolis-Caine. Catalogue très soigné des éditions de Michael Caine, entièrement composé à la main dans le sublime Paganini, avec une gravure originale sur bois debout dans un triptyque de six pages recto-verso sous une belle jaquette typographique.

Handset in various sizes of the exquisite Nebiolo Paganini roman and italic (Bertieri, 1928), inter-letter spaced with cigarette paper. One wood engraving printed illustration in black and white by Caine (from the book : Dragon-train fuite, Velimir Khlebnikov).

86 signed, numbered copies : 26 on Zerkall cream, 60 on green Fabriano Ingres. In-8 (17 × 30 cm). Printed paper wrappers. 6 pp gatefold. Éditions Petropolis. Paris, 2005. bilingue · fabriano copies : 30 € · zerkall copies : 45 €

6. Cocteau (Jean). 13 poèmes à Jean Marais. Un minuscule tirage confidentiel constitué à partir des planches de poèmes réalisées en typographie artisanale par Michael Caine à l’Atelier de la Cerisaie Paris, pour meubler l’exposition Hommage à Jean Marais. Composé à la main dans des caractères racés au plomb : le Romulus (Van Krimpen) et le Deberny-Peignot Cochin. A confidential limited French edition of 13 poems dedicated to Marais, produced as a keepsake for lovers of Marais, Cocteau and friends of the Musée de la Vie romantique. Concocteaued at the time of the museum’s exhibition celebrating the life and work of Jean Marais. Handset in Van Krimpen’s Romulus type with Cochin and Augustea Open.

15 numbered hc copies on white Vélin Lana mould-made paper. In-4 (25 × 35 cm). Handmade paper printed wrappers. 20 pp. Amis MVR. Paris, 2003. en français · quinze exemplaires : 250 € Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine

7. Crevel (René). Onze poèmes. Dix sérigraphies éclatantes de couleur en très grand format avec les textes tantôt poétiques tantôt sulfureux de cet écrivain majeur du mouvement surréaliste français. Ten multicolour screenprints, representing dancing figures, African face masks and marionnettes, accompany this complete collection of this legendary surrealist author’s poems. This large bookwork was awarded the British Printmakers Council Prize and shortlisted for the Fleur Cowles Award for Excellence, a prize given to the best student of that student promotion. Typeset in generous display sizes of Baskerville, and Frutiger. Screenprinted and hand-coloured at the Royal College of Art in London. 20 imperial-sized leaves, in cloth-covered box decorated with an original lithograph. Certain of the images required up to fifteen colour workings in screenprinting. Un tour de force de sérigraphie, la plus importante œuvre de Caine pour la décennie, le RCA de Londres imposant ce très grand format ‘in-jésus plano’ livre spectaculaire.

10 copies on white Somerset mould made paper, all prints individually signed. In cloth-covered box with hand-painted lithographic print cover by Caine. In-plano Imperial (56 × 76 cm). Loose-leaf. 20 pp. Livres d’enfer. Royal College of Art, London, 1989.

en français · dix exemplaires - ten copies : 1800 €

8. Pound (Ezra), Crevel (René). Any nation that does not respect… Pound’s dithyrhambic essay in praise of Crevel, Any nation that does not respect its best writers is a mere barbarian dung-heap, was originally published in 1929, in the literary review Criterion (T.S. Eliot). The highly colourful lionising of René Crevel (by far the most politically engaged left-wing author of all the French Surrealists) cites Crevel as – the ‘finest writer of his generation’. Extracts of lines of text from Crevel’s first novel Babylone figure as Dadaistic-style expressive typography marginalia printed in red throughout the book. A highly elaborate book concept, overprintings abound. Lauréat Prix de Typographie Guy Levis Mano 1993. 2 colour woodcuts by Caine.

35 slipcased copies on white Moulin-de-Gué paper, signed by Pound’s daughter and translator, Mary de Rachewiltz, have an extra signed bonus colour etching. 100 standard signed, numbered copies on Somerset cream mould-made paper. In-8 (12 × 17 cm). Printed paper wrappers. 24 pp. Éditions Rosbif. Paris, 1992.

english and french · standard edition : 250 € · special edition : 550 €

9. Dalí (Salvador), Crevel (René). La Grande Marmelade. Lettre inédite, récemment retrouvée, dans une valise contenant les derniers papiers de René Crevel. Dalí réfléchit sérieusement sur les idées politiques de Crevel et sur les grandes questions de l’époque, le tout distillé dans un français baroque hispanisant.

Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine

Hilarious and very touching letter written in pigeon French sent to Crevel from Dalí in 1935, but only discovered in 1978 in a suitcase of Crevel’s last effects bequested to the Bibliothèque Littéraire Jacques Doucet in Paris, some 43 years after Crevel’s tragic suicide. This is Dalí’s last ever missive to RC, arriving two days before Crevel’s untimely death. Avant-texte by Jean-Michel Devésa, a specialist in Surrealism and Crevel studies. Handset in Aldo Novarese’s Garaldus italic and roman. Beautiful frontispiece 3-colour portrait of Crevel by Dalí, printed in letterpress, from a portrait image specially loaned by the Dalí Foundation in Cadaquès, Spain.

450 numbered copies on Fedrigoni stucco in printed paper wrappers. 35 special hand-painted covers, slip cased copies on two handmade papers : Ruscombe handmade copies 1/15; Amalfi Amatruda handmade copies 16-35. In-8 (17 × 25 cm). 24 pp. Printed paper wrappers. Éditions Petropolis. Paris, 2006. en français · tirage courant : 35 € · tirage de tête : 220 €

10. Éluard (Paul), Beckett (Samuel). L’amoureuse – Lady Love. Beckett’s masterful translation of Éluard’s famous love poem was printed in the centenary year of Beckett’s birth : handset in rare Naudin and Nicolas Cochin metal types with a totalement ravissante and extraordinary Art nouveau wood letter (Fantasque 20-line) poster type employed on the cover. One original monochrome wood engraving by Caine. Belle édition bilingue, avec une gravure originale sur bois debout, de la traduction de Beckett du poème d’amour (à Nusch) le plus anthologisé de Paul Éluard – « Elle est debout sur mes paupières... » composée dans des caractères au plomb authentiquement Art nouveau, Art déco.

149 signed copies on Amalfi Amatruda (top copies planned but never made). In-4 (25 × 35cm). 12 pp. Printed paper wrappers. Éditions Petropolis. Paris, 2007. french & english · 149 standard copies (1 gravure signée, pas de tirage de tête) : 210 €

11. Harrison (Tony). The Fire-Gap, a poem with two tails. Long vertical leporello accordion book in four sections in which the poem takes on the form of a rattlesnake with ‘a fire-gap’ running through it. The calligrammatic poem bifurcates at the end to offer two alternative endings, one hopeful, the other not. A defence of the snake and an evocation of the Cold War period, one summer in Florida spent with his wife, the diva Teresa Stratas, at a time when the dispatching of a nuclear bomb from the US seemed imminent and wholly plausible. The pochoir-painted figure within the circular shape at the end of the poem represents a tightrope walker precariously holding onto a globe and not ‘Christ on the Cross’ as asserted in the official bibliography of Harrison by eminent scholar John Kaiser.

Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine

Un texte ‘à deux queues’– en forme de serpent étendu verticalement – qui propose Three long and wittily scabrous anti-establishment poems from England’s most deux lectures possibles, bifurquant pour offrir une chute heureuse et une chute controversial contemporary bard – ’the Gangster of English poetry’ (The Times). pessimiste, l’une se terminant sur un point éclairé, l’autre sur un point noir. Un long Fine mordant language vilifying the absurdly anachronistic political system of the et très impressionnant poème-affiche calligramme avec une image pochoirée en noir. Lords, non tax-paying wealth-laden monarchs with staggering archaic royal privileges and their risible ‘honour’ of Poet Laureate ; a ‘distinction’ that Harrison (the unofficial 3 copies were bound up in leather and rattlesnake skin (a dead rattler found on the people’s poet) eloquently derides, snubbing in acid verse ‘the ultimate acccolade’. poet’s land), Caine has some of this snakeskin left if a special binding were required. Composé à la main en caractères : Elzevir , Grasset, Garaldus, Mauritius italique. (Harrison was awarded the Prix Européen de Littérature 2010 at Strasbourg.) 100 copies on bfk Rives mouldmade paper. (sold out) 20 head copies on Bachelor’s Royal Watercolour Society handmade signed by Harrison and Caine. 513 copies on Italian Fedrigoni stucco paper. In-2. (40 × 29 × 4 ; 116 cm). 1 sheet, four panels. Printed paper sleeve. Scargill Press. London, 1985. 33 top copies signed by Harrison, 1 original monochrome engraving by Caine. in english · special edition (tirage de tête) : 350 € In-8 (17 × 25 cm). Printed-debossed paper wrappers. 28 pp. Éditions Petropolis. Paris, 2011. français · édition courante : 35 € · tirage tête, 1 gravure, signé par harrison : 175 €

12. Harrison (Tony). Anno Forty-Two. Seven Poems. Beautifully crafted, searing commemorative poems which evoke the turbulent events 14. Joyce (James). The Cats of Copenhagen. at the end of World War Two and within which Harrison manages to recreate the A recently unearthed quirky children’s tale originally written as a gift for young apocalyptical moment of that day when the atomic bomb was unleashed on Hiroshima. Stephen James Joyce, and posted (not inside a chocolate cat) to Joyce’s nephew Typeset in semi-bold. Textes saisissants qui commémorent la journée de from the Danish capital. An expressive typography joyride, each line of the text is l’anéantissement de la ville de Hiroshima dans une poésie qui étonne et défriche. transformed into a cartoon-style image made up of letters running riot. Handset in a dazzling and audacious array-assortment of rare, original French, Italian, Art 300 standard copies on white Rivoli paper. 50 top copies signed by Harrison on Khadi handmade ; one-off drawings by Caine for 20 top copies. nouveau & Art déco metal : Trieste (Kleukens), Sirena, Etrusco, Allongées, In-8 (19 × 25,5 cm). Sewn into printed paper wrappers. 18 pp. Scargill Press. London. August 6th, 1987. Naudin, Latines blanches, Penelope, Eccentriques, Solus, Américaines, Giraldon, in english · standard edition : 60 € · special edition : 185 € Typewriter, Atlas etc. Simon & Schuster New York reproduced Michael Caine’s original handset letterpress 13. Harrison (Tony). Feu United Kingdom. 3 poèmes républicains. typographical designs for their own offset mass-market American-Oceanian edition. 12 monochrome line drawings by American illustrator Casey Sorrow printed letterpress. Première traduction dans la langue française du plus grand poète anglais contemporain 3 pp introduction by Danis Rose, leading world authority on Joyce. par Cécile Végehan-Marshall, qui nous signale : Les trois poèmes présentés dans cette traduction sont les poèmes phares d’un recueil intitulé Laureate’s Block, publié par Ce « petit bijou » reflète un aspect plus léger de Joyce, son sens de l’humour, quelque Penguin en 2000. Le poème éponyme est une réponse en forme de pied de nez aux chose qui peut être qualifié de près ou de loin d’absurde. De fait, le conte a éré rédigé rumeurs qui le pressentaient pour occuper la fonction de Poet Laureate à la mort de dans une lettre envoyée en 1936 par l’auteur à son petit-fils, Stephen James Joyce, Ted Hughes en 1998. ¶ Ces trois poèmes professent avec ironie, sarcasme et jubilation alors que le romancier vivait au Danemark et son petit-fils en France. Cette première les convictions antimonarchistes de leur auteur. Ils témoignent à la fois de l’engagement édition en anglais à tirage limité, composée à la main dans des caractères rares Art constant de Tony Harrison comme commentateur et observateur attentif de son époque nouveau, dans une typographie expressive recherchée, avec des mises-en-page très et de l’actualité, de sa virtuosité formelle et de sa fine connaissance de l’histoire poussées, ‘jouissives’, comporte 12 images typographiées de l’illustrateur Américain, littéraire, notamment par l’utilisation de la métrique chère à la satire antimonarchiste Casey Sorrow. e du 17 siècle. ¶ Mélanges d’indignation et de plaisir subversif, ces poèmes happent 25 special head copies on Barcham Green handmade paper, marked hc. sans ménagement le lecteur dans un carnavalesque et la preuve que la Large in-4 (28 × 38 cm). Chemise and slipcase. 24 pp. Ithys Press. Dublin-Paris, 2012. poésie contemporaine a son mot à dire dans la vie publique. in english · edition de luxe head copies - édition originale (25 ex de tête) : 800 € Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine

15. Joyce (James). Finn’s Hotel. 10 Epiclets. “FINN’S HOTEL is a wonderful, serio-comic collection of ‘little epics’ that James Joyce wrote in 1923. Its existence and significance were discovered some decades ago and its publication thwarted for twenty years. Ithys Press is delighted to bring to light at long last this lost link in the Joyce canon.

Joyce wrote these pieces in 1923, some six months after his disengagement from writing his encyclopaedic Ulysses and well before he had as yet conceived of the plot, structure, or sheer immensity of his epic Finnegans Wake. Engrossing in themselves, these boldly inventive, yet highly readable prose-portraits (three of which only came to light in 2004) also provide an ideal entrée to the Wake, a book that vies with the Book of Kells as the most supremely Irish thing we have.

The prose pieces of Finn’s Hotel – a place where people come and go – are written in a unique diversity of styles, much more so than Ulysses. Taken together, they form the true and hitherto unknown precursor to the multi-modulated voices of the Wake –but these first utterings from Finn’s Hotel are far easier to understand. Joyce composed the ‘epiclets’ one by one, first-drafting and fair-copying them, before having (some of) them typed out. He then laid them aside, leaving Finn’s Hotel forever unfinished, and they remained all but forgotten for sixteen years ; all, that is, save one, the ‘Pop’ piece (’Here Comes Everybody’) that pre-occupied him. He saw in it, on reflection, an opening : a line of literary development that he could follow and expand in Finnegans Wake : the story of a ‘man mountain’, H.C. Earwicker.

Thus, in one room of Finn’s Hotel sat the egg from which Finnegans Wake hatched.

With this landmark publication – almost certainly the last unpublished title by James Joyce – another piece of the complex jigsaw of modern Irish literature comes into view, providing a clearer picture of the creative breadth and depth of one of the world’s preeminent writers”.

Introductory texts by Seamus Deane and Danis Rose. 13 Drawings by Casey Sorrow. This first edition was printed letterpress. Handset in various sizes of Kis-Janson, Grasset, Penelope, Naudin and Van Dijk on the finest English handmade paper.

1/40 hors commerce special top copies on Barcham green handmade. 120 numbered standard copies printed on Fedrigoni paper. In-4 (26 × 17 cm). Chemise and slipcase, commissioned hand-marbled papers by Antonio Velez-Célemin in Madrid. 100 pp. Ithys Press. Dublin, 2013.

in english · special edition of 40 head copies (tirage de tête) : 1800 € Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine

16. Joyce (James). Finn’s Hotel : a Suite by Michael Caine. A series of 13 highly-detailed original burin engravings (3 on wood, 10 on laser card plastic) created by Caine as his more abstract (non-figurative) visual response to the recondite texts or ‘epiclets’ of Finn’s Hotel, the unpublished James Joyce novel that he designed and printed. So very much an alternative set of images to the narrative illustrations of the Ithys Press 2013 edition. Title-page and colophon hand-set in Etrusco, Helvetica condensed and Syntax types. La série de 13 gravures minutieuses au burin (3 sur bois, 10 sur carte laser) réalisée par Michael Caine en 2014, constitue sa réponse plastique et volontairement abstraite au texte inédit de James Joyce, Finn’s Hotel, qu’il a composé et imprimé à la main en 2013 pour le compte du Ithys Press, Dublin. Michael Caine’s major work since his edition of Khlebnikov’s texts : Zaoumni (2001).

30 signed, numbered copies on Zerkall white mould made paper. Each print is signed individually. In-4 (26 × 17 cm). Large quarto format, chemise and slipcase. 18 leaves. Editions Petropolis. Paris, 2014.

bilingue · special edition (tirage de tête) : 1950 €

17. Joyce (James). The Lion’s Mouth. (The missing 11th Epiclet). A two-page long enigmatic epiclet text by Joyce that was omitted at the last minute from the final Finn’s Hotel edition (Ithys Press, 2013). Handset in 24-point Kis-Janson (Stempel, Frankfurt). Here first published in English by ‘Éditions Oiseau Bleu’ with one original green-tinted black signed wood-engraving by Caine. Ce texte de 2 pp, également inédit, n’a pas été imprimé (pour des raisons de copyright) dans l’édition définitive de Finn’s Hotel (Ithys Press, 2013) bien qu’il fasse partie de la série d’epiclets (dont il y avait onze en tout) qui consituent le texte intégral de Joyce. En frontispice, une gravure originale sur bois debout, signée dans la planche par Caine.

25 copies, unsewn leaves on Barcham Green handmade. En feuillets, jaquette imprimée papier Rives gris. In-4 (28 × 36 cm). Printed handmade paper wrappers. 12 pp. Oiseau Bleu. Paris, 2013.

in english · limited edition (no tirage de tête copies) : 225 €

18. Kaye (Sean), West (Jenny). A Random Dispersal of Dust. ‘Sean Kaye and Jenny West have taken Andrew Hurley’s 1998 English translation of Jorge Luis Borges’ 1941 short story La Biblioteca de Babel (The Library of Babel) and attempted to write a version of its opposite, not an inversion of the story itself, more like a distorted mirror image of the whole text.’ Juan Cruz

Entirely handset by Caine in Syntax 8-point type, roman and italic (a very late and modern humanistic sans-, also used for this digital catalogue), it was created Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine

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by Hans-Eduard Meier in 1969 for the prestigious Stempel typefoundry in Frankfurt. Letterpress-produced contemporary typography and a conceptual artwork. Un livre conçu par des artistes conceptuels anglais qui se plaisent à mettre en forme une (in)version contraire, anti-sens amusant du texte La Bibliothèque de Babel de Borges.

450 copies on Rives design paper. In-8 (8 × 12 cm). Sewn into printed paper wrappers. 24 pp. Wild Pansy Press. Paris, 2010.

in english · standard edition (no head copies) : 25 €

19. Khlebnikov (Velimir). Zaoumni – 11 textes. 10 poems, a series of feisty ‘ferro-concrete’ typographical layouts with a calligrammatic biography of Khlebnikov. Inventor of the transrational language ‘zaoum’, the leading literary figure of the Russian Futurist movement (‘easily the most original poet Russia ever produced’ – Vladimir Markov). 12 original richly coloured engravings on wood and plastic, inspired by the work of Naum Gabo (Caine was apprentice at Gabo’s house). In the special edition of 20 head copies a visible grid system (the book being divided up into eighteenths) was printed in very fine silver lines across the pages. In imitation of the Russian style of architectonic integration – the notion being that the book is transparent and even the most anarchic-seeming pages have an underlying structure to them. Entirely handset in a challenging confrontation of rare Italian types from the long defunct Nebiolo Torino typefoundry, iconic designs of Aldo Novarese and Alessandro Butti : Trieste, Ruano, , Garaldus, Athenaeum, Manuzio, Eurostile.» Des textes inédits de Khlebnikov dans des compositions typographiques et mises en page recherchées, imprimées dans deux formats, sur cinq papiers différents. Dans les deux tirages de tête sur papier Bunkoshi crème et papier Japon vert jade, est imprimé le gabarit de l’ouvrage, laissant voir la structure du livre, décrite avec des traits très fins imprimés en argent, et le divisant en dix-huit parts, clin d’œil à la notion de l’intégration architectonique cher aux modernistes russes. Ce livre-manifeste a été réalisé avec divers caractères de la fonderie Nebiolo à Turin, en plusieurs tailles, dans des dessins superbes des deux plus grands créateurs italiens de caractères modernes : Alessandro Butti et Aldo Novarese. Douze gravures abstraites sur carte varioklisch au burin par Michael Caine tirées dans des teintes arcanes, en dégradées irisées, inspirés par des kilims arméniens.

“Khlebnikov tranche sur ses contemporains par sa stature de poète-penseur, obsédé par une idée unique : vaincre le temps et la mort. Ce combat entre le destin, Khlebnikov l’a mené par le poème et le ‘mathème’, la parole et le calcul. Ces deux formes différentes d’un seul et même obstiné combat ont donné des œuvres singulières, d’une étourdissante originalité, qui défient la logique du discours artistique ordinaire”.

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Traduit en français par Catherine Silvanovitch-Prigent (La Création Verbale, poèmes de Velimir Khlebnikov, ed. Christian Bourgois, Paris 1980 ; L’Univers enfoncé et autres poèmes de Velimir Khlebnikov, éd. le corridor bleu, 2003).

First paper edition of 10 copies on Japon Bunkoshi cream includes a complete signed suite of 12 burin engravings by Caine on Zerkall ivory paper. Premier papier avec suite complète signée. 1/10 exemplaires. In-4 (32 × 45 cm). Vellum/Japanese paper chemise-slipcase. 20 pp. premier tirage de tête avec suite : 2500 €

Second paper edition is on a vivid green Japon handmade paper, (featured in the prestigious catalogue, Voix et Visions, presentation of the collection of the major French livres d’artiste of the 20th century as held in the Koopman Collection, the Koninklijke Dutch National Library in the Hague, Holland). Deuxième papier sur Japon vert. 1/10 exemplaires. In-4 (32 × 45 cm). Nepalese handmade paper cover over boards. Cartonnage papier Nepalais. 20 pp. deuxième papier : 2000 €

The standard edition of Zaoumni is in a larger format than the head copies and in a much modified layout, without the apparent printed grid system. The design is much altered from the head copies. Ce tirage grand format, sur trois papiers différents, sans le gabarit apparent, constitue le tirage courant : a – Somerset cream mouldmade (papier crème à la forme ronde) : 30 copies b – Moulin du Verger powder blue (bleu clair fait main) handmade : 30 copies c ­– Vélin Lana white mouldmade (papier blanc à la forme ronde) : 20 copies In-folio (36 × 52 cm). Printed paper wrappers. Feuillets. Couverture remplie. 20 pp. tirage courant : 850 € cet ouvrage est en français

20. Khlebnikov (Velimir). Dragon-Train Fuite. Long et très beau poème inédit d’un des textes clés du plus grand écrivain russe futuriste. Traduit et introduit par Catherine Silvanovitch-Prigent. First edition in French of this major work in Khlebnikov’s vast collection of writing. Four original monochrome wood engravings (4 gravures originales au burin, dont 2 sur bois) by Caine. Handset in 8‑pt Nebiolo Athenaeum.

60 signed copies on Arches 88, sewn into printed paper wrappers. In-12 (9 × 12 cm). 20 pp. Broché, couverture remplie. Éditions Petropolis. Paris, 2002. en français · standard edition (no head copies, aucun tirage de tête) : 130 €

21. Khlebnikov (Velimir). Crematorium of Common Sense, 40 poems. Texts rendered into English by renowned American translator Paul Schmidt, who produced and directed the 3-volume Collected Works, Poetry and Writings of Velimir Khlebnikov for the Harvard University Press (Dia Art Foundation, 1998) in the US.

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Some of Caine’s most acccomplished and recherché experimental ‘ferro-concrete style’ typographical designs (featured in Baseline magazine in 2003) were created for this edition. The engravings made for this projected and uncompleted English edition were later used in the book Zaoumni, 11 textes de Velimir Khlebnikov (Ed. Petropolis, 2001). Two 4-page panels here available for sale from the unfinished English book project.

Panel One : 4-page panel gatefold : 3 texts (Dostoeskimo snowstorms, Numbers, I am a Futurian), with 1 monochrome burin engraving by Caine, with 2-colour title-page design on back.

Panel Two : 4-page panel gatefold : 1 long poem text (Zangezi, a Song in Star Language), with 1 monochrome burin engraving by Caine. Recto only.

Narrow quarto. 120 copies on Zerkall cream mould made paper. Editions Petropolis. Paris, 2000. in english · sold as poster panels - vendues comme des posters : 80 €

22. Lorca (Federico García). Lament for Ignacio Sanchez Mejías. The finest translation into English by A.L. Lloyd of García Lorca’s renowned and compelling Spanish elegy, written in 1933 in memory of a dear friend, both fellow-poet and bullfighter. Seven oniric semi-figurative, exotically-tinted colour linocuts by Caine, inspired by Moorish architecture, Spanish iconography and Andalusian landscapes. This new in-quarto edition was printed from line-blocks reproducing the original outsize linocuts made by Caine in 1982 for his blockbusting imperial-sized edition (56 × 76 cm) of Lament for Ignacio, his major Degree show work at the London College of Printing. The poster-size pages still decorate the Dean’s office at the ‘LCC’ and the images formed the centre-piece for a retrospective show of Caine’s work held at the National Theatre London in 1986, Lament : Artist’s books by Michael Caine – parallel to the first perfor­mance in the UK of Lorca’s play Yerma. This edition was handset in ’s 22‑pt Romulus type, 8‑pt Typogravure initials perlé, Augustea inline caps and Manuzio titling.

80 artist-signed copies on (French-folded) Zerkall cream laid and wove papers. In-4 (26 × 37 cm). 24 pp. Sewn into printed paper wrappers. Editions Rosbif. Paris, 1998. in english · standard edition ( no top copies ): 220 €

23. Mandelstam (Osip). Epithalamium, 3 texts. A bilingual edition (English & French) of three achingly beautiful poems, by the legendary founder of the Akmeist poetry group in Russia. Handset in Georg Trump’s exquisite Mauritius roman, bold and its italic, acquired from the fire sale of the Wagner typefoundry in Ingolstadt, Bavaria.

Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine

Translated into English by James Greene and into the French by Philippe Jaccottet. Répertoire est le catalogue-spécimen prestige des plus beaux caractères typographiques Livre cadeau de mariage pour des amis de Caine, en français et en anglais, composé de l’imprimerie de Michael Caine (une reprise du très apprécié album Concaténation à la main et imprimé en noir et miel-orange pétants. Réalisé avec le très beau de caractères typographiques, réalisé en 2003 à 25 exemplaires et rapidement épuisé). caractère Mauritius romain et italique (dessiné par Georg Trump), acheté d’occasion Chaque grande planche du Répertoire est consacrée à une lettre et son historique, un mais à l’état de neuf, de la fonderie Wagner en Bavière lors de sa vente de fermeture bel objet de collection servant à illustrer les caractères (dits de labeur) disponibles pour en 1999. Quatre gravures originales sur bois debout, tirées en orange-miel de Caine. faire de l’édition, dans chaque force du corps (de 6‑pt à 36‑pt) et graisse – associé de Tiré des beaux textes de ce titre du grand poète russe Mandelstam. justesse avec des caractères très divers de titrage et d’affiche. Cette ‘collection’ de ‘tous les caractères de l’atelier’ ne sera jamais ‘complétée’, l’atelier a acquis trop de caractères Four orange-honey wood engravings made on off-cut triangular blocks by Caine. 20 numbered, signed copies on vélin Lana mould made paper. et ne cesse toujours pas d’en accumuler. Les pages (tirées en noir et rouge) sont In-4 (20 × 30 cm) 16 pp. Debossed copper-paper wrappers. Éditions Petropolis. Paris, 2000. dorénavant à vendre individuellement comme feuillets de quatre pages pour meubler in french and english · tirage de tête - edition of 20 copies : 275 € les murs des typophiles et amateurs de livres. La liste des 15 caractères typographiques figurant dans ce catalogue sont répertoriés en tête de cette page, en anglais. En point d’orgue, une grande planche-poster (en français) in-plano jésus (quatre fois 24. Répertoire : Studio Type Specimens. le format du catalogue Répertoire) met en page la fameuse défense du livre, extraite Répertoire is a collection of the more handsome, larger reworkings of the compositions du Areopagitica de John Milton, composée en Cochin 36-point et imprimée sur papier made for my Concaténation de caractères typographiques from 2003 (sold out), Amalfi Amatruda fait main. my type catalogue that was meant to include every last fount held in my Atelier de 65 copies of catalogue pages on Arches 88 paper. Two colours : red and black. la Cerisaie in Paris. The aim of Répertoire was to showcase the atelier’s most beautiful In-4 (25 × 35 cm). Loose-leaf double pages, scored-creased. Editions Petropolis. Paris, 2003-2015… metal typefaces, especially the ones I have in sufficient quantities to be able to use english and french · 75 € per plate, la planche for text-heavy bookwork. So far completed printed spreads :

Pastonchi (Eduardo Cotti, Officina Bodoni) facing Mauritius (Georg Trump, Weber); 25. Rilke-Balthus. Lettres à un jeune peintre. Trieste (Friedrich Kleukens, Nebiolo) with Verona (Robert Wiebking, Stephenson Blake); An intimate and totally secret (unknown, until recently) exchange between two of Kis-Janson with (both Stempel): Garaldus (Aldo Novarese, Nebiolo) with the most outstanding painters and poets of the twentieth century, here first published Syntax (Meier, Stempel); Cyrillic Amts Antiqua allied with Madison (Hoffmeister, both in its original French. Keyboarded in Monotype 10-point Romulus. Huit lettres inédites, Stempel) and facing Adonis (André Cretton, S&B); Original Sabon (Tschichold, Stempel) envoyées, entre 1920 et 1926, par le grand poète Rainer Maria Rilke (René) au tout facing (Morison, S&B); Méridien (Frutiger, Stempel) and Romulus jeune artiste en devenir Balthus. (Van Krimpen, Enschede); we may realistically struggle as Sisyphus to achieve that Hors commerce, one of only 10 top copies on Japon nacré paper. ‘completest of catalogues’ as we continue endlessly to acquire founts, therefore copies In-16 (8 × 12 cm). 20 pp. Printed paper wrappers. Éditions Archimbaud. Paris, 1993. of the double-page plates (as posters) from Répertoire can provisionally be purchased en français · tirage de tête (ten head copies, de 10 exemplaires) : 85 € individually. (In the wings remain : Astrée, Athenaeum, (Radiguer), Elzevir Plantin, Elzevir Imprensa Nacional Lisboa, Naudin, Paganini, Sirena and Van Dijk… It is hoped these pages will one day see the light !) 26. Valéry (Paul). Livres. Bilingual edition of Valéry’s engaging text in which he describes, in lush poetic terms, The centre-piece of this album is a four-times catalogue size poster-page (imperial his own very particular views on books, bibliophilia and book-collecting snobbery. in‑plano, 22”x 30”, grand jésus - 56 × 76 cm) sheet designed to fold down into the First ever translation of the text by Mark Hutchinson and Michael Caine. The original catalogue. It reproduces (in French) the famous and moving text from Areopagitica French text was handset in Stempel Garamond corps 16, printed in black, the English by John Milton in defence of the book. Hand-set in exquisite 36‑pt Cochin (a special translation (printed in red above and below the French text) handset in the rare 18th casting) and printed on sumptuous Amalfi Amatruda Italian handmade paper. century typeface Luce italic, exclusive to the prestigious Imprimerie nationale in Paris.

Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine

Édition bilingue. Le texte de Valéry est un long et très amusant discours sur la bibliophilie. Composé en Garamond Stempel, imprimé en noir, sa traduction en anglais disposée autour du texte original en rouge en Luce italique, un caractère historique du début du 18e siècle, exclusif à la prestigieuse Imprimerie nationale.

50 numbered copies, on Vélin d’Arches mouldmade paper. In-8. (17 × 25 cm). Printed paper wrappers. 18 pp. Librairie Fontaine Charlemagne. Paris, 2006. english and french · tirage courant (pas de tirage de tête) : 200 €

27. [Various Authors]. Woodthrush Calling through the Fog.* Two fathers offer a beautiful handmade book of their most cherished texts to their newly born (within days of each other) daughters, From levitas to deep gravitas : (The Bonnie Broukit Bairn) Hugh MacDiarmid ; (Out in the Dark) Edward Thomas ; (Romance Sonambulo) Federico García Lorca ; (L’Amoureuse) Paul Éluard ; (Dr Cooper’s Story) Peter Reading ; (Your name a bird in my hand) Marina Tsvetayeva ; (Who ever Loved, that Loved not at First Sight?) Christopher Marlowe ; (For a Birthday) Thom Gunn ; (Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour) Wallace Stevens ; (For His Child) Eduardo Sanguineti ; (Madagascan Folk Tale) Alida Gersie ; (A Tao Story) Nancy King and (To my Mother in her Last Silence) Nick Dennys. Handset in Nebiolo Paganini 18‑pt, Lombardic/Calligraph and Jenson initials. Livre somptueux, conçu comme cadeau de naissance, sélection des textes préférés de deux pères, amateurs de livres, à leurs filles nouvelles-nées. L’appel de la grive a été composé à la main avec ces caractères si prisés par un certain William Morris. Broché et rélié par Marie-Aimée George dans des cartonnages très fins décorés de très beaux papiers à la colle, éclatants de couleurs jubilatoires.

*The T.S. Eliot poem Marina ends: ‘Woodthrush calling through the fog O my daughter’.

Richard de Bas handmade paper (6 copies) Amalfi Amatruda handmade paper (11 copies) Lanagravure mould-made paper (25 copies) In-4 (25 × 35 cm). Coloured paste paper over boards. 24 pp. Dennys & Caine. Paris, 2003. english and french · édition on lanagravure paper : 350 € Catalogue Books in Print · 2016 · Michael Caine

Résumé of books in print, December 2015.

01. Akhmatova (Anna). Anno Domini Mcmmxi. 96 poems. (English) 02. Auden (Wystan Hugh). Lullaby/Berceuse. (ENG/FR) 03. Beckett (Samuel), Crevel (René). 10 poèmes. Negress in the Brothel. (Fr/Eng) 04. Brel (Jacques). Fils de. (Fr) 05. Catalogue of Books in Print 2005. (Bilingue) 06. Cocteau (Jean). 13 poèmes à Jean Marais. (FR) 07. Crevel (René). 11 Poèmes. (FR) 08. Pound, (Ezra), Crevel (René). Any nation that does not respect. (eng/fr) 09. Dalí (Salvador), Crevel (René). La Grande marmelade. (FR) 10. Éluard (Paul), Beckett (Samuel). L’amoureuse – Lady Love. (FR/ENG) 11. Harrison (Tony). The Fire-Gap, a poem with two tails. (ENG) 12. Harrison (Tony). Anno Forty-Two. Seven Poems. (ENG) 13. Harrison (Tony). Feu United Kingdom. 3 poèmes républicains. (FR) 14. Joyce (James). The Cats of Copenhagen. (ENG) 15. Joyce (James). Finn’s Hotel. 10 Epiclets. (ENG) 16. Joyce (James).Finn’s Hotel : a Suite by Michael Caine. (Bilingue) 17. Joyce (James). The Lion’s Mouth. (The missing 11th Epiclet). (ENG) 18. Kaye (Sean), West (Jenny). A Random Dispersal of Dust. (ENG) 19. Khlebnikov (Velimir). Zaoumni -11 textes. (fr) 20. Khlebnikov (Velimir). Dragon-Train Fuite. (FR) 21. Khlebnikov (Velimir). Crematorium of Common Sense, 40 poems. (ENG) 22. Lorca (Federico García). Lament for Ignacio Sanchez Mejías. (ENG) 23. Mandelstam (Osip). Epithalamium, 3 texts.(ENG/FR) 24. Répertoire : Studio Type Specimens. (BILINGUE) 25. Rilke-Balthus. Lettres à un jeune peintre. (FR) 26. Valéry (Paul). Livres. (FR/ENG) 27. [Various Authors]. Woodthrush Calling through the Fog. (ENG/FR/SPAN) This catalogue 27 books in print of Michael Caine has been designed & typeset in Linotype Syntax.

Printed digitally in an initial edition of 35 copies on Mohawk Eggshell 118 gsm ∞ by Estimprim Besançon.

CONTACT Special thanks site : https://cainepetropolis.wordpress.com/ to the typographer fb : https://www.facebook.com/cainepetropolis/ Julien Gineste, of the design office https://twitter.com/ILIAZD Grand ensemble (Paris 11e) for his email : [email protected] not inconsiderable assistance at every telephone : 06 78 64 54 10 · 09 51 83 88 97 single stage of the design and print production phase of this seemingly caesarean catalogue.

Photographs : FRLB Studios (Paris 4e)

Aided by Laurence Stevens & Francis Freisz.

Copy number:

Paris, 7th Nov. 2016.