Q3 2016

FINANCE Regional Insights & Benchmarks About Socialbakers

Socialbakers is the trusted social media analytics partner to thousands of enterprise brands and SMEs, including over 100 companies on the 2015 Fortune Global 500. Socialbakers’ solutions help companies of any size ensure their investment in social media is delivering measurable business outcomes and Turning Digital Relationships into Growth. With over 2,500 clients across 115 countries, Socialbakers is the industry leader in social media analytics, tracking over 8 million social profiles across all major social platforms including , , YouTube, , LinkedIn, Google+, and VK. Socialbakers has been a Facebook Preferred Marketing Developer since 2011.

About the Analysts

Michaela Branova

Michaela Branova is the Market Insights and Analytics Manager at Socialbakers. Her expertise is in looking for patterns and insights in social media data to uncover impactful conclusions for today’s social media marketers.

Phillip Ross

Phillip Ross is a Social Media Analyst at Socialbakers. He has written extensively about the intersection of marketing, social media, and data for the Socialbakers blog and in numerous white-papers. Phil is also passionate about politics, and has been quoted in the press about the impact of social media on democratic elections. This report looks at the Finance industry on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We identify the quarter-to-quarter changes in a number of key performance metrics between Q3 2016 and both the prior quarter (Q2 2016) and year (Q3 2015).

Our team of analysts have identified the three major changes that you need to keep an eye on for each region in Insights by Region, while the Benchmarks, Top Content and Social Customer Care chapters provide you with context for your social media performance, as well as inspiration for creating even better content from your industry’s top performers.

Social media is a constantly-evolving landscape.

You need the latest data to give context to your performance and plan for the future.


Insights by Region Facebook Benchmarks

North America Facebook Top Content

Latin America Twitter Benchmarks

Brazil Instagram Benchmarks

Europe, Middle East and Africa Facebook Social Customer Care

Japan & Asia Pacific Twitter Social Customer Care

Australia & New Zealand Executive Summary North America

Promoting 14.29% of all posts, North America has the world’s most mature Facebook advertising environment

Ideally, post promotion rates will hover between 10-20%. At 14.29%, the average North American Finance company’s Facebook Page seems to have achieved a post promotion equilibrium. As the percentage of published content being promoted dropped 10.29 percentage points from Q2 and 16.07 percentage points from Q3 2015, marketers seem to be promoting more consistently (the only other region that promoted less content this year than last year was Brazil, which promotes almost twice as many of its posts). The implication is that more companies are closely monitoring their paid performance metrics, and are focusing on promoting only their best content to avoid negative feedback and improve cost metrics like CPC and CPM.

The median Twitter account grew 16% slower than in Q2, but engagement dropped 34%

In Q3 2016, the average Finance company’s Twitter profile earned 967 interactions on each post, and had 18,168 Followers. While this would suggest that companies are not doing enough to engage new followers or keep old followers engaged, the annual data suggests the opposite: engagement in Q3 2016 was down just 1% from Q3 2015, while Follower growth was 33% slower this year than in the same quarter last year. To be sure that this quarter does not become the norm, companies should focus on their key Twitter personas, and leverage top-notch customer service on the platform.

North American Finance companies answered a smaller percentage of customer questions than any other region

At only 25.17%, QRR on Twitter lagged far behind the rest of the world in Q3 2016. That number is also in decline, down 20.51 percentage points from Q2 and 19.42 percentage points from Q3 2015. In order to keep customers happy, marketers in the mobile-savvy finance environment in North America need to respond to more questions. After all, they received by far the world’s most questions on Twitter: 110,913 questions, or 26.91% more than they did in Q2, and 38.71% more than they did in Q3. If they don’t do a better job of attentively responding to more of these questions, Finance companies could see increased customer attrition as consumers migrate to mobile-first, digital-experience centered competitors. Executive Summary Latin America

Facebook audience growth slowed by 19.8% from Q2, but Pages posted only 3.2% less content

LATAM Finance Facebook Pages published 101 posts on average in Q3 2016, or 40.3% more than the next-busiest region. With Fan growth slowing down by 19.8% from Q2 2016, companies risk overwhelming their audiences with so much content that they could stop paying attention or feel aggravated when they see a Finance post. The dilemma is that no one brand can post less often, or they risk losing audience exposure to brands that post more. There is a solution: promote only your best-performing content. If you know that a certain post is going to succeed with your audience, that is where you should put your money. With predictive analytics, you can do just that.

Twitter response times dropped by 4 hours and 45 minutes to a new world record

LATAM Finance profiles on Twitter responded to customer questions faster than any other region in the world, answering the average question in only 6 hours and 48 minutes. This represents the result of good benchmarking and a dedication to providing better customer care as exemplified by leaders in the field - the goal for every company should be to provide attentive care in under an hour (or faster).

Central and private banks are using social media to communicate financial news and advocate to the public

The two most successful organic posts in LATAM were from large banks, and communicated key policies and offerings to the public. For Banco de Crédito BCP (62,870 interactions) and Banco Central de Reserva del Perú - BCP (55,785 interactions) social media offered an avenue to communicate new changes and collect public feedback without having to rely on a claims department or outside consulting services. This shows an interesting future for banks and public agencies that need to gain political favor for their programs - similar to how Healthcare.gov in the United States turned to social media to try and garner national support for the healthcare marketplace and increase sign-ups. Executive Summary Brazil

Brazil’s Finance audiences are getting increasingly engaged with social media content

Brazilian Finance Facebook Pages experienced faster quarter-over-quarter (39.4%) and year-over-year (93.6%) growth in total interactions than any other region. With one of the industry’s largest median audiences and a healthy amount of post promotion (26.83%), that portends a bright future and an energized audience. If marketers can continue to track and measure their best content according to individually-defined categories such as “funny posts” or “mortgages” (which is something that a campaign view allows you to do quite well), and run contests to drive customer feedback, they should be able to optimize paid promotion efficiency even more.

Engagement with videos rose less than any other Facebook post type in Q3 2016

Despite solid growth in engagement across the board for Facebook posts by Brazilian Finance companies, statuses, links, and photos all saw more engagement compared to Q2 2016 than videos did. The median Facebook video earned 445 Interactions, which is a 40.5% growth from Q2 and a 102.6% growth from Q3 2015. However, every other post type grew faster, and photos still earn 562 interactions on average. By this time next year videos should have overtaken photo posts by a huge margin - but that change will start happening soon, and marketers need to dedicate themselves to making excellent video content in order to keep audiences engaged going forward.

The best-performing Facebook posts were moving, live, and user-sourced

Bradesco managed to post some of the quarter’s most-engaging content, including Brazil’s two best organic posts (One with 76,087 interactions and one with 69,312 interactions). They and other top Brazilian content creators increased both paid and organic engagement by getting innovative with their content production, using Facebook Live broadcasts, GIFs of user-sourced Instagram photos, Facebook 360 video, and more in order to keep their audiences involved. For Brazilian companies, and Finance Pages everywhere, this kind of inter-network, user-focused content is the future. When you’re planning your content strategy, forget arbitrary boundaries between social networks, and think of how you can best connect fans of all Pages to your message. Of course, content still needs to fit each network’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of UI, but the point remains that users want to see themselves getting involved, no matter how that happens. Executive Summary Europe, Middle East and Africa

No Facebook post type averaged more than 100 interactions

Photos (median 98 interactions per post) were the most engaging post type for EMEA Finance Pages on Facebook in Q3 2016. Marketers would be well-served by focusing their efforts on video, and finding ways to discuss their messaging that would be well-suited to both live and recorded video. In 2017, videos should clearly outpace other content types.

EMEA Finance companies responded to 85.07% of all questions they were asked on Facebook

That excellent response rate, which is the world’s best, actually comes after a 1.6% decline in quarterly performance and a 4.8% annual drop. Those are small dips to take, but in order to keep one of the world’s smallest communities (just 34,561 Fans) involved, companies will need to continue responding attentively and often. Customer service is the most important function of social media for the financial services, so it is essential that companies have service top-of-mind when they market on social media.

QRR on Twitter also rose 5.03% in Q3

EMEA companies also did well providing customer care on Twitter, responding to 54.36% of all customer questions on average. This was a 5.03% improvement over Q2 2016 performance and a 6.32% improvement over Q3 2015. That was the single best quarterly improvement for Finance accounts in any region, and was the second-highest average QRR in the world (behind Japan). Executive Summary Japan & Asia Pacific

JAPAC Facebook Pages have world’s largest communities on average

The average Finance Facebook Page in JAPAC has 103,168 Fans, the world’s community on average. Considering that the region also experienced the world’s steadiest growth rate year-over-year (3.05% in Q3 2016), and promotes only 12.26% of its content (2.44% more than in Q2 2016), social marketers can expect to see some positive returns building in the near future. If promotion continues to rise for the most effective content, returns in terms of engagement and other success metrics should rise accordingly.

2 of the 3 top organic Facebook Posts for Finance brands were contests

Generally, social marketers in Finance can seem to have a tough time competing on feeds full of emotional ads and content shared by family and friends. While having a charismatic mascot helps finance brands keep up in North America, contests that encourage mobile service sign-ups are what’s working best in JAPAC. Companies like JazzCash and the State Bank of India (47,556 Interactions) have used social media contests to get great organic engagement, drive conversions, and raise service frequency by converting in-store customers to mobile.

Average Facebook question response times dropped from 40 hours to 23 hours

JAPAC Finance Facebook Pages answered 9.8% more public questions in Q3 2016 than they did in Q2 2016, but they did so at an incredibly slow pace. Even while cutting more than 17 hours from their average response time, the wait for customers who ask questions on Finance Page’s walls is still nearly a full day. As far as fast turnarounds go, the progress is great, and marketers should continue to focus on providing care where the customer is - on public Facebook and Twitter feeds and in private messages. But customers will need faster times - JAPAC’s median question response time was still 9 hours and 21 minutes slower than the world’s best (AUS/NZ). Executive Summary Australia & New Zealand

Facebook post promotion rose 65.36% from Q3 2015

AUS/NZ pages paid to promote their Facebook content more often than any other region - they promoted 36.75% of all Facebook posts, up 65.36% from last year. Even though paid promotion has risen so quickly for AUS/NZ Finance Pages, overall interactions (both paid and organic) have only risen at a fraction of that pace - showing that the increase in post promotion has not been entirely successful on a large scale. That kind of rate indicates that, overall, marketers are promoting too many posts too quickly. Some are likely promoting before they can evaluate their content’s organic performance in the early going, which would prevent marketers from wasting money and buying negative feedback. Marketers should look to brands like NAB, whose paid posts were the most engaging of the quarter, and who saw 93% of all interactions come from paid posts.

Twitter engagement grew 7% in one quarter

Bucking the trend that’s happening in the rest of the world, AUS/NZ Finance companies on Twitter experienced more engagement in Q3 2016 than they did in Q2 2016. That this is happening while these same companies are sending out 8% fewer Tweets to a shrinking audience (15% smaller in Q3 than in Q2) implies that the region’s customers are getting more involved with financial services on Twitter. This is likely due to increasing mobile services adoption by customers, and upscaling mobile services offerings from companies, along with the adoption of financial services by young and first-time workers who are mobile-first. Marketers that advertise financial service expertise Twitteron can better service remote customers, and win new business without having to expand their business into smaller territories.

AUS/NZ Finance companies took more than 10 hours on average to respond to Tweets for help

That lengthy wait for service was the world’s worst, and it is 79.9% slower than a year ago. Companies are either pulling resources away from their social customer care teams, which would be misguided given the notable increase in engagement seen by Finance brands on Twitter, or they have not established consistently successful working standards for operating a successful social customer care team. Companies that try to address the need to offer customer care on Twitter without benchmarking what success means for that team in terms of key performance metrics like QRR and QRT will not be building successful teams. Benchmarks North America

Community Size Activity

Total Fans Growing at Posts QoQ YoY 58 179 1.6% 54 10% 14.3%

Engagement Paid Media

Amount of Interactions QoQ YoY QoQ YoY Promoted Post 3 685 19.5% 18.7% 14.3% 10.3% 16%

Post Engagement by Type

Links Photos

Interactions QoQ YoY QoQ YoY 49 14.5% 44% 68 18% 39%

Statuses Videos

Interactions QoQ YoY Interactions QoQ YoY 8 33% 40.5% 90 6.6% 96% Benchmarks Latin America

Community Size Activity

Total Fans Growing at Posts QoQ YoY 58 376 4.7% 101 3.8% 15.8%

Engagement Paid Media

Amount of Interactions QoQ YoY QoQ YoY Promoted Post 9 812 5% 19% 11.1% 6% 48.6%

Post Engagement by Type

Links Photos

Interactions QoQ YoY QoQ YoY 67 7.4% 148.3% 88 9.4% 22.2%

Statuses Videos

Interactions QoQ YoY Interactions QoQ YoY 17 12.7% 11.6% 81 2.1% 125.7% Benchmarks Brazil

Community Size Activity

Total Fans Growing at Posts QoQ YoY 102 221 1.9% 42 2.4% 16%

Engagement Paid Media

Amount of Interactions QoQ YoY QoQ YoY Promoted Post 17 351 39.4% 93.6% 26.8% 18.5% 10.6%

Post Engagement by Type

Links Photos

Interactions QoQ YoY QoQ YoY 356 46% 336.8% 562 53.4% 116.5%

Statuses Videos

Interactions QoQ YoY Interactions QoQ YoY 72 364.5% 75.6% 445 40.5% 102.6% Benchmarks Europe, Middle East and Africa

Community Size Activity

Total Fans Growing at Posts QoQ YoY 34 561 2.3% 52 7% 3.7%

Engagement Paid Media

Amount of Interactions QoQ YoY QoQ YoY Promoted Post 5 021 3.1% 39.9% 15% 3.5% 28.2%

Post Engagement by Type

Links Photos

Interactions QoQ YoY QoQ YoY 55 8% 63.5% 98 3.9% 34.2%

Statuses Videos

Interactions QoQ YoY Interactions QoQ YoY 26 38.2% 59% 76 0.7% 70.5% Benchmarks Japan & Asia Pacific

Community Size Activity

Total Fans Growing at Posts QoQ YoY 103 168 3% 72 1.4% 2.7%

Engagement Paid Media

Amount of Interactions QoQ YoY QoQ YoY Promoted Post 20 272 25.4% 56.8% 12.3% 2.4% 28.7%

Post Engagement by Type

Links Photos

Interactions QoQ YoY QoQ YoY 164 30.6% 150.6% 222 3.3% 15.2%

Statuses Videos

Interactions QoQ YoY Interactions QoQ YoY 42 3.7% 39.2% 210 8.6% 105% Benchmarks Australia & New Zealand

Community Size Activity

Total Fans Growing at Posts QoQ YoY 25 370 3% 40 11% 13%

Engagement Paid Media

Amount of Interactions QoQ YoY QoQ YoY Promoted Post 4 321 5.6% 11.8% 36.8% 6.9% 65.3%

Post Engagement by Type

Links Photos

Interactions QoQ YoY QoQ YoY 48 18% 67.5% 143 6.3% 44%

Statuses Videos

Interactions QoQ YoY Interactions QoQ YoY 37 75.7% 208% 64 1.8% 102% Top Content North America Organic

State Farm 11th August, 2016

Aflac Duck Dave Matthews Band is coming home. Watch Travelers the #NeighborhoodSessions special about 25th September, the band’s 25th anniversary and the town that Insurance 2016 made them great. Airs tonight on TNT Drama at 10/9c. 19th August, I like to waddle in the grass for my grassroots 2016 movements! It was an honor to be at CureFest last weekend to spread the word about Thank you, Jay. You were an extraordinary man Duckprints and childhood cancer awareness. and you made Travelers an industry leader. The entire Travelers family will miss you. http://travl.rs/2bItEbh

Total Interactions 22 043

Reactions 20 523

Comments 329 Total Interactions 7 063 Total Interactions 12 888 Shares 1 191 Reactions 3 800 Reactions 12 196 Comments 536 Comments 95 Shares 2 727 Shares 597 Top Content North America Paid

Humana 21st September, 2016

Nationwide Pet Sometimes, the best doctors aren’t doctors Humana at all. Tag someone who makes the hard times 14th September, feel easier. #StartWithHealthy 15th September, 2016 2016

We love to hear how Nationwide helps protect Feel better together. Tag someone whose love what matters most. and care keeps you going strong. Click to learn more about Nationwide pet #StartWithHealthy insurance here: http://www.petinsurance.com/

Total Interactions 146 485

Reactions 131 303

Comments 2 346 Total Interactions 84 453 Total Interactions 96 473 Shares 12 836 Reactions 75 497 Reactions 95 109 Comments 1 509 Comments 1 362 Shares 7 447 Shares 2 Top Content Latin America Organic

Banco de Crédito BCP 16th August, Banco Central 2016 Davivienda de Reserva del In the bcp we have a plan: to be a better bank 8th August, to you. That’s why, from the 1st. October, you Perú - BCRP can make withdrawals, deposits and transfers 2016 in its own network of Atms bigger of Peru, #LugarEquivocado 27th August, completely free. 2016

#BCRP: Monedas de S/ 5 de 2015 ¡CLARO QUE VALEN! #5soles2015 http://goo.gl/h5FZgZ

Total Interactions 62 870

Reactions 36 341

Comments 13 556 Total Interactions 53 050 Total Interactions 55 785 Shares 12 973 Reactions 12 466 Reactions 30 732 Comments 5 965 Comments 1 562 Shares 34 619 Shares 23 491 Top Content Latin America Paid

Visa 20th July, 2016

Visa Refréscate este verano en Starbucks® con un Visa 50% de descuento en tu siguiente visita al 11th August, pagar con tu Tarjeta Visa. http://vi.sa/29OomdV 19th August, 2016 2016

¡Felicitaciones Nairo! Estamos orgullosos Felicitaciones a la reina del BMX, la atleta que de que hagas parte del #TeamVisa. La fuerza todos los colombianos quieren y el ejemplo de de tus pedaleos la sintió toda Colombia. miles de niños y jóvenes. ¡Oro para Mariana, Oro para Colombia! El #TeamVisa celebra en #Rio2016

Total Interactions 132 685

Reactions 130 486

Comments 1 012 Total Interactions 99 375 Total Interactions 127 421 Shares 1 187 Reactions 95 185 Reactions 115 447 Comments 845 Comments 2 363 Shares 3 345 Shares 9 611 Top Content Brazil Organic

Bradesco 10th August, 2016

Bradesco Lully Live com Rafa Silva Nubank Brasil 26th September, 10th August, 2016 2016

The City of Rio de Janeiro is a masterpiece "Prepare-se para a encrenca! Encrenca em in itself. From 29/09 to 02/10, she will receive dobro!" a touch of art the more: the international fair Desiste Equipe Rocket! Aqui no Nubank artrio will happen at the pier mauá, where major não rola encrenca, muito menos em dobro! galleries in the country and the world will be Fazemos de tudo para que nossos Nus tenham gathered together to present the work of new sempre a melhor jornada. #sounu and already renowned artists...

Total Interactions 76 087

Reactions 61 137

Comments 13 178 Total Interactions 37 235 Total Interactions 69 312 Shares 1 772 Reactions 26 943 Reactions 64 890 Comments 6 717 Comments 1 567 Shares 3 575 Shares 2 855 Top Content Brazil Paid

Mastercard 11th August, 2016

Caixa The Mastercard presents you with a unique Bradesco experience of #rionãotempreço: 28th July, the view more special of the city. 21st August, 2016 2016

Às vezes pode ser difícil tirar as contas A festa foi linda! A mensagem que nós, do vermelho. Mas para ajudar nessa tarefa, brasileiros, conseguimos deixar durante esses a Caixa criou uma ferramenta para negociar dias de Jogos Olímpicos inspirou o mundo. on-line as dívidas atrasadas de maneira rápida, Agora é sua vez: pause o gif e descubra o que fácil e discreta. Conte com a parceria da Caixa você leva do #Rio2016. Só não esquece de para melhorar as finanças. compartilhar com a gente aqui nos comentários. Acesse http://goo.gl/1e9XTu #agoraéBRA

Total Interactions 363 290

Reactions 263 859

Comments 31 526 Total Interactions 265 197 Total Interactions 279 770 Shares 67 905 Reactions 239 133 Reactions 271 435 Comments 9 850 Comments 2 974 Shares 16 214 Shares 5 361 Top Content Europe, Middle East and Africa Organic

JazzCash 23rd September, 2016

Emirates Get ready for the Biggest Online Shopping Cash Plus Festival in Pakistan! And we are making it even Islamic better by giving you amazing discounts when 9th September, you pay with JazzCash! 8th July, ... 2016 2016

Total Interactions 36 325

Reactions 36 112

Comments 153 Total Interactions 30 525 Total Interactions 32 577 Shares 60 Reactions 25 435 Reactions 31 110 Comments 1 598 Comments 116 Shares 3 492 Shares 1 351 Top Content Europe, Middle East and Africa Paid

Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik 5th August, Anadolu Hayat 2016 The National Emeklilik Emekli Olmadan Önce Görülmesi Gereken Commercial Yerler: Eşsiz doğası ve tertemiz havasıyla 8th July, Akgöl/Sinop Bank - Alahlincb 2016 9th August,

Emekli Olmadan Önce Görülmesi Gereken Yerl- 2016 er: Eşsiz doğası ve havasıyla Pokut Yaylası/Rize

Total Interactions 125 998

Reactions 120 094

Comments 493 Total Interactions 111 764 Total Interactions 123 651 Shares 5 411 Reactions 109 874 Reactions 118 479 Comments 909 Comments 454 Shares 981 Shares 4 718 Top Content Japan & Asia Pacific Organic

KBZ BANK 19th August, 2016 State Bank JazzCash of India 23rd September, 24th September, 2016

2016 Get ready for the Biggest Online Shopping Festival in Pakistan! And we are making it even #ContestAlert We have an exciting contest better by giving you amazing discounts when coming up for you. Follow @theofficialsbi you pay with JazzCash! on Twitter for more details. #ComingSoon ... #StayTuned

Total Interactions 146 561

Reactions 61 397

Comments 42 730 Total Interactions 36 325 Total Interactions 47 556 Shares 42 434 Reactions 36 112 Reactions 47 335 Comments 153 Comments 134 Shares 60 Shares 87 Top Content Japan & Asia Pacific Paid

bKash Limited 26th August, 2016 ICICI Bank ICICI Bank 6th July, 14th August, 2016 2016

ICICI Bank wishes you a prosperous Eid. This Independence Day celebrate the freedom to choose, live & express your dreams.

Total Interactions 428 119

Reactions 424 854

Comments 2 172 Total Interactions 318 593 Total Interactions 378 564 Shares 1 093 Reactions 316 416 Reactions 372 668 Comments 1 046 Comments 1 759 Shares 1131 Shares 4 137 Top Content Australia & New Zealand Organic

NAB 15th September, 2016

NAB There are fraudulent SMS messages targeting WooHoo NZ customers informing them that their NAB card 16th August, has been locked. Do not click on the link. Tax Refunds ... 2016 14th September, 2016

Why dim the lights under ‘A’ and ‘B’ on our Hands up who has a wallet that needs a $100 logo? We’re supporting the Australian Red Prezzy Card! For your chance to #WIN this Cross Blood Service #missingtype campaign. WooHoo Wednesday, just like this post and ‘A’ and ‘B’ are two of the letters that make up comment with how you'll spend the hundy if you're our winner. WooHoo! different blood types ......

Total Interactions 10 393

Reactions 748

Comments 1 103 Total Interactions 2 436 Total Interactions 2 438 Shares 8 542 Reactions 1 172 Reactions 1 942 Comments 1 191 Comments 132 Shares 73 Shares 364 Top Content Australia & New Zealand Paid

NAB 5th August, 2016

NAB Introducing our NAB Mini Legends. NAB 25th August, 16th September, 2016 2016

One of our NAB Mini Legends got a big surprise Mini Caleb Daniel goes on a VIP tour of the at show-and-tell, when his idol dropped in to Kennel with her favourite player, big Caleb say hello. Daniel.

Total Interactions 62 126

Reactions 41 701

Comments 8 623 Total Interactions 28 095 Total Interactions 43 368 Shares 11 802 Reactions 2 1111 Reactions 32 950 Comments 3 844 Comments 4 246 Shares 3 140 Shares 6 172 Benchmarks North America

Community Size

Followers QoQ YoY 18 168 16% 33%


Tweets QoQ YoY 114 17% 22%


Interactions QoQ YoY 967 34% 1% Benchmarks Latin America

Community Size

Followers QoQ YoY 7 472 12% 34%


Tweets QoQ YoY 146 7% 22%


Interactions QoQ YoY 365 8% 13% Benchmarks Brazil

Community Size

Followers QoQ YoY 7 909 16% 48%


Tweets QoQ YoY 40 17% 46%


Interactions QoQ YoY 100 2% 12% Benchmarks Europe, Middle East and Africa

Community Size

Followers QoQ YoY 4 980 17% 31%


Tweets QoQ YoY 74 16% 6%


Interactions QoQ YoY 320 18% 37% Benchmarks Japan & Asia Pacific

Community Size

Followers QoQ YoY 9 894 4% 34%


Tweets QoQ YoY 107 14% 32%


Interactions QoQ YoY 545 38% 4% Benchmarks Australia & New Zealand

Community Size

Followers QoQ YoY 2 800 15% 32%


Tweets QoQ YoY 34 8% 37%


Interactions QoQ YoY 151 7% 37% Benchmarks Global

Median Community Size

Followers Growing at 8 765 12.8%

Activity Engagement

Interactions Posts QoQ YoY QoQ YoY 33 3.1% 6.5% 2 256 9.8% 6.1%

Post Engagement Post Engagement

Interactions QoQ YoY Interactions QoQ YoY 99 4.9% 38.5% 93 4.5% 6.1% Social Customer Care North America

Question Response Rate

QoQ YoY 65% 12.7% 16.4%

Question Response Time

QoQ YoY 17h 1min 5h 37min 6.7min

# of Questions

QoQ YoY 10 536 17.6% 5.8% Social Customer Care Latin America

Question Response Rate

QoQ YoY 79% 1.6% 3.3%

Question Response Time

QoQ YoY 18h 12min 11h 18min 1h 44min

# of Questions

QoQ YoY 7 252 9.6% 30.1% Social Customer Care Brazil

Question Response Rate

QoQ YoY 74.9% 10.6% 4.1%

Question Response Time

QoQ YoY 22h 48min 23h 8h 7min

# of Questions

QoQ YoY 7 860 11.2% 31.6% Social Customer Care Europe, Middle East and Africa

Question Response Rate

QoQ YoY 85% 1.6% 4.8%

Question Response Time

QoQ YoY 16h 12min 8h 1min 1.12min

# of Questions

QoQ YoY 30 599 5.8% 20.2% Social Customer Care Japan & Asia Pacific

Question Response Rate

QoQ YoY 70.1% 4.1% 3.8%

Question Response Time

QoQ YoY 23h 25min 17h 26min 35.6 min

# of Questions

QoQ YoY 5 976 9.8% 19.5% Social Customer Care Australia & New Zealand

Question Response Rate

QoQ YoY 85% 5.3% 1.1%

Question Response Time

QoQ YoY 14h 4min 2h 1min 1h 16min

# of Questions

QoQ YoY 5 294 1.6% 1% Social Customer Care North America

Question Response Rate

QoQ YoY 25.2% 20.5% 19.4%

Question Response Time

QoQ YoY 8h 19min 11.6min 32.5min

# of Questions

QoQ YoY 110 913 26.9% 38.7% Social Customer Care Latin America

Question Response Rate

QoQ YoY 39.4% 3.7% 5.7%

Question Response Time

QoQ YoY 6h 48min 4h 45min 1h 10min

# of Questions

QoQ YoY 62 511 0.8% 13% Social Customer Care Brazil

Question Response Rate

QoQ YoY 52.8% 12.8% 32.8%

Question Response Time

QoQ YoY 9h 1min 10h 44min 2h 52min

# of Questions

QoQ YoY 26 834 11.3% 14.2% Social Customer Care Europe, Middle East and Africa

Question Response Rate

QoQ YoY 54.3% 5% 6.3%

Question Response Time

QoQ YoY 7h 40min 3h 34min 9.36 min

# of Questions

QoQ YoY 212 336 2.5% 14.2% Social Customer Care Japan & Asia Pacific

Question Response Rate

QoQ YoY 64.5% 1% 14.2%

Question Response Time

QoQ YoY 10h 31min 2h 56min 1h 6min

# of Questions

QoQ YoY 82 184 4.5% 19.6% Social Customer Care Australia & New Zealand

Question Response Rate

QoQ YoY 50% 0.07% 41.6%

Question Response Time

QoQ YoY 10h 38min 12.5min 1h 20min

# of Questions

QoQ YoY 9 137 7.31% 9.13% For more information, contact [email protected]

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